Anansi Boys (French Edition)
ByNeil Gaiman
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chelsea kelley
This is a story about spiders. And gods. And what it means to live and dream. And about madness and sanity. About sun, sky. And about stories. And you'll quite enjoy it - it is weird like sour-sweet meat. And equally tasty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily churchill
Beneath this fantastic story (I say this with two definitions of fantastic in mind. Firstly, the narrative is wonderful. Secondly, it is a work of fantasy.) lies a prose about family in its true nature. You can't always explain their actions or inaction. You don't have to know them. You certainly don't have to speak to them. Yet they are a part of you and maybe it's not until we gain perspective that we see that. Mr Gain an has written a book about Gods and Demi Gods that truly touches humanity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the first Neil Gaiman book that I read. I really liked it. I cared about the characters and wondered what was going to happen next. I come away from reading it wondering what my song is and am I one of the core characters in the play of life or am I just one of the extras. The author weaved fantasy and reality together masterfully. I bought a couple other Gaiman titles and can't wait to read them as well.
Where The Heart Is (Ribbon Ridge) (Volume 1) :: A Christian Romance (Home to Collingsworth) (Volume 1) :: Where the Heart is (Interracial with Baby) (BWWM) :: La magia (Atria Espanol) (Spanish Edition) :: Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (8-May-2006) Paperback
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Delightful and amusing book. Anansi is from an African folk tale, usually in the form of a spider, and thought to be the knowledge of all stories. The subplot involving Anansi and Tiger makes much more sense once one knows this. Gaiman's writing is, as usually, witty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was intrigued by the author's reputation and sampled this before I got the kindle edition.I found it light hearted, very funny and clever, no gratuitous sex, and engaging enough that I was anxious to get back to reading it right to the end. It is much lighter than American Gods, which I read after this one, also good but much more serious, longer and heavier reading. This one was pure fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel ebuh
I read this book relatively quick. I enjoyed the way the author described these other, spiritual places that existed outside of the primary world of the story. I have always been partial to books that take place in settings that are similar enough to my own world that I can relate to the rules and realities of it, but simultaneously different enough that magic/the supernatural can exist. I think, if you are like me, you will not regret the purchase, only that you will read it far too fast.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa j k
Gaiman has this crazy talent for making completely outrageous characters that we can somehow totally identify with. You may hate the first act, as I did, because poor old Charlie takes such a beating, but that just makes the rest of it all the more gratifying.
In sum: AWESOME book... Entertaining beyond expectations, but also touching on lots of ideas worth pondering (if you care to indulge in that sort of thing).
In sum: AWESOME book... Entertaining beyond expectations, but also touching on lots of ideas worth pondering (if you care to indulge in that sort of thing).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant book and it was awesome to actually get to read a book set in the American Gods universe with a more focused storyline. I actually listened to the audio book and I'm positive the audio book is better than reading it, as the voice actor did an incredible job. I bought this for my shelf as a memory of reading it, but I would recommend the audio version.
Paul Genesse
Paul Genesse
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A fun, entertaining adventure about a normal man who discovers a) that his father was a god, and b) that he has a long-lost, troublemaking brother. When that brother decides to move in, Charlie Nancy's life goes completely awry and he has to find a way to become the man he's always wanted to be. Perhaps not one of Gaiman's most original or breathtaking books, but still and engaging read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's so refreshing to hear stores about a rich mythology that usually is overlooked by the masses. The author draws you in with love, loss, and action, then keeps you enthralled with a really quality story. I do highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I started reading Anansi Boys thinking it was about the Anasazi Indians!
Instead it was a delightful fantasy about the Nancy brothers, separated at a young age, and what happens to them when they meet again as adults! Fun book!
Instead it was a delightful fantasy about the Nancy brothers, separated at a young age, and what happens to them when they meet again as adults! Fun book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have started backwards beginning with the most recent book and filling in randomly with older works. With each one it seems I have stepped into a strange place with the familiar voice of Neil Gaiman guiding me thru remarkable adventures. He is the most superb storyteller. I regret that it took me so long to discover him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara miller
3.5 stars
I love the way Neil Gaiman writes. Like no one else, he can bring me into a scene, and I feel as if I am there.
The problem with this book is that once I arrived into the world of Anansi Boys, I was bored.
Sorry Neil, they can't all be zingers.
P.S. I realize that I am an armchair review writing jockey, and that this is a little bit silly. Neil Gaiman is a master of his craft.
I love the way Neil Gaiman writes. Like no one else, he can bring me into a scene, and I feel as if I am there.
The problem with this book is that once I arrived into the world of Anansi Boys, I was bored.
Sorry Neil, they can't all be zingers.
