Banished (Street Rats of Aramoor: Book 1)

ByMichael Wisehart

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn gilbert
As a volunteer beta reader for Michael - imagine getting an Advance Reader Copy of this book - I was curious to see how he might squeeze a full novel [let alone an off-shoot series] based on the childhood of Ayrion. He's done so with deftness and gusto - not always regular traveling companions, but they work together here magnificently.

We've gone from a macro-view of the world of Aldor to a micro-view of the underworld seething under the noses of the King in the capitol city, Aramoor [hence the sub-title]. I'll be first to admit I wasn't expecting a full-blown, teenage underworld for this setting - I'm not big on novels where all the main characters and plot lines revolve around teens.

I may need to rethink that outlook. BANISHED takes this sub-genre, overlays it onto the vast tapestry of THE WHITE TOWER and widens our view of this rich world by filling in details at an absorbing pace with characters the reader identifies with quickly.

Like TWT, plot twists come fast and furious, and... unexpectedly. More than once, our hero is placed into situations that make you mentally scratch your head and ask, "OK, how is the author going to squeek him out of THIS one?!" The answers are always unexpected and satisfying. And they keep on coming.

The high bar set by TWT continues to remain high. Recommended without hesitation, and with the exciting news that this is only entry One of *side* series, readers that have been holding back to see if my prediction that Michael Wisehart is The Real Deal may now jump in without hesitation and with the knowledge [check the reviews - don't take just my word for it] an exciting and satisfying world is being revealed in glorious prose worthy of your attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
margaret kraft
Banished, the prequel to The Street Rats of Aramoor by Michael Wisehart is an exciting adventure that introduces Ayrion, a member of the Upakan Tribe. He is an apprentice warrior in a tribe best known, and despised, as mercenary assassins. This story follows him as a 13-year -old. He is accompanying his father to learn more about fulfilling a contract.

This book is full of exciting adventure. The dangers involved in even getting to the town where the mark lives are described in detail, and as Ayrion becomes more skilled, the reader can't help rooting for him, and also comes to respect and admire Naris, Ayrion's father. There are surprising twists to the story that will tug on the reader's heart as well.

I highly recommend this book, and it is suitable for teens, as well as adults who enjoy fantasy and reading about new worlds.

I was given the chance to read this book free of charge from the author. This honest review was in no way influenced by this circumstance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After being invited to review The White Tower and thoroughly enjoying such a great read, I have been anxiously waiting to find out more about Ayrion and how he became an outcast. This book did not disappoint. I was able to finish it in no time at all as it was a very exciting read. It was wonderful to see that a bad reputation can be deceiving and that there is good in everyone. We saw Aryion's father teach him how to be a man and provide for his family but also showing him when to show mercy. It was refreshing to see people who were virtual strangers help each other. There is something to be learned from this book about friendship and community. Another great read.

"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book."
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the tradition of Robert Jordan's complex character development, Michael Wisehart is introducing a cast of well developed characters in an imaginative and expansive world. I look forward to reading the rest of what hopefully turns into a long series. I encourage any reader who enjoys the genre to read his books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a precopy if this book

The idea of children being trained to be assassins is by no means a novel idea....except when you put a wiseheart spin to it. The backstory is fascinating when set against the sweeping first book of the white tower series. Not sure if this is a true prequel or should really be read before the white tower. You decide after you read both, which is definitely a must for any fantasy addict!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa dejesus
This story of a prodigy kid of a warrior mercenary assassin's clan who gets banished from his tribe for killing the headman son is an amazing awesome entertaining fast paced action packed thrilling story that I really enjoyed reading. The rats are in book two. I would say it's as good as Kel Kade's "Dark Tiding".

P.s. To the Author...finished this trilogy and you'll have thousands of reads. Readers like completed stories before they start. You're other books will sell better too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ruth gorme
First off: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I read mainly for pleasure and escape. If a book leaves me cold in the first 50 pages, that book gets put down.

