Lady of Light and Shadows (The Tairen Soul Book 2)

ByC. L. Wilson

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I had mixed feelings on the previous book - I skimmed through it in a night and loved it, but when I went back to read the whole thing, I had a hard time staying focused and just generally didn't care for it. But by then I'd already ordered book 2, so I figured I may as well give it a chance.

Well, I didn't care for book 2 either. I think for me the problem is that it wants to be both epic fantasy and a fluffy romance novel. This means there's a lot of storylines, people with strong magic and major problems wandering around the world. At the same time the two main characters should be in a romance novel. She's sweet and wonderful and everyone loves her, but she's naive and soft and uncertain too. Not a problem in a romance novel, but a major problem given the problems facing her love interest. In the meantime while he used to be a big hero, he's too emotionally unstable and far too out of the loop to really be any help in trying to solve the problems facing the world. Again, not a problem for a romance story, with lighter, less world ending problems, but it doesn't work for me given the problems being set up for them to face.

Add in the general discord, unreasonableness and unlikeableness of pretty much any human besides the female lead, her father and her sisters, and this book just didn't work for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After I read the first book, I could barely contain my excitement to read the next book, so I went to the library and got the rest of the books in the series. The second book was a continuation of the first book. It starts off from the point that Lord of Fading Lands left off. I had heard before I started this series that the first two books kind of go hand in hand, and I definitely agree with that assessment. It almost felt like I hadn't started a new book. I found myself easily getting lost into the story just as I was able to with the first installment. We start to see more development into the relationship between Rain and Ellie. Rain begins to help Ellie reach out to the magic within in and teach her to slowly control it. It was interesting seeing another sub plot involving the fate of Ellie's parents (or I am assuming its her parents, and not wanting to reveal too much). There is also a sense of danger and peril that is easy to sense as you progress further into the story. We see the power of prejudices the people have toward magic, and how that makes Ellie doubt herself and her powers, and that she fears herself. I liked the take this author takes, and how Rain shows Ellie the beauty of the magic within her and surrounding her.

I had such a fun time seeing the bond between Rain and Ellie get stronger, gain a deeper understanding of both characters. The author digs a little deeper in the backgrounds of both, and you start to fall in love even more so with Rain and Ellie than the first book. Rain is having a harder time controlling the beat within him, wanting to claim his mate. Rain made a promise to Ellie and her father that he would wait until they were married, but it is starting to drive him crazy. You also see his devotion toward Ellie in the ways he tries to show her who she truly is and not what other would make her think of herself. Ellie is still the woodcarvers daughter, but with her powers getting stronger and she also gets stronger emotionally and you begin to see her inner strength become more bolder and I loved seeing her transformation and the beautiful relationship that is developing between Rain and Ellie. Overall I could help but find a emotionally driven epic of a love story that is exotic and enthralling! MAGNIFICENT!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anya howard
AWESOME AWESOME BOOK! I thought the first book (Lord of the Fading Lands) was great, but this one was even better. It put new meaning into the "could not put it down" category. If you love fantasy, magic, romance, action, intrigue and great writing then I highly recommend this book, and I am on to the next one in the series.

In the first book the Tairen Soul, Rain, king of the fey, literally dropped from the sky to claim Ellysetta as his truemate. He has left the Fading Lands of the fey on a mission to find a way to save both the fey and the Tairen knowing that what he seeks lies in the city where he finds Ellysetta. As the mortal daughter of a woodcarver she has been fascinated with the fey all of her life, but now is thrown into a world she never dreamed of being a part of. Haunted from childhood by dreams and visions she has never understood, it is in this second book that we come to understand just what is hidden in her past and is a threat to her future.

This author has the ability to write in a way that introduces many characters in a complex world and yet somehow it is not difficult to understand their world. The characters are amazing from the fey warrior who allows a kitten named "Love" to ride around on his shoulder because she is afraid of magic to the incredible battle scenes that use magic and physical skill in a way that you simply see it all happening. The fey in this book are simply wonderful. There is a theme among these warriors of honor, loyalty, and love that makes them so real. As fighters, they are to put it mildly, bigger than life. I find it amazing that there are so many things going on in this story including political intrigue, terrible magic ability of the mage's who plot against Allysetta for reasons one must read the book to find out, the beautiful sensual love story (and this book is NOT YA), and yet it all flows as one great tale. Loved it.

