Resurrection (Redemption Harbor Series Book 1) (Volume 1)

ByKatie Reus

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne benson
An action packed, thrilling, romantic suspense that's a definite must read! Resurrection is the first book in the exciting new Redemption Harbor series, and it's off to an excellent start. With the unique storyline, complex characters you can't help but love, secrets, lies, betrayal, intense situations, danger, and intriguing twists, this emotional roller-coaster of a story will have you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. It was a fantastic read, and I can't wait for the next one in the series! 

Cole and Skye started out on a mission together, then partners, but then became so much more. When she died, Cole didn't know how to move on, but knew that he had to. When he gets a tip that his friends wife, who they thought had died 2 months before, is actually being held by a Mexican cartel leader, he's willing to do whatever it takes to get her back. What he doesn't expect is to have her rescued by someone else, but the biggest shock is who actually did. 

Skye never thought she would fall in love, especially with her cocky partner. When she gets backed into a corner and forced to do things that she doesn't want to, as well as receives threats against Cole and his friends and family, she knows that she'll do what she has to in order to keep them all safe, even if it means leaving Cole. When she hears about his friend being kidnapped, although it's extremely risky, she's determined to rescue her because she knows what she means to Cole, but the last thing she expected was for him to find out that she's still alive. 

How will Cole react to seeing the woman who holds his heart, and who he also thought was dead? Can he forgive Skye for the things that she's done, and for leaving him instead of trusting him with the truth? Will Skye decide to stay, or will the terror of the past, as well as the threat to Cole and everyone he loves, be too much for her to handle? When things go from bad to worse, the long time friends and the women they love team up to hunt down the criminal who threatened Cole and Skye, and ensure that they are all safe, but can they do it? Will Cole and Skye get the HEA they both want and deserve? You're going to have to read this to find out! You won't be disappointed! 

I strongly recommend this book, and exceptional author! 

I have voluntarily reviewed this arc provided by the publisher via NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ami shah
Resurrection is book1 in the new series “Redemption Harbor” by Katie Reus. This has a great group of characters that I am excited to read more about. This book sets the tone and pace for the series and builds the excitement for the next book to come out!
Book1 is about Colt and Skye who are CIA Operatives who are also partners and lovers as well. Something happens that makes it where Skye has to fake her death. Colt didn’t take losing Skye well at all. He’s doing everything he can to make it thru each day, but it’s a struggle for him and right now what he is doing to make it is help out a friend whose wife was reported as dead. However, Colt’s gets a lead that she’s not dead and he’s headed to Mexico to check it out. Skye ends up faking her own death in order to protect Colt and the family that he cares/cherishes so much.
There is a lot of things that happen that end up drawing Colt and Skye back together and it has to do with Colt’s job in Mexico. There is more to it than what meets the eye. When Colt finds out Skye is alive, he goes thru a range of emotions like angry, betrayed, yet also so happy and relieved. Another emotion he still feels for her is this overwhelming passion. That didn’t “die” with her when she faked her death. Colt and Skye are in a dangerous situation and must rely on each other to get out of this situation. There are many twists and turns with the dangerous situations that they are in. This book has it all –angst, thrills, action-adventure, mystery, secrets, lies, pain, betrayal, twists, danger, passions, and above all, LOVE. This is a must read book—I am looking forward to reading book #2.

My Rating: 4.7 stars *****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You know when you’re excited, your adrenaline gets pumping and you begin to shake? That’s exactly what happened to me when I seen this ARC on NetGalley. I was shaking so bad I wasn’t sure if I could down load it quick enough. Katie Reus is in my book one very talented author; I love reading her books. They are filled with so much action and suspense; that “just one more chapter” has always been my motto with all that I’ve read by her. But really who needs to sleep?
This series is about seven friends who grew up together in a town called Redemption Harbor; they stayed close loyal friends even though they moved apart. Some went into the military become lethal badasses and others lived just a simple life, yeah right, simple sure. The story starts off with two CIA partners, Colt and Skye; from the first sentence Skye spoke I knew I’d love her. She’s sassy, smart, speaks her mind and tough as nails. Colt is strong, sexy, brave and as loyal as they get. If a friend is in danger he will stop at nothing to protect them. Without giving too much away this story has kidnapping, murder, betrayal, exciting rescues, bombs that go boom, and some hot sexy time that makes you roll over for some of your own. This book is such a great introduction to the series and at a great price; I’m already in need for the next one. If you enjoy books with suspenseful plots, this is a new series just for you!

***I voluntarily reviewed this ARC for an honest review via NetGalley, this is my honest opinion and has not been influenced by the author, Publishers or NetGalley in anyway.***
The Scarred Woman (A Department Q Novel) :: Eye for an Eye: A Dewey Andreas Novel :: The Crow Girl :: Agent in Place (Gray Man Book 7) :: Deadly Fallout (romantic suspense) (Red Stone Security Series Book 10)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh, wow. The blurb was very intriguing, and I did not disappointed, at all. It surpassed my expectation, and it’s easily got into one of my favourite books (or series if the upcoming books will be as good as Resurrection).

