He Will Be My Ruin: A Novel

ByK.A. Tucker

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
k m fortune
Celine, a beautiful woman trying to carve out a life in New York, is dead. Her childhood friend Maggie Sparkes flies in from Kenya to pack up her apartment and mourn. As Maggie digs into Celine’s recent past, she finds things that make her believe that Celine didn’t commit suicide. However she will need more than a gut feeling and a risque picture of a man to convince the police to reopen the case.

The description calls this a ‘romantic thriller’ and this is definitely more thriller and amateur detective story than a romance, much to my delight. This book flew by, keeping me interested and guessing who the culprit was. Indeed, there was even a doubt in my mind as to whether Celine herself made the final choice. The plot is well laid out and the characters fully engaging.

Maggie is heir to a fortune but despises how her family makes their money (which involves turning a blind eye to the environmental pollution their various businesses create). So she has devoted her life and money to various charity efforts. Celine was the daughter of Rosa, the Sparkes’ housemaid when Maggie was growing up. The girls became fast friends and stayed in touch as adults. Now with Rosa seriously ill, aging, and living in California, Maggie is the next logical choice to pack up Celine’s apartment and see to her affairs.

Celine was a budding antiques expert and her apartment is filled with her finds from over the years. She was building her collection as an investment for her future and working full time as a secretary. The plot thickens when Maggie finds several of Celine’s diaries and then her hand-written inventory of items. What these things reveal to Maggie, along with the photo of the mysterious man hidden in a lock box, solidifies Maggie’s believe that Celine did not commit suicide.

When it comes to possible suspects and their motives, we have several to choose from and this kept me guessing right up to the last hour of the book. There’s the nosy neighbor whose always baking cookies or serving up tea, the mystery man from the photo (who comes from a political family), Hans the antique appraiser (and Celine’s best friend), and Gradey (the building superintendent). With each character, there were good and bad sides, and most had something they wanted to keep private. These secondary characters were well-rounded, keeping my attention held fast as I learned more about each one.

There is a touch of romance, but it’s mostly there to move the plot forward. There was one really awkward, not at all planned steamy scene that came off a little ridiculous. It was the only such scene and it was quick, so it didn’t detract from the story. Celine is at the center of most of the romance, she herself being in love with a particular person even as another has a deep attachment to her.

I hope the author writes more stories along these same lines. I really enjoyed the suspense!

I received a copy at no cost from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The Narration: Kate Rudd and Olivia Song each did great jobs on this book. I don’t know who took on the voice of Maggie and who took on the voice of Celine, however, both were done very well. Whoever performed Celine gave her a light Hispanic accent that was well done. Also, the narrator handled Celine’s emotions with just the right amount of drama or sadness or desperation as the scenes required. The narrator for Maggie was also great bringing Maggie to life as a no-nonsense and determined woman.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
randy inman
4.5 stars

5 Ways This Book Will Ruin You

1. Suicide. Murder. Jealousy. Stalking. Money. Ladies of the Night. Antiquities…
The possible reasons for Celine’s death are endless. The further in the more dangerous, and outrageous the guesses become. Maggie will not quit until she figures out what really happened to her friend. Even if this means putting herself in danger

2. Nothing is what it seems
I’m not even talking about the why Celine died. Just that so many secrets get revealed, making Maggie wonder if she even really knew her friend. This making me question what skeletons my friends have buried. Making you wonder if some secrets shouldn’t stay secrets.

3. Jace or Grady or Jay or ????
Men mean trouble, and in this case, way more trouble. While possible love interests or something like that, you can never fully believe these guys. You’re constantly questioning their motives, analyzing their behaviour, and pretty much start doubting your own judgement. Lies, deceit, passion … oh yeah, it’s quite the game.

4. Twist and Turns
From page one this story will take you by surprise. What starts off as one question, very fast turns into many more, and just when you thought you’d figure it out…nope, not even close. I loved this constant guessing game.

5. Trust issues
In the end that’s what you’re left with. All secrets are revealed, no stone is left unturned, and everyone is hiding something. You could get serious trust issues from less than this. An intriguing, and suspenseful story from front to back. All the doubt, the constant questioning will ruin you, and you’ll love every second of it. At least I did.

*I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rick davis
A slightly different story from the ones we've read before of this author, but with her recently completed Burying Water series I think it was expected. Honestly, I was dying to read it and KA Tucker once again brought us a very good story.

Let's start with the main characters, as always she created some very good characters, with ups and downs, but we will love them, in my case it wasn't as much as I did with her other series. Maggie is a strong girl who knows what she wants and works for it without leaving aside what she believes and fights hard to achieve it. I enjoyed reading her; she was not complaining at all or whining, but with the problems she had to deal with it would be understanding if she did. The secondary characters were well written and added a lot to the plot. I liked Rosa, although we didn’t see her, she’s mentioned often, the way the author described her was quite accurate that I was remembering my grandmother, it was good to see K.A.Tucker didn’t based on a stereotype to create her.

