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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison naney
Giants, Dragons, Wizards, and Gay Unicorns. (Drops the Mic and walks away)
That awesomeness alone should make you want to read this book and if that does not work, did I mention this book has all the feels?
Double the crazy rambling hilarious chatter between all the characters that was the style in BOATK (If you have not read those books yet...go download or grab them NOW) I laughed my ass off getting weird looks from people. I even admits to sniveling and using a Kleenex a time or two.
I truly enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one.
That awesomeness alone should make you want to read this book and if that does not work, did I mention this book has all the feels?
Double the crazy rambling hilarious chatter between all the characters that was the style in BOATK (If you have not read those books yet...go download or grab them NOW) I laughed my ass off getting weird looks from people. I even admits to sniveling and using a Kleenex a time or two.
I truly enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reading this book is kinda like reading a zany manga, only without the pictures and with a lot more sex puns. But it’s fun, gory, silly, (ok slightly stereotypical) and feels almost like soothing balm bc its so ridiculous, you just have to laugh. I truly enjoyed this book.
The Consumption of Magic (Tales From Verania Book 3) :: Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight Book 1) :: A Destiny of Dragons (Tales From Verania Book 2) :: An Mpreg Romance (Silver Oak Medical Center Book 1) :: Something Like Summer (Something Like... Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed salah
This was my first book by Tj Klune, recommended by a friend. I read it and listened to the audio and it was unlike anything I've read before! The story is insane and wonderful and beautiful and exciting! I cannot tell you how many times I laughed out loud, got goosebumps, shouted for joy and fell in love with every character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm not the biggest paranormal/fantasy fan so this book sat in my TBR pile forever. Then I kept seeing glowing reviews in my Facebook groups for the audio edition, so I decided to get that and give it a try.
OMG! I couldn't stop laughing! I was resentful that I had to sleep and work, which forced me to take breaks.
I want to be one of Sam's best friends and say something that will get me a Sam hug. I want my best friends to be a gay hornless unicorn, a half giant, a wizard and a dragon.
I pray for a sequel.
OMG! I couldn't stop laughing! I was resentful that I had to sleep and work, which forced me to take breaks.
I want to be one of Sam's best friends and say something that will get me a Sam hug. I want my best friends to be a gay hornless unicorn, a half giant, a wizard and a dragon.
I pray for a sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved everyone and everything about this book.....except Justin. Someone needed/needs to kick him in the jewels. He was a big douche. Which just goes to show how well a story spinner the author is, when he can get you to hate someone that doesn't even exist. I can not wait for the next 3 books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Somebody was watching Shrek when this was being written - the similarities in some of the characters and situations is undoubted. This is a good thing not a critique. I had a bit of trouble getting into the book. This was due to my love of fantasy genre but this book doesn't really fit the typical of that genre. Once I realized what this book was - a comedy in the style of Shrek - I was able to settle into the book. That said, this book is halarious. I do not know how TJ comes up with the dialogue. Don't read this on the bus if you don't want people staring at the weird guy howling with laughter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devon steven
I really loved this book. I will say you definitely have to go in with and open mind or you will never get passed chapter 1. Which means you will miss out on so much sassiness that is in this book. More importantly you will miss out on all the awesomeness that is Sam of Wilds and his unusual group of friends and family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqui germaine
I absolutely LOVE this book! I haven't laughed out loud so much and for a majority of the book. I loved everything about this book. I wasn't going to buy it because it's not my usual kind of book, but I loved his other books and decided to give it a try. I got the sample first and I was only 5 pages in before I was buying it. I didn't even need to finish the sample. Even though my heart was breaking towards the end it still manage to make me laugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When purchased, I did not notice that this was gay romance. As I read the dialogue and started giggling, the genre was inconsequential. Sam and his odd contingent are hysterically funny with their witty, sarcasm. Masterfully told. I will be buying the sequel with high hopes that the giggling does not stop here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread! And its capitalized so you know it is true. Totes not what I expected, dude, sir mr Klune, I couldn't put this book down, I blame you for a few sleepless nights just trying to devour this entire series. If you just read the first chapter, you'll understand....I couldn't stop laughing, crying or do anything else except read these beautifully written books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yei martinez
If you like tripping out without the expense of drugs or booze, buy this book. If you like giggling, snorting, and happy tears, buy this book. If you like screwball comedy, snark, and irreverence, buy this book. If you like none of the above, buy the book anyway and keep an obviously disturbed writer off the streets.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For me, the book started slowly because it took me a few pages to understand the characters. Once I got going, I couldn't put it down. The characters were imaginative and likable. I had a feeling I knew where the story was heading and it seemed like it took a long time to get there. Despite being a very enjoyable read, there were parts that seemed a bit slow for me. This is the second TJ Klune book I read and I will look for others. I was sorry when it was over.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is probably one of (if not the) funniest, sassiest, sexiest, and most magically amazing books I have ever read!! I went from laughing my ass off to crying because of feelings, to being turned on in a matter of seconds often within the space of a single paragraph. I can't recommend this book enough! The writing is spot on, the wit and humor are hysterical, and the characters are some of the most relatable and down right enjoyable cast of people and magical beings I've ever read about. Can't wait to continue on the the second and third installments!! READ THIS BOOK!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adriana goldenberg
But OMG it's hilarious! The characters are fantastic and the plot was great. Sam is so weirdly and awkwardly adorable. Tiggy and Gary are the best/worst friends Sam could have. So very much awkwardness throughout this book...and it was fabulous!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bob cunningham
Foul language and the treatment of sexuality in a manner I consider to be extremely poor taste left me very disappointed in this author. I only got through the first few pages then skimmed ahead to see that it did not appear to improve at all. Unfortunately, it only seemed to go further downhill. Subjects such as rape should NEVER be portrayed as anything but despicable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz bc
When the synopsis includes a wizard, a gay hornless unicorn, and a half-giant, you expect to laugh. And you do. A lot. TJ Klune has an amazing gift for dialogue. All the witty things you only think on the drive home, his characters say—or sputter. TJ Klune creates characters you want to hang out with. I've read and reread so many of his books that I feel like they're real people and if I just get to their town, I'd find be them and we'd be eternal besties.
