The Ten Keys to Changing Your Financial Destiny - More than Enough

ByDave Ramsey

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
peter john
OK..for 20 years ago... does not deal with todays "Entitlement Mentality"...makes the assuimption of COMMON SENSE which todays youth do not have! If there parents lacked it...where do tghey get it? Our ultra liberal colleges? Not yet!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
asmaa fathy
This book has some wonderful advise. There is information for the single/widowed parent, divorcee, and married. The bulk of the information really is geared towards married people or people who are engaged. I was not looking for this approach because I not married or soon to be. HE urges couples on the verge of divorce to settles their finances which in turn will save the marriage. Good advice is to avoid credit use. But I do not like that he does not want any use of credit. He expresses that you can get a mortgage even after bankruptcy with out any line of credit open. I am not a financial guru but I am reading to learn more on fiance and my basic knowledge tells me that you will probably have a higher interest rate if you have no use of credit and try to get a mortgage. How a person handles credit is how creditors decide to lend. I also do not like the fact that he suggest not marrying a person who suggest a prenup. I do not agree with that but will not go into it. He is christian man and believes that people should trust their spouse and live an honest life.

He also does what feels like advertising of his other products in his books. But to be fear he does mention the bible and other writers works.

My recommendation
Take the good with the bad as you should always do when reading. I read the money answer book which was more what I was looking for and also put some of the same points from "The total make over" in "the money answer book in a concise way. It was a quick read with information I was looking for and questions being answered that I have always wondered. For instance, "What about consumer counseling?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you have been through Dave's Financial Peace University, you are already familiar with a lot of what this book covers. I read this book in just about two weeks of about an hour a night. My husband jokes about my cult following of this man and what he has to say about money, but in reality, he just makes it easy to understand.

I spent the first few chapters focusing hard on reading every single word hoping for new insight on items already covered in the Financial Peace classes, but ended up skipping paragraphs until I came to a new point. There's a lot of the same information covered. But there are also a lot of new items.

I loved the bit that Sharon Ramsey wrote in the end of each chapter. My FPU classes didn't have her speaking on the videos so it was great to see her point of view on topics. Also, there is an outline type summary at the end of each chapter. Once I started skimming paragraphs, this made it easy to make sure I hit all of the topics and once or twice I did go back to cover things better.

As with all of Dave Ramsey's products, he has all of his budgeting forms in the back of this book. It's wonderful to have those tools and a few words of encouragement from someone who's been there.
Financial Peace Revisited :: A Simple 7-Step Guide For Getting Your Financial $hit Together :: Un plan efectivo para alcanzar bienestar económico (Spanish Edition) :: A Remarkable Account Of Miracles - And Life Beyond This World :: A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Your Family's Financial Health
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
clacy albert
"What goes around comes around" best describes Dave Ramsey's view of life and his approach to personal finance. Cheating on your taxes, lying to your spouse and gossiping about your co-workers will block you from achieving real happiness, even if you get rich. Though some readers may be more comfy with Ramsey's Christian leanings and scriptural references than others, it's hard to fault his folksy advice, his formula for success or his financial worksheets. While explaining sound fiscal planning, he also emphasizes the importance of living by an ethical code. He teaches that compromising your integrity sabotages your prosperity. Ramsey believes riches come to moral people who give to others - especially if they also control their budgets and pursue written financial goals. The one misleading element in the book is his subtitle. Ramsey does not identify "10 keys to changing your financial destiny." In fact, he lists 32 ethical, practical "keys" to the "more-than-enough mansion." getAbstract recommends his fatherly financial advice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dave is preaching some good lessons about life in this book. Values, vision, intensity, patience, wisdomonics (his word).... but the key to me is contentment. Learn to be happy that you are loved by God, and stop looking at spending money on stuff to make you happy. See yourself as a participant in God's world doing His will, and stop focusing on yourself. I know this is easier said than done, and especially if you have a family to support (you always want to give them the best stuff). This isn't your typical financial planning book, or even your typical how to get out of debt book, but it is filled with good thoughts about life in general, and if you live them, Dave promises other problems (e.g., money) will fade away, or at least get under control. I give this a big thumbs up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hallie randel
This book should help just about everybody. Dave's open and honest text helps the reader look deep inside himself to look not only for finanial peace but peace in knowing that the reader can sleep at night with all the other parts of his life no matter who he or she is or how finacially secure he or she might beRamsey has worked hard at his own success and makes no bones about sharing a life that is more about integrity and doing the right thing than the typical finacial strategy books on the market.His tips are solid as a rock and should not be ignored. Especially in todays enviroment where words like integrity, honesty and courage seem to be set aside for excuses and lies. The book takes Dave's first book and drives home the behavioral changes that need to take place to be successful in all aspects of life. Great Job Dave and thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
More than enough will give you the keys to assisst you to become one with your spouse. Not in a way that one spouse concedes or bullies one another other, but in a way that helps a couple communicate and agree upon what is important to them. On his talk show, Dave says that if he is given a couple's checkbook and day planner, he can tell you where your heart is. He opens your eyes to where your heart is, not where you think it is. As I have read Financial Peace more then once and now More Than Enough, I think my heart is in a better place and that my husband and I, as a couple, are steering a course in the same direction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashleigh smith
I purchased this book to have a small group study at my church. This book has stimulated and overwhelming response. The women come from various backgrounds and this book touches them all. It is very easy reading and very basic. It gives you hope and encouragement when you may feel there is no way out. Women that have never lived on a budget are now tracking all of their spending. Next year we are going to study another book by Dave Ramsey. He is an excellent instructor that gives you the basic principles, and keeps much laughter til the end. I recommend this for anyone that aspires to want "MORE THAN ENOUGH".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanne brogan
Dave's teaching is practical and common sense. If you follow his plan you will have peace and prosparity. His simple teaching may be scoffed at because it seems common sense, however most people don't follow this and they suffer. I hope you'll read it for your benefit. If you want to have more than enough in your financies and in your life, then read this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
You say this book gives us the "keys", instead, it's a cheerleading speech not a playbook to winning the game. I have Total Money Makeover and Financial Peace University. If you want the real keys from Dave, buy Financial Peace University and save the $10-15 you would've spent on this. If you want a hybrid (direct but pep-talk like) and like stories more, get Total Money Makeover. But for those "keys", it's not in this book; that says "More Than Enough" throughout the text like a mentally handicap person who repeats his name every 3 seconds. Dave, this book insults your intelligence, you should've left this off the bookstore so that we'd have "More Than Enough" space for real books that have content.

