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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa ruelas
full spoiler free review @
I definitely enjoyed this book. It is nothing to hype up about, but definitely did like it. I really liked the main couple. The romance and drama was good as well. Overall, it was an enjoyable read, better than average, but not the best book out there. Also as a side note, this is a new adult genre book, so there is some mature content that younger readers will need to be aware of before picking it up.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a new adult read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It was a nice book a professor and student romance. The professor not much older than the student is covering a semester for a teacher that is out. He is British with an accent and very handsome meets a girl at a bar and they just click. The girl is out with her friend and she is ready to lose her virginity in a one night stand. They meet. They go back to her place, it gets hot and heavy. Then she freaks out and leaves him naked in her bed and no sex happens. The next day she finds out that the guy is her professor. The girl is a crazy mess with no coordination. The professor is great with her and has a lot of patience. Storyline: 3(the same) Heat factor: 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eman abdelhamid kamal
I was initially attracted to the cover of this book - I mean WOW! And then I read the blurb and some reviews and thought - let's give this a try. I was very surprised and couldn't put it down once I started it.

Bliss is in her final year at college and is trying to change a few things about her self before she graduates. When she meets Garrick, she figures her plans are moving in the right direction for her. But she was wrong - way wrong! The electricity between Bliss and Garrick is enough to start a fire but they both try to fight it. The plot is great and the little "bumps" along the way are really good. Bliss's friends Kelsey and Cade also add to the camaraderie with thier quips and laughs!

All in all - this is very good read. Defintiely recommended!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
slater smith
I had been putting off reading, Losing It, because let's face it, I was tired of the old teacher, young student plot line. Well, I am glad I finally read this novel. It was funny. I was laughing out loud. The scenes with the cat.... hilarious. Bliss' nervous actions and reactions kept me in stitches. I was grateful that the main characters were actually very close in age and that the story focused on their relationship not the student/teacher - "we're in trouble" story line that so many of these stories focus on. Bliss is a fun, refreshing and well written character. Garrett is a British hunk, who is thoughtful, kind and caring. I highly recommend this romance! Lots of fun - enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stumbled across this book while looking for something similar to Fifty Shades. Obviously this isn't Fifty but the author does a GREAT job with the passion. The scenes between Bliss & Garrick are pretty steamy- & all before they have sex.

Some reviews state they didn't buy Bliss' awkwardness. I bought it & loved it.

The cover- hate it. Garrick looks like an 18 y/o punk. NOT how I picture him at all. I believe he's supposed to be 25 or 26? I picture his hair a bit floppy & not shaved on the side. This cover, just no.

The epilogue is a bit cheesy.

All in all- it was worth the buy to me. Kept my interest & I'd buy this author again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A stunning debut novel by Cora Carmack, Losing It is the beautifully written tale of Bliss Edwards, the girl who mistakenly throws herself into the arms of Garrick Taylor the night before he becomes her new teacher at college. Forbidden Romance. Passion. Patience. Carmack has carefully utilized elements of humor, temptation, and desire to make for one unforgettable read. Losing It is sure to be one that you won’t put down until you’ve finished.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As someone who graduated from theatre school, I identified with Bliss. She is funny and awkward.
I am a sucker for quick reads and forbidden teacher romances. This is both.

I love this book so much that I have read it once every summer for the past 5 years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ahhh this book totally lived up to my expectations! Funny. Awkward. Lots of hotness. It had it all!

The character Bliss was totally relatable which I loved about her. The situations she got herself in and the things she says/does were hilarious. In fact, this book had some of the funniest dialogue.

And Garrick. Oh what can I say about Garrick?! I adored him. British accent, check. Hot, check. Sweet, check. Motorcycle, check. I do believe I need a Garrick in my life.

I cannot wait for Cora Carmack to write books about the other characters that stood out to me like Cade and Kelsey. Fingers crossed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
avery book
I absolutely loved this book. It was like being inside my head.

"I was going to have sex. With a boy. A hot boy. A hot BRITISH boy. Or maybe I was going yo throw up. What if I threw up on the hot British boy? What if I threw up on the hot British boy DURING SEX?"

