Exposing the Myths You've Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson
ByDavid Barton
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Barton rights the Jefferson legacy. A must read to get to the truth about the lies that have been told through the years in an attempt to change our perception of just who our third president really was. Jefferson was a genius and a great founding father.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Barton does a great job addressing the Thomas Jefferson lies. Approach this book with investigative lens and examine how detailed David Barton explains why those assumed facts are not necessarily true and you will gain the most from this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent read and shows just how people believe almost anything thing they read and never take the time to follow up with their own research! This believe almost anything also applies to what they hear; do your own research to uncover the truth.
John Jacob Astor and Thomas Jefferson's Lost Pacific Empire :: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-First Century :: The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson (Dover Thrift Editions) :: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves - Master of the Mountain :: Thomas Jefferson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well researched and informative book. Backs up what he says with references to known documented facts that have been lost or twisted by liberal academia that have tried to take away the genius of this man, Jefferson, I real good read and well planned book.
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ronnie craft
David Barton does an excellent job of documenting his sources. It is inspiring to find out that modern day politically correct historians cannot rewrite history to fit their own political perspectives. Bravo David.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the most important and truthful authors I know. Each of his books are documented with the source of his research. This edition was a result of the LIBERAL left criticism of his original book of the same title. In this version he justified and referenced the prior weaknesses. David is a PRO at our founders and our American history. You can't go wrong with Barton or his materials found on Wallbuilders.com.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
preston constantine
The most important part of addressing historical events or people is the use of references from primary sources. David Barton hits one out of the park with his book on the Jefferson Lies. Since my initial purchase, I've bought 3 more copies to be given away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't normally like detail orientated books but The Jefferson Lies is easy reading and very entertaining. I really like the fact that all the info in this book is as factual as possible and well documented.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I know so many educators and students who were fed lies pertaining to Jefferson. Even the previous edition, which I have, was given scathing reviews by the academics who had been fed the big lies from the early 40's to today.
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dean tambling
love jefferson and this validates my love of one of the greatest of the founders. because i am a amature historian myself, i tracked down much of the documentation on this book. the original sources back up the books claim....that jefferson has been grossly mischaracterized.
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dorsa tajaddod
This book is worth buying and reading. When one considers how the history of the US and its founders have been distorted over the years this book is worth reading. It also addresses those who attacked the book when originally published in a 37 page factual preface (Forgot to subtract 10 from the page number).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
very well researched and written. I guess one can change meanings and make things appear differently to suit one's views but when it comes straight from the persons own personal diaries and writings then we should if we are wise ,we will take them just as they are written. I thought the book very true to the way we used to believe before all the naysayers came along to rewrite things to suit their agendas.
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nils geylen
I was unaware of the controversy over Mr. Barton's previous book on this topic. As impressive as his ability to dismantle/discredit the objections raised by his detractors is, I was equally impressed by his demeanor in the process.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c heyward
Barton does what revisionist historians NEVER do - he went to the original source documents, to find out the truth. It is a refreshing change from the philosophical fictions that masquerade as history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Barton does an excellent job of exposing the misinformation and historical inaccuracies often cited by the Progressives. His use of first hand writings and actual historical records hits hard at the heart of the liberal's ideals of who Jefferson really was, setting the record straight.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison olson
this book is amazing as David Barton systematically dismantles many of the LIES we've been fed.
The TRUTH is in the historical data presented in a very fair way with extensive references and footnotes.
Highly recommend.
The TRUTH is in the historical data presented in a very fair way with extensive references and footnotes.
Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allie marie
Incredible reporting. Evidence that exonerates Jefferson of the accusations that he was the father of his slave woman's child or children is simply too powerful to be ignored. President Kennedy had more respect for Jefferson than any other previous president. The kind of evidence that, when brought to light, has freed many men wrongly convicted of murder or rape, most of them black. The author is unique in that he lets the evidence take him where it will; he doesn't try to politicize his findings although he does frequently contrast what he presents with that of the pre-determined opinion of a radical or socialist. Other books of his that I have read are also superior in reporting quality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As is common, Barton emphasized accuracy first, supported by evidence for his positions. His writings lift history out of the ashes of chaos and explain the understandable reason for policy against a background of efforts to cloud our true heritage. Our founders had vision beyond their own individual understanding. What a blessing to the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon haupt
The book came on time and in excellent condition.
