Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin Trilogy)

ByRobin LaFevers

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brian o blivion
+++General Review of the Trilogy, Some Spoilers+++

I like that Ismae, Sybella and Annith send the message that it's okay to color outside the lines and to question authority when you believe that very same authority is using their power to hurt others. Of course, I am always fond of strong female characters, so this trilogy was worth a second read, even though there were things that bothered me.

1. Repeated incorrect use of the word "novitiate". It's so bad that I've wondered a few times why I decided to give the trilogy a second read. Our girls are novices--the novitiate is the time of being a novice, or occasionally used as a word for the dorm where novices are housed.
2. No historical background. During my first read-through, it took me a third to maybe a half of the book to realize that--despite the fictional gods and convent--there really ~was~ an Anne of Brittany and multiple conflicts surrounding her. (I'm such a horrible author--I write author's notes, but don't read those of others!)
3. Calling Isabeau a princess, when a princess outranks a duchess. Also, the sister of a duchess does not automatically get a rank granted her unless she marries or inherits. Anne's sister would've probably been called "Lady Isabelle".

If I had physical copies of these books, I would probably white out every instance of "novitiate" and write in the correct word so it wouldn't continue to drive me crazy. Unfortunately, digital is now my preferred method of reading, so I may not come back to these books a third time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie godowsky
I had high expectations before reading this book, since I loved Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph so much. And I am so happy to say that it didn’t disappoint at all.

Every single one of the books in this trilogy is very different, maybe because the main characters are as well. While Ismae was more introvert -I guess, for an assassin nun- and Sybella “broken” on the inside thanks to all the horrific things she’s been through, Annith is more religious and perhaps even more stubborn. All of the girls are Mortain’s handmaiden -Mortain is the god of Death- Annith is much more religious and believing than the other two because unlike them, she was raised in the convent from the moment she was a baby. That’s quite prominent in the book as she is much more worried/proud of her dedication to the god.

I really enjoyed Annith’s story even though you couldn’t really tell where it was going. For the other girls, they had their assignment from the abbess so you knew where they were going to go and what they had to do. Annith however, went out without an assignment which made it so suspenseful to read!

I loved every part of this book: how Annith became more confident about her abilities and person and how she actually got the courage to confront others; the way she cares for the girls at the convent and tries to protect them; her journey -especially the part with the hellequin. Everything. And I am going to admit: I never saw the big plot twists coming. They definitely took me by surprise!

I would recommend this trilogy to everyone. It’s so great: the characters are so deep and well-developed and the plot lines are just mind blowing. YOU NEED TO READ THIS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah rose
An absolutely brilliant conclusion to a magnificent series, Mortal Heart was just amazing. It had sweet romance, political intrigue, unexpected twists, and secrets that I never saw coming. LOVED THIS BOOK!

Annith was a wonderful character. She started off as an obedient novice who always followed the rules. But, she began to question things, realized that not everything was as it seemed, and became determined to make her own way. By the end, she definitely proved that she was a strong, clever, and capable heroine and I really liked her.

Balthazaar was the love interest and he was wonderful. Very sweet and utterly adorable. He had some huge secrets he was hiding that I never suspected and it made his character all the more interesting. I wish I had been able to get to know him more, but I still adored him.

The romance was very sweet. Annith and Balthazaar were lovely together. My one issue was that I wanted to see more of a development with them, but I understood why it progressed the way that it did, so it wasn't a big issue. I still thought they were a wonderful couple.

The plot was fast paced and I was totally hooked the entire way through. I was kept on the edge of my seat with all the political drama and the game-changing secrets that I never saw coming. These secrets changed everything for Annith and they totally took me by surprise. Of course, we see a bit of Ismae, Duval, Beast, and Sybella in this book and it was great seeing them again. I loved the story and the ending was perfect.

Mortal Heart was a perfect conclusion to a brilliant series. From the romance, to the twists, to the shocking secrets, this book was amazing and I loved every bit of it. Fans of the series, you won't be disappointed with this one. And, YA lovers, this is a must read series.

