The Weirdest Noob (LitRPG The Weirdest Noob Book 1)

ByArthur Stone

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise a
Hadn't heard anything about this book and there were no reviews when it popped up on a search for Litrpg books. I thought it would be worth a try. Ok honestly I had low expectations for this book. Was I ever wrong! This story reminded me of other Russian litpg books but the translation was done so well that it left me wondering if it had been written in English. Though it has elements from other stories it still managed to be original and hugely entertaining. Highly recommended.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you start with the premise that a character is intelligent or otherwise accomplished (doing research in a lab to develop new tech), then for the love of God, actually show him being smart about something. You can't start off by telling the reader this guys is smart, and then have him go "huh? I don't get it" over very simple concepts that are explained to him in plain english. Also, we get it, he's a noob. You really don't need to have each character he interacts with tell him he's a noob 5 or 6 times. The first time was annoying, by the 50th time I read the word noob, I wanted to pitch the book across the room. Unfortunately it was an ebook, otherwise I'd have lit this crap on fire.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sue fordham
The Weirdest Noob, Book 1 is... extremely slow paced and... I would say bland, almost? I'm almost halfway through Book 1 and this author needs to put some life into their characters. I feel like either the text where they're talking is either too short or WAY too long, like overkill way too long.

Also for the item descriptions and the monster(mob) descriptions, they should be italicized and not in quotes.Who is saying this stuff? Cause I know the main character isn't. Item descriptions should be the same, and the names of the items should at least be bolded as well.

All in all the person who wrote this kind of needs to read some more LitRPG and learn how to write one. Like I mentioned, I am almost halfway through the book and I am going to give it a chance by reading the whole thing, because I never put a LitRPG book down halfway through (even though I've found more interesting things to read, like Critical Failures) but it's extremely bland. I can see how this guy is stealing a premise from Mahaneko, creator of the Way of the Shaman series with the mining start, but it is not the same, and the monsters and further exploration into the mine are not the same as well. So I wouldn't say this author is stealing anything from other people. Also from D.Rus's books, the summoning of a familiar that's overleveled seems to just be happenstance with what skills the character has and making the best of a bad situation. Unfortunately for the author, "EVERYONE IS COPYING THE BEST LITRPG AUTHORS" is what this guy is gonna hear all the time.

All in all I would consider the book a unique read still, but I can't really recommend it to anyone as it stands at the moment. Hopefully the book ramps up at some point.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle k
I stumbled across my first LitRPG genre book just a year ago, and have read dozens of books, by an assortment of LitRPG authors.

The Weirdest Noob Series is my latest conquest. I look for LitRPG series that contain multiple books.

This series had three books, and they did not disappoint, but kept me enthralled, from chapter to chapter, book to book.

Like all well written books, I was sorry the literary journey had to come to an end.

I noted several other folks who reviewed this series, mentioned it was very similar to "The Way of the Shaman" and "Play to Live".

I've have read those series as well, and while their were similarities, I felt the author put his own spin on the storyline,
making it engrossing for me to read.

The 1st book, was all about the MC and his powerful summoned pet, and how he was able to clear a new dungeon on his own,
garnering a reputation for himself in the virtual gaming world.

The 2nd book, the MC gained two human allies, who helped him clear a separate dungeon,while assisting him in his journey to become a legend.

The 3rd book, the MC meets a female Archer, who eventually joins his team, to finish the final quest.

I've been playing RPG games on computers for 40+ years, and I would not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone
who enjoys that form of recreation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard stomp
Ever since LitRPG became a thing, I was hooked. From The Land to the Emerilia Series (which is also by another Russian author), there's so much out there.

This one has a big case of overpoweredness. It was great until (spoiler alert) he became a hero. Then all the accompanying bonuses and perks were a bit too much. I did enjoy his reaction to the aftermath of his insta-fame, but it was all too easy.
Plus, the explanatory articles can get a bit much. Too much info at one time. It is nice to get the details on how the Second World System works, but they can also easily be cut down or add a *read more* link if someone REALLY wants to know about it. Like how there were clickable further explanations of Russian phrases etc. Those were fun.

Still a great book with plenty of content and great action. I'm hyped to read more, maybe if the next one is on KU?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
shane r
Originaly, when i first started reading litrpg, i loved this book. Although slightly repetitive, It has a great plot line. Until I realized that it basially copies everything from D. Russ and the way of the shaman. Everything from working in a mine for money, discovering a rare dugeon right off the bat and using a pet to beat it, being stuck in the game, and even freaking getting the last hit on a extremely high leve moster kill stealing it to get a soulstone(yes, they even plgiarized items), and then having that high level pet tragically die. Good writing, just write your own content.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl lemon
I actually put off reading this, maybe because the title. I've read alot of litrpg. I have to say
it's one of the best. Thanks all the reviewers that told me it was a must read. I have one big gripe,
I want a book 3. Yes book 2 just came out.
Dry humor, interesting and different plot, bigger plots yet to reveal, and good personality growth.
While one would think the character over powered, things work out to always balance out,
and our hero gets back up, and makes some lemonade.

