Fingerprints of the Gods by Hancock - Graham (1996) Paperback


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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have marveled at the engineering of the (impossible) Egyptian pyramids, Graham Hancock will take you very much deeper than that. The world is covered in pyramids and megalithic stone structures placed by a long forgotten civilization. Graham Hancock has been forced outside of conventional history to reveal that civilization through a lifetime's work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen s conclusions
This book does an excellent job of correlating evidence that is all around us in a nicely researched and thought out manner. It reminds me of the TESLA quote, (paraphrased), “ many think deeply but few think clearly”.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariana zapata
Great book. Great read. A lot of interesting sources are cited and worth looking into. The central argument of the book is really irrelevant. The fascinating details and sources alone are worth the time and investment.
Chariots of the Gods: 50th Anniversary Edition :: Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey (1988-04-30) :: Desert Gold (Illustrated) :: Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey (1988-04-01) :: If I Live (If I Run Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book raises some very important questions that we all should be asking ourselves. Many things here they never will teach you in the u.s. school systems mostly because we are an incredibly left-brained, ignorant, close-minded society. If we are to ever learn anything about our future, we must study the past. For truth seekers this is a must have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was mind blowing to say the least. Hancock uses math and science to suggest the incredible. I don't want to spoil it for anyone. But consider the pyramids were constructed 10,000 or so years BEFORE the prevailing consensus on 4,000 or so BC. Ten. Thousand. Years. There is so much more to Hancock's findings beyond that juicy tidbit. #mustread
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana ward
This book was an absolute joy to read. Incredibly entertaining! loved the change from civilization to civilization; the information flowed beautifully. My only beef is that the Mayans living today DID NOT AND DO NOT believe 2012 would be the end of the world but rather a shift in energy. This ebook should have an addendum that addresses this discrepancy. Very thought provoking and I can't recommend it enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara ohlsson
An excellent book worthy of reading by anyone who has interest in understanding some of the mysteries of ancient edifices. It is written scientifically and not the type of book that finds UFO a conspiracy around every corner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
boglarka szabo saxena
Graham Hancock is a really interesting author with an easy to digest writing style and thought provoking ideas about ancient civilizations that often challenge the views of mainstream scholars. Time and modern archeological research has supported many of Graham's arguments put forth in Finger Prints of The Gods.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liesbeth workman
I enjoy the the author's writing style. The ideas in the book have me mesmerized and I believe they are absolutely plausible. I carry the book with me everywhere I go and I consider it a pleasure to read it every chance I can.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I generally like Graham Hancock. I think he's done a lot of homework on his fascinating subject. Unfortunately he's also big on repetition of mathematical formulas that mean nothing to the average reader and imho do less to prove the ancient alien agenda. I was interested in the technology of our ancient ancestors and the conviction that mankind's civilization has come and gone in cycles. He lost me at the flying saucer angle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So much of the information in this book should be taught in schools. Graham Hancock should be a professor of anthropology. He raises some intriguing questions about mankind's time on Earth. I loved this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A book that changes your whole outlook on the world. Hancock posits the theory that an ancient super-civilisation once inhabited the Earth, complete with technology comparable to our own, and that 'fingerprints' or evidence of its existence still lurks around if you know where to look.
Easy to read, constructive approach, for open minded. It's also worth reading the science skeptic reviews on this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy lawrence
When approaching the subject of "alternate history", one of the first questions anyone asks is "Where's the evidence?"
This book's focus is to provide the maximum amount of extant evidence of alternate history, with the most efficient presentation of data.
Well organized, dealing with several important and radically different aspects.
Easy to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nitasha chaudhary
I have been interested in Graham Hancock for a while now and had heard allot about this book. He brings up allot of interesting facts that make you wonder. The beginning really had me but once he got into things about the central American people I feel like it kinda lost my interest
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandon rickabaugh
Mr. Hancock's writing is engaging and playful at times. He is very conscious of showing evidence for his conclusions, and in my opinion only leaps after he looks. For those wanting a thoughtful and well-written take on pre-historical human civilization, this really is a must-read. The connections in ancient cultures is mind-blowing and the implications of that alone would make the book worth reading, but there is oh so much more. Mr. Hancock is the answer to people wanting explanations without the conspiratorial or the absurd muddying the waters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mattias brand
An excellent and thought-provoking study. I casually opened the book about a third of the way from the end - a random place - and started reading. I couldn't put it down until I had finished it and then had to go back and read the rest. I have to say it has caused me a lot of work. I now have to go study some geology to see if such crust movements could happen and has happened. A lot of work! Thanks Hancock! I didn't need that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Egyptology will be remembered for it's strive to conserve the ego of "scientist" who have initiated or been initiated by any belief system that is able to promote funding of continued research. The weird consequences is obvious from Graham's book and he presents alternative views of interpretation of artifacts and the importance of improved contextual interpretation of hieroglyphs. Different belief systems give rise to conceptual variations of truth which can be understood as dark knowledge when the variations give rise to different variations of the perceived reality. The argument for the lost continent of Atlantis are beautiful and I really look forward for the confirmation that the myth of Atlantis actually is much more than a myth. Perhaps one of the fingerprint of the "ultimate" gods.

