ByTillie Cole

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must admit
While this book was tremendously disturbing, I could not stop reading due to the writers mesmerizing style
I mean.....OMG.....This whole book was one of the best pieces of sick poetry I've ever read
Yes. It's sick
But utterly romantic, poetic, and engaging
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shashank tiwari
Oh Mylanta!!! This was so crazy, sexy, bloody, dark, cool, etc.... I loved all the craziness!!! I feel like Dolly is right. We Need to meet the other two characters! Spin off please!!! I heart you Tillie and your precious little baby too!!! Congrats!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia b
This book was definitely one intense, twisted story. This is definitely not for the faint of heart. There was couple of times I had to take a little break, because it was getting really messed up. Bravo to the author. This is definitely my top favorite read this year
Reap (Scarred Souls) :: Raze (Scarred Souls) :: Sweet Home (Sweet Home Series Book 1) :: Deep Redemption (Hades Hangmen Book 4) :: Ravage (Scarred Souls Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hadi nor
Warning: this book is VERY dark, with themes that will be upsetting to many. But if you are a lover of dark, well written stories, with a love story woven into the darkness, this book is an absolute must read. I am a fan of this author and have read many of her books and this has been one of the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
allard shotmail com
What I would expect from Tillie cole. Butttt with all the talk of darkest book yet etc. I honestly expected more. I know I know shoot me. But it was a dark book but for Tillie Cole it was her “norm” it wasn’t like wow that’s dark for even her type of book. But I still loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay ejoh
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a completely twisted, effed up, AMAZING story!! I was completely blown away. I hadn't even fully made it through the first chapter before I knew this was going to be a book that changed me. The kind that sticks with you and becomes a staple in your soul forever.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Tillie’s books. This one was difficult. I had to read it in small doses and that isn’t like me usually I consume books that I love. Is it well written? amazing? Detailed? Yes. Strange. Gory and over the top too. Disturbing. Deeply disturbing. I may need therapy now that I’ve completed it. LOL. With that being said everyone should make up their own mind about this book. It is definitely worth the read. You might be like me and have to take it in short reads. I also would like to see stories written for the other chaps from the water tower. They kind of draw you in. Make you want to know more about them too. So we’ll see what Tillie has in mind for them.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
**Possible Spoilers**
I don't even know how to describe how I felt reading this book. I love Tillie Cole's books, and her Hangmen series was awesome, even though I struggled with the sexual abuse of the young girls endured who were the heroines in the stories. But this?? I almost DNF'd halfway through and I can only say that it was sheer curiosity that kept me going. I guess we were warned how dark this was -- it's just reading it was so much harder than I thought. It's like one of those nightmarish scenes you cannot unsee or unthink. That's how I felt thinking about Ellis/Dolly and what was done to her. I'm glad I was able to finish it, but it's definitely not something I would ever care to read again. The saddest part for me was even though Rabbit saved Dolly and he made her somewhat happy again, she basically died when she was 10 years old. I need to read something lighter to get my mind off what I just read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne kowalski
Natural Born Killers, with an even darker twist, set in Wonderland. Amazing characters and story line. I felt angry, sad while I was cheering them on, on their killing spree, wanting to be with them and terminate the monsters.
A great read, which I strongly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin kuehn
This was a very sad and intriguing book! It proved that love can bloom in different ways and circumstances. It's very sad that there are some really sick people out there that do terrible thing's to kid's thinking their beyond punishment! Great book Tillie Cole!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan gilroy king
I am never disappointed with Ms. Cole's stories.
Dolly and Rabbit forced me to read their tale in one sitting. You can't help but cheer on their adventures in blood.
I dare you to jump in the rabbit hole and try and leave Wonderland before their finished with you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I jumped blindly into this book as a group read, and I was blown away to the point that I couldn't put it down. I had to know what was going to happen next. Ellis and Heathen's story is dark and their journey darker, but so worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky turpin
Sick Fux is amazing. I loved every dark and twisted word of this book. Rabbit and Dolly go on a adventure that's beautiful and dark at the same time. I truly wish I could give more stars . Tick tock Tick tock. I'm off now for some Earl Grey Tea ???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
But the darkness is definitely earned. I usually don't get car with books about child abusers however the characters and story was so well written, the good parts came really quickly! I love these Sick Fux and loved there well deserved revenge!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janet isenberg
What a perfectly screwed up story. It is beautiful in its madness. It will take me a few days to recover from this story but I'm so glad I read it. This is not an easy read, but if you dare - you will love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ailar s
Alice in Wonderland meets Mickey and Mallory/Natural Born Killers.
Disney meets Bonnie and Clyde.

