Beach Lane (A Chesapeake Shores Novel)

BySherryl Woods

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris hollenberger
Beach Lane, Moonlight Cove, and other Chesapeake Shores series books could be entertaining beach reads. But there is far too little story in each. The author stretches out what action there is to the point of boredom for the reader. The series could have told the same stories in far fewer books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsey culli
I wish Sherryl Woods would have kept going with this series forever. I have never loved a series as much as this one. I love the O'Briens and wish they were my own family. Christina Trainster is also an amazing narrator!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
muhammad saeed babar
Being an avid Sherryl Woods junkie, I was so dismayed on finally completing this novel two months later after its initial purchase, I had to write this review to warn my fellow readers. The story was long-winded, boring, and the jerky flow of characters with verbose, inane dialogue still could not rescue it from the literary graveyard. Susie's initial diagnosis was breast cancer then it miraculously became ovarian cancer... hello?! She then had aplastic anemia a true medical emergency in the oncology field, yet she is out of reverse isolation, out of hospital and back to work in a few days, ready to attend the lauching party...hello?! And Mack throughout this novel seemed to be continuously having to prove himself to Susie... the strong confident woman... Well to me, she was not strong or confident.

Do not get this book... if you must read this to continue the series, get it from the library.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I am rereading the entire series and Beach Lane has left me flat. Susie was never a character I liked in the prior stories and frankly her actions in this one were so childish in her dealings with Mack and Kristen I found myself losing interest in her story. I realize that no one is reading a romance for a cancer story but if it is going to be used as a plot device then the story needs more meat. I felt it was so glossed over I generated little sympathy for Susie and truly only related to Mack.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer lombardo
For the seventh book in a series, this one brings new issues to the family saga, requiring readers to appreciate the reactions of the familiar family members while learning about two more cHaracters and their handling of these situations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Both Susie O'Brien and Mack Franklin are ready to change the "non-dating" status they've had for years, but each is afraid of ruining a friendship that is precious. Little do they know how important their special connection to each other will become as they face enormous difficulties together. Of course, the O'Brien clan is right there supporting and `meddling' all the way.

Just when Susie gains enough courage to tell Mack there needs to be a change in attitude about "non-dating", Mack loses his high-profile sports writer job for a Baltimore newspaper. He already has a ring for her, but now he is reluctant to open up to her about his feelings. Having come from a difficult childhood, his self-esteem suffers a severe blow when he is fired. Paramount in his mind is this: "What can I offer her?"

Susie, even though shy and vulnerable, has a spine of steel determination when she believes in something, but she surprised Mack with her bossy, sassy side that intrigues him. When she finds out from her family Mack lost his job, she is devastated, thinking maybe she is not enough for him in a big crisis, after all "friendship should trump pride". They had always been able to communicate about everything, now she fears he is drawing away. When he finally comes to her, she gives him two viable ideas on how to use his abilities to good advantage and still make a living doing what he loves.

Mack's world begins to come right. She grounds him, fascinates him, makes him feel a whole person like he is someone worth loving. When her world is turned upside down, he stands firmly with her every step of the ways as she fights cancer. He vows they will have a long life together and live every day to the fullest. They store up precious moments to treasure. All the O'Briens help make dreams come true for them.

In Beach Lane, Sherryl Woods weaves another Chesapeake Shores tapestry of a tale that grips the heart, stirs the emotions, and showcases an exquisite love that buoys up Susie and Mack as they work through business and health issues. Woven into the tapestry are the many O'Briens that never flag in their support. Of course, there is a serpent in the tapestry in the form of a beautiful, bright, talented woman that wants Mack regardless of his commitment to Susie. The conflicts and hurts she causes make the reader wish for a stick to driver her away.

Beach Lane is bubbling over with life and love. Humor threads its way through the tapestry to lighten the dark days of battling cancer. Also, new found connects with various O'Brian family members make interesting subtle patterns in the background. A strong, significant thread is Grandma Nell who advises Susie and Mack to not let the past shadow the future. She is that connecting thread that all the O'Briens go to in time of trouble. Each of them feels sure Grandma Nell has a direct connection with God.

Beach Lane is another winner in the Chesapeake Shores series. Sherryl Woods' "oh-so-alive characters make this story a joy to read. It is rich and bright and memorable.