Grahams's book can also be studied for the purpose of understanding the consequences of dark knowledge. US military and security doctrine of compartmentalization and need to know is frighteningly similar to the much better understood Egyptologist's culture while the spirit of thinking is somewhat similar. Obama have several time defended shadow government organizations that really rule US obviously without any proper background knowledge. NASA's attempt to keep away public information of ancient cultures on Mars and the Moon possibly contemporary with a prehistoric ancient culture an earth is another example.

An important book that contributes to a more spiritual understanding of our contemporary world. The ancient civilization that perhaps populated all three planets have left very few traces on the earth as Graham have discovered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eran dror
Epic! I was hooked after the first page. This book is filled with exciting facts that go ignored by mainstream academics, which is why they rarely have anything interesting to say. If this book was taught in schools you would see a whole new generation inspired to learn, because the truth is stranger than fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trang chip
This book is written for the researcher. It is stuffed with information from Mr. Hancocks' own research. It is more informative than The Sign and the Seal but still has that necessary mystery needed to compel the reader to keep wanting more. It is another masterpiece.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is written for the researcher. It is stuffed with information from Mr. Hancocks' own research. It is more informative than The Sign and the Seal but still has that necessary mystery needed to compel the reader to keep wanting more. It is another masterpiece.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley sweetman
A re-purchase of speculative history based in good science. Although typically thought-of as outside the mainstream academic circles, Mr Hancock cannot be shorted on his research and clear understanding of basic scientific principles. Additionally, he is one of the more authentic writers who is willing to think outside the box and approach fact from different perspectives putting already available information in new contexts. I recommend this book highly. It is thought-provoking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caf africa africa
This book I believe is on the right track. Amazing and anomalous pre-historic human creations slap us in the face every day as if to say, "Figure it out stupid!", and what do we do about it? This is what Graham Hancock addresses so well in the book FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS. This book is an eye-opener to so-called historians and their university cohorts. Their cookie cutter aproach to the history of humanity has left huge gaps in our history which scream to be filled. The author barrages the reader with undeniable facts that have been glossed over or buried for the last hundred years by archeologists and university types with whom we trusted to safeguard the truth. Mr. Hancock has shown us many new possibilities with his alternative history of our species. He also points out very well the culpability of present day academics at what should be considered at the very least an abuse of trust. I encourage anyone to read this book. But with one small warning; be prepared to THINK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've always believed that the Sphinx and the Pyramids are far older than Egyptologists claim. Modern man thinks he is the ne plus ultra of scientific knowledge, but we haven't the slightest clue as to how these ancient monuments were built, and given unlimited resources and no environmental jackasses to interfere, we probably couldn't begin to duplicate even the smallest of the three Pyramids...
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