This book was everything. This is not like any book you've ever read. Its wickedly twisted. Deliciously dark.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kylee g
***5 ‘I Wasn’t Asking….I Was Insisting’ Stars***

Tillie Cole said it was going to be dark. Darker than anything she wrote before.
Hell, even her husband said it was f%^ked up (shared via her SM)

And it was that and so much more and…

I ADORED every word of it and NEED more.

Yes, I was disturbed, and even sickened by certain things that happened, I mean I love me some dark and deviant as much as the next person, but these certain things pushed even me to that very fine line. But the dark light in the vast darkness of this journey were Heathan and Ellis aka Rabbit and Dolly, They were unique, utterly addicting and absolutely fascinating in every way imaginable. Dolly’s spirit and Rabbit’s intensity, albeit dark, were what drew me in and all it took was one moment to fall into adoration with both of them. Their journey is a dark, painful and chaotic, and yet there is humor, heart and moments of sweetness that shows that they are each other’s perfect match in every way.

Sick Fux goes beyond dark waaaayyy beyond, and I love me some dark themes, so if you are gonna dive into this one, be prepared because as always Ms. Cole goes balls to the wall and is absolutely unapologetic about it. But outside of the dark, I thought it was absolutely brilliant how she took Alice in Wonderland, twisted it up and made it her own. It added that surreal feel to an already unique journey that kept me turning the pages. Now, as much as I loved Rabbit and Dolly, there were two? Two and a half? Three? (You’ll understand when you read the book) characters that have me crossing my toes that we will hear about down the road because they are that intriguing.

Also, for those music lovers out there. Ms. Cole has Sick Fux Playlist up on Spotify already and if you love listening to music while reading, especially music that the author listened/was inspired by while writing the book, then you MUST listen to it while reading this book. It took me to that next level of enjoyment while reading about Rabbit and his Dolly.

So #TickTock it’s #TimeForTea so get ready to head down the rabbit hole and meet #Hellis!!

~ Copy provided by Ardent Prose PR & voluntarily reviewed ~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucid strike
Tillie is a real master.!!!! I loved every second of this masterpiece, the theme, the characters and the story itself was more than what I could have imagine. My favorite couple will always be FLAME and Maddie from the Hangmen , but Dolly and Rabbit have captured a big piece of my heart. I have a Tillie inspired tattoo already, but Sick Fux gave me another great idea.!!! I can't wait for what else Tillie has in store for us, I know it will be as amazing as any other of her creations.!!! ❤❤❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
veronica gutierrez
I friggin loved how bad people are doing good things. Not all people get the typical sweet ending and I adore how this is not peaches and cream but dark and deep and talks about things most people won't put in black and white for others to see.
It was romantic and surreal and beauty all in one. Tillie Cole was a favorite before but now she is up there with JD Robb and Jordan Castillo Price. U write it, sight unseen, I buy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica riegle
Nightmares. A sultry take of your darkest fears. Natural Born Killers doesn't hold a candle to Sick Fux. I love to read, and devour books, but it has taken me time to process each chapter. This is a must read, but it isn't for the faint of heart, but it teaches you everyone gets their happily ever after
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori long
I will never look at Alice and Wonderland the same way again, I enjoy a dark, twisted book and this had it all, some parts were hard to read on a personal level, but man I love how twisted the book was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darlene wright
Alice in wonderland told like never before. Rabbit and Dolly, Heathen and Ellis these characters suffered so much and deserved every bit of happiness they could get. Loved this book. Characters were developed very well, writing was excellent 5 stars not enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian martin
Wow!! Absolutely twisted and disgusting and so unbelievably written. Dolly and Rabbit; a twisted and messed up duo who you absolutely Love! While this book will make you cringe and grimace it will also make you smile .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
char decoste
Warning book contains some triggers... Dark an twisted version of Alice in Wonderland and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I was hooked. This is the first time I’ve read books by this author, but it won’t be my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jimmy o
I love any book that Tillie writes because I know it will be a wild ride! And I wasn’t disappointed at all with Sick Sux because she kept me on my toes! I loved the theme of the book because it is a play on my favorite book! Amazing story as usual Tillie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an incredibly disturbing and yet seriously captivating book. Despite some really difficult subject matter, this book delivers a range of feels and emotion that I could not put it down and read it in one sitting. The story is so vivid that I kept thinking it would make for a really amazing movie down the road.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron cruz
Tillie Cole is a master storyteller! This story will grab ahold and yank you in . I love a story when you feel physically involved....the angst in your bones. Loved it! Now maybe a book sbout Chapel?.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was completely different from any other books I have read. I really loved the dark edge to the book. You really feel for the characters. I would highly recommend with a warning. It is not for the faint of heart.
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