My Ishmael (Ishmael Series)
ByDaniel Quinn
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read the critical reviews of this book, and I have to say with all due respect, that those who criticize are reading this book with the wrong attitude. Quinn is not proposing a return to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, nor is he suggesting that humans are unnatural organisms that are inherently wrong. He merely shines the light on simple flaws in our perspective, and with great hope and optimism provides a shining new world prospect. Whether or not you agree personally with Quinn, his book WILL make you think, and how can that be bad? Personally, it changed my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach bohannon
My Ishmael is a better novel than Ishmael, but not as good of a book. Ishmael was nothing short of life-changing; the revelations of My Ishmael are significant, but less of a surprise. Quinn's The Story of B was a tremendous disappointment because it did little more than retell Ishmael, and in a somewhat heavy-handed manner. In My Ishmael, Quinn spends little time refashioning the morals of the first book. Instead he focuses on addressing the misconceptions that many readers had of Ishmael (e.g., that he is anti-technology, that the answer is to revert back to the Stone Age). In short, Quinn answers the incessant question asked of him, "What can I do?"
Why do I only give it a 9? Minor qualms like the unrealistic depiction of the 12-year-old narrator who seems more like a 30 year old than anything else.
On the other hand, bravo to Quinn for writing a story that intertwines so neatly with the original, a concept he didn't originally intend.
Why do I only give it a 9? Minor qualms like the unrealistic depiction of the 12-year-old narrator who seems more like a 30 year old than anything else.
On the other hand, bravo to Quinn for writing a story that intertwines so neatly with the original, a concept he didn't originally intend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda moore
Having read Ishmael, Quinn's first and (I imagine) most widely-read book, I can safely say that, while My Ishmael builds off the same ideas as Ishmael and has more or less the same plot, it is not a sequel. If anything, My Ishmael is the definitive declaration of Quinn's philosophy. I suggest reading Ishmael as well as My Ishmael, as you'll get a more broad understanding of the "Ishmael" philosophy. This book - just like the original - will turn your entire world upside down and make you think in ways you didn't know you could. Even if you don't agree with Quinn's ideas, the facts about our world and society are such that they apply to any particular worldview. Are you a taker... or a leaver?
The Story of B (Ishmael Series) :: How to Create a Winning Organization - Wooden on Leadership :: Humanity's Next Great Adventure - Beyond Civilization :: Peretti Three-Pack :: To Fire Called (A Seeker's Tale From The Golden Age Of The Solar Clipper Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The other tale of Ishmael, one told by another of his pupils: a 12-year-old girl with a much brighter outlook than Ishmael's previous narrator. The story is more fabricated than Quinn's previous two--the girl talks and processes her thoughts as if she were in her 30s, which, come to think of it is no more or less imaginative than a talking gorilla--but the information is nonetheless just as important. Some new stuff here includes rethinking the educational process of our children, which, from my perspective, is sorely needed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach webb
This was the most thought provoking book I've ever read. It has brought my consciousness to a higher lever. Its words and its message have been forever etched into my soul. Truly deserving of the rank of masterful. Brought about in such a way that can not offend, and in such a fashion as to make you think in ways you never thought possible. An improvement over Ishmael, which hardly seems possible. A wonderful retelling of Ishmeals teachings, but totally origional. A book without equal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Ishmael is another thought-provoking look at our destructive lives. The difference between "My Ishmael" and the other books in the series, though, is that Quinn offers insightful solutions. The use of a 12 year old girl offers a completely different take on the situation than Quinn has ever gone down. It was a good path to take, though. It is more important for the youth of the world to read Quinn's books than it is for adults. In my experience, adults who have read Quinn's books do not like them; they either don't see a problem, or they take his criticism personally. All of the young people I have spoken to have liked the book, though, because it is a real and present danger for us. Quinn's use of the curious young girl as the main character brings the book down to a younger level. It is still excellent to read as an adult, but compared to the other books in the series, it really reaches out and makes sense to young people. Instead of the stuffy lecturing of "The Story of B" or the contemplative learning style of "Ishmael" this book is fresh and upbeat. I recommend it to everyone I speak to, and I think it should be required reading for high schoolers everywhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa grdina
You will make it...