Colt was grieving the death of the woman he loved, Skye. Well, he believed she’s dead. He was rescuing a friend when he unexpectedly came face-to-face with Skye. Skye herself was running from someone and faked her own death months ago to safe Colt. After that, Colt would not let her go, and would do anything to keep her safe by his side. Literally anything. And the story unfold from there…

First of all, I love the Skye and Colt. Skye was a badass. Strong heroine with a good head and good heart. She didn’t have the need to prove herself, she’s already a legend in the Agency just through her missions’ track record. She’s contend with herself and she sure loved Colt, no question about it. Colt also the kind of alpha male I love, Take charge, a bit caveman, respected and trusted the woman he loved. He also didn’t balk from his feeling toward her, instead he’s the pursuer of the L word. He’s sure of himself, sure of his feeling, and that’s it. Also no question about it.

So basically this book had everything I love about an RS genre novel. Great suspense, great romance with no over-the-top drama. Simply a great book. I definitely will, impatiently, waiting for the next book in the series.

I was provided a complementary copy by the author / publisher through NetGalley, but this in no way influenced my thoughts or opinions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg chabala
Spies, intrigue, action,'s all delightfully packed into this wonderful book. Katie kept me riveted. I know I'd like the book by the bottom of the first page, Colt "Wasn't sure how to respond to most things that came out of Skye's mouth--a woman who carried C4 in her purse and called it 'being prepared,' as if she was a freaking Boy Scout." Oh I loved this book!

CIA agents, Colt Stuart (former SEAL) and Skye Arevalo (child of deceased spies) are partnered together and the sparks fly. They were made for each other. They are so in sync they communicate on the job with looks and anticipate the same next move. Then a job Skye is on goes FUBAR and she's dead! Colt knows he'll never be the same again and his job taking out the scum of the earth, aka terrorists, becomes his life. One of his best friends wife dies on a medical mercy mission and Colt get word she may be alive. He goes rogue and takes off to Columbia to rescue her alone. While digging through clues she's rescued by an unknown woman...who could only be Skye buy the skill it took. She faked her death to protect Colt and his friends! And the story takes off. Loved the adventure, the dance of reconciliation and forgiveness.

Katie is one of the best authors in this genre, not that I've read much. I'm new to it but I know when I pick up a Katie Reus book it's gonna be a great one. Thanks for the ARC so I could have the privilege of reviewing it for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica porter
Katie Reus gave us another flawless romantic suspense with a kick ass heroine and a swoon-worthy hero!!! And it is 100% safe ladies!!

Legendary CIA agent, Skye Arevalo fakes her own death to keep her partner/lover, Colt Stuart, alive. Faking her death was easy, trying to stay in the shadows while hunting the man who destroyed her life is another matter. When she hears through her contact that Colt's childhood friend Mary Grace, isn't dead but actually being held hostage at a drug cartel compound, Skye can't walk away.

Walking away from Colt was the hardest thing Skye had ever had to do. Getting in and busting his friend out is a small price to pay to the man who came to mean more to Skye than anything else in the world.

For six months, Colt thought his best friend and love of his life, Skye has been dead. To come face to face with her, alive and whole, Colt sees this as his second chance to grab hold of his woman and never let her go.

When the threat to Skye is revealed, Colt will do everything in his power to make sure Skye is finally safe and finally by his side, where she belongs.

What I loved:
I loved everything about this book. Resurrection was action packed, adrenaline fueled, had great side characters, sweet romance, scorching off-the-charts heat and all around feel good moments.
Skye is one of my top fave heroinces. She's smart, funny, sweet, awkward but so endearing. She is the type of heroine we need to see more of. She was independent, strong and capable. Her interesting upbringing and her skills made her an oddity but she was comfortable in her own skin.

She was perfectly matched with Colt, and I loved him for being a man confident enough and smart enough to appreciate Skye. He saw her differences and appreciated them for what they were. He embraced her quirks, admired her strengths and accepted her whole heartedly.

He realized early on that she was it for him. I loved that he was strong enough for both of them and wasn't afriad to express the depths of his feeling for Skye. He was devoted, determined and 100% in love. *sigh*

Colt is one of Katie Reus' best heroes. I have a serious crush on him!

Between the awesomeness that is Skye and swoon-worthy Colt, there was nothing I didn't love about Resurrection. Katie Reus is fast becoming my top go-to author.

Favorite Lines:
"Blood makes you related. Love and loyalty makes you family."

Memorable Moments:
I really found myself enjoying the flashbacks of Skye and Colt's relationship. The beginning of their romance was sweet and fresh and wildly addictive. I liked watching them sharing and bonding. I don't normally like flashbacks but in this one, I actually found myself wishing for more flashbacks. Colt and Skye are just so awesome that any extra glimpse of them together was a bonus for me.
I cannot recommend this one enough. I loved the story, the H and h, the epilogue, the romance, the love story, the friendships and the family love that bonds the characters. A must read!!! I have got to make time to read the author's book list!!

* * *ARC provided for an honest review* * *
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andita saviera
Resurrection kicks off a new series from Katie Reus, but don't worry - it's just as action packed and suspense filled as past books.

In this book, we get a glimpse at not just our couple for this book - but more of the Redemption Harbor gang, which made me want to know their stories even more while being won over by Skye and Colt as theirs played out. There's such a familial bond between this group of friends - something more than just casual friends or coworkers and it was great to watch play out.

Skye faked her death months ago - all for a very specific reason - a well-intentioned one - to keep the man she loved safe and away from teh dangers that would follow her. But when she hears one of his closest friends may be held hostage in a cartel house, she can't find it in herself to not attempt to save the woman she knows so much about but has never met. What she doesn't expect is to run into that very man while on the mission.

