Devil You Know (Butcher Boys Book 1)

ByMax Henry

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristina iacob
This was such a moving book. We all make mistakes. We all do the best we can. The choices we make are the best ones we can at the time. Live and learn to be the best we can and be as gentle with ourselves as we can be with others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nermeen wahid
This was such a moving book. We all make mistakes. We all do the best we can. The choices we make are the best ones we can at the time. Live and learn to be the best we can and be as gentle with ourselves as we can be with others.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
daniyar turmukhambetov
I really wanted to like this book, it started out promising with the "bad boy who is really a good guy deep down" rescuing the girl from her abusive husband. It's a story line that has been done to death but it's still one that I love, but this story went downhill FAST. The book was all over the place, and I swear that Jane's inner monologue was probably the most annoying thing I have ever read. I had a very hard time finishing this book, the story just fell completely flat. I just didn't get how Jane and Malice were even connecting when all they did was fight. I am very surprised at all the 5 star reviews, and wonder if we were all reading the same book. I also thought the secondary storyline, about the "Butcher Boys" was choppy and inconsistent, and it in no way made me want to continue the series.
Against the Ropes (Redemption) :: Echopraxia :: Blindsight :: The Perfect Neighbors :: In Your Corner (Redemption)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laurie kingery
I've come away from this book with mixed feelings whether I liked it or not.. I did enjoy the first half , the abuse was done really well with Dylan and then she meets malice and the story begins to take off but that's where it fell for me. As your reading your building up to the climax of the story, your waiting for the drama to come into it and believe me there's loads that could of come out of the woodwork between Dylan and malices work...... but for me there wasn't any climax! Ya the story wraps up but it lacked that big plot twist!! Kind of disappointing! As well I loved Jane's character at the beginning she was real I felt for her but later she just annoyed me she puts herself back under a man's thumb you'd think her self protection would kick in and not go from living with an abusive husband to living with a man you didn't know without her gaining back some independence before going head first into a new relationship!!! would you not think twice???
I didn't believe there love story .... they had good sex but that's not enough for the reader to believe that these too are soulmates chemistry was lacking!

I did read some of the bad reviews before I read this but I gave it a go as I liked the sounds of it but would I recommend it?? Honestly probably not. I don't think I'll read other books in the series either .
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
My thoughts on this book are unclear. I seriously don't know what I think. I guess I can say that my feelings for this book came in stages, but the funny thing is that instead of those stages pointing towards something better it worked in reverse.

When I first started reading I was super excited for where the story could go. The premise of a broken woman being rescued by a MAN that then becomes her rock, I loved it and for some reason can't get enough of these types of books. I'm not saying that that didn't happen for Devil You Know, I'm just saying that the way it was done was unappealing to me.

I was completely okay with being in Jane's head for the first couple of chapters, but when that type of dialogue continued in the following chapters I was going to either put a kill order out on her character or say good riddance to the notion of finishing this book. For the most irritating female character in a book of 2015, Jane takes the cake. What saddened me further was when she finally wised up and actually started to have more of a solid character, Malice decided to take up right where she left off in being irritating.

This story was very generic to me. The story had great potential but when it got to the point where I lost sympathy for both Malice and Jane that's when I tried to get to the end of this story as fast as I could. This book could've impacted me in a powerful way, but it fell short, like I said it had so much potential. I'm rating Devil You Know at a 3, because I did like it, but only for 3 reasons:

1. I loved Rocco's character

2. The sex scenes were lovely

3. Malice's dad was hot
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zeus rivera
Honestly I have a little secret, I was searching through ibooks and saw this cover and BOOM pressed download!!! How hot is that guy I mean geez - hot flush material right there.

I did scan a few reviews and it seems either people love this or did not enjoy it in the fact they did not get Malice - yes he was intense but rightly so. So I simply LOVED this story, the Devil You Know and what a journey you are taken on, fair warning it is a touchy topic (domestic abuse) but it was told in such a way that it did not feel glorified, you were taken through the process and really it was interesting to read the emotional level we were given from Jane's perspective and her mechanisms to cope.

I just fell in love with Jane and her strength and determination and well Malice what can I say, a man of few words but his actions definitely speak louder and needing to know his story kept me turning those pages. I am a dog lover so Max Henry had me in her corner with the way she entwined Rocco into the new relationship that was Malice and Jane, the way that dog became the core to keeping them connected at the beginning was a beautiful thing for me.

The sex scenes you encounter are romantic & sympathetic to Jane but then also we end up with frantic, intensely hot and down right erotic that give you those goose bumps.

Malice and his group of butcher boys just made me want to love these guys and I will be picking up all their stories as the author Max Henry will not doubt give us. These guys are family, they are brothers who know each others weakness and made their lives the best they can with each others support.