When a book really drives me crazy, I begin to discuss it with everyone, read quotes hoping everyone see how great it is -even if those people are not interested in the topic or even reading- and that's what happened with Losing to it.

It is extremely fun and sexy.

When I need cheering, I open it at any page and my good mood returns.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well, apart from the super awkward beginning of this book (which if you read the blurb, you knew it was going to be) I really enjoyed this story. I liked the theater element to the story. Not to many books have that, and I was into theater in high school, so I enjoyed reading about that part. Bliss was kind of crazy, but it was endearing, not annoying, and I could definitely understand why she was hot for teacher, Garrick was yummy.

This was a quick read and it kept me interested. Once I got into the story, I did not want to put it down.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I read that HarperCollins signed a self-published author for a three-book deal when an e-book - about a college student named Bliss who seeks the loss of her virginity - went Bestseller, I had to check it out. New Adult is totally my thing these days for reading material - even though I write dark fantasy, the New Adult contemporary characters just really connect, and I love them. I dug into the book right away, expecting a story with multiple conflicts resulting after Bliss tries to lose her virginity on a one-night-stand.

I got SO MUCH MORE than I expected: a multi-faceted story with intricate, relatable characters who show us, explicitly, how frustrating it is to communicate when you're a New Adult and faced with so many future possibilities and so much of your heart, as well as the hearts of all those you love, riding on each path. The clear theme is combined with a smart writing style and witty remarks that left me LOL-ing in nearly every chapter. "He was flabbergasted. That was the best word. His flabber had been thoroughly gasted..." I was entertained, romanced, and empathetic with every turn of the page.

Laced intricately alongside the Shakespearean play Phaedre, the voice of main character Bliss Edwards is so relatable and so clearly demonstrates how New Adults think and run through possible choices for words and the potential consequences of each. Bliss Edwards embraces each challenge in her life - and the choice to try to lose her virginity, which becomes more complicated and meaningful than even she expected - with grace, self-analysis and a drive to improve at all turns.

"And now suddenly there was this intensity to everything we did and everything we said. Like my life had been italicized," Bliss says as her romance with her professor, Garrick Taylor, heightens tensions between her and her friend Cade, who shocks her with an expression of feelings that Bliss didn't realize he had for her. This colorful, accurate depiction of how a New Adult feels when relationships knot up with enhanced feelings, demonstrates the vivid voice of Bliss Edwards consistently throughout the book.

Cora Carmack addresses insecurity, as well. "Suddenly I was uber-conscious of the little pudge that rested just above my jeans." I'm sure ANY adult - New, Young, or Experienced - can relate to that sentiment.

Losing It is loaded with tension of both the sexual and relationship-dynamic variety and characters that spring right off the page. The humor is there in every single chapter - the relatable kind of humor, where you think, "Oh MAN, I've actually done/said/thought that!" Like, when nervous about an encounter gone awry, this absolute gem: "The entire time my mind was like a five-year-old who just drank a bathtub full of energy drinks."

.... Do you have kids? I do. A five year old, in fact. *shudderfits* If I ever let him get into a bathtub full of energy drinks, I'd probably feel something like Bliss when she says: "I wanted to punch myself in the face until I lost consciousness."

(Don't worry, there's a hefty helping of positivity, too: "Awesome. You are so awesome ... Bliss Edwards, you are a freaking catch." Bliss chants encouragement to herself as she faces situations that are out of her comfort zone.)

Losing It is totally laced with that kind of honest, raw humor - the emotions we feel but can never really say because we're always trying to look our best and do our best. But the most critical thing I took away from reading Losing It is exactly what I love so much about New Adult fiction. Bliss learns that rather than trying to be the best, being simply her is wonderful, awkwardness and all.