When Colt received a tip that his friends wife may not be dead as they've thought, but rather being held by a drug cartel - he knows he has to find out the truth behind the tip, and if its real - he has to bring her home. Colt knows what the loss of a woman will do to a man - afterall the woman he'd planned to spend forever with died six months ago - or so he thought.

When Colt and Skye come up on each other in the middle of the mission to save Mary Grace - both are left with conflicting feelings. There's still a connection there - but Colt is hurt and feeling betrayed and Skye is worried about the danger lurking - the reason she faked her death to begin with. Colt's not willing to let Skye go though - he wants to know everything and he's going to do whatever is in his power to protect her from danger too.

One thing these two both have is a fierce determination - of course Skye's determined to keep Colt out of danger and Colt's determined to discover her secrets and keep her safe too. Their interactions pulled me into the story, curious to know more about their history - but also wondering about what had caused Skye to fake her death and try to stay away from Colt. There was a real chemistry between them - even with Colt's frustrations and Skye's fears that had them at a bit of odds even though their feelings were plain to see.

Resurrection was full of action, a good bit of mystery, and of course the blinding attraction between two operatives who had more than a little to lose. I dove in to the story from page one, full of questions, potential theories and a desire to see things work out between Colt and Skye. Each turn of the page gripped me deeper into their world and left me craving more.

I can't wait to see what comes next from Redemption Harbor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juanma santiago
4.5 stars--RESURRECTION is the first installment in Katie Reus’s contemporary, adult REDEMPTION HARBOR romantic suspense series focusing on a tight-knit group of friends who grew up together but now work Black Ops for the CIA. This is CIA operatives Colt Stuart and Skye Arevalo’s story line.

Told from several third person perspectives including Colt and Skye including both past and present time lines, RESURRECTION focuses on the reappearance of not one but two women in Colt Stuart’s life-his life long friend Dr. Mary Grace Mercer, and the woman he loved fellow CIA special operative Skye Arevalo-both women presumed murdered by the Mexican Cartel. When information about the possible sighting of Mary Grace Mercer comes into Colt’s possession, our hero goes rogue hunting for the woman he has known most of his life. Enter Skye Arevalo, the other woman Colt has been grieving, and Mary Grace’s would-be rescuer from the Mexican Cartel. What ensues is the rekindling romance between Colt and Skye; Skye’s attempts to return to the scene of the crime, and the fall out of Colt’s love for a woman who also went rogue, months before.

RESURRECTION is a second chance story line; a rekindling romance between Skye Arevalo-a CIA operative who faked her own death to protect the an that she loved. Not only did Colt mourn the loss of his friend Mary Grace Mercer but his best friend, Mary Grace’s husband, slowly succumbed to the grief and the loss. Struggling not to fall victim to his own grief, Colt heads out in search of Mary Grace only to find Skye Arevalo alive and well. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

We are introduced to Colt’s fellow CIA operatives-Brooks, Gage Yates, Zac Savage, and Leighton Cannon. Their lifelong friendship shows in the love and support they give one another throughout the story line. The requisite evil has many faces including David and Rafael Ramirez. and Mark Gianni- a man Skye and Colt know only too well. We are also introduced to Colt Stuart Sr-our hero’s father, and a man who is also a former operative for the Agency.

RESURRECTION takes the reader from Mexico to Texas, to Redemption Harbor, South Carolina. Redemption Harbor is home and the location of the security firm that Colt envisions for their future-together. The premise is entertaining, suspense filled and intriguing; the characters are animated, engaging and spirited-the sense of camaraderie is heartwarming and fun. The romance is sensual and passionate. RESURRECTION is a fantastic start to a new romantic suspense series by the talented Katie Reus.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam litton
*** 4.5 stars ***

Action-packed, romance-filled, and riveting to say the least; this story will grab you from page one!

CIA agent Skye fakes her own death to protect her partner and lover Colt Stuart and all those he holds dear. She’s never stopped loving him and knows she hurt him deep but she’s also sure what she did was for the best. When a dear friend of Colt is kidnapped she sees her rescuing as an opportunity to somewhat make it up to him, and although he might never know it was she who rescue his friend, she still goes for it. What she didn’t account for was that Colt would find out she didn’t die and once he did he wouldn’t let her go ever again. Not only that but he would go to extremes to protect her and never have to lose her again.

OMG! This story! To me it had one of the best opening convos ever! It was funny while setting the pace for what was coming. Sky was one of the most assertive, self-confident, witty, and cool heroines I’ve ever read. Kudos to the author for giving me such an awesome character. Colt is your typical self-assured and overprotective alpha CIA agent that will do anything to protect those he loves (and I mean AN-NY-THING), however what’s great about his relationship with Skye is that he sure as hell knows Skye’s boundaries and as the gracious and romantic lover he is, he also knows how to make her feel safe and cared for.

The dynamics between the friends was heartwarming and was pulling my heart strings at every corner. As a reader I could feel how much they really cared for each other. Once the “mission” is officially over we are immediately introduced to the next one and luckily we don’t have to wait too long as the second installment will be out within the next few months. This story was the perfect introduction to the series and if it’s any indication of what the whole series will be then we sure are in for a heck of a ride.