Great read and a world I am going to hate to leave when I finish this series
The Forbidden Heart :: Forbidden Sister :: Gates of Paradise :: Seeds of Yesterday (Dollanganger Book 4) :: Crown of Crystal Flame (Tairen Soul)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Plot Summary: The action picks up immediately where book one left off. Rain and Ellysetta are trapped by protocol into waiting for their wedding, but each day reveals a new danger for Ellie. The Mage leader has identified her at last, and he plots to kidnap her from her fiancé, the Fey Lord. Rain and Ellie's relationship is not all smooth sailing, and things get even worse when some of her family relationships suffer too. While all of this is going on, the politics within the kingdom are leaning toward embracing relations with the evil Eld, even at the expense of losing their longtime allies, the Fey.

The best piece of advice I have for readers starting the Tairen Soul series is to clear out your schedule before you open one of these books. Don't start this right before bed or you might be up all night. C. L. Wilson's first book, Lord of the Fading Lands, absolutely knocked me for a loop, and it stands as the best romantic fantasy that I've read in a long time. Lady of Light and Shadows is a worthy sequel that had me flipping pages at a manic pace, but the romance wasn't quite as heart-stopping this time. It was still very hot and involved, but the focus went to the villains and their machinations. The tension was unbearable, and it builds to a nail-biting climax.

This book marks the first time I can envision Ellysetta as an equal mate for the Fey Lord Rain. She grows tremendously from the mousy little peasant girl we met in book one, and she starts thinking for herself. I think Rain will have his hands full now that Ellie has come into her own sense of worth.

I highly recommend this series for romance fans. The fantasy elements are well done, but that's not why I read these particular books. I read them because Rain is an extremely appealing alpha hero, and those can be hard to find, and I also read them because Ms. Wilson excels at suspenseful, tension-filled pacing and plotting. It's all about hot romance and constant danger.

There are two more books in the Tairen Soul series. Next up is King of Sword and Sky (Tairen Soul), and then Queen of Song and Souls (Tairen Soul).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon bernstein
It took what seemed forever but I finally found a copy and it was worth the wait. You really need to read these books in ORDER or you miss the emotional turmoil. I was tempted to read the third book after the first but I am so glad I didn't because I would not have understood what was happening in third book. I am not going to give anything away but I got really emotional at the end of this book. The Tairen soul fantasy-romance series really pulls you in and I never had that in a long time. I am now on the fourth book but this story really hit me hard. This book was suspenseful because you knew what was coming but you weren't sure what was going to happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I very nearly didn't continue this series after reading the first one. The first one was a tad dull for me - too much focus on romance and world building and not enough "action" for lack of a better term. I like a good dash of romance in my books but I quickly get bored if there's nothing else. I prefer a heavier focus on the fantasy than the romance, and fortunately this one delivered.

Unlike the first one, 'Lady of Light and Shadows' never feels like it's dragging and the fantasy elements of the story are given more weight than in the previous installment. Of course, it is still primarily romance rather than fantasy - but I felt like this book found a happier balance between the two.

'Lady of Light and Shadows' continues Ellysetta's journey towards her wedding day. Intertwined with the romance between Ellysetta and Rain are many interesting subplots; Queen Annoura's growing distrust of her husband exacerbated by the machinations of the Eld; growing suspicion of the Fey people by the Celerians; escalating tensions between Elysetta and her mother; political pressure to open the borders to Eld; and further revelations regarding Ellysetta's origins. We also meet one of the exiled fey. So there's a lot of "action" in this book, and whilst it comes to a satisfying conclusion it left me very eager to read the next one

Criticisms that comes to mind:

- Overuse of certain words such as "fey" and "tairen". The author has a tendency to use these words at least once in every sentence during scenes where a fey is present, as if concerned the reader might forget that this is a non-human race. Hopefully this lessens in further books.

- Be warned that the heroine is a Mary Sue, so if you strongly dislike Mary Sues in your books this series is not for you. For me the book had enough good qualities to outweigh this factor.