Cuz we all have an awkward side... Bliss rambles about her imaginary cat to escape a conversation about virginity... and I sometimes get stuck really enthusiastically rambling to my husband about how much I absolutely ADORE the X-Files. *HEADDESK* Not a classically attractive topic. But it's me, so it works for him, and through New Adult fiction we can all learn to embrace our inner awesomeness as unique, even if awkward.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
micah mcdaniel
Losing It is definitely a book for the young single ladies who are looking to read an easy read - I'm about 10 years past my prime for this story! I felt like the characters were a bit juvenile (Bliss seemed more high school to me at best and I didn't buy Garrick as a professor at all) and the story was chalk full of pointless drama that only the youth can believe is legit. There was nothing "adult" about Bliss and she was in way a grown woman ready to embark on a career and a real adult relationship. The humor, sarcasm and romance all seemed very forced.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ganta rakesh
When I read that HarperCollins signed a self-published author for a three-book deal when an e-book - about a college student named Bliss who seeks the loss of her virginity - went Bestseller, I had to check it out. New Adult is totally my thing these days for reading material - even though I write dark fantasy, the New Adult contemporary characters just really connect, and I love them. I dug into the book right away, expecting a story with multiple conflicts resulting after Bliss tries to lose her virginity on a one-night-stand.

I got SO MUCH MORE than I expected: a multi-faceted story with intricate, relatable characters who show us, explicitly, how frustrating it is to communicate when you're a New Adult and faced with so many future possibilities and so much of your heart, as well as the hearts of all those you love, riding on each path. The clear theme is combined with a smart writing style and witty remarks that left me LOL-ing in nearly every chapter. "He was flabbergasted. That was the best word. His flabber had been thoroughly gasted..." I was entertained, romanced, and empathetic with every turn of the page.

Laced intricately alongside the Shakespearean play Phaedre, the voice of main character Bliss Edwards is so relatable and so clearly demonstrates how New Adults think and run through possible choices for words and the potential consequences of each. Bliss Edwards embraces each challenge in her life - and the choice to try to lose her virginity, which becomes more complicated and meaningful than even she expected - with grace, self-analysis and a drive to improve at all turns.

"And now suddenly there was this intensity to everything we did and everything we said. Like my life had been italicized," Bliss says as her romance with her professor, Garrick Taylor, heightens tensions between her and her friend Cade, who shocks her with an expression of feelings that Bliss didn't realize he had for her. This colorful, accurate depiction of how a New Adult feels when relationships knot up with enhanced feelings, demonstrates the vivid voice of Bliss Edwards consistently throughout the book.

Cora Carmack addresses insecurity, as well. "Suddenly I was uber-conscious of the little pudge that rested just above my jeans." I'm sure ANY adult - New, Young, or Experienced - can relate to that sentiment.

Losing It is loaded with tension of both the sexual and relationship-dynamic variety and characters that spring right off the page. The humor is there in every single chapter - the relatable kind of humor, where you think, "Oh MAN, I've actually done/said/thought that!" Like, when nervous about an encounter gone awry, this absolute gem: "The entire time my mind was like a five-year-old who just drank a bathtub full of energy drinks."

.... Do you have kids? I do. A five year old, in fact. *shudderfits* If I ever let him get into a bathtub full of energy drinks, I'd probably feel something like Bliss when she says: "I wanted to punch myself in the face until I lost consciousness."

(Don't worry, there's a hefty helping of positivity, too: "Awesome. You are so awesome ... Bliss Edwards, you are a freaking catch." Bliss chants encouragement to herself as she faces situations that are out of her comfort zone.)

Losing It is totally laced with that kind of honest, raw humor - the emotions we feel but can never really say because we're always trying to look our best and do our best. But the most critical thing I took away from reading Losing It is exactly what I love so much about New Adult fiction. Bliss learns that rather than trying to be the best, being simply her is wonderful, awkwardness and all.

Cuz we all have an awkward side... Bliss rambles about her imaginary cat to escape a conversation about virginity... and I sometimes get stuck really enthusiastically rambling to my husband about how much I absolutely ADORE the X-Files. *HEADDESK* Not a classically attractive topic. But it's me, so it works for him, and through New Adult fiction we can all learn to embrace our inner awesomeness as unique, even if awkward.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kate baird
Losing It is definitely a book for the young single ladies who are looking to read an easy read - I'm about 10 years past my prime for this story! I felt like the characters were a bit juvenile (Bliss seemed more high school to me at best and I didn't buy Garrick as a professor at all) and the story was chalk full of pointless drama that only the youth can believe is legit. There was nothing "adult" about Bliss and she was in way a grown woman ready to embark on a career and a real adult relationship. The humor, sarcasm and romance all seemed very forced.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh bookout
Losing It is a New York Times bestseller and rightfully so.