The story kept me trapped from the beginning, I couldn’t stop reading it. The suspense is something that was well balanced, not too much nor too little, I think it was enough so the story doesn't become overwhelming. And the doubts! This author is quite right to use the hashtag #isuspecteveryone, literal that it's what you should do because things are not as they seem and even though I thought I knew what was happening, all took an unexpected turn. In itself there wasn’t a love story, but what we found is drama and suspense. It wasn’t a detective story either; I feel it have a little bit of everything. I loved the talk about antiques and history; it was a very interesting extra.
I liked the end, I feel if it had ended differently would have been quite the incredible fairytale or would have been utterly devastating and sad. Make no mistake, it was sad! but with everything that happened it didn’t have another way, it wasn’t a happily ever after, which pleased me but left me somewhat crestfallen, often the situations doesn’t develop as we want and there is not always a happy ending, but a light at the end of so many bad things.

I highly recommend it, if you have read a book from this author you already know that it'll be a very good read. And if you enjoyed the Burying Water series you will like this, but HWBMR with more suspense and drama.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Already a favorite author so it was without any deliberation that I snatched up this latest standalone release. With each new foray into suspense, the author just gets better and better. This was an amazing, twisting psychological story of a young woman determined to prove her friend didn't kill herself even while exploring attraction with two different men who have a tie to the case.

The story opens with Maggie Sparkes, wealthy heiress to her parents' energy empire, returned to New York to go through her best friend's things and make sense of Celine's suicide. Maggie runs a non-profit charity organization that helps build homes, provides clean water, and education in poverty stricken areas of the world. She is called back to find Celine gone and Celine's mother, who was more mother than nanny to Maggie, is in poor health. Maggie has a gut feeling when she is in Celine's apartment and amongst her things. This suicide felt wrong. Not just because she knew Celine, but little things weren't adding up.

Maggie's investigation uncovers things that shock and hurt her once she delves closely into Celine's life. And as she meets all the people surrounding Celine, she learns that nobody is without their secrets. But is one of them a murderer?

I haven't read a good murder mystery that kept me guessing through the end in a coon's age. This was one of those that I had my finger solid on one suspect and the motive then whoosh had that pet theory demolished more than once. This made for all sorts of fun.

The pacing and tone of the story really worked for the plot. There were spikes of suspense, but for the most part, it went along at a gentle pace. There is that feeling that everything and anything can be significant or distracting red herrings.

The cast of characters are a variety of colorful and at times quirky people. Just as I felt I knew them, another reveal would take place and I had to adjust my opinions. Even Celine, who was murdered, came to life for me as Maggie worked through the clues in her past.

While I enjoyed Maggie's role in the story as the heroine and sole narrator- the instigator and one that pushed for justice for Celine- I didn't like her in the beginning as the abrasive, demanding rich best friend. She grew on me as she worked her way- trying and failing and trying again. Maggie had some preconceived notions and opinions about herself and most assuredly about others that was off putting, but then her tenacity and genuine feelings particularly when she realized where her assumptions got her made me feel more kindly disposed toward her.

The setting of NYC and the life at Celine's apartment building with the antique world as the background was interesting and suited the mystery plot. I thought that cozy place on the roof with Maggie and Grady sharing the hammock, wool blanket, and the fire with the stars above was a lovely scene.

So many twists to the end, but I enjoyed every moment along the way. Even though this story was a standalone, I would love it if the author reprised some of the secondary characters who helped Maggie solve Celine's death in another story.

All in all, this was fantastic and I can't wait to see what this author produces next. I thought this was going to be more romantic suspense, but the romance has the lesser role. This is for those who enjoy spicy, twisty murder mystery and romantic suspense.

I received this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This starts right out with a compelling and gripping prologue, and then reverts back in time to see how the story begins. Maggie Sparkes has come to New York to settle the personal effects of her best friend Celine whose recent death was labeled suicide. But Maggie begins to find some inconsistencies and mysteries that only enforce her own personal belief that her friend would not have taken her own life.

This is one of those reads that you really don't want to read spoilers about. It is a slow build up of clues, mysteries, and secrets that are gradually revealed and a study in potential perpetrators. The plot gets thicker and thicker. The story seems to lead you one way and then twists another. You think you have it figured out and then new evidence comes to light. You are constantly guessing and second guessing.