Overall, a very enjoyable read that I would recommend to readers of fantasy who like a good dose of romance in their books and don't mind something "brain candy-ish".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neil anderson
This story picks right up where Lord of the Fading Lands left off, and is just as good. Definitely need to read the first one to understand what's going on in this book. The action keeps moving as we're introduced to new characters and getting to know the main characters (good and evil) more in depth. I can't wait to find out how the story of Ellie's "real" parents plays out! This book also brings into play more of the politics that is going on between the different cultures, specifically the fey and celearians, but we also learn more about the eld and the mages. In the midst of it all, Rain is still romancing Ellie in hopes she'll accept their bond as lifemates. Finished this book in just over a day, I couldn't put it down, as I was swept up in this new world. I love that the main characters are discovering each other and don't always do everything perfectly. Ellie has finally come to terms with the idea that she has magic within her, and while she doesn't understand how she can possibly save the fey and tarian, she's willing to try despite her fears. Rain, who hates the mage, has to come to terms with the fact that Ellie has been mage marked. I am desperately waiting for my copy of King of Sword and Sky to arrive (I have it on hold at the library and also ordered a copy from the store, I need it now!). I don't know how I'll be able to wait until June for the Queen of Song and Soul, which will be bittersweet as I can't wait to find out what happens, but will be so sad for this story to come to an end! All I can say is read this series, you won't be disappointed!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mike egener
The Tairen Soul Series (Paranormal- Fae Fantasy/Medieval Romance):

Lord of the Fading Lands

Lady of Light and Shadows

King of Sword and Sky

Queen of Song and Souls (March 2009)

As with the first book in this series ("Lord of the Fading Lands"), I finished the last pages of "Lady of Light and Shadows" with anxious anticipation of starting the third book. C.L. Wilson had me enthralled from Chapter six to the very end. I'm ranking this book with 4.5 stars, because the first 100 pages or so were slow. I skimmed them a bit. I'm guessing that it is because I read the books back-to-back, rather than waiting a few weeks between them as readers would have when they were first released. Those pages are also necessary for people who hadn't read the first book. For me, it was boring and I really wanted to see the story continue where it had left off at the end of book one. (Time line wise, it actually does pick up right where book one left off. But pace and excitement wise, things are slowed down to remind or inform readers of things that happened in book one.) The story truly begins to move around chapter six, then you will find yourself as ensnared as you were with book one.

Book three, here I come.........

Important Note:
This series is an ongoing story. You will want to read them in order. Here are links so far:

Lord of the Fading Lands

Lady of Light and Shadows

King of Sword and Sky (Tairen Soul)

Queen of Song and Souls (March 2009){Link not yet available}
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'Lady of Light and Shadows' is the second instalment in the duology about the Tairen Soul. This book definitely doesn't work on its own and would be very difficult to read as a first book, it follows immediately on from 'Lord of the Fading Lands' and continues the story of Rain and Ellie which was so gripping in that first instalment. The first book didn't finish at a particularly pivotal moment and the second instalment picks up straight up from that point and continues with the story as more and more depth and excitement is layered into the novel, including a previously mentioned character arriving to play a significant part in the action. It's a good thing that they have been published so closely together as they really don't work on their own; however, as a pair of books making one story, they are brilliant.

In this story Ellie's troubles increase as she continues to go through the complicated pre-marriage rituals. Each day of her life seems to become more and more complex with the difficulties between her and her family (mainly her mother) echoed by the political machinations between the King of Celieria, Rain Tairen Soul and the evil Mages of the Eld. Ellie's bridegroom, Rain Tairen Soul, is a fascinating character and she learns more about him as the book progresses; however Ellie is also learning more about herself and much of what she is learning looks bad. The narrator gives us insights into what is happening in Eld and we learn more about Ellie's provenance, much of the information seeming very worrying. How can Ellie be the good person that she seems with the history that she has had, and is she merely being positioned as Rain's mate in order to destroy the Fey from within?

We meet a few new characters in this book including a staunch new protector for Ellie but also the people who have caused her magical abilities to be shielded - and why. The evil forces are working in many different ways to capture Ellie and she is in danger from those whom she loves, both physical and emotional danger. A continual theme is whether Ellie is courageous or just trying to survive but she's a plucky heroine who soon realises that to receive what every young woman wishes for - the attention and devotion of Rain Tairen Soul - has a balancing amount of hardship.

In some ways Ellie's Fey quintet guard play less of a role in this story but her new champion proves a pivotal point in the plot as they start to realise who Ellie is and what her powers are. There is a huge final denouement scene where the magic of the fey shows its limitations and where Ellie is required to use her own resources and skills - but are they enough? There are some touching romantic scenes between Rain and Ellie as he continues the courtship but just as much time is given in the novel to the 'courtship' of the nobles and rulers of Celieria, trying to individually influence and encourage them to support Rain's needs.