That didn't happen with this book! I really liked this story. The characters are sympathetic and vibrant. The society they inhabit is well-realized and very interesting. ( I have to confess that I have a weakness for thieves and assassins, in literature anyway.) This book left me wanting to know more about this world and I am really looking forward to the next book in The Street Rats of Aramoor series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Despite the load of violence I enjoyed this story immensely. Using the first person appealed to me, but I also feel it led to the development of both the characters as well as the plot. The individual characters were quite interesting even if not attractive. I was curious why the author left out any indication that there might be a Spiritual (God) presence affecting the lives of the major characters, especially one which would have been involved in the turns of events in the protagonist's progress of his journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am falling for this new fantasy world. "Banished" sets the stage for the second series set in Aramoor the way "The White Tower" introduces the first. I'm glad I read "The White Tower" first though, because knowing who Ayrion became puts it in perspective. With well-developed characters, vivid scenery, and just enough action to suit, "Banished" will leave you hungering for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To prequel or not to prequel, that is the question? I began reading the White Tower and loved it so I began my search for other Michael Wisehart works and found the Street Rats of Aramoor series plus others... If you are smarter than me, read Banished, Hurricane, Shackled, and then The White Tower in that order and hope the author doesn't prequel the prequel.

Anyway, I love the book, It was a great story, I couldn't put it down, and I'm looking for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nuno tuna
I enjoyed the world that the author built in this novel. An underground city? A clan of assassins? I was eager to get into this prequel as soon as I got the opportunity. I enjoyed reading about the father and son's dark adventure! This prequel certainly grabbed my attention and I can't wait to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c hollis crossman
Perfect book to jump into during a Saturday evening, or a lazy summer day. The pace is quick, the story engaging enough, and the protagonist a very relatable guy. Good book for its target audience. Will give as present to kids between 12 and 14 with zero regrets (excessive judgement not all kids are the same, some blood and violence are to be expected, the subject of death is touched in the book).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely could not put this book down. Ayrion is banished from his home and family only to find that even with his differences from other people, if you do what is right you will be accepted. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series. This book has adventure, a touch of magic, and a fantastic new hero to admire. It's a must read for anyone who liked the Arithian series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne kelleher
Very well done, it needs some editing but the story carried me through from the first page to the last. Great action, good plot, awesome characters.. all in all, an epic read which I can recommend to most fantasy lovers. (Nice to see something from the older beggar/thief/magic epic fantasy genre... I look for them everywhere but only find a few a year anymore.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn schatzberg
Michael Wisehart's The White Tower is a great book with a slightly different take, at least from my experience, on how magic is perceived. The book Banished provides a back story on how Aryion, one of my favorite characters from The White Tower, ended up being banished from his home and people and why he had to go to Aramoor. His next book, Hurricane, with further explain how he got to where he was in The White Tower, but Banished provided a great foundation for his story. It was a very entertaining read, and I can't wait to continue the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor yeagle
As typical of a Michael Wisehart’s story, chapter one starts out with a bang! There is an argument between Ayrion’s father Narris and Flon’s father Brim. You KNOW there will be fireworks. Michael brings you into the story, imaginatively and emotionally. You feel part of story. My favorite part of the book, is the trip to Oswell with his father, the river crossing with Hobb, and Hobb’s interactions with Milly the innkeeper. Other than Ayrion, Hobb is a memorable character. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it to all those who enjoy fantasy action filled with heros, villians, and likable characters. "I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got introduced to Michael's books when I decided to give The White Tower (Book 1 in the Aldoran Chronicles) a read towards the end of last year. That book was my first introduction to the character, Ayrion. Banished is part of the tale of Aryion's early life. As with Michael's other books, this one is a great read from start to finish. His character's are engaging, intriguing, and they draw you in. Banished is a great start to the Street Rats of Aramor series and well worth the read. Really looking forward to the next book in this series as well: Hurricane!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book, a very entertaining read. I couldn't put this book down. I loved the originality of it, the well defined characters, the moral strength of the hero, and the flow of the story. Michael Wisehart is becoming a favorite author of mine. This is the second book of his I've read and I can't wait start the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Normally, I don’t care for first person storytelling but the author is truly a talented storyteller. He places you right on the scene. This is a lot of excitement with our thirteen-year-old hero. I will be reading the second book and after that, the Aldorian series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anita williams