Originally posted at The Long and Short of It Romance Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mack and Susie share a solid, ever-loyal love that everyone--except for Mack and Susie themselves--seems to recognize. The onset and eventual defeat of an illness tests this exquisite bond, which exposes its rawest of vulnerabilities, yet at the same time, illuminates upon its unshakable strength. The entire town of Chesapeake Shores will stand by both their sides during the difficult period; many will question--while others will emphasize--the importance of faith and God's will. But when it comes down to things, what matters is that Mack and Susie fit perfectly--always have, always will. And that alone, they know, will get them through it all.

Beach Lane is highly emotional rather than romantic. There's lots of future-planning and emphasis on family matters... reading this book was like watching a short Hallmark movie. It's a quick, enjoyable read with lots of depth within the characters and honest, well-portrayed emotions. Overall, it's chaste and sweet--hardly a romance, and more a family novel.

There's a cast of marvelous, strong secondary characters, which indicates they were or will be fantastic foundations for their own stories in past and upcoming books in the series. Although Beach Lane is the seventh Woods novel to take place in Chesapeake Shores, it serves fine as a standalone novel; I hadn't read any of the previous installments, and still had no problem keeping up. You can tell with how involved all the characters are with each other, that they each have their own backstories and own lives and loves, which is what makes the intricacy of such interpersonal relationships--and in just one small town, at that!--all the more magical.

This was really an undemanding read, perfect for a brief contemporary escape with an east coast beach setting (guaranteeing a gorgeous view and the lingering scent of salt in the air). The story moved me, but in the end, was pretty unmemorable. There's nothing I adored and nothing I hated; it was just an effortless story I breezed over. I did, however, find it it extremely weird how the entire extended O'Brien family meddles in Susie's dating life, as well as in the lives of others. I know this book is strong on family values, but how realistic is it that an entire town--no matter how small--would stick it nose into such personal matters? Sherryl Woods overdid that aspect a little.

Pros: Effortless style--such smooth storytelling! // Deep, grounded, and balanced main characters // Fabulous and likable secondary characters // Clean, chaste romance // One of those books that makes you feel warm and well-loved

Cons: Painfully predictable // No chemistry in the romance since the Susie and Mack have feelings for each other from the beginning // Super-intimate family dynamic that I found weird // A bit too corny for my liking

Love: "It seemed [he] had the ability to rob her of common sense, reason, logic--all of those things on which she prided herself. And that made him not only the most inappropriate man she'd ever dated, but the most dangerous."

Verdict: While buoyant in tone, Beach Lane tackles a serious terminal illness that gives it a melancholy feel to it throughout; however, once Susie overcomes her fears and learns to just live her life, there is nothing but triumph. Full of hope and light, Sherryl Woods's seventh book in the Chesapeake Shores series is about believing in yourself and believing in love even in the hardest of times--perfect for all you happily-ever-after fans.

Rating: 7 out of 10 hearts (4 stars): Not perfect, but overall enjoyable.

Source: Complimentary ARC provided by Romance Novel News in exchange for an honest and unbiased review (thank you, Carolyn!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom regan
Reviewed by Valerie
Review copy provided by NetGalley

I haven't read the rest of the Chesapeake series but the blurb for this one caught my eye and I decided to give it a try. I will say that, for me, when I read romance I'm looking for escape and while this book is a fantastic story, it really was too deep for what I like to read. For anyone who has dealt with the big C word personally, this story will speak to you.

The loving family members and friends that the series is known for are definitely included in this story about Susie and Mack. Everyone's been betting for years that they will eventually get together, yet they never have. When Mack finally decides to propose to her, he loses his job. How can an unemployed man ask the woman he loves to be his wife? He can't and doesn't. So what's he supposed to do now?

Susie's viewpoint is that Mack's a player and she can just sit around and wait for him to get serious about their relationship. What she doesn't realize, however, is that time waits for no one, including her. The games that they have been playing have to stop with so much on the line, yet neither one knows how to behave any other way.

Over and over again, both of them keep things from each other and have their doubts about their relationship and future. I did find that Mack had more faith in their relationship then Susie did, but felt that her fears and insecurities were true to her medical situation and health issues. When her husband hires an old fling to help start his new business, things just get worse for Susie. Their family members and friends offer advice, assistance, and help in any way they can hoping both of them will be happy. But, ultimately, it's up to them to find their way.

