The Breakthrough Diet and Workout for a Tight Booty

ByChristmas Abbott

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heather clark
Would've liked more exercise routines. I'm very into HIIT and I thought there'd b more of those. Her whole diet system is a little confusing too. "Bricks"?? I do like her smoothie recipes-post workout n meal replacement.
Just somewhat satisfied w/the book.
Tracy C.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love Christmas Abbot, her energy on her Facebook page, her physique, her strength...but I absolutely hated this book. This was useless for anyone that knows anything about being an athlete or leading a healthy lifestyle. And I agree with what another commenter said about how the portions are insanely small - how can can anyone perform on such a low calorie diet?? I felt like she rambled a lot, repeated herself, page after page after page after....well you get it. I'll continue to follow her as an athlete, but I definitely won't be implementing her "programs".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
before starting the badass plan, i was following the paleo eating plan. paleo was great, but i knew there was a change i needed to make knock those last 5 pounds off. well, christmas' badass plan has gotten me down 2 pounds in only 2 weeks so far and i am so excited to see what other changes are to come. it's probably more pounds than that, because i've probably gained muscle since i'm lifting heavier since then too. I've leaned out in all areas in my body and am starting to see the abs peek out to say hello.

the best thing about this plan is the flexibility. christmas understands that people are human, and you can't deprive yourself of a treat once in a while. once your body gets adjusted, you'll rarely feel hungry and cravings for junk food will subside. with this plan i'm either snacking or having a meal practically every 2 hours and now understand why it's important and EFFECTIVE to combine the 3 food types outlined in the plan. it makes every bit of difference. thank you Christmas for sharing this with the world!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall filled with good information. However, I was VERY disappointed to find out that the entire section of The Force menu was missing from the kindle version. I shouldn't have to "figure it out" on my own by having to toggle back and forth through the other menus. I can only guess which dietary item there is more or less of?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie von brand
I absolutely LOVE this book! It is full of great information! This is my go to book for diet, supplements, and exercise information. Christmas has done a wonderful job with this book! Lots of wonderful information put in simple terms! Definitely a must have for any health enthusiast!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read this book and have undergone a complete lifestyle change from the information in this book. From the work outs to the food changes to clean eating and what is good and what is bad to eat. Since Nov '15 thanks to this book I have lost almost 50lbs and am still going. This book has been so influential in getting healthier I am so happy with myself and where I am getting thanks to the info in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james currier
I'm one of those "tried everything" girls. Christmas' take on balanced meals is super easy to follow! I've lost inches while maintaining muscle mass. Definitely great if you need someone to tell you, "here, eat like this and just watch your body transform."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm one of those "tried everything" girls. Christmas' take on balanced meals is super easy to follow! I've lost inches while maintaining muscle mass. Definitely great if you need someone to tell you, "here, eat like this and just watch your body transform."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shawn brady
The workout is amazing! It is quick, but intense!! The challenge I found with this plan is measuring all the food. For someone starting out, that was a daunting task.
The message is positive and encouraging.
The editor missed quite a few mistakes. I found that to be distracting, but would not be a reason not to buy the book.
This plan requires time and dedication.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book was insightful in the beginning at times, but overall not a great value for the money (and I got the intro $20 rate).
Christmas' early life story was interesting and inspiring. However, the foods she goes on to recommend in the narrative part of the book (the first 1/5 of the book, 45 pages) did not make an appearance in the diet plans nor in the recipes. Why promote foods if they are not then incorporated into the diet? That made no sense.

This diet won't work for athletes - not nearly enough food for someone who likes to move their body. I was hungry within 30 minutes after eating the first breakfast on Day 1 of the diet, same with the lunch on Day 1. After that, I used the book just as a loose guide, and still maintain a few principles I picked up for eating more intelligently. I tried and liked a couple of the recipes (chicken wraps for lunch and turkey meatballs for dinner - both were easy and tasty), but if you're not a huge fan of fish or onions, there's not a whole lot of recipes to choose from.

