Savor You

ByEmily Snow

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ruth evelyn
I really enjoyed the other two Devoured novels even though I was worried I'd hate them. Hearing a little more about Kylie's story has just made me love her character even more than I did before. You get more insight into her relationship with her brother, some of the conversations that happened between Kylie and Sienna.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelly sedinger
This book did not hold my attention, and there were sections that did not make sense, and were not in sync with previous facts given. I hate when authors forget what they've told you in earlier chapters!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
myral smith

So I, like so many other readers, was dying for this book to finally get posted on the store. I finally got the book and began to plow through it. I was disappointed in the length. There was so much history b/t the characters, and we get the idea, but not the full story. She has 22 blackbird tattoos ... Wyatt has let her down that many times, and she keeps going back for more? Their relationship was never defined by either of them - why? Was Kylie so intimidated by what the rock'n'roll lifestyle could mean for them, she doomed them from the beginning (self fulfilling prophecy)?

Kylie's cutting is thrown out there, but the emotional turmoil behind it was never explained. You'd think she didn't it b/c of all the drama w/ Wyatt, but it stopped b/c he asked her to stop. She did when she was younger as a coping mechanism, but for what? I found that strange.

In a way, I felt this book was a setup for a Heidi/Cal book. I found their interactions more interesting.

I like Emily's writing and really enjoyed her other books, I was just hoping for more.
Devour (The Devoured Series Book 1) :: Uncovered :: Consumed (The Devoured Series Book 4) :: A Wicked Snow :: Friction
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3.75 stars

Kylie and Wyatt have an explosive, passionate, and long history together. This is patently obvious based on all the heartbreak and pain they have caused one another as well as the passion they share. They have been in an on and off relationship as friends with benefits for the last seven years and Kylie is now ready to let it go. But Wyatt is not ready to let her go. And wow, those are some hot, sexy scenes between them!

This story slowly unravels pieces of their history together as they travel cross-country, stopping at points along the way where memories lie. They are like two magnets drawn to each other and I could sense their intense need for one another. Kylie is a strong woman and Wyatt is her kryptonite. What I loved about their craving and need for one another was how Emily Snow wrote it. It was so sensual and intense.

And I loved the secondary characters like Kylie's best friend, Heidi, and the banter between her and Cal, another band member. They added a fun, lighthearted element to the story.

One thing I would have preferred was to have read the Devoured series before. Although this is a standalone story that is based on characters introduced in the Devoured series, I feel like I might have missed some of the character development of both Kylie and Wyatt by not having read those books first which may have made this a richer experience for me.

Overall, I definitely want to read the next one to see how the rest of their story plays out.

ARC received for honest review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
j hann eir ksson
Kylie works and travels with her brothers band. Kylie is in love with Wyatt who is in the band. But what I cannot figure out is why Wyatt and Kylie only get together periodically. Kylie told Wyatt she is in love with him,but what is she waiting for? That's where I'm confused. Not to mention the side story of band members is confusing as well. The story does not flow. Too much time passes and not a lot gets accomplished. Everyone's lives are at a stand still.

Is there some significance as to why Kylie continues to mention she has not changed her last name or removed the tattoo? It's repetitive to keep mentioning it. If it's worth mentioning then state the reason for her inability to do so since it's been seven years. Who does not find time in years to take care of it?
Wyatt is quite the mystery man. The author does not give you much to go on. How Wyatt feels for Kylie has not been forthcoming.
Still confused even after finishing the book. Could not find the connection or the chemistry in this story. The story focused on too many mini themes. Too many distractions. What was the reason they kept running away from each other to begin with? I never figured that out.
I started to get desperate for answers toward the end so I ended up skimming through to the end. Not a good sign when the story does not keep my focus.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We met both Wyatt and Kylie in the "Devoured" series. Kylie caught my attention from the very beginning and I KNEW there was more to the story and I was hoping Emily, the author would share it with us.

Wow! Wyatt and Kylie have been through a LOT! We knew there was drama but what that specifically was or entailed we didn't know. This was a quick read and one that I didn't want to put down. I will admit, that there were times when I was thinking "Really?" as some of the drama could have been avoided by having a conversation and discussing the matter. Another thought we may have was the "Why". Why continue to put herself through the emotional roller coaster. We know that as much as we may love someone, sometimes, love just isn't enough. Yet, these two continued to gravitate towards each other. This went on for not days, or months, but YEARS. At which point do you say "enough, this isn't healthy" and decide to call it quits and move on. If she were my friend, I'd be smacking her across the head, giving her a hug and then pass her a spoon since we knew we'd be staying up chatting the matter over ice cream. Oh and if HE was my friend? The most disapproving look and the shaking of my head. Sometimes, things like that affect a guy more than punching him in the guy and yelling "you stupid idiot!". Can you tell, I've done something like this before? Yeah, those conversations were never fun. However, when you make that decision of "Yes, we're going to be together and we definitely need to work some things out, but this is what we're doing and sticking to it!" does arrive you hope they both make the same level of commitment.

