The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition) - Planes without Passengers

ByDean T. Hartwell

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
murtaza kuwarawala
This book contains extensive logical research that supports the fakery of the 911 plane crashes. Coupled with the evidence in Where Did the Towers Go book, it’s amazing that so many people still believe the official story. More people should do their reading! We are all so gullible. I recommend this book, although I wish it had more of an executive summary storyline. It’s very easy to get lost in all of the facts, hypotheses, alternatives, and discussion.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa fitzgerald
First of all, this book which purports to discredit the official events of '9/11' is about 100 pages long (give or take - the pages aren't numbered). Secondly, the print on the page is so large that at first I thought I was reading Braille, and finally, I knew not only a person who died on one of the planes, but knew several citizens of NYC who actually watched the planes hit the World Trade Centers from sidewalks and rooftops. I also have a close friend who works for the defense dept. who watched, with his own eyes, the plane that hit the Pentagon. The author cites only the most vague of references, most of whom undoubtedly wear tinfoil hats, watch FOX news, and live in their mother's trailer homes. I read constantly, and this is the first book review I've ever written, for the simple fact that this book is not only unreadable (I suspect it was self-edited, as no respected publishing house would release it in it's current form), but the author is a complete imbecile. If you pay money for this book, you're padding the pockets of an imbecile. By the way, most of the author's 'sources' are deceased and, obviously can't be reached for comment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arianne carey
Dean Hartwell's 2nd edition of Planes Without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 deals with some of the most controversial and complex aspects of 9/11 research. Regrettably, many of the aspects of 9/11 research Dean pursues in his latest book are ignored, misunderstood, dismissed, or hastily rejected, even (or, perhaps, especially) by those in the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement". Nevertheless, any serious 9/11 investigator will want to take what Dean has to offer in Planes Without Passengers seriously, and consider the implications of his well-established research.

Dean tackles the subject of "phantom flights" and their alleged passengers, the mislabeled theory of "no planes", faked or otherwise fabricated "hijackings", and other key details of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory in depth throughout the book, offering well-founded arguments and facts which totally disprove virtually every aspect of the official government conspiracy theory explaining what happened on 9/11.

Before going any further, let's clear something up here: the "no planes" theory of 9/11 can be summarized as follows, which I think Dean would most assuredly agree with: there were no large commercial Boeing 757 or 767s involved at any of the alleged crash sites on 9/11. Or, to be more precise, the "hijacked" commercial airliners allegedly involved on 9/11 were simply fabricated cover stories or decoys for what really happened that day. Flights 11, 77, 175, and 93, the official flights alleged by the government and media to have been hijacked and used as weapons on 9/11, were not hijacked and did not crash anywhere on 9/11.

Consider the following facts, which Dean highlights quite succinctly in his book: American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 were never even officially scheduled to fly on 9/11 according to the government's own records. Additionally, United Airlines Flights 93 and 175 were not de-registered as active commercial airliners until September 28, 2005 - a full 4 years after they allegedly crashed and were destroyed on 9/11. (See 9/11: Planes/No Planes and "Video Fakery")

So the question then becomes: how can flights that were never even scheduled have crashed on 9/11? And, how can flights that were in the air 4 years after 9/11 have crashed that day?

Dean also cites well-known 9/11 researchers David Ray Griffin and A.K. Dewdney as key sources refuting the alleged phone calls made by passengers on the "hijacked" flights. Griffin and Dewdney have shown that the phone calls alleged to have been made on 9/11 were not even possible given the technology of the time. Some have suggested that voice-morphing technology was involved in the fabrication of the phone calls made on 9/11, technology which is known to be in existence, even prior to 9/11. However it was done, the alleged phone calls were a key aspect of the official conspiracy theory, and were used to sell the idea to the public that "Muslim extremists" really did hijack commercial airliners on 9/11. In reality, the phone calls were faked, and have been used as a major PSYOP on the American and world public in order to perpetuate the "hijacker" and "innocent American passengers died on board the airliners" myths.

Furthermore, Elias Davidsson has shown that the United States government has never been able to prove that any "Muslim extremists" hijacked any airliners on 9/11, a subject discussed by Dean in the book. The alleged flight manifests are either fraudulent or have serious problems, bringing their legitimacy into question, and there has been no video evidence produced by the government of "Arab Muslim terrorists" boarding any of the flights at any of the airports on the morning of 9/11, key facts Dean brings to light. Incredibly, none of pilots of the allegedly "hijacked" airliners that day entered in the hijack code to notify ground control operators, and no fighter jets were scrambled to intercept these flights (probably because there were no hijackings and there were no flights).

Dean also addresses the eye witness testimony of travelers at the various airports alleged to have been involved with the flights on 9/11, especially the travelers at the Cleveland airport, where multiple flights landed on 9/11, including flights associated with the official conspiracy theory, namely Flight 175 (or an aircraft thought to have been Flight 175). Figuring out exactly which flights landed where, what flights were even in the air, and other aspects relating to the flights on 9/11 are extremely complex details of 9/11 research, and Dean does a good job of trying to sort this all out the best he can given the available evidence. In my opinion, we will likely never know what exactly happened with the flights said to have been involved on 9/11, if there even were any (which I now doubt), but it's important for knowledgeable individuals like Dean to investigate these matters honestly and bring important facts to light.

