Darkness: A Thriller

ByKaren Robards

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
There are three adjectives that cover the entire book. Cold: as in, the setting is Attu, an island off the coast of Alaska, in November. Cold mist, cold hail, cold sleet, cold snow, and cold in general. Got it? Next is hard: as in, the hero has a hard face, hard eyes, hard lines in his face, hard abs, hard biceps, and something else a bit south of there. Got it? Finally, the word is hot: as in, the heroine gets hot from observing all the hero's hardness, which she does continually over a three-day span. As is typical of Robards' books, the premise is set up over a few pages, then ignored for hundreds of pages more while the hero gets harder, the heroine gets hotter, and the weather gets colder. It's basically an extended chase scene, as the bad guys - of which there are an endless supply - chase Cal (who was shot but not incapacitated; he's too hard for one little bullet to slow him down) and Gina (a birdwatcher who doesn't know that some of those birds aren't active on the island in November). Despite seeing her friends killed and not knowing a thing about him, Gina falls for Cal. Despite holding a high security secret, having been shot and facing off against an untold number of foes, Cal falls for Gina. The story wraps up in a few pages at the end, and the reader is only left to wonder if Gina will move from CA to be with Cal, or whether he'll relocate from VA to be with her. This is an incredibly dumb book, yet readable.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sue hatton
There are three adjectives that cover the entire book. Cold: as in, the setting is Attu, an island off the coast of Alaska, in November. Cold mist, cold hail, cold sleet, cold snow, and cold in general. Got it? Next is hard: as in, the hero has a hard face, hard eyes, hard lines in his face, hard abs, hard biceps, and something else a bit south of there. Got it? Finally, the word is hot: as in, the heroine gets hot from observing all the hero's hardness, which she does continually over a three-day span. As is typical of Robards' books, the premise is set up over a few pages, then ignored for hundreds of pages more while the hero gets harder, the heroine gets hotter, and the weather gets colder. It's basically an extended chase scene, as the bad guys - of which there are an endless supply - chase Cal (who was shot but not incapacitated; he's too hard for one little bullet to slow him down) and Gina (a birdwatcher who doesn't know that some of those birds aren't active on the island in November). Despite seeing her friends killed and not knowing a thing about him, Gina falls for Cal. Despite holding a high security secret, having been shot and facing off against an untold number of foes, Cal falls for Gina. The story wraps up in a few pages at the end, and the reader is only left to wonder if Gina will move from CA to be with Cal, or whether he'll relocate from VA to be with her. This is an incredibly dumb book, yet readable.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah ogden
Very simply scribbled , with no efforts almost.
Yes it is sexy, but boring. Repetetive. I just wanted read something outside of my comfort zone. That is why i chose this, randomly Therefore you should make your own judgement .
Shattered: A Thriller :: Loving Julia :: A Novel (Dr. Charlotte Stone) - The Last Time I Saw Her :: Death Comes For The Archbishop (VMC) by Cather - Willa (2006) Paperback :: Midnight Sacrifice
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Must be a release of something very early. Total bore. Researcher saves special ops type post plane crash. Half a book of trekking across tundra & bad weather -- with endless description -- to escape bad guys who shot down plane. Some hot sex in a cave. Next half trekking back over tundra & bad weather -- more endless description. Improbable escape. Bad guys caught. Woman gets forever man. Soulmates. The End. A really empty book, which had the bones of a better story, although the author didn't know what to do with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. Gina Sullivan is a ornithologist who is studying the wildlife that live on an Attu island in Alaska, she is there on a group research grant trip, with her colleagues. While following a newly released eagle she finds herself caught in a storm, and witnessing a plane crash, and the moment she sees it go down the memories of her own crash hit her like a ton of bricks. While trying to fend off her haunting memories she forces herself to focus on helping the survivors, and finds that there is only one survivor, a handsome man named James MacArthur Callahan who prefers to go by "Cal." Right after rescuing Cal danger sets in, and Gina soon discovers that the seemingly innocent trip she had planned, is not going to happen, and it has now turned into a trip of survival!

Having been a while since my last book by Ms. Robards, I had forgotten just how much I enjoyed reading her spine tingling stories, but after reading the first few paragraphs of this book I was quickly reminded of the literary treat her books provide! From the get go this read jumped out and grabbed my attention and continued to keep me on the edge of my seat the whole way through! The story line was inventive, the characters were well crafted and had great chemistry and it had the same thrilling action I have come to expect with her books!! Anytime you settle down to read a book by Ms. Robards you must first prepare yourself to be taken on a literary thrill ride and then you must always expect the unexpected, because she is the master at pulling out the last minute surprise!

If you like thrilling mysteries with a splash or two of steamy romance, then you MUST add this one to your reading list, it is sure to satisfy all of your reading needs and then some!!

I voluntarily requested, read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
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