I laughed some, I cried some, and while it was very deep on an emotional level, I'll read more about this family in the next book when it's released.

Quote: She shrugged. "Up to you." Being around Mack wasn't the problem. They were together all the time. Turning it into anything romance, that was the problem. Page 11
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michelle cable
I enjoyed some of the characters Ms. Woods created in this series; however, because there were so many characters, I never felt very close to any one of them. There is much interference from the O'Brien relatives that at some points it annoyed me. If my parents, brothers, sisters, had asked about my sex life or personal relationships as often as this family did, I'd go insane.

Mack and Susie are adults, but at times it felt as if they were teens being watched over by a group of well intentioned relatives and friends. I found it too claustrophobic. Reading about a family that became so intertwined in their relative's personal business that they threatened to beat up or handle the relative's significant other felt condescending and invasive.

I felt it was quite dreary with Susie's illness being a huge focus of the book. The intimate scenes were brief and fleeting. The romance was short and cut off by more serious issues. And with all the friends and family members taking up space in the book, I didn't really attach myself to the family or the romantic leads.

It just didn't work for me, I guess. We all have our own styles of writing we prefer to read and this storyline just didn't work for me.

The story felt like a roller coaster ride where you see a hill coming, hoping it might get your pulse pumping, but soon find the hill was just a bump and the bump flattens out. You get off feeling cheated...especially if you got on thinking it was going to be a grown-up roller coaster ride with peaks and valleys that would take your breath away. This felt flat to me and I don't intend on buying any others in the series. I live near the Chesapeake Bay and so I thought this would be an interesting read, but I much preferred Nora Roberts' Chesapeake Blue series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mari beth
Everyone including the very large meddling O'Brien Family thinks that Susie O'Brien and Mack Franklin are really "into each other" and are just playing games. Yes of course they both continually deny they are "dating" they secretly are ready to change the "non-dating" status they've had for years. Just when Mack is ready to own up to his true feelings for Susie & has a special piece of jewelry he gets the shock of his career. Stunned with the news he freezes.

Next crisis in between the O'Brien meddling family is when Susie gets some shocking medical news that will change the course of her whole thing pulls the relationship with Susie & Mack together for a surpise elopement that "stunns" everyone & at the same time creates that suspicious nature of all of the O'Brien family. Soon they have to admit to all of their decisions & why. Which of course includes all of the opinionated & meddling O'Brien Family.

One more crisis during Mack's career change & Susie's medical changes is that mack hires an old flame. He talks until he is "blue in the face" with Susie asking permission after permission to hire her because she is the best person for the job. After Susie gives her blessing to hire the flame she starts back peddling & a ka-zillion insecurities come exploding up and out! GOOD GRIEF !!! MORE INSECURITIES!! ENOUGH..

The downside to the novel is the constant nagging "insecurity" that Susie & several other female characters suffer with throughout the novel. It becomes so annoying that these highly educated & strong family supported females are plagued with so much "insecurity". It spoils the whole book. I'm so glad that I did not purchase this book. IT is a library loan. Good Luck....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Susie and Mack have been "not dating" for years. They spend all their free time together, but insist they are just friends.

Each wants something more, but they are both afraid to say anything that could destroy their friendship.

Then Mack loses his job. He's not sure of anything at the moment - including his future in Chesapeake Shores. He's pushing everyone close to him away - especially Susie.

Susie's annual doctor's appointment turns into something serious. She's keeping her information between herself and her mother until she knows more.

Can the two of them admit their secret longing for each in the midst of all life throws at them?

My Thoughts: This one hit a little too close to home for me with the illness, but it's still a great story. I loved how this book had Susie as the main character - she's a cousin to Jess, Abby, and Bree. The meddling doesn't stop just with daughters and sons. The O'Briens are known for their love, loyalty, friendship, and inability to keep secrets. I absolutely LOVE this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cerine kyrah sands
Beach Lane is my favorite Cedar Cove books! I always feel like I am returning to Cedar Cove as one of the family each time we visit. Each time we visit someone new is falling in love with someone else and we see them banter back and forth and it all ties up into a very nice bow at the end, which Sherryl Woods has crafted so well.