As a standalone book this doesn't work but read alongside 'Lord of the Fading Lands' it's one of the most exciting fantasy books to have been published in a long time. The author's excellent writing style, the continually gripping nature of the narrative and the occasional light touches to leaven some of the gloom and despair are brilliant. Rain and Ellie are great heroes with faults and difficulties and confusion about their respective roles but with an undergirding of honesty and true natures which make their lives a joy to follow. This is excellent writing that should appeal to all who read it.

Originally published for Curled Up With A Good Book, [...] © Helen Hancox 2007
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found myself very intrigued with the first Tairen Soul book, author C.L. Wilson did a fantastic job of creating a fantasy world where the story focus stays on the main characters and their development. In this sequel the story picks up with hero and heroine, Fey King Rainier Tairen Soul and Ellysetti Baristani, from Lord of the Fading Lands. In Lady of Light and Shadows, they are preparing for their upcoming wedding.

However, the couples' happy life is in question. Ellysetta is struggling with being the soul mate of the shape shifting Rainier; her doubts and fears are compounded by the resentment some of the Fey have over accepting an outsider as their King's soul mate. It's their devotion, support, protectiveness of each other that is builds the foundation of the story and so richly drawn out by the author.

This sequel and its predecessor are masterfully written; the books have many turns, twists, and suspenseful moments. Fans of the Paranormal or Fantasy genre can enjoy and appreciate this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rain Tairen Soul had left the Fading lands after a self-imposed exile of a thousand years on a quest. The tairen, soul-kin to the Fey, were dying. Their last hope lied within the mortal city he despised, Celiera.

She called him out of the sky. Ellysetta Baristani, the foundling daughter of a Celerian woodcarver and his wife. She was the soul mate he sought and won. But with every blessing came a price.

In the thousand years the Fey had remained behind the curtain of the Faering Mists, the mortals had grown in independence and in distrust of Fey magic. Now they were entertaining the thought of opening their borders to the Eld, Rain's bitter enemy. He must convince the Celierian council that Mage Council has reconstituted itself and are preparing for attack. Rain had won little support with his high handed claiming of Ellysetta who had been legally betrothered to a Celierian citzen, Den Brodson.

The High Mage Vadim Maur is seeking the lost child he planned to use to destroy the Fey. He had appeared to Ellie in her nightmares all of her life, making her fear the magic deeply locked up within her. She had carefully guarded herself against giving herself away to the "Shadow Man" but once she is promised to Rain the nightmares return. She dreams of the future and the death and destruction of everyone and everything she holds dear by her own hand. Fear gives her away. The High Mage now knows who she is and where to find her.

A Sulimage, Kolis Manza, has been dispatched to Celiera where he manipulates events and people to expose Ellie's true identity. In one guise he captures the ear of the Celieran queen, Annoura, manipulating her through her pride. Born of royal blood she will not welcome a woodcarver's daughter as her equal before the Celieran aristocracy. When her attempts to make a fool of Ellie backfire at a state dinner, the entire court is overcome by Ellie's wine and keflee induced erotic weave. Outrage sways the Celerian nobles even further toward an alliance with the Eld.

Like the others in the room Rain had been overcome by lust from Ellie's weave. He had fled from her in order to keep his vow to her father to keep her pure until her wedding day. But through their connection Rain's dream that night becomes Ellie's as well. At last she knows why he had sought her. The survival of the Fey and the tairen rests on her shoulders, but could she go with Rain to the Fading Lands knowing that she could very well be the instrument of their destruction.

Den Brodson had sensed the magic in Ellie and he would stop at nothing to get her back. He is easily manipulated by the High Mage's minion as is her best friend, Selianne, who fears the Fey for her own reasons.

Ellysetta's mother has no love for the Fey as she has feared magic all of her life. Because of childhood seizures Ellie had one been declared demon possessed, and when Lauriana witnesses Ellie using magic she fears for her first born daughter's soul in the hands of the Fey king.

Manza has marked Selianne who is of Eld descent and uses the girl against Ellie. Selianne plays on Lauriana's fear until she agrees to involve the church to save Ellie's soul and break her bond to the Fey.

The great Dahl'reisen (rogue Fey who have lost their souls) known as the "Dark Lord" believes that he has discovered a devastating truth regarding the Feyreisa's origins and travels forth to Celiera intent on killing her, even though he knows her death would also mean Rain's and ultimately his people's - Better at his hand, than by the Eld.

