The Summer Garden (A Chesapeake Shores Novel)

BySherryl Woods

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess kloner
Sherryl is one the great writers of romance. I like the continue saga of the O'Brien family. I like reading about all the familiar people from previous books. She draws into all their faults and loves as they struggle with life descisions. She is an awesome writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
theo grip
I have read the entire series and have enjoyed them all. Love Sherryl Woods books. I think seeing each of these characters from their own perspective gives depth of the entire story line. I really recommend reading this series in order however.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa robinson
I always enjoy reading book by Sherryl Woods. Chesapeake Shores is a favorite! The O'Brien family is always funny, loving, and nosey. I always feel I am a part of their family. They are good at choosing a possible husband or wife for a unusally unsuspecting family member and go about the match making in a clever, loving and funny way. Sherry Woods draws the reader into the family situations to the point at you feel a definite part of the O'Briens. This is a very relaxing book to read, but a "can't put it down until it's finished book."
I believe this was the first book I purchased from the store.Com and I loved it.
Moonlight Cove (A Chesapeake Shores Novel) :: Chesapeake: A Novel :: Willow Brook Road (A Chesapeake Shores Novel) :: Beach Lane (A Chesapeake Shores Novel) :: A Small-Town Christmas Romance (A Chesapeake Shores Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ahh, Chesapeake Shores always welcomes me back home with open arms. These books are always so comforting even when there are issues going on with the characters it still has this relaxing effect to it. Maybe it's because I have faith that the characters will work out whatever it is they have going on in their relationship.

Moria was a good addition to the O'Brien family. She was feisty and spirited like a true O'Brien. I liked Luke a lot too. He was young but didn't let that stop him from going after his dream of opening a traditional Irish pub in Chesapeake Shores. After a while, that little town won't have any more room for all of the O'Brien owned shops. I liked all of Gram's parts too but I was a little worried about Gram at first. She was showing her age and that worried me but it was brought to light and was fine.

I'm so far into this series that I can't stop now but I do wonder how many more characters the author is going to be bringing to the shores? It's getting crowded and kind of hard to remember some of the characters that aren't mentioned as much. Also, I'm kind of missing some of the other characters that I already love so much like Will and Jake. I guess I would rather have a book about the characters that exist instead of just bringing in newbies.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
atta verin
I got several cavities reading this book. Saccharine without any believable conflict. As soon as you think there is some conflict, in the next paragraph it is Moira who gives in and somehow realizes it's all her fault. One minute this woman wants to be a professional photographer, the next she's ready to be a barmaid and "stand by her man." This is one of those "Bareback Mountain" wish you could quit it. All the O'Brien's, even the in-laws, are not only really successful, but incredibly happy in their marriages and having babies to propagate the O'Brien legacy of more O'Briens. There was no doubt Luke's new pub would be a success if only because every O'Brien said it would be and because no O'Brien can really least not for long. It reminds me of a 60's sitcom where, "Father knows best." Only this one could be, "Gram knows best." No, I won't be reading any of the other books...I like characters that have real flaws (granted Moira is one big flaw) and where the conflict keeps you hooked. I got so tired of Moira starting a fight and then ending it when she suddenly realizes that she's at fault. That's not conflict, that's filler until the next fight. The only consolation I have is that I listened to this book while in traffic, meaning I didn't actually waste any free time on it. Why did I give it two stars? Because I'm embarrassed to say I had to finish it...more to put myself out of my misery than anything else.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In An O'Brien Family Christmas, the entire extended O'Brien family takes a vacation to Ireland where Matthew's younger brother Luke meets and falls for Moira O'Malley, the granddaughter of matriarch Nell's youthful love, Dillon O'Malley, who Nell finds when she visits.

Now, Dillon invites Moira along to Chesapeake Shores as he journeys to catch up on lost years with Nell and he knows Moira is pining for Luke.

Luke is delighted to see Moira again, but he's also facing a dilemma: as much as he likes her, he's not ready to commit to more than a fling. Moira, however, would like to change his mind. As Luke involves himself in attaining his goal, that of opening a successful Irish pub in Chesapeake Shores, he finds Moira an invaluable assistant who has the expertise to steer him on a path to success. But Moira wants more. Oh, the hot sex with Luke is great, but she wants a path for herself. At first it's the opportunity to have her photography showcased, later she's not so sure that will be enough. Convincing Luke to toss his organizational lists away and take a chance on love seems to be the riskiest challenge of all.

Meanwhile, Nell and Dillon realize that second chances are opportunities to be taken, and Nell's over-protective family need to learn a few lessons as well.

I loved the interaction between characters in this boisterous family. Good, solid plotting, a great setting and lovable characters are a hallmark of Ms. Woods' novels. I'm sorry to see the final installment in the Chesapeake Shores series come to its conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm always in the mood for light contemporary reads, so when The Summer Garden by Sherryl Woods landed on my radar I knew it would be the perfect book for me. Luckily, it was just that, as not only did it provide a fun and cute read, but it also contained characters I adored and writing that fully brought the book to life.