I bought this book in the eBook version a few months ago and had never found the time to read it, until last week. Boy, was I hooked. I read this book late into the night and I even brought my iPad with me to work so I could read during my downtime. This book was amazing. It was hot and steamy without being packed with sex scenes. In fact, the sex doesn't really happen until the end of the story, which is surprising. I am a fan of "adult material" in books, of course, and I have to admit that I was invested in this book and there was little to no sex.

It was that good.

The fact that Garrick was so bloody swoon-worthy resulted in me not being able to risk missing the moment when they actually had sex. Losing It is definitely not like the novels with a half-naked man and a busty woman on the cover, but there was definitely something there. As I get older and stop being interested in books meant for middle schoolers, I have found that I am almost 100% buying books that have romance. They're too good to pass up! Thank goodness Losing had everything I wanted and more.

When I read Losing's description, I was slightly hesitant, I'll tell you the truth. I'm not one to be super game for relationships that involve teachers and students. I have nothing against the fascination (whilst remaining in books, mind you), but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Though, at the same rate, Garrick and Bliss had a relationship that made it acceptable for their relationship to be that of a professor and his student. The two had met before realizing that they would be together on such a professional basis, making it okay. They had so much damn chemistry, which made me want to be on team Garrick/Bliss. Garrliss? Blick?

Despite all of the love and angst that I have been raving about, there was a small bit of relationship trouble that occurred. What else do you think is going to happen when one of the main characters tells her best friend that she doesn't like him back? Uh, they're going to stop being friends, obviously. I realize that Cade was reacting how a normal person would react, but their small fight didn't really hurt or help the story. Often times, I forgot that Bliss and Cade weren't friends. I was too busy wondering what in the heck that girl was going to do about being interested in her professor. Maybe Cade should get his own side-story? He could find a girl in Philadelphia and get over Bliss. :) I'm rooting for him.

I don't know what else to say about this book besides the fact that it was amazing. Losing It is a book that I recommend to anyone who is hesitant about reading it. Go for it. You honestly have nothing to lose.

I will definitely be reading Faking It.

( More reviews are available at: )
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jeremiah cutting
This was a fast and easy read. Not much excitement in the context of the book unlike in the title. The story was cute and steady. There was not much drama involved or intensity. The concept of the book had me anticipating so much more than what was written. I am also a little confused as to why Brandon was part of the storyline, he was in it for a quick second. I thought from the way he was written into the story from the beginning he would have a bigger role. Overall this was an okay book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG, I seriously loved this book!! So funny. Bliss was an amazing heroine--so relatable, and hilarious! Whether it was her internal dialogue, or her ridiculous freak outs, I was smiling most of the time I was reading Losing It and even laughed out loud a few times.
And Garrick was perfect. Perfect for Bliss, perfect as a hero. Just perfect.
Oh geez, and there's a fantastic epilogue, which I totally love in a book. I almost think the epilogue was my favorite part. Can't wait for Keeping Her to read a bit more from Garrick's POV :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So, this is the first contemporary romance I've read that doesn't feature an angsty caveman boyfriend. Garrick I think is underdeveloped, but he is sexy and appealing (seriously it's true, we all dig the British accent!). I liked Bliss a lot - she was more self-aware than several of the protagonists I've read lately, and she doesn't torture Garrick or Cade to make them jealous, etc. I thought her hang-up about her virginity was silly, but it didn't drive the plot. It was just a nice little romance with a hot guy and a cute girl. AndI liked it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sanabel atya
The plot here is too stereotypical to qualify as a great "chickbook". While the girl Bliss, is believable,does the British drama professor HAVE to have broad muscular shoulders and six-pack "abs"? Why not make him a pot-bellied, red-nosed Welshman or something more based-in-reality? Also, the sex scenes are too frequent, and entail too much LICKING of every possible body part. After finishing LOSING IT, I grappled with another "chick-lit" romance-fantasy, Kat Martin's AGAINST THE LAW. Cora Carmack is Virginia Woolf compared to Ms. Martin. So thumbs up to Cora Carmack!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tara dewane
This one was likeable. I found the main character, Bliss, to be a little immature. The relationship between Bliss and her teacher was sweet and romantic, but everything seemed rushed, perhaps. The story had the normal issues to be dealt with along the way, and there was alot of hiding because they were doing something they should not have been. Would I recommend this? Yes, definitely give this a go. I liked it, I simply feel that I wanted more from the story and the characters.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Rating 3.5 Stars


