Divine Intervention and Supernatural Occurrences - And Other True Stories of Miracles

ByFaye Aldridge

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa falzoi
This book is amazing. It is filled with true life stories of experiences of loved ones and heaven. I worked in the funeral business for 5 years and was privileged to have families share similar stories. Another excellent book on the same line is 90 Minutes In Heaven. I would recommend this book. It is very healing to anyone that has lost a loved one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I truly enjoyed reading this book!!! It touched my heart and made Zoe. Wish for contact with my son!!! I've had a couple of things happen that I believe God was allowing us to know that he is at home with Him and celebrating!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was inspiring. For those who have lost loved ones, it gives the confidence that they are in a great place. God is with us and hears our prayers. Family and friends.that have crossed over are with us always.
What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics - The Theoretical Minimum :: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy :: Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum :: George's Secret Key to the Universe :: A Remarkable Account Of Miracles - And Life Beyond This World
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was drawn to this book and spontaneously bought it one day, while looking for a child's book for a birthday gift. It was an easy read, broken up into short chapters and each chapter was a different story of the author's own personal experiences and similar stories from others. Once I started reading it, I could not stop until I finished it. I was amazed by each story because I could personally relate to each one with my own experiences. It made me realize that I am not crazy for having experiences with my deceased loved ones, that my experiences were real. It truly made me appreciate the gift of those experiences and the power of God!

I have had some tragedies in my life and I have struggled with depression for several years along with a questionable relationship and belief in God. I just became lost. I was unsure of my purpose, why I was still here, why bad things happen to good people, and what I had to believe in. I have come a long way in accepting my experiences, but there was still something missing. I really believe that reading this book opened my eyes to what was missing; a real understanding of our lives here on earth and of the belief and relationship with God that I want to have.

Reading this book really opened my eyes to God and His blessings of letting our loved ones interact with us after death and to my purpose of life here on earth. Once I finished reading the book around 4 am, I stepped outside to get some fresh air. For the first time in nearly five years I felt the weight of those suicidal feelings suddenly lift off my shoulders. I stood outside and looked up at the sky. I felt a strong feeling of release and calm, as if something was literally being lifted out of my body, and I suddenly felt overwhelmingly happy! I really believe that my depression and suicidal feeling were lifted out of my body and are gone for good. Something in Faye Aldridge's words was the last piece to my puzzle of true happiness, in finding a real relationship with God and understanding the gifts of life and death.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leif segen
Faye's experiences are an encouragement for Christians and those seeking truth about what happens during and after death. Only the heard hearted will not be drawn to a closer walk with God after reading this book.
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andrew bishop
I was really confused about this book. I thought it was going to have people who had near death experiences. Instead, I think the lady who wrote the book was talking about her and her husband. Also friends they knew. It was really unclear and the stories weren't near death experiences. I didn't finish the book because it was not written very well.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jason funk
I dont like the book much because the Author talks about herself constantly. I mean, how many stories can one person have about supernatural encounters of the afterlife?? So anytime I came to a chapter and it started with I, we, us, etc etc. I would skip to the next story about someone fresh. It was an ok read. But it took me awhile to get through it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon stephen stansel
This book shares amazing stories not just from the author, but from people who have experienced miracles from God. I was shopping in the Book Store and this booked jumped out at me. I wasn't even looking for this book, I was looking for something else but my eyes were drawn to it. I read the back of the book and decided this was something I couldn't pass up as I am always wondering what messages could we all be receiving but not realizing that we are getting them. I couldn't wait to get home and start reading it immediately. I read for hours as I could not put it down and couldn't wait to read the next story. I hope that this author is writing another book because this one left me wanting to read more. Thank you for sharing such inspirational stories with all of us!! This is a true gift that the author has been given and God is working thru her to allow us to witness. I have also shared this book with many friends and loved ones, some had actually already heard about it or read it and they all have loved it as much as I have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Even though this wasnt as inspiring as "Dying To Be Me" or "The Buddha Next Door" I enjoyed reading 95% stories. Most take place in TN so there's not a whole lot of variety. Aldridge rewrote submissions ... would have been more interesting to hear original author's voice. Plain cover doesnt do book justice
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott monty
Faye Aldridge's collection of stories all point to a loving God and are testimonies that He cares about even the smallest detail in our lives. The stories start with the first chapter detailing her husband visiting two different doctors after his death. It is an amazing story that shows God's mercy to comfort a family after a loss.

Without detail as to how the different people contacted her she reports story after story in fifty-five short chapters detailing God's supernatural healing, visions, encounters with angels, and faith's ability to overcome fear. Chapter 29 speaks of Dylan's visit with God before his birth and then describes God's miraculous healing touch after his birth. Even five-year old Dylan knows that Jesus died and came back alive, because God told him so.

Each story demonstrates how God is a loving Father and they show that He communicates with us today in so many different ways. This was a good book to me as it is one that will draw you closer to Jesus. These stories tell of His love, mercy and grace. This might just be the book for a non-Christian friend that is curious about the supernatural. They all show God's love and how often Faith defies logic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah farley
What a lovely way to spend an afternoon - reading this book about numerous near-death and death experiences from a Christian perspective. I'm especially attracted to these books because I nearly died as a young child and this confirms for me (as it will for some of you) that my out of body experience was a valid one.

The author painstakingly shows how people, who don't know each other, are invited by God to view similar heavenly landscapes, angels and departed loved ones. Warning: you might need tissues!

What's most amazing is that there's a common thread (vine) that weaves its way throughout each inspiring story. That thread is that Yeshua Jesus has prepared a wonderful place for us all - but will we choose to go there and join Him?

As for the oncoming train part? There's a way at the end of the book to get off of those eternal deadly tracks. I also recommend reading 23 Minutes in Hell - as a companion book, if you'd like to check out the alternative destination.

Believe you, me - both destinations are only too real! But, Heaven is truly real and you don't want to miss it! It's not about your religion folks! It's about your relationship with Yeshua Jesus!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this E-Book free from the publisher through Destiny Image Book Review Program. [...] Book Review Program. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <[...]> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca mccollum
I was greatly encouraged by reading the stories documented in this book. It helped to confirm my own faith encounters regarding life after death or near death experiences, and I know not to discredit them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pete reilly
Has death separated you from family and friends that you have loved? Do you ever wonder if you will see them again? Do you find yourself looking toward the heavens asking, "Are you really up there in heaven? Is heaven really real? Are you happy? Are you sad and aware of the separation like I am? Do you want to come back to Earth?" If you want to know some of the answers to these questions, then you Must Read this Book!
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