But this time in Beach Lane we have 2 get together only to battle life, not each other. I think it is different from all the books. Mack and Susie are my favorites! A few times I caught myself cry, the book is just so heartwarming and true to life.

Susie is fighting for her life, finding out she has ovarian cancer; while Mack is trying to figure out who he is if he isn't a sports writer. Can they work it all out and be together?

Find out all in this book, and of course Sherryl doesn't disappoint, giving us a sneak peek of who might be showing up in An O'Brien Family Christmas!

I received an ebook courtesy of the publisher on
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Chesapeake Shores, Maryland Mack Franklin and Susie O'Brien are BFFs. Although everyone laughs at their contention they are not dating, the pair do everything together as they have for the past three years. Recently, their relationship has become sweeter and hotter as their friendship blossoms into love.

Mack plans to propose to Susie, but a week before Thanksgiving, he loses his sports reporting job at a Baltimore newspaper' so he delays his asking her to marry him until he obtains new work. Susie is frustrated with Mack for not telling her he was canned, but soon has her own worries as she may have ovarian cancer at the same his former lover Kristen Lewis arrives in town

The seventh Chesapeake Shores contemporary (see Moonlight Cove and Driftwood Cottage) is a warm tale of love as the latest O'Brien struggles with her relationship with her beloved. The lead couple is a delightful pairing as Mack knows he should tell Susie he was fired but cannot bring himself to do so even knowing she will find out soon enough. Susie's health issue is made even more realistic by her just learning that her mom had cancer, but hid the history from her children until now as the deadly big C is not something that generation overtly discussed. Sherryl Woods provides a strong angst-laden summer romance as love don't come easy for this couple.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew thomas
This book is great as usual for Sherryl Woods, but gut wrenching at some levels. It came to a complete shock that Mack and Susie jumped into a wedding as quickly as they did, but it worked nicely with the story. I was a little disappointed to find that Susie and Mack was not able to harvest eggs and closing the end to their story and their children (of course, unless there is adoption).

I do find it a little disappointing that we don't hear much beyond pregnancies and new baby's being born after a character's story is told. Usually each story ends open-ended, and it seems I never get the end of that story that way!

Overall, I love this series, and can't wait to dive into this side of the O'Brien family.

They all leave me wanting MORE MORE MORE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joanna fedewa
Susie O'Brien and Mack Franklin have been "just friends" for about three years. That is three years too long. Susie and Mack's friends and family are putting the pressure on these two to admit that they are dating. Susie would like to take things to the next level but she is afraid that Mack sees her as just a good friend. She will not make the first move in case Mack does feel this way and than that will just ruin things between them. It just so happens that Mack is ready also to make things official with Susie. Unfortunately before Mack can do so, he loses his job and Susie receives some news that could change things between Mack and Susie forever.

Beach Lane is book seven in the Chesapeake Shores series. I have only read about one of two books in this series. This goes to show you that you can read them as stand alone novels and enjoy them, each on their own. I can tell you that even though I have not read all the books that fans of this series and of Susie and Mack, especially will enjoy this book. Susie and Mack make a great couple, now that they finally have made it official and went from single and just friends to a couple and dating. The people of Chesapeake Shores make me want to visit. They pull together when someone is in need and their bond is strong. Beach Lane is a book that is a good as warm, apple pie.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria elena sullivan
Beach Lane is the love story between Susie O'Brien and Mack Franklin. They move from friends to married in a couple of hours, as they start married life with Susie's health issues. Beach Lane is full of challenges that make the bond between these two stronger and stronger. When looking for a great love story with lots of real-life challenges, Sherryl Woods delivers some of the very best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul alexander
Beach Lane by Sherryl Woods
Susie is very good friends with Mack and their life is moving along. He has just started his new business and has
hired a past girlfriend and he often regrets that choice, as do other relatives.
We are caught up with the rest of the family and their plans for the upcoming year and they mix with what's going
on with Susie's health problems. Given the choices they can't go back so forward they go on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian spangler
Have rediscovered Sheryl woods. The O'brien family will win your heart . The characters are well rounded and likable. I'm on my 4th book in this series . Highly recommend this series, and this author.
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