United States

A Novel of Mammy from Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind
A Novel of Mammy from Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind

Review:I enjoyed this book. Although several French words are included in the beginning pages, context clues enhance the reader's understanding of the narrative. Once the action moves to Savannah, I did not put the book down until I finished reading it. Read more

Orlando (Annotated): A Biography
Orlando (Annotated): A Biography

Review:No lover in the world ever wrote a valentine more exquisite than Virginia Woolf's tribute to her lover Vita Sackville-West.

That tribute was "Orlando: A Biography," a magical-realism tale about a perpetually youthful, charming hero/ine who traverses three centuries and both genders -- and Woolf's writing reaches a new peak as she explores the hauntingly sensuous world of Orlando. It's one of those rare novels that transcends the time in which it was written, even as its hero/ine transcend... Read more

To the Lighthouse
To the Lighthouse

Review:Take my word for it--if you've not read Virginia Woolf before--you need to be in the mood to read her. I think her books can be unbearable otherwise. However, I was in the mood for "To the Lighthouse," and I thought it was terrific.
I've been much more intrigued by Virginia Woolf after Michael Cunningham's "The Hours," (and the subsequent film) brought her back into the limelight. She was fascinated with the degree to which everyday, seemingly trivial details of life can seem to be matters... Read more

Mrs. Dalloway
Mrs. Dalloway

Review:Well, I can check this book off my 'to read' list. That's one of the best things I can say about it. One day in Mrs. Dalloway's life and those of the people who know her is achingly described, sometimes lovely and sometimes nonsensical. You would think if an author wanted to focus on one single day, she might want the reader to come away changed somehow by some significant message. There is nothing substantial in the story. It is lovely writing about nothing. Mrs. Dalloway is planning a pa... Read more

Night and Day (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics)
Night and Day (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics)

Review:I thought the last Jesse Stone novel, STRANGER IN PARADISE, was a little bit over the top. The laidback rhythm was missing; the relationship between Jesse, Molly, and Suit was muted. Not to worry, with NIGHT AND DAY the old Jesse is back.

This version is more about obsession than anything. Jesse and his staff are investigating a Peeping Tom case that turns into home invasion. In a similar vein, a young girl comes to Jesse complaining about her parents' wife swapping, and then there's a sc... Read more

Understanding Trump
Understanding Trump

Review:A fantastic Book. If you didn't understand what our President was trying to do, read this book. It gives you a whole new perspective on politics and how the country can work for every American and every American can once again be proud of their country. I Highly recommend this book.? Read more

How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency
How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency

Review:Ever since watching the West Wing, I've been interested in the job of White House Chief of Staff. It seems like such a powerful and stressful job. I've really enjoyed this book and learning the inside and behind the scenes stories from the Nixon administration through the Obama administration. A lot of what I read was completely new to me, but I'm not a big presidential history buff.

I think it makes a good contrast between the "good" Chiefs and the "not so good" Chiefs. It shows how one ... Read more

The Inside Story of His Rise to the Presidency - Let Trump Be Trump
The Inside Story of His Rise to the Presidency - Let Trump Be Trump

Review:As a Trump supporter I followed the campaign closely, this book is an accurate step by step account of the Trump Campaign. The account moves quickly and there is never a dull moment. Lots of interesting facts and hilarious situations make this book an interesting read. Loved it!!! Read more

The Corruption of the American Republic
The Corruption of the American Republic

Review:David Frum did an outstanding job. Very well written and researched. A first rate account of the most corrupt president in American history. I encourage people to read this book. Donald Trump is a fraud and this book explains why with solid facts. Read more

The Pearl
The Pearl

Review:I'm a huge fan of Steinbeck and couldn't believe I hadn't read "The Pearl" in high school. So, I bought it at Amazon and wasn't impressed with the book. While some of the author's observations about people, human nature, and towns/communities are really good, this book is somewhat blah. It's based on a Mexican folk tale, so I can't fault Steinbeck for the lack of plot, but something just seems to be missing. I also didn't like the end, it was somewhat gory and made me think "ewww" just like... Read more

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