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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Not a comic book reader, but I enjoyed this. As always, soap opera rules apply, so you're jumping into the middle of an extraordinarily convoluted storyline. Characters you may not know abound. References are made that are probably explained elsewhere. But it's a fun little story nonetheless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great story to follow planet hulk. For the more casual readers there is a movie available that pretty much can help as a pre-explanation for this comic. I also recommend civil war comics before reading this title although it will not be an absolute necessity.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
world war hulk was a good read, interesting for a while and then it kinda took a downturn at the end. however, the x-men tie in is certainly excelent quality writing and art. i consider world war hulk to be exceptional for that reason only, the x-men tie in is phenomonal,but wwh on it's own is like a ballon letting the air out, the begining is really noisy and grabs ya good but the ending kinda trails off into a flat ending.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jonathan mason
The idea of the Hulk is ridiculous. He just get more mad and never dies? This book could have been written by a kid. It’s just one boring lopsided battle after another. I don’t know why anyone would care about this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alysia brazin
While i think Planet Hulk is way better and a way more inspired story, World War Hulk is pretty good!!!! The graphics and the colours are AMAZING!!!! The story is nice......Recommended if you like the Planet Hulk saga!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I don't know what I was expecting from a Hulk event but I wanted more from this. It was a huge slugfest that was one note and makes everyone else besides the Hulk look terrible. The supporting cast, Hulk's Warbound, don't play a large enough roll. John Romita Jr.'s art, which I usually love felt rushed and was lackluster. The coloring on the book was awful. This book was nothing more than 100+ pages of Hulk beating up heroes which seems like every 12 year old Hulk fan's dream. As an old man (32) it left me wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kevin grimsley
The I.H is my fav. This work is an older story though popular I find it anticlimactic and make no mention in detail why. However it does hold true in my opinion of typical comic format,.it kept interested I did enjoy it Until "THE END"
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela herring
When a comic is called World War Hulk, you shouldn't expect Shakespeare.

If you expect a whole lot of people getting punched in the face by the green Goliath, along with the usual property damage, you wont be disappointed.

The meagre plot is only there to drive confrontation and confrontation is what this book is all about. I like the Hulk as a character but have never really followed his book because it's always so repetitive, [with the exception of the fantastic recent 'Planet Hulk' story] so this was a good opportunity to grab a dose of some mindless Hulk Smash action and see those smug bastards Tony Stark, Mr Fantastic, Black Bolt & Dr Strange get their comeuppance.