The important part is being here (Now)
Not dying in the future or the past... But embracing the moment for it's own purpose. A place to learn and build from. A continuation of the divine... you will get their by being here. It's all in your breath the entire cosmos waiting to exist the moment you let it come out... Exhale and inhale the divine all around you...
The important part is being here (Now)
Not dying in the future or the past... But embracing the moment for it's own purpose. A place to learn and build from. A continuation of the divine... you will get their by being here. It's all in your breath the entire cosmos waiting to exist the moment you let it come out... Exhale and inhale the divine all around you...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melody smith
Quinn provides insight into the stories of our culture and encourages the reader to think more deeply about where these stories came from and how true they really are. His points are made through questions and answer sessions with a young girl, which makes the book enjoyable to read. He doesn't give the reader all the answers, but he provides a place for us to start understanding the world we live in and the world we are destroying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilet meris
Seeking out new perspectives, isn't that what learning is all about??? In doing such we start to better understand our own ideas. And a new perspective doesn't necessarily imply that you throw out all old and preexisting ones, it can simply add, or build upon those other perspectives and give us, again, a fuller understanding. I will say straight out, you definitely do not have to agree with all of the ideas presented in this text, they will indeed be more radical than most "lessons" you have learned about your world, but for GOD's sake, and truly for your own, you owe it to yourself to at least come face to face with these have to understand that there is something else out there than what you have come to know as the only way...If you're reading this I'll assume you know the FACT that if we keep on living the way we did this very day, there will not be a world very much longer, heck,if we're "ambitious" enough we may even live to see the end of days with our own eyes. I am the most starried-eyed of optimists and I know that this is true, yet I REFUSE to accept that it is merely a one way ticket to doom that was handed to us at birth, we are behind the steering wheel and we are fast asleep, PLEASE LETS WAKEUP
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed reading My Ishmael. It has a very unusual point of view and opens up new ideas. It is good for people to read who want a new outlook on the changes of human culture and how it has changed throughout history. It talks about how humans have a negative effect on the earth and how it is possible and necessary for the human culture to change.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christopher grey
My Ishmael seems a little unreasonable considering that a 12 year old girl learns teachings from a telepathic gorilla. If you can get past the point of a talking gorilla, Ishmael's teachings actually make you think of the world in a new perspective. Learning the teaching of Ishmael, Julie goes under stressful times and has to fight through it. Quinn does a good job of showing a new perspective of world problems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex trimble
Having read Ishmael and The Story of B, I considered most of this to me repititious, however I still found it very enjoyable. This version of the gorilla's teachings seemed to me a little more light-hearted and a little more readable because of this. Julie is by far a better narrator than Alan (the guy in Ishmael) who seemed dumber than dirt. Now, I'm not saying this was better than Ishmael. I did like Ishmael better, but probably because it was the first I'd heard of Quinn's ideas and philosophies. I also noticed that this was the first of Quinn's works to omit the religious aspect. That was what really grabbed me the first time, and personally I would have liked a little more. My official recomendation is for those of you who have never read Quinn, start with either Ishmael or The Story of B, leave this for later.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john norman
although quinn once again is tackling ideas that are taken for granted in society, in My Ishmael he shows what we can actually do to help save the world(from oursleves that is). The new tribal revolution is simply a paradigm shift about how the benefits of a business are to flow throughout its members-equally instead of unequally.
tribalism is the social organization which has proved to be most effective through human development by trial and error. inside My Ishmael Quinn unlocks the tribal treasury which all who embrace tribalism. do it. tribalism can essential take us from being an individual based society to a group of real communities.