Most of the book has a lot of white space filled in with lists for different plans that don't work (and are incomplete for the number of days Christmas says to use them too), or has one recipe per page. I get the impression Christmas hurriedly wrote this book more to make money than for any other reason. Can't fault her for that, but it's not a great book. She seemed rushed to get it to print, based on the below average quality of content.
Bottom line: buy the book on sale for just a few bucks, and you might learn a few things.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This was a TERRIBLE book! I cannot believe that some of the diet plans have you eating betwen 650 and 850 calories per day + crazy workouts. That's complete starvation. No wonder her clients lose weight. SO wish I would have known how ludicrous her program was before wasting my $20 on this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dinorah abrego
It was good but badic diet book..not anything new unless you are unfamiliar with lifting goals or not well versed on diet and exercise. I have a body type that is hard to lose weight and I am very fit for my age my results after a month of following her program and eating were same as any other diet
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ganta rakesh
I was super excited to get this. However, my first red flag for me is when she says she hates diets and refers to them as "DIEts". I then did a double take and looked at the cover. The word diet is in the title. I'm familiar with the Zone and quickly realized this was just the Zone diet in her words. There were numerous typos, including mathematical which upset me. I was really hoping for more in this book. If I could return it I would. Sorry Christmas, but this isn't for me, I'll stick to Paleo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki kennerud
I personally loved the book and all of Christmas advice. I attended her seminar and received the book a week later. The book tied it all together for me. I have tried a number of different nutrition plans and always felt like I was missing something. I am very active and did not intend to lose weight during this program, but learn how to better balance my nutrition. In my opinion this book does all that and more since it provides not only the science behind it, but also recipes and work outs. Never once does it tell you to restrict your calories or variety of foods. It mentions often what foods to eat to fill more full. Depending on the program you choose to work and what your individual goals are the book offers advise and a RANGE of SUGGESTED food quantities, but repeatedly says to eat until your full.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
a yusuf
What a major disappointment. It started off badly when I noticed on the cover the author listed as Crossfit STAR not Crossfit athlete. That had me suspicious, but don't judge a book by it's cover. The introduction was completely geared towards getting fit to attract men, not to be healthy, independent, and strong. I thought this was going to be uniquely geared towards people like me - athletes who need to lean out. Instead, it's geared to overweight, lazy women like all the other diet books out there. But I kept reading, maybe something different was offered. Her plan is really just like the Zone diet and requires learning what bricks are to establish a brick based diet. Sure it's healthy and probably works, but it's not anything new. Also, for my size the amount of food I would get to eat seems a pittance for how much activity I do (3 hours on any given day) and she makes no attempt to address that.

The text is poorly written. Certain foods "screw" with your hormones? That's ok to say when you can't use MRI or PET scan for "brain scan"? She also comes from a body-type background that I would imagine most readers cannot relate to. Her tattoo to remind her of her hard times in Iraq? You CHOSE to go there, it had nothing to do with fighting for your country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had the opportunity to attend her nutrition seminar in Austin, so I couldn't wait for the book to come out. This is not a starvation diet. If you eat the right way for your body type, you will not be hungry. It's about balancing your macronutrients to satisfy and nourish your body. I haven't been following her plan as closely as I need to, but am already seeing results. I love that she includes recipes so you have more help in getting started.

The bottom line is she lays out eating clean in a helpful manner that provides results. The proof is in the pudding. I've seen her in person and she looks like that in real life. She's obviously doing something right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer anderson
I really liked this book. I had been doing Crossfit for about 2 months...I was feeling great but not really seeing a physical change, as far as weight loss. My eating habits have not ever been THAT bad but I never thought about meals as a unit: fats, proteins and low carbs. This book helped me organize food into certain categories, plan smart for eating and stay on top of my fitness. I have NEVER completed any sort of diet, work out plan...I give up...always (sadly!). This though, I didn't quit! I feel amazing...more energy, no bloating, I'm not hungry for bad things. In a nut shell...I love the book, the theory behind smart eating and well...the fact that my ass is losing weight. :)
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