Great writer, great book, hope he translates his other 35 novels as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beetz criado
Worth your time. The one slight detractor was the sheer magnitude of explanatory notes that had to be put into the story. Actually, use this as a primer for all your non MMORPG friends who’ve never played video games but like fantasy. Besides, this book is hilarious.

I enjoyed it. Thanks to the author and translator.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ian baaske
If you have ever played an online MMORPG, this book has a lot of comedic value. Between Noobs, PK losers, snobbish clans and losers that ruin the game, every aspect of what gamers hate is here. And one guy breaks all the barriers. I liked it. It drags in a few places, but the story is good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A complex interesting world, I am not sure if the appeal of the world for the low working characters. Yes virtual reality is nice for the disabled the blind but why healthy people would grind out an existence mining is beyond me but accepting that and going with it it slightly depressed me that the clans and everyone seemed intent on hurting other players rather then helping them or ignoring them. A good start to a series. Where we will see good smart underdog do well
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jon huff
The story has such great possibilities. But the author gets on tangents for almost entire chapters of the character just being introspective of ideas that are almost universally understood already or trying to explain the entire social structure of the world. This should be a fun, great LitRPG, but instead is going way out of its way to focus on unrelated topics.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
daniel moreto
It was ok. Dumb filler mostly. Beginning was stronger than the rest.

Unexplained how he joined that party with the scamming tank and they didn't notice his hero bonuses.

Plot armor and OP and convenient coincidences abound. Pretty silly really.

Any good elements are plagiarized. Come to think of it, even the intro feels plagiarized.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I actually put off reading this, maybe because the title. I've read alot of litrpg. I have to say
it's one of the best. Thanks all the reviewers that told me it was a must read. I have one big gripe,
I want a book 3. Yes book 2 just came out.
Dry humor, interesting and different plot, bigger plots yet to reveal, and good personality growth.
While one would think the character over powered, things work out to always balance out,
and our hero gets back up, and makes some lemonade.

Great writer, great book, hope he translates his other 35 novels as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy donoghue
Worth your time. The one slight detractor was the sheer magnitude of explanatory notes that had to be put into the story. Actually, use this as a primer for all your non MMORPG friends who’ve never played video games but like fantasy. Besides, this book is hilarious.

I enjoyed it. Thanks to the author and translator.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you have ever played an online MMORPG, this book has a lot of comedic value. Between Noobs, PK losers, snobbish clans and losers that ruin the game, every aspect of what gamers hate is here. And one guy breaks all the barriers. I liked it. It drags in a few places, but the story is good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diego ulanosky
A complex interesting world, I am not sure if the appeal of the world for the low working characters. Yes virtual reality is nice for the disabled the blind but why healthy people would grind out an existence mining is beyond me but accepting that and going with it it slightly depressed me that the clans and everyone seemed intent on hurting other players rather then helping them or ignoring them. A good start to a series. Where we will see good smart underdog do well
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica freedman
The story has such great possibilities. But the author gets on tangents for almost entire chapters of the character just being introspective of ideas that are almost universally understood already or trying to explain the entire social structure of the world. This should be a fun, great LitRPG, but instead is going way out of its way to focus on unrelated topics.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicholas montemarano
It was ok. Dumb filler mostly. Beginning was stronger than the rest.

Unexplained how he joined that party with the scamming tank and they didn't notice his hero bonuses.

Plot armor and OP and convenient coincidences abound. Pretty silly really.

Any good elements are plagiarized. Come to think of it, even the intro feels plagiarized.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
(Borrowed through Kindle Unlimited) I enjoyed this book so much, I ended up buying the second book (which isn't on KU). This book would be a good starting story for people interested in LitRPG or Fantasy, but who are not familiar with MMORPG mechanics, as the author explains these things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lucy mensah
This book was quite enjoyable, a little heavy on the explanations but not too bad. The emphasis on stats and equipment messages went away at the end of the book but I'm hoping it'll be back in the next one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The title creates an expectation of intriguing, "weird" behavior in the MC, followed quickly by a rapid ascension into OP munchkinry via an obvious error in system balance. It's boring, cliche, and it utterly fails to meet it's initial expectation of a unique protagonist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good read. Like most books in the genre the first sections are interesting, then the characters become unique or so overpowered it's ridiculous.

Hey, I almost gave five stars just because he didn't get a pet dragon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew bailey
This is so awesome starts out intriguing and boring but quickly grows. For those looking to expand and read RPG-Lit this is the perfect book to start on it will help you learn about the genre. But noobs or veterans alike will love this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading this series has really irritated my wife. I cannot put the books down, and stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning. It wakes my wife up and she isnt happy. I then get up at 5:30 and go to work very sleep, but it is worth it!
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