Trance: Formation of America

ByCathy O%27Brien

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Signed by both authors! Required reading for people who really want to know what's up. Explains a lot of mysteries. Uncomfortable, on occasion, as the truth often is. Very glad to have found this. Remember how the feds tested nuclear fallout on the unsuspecting citizens of Nevada, how they tested LSD on unsuspecting military personnel? This is much worse. You'll never hear about this on the news. It's happening and it's bad. At some point this will all come out publicly in a big way, probably long after the perps are pushing up daisies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy robertson
This was a challenging read. It brings to light many issues and secrets that should be addressed relating to the uncontrolled and morally reprehensible workings of government and politics. I am glad I read it. I do believe it. I admire Cathy O'Brien for the courage to write it.
Armor up, and read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah mackey
This should be required reading for every U.S. citizen to learn the 'real' behind the scenes workings of our "one world government" and its players. Many of those in power are literally sick, perverted satanist who torture, rape and murder innocent women and children after they are mentally controlled via totally sick and demented Nazi methods. Want to know where all the missing children and women in this country end up? Read this book! Want the truth on the Bush's, Clinton, Senator Byrd, Rumsfeld, demonic Dick Cheney and others? Read this book!
While there are many honest and sincere people in politics and gov't. there are 'LEADERS' of a conspirator world gov't. who murder for pleasure, rape, sodomize, women and children all while pretending to govern our country and others.
Read, live and learn....then tell others.
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (Scholastic Gold) :: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi [Harper Collins :: Lies (and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them) :: The Core (The Demon Cycle, Book 5) :: Tacky the Penguin
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
k johnson
Absolutely fascinating. Could not put it down. Also, extremely disturbing to think these are the people in charge of America. The only fitting word to describe these abusers is evil, PURE EVIL. Very alarming!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
freddy may
The book arrived on time, and was in the condition the seller said it was in! Also this book is a must have for anyone who has researched this topic and need more information on it. It is a must have, since my city doesn’t have a Barnes & Noble, and the Books-a-Million has nothing worthwhile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie moravec
This was difficult to read only because our government and it's continue support of mind control of it's citizens. Move out of the country? Naw, it's everywhere. Let's take control of the government back to the constitutional limits of government. Clean out the myriad spy agencies, limit FBI and CIA, careful warrants of sneaky peaks at email, etc.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is a first hand experience of abuse for the purpose of control at the hands of people in authority. The authors experiences seem so outrageous that it is beyond believe, we as "normal" human beings find it hard to comprehend. It takes awhile before you realize that this type of deviant behavior actually does happen as the abusers, (victims), clearly state. I highly reccomend this book for those interested in "mind control" and the affects of sexual, emotional abuse. One should follow up with this book with the Johnny Gnosh story as well as The Franklin Cover Up to fully comprehend the wide spread use of mind control for political, as well as economical use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina bandman
Absolutely brilliant and utterly devastating. From the first mind controlled "Presidential model" Marilyn Monroe to modern day pop stars and celebrities (Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Miley Cyrus, Shia LaBeouf, Lindsey Lohan etc etc...these people are not mentioned in the book, but show clear signs of mind control based trauma and most have had breakdowns due to it, only to "take a break" to go off and be reprogrammed) Mind Kontrol Ultra (taken out of Nazi Germany) was fined tuned in NASA/military compounds across America after Project Paperclip gave Nazi scientists safe passage into America after WWII. Cathy and her daughter Kelly were sold into it from birth from multi-generational incest and ritual abuse, and her story is absolutely mind blowing.

Not for the faint hearted, this book will throw up some very powerful U.S. names in high positions as serial pedophiles and mind control handlers and are indeed very disgusting individuals. She has neither been sued or killed because she and her husband Mark Phillips were always two steps ahead of the government, Mark coming from a military background enough to know Cathy was under some kind of mind control and over time, reversing it. This book is also about her recovery from this slavery to reclaim her mind and also to deprogram her daughter's, although the battle to keep her daughter Kelly out of harms way was a constant battle, with law enforcement on the side of those higher up who control them with a phone call. This book shows you just how corrupt the U.S. government and authority agencies really are, despite having some decent people in them. But there are a lot of rotten eggs in them too.

Cannot recommend this book highly enough for those who suspect that there is something clearly wrong in the world and can't put a finger on it. This is a good start. Be brave and read this chilling account.
While this book is around 20 years old now, the truth never gets old or outdated. If anything, MK Ultra techniques are even more lethal on their slaves than ever before and many many more people are under this form of control and slavery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An extremely brave publishing. (NON-FICTION) This is a full disclosure of Cathy O'Brien's slavery, abuse, torture and mind control victim imposed on her with design from none other than powerful people in our own government and from some in the entertainment industry. And finally her amazing recovery with the help of Mark Phillips a documented FBI agent who rescues her and her daughter from her "handlers" (yes, that's what they call themselves) and helps her to heal through, what else, his love and compassion. Her purpose in life is to just Tell the Truth and to help heal people from all levels of mind control and of course to see her daughter's mind restored and become whole. We must know what our nefarious leaders are actively doing and to whom we give money to in the entertainment business who are not what they portray. A MUST read for all patriots of a restored Democracy in America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa llanes brownlee
To understand fully the ultimate corruption of our society and unfortunately our government at the highest levels, I recommend Cathy's book. To understand it all, how deeply they are involved in despicable acts against children, when you understand it, you'll know our government and many people involved are capable of anything and everything. It is stomach churning, yes, but if you/we turn eyes away, that makes us all, as Americans, guilty too. For if we stand together in knowledge, we CAN stop them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading this book you will either demand your "Red Pill" from fox news and go back to la la land and get in line for the "kool aid" or you will be outraged, and demand, not wait for or ask for, a change.

