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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ellen kubo
I have 234 books through kindle and this would have to be the worst book I have even read, badly written, very little story line and I was always hoping for more on every page and it failed on every page.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
matthew thornton
I have 234 books through kindle and this would have to be the worst book I have even read, badly written, very little story line and I was always hoping for more on every page and it failed on every page.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joao rodrigues
entertaining story and characters. my only gripe is that I still don't understand why the hero acted the way he did with all the other women in the beginning. otherwise I liked all the sarcastic banter between the characters. tons of dirty talk but no actual sex "scenes" or details. overall good but not sure I'll reread.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jackie plage
This book was so incredibly bad that after reviewing the positive remarks, I'm wondering if I missed something?!
The characters were positively annoying and so immature that it was embarrassing to even read parts of their interactions.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maureen family
Uhhhhhh!!! This book was just immature, I wasn't expecting it to be a "vanilla" read but it was. There's a lot of mentioning of sex but no actual descriptive of what's happening or what if feels. Wish I knew. But geeze I could get over that, what I couldn't get over was the behavior of the two main characters. They were just big kids dealing with high school drama. I never felt that Adrian had any real feelings for the girl like I never got the fact that they had connection. I didn't like this book, barely got through the thing
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I think the story started out really good and was very witty and then the author just got carried away and the story felt like it was trying to hard and lost focus. The plot twist lacked imagination and the story started to drag and repetitive. I quite honestly leave this story very neutral.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Formulaic, rich guy, starts throwing money at new assistant Emily to buy clothes. Where have we read this before? Oh, right, in pretty much every billionaire romance, And while entirely predictable, this one isn't even well conceived or written. One isn't given any insight into Adrian's character and why he is drawn to Emily. And her first day at work, Adrian has a revolving door through which several professional colleagues go for their turn to have sex with Adrian in his office. Four or five before noon. This apparently is a common occurrence. These professional women in the head office of a major international corporation will happily wait happily wait their turn. Seriously? That's after the most absurd interview ever recorded in this kind of fiction. Bill O'Reilly, anyone? (For those who don't know, O'Reilly was a network's top political commentator who was given a payoff of $25 million to go away quietly - after the network had paid out more than half that to settle five sexual harassment claims, and additional lawsuits are pending.). Where is the self-respect and professionalism of these fictional characters? Adrian's practice of scheduling sequential sexual encounters during his day is well known, considered an honor even, and not one person thinks there's anything wrong with, and no one files a complaint. And this is after the most absurd job interview that could never occur. Emily's first assignment is to tell the other applicants to leave, which results in another absurd scene with ridiculous dialogue. On the subject of unenlightened, the little I read blamed irritability on PMS more than once. This is the 20th century, right? The author seems to have missed important milestones in social progress.
It doesn't get any better. While I couldn't finish the book because it was so bad, I did read the epilogue, which was as bad as the first couple of chapters. Maybe the middle of the book is outstanding, but I couldn't bear to read any more.
I usually avoid billionaire books, but the description and favorable reviews convinced me to try it. Thank goodness it was free with kindle unlimited, because, unlike even free books one has purchased, which remain on the cloud, this will disappear from my account.
I really don't like giving a such a negative review, but I also don't like to be faced with such twaddle. At least it's a standalone, which is why it got two stars instead of one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have to agree with the minority. This was truly unbearable. The main characters were silly, immature and annoying. I would normally never comment but I truly feel the other reviews are going to mislead any potential buyers. The cover was the best part of the book. Sorry for writing a disappointing review to the author but the characters seemed to be cartoonish and completely unbelievable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVED this book from beginning to end, One I couldn't stop laughing, I'm so jealous! I really wish I had an Adrian and Emily relationship ... Adrian is the most funniest, witty, charming character ever and Emily matches his wit just as much which makes them go so perfect together. I WISH I had a man as charismatic as Adrian. It was so much fun to read, I was laughing way too hard, like I was there with them, absolutely adorable and extremely funny best author EVER PLEASE make more books like this one! I just can't get enough! The reviews she got for this book is undeserving she is definitely a 5 star author hands down!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lucinda jones
I cannot agree with the other reviews. While I did like the story line and the supporting characters, the male and female leads drove me insane! The male character acts like a spoiled brat sleeping with every female within five feet. The female lead acted like a 13 year old girl about sex, if the writer hadn't mentioned an encounter with a prior boyfriend, I thought she was a virgin. Also, I kept losing track of the locale of the story. No offense to the author, but if you are going to write about American characters in America, learn more about the area. ***Spoiler*** why on earth would Emily agree to finally have sex with Adrian in the bed where he had sex with a ton of other women after making him wait so long!!! I think this author shows potential, the writing just needs to mature and be polished. Hopeful for future work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was absolutely amazing!! I was so amazed by this book that it's hard to put into words. It had my attention the entire time from page one til the end. I had a big goofy smile on my face!!!! Loved how possessive he was toward her.
I honesty didn't think it would be as good as it was. At about 50% into the book I thought all the good stuff had happen and figured the other half of the book was going to drag and I'd end up having to skim the rest.Boy was I wrong!!!