If you like big superhero battles and explosions, this is one of the better books to give you what you need.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francesca g varela
This book is really good, has a lot of good fights, the story is basic but is a good final to planet hulk, Jonh Romita JR's art is espectacular, if you compare this book with Pplanet Hulk it is a mistake because planet hulk is a very complex-interesting arc, and world war hulk delivers the final, now i want to read Hulk (red hulk) and find out what happens to our green/red goliath.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great follow up to Planet Hulk although, compared to Planet Hulk, this story seems much more brief. All in all though, it's a great story. I can definitely see this story adapted into a movie at some point. If you've read Planet Hulk and not this, you need to get it. If you haven't read either story, you're truly missing out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barry best
This is one of the better Hulk stories out there. Action packed and equally emotionally charged. The only thing that sets it back is the fact that it's a bit repetitive. Read Planet Hulk first, for the full story and get ready for a ride. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a huge Hulk fan. When I was a kid, it was one of the comics I would pick up each month. When Planet Hulk arrived, my fanfare for the Green Goliath was renewed. Even though this story might be a bit lacking in plot - it is supposed to be. I have learned that when the Hulk is really mad, he smashes and usually doesn't stop for a while. That is basically what this story is about. I think everyone knew that going into it, so I am really not sure why people seem so upset about the story. After the long-winded, highly policital (and still not over yet) Civil War Saga, I just wanted to beat the living snot out of most of the Marvel Universe. Luckily, the Hulk did that for me. If you want to see the Hulk barrel through the entire Marvel Universe, this is the story to get. If you are looking for plot, look elsewhere - there is only smashing here.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kenny daily
I bought World War Hulk because I bought Planet Hulk years ago and enjoyed it immensely. I liked the continuation of the story from the previous comic, however I found the story in World War Hulk a bit short. I thought the art style was inferior to that of Planet Hulk as well. Instead of the gracefully drawn, epic images of the previous, some characters looked as though they were drawn in a rush. Finally, I'm a bit biased because I'm not a big fan of conventional superhero comics, so their presence turned me off a bit. I've obviously written this under the assumption that the buyer will have read Planet Hulk. If this is not the case, I expect that you will enjoy World War Hulk much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris wolak
I’m shocked I’ve never seen this side of the Hulk before but love the complexity of his character far more now than the recent films portray. This would make an excellent read for any fan of the anti hero.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryony doran
Well told story that enabled us to see no bad guy rather two sides with grievance against each other and the problem was that each side only tried to win and make the other submit at the cost of their freedom.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The comic book media (Marvel)hyped it, and hyped it. It was big, check, it was big,... that's it. As for story line, don't expect much. I was surprised at the huge sales this title made. Shows that Marvel is sort of WWE, more glitter than substance, judging by this title. (SPOILER ALERT folks!!) Not to mention, Civil War (take the ending itself) was a rip off. ANother 'slugfest' between super types, who quickly pick sides like teens, and squabble where they should more realistically be (after a long established trust) reaching a juncture of agreement, with a few displaced allegiances here and there between the less stellar characters. The only good twist in this story: 1) Hulk blindsiding Dr. Strange by breaking his hands, showing off a dangerous new level of intellect coupled with his ferocity, 2) The arena in which he makes the 'heroes' fight each other, trying to vent off some of that pent up frustration he feels toward them. As for the rest of the story, Sentry's angle was pushed indeed, a little too much perhaps. Rushed is more like it. Even the action is not quite 'just' and fair to the other characters. Seems they pushed Hulk a bit too far here. Black Bolt, another good character from Marvel, lost all his credibility in 1 swift moment. True, Hulk has strength. But where the hell did he get the power to clog his ears???? How did gamma radiation do all that? His powers to me were always bordering on the side of realism, sort of driven by science and consequently, primal rage. But here, Black Bolt, who shatters mountains with a whisper, lost in a jiffy. That is why they never showed this most aniticipated of brawls: it was off panel. Black Bolt could probably go on whispering, at the least to keep Hulk at bay, and the inhumans have a load of science at their disposal to escape, relocate (like they have done before), while Hulk and Black Bolt laid it down. But Greg Pak rushed it, as it was difficult to show the fight to obtain that result: Hulk knocking out Black Bolt. Next, for a 'Sorcerer Supreme', it seems Strange really really has limits. Seems his billing as 'supreme' is also another 'overrating'. It seems Hulk is above magic, with Strange coupling with an extra dimensional magical demon, and yet coming up short, whatever the scenario. Anyhow, if it is a straightforward (minimal twist) slugfest between good guys you wish to see, this is for you. If you are indeed somehow looking for indepth turns and twists that were found in earlier Hulk tales (Planet Hulk, if you ask me was a very good angle), this is going to dissappoint. Cheers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jaan erik
Some of the biggest names in Marvel in this comic batting. Destructive to say the least. What’s surprising was the plot twist, I was not expecting that at all. Worth reading the entire arc, every page!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nate d
Quite the story of the hulk, of choices, and of rage. Passion, betrayal, and the earth shattering consequences of actions taken. Hulk is proof that even the best intentions can have terrible and unforseen consequences.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome!! Bought this for my son and he loved it. The words are big enough for him to see clearly and the colors are very bright and vibrant. Pages are glossy and eye catching. It's a great book and arrived on time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick grizzard
What defines this series is a quote from Dr. Strange "he's never been angrier, so he's never been stronger."