Maggie is inquisitive, bright, motivated, and caring. She is wealthy, but altruistic and strives to use her money for charitable causes. She gets right in the middle of anything she is responsible for whether it be aiding the poor in Africa or Asia, or getting to the bottom of her friend's secrets. She becomes obsessed with figuring out what was going on in her friend's life and if she met with foul play. I liked Maggie, but sometimes wanted to put duct tape over her mouth to stop her from spilling secrets because it was not always in her best interest.

There is an interesting cast of characters and possible suspects. The male protagonists both were different and charismatic. I loved the nosy, elderly neighbor Ruby who always seemed to turn up and the outgoing dramatic art expert Hans.

It is told in Maggie's point of view with some diary type flashbacks from Celine. There are definite twists and turns to the story. It could have gone many ways. It's full of surprises, secrets, mystery, lies, subterfuge, suspense, and danger. There are various layers to the story and multiple possible motivations. It is not really a romance, but a true mystery and thriller that had me flipping pages. I hated to have to stop reading in order to go to bed and thought about it until it was time to pick it up again. This was a nice change of pace from my usual contemporary romance reads, but was intriguing and kept me interested through out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
WOW!!! What a fascinating, twisty, surprising story!! I love KA Tucker's writing so I was very excited to read this one and it is VERY different from her other books. Adult, suspenseful, thrilling...with an ending that I never saw coming! This is one of those books that you will not put down until you are finished. It is told in flashbacks and in alternating POV's from Maggie and her best friend Celine's diary entries. Maggie does not believe her best friend committed suicide and begins investigating the circumstances surrounding Celine's death in New York City. She meets is all of the important people in Celine's life, including Jace, who may or may not be hiding something. There is also Grady, the very sexy building super, who is also under suspicion in Maggie's eyes.

"I gingerly unfold the paper that’s obviously been handled many times, judging by the crinkles in it.

My eyes widen.

A naked man fills one side. He’s entrancingly handsome… lying on his back, one muscular arm disappearing into the pillow beneath his head, a white sheet tangled around his legs, not quite covering the goods…

Who the hell is this guy and why didn’t I ever hear about him? And where is he now? Where were they together last?

Does he know that she’s dead?

… I slowly fold the paper back up. Celine’s cursive scrawl decorates the back side in purple ink. Words I hadn’t noticed before.

Words that make my heart stop now.

‘This man was once my salvation. Now he will be my ruin.’"

Maggie and Celine were childhood friends but grew apart once they got older. Maggie learns many things about Celine's life through reading her diaries and is convinced that the diaries will be the key to learning about her death. He Will Be my Ruin is a tightly written, taught suspense thriller that has a completely resolved ending and a smart, resourceful heroine. There's plenty of twists and turns to satisfy even the most jaded mystery reader. I loved this book and hope that KA Tucker writes more suspense in the future!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book blurb should have the following warning: “You’d better hold on tight because you’re about to embark on one hell of a suspenseful rollercoaster.” Instead, the blurb says this book is, “sexy,” and, “hot.” I think that’s misleading. This isn’t a racy romance novel with a little whodunit thrown in. Yes, there are some romantic aspects that help propel the plot, but He Will Be My Ruin is first and foremost an edgy, hardcore, emotional thriller that kept me guessing until the end.

Maggie Sparks refuses to accept that her best friend, Celine, committed suicide. She is convinced foul play is involved, and while she is packing up Celine’s apartment, she sets out to prove Celine was murdered. The more she digs, the more Maggie discovers secrets hidden by the friend she thought she knew, and the number of questions raised only increases.

Maggie is my kind of heroine: fearless but not foolish; strong yet sensitive; determined and intelligent. There are a variety of well-developed secondary characters, and no matter how much I enjoyed them, I could never completely remove them my list of suspects. There’s the laidback affable apartment super, the sexy successful governor’s son, the crotchety private investigator, the wiry tech geek, and the dismissive detective. I especially loved Celine’s nosey elderly neighbor.

This is a thinking person’s mystery, with lots of twists I didn’t see coming. As one character warned, no one can be trusted and I went back and forth a half dozen times trying to decide who the killer was.

I really enjoy seeing villains finally getting their due, so the fade to black climax left me somewhat unsatisfied. The epilogue, however, is enjoyably lighthearted and a much needed reprieve from an otherwise tense story. In the end, K. A. Tucker has written a well-plotted page-turner that’s sure to capture the attention of any mystery lover.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike t
You know those books that completely ruin you from reading something else after you finish them? He Will Be My Ruin was one of those kinds of books for me. I've read 9 KA Tucker books before this one so I could pretty well figure that I would enjoy He Will Be My Ruin; however, this one has such a different premise than all of her other books that I've read. Then I started seeing people update their Goodreads status with nothing but good comments about this book so I knew I needed to go ahead and get it read sooner rather than later.

