How to Manage Your Money When You Don't Have Any Workbook

ByErik Wecks

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexander brown
This book has some real golden nuggets and expands upon a type of budget I have never heard of. Really curious and willing now to take action on these strategies. Could have used some pictures of manually written and or excel budget sheet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike o
This book reads like a conversation with an old friend about money. The advice is sound and easy to understand. It can reach people who are in bad trouble as well as people who want to do just a bit better with the little money they have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy green
This is really good! Sane, do-able advice about money for people without any to spare, and it actually has clarified my thinking about my finances and where to go from here. It actually gives detailed instructions on what to do. I'm so grateful for the info. My thinking has been unclear and therefore my actions have been also. I now understand what to do, and more importantly, why I want to do it. Thanks Erik.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l j mcdonald
Great book with thoughtful application to the "why" underneath what we pursue. Certainly the vast majority of public and private companies are comprised of good people and America is built on the idea we are blessed and therefore can be a blessing - we too easily forget that and blame others for what we do not have vs. using what we have to build the concept of thankfulness into ourselves and our children. Beyond that, the idea that we are blessed with a government that was founded upon the Judeo-Christian ethic are focused upon creating rule of law to enable true opportunity - it cures the myopic vision that "capitalism" is bad... capitalism is the fundamental economic principle of enabling oneself to invest in others.

Now if we can discipline ourselves to get back on course and keep it...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Easy to read, even humorous at times, this book gives real advice to people with no money. It provides instructions along with advice but never talks down to the reader. I would recommend this to anyone who is tied of living paycheck to paycheck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
east bay j
Great, no frills, and to the point. That point being you. Changed my belief system regarding money with freshness of example regarding debt,and to whom your real obligations should be. Loved that book is written by a down to earth person, still struggling on his money journey, but willing to give and share to all of us all the gold he found! I have no doubt that he will one day also have the material wealth to match that of his and his wife's giving heart! Thank you for helping me to stop the financial free fall!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
[Review by Brooke]

This book kept me captivated the entire time. The author shares his personal story as well as presenting a sound financial plan that piggy backs on the principles of Dave Ramsey but refining them to fit the current economic situation.The section on 'The American Dream was fantastic'. EVERY CONSUMER should read this for a refresher in terms of why, how and where we spend money. He also includes a very eye-opening section about mortgages and why we should think about them in a completely different way. (I won't spoil it.) Don't be put off by the title, people of all income levels can benefit from these principles.

Totally worth a read! As with any book there were a few details I personally didn't agree with but over all I was thoroughly entertained (impressive when it comes to a subject as tedious as personal finance) as well as informed. And as someone who has picked over Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University with a fine tooth comb, I can say with confidence that I still learned a lot by reading this! There are new concepts and tools to equip you.

Read this TODAY!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I like the book because it was very practical and had strategies you could implement right away. More importantly it addresses the biggest problem with those who are struggling with their budget and that's mindset. Change what you value, and change how you spend. Simple and elegant at the same time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yves hanoulle
When I downloaded this book, I was expecting yet another guide on how to clip coupons and turn down the heat to save money. I was really surprised at what I got. The plan Erik presents is easy to follow. It's just a matter of discipline.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book and read in one day including developing the plan for my expenses based on my values. The beginning covers a broad social overview and business marketing strategies that have formed the basis for our financial choices and decisions without being aware we are not consciously making them. I recognized some of my financial mistakes and welcomed the fact that I'm not alone. The very best was the tactics to revamp and encourage me to move even further in the baby steps I had made in my monthly budgeting of my available income. Great book. Easy to read, practical and possible. Thanks Erik.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like that this book gave a realistic comparison of what it means to try to live within our means. Not because your earning thousands per month doesn't necessarily means that your rich. If all the money is spent on a lavish lifestyle and then trying to maintain that lifestyle then by the end of the book your broke just like everyone else. The whole essence of this book to me is to figure out how to manage your money by living within your means and having a balance life in the process.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
saul blonval
This book contains a lot of what seems like common sense info on how to manage your money, but the author breaks it down in ways that seem both feasible and doable. I have not implemented the strategies yet as I just finished the book, but I'm certainly going to give them a try because I feel like they could really help.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Finally, a normal person who can offer realistic advice for us normal people! This book is written in a laid back conversational style, but it is full of meat to help those of us struggling to stop struggling but aren't seeking vast wealth. He states clearly why we should get out of debt and how to go about it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neha pal
Really addresses a glaring need. So many financial planning books start with saving $5,000 a year for your 401k. But if you're wondering how you could even save $1000 for an emergency fund, then this is the book for you! It starts where most people actually live:How to survive the pacheck-to-paycheck life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I could do without the beginning chapters, they are more or less about mindset. I was looking for a road map, something beyond the normal get out of debt and set up a 3 month emergency fund, to help me manage my irregular income. I wanted a doable action plan to help get me to get out of debt and save the emergency fund. This book was just what I was looking for. It is practical and once you get to the nuts and bolts of the plan, the information very useful.
I love the monthly budget idea and I will begin immediately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I honestly didn't think I needed any more financial advice until I read this book. Even if you don't end up following all the advice he gives, there are still plenty of valuable nuggets to pick up on, it's not a "one-size fits all" by any means. This is a practical, witty, and honest book that you will read fairly quickly. Mostly because the personal transparency of the author makes it feel like you're just sitting down with a friend while he shares his experiences as a financial advisor and the lessons he's learned himself from the school of hard knocks. The author gives some "can't miss" budgeting advice that won't have you eating beans and rice every night...unless of course you want to :-)

Best $3 you'll spend all day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martin rouillard
This is a very honest book, its practices are applicable to every one. There is no magic bullet to financial stability, and this book lays out strategies for reaching your financial goals. It is a bit lengthy but I know I have already changed the course of my financial future simply by understanding how I got where I am. This book can help show you the way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is down to earth... Erik, the author, is sincere and has gone through and is going through what the average American is experiencing. Its takes heart and courage to take control of our finances... Erik gives the tools...its up to us as readers to stop the crazy cycle... and take hold of our financial stability... thanks Erik.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally a personal finance book that engages a person's heart and head... and imagination. His holistic approach to the subject is more engaging that other offerings in the genre. The analogies he employs help set up a framework to understand the struggle and the reward of attaining financial integrity. A quick read, it is initially convicting and empowering, but also invites a return to it's pages for it's more practical advice. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom mathes
This was an easy to read guide filled with practical strategies and funny witticisms. I found the military analogy a little hard to decipher sometimes and would have preferred a more straightforward approach. Some of the goals were not directly relevant to Australia where I live, (retirement funding, health care etc) but all in all would recommend this if like me you want to make decisions based on financial stability and to have some of your financial concepts challenged.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is amazing! It puts everything into perspective as far as money and finances. As said in the book, it's everything you have heard before but laid out there in a way that puts things into focus. It's a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Financial decision aka budgeting is all about us finding the truth of our own values. You are fully accountable in "telling" where your money should go, and not the other way around, and this is what Zero Based Budgeting is all about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book puts it in perspective. Everyone should read this book whether you have money or not. Having gone from a six figure income to a very low five figure income I wish I would have read this book before the change of income. Great read for young people new to budgeting and being prepared or the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed reading this. Erik's writing is entertaining as well as informative. This is not just a book to teach you how to balance your budget, but rather one that helps refocus financial priorities. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fresh perspective on their financial situation, whatever it may be.
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