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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristin goldthorpe
It is an intriguing story but she creates an overly complicated world, especially with all the titles and levels of voyeurism. It seems to me that when taking on an idea like this you'd want to simplify the mechanics instead of confuse the reader. She does well to develop a lot of interesting characters that you care about and I would have liked to see the focus more on that than waste calories on irrelevant explanations of a Cleidomancer or the like. The story does move well and there are a lot of turn paging moments and I liked the un-hollywood ending (except the horrible love scene).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really enjoyed this read. Seems like it would appeal more to people a little older than the young adult demographic. Very original, well written, with a subtle, dry voice. The plot is a little weak, by which I mean predictable, but still thoroughly enjoyable. Looking forward to the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With over 600 the store reviews for THE BONE SEASON, let me not repeat plotlines or character descriptions. May I simply state that this story is sweeping in scope, ingenious in its design, and epic in its depiction of a world deceived and gone wrong due to an alien presence on earth which has only partially disclosed its agenda and power. I am shocked by the reviews which state that more punch or better/more editing is needed in THE BONE SEASON. Any more punch, and I would have lost consciousness. In an epic, detailed story which creates an alternate world and is full of action yet also largely character-driven, editing away the details would weaken the story and its believability. Perhaps some readers prefer a tight, concise story, rather than the 500+ page epic world-building which characterizes series such as OUTLANDER (by Diana Gabaldon) or A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE (by George R. R. Martin). For these types of science fiction (some with fantasy)-based sages, less is definitely not more...and THE BONE SEASON is just such an epic series. I say more, more, more! I've got THE MIME ORDER, the next in the series, on pre-order, and I'm counting the days until it publishes. Kudos to debut author Samantha Shannon for creating a world I wouldn't want to live without!
Bone Dry (The Gina Mazzio Series Book 1) :: A Dane and Bones Origins Story (The Dane And Bones Origins Series Book 1) :: A Dane and Bones Origins Story (The Dane And Bones Origins Series Book 6) :: A Novel by Samantha Shannon (2013-08-20) - The Bone Season :: Bone Crack (The Gina Mazzio Series Book 6)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The heroine is a bit dimwitted and her characterization only seems to include being stubborn just for the sake of it and being so angry she wants to punch something but can't. She's 'oh so persecuted!' But her absolute worst memory is finding out her rather unhealthy crush on a boy is unrequited. She constantly brags about being a mollisher and 480 pages later I still don't really know what that means. I guess it's basically the same as constantly saying 'I'm so gangsta' without ever actually acting gangsta. Side characters have potential, but are never really developed. Thus when they die I really don't feel anything or care at all. She is constantly doing or saying something stupid and the only reason it doesn't get her killed is because she has a 'super speshul' power that makes the lead bad guy want to keep her alive. Gah! Save yourself and don't read this book. Honestly, there were times the only thing that kept me reading was the thought of being able to write this scathing review when I was done. Whew!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very good book, interesting plot, different from other dystopian plots. I look forward to the sequels, but I have to admit that the slang and terms unique to the book take awhile to understand. It might be easier if the reader were already used to British slang!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
candy stanford
I liked the storyline about how new skills and talents are frightening at first (and maybe permanently!) The characters, who have special talents and abilities remind me of the superpower heroes and others of similar ilk. Their powers make some exceptional actions possible and yet they are often stymied, boxed in by events. Interesting reading about problem solving within expanded circumstances. Great "what if" story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
colin reeder
This book is SO DEPRESSING. The characters are cardboard and unpleasant. The action is awful. There is no one to really root for in this dystopian future. Bleah. I skimmed thru the last section and was so glad to finish it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrea steiner
Shannon has created a whole world here with its own vocabulary, history and architecture, and it springs fully realized from the first page. While there is a similarity with The Hunger Games and the Veronica Roth books, the element of the supernatural marks this as different.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aakanksha hajela
This is an ambitious yet magnificent debut novel. The story is dark, inventive, witty, and engrossing with an interesting heroine. What I liked the most about Paige is her courage to make the best of her situation. She learns how to maximize the little power, control, and upper hand she possesses with her clairvoyant ability as a slave.