I do have to say though that I'm really not a fan of the cover for this book, and I hope they do a redesign soon.

And truthfully I'm not sure how much I can say without giving anything away. But KA Tucker had me questioning everyone and everything. Every character has their secrets, and those secrets keep them from being fully trusted. I even questioned the little, old crime-novel-writing-next-door-neighbor at one point. KA Tucker did a wonderful job of dropping little morsels of information in just the right way. I was thinking one way, and then the other, and then back, and then back again. It was the perfect amount of intrigue and mystery.

I will say that this is no love story. While there are some romantic and physical entanglements with multiple characters, don't go reading this looking for an epic love story happily ever after. I'm not really commenting on how things end, but I am saying that this is just not what this story is about. KA Tucker writes just the right amount of give and take in this area to keep readers interested who look for this kind of thing when it comes to picking a good read.

Favorite quote:
-"Where is that confident Maggie Sparkes who liked to dress up and tease me...?" I glare at him. "She's been kidnapped. It doesn't suit her."

I truly feel like I just can't say anything else without ruining anything, and this is a book that needs to be experienced the way that it was meant to. Just know that you're in for a ride--one you won't want to put down. There were a lot of f-bombs and a few physical scenes. But overall, I was obsessed with He Will Be My Ruin. 4.5 Stars. Have you read He Will Be My Ruin? What did you think? Let me know!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Growing up as childhood friends, Celine and Maggie shared everything…or so Maggie thought. Two people from different walks of life. Maggie was raised with all of the trappings of the wealthy. Celine was the daughter to their housekeeper. Poor but very loved by her mother. These friends couldn’t lead more opposite lifestyles if they wanted. Maggie was currently living abroad, using her non-profit for humanitarian means. Celine was waiting to return to school due to finances and had a unique obsession with ’treasures’. Then an unexpected tragedy brings Maggie home.

Maggie just can’t believe that the friend she has known for most of her life would commit suicide. As Maggie begins to ‘pack up’ the things that Celine left behind, she begins to discover that there was a side of her friend she never knew. Secrets and mystery surrounded Celine’s life. Things that Maggie has know idea were taking place. As the layers were uncovered, Maggie grew more and more determined that this couldn’t have been a suicide.

Mystery, intrigue, and unpredictability combine within the pages of this book for an unforgettable story. This is not the ‘typical’ romance you would expect from K.A. Tucker. In fact, this isn’t a romance at all. Nope….Tucker has gone ‘outside the box’ with this one!! Now don‘t worry- there is some really hot sex!! Just not what you might expect.

What readers will find more fascinating is the dark twists and dangerous turns that Maggie slowly uncovers. The lies, unpredictability, and story plot will engage you from cover to cover. It is a gripping tale that had me staying up late to finish. I love that Tucker deviated from past works!! In fact - I would love to see more stories like this….ones filled with sordid details, unexpected lovers, and a gritty story that leaves you talking about it long after the last page!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edward linder
Told from Maggie's POV, beginning November 30th. Maggie's no detective but she is forced to search for answers not believing that her friend killed herself. When Maggie sought answers from Detective Child's, with a case closed, she was determined to prove him wrong.
Celine is an art lover and an avid collector of antiques. Celine was living in New York. Celine and her mother use to live in San Diego where her mother was the housekeeper for Maggie's family. Maggie had known Celine since the age of five.

Maggie was in Ethiopia for a humanitarian project when she heard the news. I liked the way Celine's character unfolded in her journal entries. Celine was an excellent note taker and made detailed notes in her journals regarding her art collection and her personal life. This was a starting point for Maggie in unlocking the necessary details that led to her friends demise. Maggie enters into Celine's life by visiting her work place, her apartment, and her friends.

Celine was a private person too proud to ask or take help from her friend Maggie. Celine wanted to build, earn, and create her own successful life and career. Apparently, Celine's life was full of secrets that Maggie was not privy to. Here she thought they were like sisters to each other.