I received this book from the author at no cost to me and I volunteered to read it; this is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Katie Reus keeps grabbing this NetGalley reviewer’s attention. First with her O’Connor Family series, then with Saved by Darkness. Now Resurrection has risen the bar with its action packed drama and won’t back down/will risk it all for each other main couple.

If you are into private security but also work with government agencies backdrop themed tales, you likely will enjoy Skye, the beautiful, tough as nails, warrior type heroine who does whatever it takes to keep Colt, her GI Joe, alpha protective, extraction expert hero safe. Speaking of which, this good guy hero thought he lost her once but isn’t about to let her go again, folks. Not only do they team up together, but Colt’s circle of friends band together with them, as well. It’s book 1 of a new series so you can bet you’ll be seeing all these sub-characters eventually all get their own HEA.

With explosive drama, inevitable fallout, and a traitorous bad guy who tries to ruin it all, the storyline unfolds with back together like they were never apart VERY steamy scenes and passionate kisses. For those who need to know upfront, there are no love triangles, no cheating, and no OW/OM drama, as well.

As usual, Ms. Reus gives us a likable main couple you’ll be happy to see get their HEA. Savage, a close compadre and co-worker, will take center stage in the next book, Savage Rising, with Olivia, a damsel in distress heroine that shows up at the end of this one.

Title: Resurrection, Series: Redemption Harbor (Book 1) , Author: Katie Reus, Pages: 250, alpha main couple, very steamy scenes with lusty language, stayed celibate during separation, explosive drama, some violence.

Book 1 - Resurrection (Skye & Colt), Pages: 250, 7/11/17
Book 2 - Savage Rising (Olivia & Savage), Pages: 250, 9/26/17
Book 3 - To be announced

(This review is based on an advanced reader copy distributed via NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. No compensation was provided to this reviewer, nor is there any affiliation between the reviewer and author/publisher/NetGalley.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an awesome read! I absolutely loved everything about this book!

Colt’s woman died eight months ago in a warehouse explosion. He’s doing what he has to do to get through and right now that’s helping out a friend whose wife was reported as dead. However, Colt’s got a lead that she’s not and he’s headed to Mexico to check it out.

Skye had to fake her death in order to protect not only Colt but those around him he calls family. She’s had a very unconventional childhood which led to an unconventional life and one of the best things about it is Colt. She must do what is necessary to secure his safety as well as those he loves.

Even after her “death” she finds herself needing to ensure that Colt’s friend is safe and in doing so she places herself directly into his path.

I absolutely loved this couple! Their relationship wasn’t the typical alpha hero/sweet heroine. While he’s definitely all man, she’s more than capable of taking him down if needed. Theirs is an equal opportunity affair and I loved the dynamics of it. Skye is tough and capable but she never comes off as overbearing or too sassy. She’s confident in her skin and her job. Colt definitely has protective, possessive tendencies but he’s also aware that Skye is a bit skittish and he’s careful to treat her accordingly. Together they set my Kindle on fire and my heart racing.

Resurrection is full of action and drama, great secondary characters that I’m sure we’re going to see more of, and some incredibly sexy moments. I’m excited about this series and curious to see who will win Olivia and Valencia’s hearts.

ARC provided by NetGalley

Dual POV
No apparent triggers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelli walcher
This is the first installment of the new series, "Redemption Harbor" and I cannot wait to read more.

Skye and Colt were partners in the CIA and lovers off the job when Skye faked her own death. It left Colt devastated because he thought she was really dead. He was deeply in love with her and missed her terribly.

Skye had had no choice but to do this drastic deed, but we don't find out what the reason is until well into the story. *No spoilers*

One of Colt's closest friends has been kidnapped by a Mexican drug cartel. Skye heard about it and recognized the name as one of Colt's friends and pulls a rescue. She knew that Colt had a small group of people he considered family and Mary Grace was a part of his closed group. Skye wanted to somehow make it up to him, even if he didn't know she was still alive.

Colt is in Mexico for almost the same reason. He'd received word that Mary Grace was still alive and not killed with a group of other people who were on a humanitarian mission. He wanted to check it out.

Imagine the surprise when Colt and Skye meet again. Yow!

The plot swiftly moves from the rescue and safe return of Mary Grace to apprehending the man who pretty much forced Skye to fake her own death. There is mystery and action going on while Colt and Skye find themselves again--and rediscover each other.

The characters in this book are strong, easy to care about, and smart. They work together in different capacities like a well-oiled machine. It's pretty cool.

I loved this book and am excited to read the next one in the series.

*I received this book as an ARC in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a highly intense action packed book that kept me on my toes throughout. Never knowing what the hell was gonna happen next.

Skye is a tough, smart, beautiful and dangerous woman that would do anything to save the man she loves. Nothing was off limits when it came to protecting him and his family, and that including Dying for him.

Colt was just as tough, smart dangerous and of course his looks were sexy as hell, but nothing could prepare him for the loss of the one woman he thought he would one day marry.

This book took me on so many Adrenaline rushes I couldn't put the book down. Cartel, FBI, CIA --OH MY! This book had it all! Don't forget the steamy scenes that only these two HOT sexy agents, that have been trained to torture especially up against a wall, floor, or bed!

The author did a great job of painting the scene, gave a vivid picture of the characters and an exciting storyline that made me want to grab some popcorn and hit “Play” on this action packed movie playing in my head.

