Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil

ByDavid Wilcock

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew morgan
An incredibly personal journey through the life of David Wilcock and his experience with the spiritual expansion process. This book is filled with extraordinary disclosures from insiders that will blow your mind! I've recommended this book to all my family and friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Wilcock deserves a global round of applause for the Ascension Mysteries. Never before have I seen such a comprehensive analysis of how one's individual's spiritual awakening, beginning from the tenders years of childhood, can be so completely and seamlessly tied into the current collective reality of our world today. David has the uncanny ability to answer the countless unanswered questions that the fields of archaeology, quantum physics, and theology has presented to the world, and he does so in a story-telling format that is truly engaging and hooks the reader from the start. I would like to personally thank David for the truly inspiring work that he is doing for humanity, and my sincerest hope is that more individuals decide to step forward and help reveal the Truth of our reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eden henderson
I am so thankful for David's shared life experiences in this book. I could relate on many levels from divorced parents to playing music to recovery. The 80's were an odd time. Ascension Mysteries gave me hope I'm on the right path. I've had experiences since childhood that my fundamentalist Christian family would shut me up and call me "blasphemist." After reading this book I felt "normal" and not alone ever since our evacuation from the failing Oroville Dam (that I dreamed about it busting in December 2016) I've experienced an immense spiritual awakening and have been buried in reading books about the information that is out there that I purposely chose to be "sleepy" about to merely fit in. Now I'm a happy Gaia subscriber learning from videos and practicing yoga not quite daily yet but that is my goal in addition to my regular daily meditation. I cannot express enough gratitude to Mr. Wilcock and his selflessness putting his information out to the public. Thank you! Namaste.
Last Breath (Kindle Single) :: A Riley Ellison Mystery (Riley Ellison Mysteries) :: David Porter Mystery #1 (Hidden Guilt Book 1 of 3) :: The Shadows (The Books of Elsewhere, Vol. 1) :: A Few Good Women (Lexi Graves Mysteries Book 9)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe kirschbaum
I pre-ordered the book, having read David's previous works and seen his interviews with Corey on I also had a history with David going back some years with his work on the History Channel as well as online video interviews and seminars. Here was a man who had dedicated himself to the pursuit of uncloaking our past and in so doing, our future and for many, our current mission.

It goes without saying that David's writing style is very appealing and easy to get lost in. He's an honest, unpretentious and charismatic writer and has unlocked so much of what we could term 'the secrets of life'. His mission truly seems to be, to propel us into the same awakening.

I found myself astounded with how many similarities my own life had to his story. So for me, this book is deeply personal. I'm not finished it yet, but I'm about halfway through and to be honest, it's so good I want to keep reading but I know that each word brings me closer to the end.

David, if you read this, I'd like to personally thank you for all your hard work, personal sacrifice and the traumas that youve endured to get this information out there. I am truly grateful.

If you're on a spiritual journey and looking for the roadmap, do yourself a favor and grab this book. You will not regret a word of it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A bit disappointed in this almost biographic book of Wilcock's life. Interesting but a bit interesting. I am a fan. This is a good book, but not up to reading it for anything super revealing about the Spiritual Battle other than tying a few loose ends together. The middle half of the book might be a good reference however.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed na em
David Wilcock has produced another great book concerning the underlying fundamentals of our reality. The first half is a tale of his journey growing up detailing his own trials and tribulations until he comes into his own spirituality. The second half is a great read on insiders who've come forward to him, his methods for validating their information, and their corroborative astounding tale of the history of our solar system and the real powers that be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
coco prato
This was an awesome book - filled with insider information, references from multiple sources (including the Bible and scholarly works) on the Great Year cycle of 25,920 years that ends in a mass coronal ejection and spiritual ascension, as well as David's own difficult journey of self-discovery that has led to his being the premier spokesperson today on the Ascension process. I know of no one else in the world who approaches this subject from a scholarly perspective, is a confidant of a variety of insiders and has the talent to synthesize the information he receives and convey it so clearly to the general public through this book as well as through his hosting of "Wisdom Teachings" and "Cosmic Disclosure' on the Gaia TV network. I'm ready for another 500 pages, David.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another amazing and important book from David! Haven't finished yet but am thoroughly fascinated. David's brilliant way of providing real support for non-mainstream information makes it easy to evaluate the data for oneself. To be informed today requires reading/watching David's material. Highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike narducci
We have all heard how ascension is supposed to look on a global scale. But, in this book, David shares intensely personal moments from his own past to convey what this ascension looks like in AND REQUIRES from the individual seeker. As a great man wrote, "Dark and stormy is the desert through which pilgrims make their way. Yet beyond this vale of sorrow lies a field of endless day. Further on...!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Wilcock is hands-down the greatest researcher alive today. Each of his books has hundreds of high quality references, and his ability to integrate a staggering range of little-known scientific information into a cohesive and enlightening framework is unparalleled. The information in this book will blow your mind, and give you a much clearer understanding about the true history of our planet. If you are a seeker of truth, do yourself a favor and read this book.