I did enjoy this book and I also couldn't put it down. But I can't help but feel like something was missing. I think i would have enjoyed the story a little more if they had sex that first night. I got tired of waiting and it was pretty obvious that it would end up happening at the end of the book. So there really wasn't too much suspense. Also book was a lot similar to another series I have read. That is getting tiring. I need new material.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill 1098
This book makes you smile and laugh with the things the main character says when she is nervous around the hot guy she tried to lose her virginity to but panicked and ran out on, leaving him in her bed.

It is a great love story that captures the unfortunate events of a college senior following a night of peer pressure from her friend. She meets a great guy and things good and bad begin occurring as she tries to figure out what she wants and what she should do to make her turkey happy.

I would recommend this book to any love story enthusiast.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First of all, I loved the cover, it was completely HOT!! I was reading Maryse's Blog and she was raving about this book, so I picked it up right away.
The story was very easy to get into, Bliss was hilarious with her awkwardness. When she shouted out abut her cat, I was like OMG, I was so embarrassed for her, read it you'll know what I'm talking about...hahaha
Now Garret (a yummy Brit) sounds just like my kind of guy, swoon worthy. <sigh>
Book was quick to get through and I really enjoyed it. Two thumbs up!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chattery teeth
The beginning of this book is absolutely perfect, awkward in the fun way.. reminiscent of books in the Bridget Jones-'era'...
The perfect start probably makes the end seem worse.. I was at 27 % and thought "oh, no only 73 % left..I wish it would go on forever".. Making the disappointment of the rest that much bigger...

The second half isn't horrible it's just so very ordinary.. romance with some misunderstandings and some tell-don't-show of how fun it is to hang with college friends ... The awkward 'oh, no she didn't just do that'-hilarity is replaced with 'hmm, well, what a sensible decision'..

Maybe some dating others to continue the quest of 'losing it' could have saved the middle and kept the 'we are perfect for each other ..and the things keeping us apart can't be caused by actual flaws on our part, because we are so very perfect'-boredom of the last part shorter ..

but hey, the beginning is perfect, so I definitely recommend the book...and will keep an eye out for future books from the author.. hoping she'll tone down the romance and keep the comedy coming..
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This left me feeling not quite enough drama was included in the story for the dramatic way that it began. Definitely a sweet romance and very entertaining, but that spark was missing. I can't put my finger on it but something just didn't give me that "ah ha" letting a reader know that they've found great potential in a novel, room for growth. All in all something that is fun to read but nothing to rave about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt dixon
It is a light-hearted and funny romantic book. Basically it is about a college girl who was a Drama major attempting to lose her virginity and then got involved with a guy who happened to be her Theatre teacher. The attraction between Bliss and Garrick was strong and Garrick was willing to take risks when enjoying guilty pleasures with Bliss. I enjoyed the scene where they both caught mono. It was pretty well written and you do feel yourself in the hazy state. Hamlet the cat decoy and eventual hostile pet was hilarious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book wasn't my first Cora Carmack novel, but it is one of my most revisited. Bliss and Garrick are both incredible characters and reading along as they find their way through some complicated and tough matters is a true delight.