The amount of love, trust and respect these two had for each other as well as their friends, their team aka their family was amazing!!

This is a new author to me and I have to say… I am hunting her books down to devour. I will be keeping my eye out for more of this series.

As always I ask myself these questions when giving an honest review… would I read this author again.. hell yes.. Would I recommend this author to my friends? Uh.. hell yes!! Would I recommend this book? Again hell yes! In fact I had to go back and re-read this book.

B2B Amy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah degener
Skye Arevalo was a dedicated and deadly CIA agent until she faked her own death. She was forced to betray her principles by a man greedy for power. He threatened to kill Colt Stuart, the man she loved. Keeping under the radar is important if Skye is to stay alive. When she learns that Mary Grace, Colt's dear friend, is being held prisoner by a drug cartel leader, she decides to rescue her to honor her love for Colt. What she doesn't expect is to see the angry man she lost her heart to. Can they find their way back to each other after her deception. Skye is a powerful and feisty woman. She's deadly and determined to accomplish her plan. I like a woman who can stand up for herself. Colt is an Alpha protector who has spent his life fighting to make the world a better place. He wants to make things safe for his love. The chemistry between Skye and Colt is powerful and sensual. I wanted them to put the past behind them and find their HEA. The secondary characters are strong personalities that add so much to the story. I want to know more about them. Resurrection is a suspenseful story that has unexpected twists. I couldn't stop reading until I knew what happened. Katie Reus has written a powerful story which is a great beginning to this new series. I'm looking forward to more romantic suspense in the Redemption Harbor series.
I received a copy of this book which I voluntarily read and reviewed. My comments are my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
burke fitzpatrick
Skye Arevalo faked her own death to protect the ones she loved. In hiding for the last 6 months, she has stayed vigilant and continued to work her CIA contacts, even if they don’t know who she really is.

Colt Stuart goes rogue, off books and solo, in order to learn if the rumors are true. A friend he thought was dead is alive and captive. In his search, he learns that not only is his friend alive, but the love of his life is also still alive. He would have gone to any length to protect her, but learning of her betrayal will leave a mark.

This was an action packed story full of heat. Even before the two main characters meet again, there are bombs exploding and life or death situations. Once they meet again, the danger only ups the ante because they will each do whatever it takes to protect the other.

In addition to the tension as a result of the danger, the chemistry between these two is off the charts. Even though he thought her dead, the 6 months they have been separated has done nothing to cool things off.

This is the first in a new series and does a great job introducing the characters. It felt a little like coming into a story already in action, as the side characters are all a close knit group of friends with varying backgrounds. They rally around each other, fight for each other, and have built a great sense of community in Redemption Harbor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sabda armandio
When Skye Arévalo faked her death, leaving the CIA, she broke the heart of the only man she ever loved. Assigning herself on a rescue mission six months later, she comes face to face with the man she hurt. She can't destroy him again, but how could she live with herself if the people who threatened him find out she faked her death and seek retribution?
Colt Stuart has been devastated for months after losing his love. Now on a rescue mission to bring home one of his good friends, he comes face to face with what should be a ghost. He's facing a whirlwind of emotions, but one thing is for sure; he will not let her out of his sight again. He wouldn't survive losing her a second time. Syke did what she had to do to protect Colt. The only thing she can't do is break his heart again. The danger is high, her tormentor will stop at nothing to see her dead for real.
I loved both Colt and Skye in this book. It's a new series by this author and a perfect beginning. It also happens to be the first book I've read by her. The main characters are both strong and protective people who will do anything for the ones they love. I enjoyed meeting all of the supporting characters, who I hope will all eventually have their own books. It was filled with action and danger, and kept me on the edge just waiting to see what would happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
merve ate
Skye Arevalo is the daughter of famed Spies and was a star at the CIA..well before she had to fake her own death to save her lover and his friends.

Colt Stuart is still reeling after the loss of Skye but is trying to help his friend Mercer who has also lost his wife in a bombing. But when information reaches him that Mary Grace may still be alive he makes plans to go and rescue her himself in case anything goes wrong. But when he arrives he finds that MG has already been saved and is stunned to see that it is Skye!!!

Skye couldn't leave Colts friend in the hands of the cartel but she now has a lot of explaining to do and she is unsure if she will ever be free to love Colt again. She has a price on her head after double crossing the man who tried to have her steal a bio-weapon and he has a long reach within the spy world.

Skye is no wimpy damsel in distress. She is rough, tough and badass!! I loved how Colt doesn't try to downplay her talents and acknowledges that she is better than him at shooting, etc. He loves that she is capable and can take care of herself and totes around C4 like other women tote make up!

I loved the little flashbacks to how Skye and Colt met and fell in originally. They were adoradbly sweet and hot at the same time!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Honestly I usually hate the "fake death" plot but I gave this a chance since I love Katie Reus and I'm so glad I did. Usually I just don't understand why the woman (yes it's usually the woman) fakes her death instead of just asking for help and trusting the person they love. However, the way this one was written (I won't give it away) actually worked and was believable. I found myself thinking okay I can understand why she did what she did. Better yet, the hero does as well and I loved that he understands her decision and doesn't hold a grudge or anger at the heroine.

This book actually has two couples and although Skye and Colt and clearly the main couple I really loved reading the parts with Mercer and Mary Grace as well. I even loved that we got the POV of the first villain and thought that rounded out the book nicely adding an element to the story. The suspense elements were well paced, exciting and kept me turning the page while the romance was hot and emotional.