I am in love with this book!!! I DON'T EVER give five stars on books even when I love them , cause most the time I feel there's something they could of improved on or added,etc. So for me to give this FIVE STARS says soooo much. Especially when I've read about 320 books just within a year!!

If you love romance books then this is by far the book for you. You won't regret it!! Not one single page of it!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
shelly toombs kirby
I bought this book due to the premise the writeup gave but was disappointed. The sobbing, crying and wailing was so overdone and I just got tired of her pity drama. After a while I was hoping he would just dump her so she would quit it. He of course being the immature guy that he was does one dumb thing after another. This book needed editing because either from typos or wrong words some of the sentences didn't even make sense. I hate giving a bad rating but I was generous even with two stars.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book had potential and I really wanted to like it, but it was so far fetched...even for fictional romance (of which I read a lot of). Although the characters were likeable, the dialogue was very strange. Not sure if this is a spoiler, but...the interaction between Emily and Mason (Adrian's father) was weird and creepy. If my boyfriend's dad was constantly talking about my chest and commenting on my sex life, I would be super creeped out. Nothing about the book made much sense and I was very disappointed.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tammy t
Wow not impressed with main male character. He was a jerk to start with but he devolved as the story continued. Hard to believe he was the head of a major corporation. How could you have feelings for someone and sit there for two weeks and watch him have sex with women after women. I would want to disinfect any surface I would have to touch. Then make him burn the bed behind the glass door!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
krista ling
This is the most poorly edited (or not edited book).....I made if have way through trying to guess at the words that were missing, incorrectly spelled, or wrong in the context. I am trying to return as I write.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
newton lewis
While I enjoyed this story. I wish the author would have developed the vocabulary. The hero smirked so much that it's a miracle his face didn't get stuck! I was also disappointed by the constant description of the heroine being picked up bridal style. I swear the word smirking is on every page at least three times!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
corrie aw
So, I found this book because the store recommend this to me, so I decided to try it out. KINDLE FREE. Yay! Honestly, the writing style is good. I say this because the style was a lot better written than some books I have read by other authors. The author have developed characters and were not all over the place with these traits However, all the male characters were pigs. Constantly, making sexual remarks to the main character. I think the only male character that was remotely likeably was Allen. In the beginning, I liked the main character, she was a strong lead character, but she had her "I am going to give in" moments that increased throughout the book. I started disliking her for not sticking up for herself more like she had in the beginning. Her friend was so annoying because she was defending Adrian and all his moody and CONTROLLING traits. I mean I read a comment that someone posted saying, " Who wouldn't love to have a man like that?" Um hello, I would not. Why do you need a man who does not let you talk to other men, even if you are friends? or having a guy who throws little kids tantrums when he does not get what he wants? Talk about immature. Just thinking about Adrian's controlling and childish ways angers me.

Being specific to what is wrong with this book and the interaction between the two main characters.
1. When her parents and brother come to visit, Adrian shows up and claims that he is her boyfriend (they are not even dating!) after she told him that he is not allowed to come. I was in rage when this happened. The main character (Sorry I don't remember her name, other than being called shortcake) was mad. Yes! and she told him to leave and she was going to clean up the mess (the lie) he made. Thank you! but what happens next, he is still there and she did not tell her parents the truth. If that was me, I would have told my parents the truth.