If nothing else do a little investigating yourself and look into the MK Ultra project, the NASA Space Kids, read authors like Alex Constanine, who will give you an inless amount of references. The information is still out there, just below the surface, as NOAM Chomsky said.

Cathy O'Brien has endured much to get this information to the American people. If something makes sense, you should at least look into it. When you are given a line of BS from the media and goverment that does not make logical sense we have to fight the properganda machine, and reject it on its merit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin boatright
This book gives real insight into how low the political system has really gone , it gives real insight into mind control and how these victims are being used by the governments of the world.This book is explicit and horrific in its details , I just hope cathy obrien gets justice some day for the horrific abuses she went through . It took a lot of bravery to publish this book. This book is a wake up call to america and the rest of the world
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica starjessreads
I first came across Cathy's story on Youtube and, keen as I was to read her book, I couldn't find it on the store. When I found the kindle edition almost two years later, I seized the opportunity and bought it immediately.

This is a very chilling book. I had to keep taking a break while reading it, as some of the information was just too much to bear. Some parts were very hard to read - I couldn't believe the horrors that Cathy was describing. If this is true and still happening today, then we are truly living in the last days. Evil abounds while we, the "masses", remain in total oblivion

Thank you Cathy, for being so brave and for getting this information out. I am glad for your healing and I pray for thousands more, who could be in a similar situation.

This story needs to be told over and over again. If you haven't read it already, get a copy of the book today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa jameson
I can't say enough great things about you, Cathy. I have been following you for a long time. You are a brave woman. You inspire me to continue telling my own story of cult program survival. Thank you for your courage and continuing to fight against the powers that attempt to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a book everyone needs to read. It explains why the West in particular, is on such a downward slope. Our so called leaders are pure evil. No wonder pedophiles and child molesters are given such short sentences.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shohib sifatar
Should be required reading for EVERY American -- well, EVERY ADULT. Find out what your politicians are really like. I would give this book an "X" rating although it is done in the most "tasteful" way possible. It is NOT a book written for salacious reactions, but the facts are frightening. Don't believe everything you read in print -- but THIS I CAN believe because I see many of the results in the news now, (i.e., Common Core, free trade agreements, etc.).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mind Blowing! Horrific story told by a brave and resilient woman who has survived hell on earth. Everyone needs to know what is REALLY going on so they can be vigilant and watchful to protect our children! If no one knows about these evil monsters how can we fight against them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katerina robinson
Every Republican should read this book and then everyone else. I read it about 12 years ago when I had to order it from Canada. If anyone doubts that this stuff could happen just do a word search for 'Franklin County Cover-up'.
This book should be read by all. (adults only)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kent wolf
This book is very frightening. If it is true, it is horrific. I have heard about this sort of thing happening in high circles, but, I hope to God this is an exageration. If you like researching conspiracy theories, and have a strong stomach, than I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read it only if you have strong nerves. Mind blowing stuff but highly recommended. Will make you wonder if things described are possible or are they only a product of sick imagination. Tend to believe in Cathy and Mark story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristen stewart
I bought this book from the YouTube presentation. It is very nearly impossible to comprehend, and equally impossible to believe that the persons named by name were able, or even remotely capable of doing or participating in the alleged activities. No matter what the authors claim, it remains difficult, historically or medically, to accept that the psychiatry and the manipulation of children and young girls described actually exists.

I am not convinced; but neither am I prepared to categorically deny the allegations of this work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It amazing how Cathy and her daughter Kelly were able to survive the consistent mistreatment of abuse for years. It's surprising how Mark Phillips was able to rescue both of them and take them to Alaska hoping to be safe. Mark spent a great deal of time deprogramming Cathy hoping to help her undo the damage the CIA ( a rogue outfit that needs to be disband) had inflicted with mind control, unfortunately her daughter Kelly was seriously damage because she had started being mind controlled as a very young child, in addition to not being provided the psychological help she needed. A year or so ago I read The Franklin Story as well as The Franklin Cover-UP. This was not dealing with mind control, but it contained the same type of satanic and sadistic abuse as well. The most shocking element to me in Trans Formation, was the identities of those involved, well known public figures who were among the abusers. This has only succeeded in proving to me that our country is truly being ruled by a hierarchy of perverts, pedophiles and truly insane individuals.
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