This is a great book. You read about Aryions childhood and how becomes banished from this home. The story is action packed, and never slows down. I can't wait to read more about Aryion and his adventures after he leaves his home. I could not put this book down. I read this book in one day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa renz
This was a thrilling read! Great short story to introduce the main character of a new series I'm excited to read. Wisehart does an incredible job bringing characters to life and enthralling his audience with fast paced plots. I can't wait to read more about this world and its fascinating magic system!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz r
Just finished reading this amazing book, loved it. I was deep into the book I felt like I was in it watching and routing for aryrion as I read it. Michael Wisehart is by far my favorite author. Well his is the only books I read. Highly recommend it. Keep up the great job Michael. Just ordered Hurricane can't wait
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah 96
This book does everything you want a prequel to do: it tells a complete story without trying to cram too much in, and gets you excited to read more about one of the most intriguing characters from the original book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lamine konkobo
I enjoyed reading this book. I found it entertaining and fast paced. The characters were well developed and i teresting. the plot intriguing and interesting. I loved the main character and look forward to the next book Hurricane which I believe is book one in the series. The writer is very talented
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenna gardner
Basically you can pick up anything from Michael Wisehart, and not go wrong. He has a talent for enveloping you with his stories, the characters, and the world they live in. He brings you in and makes you care about what difficulties the lead character faces, and the journey that they take. Definitely a must read. You won't be sorry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A terrific beginning. This story s very well written and is very easy to read. It gives depth to Book 1 of the series, Hurricane, and fleshes out the main character. Also, a good tie-in to the The White Tower. Go read all these books! Just be warned you will be finished before you know it and be wanting more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michel j
Action, suspense, and a bit of humour, this book has it. Ayrion is one of my favorite characters from The White Tower and Banished shows us how his life made him the man he is in The White Tower. Very well written, as is all of Michael's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika peterson
Great Story, first time I have read this author and I found the story interesting and entertaining, a little short but as this is a start of series hopefully the rest will be a bit longer.This book gives details of his training, family, his first assignment and his banishment. can not wait to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee clout
Michael Wisehart is easily becoming on of my favorite authors and this book is another reason why. I couldn't put this book down and I am really looking forward to the next in this series. Thank you Michael for another amazing escape.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa mema perez
Fast paced action from page 1 to ending. Ayrion, the young assassin, faces tough odds when the leaders of the community plot his failure because they envy his magic. Aryion's father is his greatest supporter but seems helpless at times confronting the leaders decisions to purposely punish and demean Aryion. You will enjoy this book and am looking forward to its follow up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Story, first time I have read this author and I found the story interesting and entertaining, a little short but as this is a start of series hopefully the rest will be a bit longer.This book gives details of his training, family, his first assignment and his banishment. can not wait to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kam aujla
Great read, very entertaining! Loved the action and overall story. The ONLY problem I have is that the book was too short, chapters as well; no sure if it's because this s the intro book or a trend with the author, but hopefully the others are much longer. I guess I'll find out, since I'm pretty much hooked at this point!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian goudie
Michael Wisehart is easily becoming on of my favorite authors and this book is another reason why. I couldn't put this book down and I am really looking forward to the next in this series. Thank you Michael for another amazing escape.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen gibson
Fast paced action from page 1 to ending. Ayrion, the young assassin, faces tough odds when the leaders of the community plot his failure because they envy his magic. Aryion's father is his greatest supporter but seems helpless at times confronting the leaders decisions to purposely punish and demean Aryion. You will enjoy this book and am looking forward to its follow up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
april hochstrasser
A superb read. Read White Tower and was pleasantly surprised to see Ayrion in this book, though younger. Was more than pleased to actually learn how he came to become an assassin. Very good book, in spite of initial misgivings, and would encourage anyone looking for a "getaway" adventure to give this book and Author.a nod.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought reading a prequel would be boring because, having already read White Tower I already knew what happened to the character but I was pleasantly surprised. The book was full of adventure and knowing what happened years later didn't spoil anything.
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