There are a few things that are left unexplained, like Kylie's cutting. I also wished we got to 'see'/learn a little more about their history. How they got together and what happened that drove them apart as well even some of those 22 events that caused Kylie to get those tattoos. As this is a series, I do hope some of these questions get answered in the upcoming books.

By the way, LOVING the new cover over the original!

Overall all a great read filled with great bantering, angst, drama, emotions and yes, steaminess!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
archana ramanathan
Tumultuous? Yes. Hard? In more ways than one. Sexy? Hell YES Savor You starts you off in a time warp. Seven years before the events of this book, our heroine, Kylie Wolfe, is in a crummy hotel room in Texas, taking some time away from managing her older brother's band...and the wreckage of her divorce. At just 19, she is ending her first marriage and is in great turmoil over what to do. Enter Wyatt McRae, the bass player in her brother's band, Your Toxic Sequel, one of the last men she SHOULD want to see because of the toxicity of their back and forth relationship. But, almost despite herself, she falls into his arms she always does.

Jump seven years into the future and Kylie is in New Orleans with her best friend Heidi, still trying to shake her feelings for McRae. She is taking a vacation in order to steel herself against him when she goes back to work, so she is surprised when he shows up in New Orleans to find her. Insanely jealous and possessive, he doesn't want Kylie to even THINK about another guy, but at the same time, they've never been able to make a serious, monogamous relationship work. So, Kylie decides that this time with Wyatt will be the last, and as she prepares to say goodbye to one of the most important people in her life, he prepares to draw her back in and convince her that another shot is what they need. This sexy tug-of-war travels across the U.S. and into many beds along the way (Oo-la-la!), but in the end will it have been worth it? Can they figure out how to fix each other and break out of their toxic patterns or will they fall victim to the same old problems?

The Best Thing:
Alrighty then, where to begin? I started reading this story and thought that the tug-of-war would have my head spinning... and it did, my head and my heart! Kylie and Wyatt's relationship sent butterflies through my stomach for both, the good and the bad walk down memory lane. Although the past between these two was anything but easy throughout the years, the heat and passion and explosive chemistry was definitely nothing to sleep on. I quickly became a fan of the tug-of-war, Kylie making it very clear that she didn't want him around (in the beginning of the vacation) and then Wyatt making it very clear that he wasn't going to give her up. She would always belong to him no matter what. Whoa! between his somewhat aggressive persona and demanding/insistent request, I found myself swooning for Wyatt. My swooning was a force to be reckoned with, because unlike some stories it didn't take Wyatt until the end of the book to fight for Kylie. He began to fight for what he wanted immediately and although they hit a few speed bumps at certain points, I never felt like as a reader, that Wyatt wasn't totally invested in making things right.

Overall the story was really good. The pace was right on. Not too fast and it definitely didn't drag. There was always some type of action happening whether it was with Kylie and Wyatt, or Heidi and Cal, or the drama with Lucas and his ex. I can't wait to read more-and more specifically to read what should/could happen between Cal and Heidi. Now I'm sure they're hot together.

The Worst Thing:
Whew, this book was quite the ride! Though a quick read it was one of those books that covers a lot of ground. One of the great things about this book was the larger cast of characters. I loved hearing about Your Toxic Sequel and its various bandmates, but it seemed like some of the wider story lines were left dangling. For instance, the whole time we're talking about the Drummer, Sinjin, who is back in rehab for what appears to be the millionth time, but we never see or hear from him. The plot line seemed pointless at the end because it didn't ever become relevant to the story. Also, the story with Kylie's older brother and lead singer, Lucas, seemed the same way. Though they built up throughout the story that something was happening with his ex-wife who appeared to be blackmailing him, we never hear what it is and that storyline was never resolved either. It's only sad because the writing was so good that the author had you begging to know every detail about ALL of the characters, not just out two leads. Fingers crossed that these plot points are further explored in the second book? There's a second book, right? Pleeeaasseee?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
YES! SAVOR YOU was exactly what I had been hoping for, for Kylie. She was possibly my favorite character in Devoured. Don't get me wrong, Lucas Wolfe is fantastic, but awesome. Add in a hot tattooed bassist and I'm completely sold!

In SAVOR YOU, Kylie is on vacation. Well, she's trying to be on vacation. She's her rock star brother's assistant and doesn't often get time to herself. Plus, she's desperately trying to get away from Wyatt, the band's bassist. They've had a complicated relationship for years and Kylie just can't take it anymore. Now, Kylie is a solid chick, but she has a past. A past that only Wyatt knows about. While their relationship is complicated and not always healthy, one thing is certain, they love each other. Of course, those words have never been spoken, but they do love each other.