So, yes, there's the laughter. But it wouldn't be a TJ Klune book without ugly crying face. I know, I know, how can a bitchy, campy, hornless unicorn exist in the same space as ugly crying face? It can because of TJ Klune's extraordinary talent. Strip away the scenery and the costumes and this is the story of becoming the adult you're supposed to be, accepting the mistakes you and your loved ones have made along the way, and realizing that sometimes doing what's right really sucks but you have to do it anyway.
The end of the book gives hope for sequels. I, for one, will be there the day it hits the store.
So, yes, there's the laughter. But it wouldn't be a TJ Klune book without ugly crying face. I know, I know, how can a bitchy, campy, hornless unicorn exist in the same space as ugly crying face? It can because of TJ Klune's extraordinary talent. Strip away the scenery and the costumes and this is the story of becoming the adult you're supposed to be, accepting the mistakes you and your loved ones have made along the way, and realizing that sometimes doing what's right really sucks but you have to do it anyway.
The end of the book gives hope for sequels. I, for one, will be there the day it hits the store.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daylin galindo dawson
I really enjoyed reading this book. Laugh-out-loud, snicker in silence and OMG!!! --that's how good this is. So cleverly written, it's like TJ was at the table next to me and my friends during a Sunday brunch or perhaps crashed a cocktail party or eavesdropped on a conversation at the bar. Hysterically funny, titillating and cute at the same time. Read this book! Share it with everyone and let's hope there is a sequel or maybe a pre-quel with Gary & Tiggy...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every page was breath taking. I lost count of how many times I caught myself crying of laughter. This book will tug at your heart strings. It does not hold back its straightforward humor, reminding you of your teen years ( cough me now ). The humor and jokes never get old and the characters are so well developed.
The story itself is grand. And honestly its 4 am and Im crying because this may be my new favorite book.
Read this!!! Immediately!!!
P.s.. im glad they ended up together..
The story itself is grand. And honestly its 4 am and Im crying because this may be my new favorite book.
Read this!!! Immediately!!!
P.s.. im glad they ended up together..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil hobrla
This book should be banned for being terrible... it has excessive stream of consciousness, is painfully awkward, the protagonist is a bit of a wanker, and the scenes are out of a story book... If it was written by a demented drag queen witch with a weird oedipus issue... And the ending is contrived to be smugly sweet, until it's not.
I should have hated it, and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but my abdominal muscles are sore from laughing, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I should have hated it, and I'm embarrassed to admit it, but my abdominal muscles are sore from laughing, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anne duncan
This story is ridiculous in all the best ways but still manages an emotional punch. The snark and fluff make the moments of serious emotion feel truer, which is a difficult trick for an author to manage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Uproariously funny, with generous use of puns and friendship, a smattering of adventure and faux peril, and enough denial go go around the world twice. Characters you'll never forget, and the love scene is worth every page you have to wait.
Probably one of my favorite books ever, of any genre
Probably one of my favorite books ever, of any genre
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I startled myself so many times when I laughed out loud. I even startled my co-worker once with a bust of laughter. I couldn't tell him what was so funny because I live in the biblebelt and they don't know I am gay. How do you tell a straight homophobe your can't stop laughing because you can't stop thinking about an ancient wizard whose nose kept falling into his mouth when he opened it because it had been turned into a phallus. ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eugenio tena
I loved the story and characters in this book pretty much from the first page. In fact I had to slow down my reading so I could savor this book a little longer. The situations that occurred and sarcastic banter that the characters engaged in had me actually laughing out loud many times, and very few books can get me to do that. I love all of this authors books that I have read. He is one of my favorites, and this story is just so quirky and funny and crazy and the main characters have so much love for each other (when they want to show it) that I HIGHLY recommend this book. Especially if you are in the mood for a sweet romance along the lines of Princess Bride, as other reviewers have said.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sha narah
I don’t write reviews normally but this book was a surprise. I have now read all three in the series and can’t wait for the next one -roll on spring. I laughed a lot while reading. Don’t expect believable characters but do expect to love them anyway. The books are very hard to put down and I lost sleep because I couldn’t put them down. I could go on about the plot but really you should just pay your money and take the ride. T J Klune is now on my automatic purchase list along with Mary Calmes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa byrd
I don’t write reviews normally but this book was a surprise. I have now read all three in the series and can’t wait for the next one -roll on spring. I laughed a lot while reading. Don’t expect believable characters but do expect to love them anyway. The books are very hard to put down and I lost sleep because I couldn’t put them down. I could go on about the plot but really you should just pay your money and take the ride. T J Klune is now on my automatic purchase list along with Mary Calmes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice cline
I saw all the great ratings and thought, this book can't be as good as everyone says and I was right! It was better! Such a beautiful story and I felt like I was right there with them through everything. My person mission is now to read everything TJ has written and ever writes. I'm a TJ guy!
Please RateThe Lightning-Struck Heart
a fabulously sassy hornless unicorn, a snuggly giant who would smash anything/one for his loved ones, a dragon with a hoarding problem (is that *REALLY* a thing?), a dashing knight with perfect poses, and a wizard's apprentice that cannot stop getting kidnapped.
Every page is like a potato chip, you can't have just one.
I'm silk excited to start the second book