Also, inventing a pet cat is a great way to get a charming, hunky Brit out of your bed, but you might end up having to actually get a cat at some point. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gill chedgey
I'm a sucker for forbidden romances. This one had just enough drama mixed in to make it great. The characters kept me reeled in the whole time, and always wanting to see where it was going. I really liked the storyline of being in a play with some of the same themes the characters are actually going through. Great story with great characters, so don't miss out!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Honestly I don't think the title describes the novel. If I had to name it, it would be called "Make up your mind Bliss". I read this in one sitting hoping it would get better but sadly it didn't. It had it's moments but it was a rarity. This one I would say this is one to read n then return it asap. I gave it 3 stars for effort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
court carney
I really loved all the characters in this book! Garrick was charming and protective and not an alpha like some books have right now. Bliss was actually likeable! A lot of Hs are whiny and weak and in this book she was stronger. What I didn't like is her crying every other chapter! I LOVED Cade! And I can't wait to read faking it!

The relationships in this book are all complicated but get their own resolutions! Very very great read!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rahul golchha
I hate leaving books that I have started unfinished, however this book...I couldn't bring myself to finish it. I liked the beginning but as I went further into the book, it got boring, and predictable that I had no interest of completing it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen veliz
I loved this book. I was cheering Garrick and Bliss on the whole time. Garrick was such the romantic. He was the sexy teacher with even the sexier accent. Bliss she needed to stop playing the virgin card and stop overthinking everything. She would have been less stressed and would have been able to see what Garrick was throwing her way. There were times where I found myself laughing out loud. I spent almost the whole day reading this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hadeer abd el fattah
ok let me start by saying that losing your virginity to a one night stand has to be the dumbest concept ever. If she cant sleep with a long time boyfriend how will she do it with a stranger? That said I liked this book after that. First off I think it was way more realist and normal that she would be in her last year of college. I also liked the small love triangle. I also like the fact that they decided to stay together and sneak around. overall pretty good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally schulze
I loved this amazingly sweet love story. Losing It had me hooked right from the beginning and I absolutely fell in love with the two main characters.

Talk about hot for teacher! Garrick was not only hot with his melt you grin and British accent, he was also incredibly sweet. And Bliss was just so funny and quirky and the whole cat thing was beyond hilarious. You couldn't help but root for these two right from the beginning. The author took her time developing these characters and allowed me to feel their amazing chemistry and connection.

Losing it is fast paced with too many hilarious moments to count along with incredibly sweet and heart aching ones. What a great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anne muldavin
This was a sweet love story between a teacher and student. Not what I was expecting at first and certainly free from turmoil as you would expect in this type of book. It's just a quick, easy, romantic read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
although i did like the confliction between the 2 characters. the teacher meets then student and attraction with knowing it. it was a good story, but not really what i have been looking for. with some funny parts in it, it makes the story better. i would recommend this book to someone who is itching for a book to read and cant find anything else. this was not a bad story just not as good as teresa mummert's collection or abbi glines' collection of books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thought this was a great read, realistic, romantic, etc. Not too long, not too short, not a ton of drama, maybe a tad short on plot, but hey, it's romance at the end of the day. I was happy with it, read it over 24 hours. The characters are both likeable and the plot works just enough. I wish it would have been a little bit longer and included more of why Bliss is the way she is, but it worked for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen the book lady
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's sweet, lighthearted, sexy, and funny in just the right spots. I think what I liked best about it is that it seems so realistic. The main character Bliss is a little awkward at times, panicking unnecessarily, and often just blurting out what she's thinking (or overthinking), so it's really relatable. And who wouldn't swoon over Garrick and his British accent! I'm also so happy to hear that a book for Cade will follow - can't wait!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bri gibson
although i did like the confliction between the 2 characters. the teacher meets then student and attraction with knowing it. it was a good story, but not really what i have been looking for. with some funny parts in it, it makes the story better. i would recommend this book to someone who is itching for a book to read and cant find anything else. this was not a bad story just not as good as teresa mummert's collection or abbi glines' collection of books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maura herlihy
I thought this was a great read, realistic, romantic, etc. Not too long, not too short, not a ton of drama, maybe a tad short on plot, but hey, it's romance at the end of the day. I was happy with it, read it over 24 hours. The characters are both likeable and the plot works just enough. I wish it would have been a little bit longer and included more of why Bliss is the way she is, but it worked for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elsa ehlers
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's sweet, lighthearted, sexy, and funny in just the right spots. I think what I liked best about it is that it seems so realistic. The main character Bliss is a little awkward at times, panicking unnecessarily, and often just blurting out what she's thinking (or overthinking), so it's really relatable. And who wouldn't swoon over Garrick and his British accent! I'm also so happy to hear that a book for Cade will follow - can't wait!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alicia vogelsang
Bliss is about to graduate from college--and is still a virgin. Then she meets Garrick, who she thinks *might* be the one who can help her get over this "problem." Then--he turns out to be her teacher!