tribalism is the social organization which has proved to be most effective through human development by trial and error. inside My Ishmael Quinn unlocks the tribal treasury which all who embrace tribalism. do it. tribalism can essential take us from being an individual based society to a group of real communities.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
judy zwolenski lefeber
Overall, we thought this book had a lot of positive and negative parts. It creatively taught lessons about how the world could be a better place. It also included many examples of how society and culture has changed. On the other hand, it was pretty dry and repetitive. It didnt have much plot and seemed to go nowhere.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohammad sanjari
A continuation of Ishmael, although it is also a stand alone book with many themes. For example, many examples are presented about the failed education systems (and other social systems) that currently exist as a means of socialization and the solution of learning by doing. A book about engaging people, and especially young people, in active participatory lifestyles. Also continues the theme of what our environmentally destructive culture is based on and presents fresh insights into a future with hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Now, I admit, the plot of this book was painfully weak. Of course, NO twelve-year old girl could ever possibly be as philisophical and insightful as the girl in the story. There is no possible way that this twelve-year old girl would be independant enough to travel to Africa alone, and nobody can believe the concept of a telepathic gorilla. But, the book was not written for it's plot. The plot was put in simply to make the book flow more smoothly and to not make it seem like a lecture. The point that this book brings across is one of the most intelligent and insightful ever, and people need to see the book for that, not for it's weak plot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For lovers of Ishmael, this novel falls short of the power of the earlier Daniel Quinn piece. I agree with the critique of the American education system, but his "take your kids to work" concept is naive. It's worth reading, but don't expect it to change the way you look at the world the way Ishmael did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant! I read this book while on vacation, and only had a few days, but that is all I needed. I was riveted, feeling like I was learning things about our culture that no one ever tells you when you're growing up - even though it's all staring you in the face. This book is a mind expander, and gives you some basics for understanding our roots, from 2000 years ago. Daniel Quinn has embarked on something extraordinary for all of us. Going back to work has a whole different meaning now.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ryan wilson
I enjoyed My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. It was recommended to me by an enlightened reader whom I trust. I found it a fun fast read that brought up some interesting concepts about the evolutionary process and the human view of it. Coming from the mind of a gorilla gave it an interesting perspective. It does give some interesting observations but is another attack against the western culture which doesn't live in harmony with the world environment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm currently a college student studying to become a professional educator, and the thoughts Daniel Quinn brings to light on the hidden agenda of education in the Taker world are a paradigm-shattering eye-opener. Every teacher, administrator, and student should be so lucky as to read this book.
The tribal way is not the right way, nor even the best way, but a way that has worked well for untold millennia. Civilization is not the wrong way, but a way that DOES NOT WORK. It's time to move on.
The tribal way is not the right way, nor even the best way, but a way that has worked well for untold millennia. Civilization is not the wrong way, but a way that DOES NOT WORK. It's time to move on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica snell
THis book was a quick read and as interesting because it gave different viewpoints on how we as a society of "takers" live and are ruining the world. it is the sequel to the book Ishmael where we find out the conclusion of that book is false. tihs book was educational in that we learned different aspects and strategies of tribal culture and we were able to learn how we as a society would be more successful in living together instead of destroying the world. good, easy read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen clay
Possibly a better book than Ishmael (read Ishmael first if you haven't already). It will change the way you see native cultures, industry, agriculture, and the school system. Read this, and see the world for what it very well could be!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicole pugh
Their were some enlightening moments n some interesting points but the format was too much like his other book Ishmael. Yet it still made for some delightful moments. And I'm a strong believe in enjoying the moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the spirit of Ishmael, My Ishmael explores some old philosophies (Takers/Leavers) and some new ones (control of the food supply, the educational system, and the government). If you enjoyed Ishmael, you'll love My Ishamel as well. If you didn't, well I guess you're still not ready to open your mind to new possibilities, so don't bother. My Ishmael is every bit the page-turner Ishmael is. DON'T pick it up unless you're ready to read the whole thing before putting it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rahul kanakia