The perfect mix of suspense/romance and a great start to a new series - I can't wait to see what happens next.

A copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Four Thrilling Stars! Skye and her boyfriend Colt are both CIA agents and they work together. Then a problem has occurred and now Skye must fake her own death in order to protect Colt and his family. Colt is devastated after losing Skye then his good friend Mary Grace is being held captive by a Mexican drug lord. Skye hears about what happened to Mary Grace and decides to go to Mexico to see if she could help. Colt also ends up going to Mexico to try to save Mary Grace. Will Colt find out that Skye is alive? How will Colt react when he sees Skye? This is the first book in the Redemption Harbor Series and it is a romantic suspense novel. The story is full of mystery, suspense, romance, and plenty of twists and turns. The characters have amazing chemistry and you can feel their emotions as you read the book. The author writes a well-written novel which kept me on the edge of my seat while I read through the story. This is the first book I have read by this author and I look forward to reading more books by her! I highly recommend this book!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. This book was read and reviewed by Annamaria for Alpha Book Club.

Plot: 4
Chemistry: 4
Pacing: 4
Ending: 4
Character Development: 4
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Resurrection, the first book in Katie Reus’ new series, Redemption Harbor, is absolutely thrilling!! Action packed, hot, steamy romance, and intrigue, all packed into the world of spies. So many twists, turns, and subplots and I ate them all up!

Colt Stuart, former Marine and current CIA operative, calls very few people friend and even fewer, family. But his tight knit group of childhood friends, all with special skills of their own, are there for him when needed.

After months of mourning the death of his ex-partner and love of his life Skye Arevalo, Colt has a new focus when he hears buzz that his childhood friend Mary Grace, feared dead, may be alive and being held captive by a Mexican cartel. Colt devises a plan to rescue her, only to find once he’s in the territory that someone has beat him to it. And the rescuer sounds suspiciously like a woman from his past. Can it be…?

What a page-turner! I could not put this down! I’m on pins & needles with excitement for the next installment in this refreshing new series! Ms. Reus knocked this one out of the park!

Highly recommended!

*Received ARC from author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Resurrection by Katie Reus

Espionage and deaths. And selflessness. Good people helping the world get rid of the bad. Cornerstone of a Katie Reus novel and character structure.
A fast, furious read moving from one thrilling moment to the next dangerous predicament.
First in the Redemption Harbor series.

I really enjoyed the book and especially the Chapter headings. They are fun and indicative of the content. And they are consistent with the type of storyline: action, adventure, and swoon-worthy romance.
Chapter 3 "I believe in karma. I also believe in a good throat punch when necessary."
Chapter 4 "blood makes you family. Love and loyalty make you family."
Chapter 6 "If she doesn't scare you a little, she's not the one"
Chapter 10 "Some people just need a high five. In the head. With a golf club."
Chapter 12 "When you show up with a dead body, a real friend grabs a shovel and doesn't ask questions"
Chapter 13 "Social awkwardness is my super power"
Chapter 15 "I'm yours. Now and always."

So much fun. I will be waiting anxiously for the rest of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jane brocious
I really enjoyed this book. I loved that there were dual storylines and I loved reading about Colt and his close knit group of friends. I love that they've all grown up together and that there's so much history. Colt is a strong hero with a heart of gold. He's everything you want in a leading man.

Skye is a freakin' boss! She is a tough woman with a snarky mouth and wicked sense of humor. She's also harboring a lot of secrets. Skye is confident, mysterious and very dangerous. I wanted to be Skye! Colt and Skye had great chemistry and are brilliant characters together as well as apart.

The story was fast-paced, exciting and engaging. What I really liked about the book is the mystery surrounding every character. Everyone's got hidden depths or perplexing pasts that both intrigue and warn you away from. I must know more about them. The secondary characters are vital to the story.

RESURRECTION definitely captured my attention and held it tightly until the very end. I'm looking forward to the next book!

I voluntarily read a copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and feelings are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the start of a new romantic suspense series by Katie Reus. She recently announced she was ending her Red Stone Security Series to the dsiappointment to many of her readers. I honestly didn't read every single book in the series but when I needed a quick read I would pick up one her of books.

This series is similar to Red Stone with Alpha Males, Strong females who can kick butt and take names. The story is full of action from page one keeping readers hooked while building a story using the past and present. The author introduces many characters who I will assume will have books in the futures.
The author paints a pictures well enough to quickly read though this story. Her fans will love this new series and eat it up. Others will pick and choose though the series as she writes.

Its a quick summer beach read with sexy scenes, fights, romance, jungles and murders.

Just different enough from the Red Stone Securities series but still the same structure keeping what what the author knows.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for an Advance Copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melinda mills
Resurrection is the start of a new series by Katie Reus. Yahoo! It has all the classic ingredients of Ms. Reus’ Red Stone Security Series that fans like me love so well. This action-packed plot has two strong characters who can think on their feet while also going rogue, malicious villains, edge of your seat danger and sizzling romance.

Colt and Skye have a history that is a major part of this story. Instead of instant lust it is more feelings of true love that has been damaged. I like this set-up in the story as the characters work through some major issues trying to survive and win against the bad guys.

Being the first of the series there are a lot of new characters introduce in the book as the main basis of the characters work and mesh together. Resurrection is amazing so that now I can hardly wait for the next character’s story.