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the ending to this trilogy! Mortal Heart was by far my favorite of the three in this series and what the other two books should have been. It ran the full gambit of intrigue, romance, and fantasy adventure, with only a little bit of the political drama contained in Grave Mercy. I thoroughly enjoyed discovering more about the gods of old (although I wish that the author had delved further into their stories) and found Annith to be an amazing character, definitely my favorite of the three women. Her story contained so many incredible twists and turns that I find it hard to delve into them in this review without giving anything away, but the ending left me satisfied while also longing for more stories in her world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracie miller
I absolutely adore the His Fair Assassin series by Robin LaFevers. Each book took me away to a different time and place, and craved to meet and be reunited with the many different characters found within their pages.

But there was something about Mortal Heart, the last book in this series, that didn’t have me relishing each and every page and moment. That reason being the main character, Annith. Don’t get me wrong, as I progressed through the book, she slowly but surely captured my heart and attention, as did the other characters, but I will admit that it took a lot longer than I had hoped.

The main reason being she annoyed me so much. I found her to be so annoying, so hard headed, so arrogant… But in the end, it was these flaws, as well as the ones that she has always carried with her since her childhood, that made me like her. That probably doesn’t make sense, but go with it.

As with all the strong female leads in these books, they each have their own dark secrets and stories that come to light. And the story of Annith is right up there with them. The difference? The unbelievable twists and turns that stem from her childhood to present day. The various twists that author Robin LaFevers puts in Mortal Heart left my head (and heart) spinning. Once I thought that there was no possible way that she can add anything else that will make me gasp, she does it again! And again, and again, and again…and I loved every minute of it.

As in the other books, our fearless female leads grab the attention of the undeniably sexy leading men…and Balthazar (the sexy hellequin that I could not get enough of) was just that guy. Dark, mysterious, fearless…omg so hot. I pictured Balthazar as Jason Momoa, who played Kahl Drogo from Game of Thrones…muscles… *drool*

I feel like I can’t really say too, too much as it will definitely give so much away, but the connection between Annith and Balthazar definitely has something to do with Mortain, the god of Death.

The main idea of Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers is this:

Annith has trained all her life to be an assassin, and wants nothing more than to serve her god, Mortain, as one of his handmaidens of Death. But for reasons unbeknownst to her (until later), the Abbess keeps passing her up. The final straw is when the Abbess allows Matelaine, one of Annith’s sisters to go on her first mission…even though she is not fully trained, and has not passed all her tests, and is still pretty much a child!

When the Abbess leaves the convent to go see the Duchess, Annith takes this opportunity to try and find out the reason why the Abbess is not letting her fulfil her destiny! Not only is she not being allowed to act as one of Death’s handmaidens, but the Abbess has informed her that her destiny is to be the next Seer! Ummm..hell to the no says Annith. And so she decides to travel afar (on her own) to find the Abbess and confront her with the answers to her many questions. What’s that saying though? Be careful what you wish for?

During Annith’s travels, she happens upon a gang of hellequin who are on the hunt for souls, and the leader, Balthazar, seems to have taken a special interest in dear Annith. Can we say slight stalkerish? Not that I’m complaining because dang(!) Balthazar is foine.

Both Annith and Balthazar have secrets that they are keeping from each other. Whether these secrets will bring them closer, or drive them apart is something you’ll have find out on your own.

Apart from the fact that Annith really did annoy the bejesus out of me, I still came to adore this final installment in this series. Fans of strong female leads, unforgettable male interests, and a storyline that will keep your interests piqued right to the very end will really enjoy Mortal Heart along with the other books in the His Fair Assassin series.

The writing is fantastic, the world so real that one could seriously get lost in it, and the characters are ones that you won’t be forgetting anytime soon. Do yourself a favor and check out these books! I highly doubt that you will regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie jankowski
Well, folks. Robin LaFevers has charmed me once again. After thoroughly enjoying Ismae’s growth in Grave Mercy and falling in love with Sybella in Dark Triumph, I had no doubt that Annith’s story was sure to reel me in. She had been this mysterious figure throughout the first two books that I was eager to learn more about, and DAMN. This GIRL.