Even Rain's trust is shaken as word comes to him of Ellie's suspected origins, and as each of Kolis's puppets play their role, Ellie finds herself isolated and without protection on the day of the Bride's Blessing.

Will the High Mage claim his greatest prize, or will Ellysetta Baristani, pushed to her limits finally unleash her magic and become the powerful Feyreisa she was born to be? The tairen await her in the Fading Lands. Will she find a way to save them all or will the High Mage, Vadim Maur, have his revenge? Look for the final installments, KING OF SWORD AND SKY and QUEEN OF SONG AND SOULS, in 2008. LADY OF LIGHT AND SHADOW is an exciting continuation of the Tairen Soul/Fading Lands saga. I can't wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arya ptb
Picking up right where Lord of the Fading Lands left off, Lady of Light and Shadows begins the morning after the Queen of the Fey is hunted in her dreams by the dark being she calls the Shadow Man. Ellysetta knows that it's only a matter of time before she has to face her darkest enemy. Ellysetta's fiance and truemate, Rain Tairen Soul, has vowed to protect her, but even he doesn't know the depth of the evil that stalks his mate. Rain also has the added pressure of trying to protect his people, who are dying, and keeping the borders between Ellie's country and that of the nearby by Elden Mages closed to protect them all from the dangerous magic the Mages wield. Lady of Light and Shadows is the second book in C.L. Wilson's Tairen Soul series. This story gets more involved in the politics between Celieria, Eld, and the Fading Lands, as well as in the origins of Ellysetta's birth. It's more magical, more fantastical, and more enchanting than the first book--which is something I didn't even think was possible. These books are the perfect blend of fantasy and paranormal romance and are so engrossing you won't want to put them down. I'd suggest this series to anyone who enjoys magical beings and battles between the dark and the light. Now if only October would come a little faster so that the next two books (King of Sword and Sky and Queen of Song and Souls) would be released, I'd be all set.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin vey
You could start with this book, but why not extend your pleasure by reading both _Lord of the Fading Lands_ and this wonderful completion to the duology? If you love epic fantasy, ancient battles, evil mages, court intrigue, tragic and heroic immortals, dangerous fairy-tales, myth and legends--these books are for you!

In this book, the plot thickens and threats increase for Rain, the tragic Fey King and his soul-mate, Ellysetta. The evil High Mage of Eld now knows who and where Ellie is--and he wants her back for his own unknown reasons. Evil agents in the kingdom of Celieria are working to discredit the Fey and break the centuries-long alliance between them and the human lords. The rogue Fey known as the Dark Lord is heading towards the kingdom in order to kill Ellie, believing that she is the High Mage's daughter and a threat to the Fey. Ellie's own mother is listening to dark whispers telling her the Fey and their magic are ungodly...

This is much more of an epic Fantasy than a Romance, so people looking for a light plot that is an excuse for many sex scenes may be disappointed. But anyone who loves a good story built around a couple who need to find love and save themselves as well as the world will enjoy these books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harpreet bhatoa
Lady of Light and Shadows is the wonderful sequel to Lord of the Fading Lands. If you thought the first one was good, watch out, because this one is even better. It is the continuing story of Rain and his soul mate and future bride, Ellie. Ellie keeps having nightmares of death and fire. Rain is at his wits end over her suffering and those who want to do her harm and his people.
There are such evil forces that surround them from the Mages (evil wizards) who want to destroy the Fading Lands and Rain's people the Fey and Tairen. Plus Ellie's family and neighbors are afraid of her future husband and soon of her because she has some dark magic inside, which she may be a Mage herself! (or maybe not...)
Lady of Light and Shadows is much darker and deeper that the first. You will be on the edge of your seat and the last few chapters will blow your mind. And Rain and Ellie's romance is still sweet, consuming and more intense than before.
Again, CL Wilson is fantasy romance's new shining star and with Lady of Light and Shadows she has cemented her place in this genre and seriously one of the best book of 2007 I have read.


Lord of the Fading Lands
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy fitzpatrick
What a marvelous novel, the second in the Tairen Soul series. Ellie comes into her own here, and it's thrilling. The romance is magical, and I loved Ellie's and Rain's relationship. The world-building is incredible. Wilson really takes readers to a new, yet relatable land. Lots of surprises and great magic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz tanner
I have purchased both books so far in this series and have just been stunned by the breadth, the depth, swept away by the powerful overall tone of the story. In the past several years, I had wandered far from the Sci-Fi pile, and was starting to lose interest in most romances, even the paranormal ones, aside from one or two stand out series I've come across. While reading both books, I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I jeered. *literally and often audibly!* C.L.Wilson deserves every award out there for these books.

