The Mind-Body Program Proven to Work - Healing Back Pain Naturally

ByArt Brownstein

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kareem hafez
Twice in my life I have experienced debilitating back pain: twenty years ago, which resulted in a successful spinal fusion, and eight weeks ago--a bolt of electricity shot through my lower back, not once but twice. Ouch! Not wanting to relive my earlier experience, I read Healing Back Pain Naturally from cover to cover and applied the principles as I read.
Art Brownstein addresses all aspects of back pain from the various causes of the pain to principles of self healing. There are excellent photographs and written descriptions of stretches which promote healing. He also factors in the role stress plays and includes several breathing/relaxation/visualization techniques to practice. He covers nutrition, returning to work and to play, and emotional healing. A list of recommended reading is included for those who wish to explore furthur.
At this time, I am 90% healed. Just have to stick with the program everyday. And I will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay haupt
There is no escape from back pain EXCEPT for this book! I thought I was doomed for a life of pain and pills. I thought I would never excercise again, play with my kids or just go for an afternoon walk. Dr. Brownstein's methods have saved my life - literally. Anyone who has suffered with the worst back pain knows the depression which comes along with the pain. I would go on campaign for this book if I could - that is how great it is. I have bought a copy for my parents and plan on giving it as gifts to others I know who suffer as well. You will feel your body come back to you, but you have to be faithful in your stretches and excercises, it is so worth it! I wish I could thank Dr. Brownstein personnally, so that is why I have written a review of his book. THANK YOU! BUY THE BOOK, BUY THE BOOK, BUY THE BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dear Dr. Brownstein, I want to thank you for your expert help in eliminating my backpain, both in person and through your book, Healing Back Pain Naturally. When I arrived in Hawaii in January, I had been in the habit of doing aerobic exercise on treadmill and bike for a half hour every other day, but since I do not belong to a gym in Kauai, I began to do jogging. After a month I was able to complete 2 miles of running each day, but my back pain was killing me. You diagnosed my problem as hamstrings which needed stretching, and showed me a few exercises in your book. I got the book and followed your advice, and within 2 days my back pain had completely disappeared. The effect was virtual magic! I hope others can benefit from my experience with your book. Thank you for a wonderful book. Marshall Bautz
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
uzma noormohamed
In martial arts where back and knee injurys are all to common. This book is as close you can get as a first aid for your back.
Art Browstein may not have the martial arts in mind, but this book worked so well, that it might as well be written for martial artist.
There are many books written about how to take care of your back...yet every single one I read requires me to have a medical dictionary handy. Dr. Brownstein books is written in a manner, that anyone, even a 4 year old can truly understand what he is trying to share to us.
To Dr, Brownstein...we thank you for sharing such wealth to us !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nadia mosher
If you suffer from back problems, buy this book!
I had to make sure I reviewed this book because it has changed my life! I dealt with chronic back problems for over 10 years going to chiropractors, orthopedic doctors etc., and never had much success until reading this book. It does require a commitment on my part of spending 10-20 minutes every morning following the basic stretching program, but it makes all the difference.
Thank you Dr Brownstein, I feel like I got my life back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is absolutely awesome. I have an extensive ballet background along with aerobics and general fitness practices. I have chronic low back pain which gets debilitating at times...until this book. I practice the exercises offered in the book, and I focus on management of the pain rather than covering it up with anti-inflammatory drugs. I now know what to do and how to alleviate my pain in such an effective way that I now teach what I preach. I have become a certified yoga instructor so that I too can help fellow back pain sufferers.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aida b
I bought this book because Art Brownstein had experienced years of pain from back spasms before he discovered a method of dealing with his back problems. This seemed to be just what I was looking for as I suffer from these horrible spasms myself. In my case they are related to wedge or compression fractures of my spine resulting from osteoporosis. I started with one two years ago and now I have five - at T4, T11, T12, L1 & L2. It is virtually impossible to get advice about what exactly is going on in my spine whether from doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, osteoporosis 'experts' or whoever. I have tried searching the internet and bought many books like Sarah Keyes' Back Bible and the books by John Sarno and Robin McKenzie and others. What they all have in common is an incomprehensible ignoring of one of the most common diseases in the western world and one of the commonest causes of back problems - Osteoporosis and Wedge Fractures.
Art Brownstein's reference to his awful spasms gave me hope that at last I had found someone who would be able to help. That was until I saw the illustrations of the exercises he recommends. Almost all involve lying on the floor. This is a virtual impossibility for anyone with wedge fractures. Does an experienced doctor really not know? Even doing his simplest exercises in bed before I got up only resulted in worse pain in the next number of days. The index does not refer to wedge fractures and has only one unhelpful reference to osteoporosis. I am quite sure that my back muscles need exercise to strengthen them to support my spine and hopefully to end my spasms and to allow me to walk freely and drive the car without fear and so on. But for some reason none of these experts who write about back pain at such length seem to have heard of osteoporosis or wedge fractures. It would be wonderful if some reviewer could write in with helpful information about such a book or even if Art Brownstein were to read this and write a book that could help those who suffer the crippling effects of wedge fractures.
I notice all the reviewers who award 4 or 5 stars are sufferers from sciatica and herniated disc. This really is what all these books are about and I am very glad such sufferers have been helped. I just wish these books would make it plain, even on the cover of the book itself, that the book is not for folks with wedge fractures or osteoporosis.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Doctors insisted I needed surgury to relieve the pain, tingling, & numbness caused by a herniated disk between the C5-6 vertebrae (neck). After following the exercises and other advice in Healing Back Pain Naturally, I've resumed karate training, and the tingling, pain, and numbness is a thing of past.
If you have back or neck pain, or related symptoms, don't get surgury until you follow the advice in this book for at least 3 months (no matter what doctors may tell you)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alissa pryor
I am a long distance bicycle rider. 100+ miles/day. Over the last several years I have been experiencing neck/back muscle and spine problems. I have seen too many specialist to count. A friend bought this book for me and It has turned my life around.
My C-Spine problems are almost gone. My neck/shoulder muscles are improving every day.
Dr. Brownstein's book is exactly what the Doctor ordered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book on Monday evening, and began the exercises the next day. To my utter amazement, I felt relief immediatedly following the exercises. I have had back problems for years and have exercised - including yoga, but these exercises are aimed at the right places! It has helped me more than any other form of relief, including pills and physical therapy. Thank you so much Dr. Brownstein.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adriana lopez
I am absolutely delighted both with the condition of the book and the speed in which I received it.

The text was so interesting, sensible and practical that I finished reading the book in one day.

An absolutely 'must have' for those already experiencing back pain and those trying to avoid it.

A great read.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This has been a lifesaver for me. I have suffered from back pain for 2 years. I am not over my pain yet, but I'm dealing with it and with life much better than before. I really advise anyone who is going through any kind of pain or instability, to read it.
You really feel you're not alone...
Thank you Dr. Brownstein.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim finney
I have found this book to be an effective approach for back and hip pain. I recommend and have gifted this book to several people. It does take doing the exercises. I had some hip pain that was bothersome for a couple of months and went away never to return after using Dr. Brownstein's approach.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert matheson
Great investment for those with back pain. Just from bits and pieces of what I have read and practiced so far, I've been able to recover from a recent back injury in a very short period of time and will hopefully lead to a pain-free back for life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
britton jenner
The stretching exercises are probably worth the price of admission - together with Brownstein's testimonials of how badly he hurt and was helped by them. Back pain isn't funny and the industry that's grown up around it is disproportionate to the relief it provides. Here may be some help.
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