I really enjoyed the dual POV as we got to learn how both Malice and Jane were dealing with their personal issues along with trying to forge a new life together.

I have already added Devil On Your Back (Butcher Boys #2) to my list of books to read for August - I have a feeling Book #2 is going to give us an incredible ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ekram motawieh
I was warned to expect something different, and once I'd got over subject matter of the domestic violence in the story, I could really get into the two main characters.

There's is so much I could say about Jane, but I don't want to spoil any of this story for any one. I can just say that she must be very strong even though she believes she's not. I have to admit at times I could have grabbed her and shouted... "What are you doing?"...She was a survivor.

Malice was a tough man but compassionate man where Jane was concerned. She deserved all the good things in life, not the life she has had to live with so far. He wants to help her all the way. But Malice has issues of his own which Jane would like to help him resolve.

There was a lot of trust issues in this story, as Jane has to learn how to function and trust herself, she then tries to learn and except Malice's secrets, as he must mend past troubles.

This was an exhausting, emotional story, I found my self crying several times, openly and silently, the story was so heart wrenching, and then there could be something so funny I'd laugh out loud. This book has it all. Yes it is very violent, especially towards women, but it's also an eye opener.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara lamers
For Jane daily mental and physical abuse by her husband is the norm. Life can’t get any worse, or so she thought, until the day he attempts to take away the one thing that keeps her going, when a stranger, her neighbor Malice whom she’s never met, interferes and saves her beloved companion. Malice makes numerous attempts to get her to leave the situation she is in to no avail. After yet another outburst from her husband, the worst yet, Jane finds herself at Malice’s doorstep looking for help. He takes her away to a secret location and a friendship develops between them. It doesn't take long for Jane to figure out that Malice has his own demons he is struggling with and finds herself questioning her choice to go with him. Their relationship soon turns into more than just a friendship but Malice’s can't let go of his issues he's dealing with from the past and the present. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles stemming from experiences they've endured? This story goes deep into your core. A story full of pain, horror, anguish, helplessness. It also hope and dreams. Once you go past the emotional shock in the beginning of the story you can't help but read on to find out if there is love and happiness at the end of such a tormenting life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicolas loza
WOW!!! Two books in row that dealt with abuse .... This one was much more hardcore than the last one .... Seriously ... This book contains some serious triggers for some people.

Devil You Know is Jane's story. Her husband, and I use that term as loosely as you could possibly interpret it, is a full on abusive git. He possesses NO compassion. I doubt he even owns a heart.
What I found fascinating about this story is Jane's inner monologue .... I imagine that a woman who has endured the years of abuse that she has, would really see herself the way that she does. The self blame. Just accepting in her heart that the abuse is her fault. That somehow she 'allows' it, and is therefore really doing it to herself .... Was shocking to me, and yet, in ways, it makes perfect sense as well. It isn't true, of course, but I think many people who suffer through abusive relationships see it the same way. It's so sad to think that a person can be so broken down by another that they can no longer see who the monster is.

For Jane, everything begins to unravel the night her 'husband' tries to kill her dog. Her only friend. Her saviour. Having been completely isolated from all her family and friends, Rocco (her dog) becomes her rock. The only reason she doesn't end her own life or 'allow' her husband to do so, is because she fears what will happen to Rocco. Imagine Jane's reaction when her husband tries to kill Rocco for protecting her.... She tries to come between them which only ends in her coping another serve from her 'husband'. Just when all seems lost and Jane has resigned herself to the fate that awaits poor Rocco, something quite unexpected happens.... The next door neighbour, Malice, jumps the fence and knocks Jane's 'husband' out cold and takes Rocco.
This is the beginning of Jane's real journey. The journey back to Jane... Not as she once was, because that woman is long gone, but to new Jane. Strong Jane. Slowly finding her confidence Jane. It's a rough road and sometimes I'm not sure if Malice is helping or hindering her, and he feels that way too ... But somehow they reach an understanding and help each other to move forward and through their own pit of demons. Honestly... Sometimes I wanted to knock the pair of them upside the head, but I guess that anything that is worth something, must be worked for.

This was one of the hardest books I have ever tried to read... Not because the language was difficult or anything like that, but it broke my heart to see such a warm hearted woman so down trodden. Part of that probably stems from me knowing women who have been through similar experiences, and my feeling somewhat impotent in the situation. Not being able to push these bullies back. Trying to be a supportive friend who can't really step in. People have to take that first step on their own... And it is extremely painful to watch. That having been said, I really did enjoy 'Devil You Know'. It won't be everyone's cup of tea and most people will struggle with the abuse, it is quite descriptive. I struggled with it... But this is a worthwhile read. Like all subjects that are difficult to stomach, it is important to remember that there can be life beyond an abusive relationship. It may not seem, or even be, perfect, but it can be liveable and enjoyable ... You just need to take the first step and accept the help that is offered.