Ms. Tucker gives the reader enough characters to pluck some suspicion on. Each new character is full of intrigue. The story moves along at an interesting pace. It's a compelling and exciting story. The detective format shared compelling information in a timely fashion entertaining the reader. I could not put it down. At no point in the story did I feel like I could stop and pick it up later. At the rate Maggie was preceding in the investigation I could stop the curiosity. I had to know what happened or I would not be able to sleep.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
st erika
Heiress Maggie Sparkes was sleeping on a bedroll in an Ethiopian Village, running her charitable organization, Villages United, when she learns her best friend, Celine, has committed suicide. Celine's mother, too ill to travel asks Maggie to settle her daughters affairs in NYC. It is in Celine's lower east side apartment that Maggie meets a cast of characters and while reading the journals Celine has kept since she was a girl, learns her deepest, darkest secrets and some horrible truths. Maggie believes that Celine's death was not suicide...a missing phone, a missing journal, a mysterious picture of a handsome man and a stack of cash motivates her to prove it. Maggie doesn't understand why someone who was set to begin her master's program in antiquities at her dream school would end it all. She hires a private investigator and begins her own digging. This is when the twists and turns begin. K.A. Tucker keeps you guessing throughout the entire book. He Will Be My Ruin isn't a touchy feely HEA, more suspense than romance but with how the book ends, I believe that Maggie's story has yet to be concluded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Twists. Turns. Suspense. Romance. Questions and Answers. All weaving together to create a dramatic crazy thriller of a ride. Why did it take me so long to read this? I don't know. But I am glad I finally did and got all twisted up in the NY life for a few days trying to piece together this murder mystery while still loving the current story of love, hope, questions and fulfilling answers to all of Maggie's questions about her closest friend/sister from another mother.
"You have to wade through a lot of trash to get to the treasures, but when you do find something, it's worth it. Many people don't realize what they have, and they sell it off for next to nothing. Luckily, I know enough to know a treasure when I see it."
And that is how I felt about this book. It was a treasure to find something so crazy and unique amongst the many many books out there.
Read it. Immerse yourself in the mystery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very good read. Dark without being too dark, a few lighter moments, characters I felt for & didn't hate cause lately I've read too many books where I didn't care who lived or died or why. A pleasant surprise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Unusual plot with many twists. A woman goes to New York after her best friend's alleged suicide, and tries to figure out if she was murdered. You think you have the murderer figured out, but at the end, with the twists, you don't.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby cooley
Mind blown with this book!

K. A. Tucker never ceases to amaze me with her writing. And she definitely didn't disappoint with this book. He Will Be My Ruin is filled with everything that you could ever want in a good, including all that good suspense that I always crave. I was very interested in this book when I first saw it coming out because I am a sucker for a good suspense read. This book is killer. Mixed with K.A.Tucker's amazing writing and her ability to tell an amazing story...this book will kill you with feels.

Maggie receives a call that her best friend Celine has killed herself. Maggie has known Celine since they were little girls and feels that something is off. Celine might not have been the richest girl but she was always happy around Maggie. She could have never pictured Celine killing herself.

As Maggie goes to Celine's apartment and starts cleaning through her things, she starts to find some things that make her question everything. Their friendship, who she was hanging around, and what was really going on in Celine's life. And did she really knew her as well as she thought she did?

When things start to unfold for Maggie and she meets some questionable people, she really starts to think that Celine didn't kill herself but that someone else did. That maybe this was a murder.

While reading this book you will question everyone. Nobody is safe in this manipulative world.
This book is oh so good. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
He Will Be My Ruin exudes dark, mysterious, and psychological intensity. From its striking prologue to its jaw-dropping end, this suspenseful thriller will keep you fervently flipping pages. Despite getting the POV’s from both Maggie (the best friend) and Celine (the murdered victim), the reader is still clueless about what exactly went down. Both of these complex characters give the reader the information to aid in the effort of solving Celine’s murder. The facts were laid out, and the reader has to figure out what’s truth and what’s lies. Then take the truths and used them to piece things together and find out what happened, who did it, and more importantly, why. Every single small detail is important.

The suspense level slowly rose the further the story went. With a constant, steady pacing, the mystery grew and the anticipation built up. The more learned, the more suspicions increased, and the deeper the mystery got. I’m usually on top of who’s who and what’s what, but I was stumped in this case. I kept going back and forth on several characters never sure who the culprit was. I couldn’t trust anyone, and I suspected everyone.

The unique style and smooth writing kept all the components of this novel held together. Like most psychological reads, this book prompted thoughts and interpretations of the events that ensued throughout. The tension was palpable and several sections of the book elicited adrenaline rushes. There were also moments of humor and sexiness that brought the overall tone down a notch when necessary.