One of the things I admire most about this series is that LaFevers has a way of gently pulling you so deep into a person’s life that you just can’t help but feel for them. Like, it’s so subtle and eloquent and masterfully done. As I began to learn about the secrets and circumstances of Annith’s past, my heart went through waves of indignation, sympathy, and admiration. You really do get to experience the utter frustration of her entire life, and then you understand some of her choices, and you also come to see what an incredibly strong person she is.

Aside from Annith and her growth throughout this book, I was delighted to encounter a handful of new characters and followers of some of the other nine old gods. Balthazar is clearly a favorite, and the Arduinites were a very welcome addition to the fold, much like the Charbonerie in Dark Triumph. It was also interesting to get to see a bit more from the Duchess’s perspective, and see what unfolded with her situation and her sick little sister.

I had the pleasure of meeting Robin LaFevers at a local author event, and she spoke a lot about her inspiration for this series. I didn’t realize that so much of the overall story was rooted in true events that happened to the folks in Brittany. Knowing that they did hold onto their old gods much longer than many other countries (as Christianity swept the world) was a fascinating revelation that made me love the tapestry LaFevers wove even more.

Mortal Heart is the perfect ending to this wonderful trilogy. The writing and the storytelling and the imagination throughout all three of these books are magnificent. Highly recommended.
Oh, and if you’re wondering: the narrator was really good. It’s funny that each narrator pronounced various names differently, but at this point I didn’t mind. The audiobook was a winner. (And yes, I bought the hardcover AND the audiobook. What can I say? I’m a super fan.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers
Book Three of the His Fair Assassins series
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: November 4, 2014
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

Annith has watched her gifted sisters at the convent come and go, carrying out their dark dealings in the name of St. Mortain, patiently awaiting her own turn to serve Death. But her worst fears are realized when she discovers she is being groomed by the abbess as a Seeress, to be forever sequestered in the rock and stone womb of the convent. Feeling sorely betrayed, Annith decides to strike out on her own.

She has spent her whole life training to be an assassin. Just because the convent has changed its mind doesn't mean she has...

What I Liked:

It's officially official (again): this series is one of my favorite series everrrrrr. Grave Mercy was my favorite novel of 2012, and Dark Triumph was an excellent sequel (which I just read this past March). I preferred Ismae's story to Sybella's, but I just knew that I would love Annith's story.

Annith has been in the convent, serving Mortain, longer than any of the other girls. She has never been on an assignment, whereas girls her age (like Ismae and Sybella) have been sent out. When Annith escapes, taking matters into her own hands, she discovers that some legends are true, and that she isn't quite like the other daughters of Mortain. Time is ticking for the duchess and the country, and Annith has an important role to play in the war to decide the ruling power of Europe.

I love this series. I love that it appears to be a companion series, and it could be, but it really isn't. There are several general plots that run throughout the series - like the duchess and her marriage and the politics and the war and so much political scheming! Also, we get to see Ismae/Duval and Sybella/Beast in this book, as well as other characters from books one and two that I did not think would appear again.

The first book is still my favorite of the series, but this book comes in second (with Dark Triumph in a close third). I love how complex this book is - it's not just about Annith and her self-discovery. The brewing war and overarching political conflict is also at the forefront of the book, as Annith is heading to Guérande (which is where Ismae, Duval, Sybella, etc. are). Annith has a key part to play in the war, but we don't get to see this until late in the book.

The book is pretty long (450+ pages), but the story is so intriguing and fun to read. Maybe "fun" isn't the right word - I mean like, totally engrossing and engaging. I love Ismae/Duval, and I enjoyed reading about Sybella/Beast, and I really REALLY wanted to know more about Annith (and her love interest, who I will talk about later). We follow Annith from the convent to some crazy forest thing (no spoilers!) to where the duchess and Ismae/Sybella are, and there, Annith takes her place helping the duchess, but also, discovering secrets about the abbess, and her (Annith's) past.

Annith is a mystery, for most of the book. We don't know who she is, or what she is, but we know that she cannot be an "ordinary" daughter of Mortain. She has no gifts of Mortain, but she is a faithful servant and a very skilled assassin. Annith is obedient, but there is always a thread of rebellion laced through her heart. She is determined to discover the truth of the abbess's schemes and plotting - and we know how twisted the abbess seemed in books one and two.