The Summer Garden is the last in the Chesapeake Shores series, but since every book features a new character with previous ones in the background, it was easy to dive right into Luke and Moira's story. Luke and Moira were characters I liked from the start. Luke's drive to have his Irish pub succeed showed how resilient and strong of a guy he was, and what I also liked about him was how flawed over the Moira situation. He really liked her, but there was always this voice going in the back of his mind saying "is she worth it?", and that made him realistic in my opinion. Moira, on the other hand, was extremely strong willed and hard hearted. She was a girl who has been hurt in the past, and wouldn't let that ever happen again, no matter how much she wanted to take the leap. I loved seeing Moira begin to find herself in the United States as well as divulge into her photography business and even help Luke start up the Irish pub. Another fabulous addition to The Summer Garden, was the little love story between Moira's grandfather and Luke's grandmother. It was so much fun seeing from their POVS, and I loved watching them get a chance at true love.

The plot in this wasn't especially suspenseful or hard hitting, but I still enjoyed it regardless. I loved seeing the town and its people come to life within the pages of the book, and I also adored seeing Luke and Moira's relationship begin, as it was sweet as well as complicated. Another fabulous addition to the plot was the wide variety of side characters much of which included Luke's extended family. Each and everyone was thoroughly developed as well as likable, and from reading this one, I can't wait to rewind and see how each of their stories began!

In all, The Summer Garden by Sherryl Woods is the perfect read for readers who love a good little romantic story. Best of all, it's the perfect start or exit to the Chesapeake Shores series, so whether or not you're a new reader or a longtime one, you're sure to love it.

Grade: B+
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have read Woods' books off and on over the years and it is always nice to pop back in and see what is happening. If you have read any of the Chesapeake Shores series, then this will be a nice revisit and if this is your first book, you won't want to leave. The story continues a bit of Dillon and Nell relationship, but the true stars are Moira and Luke. Moira, Moira, Moira, what can I say? This girl has a lot of gumption, but she seems to lack when it comes to trusting her own feelings. When Nell invites her for a visit from her native Ireland, I was cheering, thinking, you go girl! Go get Luke since you two really belong together but both of them dance around that fact.
Sad to say, that this is the last book in the series, but the O'Brien family will still exist in print so you can revisit them as I am going to. I really enjoyed the give and take between the characters and even the bit of meddling which occurs in any family. I just hope that Moira can trust herself enough to get through her abandonment issues (her father left when she was young), and that Luke helps her with a little bit of a self esteem boost. Luke does grow up and overcome his playboy past. Since they are both fairly young, I could imagine this as a first true relationship and I just hope that the author might continue this couple somehow.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have read many of Sherryl Woods’ books and enjoy the (Chesapeake Shores series). The O’Brien’s are a close knit family and always nosing into the siblings business. The Summer Garden is about Luke O’Brien and the woman he met while he was in Ireland (Moira).

Luke returns from Ireland and decides to open an Irish Pub (and most of the family members are not thrilled with his idea). They all want him to be responsible and settle down.

In the meantime, Moira and comes with her grandfather to visit the O’Brien’s. She wants to explore a relationship with Luke and see if she can make it happen.

There is also a sweet story as Luke’s Grandmother and Moira’s Grandfather are pursuing their own dreams and come together no matter the obstacles over the years.

This series can be a standalone; however, once you begin reading the series, you will want to read them all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brytanni burtner
Luke O'Brien met "Maddening Moira" O'Malley when both were in Dublin a few months ago. He was and remains attracted to her though he expects nothing will happen between them. Instead he diligently focuses on opening up a pub in Chesapeake Shores, Maryland while his dalliance with Kristen Lewis fails to delete Maddening Moira from his mind.

Moira wonders if Luke the playboy will be like her father who abandoned her and the family when she was a child or a dedicated loving mate. She fears risking her heart while he tries to concentrate on the pub. His family does what the O'Brien clan always does; interfere as they want Luke and Moira together.

The latest Chesapeake Shores contemporary romance (see Beach Lane and Moonlight Cove) is a lighthearted romp starring an interesting pair as he is married to his pub and she is frozen with her phobia of men leaving. Although the storyline contains no surprises as the plot is very straightforward, fans will enjoy the return to Maryland for a visit with the O'Brien boisterous brood.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Received for Review
Overall Rating: 4.25
Story Rating: 4.25
Character Rating: 4.25

First Thought when I Finished: People who have read this series are going to love this book. For those of us just jumping on the band wagon, it was pretty darn good too!

It is a little strange reading the last book in the series first. That is not my normal way of doing things but after reading the synopsis, I couldn't pass this book up! I really loved the whole O'Brien family and their very meddling ways. Grandma was my favorite and I'm thrilled she had her own story weaved in with Luke and Moira's. This was such a sweet romantic read that you couldn't help but be carried away for a few hours and then have a smile on your face for the rest of the day!

Final Thought: I am going to go back and catch up with the rest of the O'Brien's! :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Good characters, although a lot of people with their own stories from previous books get confusing.

My main problem is a Moira who, apparently, has no experience in rational thought. She wants what she wants, when she wants it. When this flaw is pointed out, she accepts it, and then goes right on expecting a 5 minute answer for what will (hopefully) be a lifetime situation. While I feel that 22 and 24 (Moira's and Luke's ages) are young to be married, I would feel better if the characters ACTED more maturely to prove me wrong. I get impatient when the bulk of the book is the characters vacillating from one irrational position to another.
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