This is categorized as romance in many locations, but I don’t think that’s anywhere close to be being an accurate description of this novel. Not even romantic suspense will cut it. I think this is pure physiological suspense with hints of a sort of romance interwoven, but it’s not a big enough factor to call it a romance. So if that categorization is stopping you from picking it up, don’t let it. Psychological thriller fans should definitely check this out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda reay
Maggie is overwhelmed by the amount of antiques packed into her friend's apartment. Maggie is tasked with cleaning out Celine's apartment after her suicide. As Maggie combs through Celine's apartment, she discovers her diaries, which reveal more to her friend than Maggie ever suspected. It seems that Celine had some dark secrets. Despite her troubled past, Maggie still can't believe that Celine would commit suicide. She continues to hunt for clues that will help her reveal why her friend is dead. When Maggie uncovers a photo of a handsome man with Celine's handwriting on the back declaring this man would be her ruin, Maggie doesn't hesitate to investigate. Was Celine's death murder or suicide?
What I Liked:
*Whoa! What a freaky, suspenseful and exciting read. I have become a fan of Ms. Tucker after reading her Burying Water Series, and I was thrilled to read this one. This is an edge of your seat, adult murder mystery thriller with some shocking twists that will keep you glued to the pages well past your bedtime.
*The suspense in this book is fantastic. I liked that I was immediately drawn into the mystery of Celine's death. The book opens with a terrifying scene that places the heroine in imminent, life threatening danger, before going back in time to how it all started. I loved watching the clues fall into place, and I liked that I was constantly guessing. The ending is a jaw dropper, and I enjoyed seeing how everything came together. If you love a good mystery with lots of suspense and twists as well as a few red herrings, this is one to read.
*I liked the eclectic cast of characters. Maggie, the heroine, is a bit different. She is a wealthy heiress, but she has spent her entire life shunning her parent's fortune. These days, Maggie is all about spending her time in third world countries, putting her wealth and fortune to use helping the less fortunate. Maggie isn't perfect, and she has plenty of flaws, but I found that I admired her courage, determination and her altruistic nature. As Maggie works to unravel the clues, she is aided by Ruby, Celine's elderly neighbor. I loved that Ruby was so much more than met the eye. She comes across as an kindly, innocent old lady who feeds everyone cookies and tea, but she is so much more. She is extremely intelligent and observant. I loved Ruby. Also coming to Maggie's aid are Doug, a savvy detective and Zac, a skilled hacker. I liked both Doug and Zac, and I enjoyed seeing them work. Finally, rounding out the cast is Hans, Celine's friend. Hans is all about art, he is funny and kind. There are were also some villains and characters that I didn't like. I thought the cast was terrific.
*Even though Celine is deceased she still has a voice in the book. I liked getting to know her through her diaries. She had some dark secrets. I appreciated that I was able to dig deeper into her character and understand what made her do what she did.
*The ending is a nail biter. After a thrilling climax and stunning finale. The dusts settles and everything is tied up neatly with an Epilogue. No cliffhangers or unanswered questions. A terrific stand alone.
And The Not So Much:
*I had some issues with Maggie. Even though I liked her character and admired her for the most part, I struggled with her decisions when it came to sex and romance. The scene in the elevator really bothered me. I was shocked at her stupidity and that she would do what she did. Ugh!
*There is a bit of a romance, but it didn't work for me. Maggie is a guarded character, she doesn't trust many people because of her wealth, and in the past, she wasn't someone who was quick to jump into a sexual relationship, but that is what she does once she is at Celine's. The attempt at romance didn't work for me, and I could have done without it.
*It was a bit disheartening to read Celine's diaries and learn of her resentment for her best friend, Maggie. Maggie didn't deserve the nastiness, especially since she was always willing to help her friend. I got to the point where I didn't like Celine at all. Even though I was disappointed to see the rift in the friendship, it was realistic as the two girls came from different backgrounds and with time and distance, they had grown apart. Isn't that the way life goes sometimes?

He Will Be My Ruin is a page turning mystery, thick with suspense, red herrings and twists that will keep you flipping the pages well past your bedtime. I loved the mystery, and I enjoyed the eclectic cast of characters. This an excellent murder mystery thriller. My only hesitation was I didn't like the bit of romance, but other than that, it was an exciting read. If you want a page turner, grab this one and set aside some time.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own, and I was not compensated for this review.

Posted@Rainy Day Ramblings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
~ Arc given by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, with thanks ~

4 stars

After a week of finishing this book I am still reeling !! I couldn't quite make up my mind what star rating to give this book and I think that's because it wasn't the storyline I expected ! I've read this authors work before so I should have been expecting the unexpected but nooooo she got me this time !

The first thing that hit me was the writing ! Wow, she author can write a book and a half. The story is told from the POV's of Celine and Maggie's. Yes, if you've read the synopsis you will know that Celine isn't quite convinced of Celine's suicide so to hear Celine's story was intriguing and gave you a much better understanding of the story. The story centres around Maggie trying to find out what really happened to her best friend.

This story had so many different layers that it held my interest to the very last page. It's twists and turns throughout every chapter and just when you think you have a grip of the story BAM ! it turns again !

The character development was faultless ! The banter between them are was great. I especially liked the nosey neighbour. She had me in fits of giggles. All the characters in this story were very different but came together brilliantly.