This trip is pretty much the last straw for them. They either need to define their relationship or move on. Initially, Kylie's instinct is to move on. She doesn't want to be hurt by Wyatt anymore. And honestly, I don't think Wyatt is the type of guy that intentionally set out to hurt her. I think he used women as a defense. Kylie was real to him. He allowed her to see and know more about his past. He was afraid though that if he got too close, she would ultimately leave him. So what's changed? Well, Wyatt's come to realize that he won't let Kylie go without a fight. He wants to remind her of the reasons why she fell for him in the first place. Tricky bugger. Also, very romantic.

Looking for the sexy? Well, it's definitely there! Wyatt and Kylie have some serious sexual chemistry. Not only were the scenes hot and solid panty soakers, but they were also intimate and caring. You could feel their depth of feeling for each other. It was pretty special.

Overall, I loved SAVOR YOU. I felt like I got to know these characters more and I can't wait to see how their story will intertwine with the Devoured Series. I'm also anxious to see what will happen in the next Savor Us book. I have my fingers crossed that it will be about Cal and Heidi. Those two crack me up and have some pretty great dialogue in this book. If you need something sexy, but also has a great plot...check this one out! After you've read Devoured!

4.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy o
Reviewed by Guest Reviewer/Lisa & posted at Under the Covers Book Blog

"Sit back and enjoy the ride everyone, and please make sure you buckle up, this is going to be one bumpy ride!" ~Under the Covers

I can't even begin to describe to you the awesomeness of this book. If you haven't read Emily Snow's "Devoured" series then I suggest you hold off on reading this book. In Devoured we meet Lucas, the jerk of my dreams and leader of the rock band Your Toxic Sequel. "Savor You" is the story of his personal assistant and sister Kylie and his band mate Wyatt. 8 years ago Kylie lost her virginity (and her heart) to Wyatt. In all of that time, through her failed marriage and his "can't tell ya cause you will find out on your own" drama, they have not been able to get each other out of their minds. They realized a long time ago that theirs was a more than a friends with benefits arrangement, but were never able to make it work due to how messed up each of them were.

While Kylie is determined to get Wyatt out of her system, he is determined to convince her otherwise. While YTS is on a bit of a hiatus due to their drummers stint in rehab, Wyatt agrees to fill in with his band mate Cal's cousin's band for a few bar gigs, and he sees this as a last ditch effort to get back with Kylie who happens to be on vacation with her bestie Heidi in New Orleans. Knowing that this was not a coincidence, Kylie agrees to accompany the boys on their road trip (having her hotel room robbed by Heidi's one night stand and having no ID or money to get on a plane home kind of solidifies her decision). Sit back and enjoy the ride everyone, and please make sure you buckle up, this is going to be one bumpy ride!

This book tore my heart out. There was a point that I stopped reading it because it was late and I, until win the lotto or marry a rich man with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, I had to go to work the next day. I am glad that I put it down where I did because had I read 1 more page I would not have stopped!!!! The angsty deliciousness was almost more than I could bear at some points. I didn't want the book to end but I couldn't wait to find out if they get their happily ever after... you will just have to read this book and find out for yourself... but remember.... read "All Over You" first, then read "Devoured", THEN read "Savor You". At this point you will be like me anxiously awaiting her next book, "Consumed". Well done Miss Snow, you have a lifelong fan in this bookworm. 5 very enthusiastic feathers!

*ARC provided by author
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
megan pennefather
Rating: B+ ... Heat: Hot

Kylie Wolfe is one tough chick. You'd have to be to put up with the Lucas Wolfe on a daily basis, right? But she does have one weakness, her kryptonite, Wyatt McCrae. These two crazy kids have been put through the emotional ringer, a relationship that's only been hinted at in Devoured, and now we finally get to see Kylie and Wyatt. Their often effed up but always crazy beautiful relationship.

So when these two are forced on a semi-cross country road trip, revisiting painful memories, I was glad to be right there with them. Getting to know them both. Especially since their stops always included a bar, Wyatt being sexy on stage, and a hotel room at the end of the night... Or a laundry room. Wyatt can make washing clothes sexy as sin too, let me tell ya.

"I've done exactly what I told you I'd do. I came here with you. I let you remind me of our past, the good and the bad. But, Wyatt, I just can't anymore." - Kylie

Not that Kylie's happy to be around Wyatt, when the whole point of her vacation was to get away from him. Because, after so many years of off and on, of hurting every time they're off--she's ready to be off for good. Kylie wears her heart on her sleeve and, finally, she's starting to feel worn down. She may look like a wild child, but Wyatt's the only oats she's ever wanted to sow. She's dedicated to Your Toxic Sequel and all its members, but Wyatt makes her feel too much. If only she could say no to him.