I also very highly recommend his previous two books, the Source Field Investigations, and The Synchronicity Key. Phenomenal pieces of work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan williams
Another well written book by David and MUST READ!!!! The Ascension Mysteries will take you through David's life and his struggles with drug addiction, over-weight issues and being bullied. Davids insights and dreams helped him overcome these issues and focus his attention on his true mission in life. David's whistle-blowers and insiders uncover the true world we live in and how to prepare ourselves for Ascension.

David's book also includes 285 references on many topics that can be further researched on the internet. David is a well know lecturer and researcher that backs up all his research with facts!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jude alkhalil
while I haven't finished reading the book, what I have read is very profound, intriguing and enlightening. David shares a great deal about himself and even though he is the one going through it, there is/are lessons for us all that we can learn from. This book is a real eye opener on so many different levels that it is difficult to know where to start in describing the contents of this book without revealing all the "juicy" details before someone can get a chance to read it for themselves.
I highly recommend this book for anyone looking at or struggling with their on path in this life as you are sure to get something from this book! I have had quite a few "Ah Ha" moments and I can't wait to see more!The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul jones
Good book. Very thought provoking about what the government wants us to know and what they keep from us. Talks about a lot of conspiracy theories they are backed up by numerous sources. A little difficult to read at times (science related) but if you can get through those small section then you will definitely gain a new prospective upon completion of this book. Overall a good and interesting read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Ascension Mysteries is one of the most anticipated releases of 2016. I couldn't wait for this book to come out and David delivered!

The first half shows the reader David's personal struggles to find his truth. This is an inspiring section that humanizes this great researcher and thinker. I got a lot out of this section as it adds to Wilock's credibility and it offers a blueprint for redemption and spiritual growth.

The second half of the book is an excellent overview and update. Old fans will be more than pleased as it ties together many data points David has hinted at in his updates and interviews. New fans will be blown away by David's rigorous research and credible reporting. Wilcock provides us with an excellent updated history of the solar system and a good survey of our current situation.

I got a lot out of the book on multiple levels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff kamin
There is so much information packed into this book! If you have followed David on Gaia, this will give you great insight into his background and what it was like for him growing up.
He goes on to expound more upon the matters he discusses on Cosmic Disclosure and Wisdom Teachings.
This work will really provoke the reader to do their own research, as forthcoming disclosure is inevitable!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carl debeer
David Wilcock gives us another great book. I think what most touched me was how he revealed the obstacles in his life that he has had to overcome. Even for someone as spiritual and enlightened as David, life was not easy and he teaches us how to grow through our experiences and learn from them. The information in the book is a must read for everyone that is ready to open there eyes and see what is truly going on around us. David doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk, a great inspiration to us all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a delightful book! I see many parallels to my own life growing up through addictions and search for truth! David's account of the hell he went through from suppression and substance abuse are an incredible subjective view of what it takes to rise above ones own demons and figure things out. You have to live through it to understand it! Many succumb and go nuts, I'm glad David got through it all and became the spokesman he is. His insight is too valuable to be scoffed at! I admire him tremendously. A soldier of ascension no doubt!

David you are a great story teller and I want to thank you for helping to wake people up and get the secret information out there into the mainstream. I have followed your work for over a year now and it's amazing to see how things have changed in that single year. You and Corey are an absolute pleasure to watch on cosmic disclosure, keep up the sterling work David!! Many thanks!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marylee young
David Wilcock is the voice of the Millennium! His sincerity, gnosis, and exposition both enlighten and enliven the search for TRUTH in a world peppered with disinformation. His candid nature is instantly accessible, and his continued revelations and insight shine a much needed focus on where we are and where we can be!Highest Possible Recommendation!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard stopford
David Wikcock shows once again his incredible attention to detail and ability to pull together a wide variety of esoteric, historical, spiritual, and insider testimony into a model that describes what is happening to our world presently. I really enjoyed getting to know David on a personal level in the first half of the book and could barely put the book down when it transitioned so beautifully into the heart of Ascension. This book clarified and brought into focus many of the areas I have been researching and is an amazing book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve martell
I have not finished reading this book. However I totally recommend that everyone on this planet read this book as soon as possible. I have been following the work of David Wilcock for many years now. He is a good man!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marisa sanchez
David's life journey is fascinating and his personal experiences has definitely guided him
to help us all ascend. It was great that the first half of the book was about his life's journey's
ups and downs. This helps us all to reflect our journey in life as well. The second half of the book was fantastic, exciting and definitely credible
with lots of significant information that have been hidden from the public. David is indeed one great researcher, writer and ties everything together for us to understand. May the One Infinite Creator keep him always protected from negative forces.
Eric Faiz
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary shamloo
Note to David, I finished reading your latest book at 3:33pm pacific on 9/16/16. I did not get at first why you went thru so much detail of your personal life growing up. I get it now and its truly fascinating. I'm so glad you made it. I was a early follower of Hoaglands work and read some material last night on his website that suggested humanity is gaining intelligence and increasing intuition and we are more able now to see thru the lies of the powers that were. I agree with that and suggest your work is one of the reasons we can do that as you so eloquently connect the dots. Thank you.