This book makes you think, makes you think a lot. I enjoyed this book, even though it started out slow and was sometimes hard to swallow... a 12/13 year old girl (regardless of her parentage) going on a trip 'by herself' arranged by people she didn't know... other than an ape. But if you put the ape thing aside, this book is quite good, and like I said... makes you think about cultures and why things are done the way they are done... and know, that it is not too late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darrel ward
Quinn provides an unusual mix of novel, philosophy, religion, history, and science to try to wake our culture up to the fact that we are rushing headlong to the catastrophe of overpopulation and environmental destruction. The series "Ishmael", "My Ishmael "and "The Story of B" develop the argument from different perspectives.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
t rkay
Their were some enlightening moments n some interesting points but the format was too much like his other book Ishmael. Yet it still made for some delightful moments. And I'm a strong believe in enjoying the moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david tai
In the spirit of Ishmael, My Ishmael explores some old philosophies (Takers/Leavers) and some new ones (control of the food supply, the educational system, and the government). If you enjoyed Ishmael, you'll love My Ishamel as well. If you didn't, well I guess you're still not ready to open your mind to new possibilities, so don't bother. My Ishmael is every bit the page-turner Ishmael is. DON'T pick it up unless you're ready to read the whole thing before putting it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
haley richardson
This book makes you think, makes you think a lot. I enjoyed this book, even though it started out slow and was sometimes hard to swallow... a 12/13 year old girl (regardless of her parentage) going on a trip 'by herself' arranged by people she didn't know... other than an ape. But if you put the ape thing aside, this book is quite good, and like I said... makes you think about cultures and why things are done the way they are done... and know, that it is not too late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy hall
Quinn provides an unusual mix of novel, philosophy, religion, history, and science to try to wake our culture up to the fact that we are rushing headlong to the catastrophe of overpopulation and environmental destruction. The series "Ishmael", "My Ishmael "and "The Story of B" develop the argument from different perspectives.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
suzi t
Parts of the novel were enjoyable, other parts were not. The book must be read with an open mind because the author's views are very clear and biased as he speaks through Ishmael. I found the attacks on the government and even more the attacks on religion somewhat insulting. The conversational, almost childrens book writing style that was used I also did not care for. However, some of the ideas were innovative and they can all make a person think about the potential of the human race and the problems with our culture. Her experiences in Africa were by far the best parts, the rest of the book progressed slowly. I recommend this book to students old enough to understand the vocabulary, yet young enough that its story-book style has no affect on them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan d
Hardly had I finished reading Ishmael that I badly craved the sequel - which turned out to be greater and more accomplished. Naturally, I can't say I would have reached the same level of enthrallment had I not read Ishmael. This time, through the mind of an adolescent, the world IS fathomable and redeemable. I'm recommending the book to everyone I know, as I've never done before!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Daniel Quinn has succeeded once again at capturing the heart of humanity and bringing forth the insight for the future. This book floods the head with vision and quest and makes a plea for change in the world. Read it only if you care about what is going on in the world. Be prepared to scream with personal frustration and the desire to tell the world to wake up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christopher bacon
Overall, the book made you think about the individual stories that were explained throught the book. Each story builds on the previous one, which helps make the stories easier to understand. The facts that Quinn put in the book made the theories seem like they could work. Once getting past that their is a talking gorilla, the book is good. I enjoyed reading it. My Ishmael is the sequel to Ishmael.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clara dearmore strom
This book, along with "Ismael", contains ideas which until now have been lurking just beneathe the consciousness of myself and, I suspect, most people. The words and examples Ishmael gives are so clear and inspiring that I, a slower reader, was able to read this book in record time and still hunger for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helena pires
Read them all--multiple times. Every human of "taker" culture--all of us--is in need of this knowledge if we are to survive on this planet. Not a single person I know has read it and not experienced an incredible change in worldview.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mercurio d
If your read Ayn Rand's the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, you have to wonder if Daniel Quinn read a lot of her books because the them of his book appears to be exactly the opposite philosophy of Ayn Rand, except progress is present in a primitive ape. Daniel Quinn may have an agenda for all to debate.
Please RateMy Ishmael (Ishmael Series)