What made this novel stand out is the high demand backstory. Shannon creates a detailed new hierarchy in this society with new rules and even a new language. It’s utterly foreign to the reader at first. Though it works for the story in making it stand out in originality, it also makes the novel difficult to read at times.
There’s information overload in the story, particularly at the beginning. I read this book over the course of a few days, realizing quickly that this was not a story that could be effectively read in small sections if I was going to have any chance at keeping everything in order. I definitely recommend reading this book in as large of chunks as possible. It’ll help immensely.
As a reader, you have to be willing to push through the first twenty pages, completely lost in this world. It’ll be worth it, though. Just don’ get disheartened and stop.
I really enjoyed most of the elements of the story, particularly the various dangerous training sessions that Warden places Paige in. The book is actioned packed and kept my heart racing as I rooted for Paige to survive and get back her freedom.
The only part of the plot that I found unnecessary was the romance that came toward the end of the story. It didn’t really bring anything to the story, nor did it really make sense. There was certainly enough of a plot without it, but that’s just a personal option.
I have a feeling that if I was to read this book a second time through—which I most certainly will be doing before the next one in the series of seven comes out—that I would get more out of the story, since I would already have an understanding about the language and world.
I recommend this story for fans of high concept adventures. This novel wont’ disappoint. Check it out!
What made this novel stand out is the high demand backstory. Shannon creates a detailed new hierarchy in this society with new rules and even a new language. It’s utterly foreign to the reader at first. Though it works for the story in making it stand out in originality, it also makes the novel difficult to read at times.
There’s information overload in the story, particularly at the beginning. I read this book over the course of a few days, realizing quickly that this was not a story that could be effectively read in small sections if I was going to have any chance at keeping everything in order. I definitely recommend reading this book in as large of chunks as possible. It’ll help immensely.
As a reader, you have to be willing to push through the first twenty pages, completely lost in this world. It’ll be worth it, though. Just don’ get disheartened and stop.
I really enjoyed most of the elements of the story, particularly the various dangerous training sessions that Warden places Paige in. The book is actioned packed and kept my heart racing as I rooted for Paige to survive and get back her freedom.
The only part of the plot that I found unnecessary was the romance that came toward the end of the story. It didn’t really bring anything to the story, nor did it really make sense. There was certainly enough of a plot without it, but that’s just a personal option.
I have a feeling that if I was to read this book a second time through—which I most certainly will be doing before the next one in the series of seven comes out—that I would get more out of the story, since I would already have an understanding about the language and world.
I recommend this story for fans of high concept adventures. This novel wont’ disappoint. Check it out!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jose l caballero
This story makes too many demands on the reader: too much that is unfamiliar, shallow characters, and bewildering high-action scenes that are often unresolved, plus at the end, a tantalizing bit of romance that's thwarted only a few pages later. One volume was enough for me. I won't be buying the others.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ces caro
This is a very promising start, to what will likely be a successful series.
I recommend perusing the glossary prior to reading or bookmarking for easy reference, while reading. The story has a very specific argot which took me a few chapters to get up to speed on.
Overall good character development, and a solid story. If you're in the mood for something off the beaten path of dystopian stories, you'd probably enjoy.
Looking forward to the next volume.
I recommend perusing the glossary prior to reading or bookmarking for easy reference, while reading. The story has a very specific argot which took me a few chapters to get up to speed on.
Overall good character development, and a solid story. If you're in the mood for something off the beaten path of dystopian stories, you'd probably enjoy.
