The inspiring story of transgender actor-activist Nicole Maines and her extraordinary family
ByAmy Ellis Nutt
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris roeszler
The issues surrounding gender identity and what it costs to be a transgender individual are told here with delicacy, respect, and honesty. Everyone needs to read this book, especially those who have not decided how they feel about these issues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hazel mitzi
Really fascinating story. Lots and lots of stuff in the middle about LGBT/gay marriage/ equality and rights, which I understood, but it was a lot of info. My heart went out to Nicole and all that she and her family endured. I wish her God's blessings for a long and happy life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connie lewis
Such an insightful read about a current topic so well written. We are doing it in Book Club in June and I was one of two pre-readers who told the Club it was definitely a wonderful book for us to read and discuss. It will be enlightening read for so many with the science there so beautifully laid out. It deserves five stars for being the wonderful read that it is.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
savannah p
A very special story that everyone should read so more minds can be opened to this serious issue. No child should ever suffer from people's ignorance and neither should adults. We all deserve the right to be who we truly are and to have respect and privacy.
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mike g
If you want to understand being transgender this is the book that will do it for you. I have a transgender twin daughter and I learned things from this! Excellent read and so very grateful for the pioneer Nicole is in pushing forward with the rights of transgender individuals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna sookhansingh
Certainly gained empathy for the entire family and realized the unhappiness and disconnect Wyatt lived at a young age, being a boy. Very informative about the processes involved psychologically, socially, physically, mentally, politically, and medically.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a normal family dealing with a tough situation and they are remarkable. People who think transgender is "weird" should read this book -- and realize how complex (not just male or female) sexuality really is. The story of truly a model family. I hope that Nicole has a wonderful life! She deserves it - as do they all. A very informative read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a normal family dealing with a tough situation and they are remarkable. People who think transgender is "weird" should read this book -- and realize how complex (not just male or female) sexuality really is. The story of truly a model family. I hope that Nicole has a wonderful life! She deserves it - as do they all. A very informative read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn rowlands
This story was compelling. The author guides the reader through the family's transformation while providing scientific information that helps explain the whys of transgender. We hope there will be a follow-up in a few years, as Nicole becomes an adult and settles into her life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a well written and very informative book. Our legislature is at this time trying to pass a bill that makes transgender children use the bathroom at their school according to their biological gender. I have written the 3 legislators in my district to vote NO and recommended they read this book. This bill is discriminatory at best and promotes bullying. It's not the children who make this an issue, it's their parents (who are also legislators) who do not take the time to understand what it's like being a transgender child.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Bodies hold our stories. They connect us to the world because they are the instruments by which we experience the world.” This book gave me all the emotions! What an incredible family! I can’t fully describe how much I value and learned from this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly smith
Emotional, instructive and insightful telling of the story about a transgender girl and her family. This book is recommended for anyone desiring enlightenment on an issue long hidden from public view.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fascinating and thought-provoking book. Thoroughly enjoyed it even though I was difficult to read at times. Wish the author, her family, and especially Nicole continued success and strength in their lives. Thank you for sharing your story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very informative book! The fact that Nicole has an identical twin and that the book includes scientific research may help people who struggle to understand transgender issues. I definitely learned a lot and have a greater understanding of what it means to be transgender. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy tucker
I admit I had not thought a lot about transgendered people until the landmark legislation of North Carolina woke me up. This is a terrifically insightful read, made impactful by focusing on the story of one family's struggle and eventual victory.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luba lesychyn
I never fully understood what it meant to be transgender. My eyes are now open. I highly recommend this book. I especially love how honest the father was about his struggle to accept what his child knew to be true.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
farzana doctor
Well written....Thank you for educating me on this. I feel I have a basic understanding and will not tolerate comments from people who haven't read of someones personal experience. Interesting and educational....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a tiffyfit
The book should be required reading for all. Even though I thought I knew the meaning of transgender, I knew only a little. Reading the book helped me understand the powerful emotions and journeys transgendered children have going through life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly lay
This non-fiction book is about a middle class couple who adopt twin boys - from an unexpected pregnancy of a teenage relative. One of the boys is transgender. The couple were floored, knowing nothing about transgender. But they love both their children so they learn as much as they can, get help when they can, and fight for both their children to have as normal a life as possible. The parents do not develop an acceptance at the same rate. Perhaps it's understandable that Dad would have a greater difficulty but he eventually becomes the spokesman for their family. The book is based upon many interviews from people involved and a detailed journal kept by transgender Nicole. If you are on the fence on what you think about transgender, this book will be a big help - Nicole's parents were in the same place and you will learn and hopefully understand as they do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucio freitas
This book will challenge many of your preconceived thoughts. It will simplify the science of "gender" an hopefully answer all your unasked questions on the topic. It's a wonderful story an well told from many perspectives. If you don't emerge with more empathy for your fellow man, you might be a hopeless cause.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill cawley
This is a very well written book. It really portrays this family's struggle to keep both their children happy and feeling good about who they are and to make the way easier for others who follow. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a child questioning their birth gender. I think it would be a good read for people who have a hard time understanding this issue.