"Did you think I'd really give you up so easily, beautiful? Did you really think I'd let you go without reminding you why you f--ing fell in the first place?"
- Wyatt

But, really, who would want to say no to Wyatt? That man, with his sexy lip ring and guitar-string callused fingers is h-o-t. I could immediately feel what drew Kylie to him and kept her coming back. He's broken, he's made dumb mistakes, but deep down he loves her and that's all that matters. And when he sets his mind to wooing Kylie, well, she doesn't really stand a chance. You have to love a guy who's charm is a little rough around the edges. Wyatt is relentless when it comes to winning Kylie this time because he can tell it's probably his last chance.

Savor You is one emotional road trip down memory lane. Filled with tension and intimacy and love that sometimes feels toxic. I loved the sense of familiarity and affection--and, most importantly, the friendship--between Kylie and Wyatt. Sometimes love is all about timing and it takes a while for them to get their timing right. I've been looking forward to their story, and Kylie as the main character, since Devoured and Miz Snow gave me exactly what I'd hoped for. I love the way she writes rock stars with hard edges... and Wyatt doesn't disappoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Review posted at: [...]

Raw epicness!! I loooooove Kylie & Wyatt!! Their story pulled at my heart strings the entire read. Kylie is our man Lucas' sister from Devoured. Looking into Kylie's life while she took vacation was non-stop angst and had my emotions all over the map. The roller coaster of their relationship was very relatable (well minus the rock stars--at least for me) that you could truly feel what they're experiencing. I felt the pain, the need, the jealousy (even if they didn't want to admit it), and the desire. Emily grabbed my shirt and threw me into this head first and I held on then let go and then raised my arms up in the air while screaming!! Wyatt oh sweet hell, I think I might love him more then Lucas--please don't throw things at me. The depth and meaning to his words and the fact that he's not perfect just, I don't know, he has me speechless. Kylie & Wyatt's tattoos--OMG I freaking love them! The meaning and placement of said tattoos had me bawling and the time when they did the thing together (well one right after the other)--gaaaah I just melted all over the floor. So much depth and heart was put into this book and it played out beautifully. The friendships and banter had me laughing so hard. I want to read more about Heidi and Cal because I know their story would be a helluva ride as well!! Many parts left me speechless, jaw dropped, and thinking WTF could anything else go wrong, BUT every. single. second. was worth it! Give it a try!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I absolutely adored this story. It was a rather quick, hot & steamy read with a healthy dose of sexual tension and angst but not so much so that it caused me extreme anxiety. I need a book like this every now and then and Savor You thoroughly fit the bill.

Kylie was a truly likeable heroine for me. A strong bad-ass of a woman, she desperately fought against her love for Wyatt due to their inability to stop hurting each other during their seven-year on-again/off-again semi-relationship. There was a pull, a never-ending magnetic attraction between Wyatt and Kylie that neither of them was able to resist. But Wyatt was your typical rock star screw-up, living the rock star life. However, I couldn't help but adore him as well. Why? Well, while Kylie was trying to break free of him, he was determined to remind her of why they fell together in the first place. He didn't want to lose her and fought her resistance every step of the way. Wyatt won me over simply because he wouldn't give up on her.

There was a sweet little twist at the end that completely caught me by surprise. Totally not what I was expecting but so surprisingly pleasant. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for a quick, steamy & not very complicated beach blanket read. Note: This is a spin-off of the Devoured series. While not fully necessary in order to follow this story-line, I do suggest you at least read Devoured and All Over You before reading Savor You to get the whole gist of the story.

Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tara cooper
Kylie Wolfe and guitarist Wyatt McCrae have been bad for each other for the last several years, but it's impossible for them to end their toxic push and pull. Not when their attraction is constantly fueled by lust and proximity--she's her older brother's Lucas's assistant and Wyatt is his best friend and band mate.

So when Your Toxic Sequel makes a move to record a new album in Nashville, Kylie decides to make the latest break with Wyatt official by getting the hell out of town. She'll spend a week in New Orleans. A week to immerse herself in the Mardi Gras scene. One week to not think about the last time she was in New Orleans, seven years ago with Wyatt. Seven days where she won't have to see Wyatt every day just to fall ridiculously in love with him all over again--where, if she wants to, she can have a normal, no-strings attached fling that won't end in heartbreak.

Too bad Wyatt ruins everything by showing up, as gorgeous and demanding and goddamn awful for her as ever.

Wyatt refuses to let Kylie give up on him. Not without reminding her why they both fell so far and hard in the first place. Not without making her savor the good memories and what could be their last chance with each other.

Note: This is a spinoff from the Devoured series.
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