Yes, yes there is romance in this book. The romance is a bit... unexpected, as LaFevers introduces a new element to the lore of the story. The male love interest in question is part of the new element of the story (which I won't give away). His name is Balthazaar, I'll give you that. I loveeeee Balthazaar - he is an interesting character, and has quite the dangerous edge. I like edgy. I won't say more. I thought it was interesting how LaFevers resolved the romance - I didn't know how it would end, honestly.

This is probably my favorite historical fiction series in YA literature. Like, I loveee historical fiction, and I read a lot of it, but this has to be my favorite. Medieval historic times? Totally my thing. Plus all the politics and conflict AND breathtaking romance? Like woah.

The ending of this book (and therefore, series) is good. I'm not going to say if it ended with a "happily ever after" or whatever - no spoilers from me! But it was good. I loved it. I love how things fit together. LaFevers addressed all of the conflicts in the book and series. Very well-done!

Sufficient it to say, I was VERY pleased with this book. All the waiting and putting off reading this one despite having a review copy (I do things chronologically) was totally worth it. This book was stunning, beautifully written, solidly crafted, and all around, amazing!

What I Did Not Like:

Okay, I have to be honest, it took me a bit to get into the book. Maybe like, a hundred pages (or thereabout). It's a 450+ page book, so one hundred pages isn't really THAT much. Things get interesting when Annith leaves the convent, basically. Before that, I'm kind of like okay... I know LaFevers is setting up the scene, but eh. Necessary "evil".

I don't really have many dislikes - this one just FEELS like a 4-star-read, you know? I loved Grave Mercy more, but I really liked this book! More like 4.5 stars.

Would I Recommend It:

I would recommend this book AND I would totally recommend this series in general! Seriously, this series is an Alyssa-approved series, one of my favorites (and probably my favorite YA historical fiction series). Plus, check out the covers! I like the original cover of Dark Triumph, but in general, I LOVED the covers of these books. And the books.


4.5 stars -> rounded down to 4 stars (only because it's not quite to 5 stars, like Grave Mercy. If that makes sense). But really guys, this book (and series) is so so so good! One of the best!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Annith has always been the obedient one at the convent. Always doing what is expected of her to the best of her abilities, just waiting to be chosen for her chance to serve Mortain and go on assignment. But that day never comes and Annith discovers that she is being groomed by the abbess to become the next seeress of the convent. It is not a fate at all that Annith wishes for so after the abbess leaves the convent to go to the duchess, she takes matters into her own hands and leaves the convent to go to the abbess and demand answers.

First of all, I think that if I had to choose, this would be my least favorite of the books. It took a bit for this book pick up and get interesting. The beginning is really slow. The time she spends at the convent trying to decide what she's going to do seems to drag on forever! But it picks up a bit when she finally leaves and finds herself among the Hellequin where she meets the mysterious Balthazaar. When she finally gets fed up with them never getting to where she needs to be, she leaves and she ends up with the warrior followers of Arduinna and goes on some adventures with them until the book really picks up and she FINALLY ends up with everyone else and the story finally picks up.

Annith is easily my least favorite of the three main protagonists in this series. It took me awhile to warm up to her. She's incredibly stubborn. She is jealous, but I guess it's easy to see why as she has been training her entire life for the opportunity to serve Mortain and she is never called upon to do so. All of her friends are chosen to go before her and she doesn't understand why. She really kind of annoyed me when she was first reunited with her friends and everytime Ismae so much as muttered a word to another human being, Annith is thinking, oh wow she's so different. But she's also really smart and brave and kind. And ever so protective of the girls left in the convent, just wanting things to be fair and safe for them. She won me over in the end. She is really good and cares so much for others.

Balthazaar I feel I can't say much about because spoilers, but I can't help but feeling like Annith WOULD fall for Balthazaar. I am entirely not surprised. But also kind of surprised because I wouldn't have actually imagined this to happen.

