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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started reading Linda Howard in High School I like to think I have read everything she has ever written at least twice...
To me, this is the sign of a great book, you can read them more than once, she has strong memorable characters and you just hate for the book to end. In Cry No More, I did cry, such a realist ending, each time I read it, I tear up.
To me, this is the sign of a great book, you can read them more than once, she has strong memorable characters and you just hate for the book to end. In Cry No More, I did cry, such a realist ending, each time I read it, I tear up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Open Season :: Kill and Tell: A Novel (CIA Spies Series Book 1) :: Shadow Woman: A Novel :: Frost Line :: Up Close and Dangerous: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy weese moll
Strong characters, evil people doing evil deeds, the most wonderful hero in any of Linda Howard's books make up a bittersweet tale of romance, heartbreak, and redemption. Every woman needs her James Diaz.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin leonard
When Linda Howard wrote "Dream Man" and especially "Son of the Morning," she wrote not only a hot romance but also a story which included elements not usually found in the romantic suspense genre. When she wrote "After the Night," "All the Queen's Men," and all her Mackenzie categories, she may not have been breaking ground with her story content, but the steam came right off the page. Then came books like "Now You See Her" and "Dying to Please," and I began to question my decision to buy Howard in hardback. Oh, they weren't bad books, just conventional without that added kick I'd come to expect. I would have still bought them, but I could easily have waited for the paperback.
"Cry No More," I'm delighted to say, combines the heat of her best books with the innovation of "Son of the Morning." This story is much greater than the excellent suspense story embedded in it. It is about terrible loss and terrible grief and how we do or don't heal. A quarter of the book takes place *after* the mystery has been solved, but I can guarantee you'll keep on reading.
And, oh yes, there are *two* alpha males interested in our heroine. See if you recognize her mate as soon as he appears on the scene. I wasn't sure, but I had hopes, right from his first appearance. njs
"Cry No More," I'm delighted to say, combines the heat of her best books with the innovation of "Son of the Morning." This story is much greater than the excellent suspense story embedded in it. It is about terrible loss and terrible grief and how we do or don't heal. A quarter of the book takes place *after* the mystery has been solved, but I can guarantee you'll keep on reading.
And, oh yes, there are *two* alpha males interested in our heroine. See if you recognize her mate as soon as he appears on the scene. I wasn't sure, but I had hopes, right from his first appearance. njs
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ayu novita
When Linda Howard wrote "Dream Man" and especially "Son of the Morning," she wrote not only a hot romance but also a story which included elements not usually found in the romantic suspense genre. When she wrote "After the Night," "All the Queen's Men," and all her Mackenzie categories, she may not have been breaking ground with her story content, but the steam came right off the page. Then came books like "Now You See Her" and "Dying to Please," and I began to question my decision to buy Howard in hardback. Oh, they weren't bad books, just conventional without that added kick I'd come to expect. I would have still bought them, but I could easily have waited for the paperback.
"Cry No More," I'm delighted to say, combines the heat of her best books with the innovation of "Son of the Morning." This story is much greater than the excellent suspense story embedded in it. It is about terrible loss and terrible grief and how we do or don't heal. A quarter of the book takes place *after* the mystery has been solved, but I can guarantee you'll keep on reading.
And, oh yes, there are *two* alpha males interested in our heroine. See if you recognize her mate as soon as he appears on the scene. I wasn't sure, but I had hopes, right from his first appearance. njs
"Cry No More," I'm delighted to say, combines the heat of her best books with the innovation of "Son of the Morning." This story is much greater than the excellent suspense story embedded in it. It is about terrible loss and terrible grief and how we do or don't heal. A quarter of the book takes place *after* the mystery has been solved, but I can guarantee you'll keep on reading.
And, oh yes, there are *two* alpha males interested in our heroine. See if you recognize her mate as soon as he appears on the scene. I wasn't sure, but I had hopes, right from his first appearance. njs
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book to say the least was disappointing because I'm usually pleased with all of Linda Howard's books I've read this far, until this one. It took me forever to complete this book because it was just so boring. Also I felt like there was no good wrap with some of the characters and the main character Mila. There were characters that did her wrong and they were never even confronted. But the most irritating thing was there seemed to be no chemistry between the two love interests. And then all of a sudden they were madly in love and he became the caring loving husband which didn't seem to be the character she had written about for the entire book! I don't know but this book just wasn't for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah thompson
I loved this book found it difficult to put down. Loved the bad boy good guy lover seductions. And, as an adoptive mom in an open cooperative adoption, I am always interested in informed and sensitive treatment of adoption issues.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sean golden
I have never written a negative review on any books that I have read, I'm sorry but this is one of the worst books I have read. Half way through the book I already knew who the bad guys were and if you like pages of explicit sex (you may like the book) I do not know how I managed to read the whole book, it just went on and on and on. I found it very predictable. Sorry but that is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
charley henley
Read this several years back, and while the general plot is as well-written as any LH book, unfortunately it was cursed with the worst hero she's written ever. He was typical alpha male but a couple steps too far. What we find out he ended up doing to the heroine was the absolute lowest thing someone could do to someone they "loved." Losing a child is hard enough, but not knowing their fate -are they alive, dead, being tortured, lonely, scared, hurt? That would be the worst. I don't want to spoil anything, so I won't get too specific, but let's just say the hero made a decision about something's huge on her behalf without telling her that was NOT his decision to make. Even worse, he never had any intention to tell her, she just happened to find out on her own. This made him 100% irredeemable in my eyes, and she was a moron for forgiving him. This wasn't typical alpha male actions, but beyond high-handed and cruel. Ruined the whole book for me. Surprised more people didn't point this out in their reviews. I almost gave it zero stars, but since he writing was good, and he plot fleshed out, I went ahead and gave it a two.
Please RateCry No More: A Novel
However, like others, I felt the resolution of the criminals was severely lacking. Why Diaz betrayed Milla is still a puzzle to me.
I can highly recommend "Mr. Perfect".