A Remarkable Account Of Miracles - And Life Beyond This World

ByKevin Malarkey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My relationship with God and his son Jesus has been a struggle for me... I fight for it ever day. I saw the devil take my sister Cindy through her suicide 33 years ago. Cindy was only 15 and I was 9, I left her to die, not knowing she was hurt and needing me. Her death tore my family apart and my mother chose to fill this void with her faith and only her faith. Thank you for letting me realize all the times I saw Cindy followimg me, visiting me and just being with me... she was truly there holding me up through the hard times and the good times and she is still my angel. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Do you believe in angels and demons? Do you believe in spiritual warfare? Do you believe in miracles and the power of prayer? Do you believe in the accounts of those who have had near-death experiences and say they have seen heaven? If you do, then you should read "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven" by Kevin and Alex Malarkey. If you don't, then you should read "The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven" by Kevin and Alex Malarkey.

In 2004, Kevin and his six year-old son Alex were in a car accident that left Alex internally decapitated, a wound that all his doctors believed he would not survive. But he did, and spent the next two months in a coma. Alex was left paralyzed from the neck down, but this physical disability was offset by new spiritual abilities. As his father asks, speaking of his own struggling faith, which of them have the greatest disability?

For me, this story illustrates one of the greatest illusions we have about life. If a miserable man wins the lottery, a year later he will still be a miserable man. If a happy man becomes paralyzed, a year later he will still be happy. Heaven is not in some distant place in the future. It is within us, right now, if we just know how to look for it.

The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven is an at times poignant, but ultimately heart-warming true story of coincidence after coincidence and miracle after miracle. It lets us know that no matter what happens in life, that with the right attitude and an abundance of faith, everything is going to be just fine.

David Allan Reeves
Author of "Running Away From Me"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great book, really brings alot of things into perspective. I would recommend this book to anyone who is in search of learning all of the wonderful miracles our Father in Heaven performs on a daily basis.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
micky michelle
I found this book to be very interesting and loaned it to alot of friends and family members who felt the same way after reading it! Once I began reading it I did not want to stop! I'm sure anyone who hasn' read it would love it if they began reading it also.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg jones
I cannot say enough good things about this book! Even if you are on the fence about life after death, you should still give this book a try. There is so much more to it than the near death experience aspect. Just the love this family has for one another and their unwavering faith in God, is enough to restore your faith in the human race! My only regret is that I didn't find this book before my mother passed away, as I am sure she would have loved it as well. BUT maybe it is a good thing that I found it after, because it lifted my spirits and made me more hopeful that she is now in a better place!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven was enlightening for me as I lost my wife back in July so it added comfort for me along with my Bible reading knowing that my Nancy was in the arms of our Lord and not subject to any more suffering. I have read several books regarding Heavenly experiences by others and this book ranks highly with them! I am quite pleased with all of my book purchases from the store.com!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth lovius
This is a book of gratitude. It outlines the journey of a family through adversities of life. We get a glimpse of the unknown. Fear of the unknown, of life after physical death of the body is an area that grips all of us to a greater or lesser degree. The boy who came back from heaven tells his story of what is after life, that death is only a transformation and not the end at all. I also love the many blessings that God, in whatever name one might love to call Him/Her, showers on us all the time and the limitless love that is possible for the nature of God. This book also reminds us all of how many beautiful beings surround us in our lives who are kindness and generosity personified. It reconfirms how we are the sum total of all our experiences and that our lives are also so beautiful because of the many acts of kindness of others shown to us throughout our lives.The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life beyond This World
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arun sankaran
This book was an inspiraton to me and cemented my belief in the Hereafter. If you've ever doubted the existance of God and the presence of Jesus in our world, this little boy's story will change your mind and convince you that heaven is real and God does exist. Thank you for sharing your son's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judith ivester
A beautiful story of a young boys courage in extreme circumstances where most would give up, Alex had hope, hope and knowledge given to him by Jesus Himself! I love hearing God coming I person a showing us underserving humans His truths and love, and this one did not disappoint. Hearing the experience that Alex had in going to Heaven was amazing and had my spirit singing His praises! then hearing all the trauma he then went through on the way to heath, gave me hope and courage, as I too have health problems but nothing compared to what Alex has. Alex is an amazing child, which God is using in amazing ways and will continue to use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah armstrong
This Families story is truly amazing. It was by far more touching then I could have ever imagined. Kevin writes the book so well I feel like I was there with them every step of the way sharing the heartaches and joys the accident caused Alex and his family. I Know there is a mighty powerful God watching over us and this book made me feel closer to him then I ever have. A must read book whether you are a believer or not. God bless this family and keep them in your arms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a very straight-forward book about a family who went through major trauma, loss, and desperation, but also experience many miracles and overwhelming blessing. The generosity and fervent prayer of God's people is truly effective, and through this story we catch a greater glimpse of God's unending, unfathomable love, even through some of the most difficult, unrelenting trials. Praise the Lord for His awesome wonders! Thank you, Malarkey family, for sharing your story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sure makes one glad to know that there is something after death. This family lives not to far from where I live and it makes this story mean so much more.