P.S. I realize that I am an armchair review writing jockey, and that this is a little bit silly. Neil Gaiman is a master of his craft.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maddie brozen
Truly a superb installment in his "gods" mythos collection and a book that I will be able to pick up again and again and again without needing to even start at the beginning. Buy this as a superb companion piece to his American Gods and keep it at your bedside. No one can tell a story like Neil ... Or there a few who can, at least. Keep it on the bedside table for quick-grab devouring. You'll be glad you did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claire dolan
I enjoyed this book, inventive story telling and definitely keeps your attention. As somewhat related to American Gods (which I also enjoyed), I found Anansi Boys to be a bit more uplifting and less bleak. than that story
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gina lorax
Very consistent with Gaiman's writing. Extraordinarily creative and fluently written. Anyone who has read Gaiman must accept the stretch it takes to lose yourself in his exaggerated fantasy elements. I would highly recommend this for fantasy fans, but understand it's going to be an Alice in Wonderland read for adults.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rae meadows
Great story spanning a couple of times. Time has no real place in Gaiman's stories; it comes and goes and runs in on the fog and out again in the story or the imagination. I enjoyed this book very much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy wieczkowski
Very consistent with Gaiman's writing. Extraordinarily creative and fluently written. Anyone who has read Gaiman must accept the stretch it takes to lose yourself in his exaggerated fantasy elements. I would highly recommend this for fantasy fans, but understand it's going to be an Alice in Wonderland read for adults.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great story spanning a couple of times. Time has no real place in Gaiman's stories; it comes and goes and runs in on the fog and out again in the story or the imagination. I enjoyed this book very much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this story from the beginning. The lighthearded tone and the narrator's personality perfectly compliment the troublemaker god Anansi and his tricks, and all the the plot threads twine together beautifully for a satisfying ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kay vavrina
If reading and watching American Gods leaves you still wanting more this is it. You'll be in the outskirts at the end of Shadows story following the story of Anansi, and his bloodline. Everything is tied up nicely with a bow at the end, which comes seamlessly and leaves the reader satisfied, if not craving more Gods stories...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anansi Boys was so much fun! The humor, the characters, the dialogue, the plot pacing and twists and turns and ending - it was all perfect in every single way. I've now read Neverwhere (loved that one, too!), Coraline, and Ocean at the End of the Lane - and of all the Gaiman books I've read, Anansi Boys is my favorite so far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gaiman is an absolute genius and one of my favorite authors. This story is great, the characters feel oddly real, despite there being gods and monsters, and as always, the man pulls me into his worlds by the lapels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
asahi eveleth
I read this before American Gods, which is probably our of order, but I still enjoyed it. No one really writes a story like Gaiman, and if you are a fan of any of his other work, be it comics or novels, then you will enjoy this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe chouinard
Love Neil Gaiman, love his books. They are the kind of books I keep and re-read. My son works at Harper Collens, he introduced my to these books because he knew I would love them. Very imaginative, and fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
judy sorio jeffers
Another excellent tale woven into the American Gods universe. Like all of Mr. Gaiman's books, the Anansi Boys will very quickly catch your full attention. If you are his fan, you will enjoy this immensely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although American Gods was a great book and had more of the novelty feeling, I would have to say I enjoyed Anansi Boys more. This is because the plot is more concise and straight forward, taking on a smaller cast of characters and allowing them to interact with each other more closely.
His writing style is the same as American Gods and flows easily. My only complaint, and a minor one at that, is that the plot towards the end came together a bit too neat, but by that point what do you care? You are already sucked in and will continue reading. Beyond that the same allure of god figures roaming our world with us is present and captures your interest immediately. I would definitely recommend.
4 stars.
His writing style is the same as American Gods and flows easily. My only complaint, and a minor one at that, is that the plot towards the end came together a bit too neat, but by that point what do you care? You are already sucked in and will continue reading. Beyond that the same allure of god figures roaming our world with us is present and captures your interest immediately. I would definitely recommend.
4 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erik hansen
I originally had a little trouble getting through this book. It seemed to take off slowly, but for the second half I couldn't put it down. Set in the world of American Gods, but very tangential to it, it had a very different feel. Ultimately quite rewarding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole dennison
Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors - one of the few that I feel compelled to read - each new book he writes. Anansi Boys is no different. It is the myth-making of Neil Gaiman that I love the most. He taps into the deepest fears and dreams of human beings. In this case, it is the story of brothers, of fathers and sons - and of finding oneself in the process. And it is a story of telling stories, of how stories shape us and reality. I have always loved the story of Anansi. Here, Gaiman brings Anansi back to us in glorious form - trickster, lover, storyteller, and survivor. If you like this book, you should read American Gods, Neverwhere, and the Sandman series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book, read it. While you're at it, read American Gods and the Ocean at the End of the Lane, too. And absolutely, without doubt, read Neverwhere.
If you want to know how stories travel, you should read this book. With these stories, I'm happy to have a special connection. Over thirty years ago, I was a child in what used to be Soviet Union. My parents were about to get divorced, and my father was leaving behind things he didn't need-one of them being a book, translated into Russian, Tales of Uncle Remus, Adventures of Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit. My mother read it to me. Many years from then, me and my Southern husband, after living together for years, were surprised to find out that as children in different parts of the world, we were read the same stories by our mothers. :-)))
And apparently, these stories were Anansi's.
If you want to know how stories travel, you should read this book. With these stories, I'm happy to have a special connection. Over thirty years ago, I was a child in what used to be Soviet Union. My parents were about to get divorced, and my father was leaving behind things he didn't need-one of them being a book, translated into Russian, Tales of Uncle Remus, Adventures of Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit. My mother read it to me. Many years from then, me and my Southern husband, after living together for years, were surprised to find out that as children in different parts of the world, we were read the same stories by our mothers. :-)))
And apparently, these stories were Anansi's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina wolf
This is a terrific read -- light-hearted, fanciful, entertaining, and deeply felt. The first couple of chapters were slowish, but the pace picked up after that and it never let up until the end. For fans of Gaiman or fantastical fiction, highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Neil has an incredible flowing style that makes me fall in love with language. Every one of his books is like that so far in my reading. This book was incredible. I couldn't put it down and it sparked imagination for weeks after the read. I still think about themes from the book occasionally.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ghs library
A good follow-up or breakaway story to American Gods. If you have not read American Gods, this read really can stand on its own. Neil Gaiman is really good at twists and turns, and if you think you have things figured out, guess again. I would love another follow-up to American Gods or a breakaway story.
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