4.5 Stars
An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can already tell this series will become a favorite. Book 1 in the Redemption Harbor series is FIRE!! This needs to be a movie franchise. Resurrection is like reading an action movie and I absolutely loved it.

Colt and Skye are amazing. Not to spoil anything, but I so enjoyed their "reunion". Colt had no problems letting his feeling be known regardless of who was in the vicinity. That scene had passion, angst, and humour.

The cast of characters just puts the icing on the cake. You get to know this family quickly and what they are willing to do for each other. The pace of the story is fast and heart stopping at times, but an incredible read. This book also sets up how the characters end of working together and a small insight into the next story. I am waiting impatiently for the remaining books in this new series.

ARC received by author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Resurrection has me excited to see where Katie Reus is going to take this series. There is such a great cast of characters in this first book that it just builds the anticipation for the next one to publish.

Colt is a swoon worthy Hero with just the right mix of possessiveness and protectiveness. Skye is a badass heroine who not only can take care of herself, but ends up being a Hero all on her own. To see Colt not feel threatened by this, but actually love her more for it, made these two a great couple to read about.

This book was pretty heavy on the action and suspense but I never felt the romance was overshadowed by it. I think that's because this author has a talent for making her main characters so devoted to each other that you feel their love and loyalty in everything they do.

I'm looking forward to book 2! ARC provided by NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashton doyle
Welcome to Redemption Harbor!

This is the first book in a new series.

Meet Colt Stuart, CIA, and his former lover, Skye Arevalo, who faked her own death. These two were in a relationship, then Skye faked her death and disappeared. But when someone close to Colt goes missing, she comes out of hiding to rescue them.

Why Skye 'died' and her reunion with Colt is the plot of this story. There's intrigue, romance, and emotional turns all around. Highly enjoyable. You also meet all the characters who will continue to be part of Redemption Harbor. This is a group of interesting people, who are more family than friends.

I can't wait to read the next Redemption Harbor story. This series sounds really interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe oxley
4.5 stars

Resurrection is the first book in the new series Redemption Harbor by the talented Katie Reus and I loved it!
I love how author Katie Reus always manages to bring out the feels with her words. Once again she's managed to capture my mind and heart with Resurrection.
I loved Syke and Colt, they were amazing, likable and endearing characters that you couldn't help but fall in love with.
I loved their passion, I loved their commitment and I loved how hard they loved each other.
These two were born to be together and nothing was going to keep them apart.

Resurrection by Katie Reus is a fast paced, suspenseful and romantic read and I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eleanor jane
What a Ride !!
Resurrection by Katie Reus is the first book in the new Redemption Harbor Series.
This book goes at a fast pace and left me breathless.
Meet Skye Aré valo, she faked her own death and left the CIA to protect Colt Stuart.
Colt Stuart, a former Marine, finds out that Skye betrayed him and he's hurt and angry, but that doesn't stop him from breaking the law to keep her save.
This book is a roller coaster in a good way. There's a stubborn heroine, a determined hero whit hotness factor 10, action, powerful enemies and much more.
I can't wait to read the next book in this series. I give 4,5 stars and recommend Resurrection. Thank you Katie Reus!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherry ann
Explosive beginning to what is sure to be a fantastic series.
I love it when the female in the story is a total badass-- Skye is a killer. Literally, she works for the CIA and is a sniper. She also had to fake her death to save the man she loves. Our hero, Colt- former marine and current "company" man sets out to see if his childhood friend is really alive after being reported dead.
During Colt's mission he is reunited with his "dead" girlfriend. Sparks fly as they race against the cartel. Will they find their HEA or will the lies be to much to overcome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this story. I'm new to Katie Reus novels. I just finished reading some of her shifter books and I really like them. The cover for this one caught my attention and I thought I'd give it a try also. I loved the narrator and the romance between Skye and Colt was electric the danger was really and the tight friendships made you want to be there. Can't wait for Savage's story and the rest of the group/team. Skye seemed to fight right in like she was always meant to be with Colt. Guess he found his mate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul prins
An explosive new series by Katie Reus! Resurrection (Redemption Harbor #1). The story is a romantic suspense that takes off right from the beginning in the middle of a drug cartel. Katie Reus is a well written versatile author who creates fantastic main characters with a strong female lead. CIA, Covert ops., friendship and loyalty. If you want a thrilling new read, this is it! Copy provided by netgalley. I have read pretty much everything this author has written from contemporary to paranormal and I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
harry indrawan
Love this new series by Katie. Hot hero, kick-ass heroine are explosive on the pages and keep you attentively reading to the end. A romantic suspense about not one but two missing women, both thought dead , and the grieving men they left behind. When they both turn up alive the questions land hot and heavy.