Jane's voice is important and worth listening to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian mcvety
Holy Smoke I just finished reading this book, and I love it, love the characters and how the book turned out to be, I have to say that this book had me mad the first couple of chapters, but I love every minute of it, I'm gone keep this short since I don't want to give anything away.

This is a story about a woman who learn to find herself, and learn to accept help from others, and learn the real meaning of love, this is also the story about a man who learn to accept what his feelings are, and to be honest about what he does.

The story begging with Jane, she got married when she was young, she though she was in love but as the years pass by, she start to lose her friends and her family, she has the idea that the only one that care for is her husband, but she also know that her life is not what she thought it would be, every day she acts like the perfect wife, she k ow she needs to play the game to survive, that's until one night her husband got home drunk and ala hell broke lose, that's when her next door neighbor got in on her business, and save her dog after that night her neighbor and her became friends, Malice told Jane that if he find her a place to be will she take the chance to leave the life she has now, at first Jane did not know what to think but that change after her husband hurt her real bad, that's when Malice to her with him to a new place, will they find happiness together, will Jane learn the true meaning of love.

I really love and enjoy reading this book, I love the way how Malice and Jane are with each other, I love how Malice do everything to protect her, I can't wait for the next book, Author Max Henry THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THIS AMAZING CHARACTERS AND THIS AWESOME BOOK love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie sherrer
I have just finished experiencing 'Devil you Know' Max Henry's first book in her new series "The Butcher Boys" & let me just say... I AM SPEECHLESS!! Writing this review isn't easy, my words aren't coming forth. I have been putting this series off my to read list for a while now, but thought now was the time to read it. In all honesty, I didn't want the "Banjaxed" series to be out done, because to me that series was AMAZING! I wont go into that to deeply.

So what I expect from Max's story, after reading "Banjaxed" was what I got in 'Devil you Know'! Dark troubling subjects brought to light, writen so that you can feel the pain, the hurt, the need to fight just by reading the words. You get a glimps of a romance that is more life like than most other romance novels I have read before. You see that surviving & living for yourself, opening up & trusting again, does hurt, but also makes you become more than you ever where. I really hope this makes sense??

In true Max Henry fashion, she's written about this dark, distressing subject & molded it to her design. Sharing with the reader the struggles, the up's & down's, the self doubt... the cocoon the character/s wrap around themselves, just to get through their lives & what it takes to break free. Please NEVER stop writting Max, because I never want to stop reading your masterpieces. Bring on book 2 & the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan hill
A gripping, intense story that will take you on an emotional ride of self discovery and finding true happiness in the strangest of places.

This was a story that held so much feeling, so much emotion that I felt it consuming me page after page. The characters were different, unique, and a refreshing change of pace from my last few reads before it. They were intriguing, and as the story moved forward they kept me interested and curious as to the secrets they possessed, and so much more. I was on the edge of my seat just waiting to find out how this story was going to unfold and where Jane and Malice’s relationship would take them.

Jane and Malice meet under harsh circumstances that aren’t pleasant. The foundation their relationship started upon doesn’t allow for the normal early relationship typical dramatics. This in itself makes their relationship different and one that not everyone may find enjoyable. I however, loved every moment of watching them grow, as individuals and as a couple. Their love story is not instant, it’s not typical, it develops over time, as each of them find their way to pass through their own personal struggles, hurdles life has thrown at them. They really have to work for that happy ending. But It’s a journey, a beautiful one that in the end, is worth every second of the heartache, pain, and past demons they have fought to find their way into the arms of one another.

Devil You Know is written with such depth and care you can really tell how much thought, effort and I’m sure blood, sweat and tears, has gone into perfecting this story. It’s raw, real and very emotional. Will it be a book everyone will like and enjoy? Maybe not, considering some elements of the story, it’s intense and at moments, very, very sad. But it is most certainly one full of meaning, full of love, and definitely worth your time.

I was fortunate enough to beta read Devil You Know and to say I’m a little excited for the next instalment would be quite an understatement. The bonds between Malice and his family, his brothers, were fantastic to read, each one of them brought their own unique quirks to the story and now I can’t wait to get my hands on them!

Now I can’t finish my review without mentioning my other favourite character in this book. He played a role that was vital to the story, and I LOVE him!! He was loving, gentle and so very loyal.

Enter Rocco, Jane’s protective, fun-loving, loyal little labrador! He stole my heart and I adored him. He added so much to Jane’s journey.

Max has done an amazing job at giving us such a heart wrenching yet beautiful story of finding true love.
★☆★ 5 STARS! ★☆★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
graydon gordian
I received this title courtesy of Sweet and Sassy Book-Aholics for an honest review.