The book tells of Thomas Jefferson by original documents, a rarity today, much to our disgrace!!
three cheers for Dave Barton willing to take the heat for telling history from original records!!
The book tells of Thomas Jefferson by original documents, a rarity today, much to our disgrace!!
three cheers for Dave Barton willing to take the heat for telling history from original records!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I want my history lessons to always be the truth, with no spin to the left. I think this is a better way to reveal our History. Too many people today feel a need to vilify our Founding Fathers by applying modern day restrictions to what they "may" have done in their own time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is not a complete biography of Thomas Jefferson, but will suffice as most of what is important to know about him since many people think they know his history but are sadly mistaken. Mr. Barton sets them straight.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book covers what I feel Jefferson's life really was and not the tripe thrown around by so called history majors that think they know it all and make him out to be some kind of molester and monster. A joy to read and helped a lot with my research.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just started reading it and have learned a lot. I have also found out my teachers are full of excrement. It makes me sick that I had to pay the moronic teacher to shove a bunch of lies out as facts. It is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was very well documented. Not a difficult read, and clears up much confusion and unanswered questions about Thomas Jefferson. It's good to know that this imperfect man was not as flawed as some persons would want you to believe.
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mike mullen
About all I knew about Thomas Jefferson was that he was highly intelligent, he owned slaves, and he wrote the Declaration of Independence before I read The Jefferson Lies. David Barton has set many records straight with documented proof. As a former English teacher, I always told my students when doing research to go to primary sources when possible for the truth because a person usually records his/her deep, heartfelt feelings in his/her personal writings such as diaries, journals, and letters. David Barton did just that in researching many myths and lies attributed to Jefferson. I vote for The Jefferson Lies to be put on the reading list in American history classes. I also believe that if other David Barton books about our founding fathers and the founding of America were discussed in American history classes, our black students would learn that black people played some important roles in the founding process of America before that dark chapter of slavery. Could it be that the Progressives have intentionally skewed the history to keep the race anger problem alive? I wonder how many readers are aware that a black preacher preached to large crowds in the US Capitol every Sunday for years. What a difference a couple hundred years make!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great history of Thomas Jefferson's loyalty to the colonies and his sacrifices in our tremendous struggle to gain our freedom from
Great Britain. Many people today suppose this country has always had the freedoms (ex under British rule no Bibles could be printed in English in colonies) we have today even under British rule. This book proves (gives DNA sources of all statements of truth) that the children of Jefferson's slave were not his. Jefferson was very knowledgeable of the truths of the Bible which he believed. This book disputes many lies (from other books that give no sources) that have spread throughout the years simply because Jefferson was a supporter of Christianity. The author has footnotes giving references for each statement. Some other books giving positive statements are not footnoted. Each lie Thomas Jefferson is accused of doing is footnoted as an untruth. Yes he had slaves but under British rule owners could not free them. First few years after we became free couldn't free slaves until owner's death by will. Read the truth of one of our greatest founding father's.
Great Britain. Many people today suppose this country has always had the freedoms (ex under British rule no Bibles could be printed in English in colonies) we have today even under British rule. This book proves (gives DNA sources of all statements of truth) that the children of Jefferson's slave were not his. Jefferson was very knowledgeable of the truths of the Bible which he believed. This book disputes many lies (from other books that give no sources) that have spread throughout the years simply because Jefferson was a supporter of Christianity. The author has footnotes giving references for each statement. Some other books giving positive statements are not footnoted. Each lie Thomas Jefferson is accused of doing is footnoted as an untruth. Yes he had slaves but under British rule owners could not free them. First few years after we became free couldn't free slaves until owner's death by will. Read the truth of one of our greatest founding father's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book did a great job of really articulating a lot of what I've been seeing in today's world. A must read for anyone pursuing the truth and yearning for greater education. David Barton also does a great job of citing all of his material to help back up his claims.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally a definitive review of the facts that dispel the progressive lies that have been fed to the public for years, " if you say it enough, it becomes [known as] fact." As were most of his contemporaries, a deist that relied heavily on the Biblical, Judeo-Christian ideals that formed the foundation for the great American Experiment ensconced in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights that followed.
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