I knew the abbess was super shady, but maaaaaan. I wouldn't have imagined all that actually happeneing! I wasn't so far off with my theory I wrote about in the Dark Triumph review.

I loved getting more Ismae/Duval and Sybella/Beast in this book!

And I liked the ending of this book, it was a good ending for this series.

So even though 3/4 of this review is me talking about what I really didn't care for about this, I really did love this book as well! This was such a fantastic series and I am so glad that I picked it up! I just feel like I can't say anything else because I don't want to ruin anything for those out there who are even later to this party than I am! Because this one would suck to be spoiled for I believe! And also it is 1:30 AM and I am not feeling very eloquent in my words.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you aren't familiar with the Fair Assassin Trilogy, this third and last book will make you want to read the first two. Though it helps to have read the other novels in the series, if you've skipped one of the books, Mortal Heart will still be a wonderfully satisfying read. But if you can read the books in order, do so. They build on each other. I'd read the first book, missed the second and stayed up all night reading Mortal Heart. Then I reread the parts I particularly loved.

The world that Robin LaFevers created has 9 Gods, some of which have become less popular, less familiar to the everyday citizens. Annith has been raised in a convent that worships Mortain, the saint of Death, and are trained to become assassins. The ladies of Mortain are feared and respected throughout the kingdom and are often called upon to help solve difficult political situations quietly.

Annith has lived in the convent longer than most, having been delivered there at around 2 years of age. She'd suffered greatly and learned much under the rule of the past Reverend Mother who consistently tested Annith by repeatedly trying to kill her throughout her childhood. As the younger girls are given assignments and released into the world, Annith is impatient to receive her own assignment. When she's chosen to replace the order's version of an oracle, Annith is driven to run away.

Her escape leads her to a dangerous series of adventures and assignments to help her country preserve peace. Along the way she encounters Balthazar, a gorgeous and dangerous hellequin, forced to roam the world helping bring souls to Death.

Annith's loyalty to her friends, her God, her country and those she loves leads her to such difficult situations and reveals the strength of her mortal heart. It's an engrossing adventure story and it was over far too soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my favorite of the His Fair Assassin trilogy. It was such a good book. Mortal Heart earned a place on my All Time Favorites list.

Annith is amazing. She is so real, so relatable. All her life annith has been trained to be the most obedient and biddable novice. She has trained to be the best in everything and to follow orders without question.

When Annith discovers that she is to be the convent’s next seeress, she rebels. That is not the life she wants, the life she has trained for. Determined to never be the seeress, Annith flees the convent in search of answers and the abbess.

Annith’s journey is complicated somewhat by hellequin, followers of Arduinna, and the French troops. Annith will need to reach the abbess to find that answers that she seeks. Some secrets are harder to live with than others, something Annith may discover herself.

In this book we were able to see Ismae and Duval as well as Sybella and Beast. They are both great couples. While they weren’t the focus of the novel, it was nice to see them again.

Balthazaar is Annith’s love interest. You knew there had to be one. He is very interesting. Annith meets him under mysterious circumstances. He keeps himself to the shadows, making it difficult for anyone to get to know him. He is pretty awesome and I approve. :-)

I don’t know how else to talk about this novel without spoilers and so I fear I can’t say anything more. You should just go read it. It is amazing.

This review first appeared at Orandi et Legendi(
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Annith has always been the obedient one at the convent. Always doing what is expected of her to the best of her abilities, just waiting to be chosen for her chance to serve Mortain and go on assignment. But that day never comes and Annith discovers that she is being groomed by the abbess to become the next seeress of the convent. It is not a fate at all that Annith wishes for so after the abbess leaves the convent to go to the duchess, she takes matters into her own hands and leaves the convent to go to the abbess and demand answers.

First of all, I think that if I had to choose, this would be my least favorite of the books. It took a bit for this book pick up and get interesting. The beginning is really slow. The time she spends at the convent trying to decide what she's going to do seems to drag on forever! But it picks up a bit when she finally leaves and finds herself among the Hellequin where she meets the mysterious Balthazaar. When she finally gets fed up with them never getting to where she needs to be, she leaves and she ends up with the warrior followers of Arduinna and goes on some adventures with them until the book really picks up and she FINALLY ends up with everyone else and the story finally picks up.