I await the third and fourth books later this year with held breath. As an aside, I do not understand why a couple people gave these books anything less than FIVE STARS. The writing is action packed, lush and yes, sensual. But, its not erotica as one person attempted to make it sound like. (I should know, I write erotica for my own personal enjoyment!) This is sensual, fiery, what every woman deep down believes the mating should be, but rarely is in "our world". I'm actually jealous of Ellysetta Feyreisa!!

This is far and away the very best, hands down incredible series I've read in YEARS. To give her hard work, the very obvious blood, sweat and tears of Ms.Wilson's grafted into this impressive body of work anything less is shameful disrespect.

I adored LOTR and this is every bit as lush, as dramatic and soul searing as that great work. I state this firmly. As someone who dabbles in writing, I am in awe of Ms.Wilson's own inner Tairen Soul coming to life, her writing is off the scales. Would that I could some day rival her skill, her ability to graft such intense works.

Watching Ellysetta grow into her powers was amazing. Stunning. A glorious and almost frighteningly wondrous scene crucial to the storyline.
I cannot recommend these books enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Watch out Kenyon...Wilson is out writing you. For the life of me I have no idea why Wilson's second book didn't carry the title "USA Today or New York Times Bestseller" on it. Come on people BUY HER BOOKS! I suggest you start with the first book in the series and continue from there. The story is extremely complicated and oh so many yummy characters are introduced. The Gods smile upon commoner Ellysetta when they send her the Lord of the Fading Lands; "Rain" The Tairen Soul, and an outstanding group of men who along the way devote their very beings to protect her. OMG ladies your not gonna put this one down...I promise! Wilson doesn't drag out the story line, she closes one mystery and opens another (which is, in my opinion, a breath of fresh air), more times than not the author will just keep repeating herself with to much back and forth as filler...Well I'll tell you, you are not going to find this in these novels. By the time your done with this book the characters are like family, and their world has become yours. ~Enjoy~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah watts
Sequel to The Lord of the Fading Lands.

Rainier vel'En Daris, King of the Fey and Rairen Soul, had literally stepped from the sky to claim Ellysetta "Ellie" Baristani, a woodcarver's daughter, as his queen. Ellie is being groomed for her new life among the nobility and the royal courts. Ellie still does not understand the horrible nightmares that plague her or the frightening powers within her; however, it has become very clear that her life is in danger.

The evil High Mage Vadim Maur has minions everywhere. His apprentice, Kolis Manza, almost has the proof needed to show that Ellie is the one for whom Vadim has searched over twenty years for. Kolis has gotten close to the mortal queen and Ellie's former fiancé. It is only a matter of time. Once proven, the High Mage will claim Ellie's soul. Using Ellie, Vadim will enslave the world.

***** Do not begin this book until you have read Lord of the Fading Lands. Otherwise you will not fully understand what is going on. Believe me when I say that fans of either Fantasy or Paranormal Romance novels will LOVE both of these books. I cannot stress hard enough to the men out there that they will enjoy these two titles.

Having said that; I found this title to be as awesome as the first. It ends in a very good place. The author may either stop there or continue onward. The action is mostly non-stop, so make sure you have plenty of time to read before you even open the cover. I see awards in this author's future. This is a highly addictive series and I hope to see more! *****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria dvorak
We meet Rain Tairen Soul and Ellysetti Baristani, the delightful hero and heroine from Lord of the Fading Lands, first book in this series, again in Lady of Light and Shadows as they are preparing for their upcoming wedding and also waiting for the vote from the Cerielian council on whether to open the city's borders to Eld, where the evil mages reside and who Rain knows are gearing up to strike again as they did during the Mage Wars of a thousand years ago. However, King Dorian and his council need proof, which Rain doesn't have. His knowledge and experience with the mages don't mean a thing to them anymore, so they are very near giving up their alliance with the fey in favor of the mages.

On top of all of this, Ellie is learning how to harness her newly discovered magic, even though her mother is against it. The evil that Ellie has always dreamed about is drawing ever closer and Rain is doing all he can to protect her. But that evil strikes when and where they least expect it, and they take measures to keep Ellie's magic and psychic powers from reaching Rain to help her escape the horror she knows is about to happen.