I actually like Dave's writings. He is very candid but this book is more of a pep-talk than really giving someone the "keys" to changing their destiny.

Everything is life starts with the heart and the attitude of a person. If you are looking for skills, you won't find them here, except at the end of the book. Just go to the book store and skim to the Appendix and copy the forms or Dave's website and get them there. He provides them for free.

The only thing I found beneficial in the book was Dave found very insightful quotes from secular philosophers to the Christian bible verses. But those pale in comparison to the advertised tag-line of this book. The "keys" are: Vision, patience, gratuity, etc? Come on. We aren't 5 year olds Dave.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although I liked Financial Peace and The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey more than I did this book, it is still a good one. Dave really knows how to help you get your finances in line and he can really give you a wake up call of what can happen if you ignore your financial situation.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I picked up the audiobook version of this after hearing so many people say great things about Dave Ramsey. I figured that I already had a good plan for paying down my student debt quickly so I should start looking at what to do after that. It sounded like this book would be a good way to get some information on wealth building, but I was wrong. This book doesn't really have any financial advice in it, and is mostly full of random anecdotes and spiritual advice. It was probably not the best book of his to start with, but I still find the title and subtitle to be very misleading.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Remember all those nifty 90's business and investing books? Remember all those catch phrases and acronyms? BHAGs and MBWA, MBOs and Synergies, First Things First, Win-Win,... yes, you remember them all. So do I.

This book is a part of that phenomenon, with the catch phrase "MORE THAN ENOUGH" written in Dollar-Fonts and bolded every time it is used... EVERY time it is used. Lots of bolded words and repetitive helpful hints. By the time you've finished reading this book, you will have had MORE THAN ENOUGH of Dave Ramsey's catch phrase.

This book serves as a massive defense of Dave Ramsey's small group approach to financial fitness -- the small group system generates far more money for Dave Ramsey, Inc. than could be made by counseling each couple as individuals. That is an understandable business approach, but the way Ramsey reasserts his defense of this system over and over again in this book, it makes it seem... a little questionable. Methinks the guru doth protest too much...

There is a good module in this book of the idea of giving a commission for children, rather than an allowance. He spells out how this system should work and why it makes sense. The rest of this book is anecdotes and that famous Dave Ramsey charm.

I would recommend you choose a more recent (less dated) Dave Ramsey publication, such as "The Total Money Makeover" The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness or Financial Peace Revisited. Financial Peace Revisited
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