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danita forbes
So good - such a compelling story and well-written. The struggles of this family are poignant and meaningful and should be a lesson in tolerance and support for every one of us. This is a book that I have spoken about to multiple people already and was enjoyed by my entire book club.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neelotpal kundu
Great read. Well written. Informative & enlightening. I think everyone, and anyone who has questions about Trans kids should read this book. I fell in love with this family and didn't want the book to end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lizzy shannon
A lot of science is presented in this book, which sometimes gets a little heavy and difficult to wade through, but I don't think any of it can be left out. I have a science background and all the information appealed to me, but I was so anxious to get to the family story, I would get frustrated, and this is the only reason I gave 4 stars. The pace of the book was killing me!
Recently, my family had a member come out as transgender. It was shocking, but we were glad that the family member chose to come out rather than take the dark path that many transgenders feel is their only option, ultimately leading to suicide. As we struggled to gain our own understanding, this book was an exceptional tool to help understand the biology and psychology behind our family member's own struggles. I remember hearing about the "little boy that wanted to use the girls' restroom" and thinking "what parent would be ok with their little girl sharing a bathroom with a boy in there?" But as Kelly, the mom, kept stating "if people could just meet Nicole, they would understand!" I have now "met" Nicole and I understand. There was never a "little boy" trying to use the girls' room. Having recently had my own first child, I was really emotional reading about the fears the family had about bullying and the threatening situations their children were exposed to and the fear that really bad things could happen to Nicole because of people who choose to be violent toward others different from themselves. Every parent has that fear, but the fact that your child could be the target of violence, and hate because of something they identify themselves as would be debilitating.
I pray that we as a society can learn to love one another, and that although we may not support or agree with each other, we need to understand that it is not our job to be the judge and executioner. We may have our own beliefs, but these beliefs should never impinge on the love that we as humans were meant to have for each other. If we can focus on our similarities, then our differences cannot divide us. It's not my job to understand my family member's plight, but it is my job to show her love. Thank you to the Mainses family for putting themselves out there, exposing the raw emotions and vulnerabilities that could have been used against them in very negative ways.
Recently, my family had a member come out as transgender. It was shocking, but we were glad that the family member chose to come out rather than take the dark path that many transgenders feel is their only option, ultimately leading to suicide. As we struggled to gain our own understanding, this book was an exceptional tool to help understand the biology and psychology behind our family member's own struggles. I remember hearing about the "little boy that wanted to use the girls' restroom" and thinking "what parent would be ok with their little girl sharing a bathroom with a boy in there?" But as Kelly, the mom, kept stating "if people could just meet Nicole, they would understand!" I have now "met" Nicole and I understand. There was never a "little boy" trying to use the girls' room. Having recently had my own first child, I was really emotional reading about the fears the family had about bullying and the threatening situations their children were exposed to and the fear that really bad things could happen to Nicole because of people who choose to be violent toward others different from themselves. Every parent has that fear, but the fact that your child could be the target of violence, and hate because of something they identify themselves as would be debilitating.
I pray that we as a society can learn to love one another, and that although we may not support or agree with each other, we need to understand that it is not our job to be the judge and executioner. We may have our own beliefs, but these beliefs should never impinge on the love that we as humans were meant to have for each other. If we can focus on our similarities, then our differences cannot divide us. It's not my job to understand my family member's plight, but it is my job to show her love. Thank you to the Mainses family for putting themselves out there, exposing the raw emotions and vulnerabilities that could have been used against them in very negative ways.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison chan
This book is a very easy to read intimate account of what it is like to grow up as a transgender child, as well as the issues for the family and society, and scientific, biological and opposing religious perspectives that everyone should read. No one "chooses" to be transgender; science shows that they are born that way. It's time to stop oppressing these people and just accept them for who they are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
swetha amit
A well written narrative that addresses transgender issues through the lens of one family's story. By telling this family's story, the author helps readers understand the challenges and courage of families with transgender children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim wu
Mostly accurate representation of trans people and I would recommend it to cis people looking to understand transgender struggles. My only advice is that not all trans people are okay with people calling them "boys who became girls" or vice versa and cis people who read this book should know this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
memo ramirez
An excellent explication of the science behind transgender issues, showing clearly that it is all biologically based, a congenital issue. The science is all beautifully interwoven with the story of one particular family and how they grew together and educated themselves as they dealt with this issue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamie r
The book was amazing! It was a summer reading assignment for my university for all new students and I thought it was a great way to open up some students to those who are 'different.' I'm definitely reading this again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom jenckes
I found the book very interesting and informative. I found the biology/science related to this issue very helpful in understanding the specifics of this issue. Very well done! I found the family struggles very painful, however hopeful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hamid rafiee
Great read for anyone looking for insight into the struggle of a family dealing with the transgender world. Human nature fails so many of the LGBT community. This is the true story of a supportive family trying to help their son/daughter become who she is with love and support in a world where so many refuse to accept the transgender community.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
holly baldwin
This is an amazing story of a family dealing with a bureaucracy under pressure. The struggles, the challenges and the options are discussed clearly by the author who is able to mix the medical situation, the political aspects and the relational realities in a manner that does not become dry or clinical.
The story is an easy read.
The story is an easy read.
Please RateThe inspiring story of transgender actor-activist Nicole Maines and her extraordinary family