Wow! I loved this book. At times I found it very personal and difficult to read, Domestic violence is always an ugly subject but Max Henry really a fantastic job putting you into Janes head. She gives a perfect understanding of the internal and physical battles she faced. The feeling of loneliness, isolation and acceptance of how things are for her will break your heart.

Finally, FINALLY, someone steps in to help. Malice, who's name is nothing like his character (so it seems :-)) comes to the rescue making her take those hard first step on the road to her new life, and of course they make a connection. It might sound cliché, but I challenge anyone not to fall in love with this guy. What a sweetheart.

But then, it wouldn't be a really good story If he didn't have a few secrets of his own and they will rock Jane's world! Hence the name of the book "Devil you Know"

I loved the whole story line, the style of writing and the easy way it was to read. Absolutely Fantastic and I will be hunting out more of Max Henry's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have to admit after reading the first few pages I kind of had to force myself to continue reading this book as the content upset me, I mean everyone knows I'm a rainbows and roses type of girl, and for a book to start out that way just had me worried if I would like the book or not. I continued reading and honestly I'm glad I did because if I hadn't I wouldn't have met Malice and fell in love with the big brute, who's protective, "eff the doctor, I'm taking you to the E.R. I'd say you've got fractured ribs, Jane. The G.P. would probably send you there for an X-ray anyway." I mean he's so protective that killing comes on his mind, "another weeks and he would have killed her. Intentional or not. And that would have meant I had to kill him. Intentional or not." He'd literally do anything for his girl even the dreaded shopping, "I follow her into a woman's clothing store, and I swear to God I want to cry. Why? Why would she do this to me? I'm a guy, for eff's sake; we don't do dresses and s***." I enjoyed this book even though we didn't get off on to the right start
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlie crane
Wow, I really enjoyed reading Devil You Know. When we first met Jane she is a shell of who she used to be. She is in an abusive relationship. Her husband Dylan is an abusive jerk. Dylan has worn Jane down so much that she just lives with what Dylan dishes out to her. One night things change when a mysterious neighbor saves her dog Rocco from the hands of Dylan.

Her neighbor Malice is her saving grace. He is mysterious and you know their is a lot more to him. Jane takes the help he offers and finally breaks free of Dylan. We slowly see Jane became of herself. She still fears Dylan. Malice is very moody and sometimes has a bad temper but he would never hurt Jane.

Malice is not really forth coming with what his job is. He has a great group of friends but they push him to tell Jane what they do. I loved Malice's first description of what his job is but it made me think his job was a lot worse than it was.

I really enjoyed reading Jane and Malice's story. I can't wait to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth mosby
**purchased on the**
This was my first Max Henry book and I can say it will not be my last
I really enjoyed Devil You Know, and the cover WOW
When it starts Jane is a broken woman, beaten down by the man who was meant to love her, cheerish her and protect her forever. Enter in Malice, the man who will love her, cheerish her and protect her forever; who himself is a broken man. Together they help each other heal and become the strong people they were.
I will definitely be buying more from this talented author
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is seriously nothing like I have ever read. It talks about things that you would never think belong in a romance novel. It brings up real life events and makes them into a amazing well written romance novel. I loved it from start to end. It is very heavy and not a light read like soo many other books. From the beginning of the book it has you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next. It honestly pulled more then one heart string for me. Thank you for a book that is so different to everything I have read so far.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
maria dozeman
For me personally the worst thing that can happen with a story, is that I can not connect with the characters. Unfortunately that's exactly what happened here, and if I can't connect with a character, then I don't care what happens to them. Which makes it very difficult as Jane is being abused by her husband, and I do feel terrible about that, but somehow the way it was written I didn't care about it.

I was very happy for her when her neighbour came to the rescue. Malice, her prince charming, though he's neither charming or a prince at all. He takes her away from a bad situation, and I admire him for doing that. Having that courage to step up to this bully, and being able convince Jane that she shouldn't take it anymore.

So far so good. Malice takes her somewhere where they can stay low, until all the paperwork is in order and Jane can get herself back on her feet. That's when it went downhill for me. I can understand there is a certain attraction between Jane and Malice, but with his temper and her very recent past it didn't make much sense to me. Maybe mostly it was because Jane didn't behave the way I expected an abused woman to behave, at least not in such a short period of time.

Also there is this push and pull going on between them, that was tiresome and most of all repetitive. I felt like I read the same discussion/argument over five times. There is this mysterious side to Malice, that was always hinted at, but never fully explained to almost at the end. Even when it was from his point of view, he talked more about the horrors in his mind and how he shouldn't be feeling this way towards Jane. But you know, there was just something about her.

What could have been a deep, dark and emotional story, in the end just fell flat to me. The way it was written I couldn't connect with the characters, the dialogues were tiresome and mostly repetitive, and with his big secret I really don't understand how these two people could ever make it work. I know authors can take some unusual situations, and I just go with it, but with Jane and Malice I just didn't see it.
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