Looking forward to the next volume.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
magdalen dale
The unique story setting, aether, makes the reader use imagination to conceptualize this level of consciousness. The reader also has to discard our known chronology of time and idea of the world condition. A good story line with imaginative sci-fi makes this fun.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
If someone were asked to write something to appeal to readers of Twilight and Hunger Games, they might write something like this. While the story is fast-paced and easy to read (aside from a lot of slang which occasionally requires a glossary) I kept feeling like both plot and characters were constructed to a formula. From some of the reader reviews, she may have hit her target market. I didn't find it rang true for me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is a pretty decent and entertaining book with a unique world, but it's heavily dragged down by exposition. I am still unclear about the different levels of voyants. The introduction of new characters also appear to be a bit clunky (ex: Hey, this is so and so...this is who they are, what they do, how they look. So, not very smooth transitions).
I also had a problem with the romance between Warden and our protagonist. I don't think there was enough build-up until their *spoiler* kiss. There needed to be more pleasant scenes between them before jumping to that conclusion; otherwise, it does appear out of left field. For instance, I think it would have served the story better if Warden was able to learn more about Paige through different means, such as talking, other than how he acquires who she is in the book (I'll keep that a spoiler) because then we would have observed more of a connection.
I'm also bothered by the main antagonist of the book. I think she's just too comically bad, and in a sea of "bad guys," which there are PLENTY in this story, it just appears to be too much. Perhaps there should've been more varied types of characters because too many many of them seem to be black or white (figurtively), and if we're going to compare Shannon to Rowling, then I dare say we need more Snape-like characters to add interest.
Overall, though, still a good book and I do look forward to the sequel.
I also had a problem with the romance between Warden and our protagonist. I don't think there was enough build-up until their *spoiler* kiss. There needed to be more pleasant scenes between them before jumping to that conclusion; otherwise, it does appear out of left field. For instance, I think it would have served the story better if Warden was able to learn more about Paige through different means, such as talking, other than how he acquires who she is in the book (I'll keep that a spoiler) because then we would have observed more of a connection.
I'm also bothered by the main antagonist of the book. I think she's just too comically bad, and in a sea of "bad guys," which there are PLENTY in this story, it just appears to be too much. Perhaps there should've been more varied types of characters because too many many of them seem to be black or white (figurtively), and if we're going to compare Shannon to Rowling, then I dare say we need more Snape-like characters to add interest.
Overall, though, still a good book and I do look forward to the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keshia thompson
Think Divergent meets Hunger Games.. Novel is very well written, hard to believe this is author's first publication. Shannon's characters are well developed, and this first book sets the stage for the series. Definitely a must read for any sci-fi lover!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
really enjoyed this book. It was a little bit difficult to keep the many different types of clairvoyants straight, but it was all very interesting. Waiting for the next book to come out. This was a fun read
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mike field
There is potential for an Epic Tale in this. However, the British slang is extremely annoying for American Readers who need to look up the words in the Author's Dictionary to understand what she is saying. We didn't have to do that for Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings. The second reason this fell short of "Great" is that it follows the Popular 'Formula' that so many authors use to sell books today. Here is the Formula: ***SPOILER ALERT***1. Young girl with "special" attributes or powers. 2. She is unaware of her "Special-ness" sees herself as ordinary , an outcast even. 3. She meets a male who, is Rich or Powerful who could arguably 'possess' or have or be with any woman in the universe whom he chose. 4. He HAS to be with her, Possess her, Have her; of all the women in the world. 5. Through him her "Special-ness" comes to fruition and she comes into-her-own.
Apply formula to Twilight series, Divergent, Fifty Shades, Bone Season etc. and sigh.
I realize that this Formula is selling right now, but can't we have some more heroines like Katniss? Complicated, debatable and not dependent on a male figure to figure out who she is?
Apply formula to Twilight series, Divergent, Fifty Shades, Bone Season etc. and sigh.
