And Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead - How to Stop Seeking Love

ByByron Katie

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Byron Katie is someone who has found the 'way'. There is no pretense in her writing. She is a free agent in a beautiful world and is genuinely ready and even eager to teach the unfree world how to do it. I loved reading and understanding and smiling at her pure logic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been in the field of healing, counseling and just about every arena of assisting.
This book has made so much of a difference in my own happiness, as I tend to be a scout by nature.
This book can be used with most ages as a wonderful tool to creating happiness in your life.
However, you need commitment to do the work.
It's not complicated at all.
I have shared it with all interested and some who aren't lol!
Im still doing the work in that area.
I would suggest reading her book A thousand Words For Joy, as this explains more of the Tao concept which is similar to doing the work. The book ties it all together nicely. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are having any problems in any relationships, this is the series for you. I bought both the book and cd's. I highly recommend both. Byron Katie has truly helped me to refocus on the important areas of my life and to let go of the things I can't change.
and Impossible Expectations That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Grow :: Bloomability :: Good Dog: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Loyalty :: Ham on Rye: A Novel :: The Lover's Dictionary: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you need a way to investigate your thinking this is the best book available. It is easy - 4 simple questions and a turn around- . Each troubled feeling can be traced to a thought. I do that and then use the 4 simple questions and I find the people I judged had done nothing to me. I did it to myself with my thoughts about them. Amazing!

Especially great for teenagers for increasing their self esteem. But also marvelous for all of us. Thanks Byron Katie Lee Benton
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie m
If you are having any problems in any relationships, this is the series for you. I bought both the book and cd's. I highly recommend both. Byron Katie has truly helped me to refocus on the important areas of my life and to let go of the things I can't change.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sanabel atya
If you need a way to investigate your thinking this is the best book available. It is easy - 4 simple questions and a turn around- . Each troubled feeling can be traced to a thought. I do that and then use the 4 simple questions and I find the people I judged had done nothing to me. I did it to myself with my thoughts about them. Amazing!

Especially great for teenagers for increasing their self esteem. But also marvelous for all of us. Thanks Byron Katie Lee Benton
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david poon
I titled this review "Instant peace", which is quite a claim. When aching for or feeling stress about something/someone - this book, and "Making Your Thoughts Work For You" with Byron Katie and Wayne Dyer, bring me back to peace the fastest. *Highly recommend in Audio*.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe hansen
I've been interested in mind body awareness methods for a long time and have read a lot of different books, gone to seminars..
This is by far the best way to improve ones relationships and sense of self without having to spend thousands of dollars on a therapy and workshops. those are great too but we cannot all afford that
We live in a world where seeking approval is like a sickness and the need to question that is great. Katie does it well!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exposure to the ideas contained in this book is the best thing that has happened in my life this year and since my heart attack last November where I very nearly died. Through her own experiences with mental pain and recovery from it, this extraordinarily smart lady has "naturally" identified a most simple yet fundamentally sound method of guided personal inquiry and psychotherapeutic healing and discovery. I am profoundly appreciative of what she has done and continues to provide and pass on to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny munn
Byron Katie's "work" is transformative. It has been so helpful in getting me to get unstuck when I encounter challenges in my life. She has given me a framework that allows me to step outside a highly emotionally charged situation and look at it from a number of angles so that I can make better informed decisions and get unstuck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanne belshe
This, along with Byron Katie's other book, Loving What Is, have definitely changed my life forever. I also highly recommend reading A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie, and The Power of Now and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. They are very compatible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen boyce
I do not agree 100% with Byron Katie's interpretation of experience, but I do find a lot of benefit in reading through her questions and considering the insights she shares. When we decide the only way we can live life is honestly, this type of work is helpful. We make of it what we want.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
GET THIS BOOK!!! Life changing...
I've got 25 years under my belt of nonfiction self-help spiritual books, and I only regret not reading this sooner. One of the best books I've ever read and I plan to read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roberto machado
I have never seen such an enlightened person, she puts universal information and laws so simple and straight forward. She is so generous. She has a good sense of humour and so is the book. It is like a conversation. You just cannot drop the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nathan paret
This was a tough book. Katie Byron made a conscious decision to get out of a depressive funk, and tells you all about where she was. She is a brave person. She comes across as being soft and kind, but her writing displays a warrior. She's the kind of person who could tell someone where to go, and they wouldn't even know it - they'd just go. She's saying, we have a part in the abuse we invite in our lives, and we can shift it. Her life, prior to her decision to start shifting things resembles the kind of depression we see many Americans dealing with. Many people shut down entirely as they go through the body-changes of midlife. Some never make it back! Her writing will speak to both men and women; anyone who's known what it's like to subordinate and feels as if he is losing himself. Katie puts forth some tools to reframe our cognitive attitude towards negativity. Why do we hang on to the hurting for so long? It feels familiar, even though it sucks. We hang in there because we are so conditioned to deny our truth. And a lot of our truth is about things like wanting to be loved, approved of, respected. If only we could keep our hearts open, huh? You can find the tools to do that psychic surgery here. Katie also gives several case studies of depression to keep driving her message home - that we can make a decision to end it, and stop being hung up and strung-along by the bogus. I rate this 3, because I was saying "ow!", squelching my own pain all the way. And then, within 3 months? I turned my life around. Working with the material for the last two years, I am also able to perceive when I'm being lied to, or judged, as I have become more tuned-in to when others are closing down, or shutting down their own heart-energy. And I can look into it and start asking them about it. The bottom-line is that we cannot minimize the happiness we desire to feel in our hearts, for it becomes oppressive. And we can fine-tune our relationships when we sense and feel that happening.
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