There is also a great lesson here, that many of us adults could learn from Alex. He is one great teacher.

It also brings hope to those who think all is lost, that Miracles do happen. I for one know that they do. We have had a Miracle in our family over 40 years ago.

What a great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt longman
I found this to be a very believable and credible account of a fascinating young boys time in heaven. It is a fantastic read, encouraging and touching story of a families struggles through a very traumatic accident.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
will harris
After reading Heaven Is For Real and absolutely loving it,a friend suggested The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven. From the very beginning, it left me with a very uneasy feeling. Sure I wanted more from Alex, more about Heaven, etc., but what I DID NOT WANT was a father making it all about himself and his guilt. I totally believe in God's grace, mercy and miracles without doubt,and I praise God for what he did for ALEX, but Kevin (the father) seemed to concentrate more on the family's roof, water heater, van, high priced equipment and elite surgeries ... material ... more to me in a sense of bragging (though he does throw shout outs to God and Alex's Army). I believe in Alex, I believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I believe in angels and demons ... but I believe more so that this book was BY Kevin Malarkey, FOR Kevin Malarkey ... to capitalize on his 'traumatic ordeal.' He should take a lesson from his son ... Alex was the victim, Alex is the miracle and we heard more whining from Kevin himself!

Disheartened :(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Totally eye-opening. I shared the family's pain and saw the strength of their faith. It also gives a glimpse of heaven form Alex's point of view and gives hope to the rest of us. Very well written. Highly recommended to all interested in learning that heaven is actually all around us if only we could perceive it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Difficult to read because of what happened to Alex. I can't imagine having a child in that terrible situation. I read the book to follow Alex's progress from no response to coming back to his family. He us a courageous you man. He was as insightful as he could be about Heaven. After all he was only 6 years old. I couldn't put the book down and was sad when it ended because I wanted to see Alex have a full recovery and I believe he will. I hope in the future to see him on the world stage bringing people to Christ. He is definitely needed in these evil times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although this was a wonderful book about an amazing little boy and his family, I found myself wanting to hear more about heaven and less about the family. I have read other such books, and this one wasn't what I thought it would be. don't get me wrong, it was an incredible story, and believable at that. Just wish the little boy's perspective would have been much longer. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa ann
I have read this beautiful story three times. Having held my Mom's hand as she took her last breath and then three short years later, held my Dad's hand as he began his eternal life, I found such peace for my grieving heart in reading about Alex's Heavenly experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
regina perez
A very strong witness. The author describes richly the challenges and emotional upheaval a parent experiences when their child becomes ill and/or faces death. Also described clearly is the handiwork of God - how the right people are put in the right place at the right time to meet the needs of God's people! Clearly just not coincidental!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this story and the gifted references to scripture. I ended up buying another for my friend who is currently batteling cancer. She really enjoyed it too. Thank you for sharing this story because it's a great story to share!
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