I realize that this Formula is selling right now, but can't we have some more heroines like Katniss? Complicated, debatable and not dependent on a male figure to figure out who she is?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kimberly vogel
Other than a degree of predictability in one key area (and yet another heroine who blindly, stubbornly refuses to see the obvious until the near-end) I loved it. The world Shannon created, the characters, and the story itself are wonderfully imaginative. Whenever possible, I ignored the world around me to keep reading. Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vanessa guest
I read many reviews of this book before buying it. I was a bit afraid, because I saw some reviews that were not so good. However, I enjoyed the story and the characters. I think it is definitely worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
The Bone Season is a fantastical first novel! This book follows the main character Paige who is a dream walker. She is also the seventh seal under the mime lord of Jaxon Hall. What this all means is that Paige can sort of throw her spirit out and see other auras and even sort of possess others for short periods. In the beginning Paige is still learning the extent of her gift and how to use it.
In this world, clairvoyance is against the law. She is protected by her Mime Lord. Being part of this crime family, protects any clairvoyant. In exchange for this protection, the clairvoyant performs jobs for the Mime Lord.
When Paige accidentally kills two Undergaurds (officers), she becomes captured and brought to Sheol 1. Here she is enslaved under the Rephaim. Each captured clairvoyant is entrusted to a keeper, one of the Rephaim, to be trained and used as a soldier. Paige's keeper is the Warden who is the blood consort to the Queen of the Rephaim,
The story is very fast paced with a lot of action. It follows Paige's fight to escape. She also discovers some harsh truths about her old city and also the Rephaim. I absolutely loved this book and gave it 5 stars. This is the first in a series. The second book comes out the beginning of 2015.
When this story ended, I was left reeling. I cannot wait to see what happens.
The Bone Season is a fantastical first novel! This book follows the main character Paige who is a dream walker. She is also the seventh seal under the mime lord of Jaxon Hall. What this all means is that Paige can sort of throw her spirit out and see other auras and even sort of possess others for short periods. In the beginning Paige is still learning the extent of her gift and how to use it.
In this world, clairvoyance is against the law. She is protected by her Mime Lord. Being part of this crime family, protects any clairvoyant. In exchange for this protection, the clairvoyant performs jobs for the Mime Lord.
When Paige accidentally kills two Undergaurds (officers), she becomes captured and brought to Sheol 1. Here she is enslaved under the Rephaim. Each captured clairvoyant is entrusted to a keeper, one of the Rephaim, to be trained and used as a soldier. Paige's keeper is the Warden who is the blood consort to the Queen of the Rephaim,
The story is very fast paced with a lot of action. It follows Paige's fight to escape. She also discovers some harsh truths about her old city and also the Rephaim. I absolutely loved this book and gave it 5 stars. This is the first in a series. The second book comes out the beginning of 2015.
When this story ended, I was left reeling. I cannot wait to see what happens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved the Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I think she successfully created another world and a compelling female protagonist. There may be some holes in the fabric of the plot/characters (not like there wasn't with J.K. Rowling), but it was still very gripping. The big incidence of blood and pain only serves to intensify the thrilling and gripping nature of the tale. I think she has a winning series on her hands.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samantha l
Combination of modern future and the "old world" of the alternate race is thought provoking. I still have a lot of questions about just who is who in this novel. Maybe they will be answered in another book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Fans of dystopian fiction will probably like this book and I really liked the female lead character. It follows a familiar formula, though there are a few clever elements that make this book different from the rest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kamran kiyani
An exceptionally clever YA fantasy about an alternate England, where clairvoyance is crime, and practitioners are forced underground into criminal syndicates. With echoes of Stroud's classic "Bartimaeus Trilogy" and Pullman's "His Dark Materials" series as a backdrop, Shannon plays with the tropes of without seeming too derivative. She has a remarkable imagination, and a love for inventing words and using them alongside the real language of the London criminal class. The only misstep is a romantic angle that comes up late in the story that doesn't really fit -- however, it is a minor mistake in a fantastically entertaining book. Looking forward to the next book in the series. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall this book was enjoyable and easy to read with a different concept then what you normally find in an alternative history fantasy/sci-fi genre. I zipped through it in a couple of days and it kept my attention. it wasn't the best story I've read but it was a good distraction.
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