Review, A great book that I found hard to put down. A must read, leaving me wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina cathcart
I have been following David Wilcock's work for several years now. His work seemed to "pop into" my life as I was doing my own personal spiritual search. As he mentions several times in this book, the spiritual journey can sometimes feel very lonely because others don't understand when you try to explain this drive toward spiritual growth. This book made me feel that my search was valid and extremely important to our Ascension that is going to happen ! I can see that this book will become one of those books that I will continue to reference ( as are the Law of One books) through out my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The source of information, knowledge, experience, stories, everything you could want out of knowing what lies behind the veil... is delivered here. If you have not checked out and watched that network of shows yet - get on that too. Well written. Awesome. Buy it and stay ahead of the curve here... ENJOY! Thanks David.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler hayes
Great information in this book. Worth the read. I did like the personal information about David. I think it was a good addition. I haven't read any of his other books but after this one I think I will. This might be a good introductory book to family or friends who are newer to the "truth movement" but is also informative for the long time "truther".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Been flipping thru the book before I begin to dive in...It's so great that David gave us all a glimpse into his life as a kid in the 80's -90's learning, struggling, evolving with such an intense well observed consciousness. Thank YOU David, you are such a powerful soul, this book will provide a lot of healing for the planet. I was always the slow one in all my math classes because I had to recount my multiplication using all my fingers!! I've noticed a good amount of synchronicity so far while reading just several pages...and I appreciate 'Dancing Queen' more now. HAHA. This book is a treasure chest full of significant information that is speeding up this Ascension timeline! May the old structures & belief systems continue to fall away! Bless up! BUY this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shelley sparks
I have followed David for many years, as he uncovered information that is being kept from us. I have read his other books and have watched most of the Wisdom Teachings and Cosmic Disclosure episodes on Readers new to David's work will be presented with all the most important information that he has gathered, and connected together with a future full of hope. I could not put this book down, and I appreciate all the work that he has done to help mankind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christian fisette
This book, like his other two books, was very well written, fun to read, and full of great information. In my view, learning about David's personal story only further established his overall credibility....something so vital to the work he is doing. Honestly, it was hard to put the book down! I really appreciate how David always seems to maintain a positive attitude throughout all of his work, in spite of the "dark" topic matter. Don't wait, get the won't be dissapointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Contents of this book are riveting and explain the cause of many conditions on our planet to date. Read it and better yourself and your life both today and your future in the next! I enjoyed the transformation of the author from his early years to the present including informative and inspirational programs included on Gaia tv and Ancient aliens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew price
Enlightening, this book brings forward a lot of good information forward in a palatable easy read. If you are new to the world of esoteric research or have been in it for some time.

This book gives you more insight and leads for further research. There is a lot we don't know. David brings forward some good insight and light on many topics. It was very enjoyable to go through.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am an avid consumer of David Wilcock material, which is highly regarded by truthseekers. If you wanted to know the man behind the research, read the first 300 pages of this book. He reveals all before the final run-down of what is really going on, on Earth! Starseed, check this OUT!!!!! Now. How else are you going to know the actual stargate numbers, Guardian plans, conspiracy rituals and Ascension basics?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maura dailey
David, I could not put this down! Absolutely wonderful. Captivating and full of personal experience which is so inspiring to people with difficult struggles in this life. Also, I believe everyone who is looking for answers to what lies beyond our three dimensional experiences and "what's next?" will definitely enjoy this read. GET IT!!! Change your life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this book David Wilcock bares his past to everybody and it isn't always pretty. However, the message underlying this is that if somebody with problems as extensive as his can overcome them and be a positive force for the world (and for himself) then that is not beyond the reach of anybody. Later in the book he gets into the details of the Cabal (as they have been termed), the secrets they have hidden from us, and the information is quite extensive. I haven't yet had time to fact-check all the sources he used in the book but the ones I have checked did in fact confirm his data. This book may be the real deal folks. Don't miss it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach harney
Thank you David Wilcock for your courage and love for humankind in writing this book! The Ascension Mysteries is powerful and revealing!! I would read a bit and then had to stop to think about the information. Much of this book will be re-read many times as everything 'sinks in'. I find myself looking at currant news items and past events differently. I highly recommend this book!
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