C.L. Wilson is just an awesome writer. Her ability to string words together is indescribable, as is her imagination to create such beautiful worlds and endearing characters, even villainous characters! She has once again brought the fading lands and its people to life in a way that will keep you reading through the night until you've read every single word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bode wilson
A continuation of the tale of the Tairen Soul. Ellie is finally married and carried way by Rain for a new adventure. This time the fate all the fantasy worlds of C.L. Wilson are at stake.

While not quite as epic as "The Lord of the Fading Lands", "Lady of Light and Shadows" is not a disappointment.

Once again, C.L. Wilson submits to us her mastery of the world of the imagination. She has written a wonderful book with a command of words and construction. Get rid of the little bit of graphic sex found in the story, and you have a great story for ALL age groups.

The Tairen Soul Trilogy, once it is finished, will likely become a classic in American literature. THAT is not an exaggeration.

Densel Myers
Yukon, Oklahoma
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
****No Spoilers****
This is by far my favorite series!!! Everyone should at least try the first book, I promise you will be hooked! I have read tons of romance novels from Kresley Cole to J.R. Ward(which have great series as well) but none of the characters have touched my heart as much as as Ellysetta and Rain do.

The author did a fantastic job of creating a fantasy world, perhaps similar to Lord of the rings, but her focus is always on the main characters and her development of the hero and heroine is beautiful. Ellysetta and Rain are not perfect but together they become perfect( That sounds really cheesy)Their love will blow you away. Their devotion to one another, their support of each other, and their protection of one another is so richly drawn out by the author.Especially when the author uses the fey language of Rain's people, Its as if she has written a new language filled with love...

Ok Ok I know this has really turned into a cheese fest but if you want a description of the book read the other reviews, for me the book was all about the strong emotions that the characters evoked in me. I was on cloud nine the whole time I read this series ( It will seriously put you in such a great happy mood)

The author makes a note that she wrote this series as one book rather than 4 separate books, so although each ending is great and leaves you wanting more, you do get a strong sense of - this could have been great as just one 1000 page book-. I loved all the twists and turns and surprises in this book and I really loved how all the characters really came together. I cant wait for the next one!

This is a great new author with an amazing storytelling voice, I cannot wait to see what else she comes up with( I hope she stays within the fantasy realm) I will be really sad when this series is over. 5 Stars from me all the way!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought it was a fabulously done. Definately a romance, but with a epic feel to it. You still get that happily ever after that romance novels promise and yet Wilson makes you wonder if it will really happen. I like the fact that Ellie has a dark side buried deep inside and that Rain is determined to stand by her side...well until hears that Ellie may by Eld. Wilson keeps the readers wondering what will happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan wood
I love fantasy and romance and hunky fey warriors with long flowing black hair and endless devotion...all that, but for some reason I didn't really get into Lord of the Fading Lands. I enjoyed the book alright, but somehow, it seemed dragging a little. Rain was dreamy enough...too dreamy, maybe, and somehow, Elli didn't really catch my eye as Rain's equal...well all that's gonna change in book II, Lady of Light and Shadow. Am I ever glad to have stuck with the story and picked up book II. The story really got going, and Elli's character started to shine (literally!). Also, a wonderful new character was introduced: Ser Gaelen!!!! The (former) Dark Lord with icy blue eyes! (swoon @_@) He really stole the scences and, sorry to say, I think he outshone Rain. Even though Rain's 1200 years old, he still acted a bit adolescent compared to Ser Gaelenn. ^_- Which is fine by me. I am all for character growth, and both Rain and Elli have quite a bit of growing to do. I can't wait to see how they mature together over the course of the story. Eagerly waiting for the next 2 books!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach ayers
I am so pleased with Wilson's second offering. Again, there are so many great reviews there isn't much for me to add. I just wanted to get my 5 star vote in! The pace of this second book is nice and steady. It is also a lot darker than the first book. The supporting characters are so well developed. This whole series is going on my keeper shelf!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I give it five stars*****