Hulk has always been a strange character to define because his level of power and standing the Marvel Universe varies by cannon and is directly relative to his level of anger and/or emotional turmoil. In this series he's more powerful than he has ever been and likely ever will be again. So it's a great excuse to have one guy beat the hell out of all of the major players in the marvel universe.

With that said I did enjoy the base storyline because it has elements simplicity as well as the shades of grey that make good guy vs good guy interesting.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
While the cover art is good, the artwork within the comic was so ugly and lazy that I never bothered reading the story. Seriously if they wanted to do cheap rush job artwork, they should have just made this a written mini novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I picked 5 stars cause I loved the book and the h u l k is awesome ?????
And I would dedicated his book to every one that's 7 and up so yeah it's a good fit book ?????
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam adams
Okay, I know I might get some heat from this, but I was totally for the Hulk the whole way. I hate when people tell you whats good for you and what needs to be done a crap like that. Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Strange, and Blackbolt all get what they derserved.

That being said, I agree with the others when they say its nothing but a summer action movie. It is, but it also has a decent story. It basically asked the question of how far should one to achieve their revenge. Pretty good question if ya ask me. And the ending kinda haunted me. It was an ending that had to happen, but still was pretty messed up. Anyway, I liked it. Personally, seeing the high and mighty Richards and Stark getting the crap beaten out of them satified me. Especially since Im Anti-Registration. Or was... Whatever!!!

Anyway, if you read Planet Hulk(which was one of the best comics Ive ever read personally) you should read this. If you like to see some of the Smartest and Strongest characters in the Marvel Universe fight the awesome Green Giant, you should definiatly pick this up
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steph vecchio
Sometimes writers get lazy and think that just because they want a certain outcome, the reader is not supposed to notice that it doesn't make any sense.

This book is FILLED with examples of nonsense writing. Take, for example, the first "fight" (never shown) of the Hulk beating Black Bolt. Right! Here's a guy who blows holes through walls with a whisper and can destroy a city with a word. He can turn the Hulk's brain to jelly any time he wants. Of course, NOW we know that this Black Bolt was probably a Skrull and that's why he didn't have BB's sonic powers. But a little THOUGHT on the writer's part could have overcome the discrepancy. For example: sound doesn't travel in a vacuum, so Black Bolt can't blow a hole in the Hulk's spaceship. The Hulk tells BB, "Surrender yourself and let me beat the snot out of you or we'll bomb your people from space and they'll all die."

Would that this was the only example.
- The Hulk breaks Dr. Strange's hands. Why would the Sorcerer Supreme allow an angry monster to get that close to him without some kind of protection?
- Iron Man is head of the Avengers and SHIELD and has close ties to the US government. A guy that smart would be like a general, using his troops to protect his homeland.
- The Fantastic Four would fight literally to the death to prevent Reed Richard's being captured by the Hulk. And if he was captured, Susan Storm would just look at the guy who captured her husband and say, "You're dead meat," right before she pops a force field in Hulk's brain AND his heart.

As I said, a little thought could deal with these discrepancies. But the problem was: the Writer was too busy trying to Make A Point, namely that Hulk isn't the real monster, everyone else is. (Sorry, bub, but your rage, though sometimes justifiable, has put countless innocents at risk for years. That makes YOU the monster, not the ones trying to protect citizens.)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
deeann smith
Once I saw Hulk and the Warbound set up gladiator fighting in Madison Square Garden I really lost interest. I was hoping that Hulk was going to systematically hunt down the offending Illuminati in the same vein as great revenge movie. The Sentry's presence is built up throughout the story and finally shows up at the end only to become a bigger menace and threat to the Marvel Universe. The Hulk and Sentry fight to a standstill until they both peter out to their weaker alter-egos. The main flaw I found was that it was hard to empathize with any of the characters in the book.
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