Perhaps the most controversial topic Dean covers is the alleged passengers said to have been on the official flights on 9/11. He makes a good case that many, if not all, of the alleged "passengers" were either government-insiders involved in the conspiracy, or were manufactured individuals sold to the public as "victims", similar to what was detailed in the Operation Northwoods document. (See 9/11: trauma-based mind control on a societal scale)

Planes Without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 is an extremely important book for honest researchers of the events of 9/11 to pursue. I highly recommend it, and believe Dean has done a major service to those of us seriously interested in figuring out exactly what happened on 9/11.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Concise, well researched and well presented. Dean brings the missing pieces together regarding the four "hijacked" aircraft and their "passengers" answering questions that have plagued me since the early days of 9/11. He confirms theories regarding multiple aircraft sightings, lack of debris fields and the absence of bodies at the "crash" sites. The issue of manufactured conversations in regards to calls "made from the aircraft" is explained in a logical manner using science & technology. He confirms, with the help of pilots for 9/11truth, that 2 of the planes that the official story had crashed were actually still in the air 20 minutes after being reported "crashed". A must read for anyone serious about uncovering the truth about 9/11.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Impossible! After the planes did what they were assigned to do, the major media gave out the names of all the deceased aboard the planes. The author is basically saying that the people listed as deceased are still walking around today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading 9/11 books by Bollyn, Hendries, Griffin, Barrett and others, I thought I knew a lot, but Hartwell's book filled in some missing gaps.

In addition to amazing research, the book is also in large print and easy to read. To me, it's a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about what happened on this sad day, over 11 years ago. As with other 9/11 books, you don't read this to learn "who, what and why," but how--for yet another several reasons--the official story is nonsense. Total nonsense. You read this book for the confidence that tells you, "You're NOT crazy," other smart people know that the official story is not and cannot be...true. You read it to be amongst the nearly fifty percent of Americans that are now--finally, questioning the official story. And, you read Hartwell's book to know that even the "craziest" ideas of all, may, after all, be true! Knowing the truth on any subject is not enough. You must REALLY know that you're "right" and Hartwell helps you reach this more advanced stage in your search for 9/11 truth. I still think one should read one of David Ray Griffin's books (e.g., "9/11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions" or "The New Pearl Harbor") first and then tackle Hartwell's outstanding book. This is not a book for "beginners" in the 9/11 truth movement, but it is excellent for anyone with a basic understanding of the "real story" behind this terrible event eleven years ago.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
What happened to the passengers and crew members on the planes? MY FIRST BIG PROBLEM with this book. I know someone who had a relative on board one of those planes. I know how they have suffered the loss of their family member. So to make the claims this book makes is total fiction to me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah jeckie
Can only provide one star. Unfortunately cannot provide zero stars, as I have "irrefutable evidence" that one of my colleagues died on the plane that was destined for the Pentagon, and I have seen the pain and suffering of her husband and children. These conspiracy theorists are ridiculous. And those that follow them are even more so.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Read the reviews, not the book. Amazing that people who got past the description of the book's contents on the the store page and then wanted to actually read it (I only found it while searching for something completely different) are critiquing the writing and logic. I supposed that's one tiny step towards critical thinking, but you don't need to read the book to know that the premises of it as described on the the store web page are totally absurd. Please direct your energies towards being kind to the people around you and seeking help for mental illness instead of reading this book's raving of an unhinged mind. Terrible acts of terrorism do happen. You can't make them go away and salve your fears by pretending they didn't and that the government that paves your roads and provides social security is out to get you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chelsea stein
"The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Despite the potential relevance of any part of this argument, Any 'theories' claiming to represent 9/11 Truth that does not focus on the most cogent and damning facts harms the quest for truth. Any talk of faked, missing, or switched planes, is disinformation. This is because there is a well financed campaign at work making just these claims or various variation thereof, [i.e. 'No plane at the Pentagon', 'drones', 'missile', 'missing planes', holograms, energy weapons, etc), are all disinformation.

The central hypothesis of skeptics of the official account make up a large body of well-documented and concordant facts that prove the demolition of three skyscrapers in lower Manhattan on 9/11. That's it, there is nothing theoretical about it. Any other issues should become the domain of a proper criminal investigation by a regulatory agency. An international tribunal is what is really needed. After all 9/11 served as the prerequisite pretext seminal event that enabled the corporate military machine to move forward quickly on pre-existing agendas. Agendas that have led to all manner of crimes against humanity, from preemptive wars, to the severe erosion of our civil liberties.

This is 911 Truth
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa jolley
I read through most of this edition via the 'Look Inside' feature and none of the deficiencies I discussed in my review of its predecessor have been corrected. All he's done is added long debunked theories about calls from the planes and radar returns. The author is a sad mix of conman and kook; even by the low standards set by 'truthers' this a horrible 'book'. For a more substantive review of the book's faults see my review of the previous editionPlanes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (1 star review, January 25, 2011)
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