As I said this book wasn't what I expected. It isn't your typical love story at all and I think that's why it surprised me. The cover should have given it away but on this occasion it did not. This is a very mysterious, spellbinding and thrilling read but also very witty too. If you are looking for a read which is a little different then you can't go wrong with this read at all. My recommendation would be to go in blind with this book to fully enjoy the book in its entirety.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsey geller lister
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Non-stop page turning mystery, with a shocking twisted ending.

Opening Sentence: My wrists burn.

The Review:

Be prepared to not want to put this one down. He Will Be My Ruin is a page turner. I didn’t want to stop reading until the mystery was solved. Maggie digs herself into a killer mystery and opens doors that she probably shouldn’t have opened. When her best friend commits suicide, Maggie knows there has to be more to the story. Her friend would never have killed herself, she had to have been killed. This is not a romantic novel but there is sex. Maggie is hurting and the pleasure takes her mind of the pain that she is feeling. This story has so many twists and turns that it kept me guessing the entire time. I loved that I managed to stay surprised until the end reveal.

Maggie and Celine couldn’t be more different, yet they are the best of friends. Unfortunately as they grow older, their lives grow further and further apart. Celine in New York City becoming an antiques appraiser while Maggie travels all over the world with her non-profit organization. Maggie thought her best friend wasn’t holding any secrets from her but Celine was holding back several huge secrets.

The novel starts off with Maggie already kidnapped and in trouble but then cuts back to how she got into that situation and the subsequent countdown to that date really helped keep me glued to the story. I don’t want to reveal too much about the story so I’ll just try to lay down the basics. After Celine’s funeral Maggie travels to New York City to take care of Celine’s property and to also investigate her death. Maggie finds Celine’s journals detailing all her painful and heart wrenching secrets but Maggie can’t find the one journal that details the last four months of Celine’s life.

Maggie spares no money and hires a private investigator. She hopes that Doug can help her uncover the clues and dig into places where she can’t. In the meantime, Maggie continues digging into the clues left behind by Celine, even approaching people that Celine knew and accosting the ones that she believes are responsible for her friend’s death. Maggie makes friends with Ruby, the eighty year old woman who lives across from Celine. Ruby is quite the eavesdropper. Maggie also meets Hans, Celine’s antique appraiser friend, who really helps Maggie with working through her friend’s collection.

I can’t leave out the two incredibly hot guys that Maggie meets while in New York City. There is Grady, Celine’s apartment handy man. This British man and Maggie quickly strike up a sexual relationship. Then there is Jace, the incredibly sexy financial analyst whose naked picture that Maggie finds in Celine’s things. Both these men are way too hot for the page but I really loved how Maggie and Celine see both of these men differently.

Money is a huge deal in this novel. Maggie has run away from it, becoming a philanthropist instead of going into her family business. Celine wants to pave her own way. She wants a job that will net her money while also finding the right ambitious man to marry. When Maggie starts on her mission she has no problem throwing the money away that she so carefully wanted to get away from. Maggie is a bit stuck up but she is incredibly thoughtful towards others, especially Ruby.

He Will Be My Ruin wasn’t exactly what I expected. As long as you don’t go into it expecting a romantic love story, you will be fine. That was honestly the only thing that threw me off of the story but it was an extremely engaging read. If you love mysteries, I highly recommend it.

Notable Scene:

“Hey . . .” Jace’s hand lands on my knee. “I don’t lose my clients’ money. I thought you trusted me.”

I want to slap his hand away. And in that time that I consider it, Grady appears in my doorway. It takes all of two seconds for his eyes to zero in on Jace’s hand.

“Hi, Grady.” I stand quickly, moving a few steps toward him. “What’s up?”

He smiles—a tight smile—and holds up a drill. “Ruby just called me down, about a kitchen cabinet hinge needing fixing?”

“Oh, that’s right. I did.” Ruby’s eyes twinkle. “But why don’t you come in for some tea first?” She produces a fifth cup from somewhere, as if she anticipated this. I’m sure that’s why she also left Celine’s apartment door open.

Grady’s work boots, unlaced, clomp against the floor as he saunters in, the late-day scruff along his jawline reminding me of the other night. In his dark faded jeans and Black Sabbath T-shirt, he’s about as polar-opposite to Jace as a guy could get.

And I’m becoming that much more attracted to him because of it.

I feel myself blush and duck my head as Ruby introduces Grady to everyone—because I clearly have no manners anymore.

When I dare look up again, Jace is sizing up Grady, and Grady is glaring daggers at Jace, and neither Ruby nor I miss the exchange. The only one who seems oblivious is Hans, too busy stuck in a hot-guy haze to stop smiling. “So what local project were you talking about, Maggie?”