Lady Of Light And Shadows is book two in an extraordinary new series by C.L. Wilson. If you haven't read the first book Lord Of The Fading Lands you really should read it first to get the most out of the series . I found it to be a wonderful fantasy that grabs your attention right from the start. If you enjoy deep dark fantasy, fairy tales, magic, wizards and the eternal battle of good versus evil along with a little hot sex thrown in, then this is the book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie c
Lady of Light and Shadows is a FANTASTIC book. It was every bit as good as Lord of the Fading Lands. I can't wait to read the rest of the series! I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a a truly creative and passionate fantasy romance. The characters are complex which is a nice change from the cookie cutter romances out there where the male and female leads meet and fall in love within a chapter or two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy gray
Lady of Light and Shadows takes off where Lord of the Fading Lands ended. Not only does it continue this great story Wilson begins to add to the story that was hinted at in the first book. Sexy humor and places that your bitting your nails will keep you reading this book to the end!! I'm very happy with this series and cant wait to read the other books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hugh y
This is one of my favorite trilogies. It really is a great story. This is part II of the book,so be sure to read Lord of the Fading Lands first. I really like both characters, and C.L. Wilson does a good job at wrapping us into the story until you really feel for both of them. I'm going to have to make this part of my collection!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin goldthorpe
Followup to Lord of the Fading Lands. The romance between Elysetta & Rain continues, lots of political intrigue and adventure, and Elysetta comes into her powers in a most satifying way (no more wimpy doormat! I feel like singing!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful book. . .again! At last, a true breaker of the mold! C. L. Wilson is such a breath of fresh air. I read it in one day! I love the mulit-faceted plot. If you want an engaging read this series is for you. I can't wait for the next installment--I will be the nerd waiting for the book store to open on release day just to get my hands on the next one from this author. Excellent!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
somaia elkilany
What a beautifully written story. What a love story! I highly recommend it. But read her other book LORD OF THE FADING LANDS first as this is the beginning of the story. I heard that there will be 2 more books following LADY OF LIGHT AND SHADOWS.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ilana weinberg
The story line is interesting and the writing is good...but this story is just way too long. I understand that this is a 4 book series and that this is the second book in the series. Personally, I do not have the patience nor the inclination to wait months for ONE couple's story to end. This is like the Harry Potter of romance!

If you want a book where you get your romantic happily-ever-after fix in just one book...this is not for you. If you are made of sterner stuff and feel like you can wait it out to get the couple's final happily-ever-after four books later...then go for it. Read and enjoy... might want to read the first book in the series before reading this book. Otherwise, you will be taking one big leap into confusion!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
omar fawz
I love fantasy stories and this author creates an outline of a story that should appeal to a broad audience. But it didn't appeal to me and I wouldn't recommend it to others. I had a hard time following the story and investing in the characters.

I hate it when people get so excited about their own little world that they exclude the reader. I was kicked to the sidelines of this story almost from the start. The characters have a history that I knew nothing about and it isn't really explained. The cast of characters is HUGE, so there was never a chance to actually feel like you knew anyone. (Welcome to a family dinner with 50 guests and you are the new girlfriend.) Then the characters start speaking in 'Elvish' and unless you are an elf, you don't know half of what is going on.

The book also has many stories going on all at once. It was too much to take in.

1. The lady and her fiance I thought I was going to read about.

2. Some elves locked in a cage and tortured throughout the story.
- Who have been locked up for 1000 years and are so excited about seeing each other that they "performed" in a cage for a drooling audience. Yuck!

3. Some evil Lord who has a slave that is having multiple sexual partners at once who bruise her and think it is great to get a walking cane in on the action. Ew[...]

4. Lord of the Dead who is some terminator elf who kills all sorts of people.

5. A really stupid king who's wife is wearing the pants and it looks like the brains. She also seems to be having some affair.

6. Some weirdo who is sucking blood and breast millk at the same time. Huhh??? and iiikkkk!!!

7. Some crazy priests and parents who think it is great to torture a girl.

8. Demons! Demons! Demons!

9. The threat of war between where the elves live and the normal but self-righteous people.

10. Threat of war between where the elves, and the people, and the bad mages.

11. Another warrior who discovers his mate and has to deal with the fact that she is married to another guy.

12. Some ancient elf lady who seems to be related to everyone in the story and as old as the hills. Although I didn't have a clue who she is.

13. Some dying dragons who need to be saved.

With all of this I was confused about what kind of story this was. I get having adversity, but there are limits to the variety a reader can take in. With the over-flowing list of obsticles: demons, crazy elves, evil dukes, evil priests, misguided and evil parents, evil mages, dragons, posessed people, and creepy wells.

I really wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.
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