The characters are funny and realistic; the story is fairly fast-paced (and believable). There's a teeny bit of heartache, plenty of romance, and a cast of relatable characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
the only thing that bothered me was that Mr. Taylor was so willing to make a go for it. It seemed a little unrealistic because they had just met, if there would've been a little more interaction with them in the beginning as a potential couple maybe i could've seen the attraction for what it came to be.
Eiher way it wasn't a bad read and of course i swooned for the hot teacher with the accent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I must tell you, I laughed, I cried, I swooned....this was just such a good, fun, loving book to read. I don't usually get so engrossed in a book that I laugh out loud...but it did numerous times when the "visuals" had me in stitches...the bathroom scene is one:) I highly recommend this book....take a chance and definitely add this to your to be read list. I am hoping Cora plans to continue this story line......
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
virginia henley
Well, I did like Bliss and her awkward ways.. why not get a cat so you don't have to explain you're a virgin? I liked the character of Garrick, he seems dreamy and hot but gosh, the sexual tension was a little frustrating at times. The book dragged on and on and I kept thinking "get to the good part already!!!" It was a quick read but I expected more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
louisa reid
At first Bliss really annoyed me! and my heart broke for Garrick, he was such an amazing guy! Towards the middle Bliss finally grew on me and I enjoyed her relationship with Garrick. I feel like some of her and Garrick's relationship was rushed and detail were left out, but I still enjoyed the book. I fell in love with Cade and am half way through Faking it and love him even more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hello british accent! This book was great! Funny and romantic.. Fast easy read. Loved the ending, was very sweet and I felt happy with it when I was done.. Its not what I expected. I was afraid it would be like the other teacher student romances.. But it was better!! If your looking for something light and sweet with a little angst and a awesome ending download this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barroni brown
There were so many ways the premise could have been taken, but it was stunning! The "big fight" seemed senseless to me, hence the 4 stars instead of something more. I was incredibly pleasantly surprised by this book. It approached the issue of sex with both reverence and humor. It was super refreshing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was pretty good, as far as romance novels go. Carmack spent enough time building a world for the reader so the overall story didn't feel sloppy and halfhearted like those of several romance novels (especially self-published ones), and the romance was hot. To top it off, Carmack adds a sense of humor that I appreciate. It was a quick read and I felt refreshed after spending time with it. I think this author should continue writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sally dayton
I loved this book! Bliss had me laughing out loud all through the book. She was a girl that I could definitely relate with. She is always mucking things up with the stupid things that she never fails to say or do. This book was a great read! You can't go wrong when there is a hot British guy involved. And Garrick is definitely amazing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great read!!! Bliss is just a regular girl and in one year everything changes for her! Also she is a character you can definitely relate to, I know I definitely did (especially because i want to be an actress)!!
It's romantic, it's lustful, it's UNREAL.
I could read this over and over, except the first time you read it will definitely be the best.
Thank you, Cora Carmack!! I now want my own personal, Garrick Taylor!!
I think I would classify this as New Adult, however it does not use explicit words.
If you love romance as much as I do, YOU NEED TO READ THIS!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hunter brown
Never read any of Cora Carmack's books before, and I was VERY pleasantly surprised! Wow. Loved the characters, loved the story line, (personally, I could have even kept reading for a few more chapters!), but nonetheless, great book. LOVED me some Garrick. Good lord. Need to visit London soon!
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