2. She sleeps without a bra. Okay, whatever. My problem with this is that Adrian gropes her when they sleep in the same bed. May I remind you that they are still not together. Adrian pushes her to sleep in the same bed as he basically gropes her. WTF! Seriously, why is she even sleeping in the same bed. I would have just gone into the other room and locked the door, especially if I am sleeping braless, but then again, I would not even be sleeping anywhere near this guy. Not in the same bed, or room, or apartment.

3. This is a HUGE deal to me. She moves in with him!!!!!!!!! She told him, for a whole week, no! And when her parents come to visit, he tells her parents this. WTF!!!! and what is worst is that she DOES move in with him even though she is not happy about his! My goodness. WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH. THIS. FEMALE? I would have called the cops or actually moved in with my parents or somewhere else to get away from this psycho or at least get a restraining order on him!

I did not even finish this book. I had too many problems with this whole "I have money and you are going to get fired if you do not do what I want and you cannot even speak or hang out with someone else because I am going to punch them in the face. You are mine! and only mine." I did comments that this is him just being protective of the people he loves. *snort* yeah, right? This guy is clearly insane and psycho. Somehow though, she falls in love with him, they get married, and have children (read this in another comment here on the store)..... (Silence)...... I have no idea what to say about this. I just know that I am really mad. My question is "Why? Why would you do this to yourself? I know in society there are women getting abused in their relationships and I know she is not getting hit....but why put yourself though this?" It is very similar situation, minus the getting hit aspect.

I do not recommend this book and I suggest the author to really focus on some other plots that give you that strong female and a sweet guy, or something, because she is really good at writing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michi whittall
The very first chapter starts with the hero "nibbling on the heroine's ear" during her job interview. The second day into the job, the hero has sex with a string of girls in his office. All except two of the girls work in the same company and openly acknowledge the reason for their being there. Did the HR lose the memo about sexual harassment? How is the billionaire playboy managing his empire if he spends half the time doing girls in his office?
The content was not well thought out and the dialogues were immature. When the heroine is asked to get rid of other applicants when she is hired for the job, it sounds as if a high school cat fight is in progress. The heroine's friend in office tells her that she has been observing the hero's behavior of having sex in his office for the 15 years she has been there. A few pages before that, the hero was referred to as a 25 year old billionaire playboy. Does this mean that he has been exhibiting this behavior from the time he was 10?
When the heroine refuses to go for lunch, he carries her on his shoulder and puts her in the car. Really a boss doing that to his 2 day old employee?
I forced myself through the first couple of chapters hoping that it would get better. Needless to say I could not finish the book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
erin scott
Geez, this book is awful. The storyline is unclear, no clear plot, the story just jumble around with unnecessary scenes, no climax of the story, no major problem that good enough to be put in the book... and I can just go on and on and on and on... Oh, and is this a YA book? I got the impression that this suppose to be an adult romantic-sexy kind of book as there are many 's**' wording inside, but I can't find that particular scene even one in the book; just like a YA book. Is it really none of them or did I somehow skip it as I got so bored? Confused...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria reinhard
This is probably the most creative and well written books I have ever read. This book is everything you could imagine and so much more. It has truly been an honor in reading this book and, I can not wait to see where Elle Brace's career goes after this outstanding book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book isn't one of those stereotypical books. I was hooked from the very beginning and couldn't stop reading because I had to know what was going to happen next and how it would end. I feel in love with the characters and their story. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marius nicolescu
This book was an alright read. You could tell that the author is not from the States,due to many words she used in the book one that stood out was she used nappy for diapers. The book was set in the U.S. and the words were not. Example shagging,nappy and several others. The main male character was English but the American girls were the ones using the words, This was distracting from the plot to me,but overall it was a fairly good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
i first read this book on wattpad and fell completely in love with a characters. I even checked ebay to see if i could by myself an Adrian. This book is brilliant and unputdownable (I'm not sure that's a word). This book doesn't disapoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james ricuito
This is one of my favourite books. It includes humor, surprising turns, and an interesting plot. I simply could not put it down.The author describes the settings and characters in an unique way. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves reading, you won't regret it!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
allison yarrow
Do not buy this book... it starter with 2 good characters...Why did the writer had to go to plain "dumb" ?? Smelly ,Flakey, .. we are not 3rd graders for crying out loud!!! Elle needs to make up her mind - write children's books or write romance.... ... make up your mind!!!!
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