I turn to level Jace with a gaze. “Helping steer women away from prostitution.”

Jace coughs against his mouthful of tea. “Is that something your friend was passionate about?”

“I was definitely something on her mind.”

FTC Advisory: Atria/Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of He Will Be My Ruin. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reviewed at Oh My Shelves Blog.

I am really impressed! KA Tucker just slipped into another genre without losing her trademark storytelling or the angst. I will admit that I came in expecting a romance, but the love was that of a friend. This sisterly love was just as powerful and it was just as deep so the story really resonated with me.

Maggie Sparkes came to New York City to settle her best friend Celine Gonzalez’s estate after Celine’s body was discovered in what the police ruled a suicide. As Maggie walked through what she supposes were Celine’s last couple of weeks, things didn’t add up. Coupled with the discovery of Celine’s diary, and a plane ticket for Celine to visit her mother in a few days, Maggie believed that what she had was a murdered friend. When the police brushed her off, Maggie set out on her own to find evidence to support her suspicions that Celine’s death was staged to look like a suicide.

This book definitely kept me guessing as to what was going on. I think I suspected almost everyone in the book except Celine’s own mother and the PI firm. The author peeled away layer after layer of carefully laid foundation exposing Celine’s life as the 28 year old had fallen prey to trappings of a certain lifestyle. The writing was suspenseful, mysterious, and fascinating. The characters, the protagonist and the antagonist, were multifaceted. At certain point, I was exasperated with Maggie’s decision making, and the other times I was impressed with her tenacity and loyalty. Similar Celine evoked both sympathy and frustration. There definitely was some resentment and jealous issues at play, but there was still love underneath it all. The author weaved the story in dual POV with Maggie being the present voice and Celine being the past. It was very easy to follow who was leading the dialogue.

Many times I thought I had the mystery figured out, only to realize I fell for a red herring. It wasn’t until the very end that things became clear. This is a book a reader will want to finish in one sitting because it’s that engrossing. I don’t know if the ending was a shocker, but I didn’t conclusively put it together until the end. While I prefer KA Tucker’s romance novels, this one was a good mystery and suspense novel. The author took time and delivered a great plot with conspicuous characters. This was an enjoyable read.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this stand-alone we follow Maggie as she learns that her best friend died of apparent suicide but she is not convinced. She uses all her resources to try and find out the truth, no matter what it may be.

If you have read the other books by KA Tucker then you know how she is able to create many different characters from different backgrounds and is able to shape them without taking up to much of the book or making it boring. Throughout this book we get to see Maggie now only through her eyes but Celine's as well as she tries to figure out what happened to her friend.

There is a mystery to this story that forces you to try and figure out what happened like Maggie. As you read it you compile clues and try to figure it out before it's revealed. What makes it difficult is that you only get Maggie's perspective and her prejudices. But this makes a great mystery book because sometimes it forces you to overlook a clue and when the big reveal comes it's more of a surprise.

I really like everything that Tucker has written so far and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. The stories draw you in and grab hold of you as you try to work out what is going to happen and prepare for the twist that you never see coming.

It takes a lot of skill to be able to write a story that keeps you a hold of you from start to finish. It’s one of those stories that you need to pay attention to, because if you don’t you will miss something important. Like Maggie, you go back and forth with what you think happened but when you get to truth, you will be shocked and amazed. Tucker knows how to write a twist that haves you sighing out loud because you can’t believe that you missed it.

KA Tucker is quickly becoming one of those authors that I will read a book from her just because she wrote it. It’s hard to find authors nowadays that can surprise you like she can and I can’t wait to read what she writes next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dian hartati
**I received and ARC via NetGalley for review.**

This book is a gripping and suspenseful read, and so far my most favorite by this author.

This book kept me guessing throughout and when I thought I finally had it all figured out the author throws another thing out there to switch my suspicions onto another character. The storyline is steady and is constantly moving forward even when glimpses of the last began to be introduced. The past added the much needed look into Celine's life to fully connect the dots. I really enjoyed to secrets of the past coming to ligh and the way that it helped understand the characters.

At one point my suspicions were confirmed but I was still shocked at the extent of the secrets revealed. Even when I thought things where about to be wrap up or revealed or resolved, I was always thrown for a loop.

This is definitely one of my Top 3 favorite reads of the year so far.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I agree with another reviewer - the first half of the book was quite enjoyable and the second half was just hard to read. Well-written, seemed off in some aspects and I just felt like I was ready to end it before the ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate fruehan
This book had it all for me: interesting characters, plot twists and turns, some sexy moments, and clearly marked jumps in time that don't leave you lost or wondering who's doing what. This is the first book I've read by Tucker but certainly not my last.
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