This amazing author is one of my favorites and her books never get stale. Discover her and her action-packed books with this new series. Enjoy !!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura ann
Resurrection is Katie Reus' newest book that is based in Redemption Harbor. Once again, Katie has written a great book with well developed characters. This storyline kept me engrossed through out the book. This story is about Skye and Colt, and about second chances. I very much enjoyed this book and am looking forward to more in the Redemption Harbor series. I received an ARC for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
casey moler
This is only book one in the new Redemption Harbor series by Katie Reus, and I can already tell it will be one of my new favorite romantic suspense series.
I love this author’s writing, and as expected, Skye and Colt were off-the-charts explosive together.
A steamy, action-packed and thrilling read I couldn’t put down. Can’t wait to read book two, Savage’s story ?
* I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another amazing read from Ms. Katie! WOW! This book is action packed (with romance). I enjoyed it from the start up to the last. I love the heroine of this book, Skye, she can definitely kick ass! Also I love Colt!!! **sigh** This man....aaccckkk!!!! Overall, the story and the characters are great! Loved it! The action and everything is amazing! I can't wait to see more of this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
orly konig
Goodness gracious! What a book! Jam packed full of action from the start. The story line is great, there is mystery, suspense and true friendships as well as sexual chemistry. Couldn't put this book down and look forward to more in this series.Don't let this book slip by unread!

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book; all opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate fruehan
Talk about the things that will be done for love. This story has love, heartbreak, real life tragedy that many military men and women go through. I could not put this book down for anything. As with any Katie book I have read there is no disappointment except when it ends and you need the next heroes story. Great as always.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book actually began with two resurrections and boy was it fantastic. Lots of action, adventure, love, lust and red hot sex. Katie Reus is one of my favorite writers when I'm looking for that combination of good stuff and feels. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy from NetGalley and thoroughly enjoyed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love 2nd chance romances. Give me a fiesty protective heroine and mix in a hot sexy hero with a gun whose not afraid to use it and I'm hooked! Call me shallow but it is what it is. Lol I'm already half in love with all the supporting characters and I can't wait until the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Colt Stuart a former marine now CIA operative who was on a mission to find one of his best-friends, doctor Mary Grace (who was supposedly dead) and bring her back to her husband Mercer Jackson. He infiltrated one of the most dangerous cartel in the world. Only finding Mary Grace wasn't the only surprise that awaited him.

Mary Grace was being held captive by the cartel to take care of the dying patriarch of the Ramirez organization, Arturo Ramirez. The aging drug lord had two sons, the eldest David loved his father deeply while the youngest Rafael hated him with a passion. The siblings were fighting to gain control of the cartel once their father passed away.

Skye Arévalo left the CIA and faked her own death in order to protect the only man she'd ever loved, Colt Stuart. She came out of hiding when she got word that Mary Grace was alive and kidnapped. Without a second thought, she infiltrated the cartel to rescue the doctor because the woman meant the world to Colt.

After single handedly resuing Mary Grace and getting her home safely to her husband. Skye had some damage control to do and just when she thought she was in the clear. All hell broke loose. She found herself in peril with some dangerous people who wanted to see her dead.

When Colt found out that the woman he loved lied and betrayed him, he was angry which was understandable. Yet he was also relieved. Skye disclosed to him the real reason she'd faked her death several months ago. Nothing could have stopped him from doing everything in his power to make sure she never leave again even if it meant he had to break all the laws.

Love how Colt and his friends had each other's backs, they might not have been blood. But they were FAMILY and family always stick together, no matter what. Together they took down the foe who'd betrayed Colt and make Skye's life a living hell.

The gang was embarking on a new venture one that would make them happy. They opened a consulting/security firm to help those who couldn't afford to hire the private security companies. And so Redemption Harbor Consulting was born.

RESURRECTION is the first book in Katie Reus' newest series, REDEMPTION HARBOR. It was exhilarating, action-packed, heartwarming and mind-blowing. Katie Reus has got another fascinating series on her hands. Looking forward to the next installment. 5 fan-freakin-tastic stars!

****ARC given in exchange for an honest review.****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an amazing start for the Redemption Harbor Series with Colt and Skye getting their happily ever after. In the end they formed a new company Redemption Harbor Consulting and security company so they could take cases for charity and do something good with their many skills. They all quit their jobs, Colt and Skye from the CIA, Savage, Gage and Leighton from different government agencies to run this company. Skye had to fake her death six months ago to protect Colt from his mentor, Mark Gianni but came out of hiding to rescue Mary Grace, Mercer's wife, Colt's friend. She was being held captive by the Ramirez cartel to keep their patriarch father alive since she was a cancer doctor. How everything went down was one exciting action packed story with all the guys coming together to make sure Mary Grace got back safely and the threat against Skye was taken care of for good. This was a very suspenseful romantic story as Colt and Skye got their happy ending and a new beginning with their new company. I cannot wait to read the next story in this exciting series of Redemption Harbor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua stewart
Great new series! I absolutely loved this book. From the first moment we met Mary Grace and Mercer to the last page where we meet Olivia. The entire team of friends who rally to help Colt and Skye take on a crazy terrorist bent on revenge. The characters Katie wrote were really good and I really enjoyed the complexity of David the drug cartel leader. It really was a terrific book and I am so excited to have a new series to follow. Write On! Davia
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG! Talk about being EXPLOSIVE - Katie got so much in these few pages. Great to start a new series! I loved Colt & Skye's story as well as Mercer & Mary Grace's story. Hell all of them were great! Great job Katie! Can't wait for the next book! I would recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another awesome series with gut churning threats, manipulating "friends", hunky, alpha heroes and sexy heroines with tons of family and friends working together to shut down the bad guys and finding the love of your life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter thayer
Another great book from a great author. I have read all of her books and I loved all of them.I can't wait to read the next one. I highly recommend all her books. You can't go wrong when you read a book by Katie Reus.
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