Annith is easily my least favorite of the three main protagonists in this series. It took me awhile to warm up to her. She's incredibly stubborn. She is jealous, but I guess it's easy to see why as she has been training her entire life for the opportunity to serve Mortain and she is never called upon to do so. All of her friends are chosen to go before her and she doesn't understand why. She really kind of annoyed me when she was first reunited with her friends and everytime Ismae so much as muttered a word to another human being, Annith is thinking, oh wow she's so different. But she's also really smart and brave and kind. And ever so protective of the girls left in the convent, just wanting things to be fair and safe for them. She won me over in the end. She is really good and cares so much for others.

Balthazaar I feel I can't say much about because spoilers, but I can't help but feeling like Annith WOULD fall for Balthazaar. I am entirely not surprised. But also kind of surprised because I wouldn't have actually imagined this to happen.

I knew the abbess was super shady, but maaaaaan. I wouldn't have imagined all that actually happeneing! I wasn't so far off with my theory I wrote about in the Dark Triumph review.

I loved getting more Ismae/Duval and Sybella/Beast in this book!

And I liked the ending of this book, it was a good ending for this series.

So even though 3/4 of this review is me talking about what I really didn't care for about this, I really did love this book as well! This was such a fantastic series and I am so glad that I picked it up! I just feel like I can't say anything else because I don't want to ruin anything for those out there who are even later to this party than I am! Because this one would suck to be spoiled for I believe! And also it is 1:30 AM and I am not feeling very eloquent in my words.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth merrick
If you aren't familiar with the Fair Assassin Trilogy, this third and last book will make you want to read the first two. Though it helps to have read the other novels in the series, if you've skipped one of the books, Mortal Heart will still be a wonderfully satisfying read. But if you can read the books in order, do so. They build on each other. I'd read the first book, missed the second and stayed up all night reading Mortal Heart. Then I reread the parts I particularly loved.

The world that Robin LaFevers created has 9 Gods, some of which have become less popular, less familiar to the everyday citizens. Annith has been raised in a convent that worships Mortain, the saint of Death, and are trained to become assassins. The ladies of Mortain are feared and respected throughout the kingdom and are often called upon to help solve difficult political situations quietly.

Annith has lived in the convent longer than most, having been delivered there at around 2 years of age. She'd suffered greatly and learned much under the rule of the past Reverend Mother who consistently tested Annith by repeatedly trying to kill her throughout her childhood. As the younger girls are given assignments and released into the world, Annith is impatient to receive her own assignment. When she's chosen to replace the order's version of an oracle, Annith is driven to run away.

Her escape leads her to a dangerous series of adventures and assignments to help her country preserve peace. Along the way she encounters Balthazar, a gorgeous and dangerous hellequin, forced to roam the world helping bring souls to Death.

Annith's loyalty to her friends, her God, her country and those she loves leads her to such difficult situations and reveals the strength of her mortal heart. It's an engrossing adventure story and it was over far too soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin marie
This was my favorite of the His Fair Assassin trilogy. It was such a good book. Mortal Heart earned a place on my All Time Favorites list.

Annith is amazing. She is so real, so relatable. All her life annith has been trained to be the most obedient and biddable novice. She has trained to be the best in everything and to follow orders without question.

When Annith discovers that she is to be the convent’s next seeress, she rebels. That is not the life she wants, the life she has trained for. Determined to never be the seeress, Annith flees the convent in search of answers and the abbess.

Annith’s journey is complicated somewhat by hellequin, followers of Arduinna, and the French troops. Annith will need to reach the abbess to find that answers that she seeks. Some secrets are harder to live with than others, something Annith may discover herself.

In this book we were able to see Ismae and Duval as well as Sybella and Beast. They are both great couples. While they weren’t the focus of the novel, it was nice to see them again.

Balthazaar is Annith’s love interest. You knew there had to be one. He is very interesting. Annith meets him under mysterious circumstances. He keeps himself to the shadows, making it difficult for anyone to get to know him. He is pretty awesome and I approve. :-)

I don’t know how else to talk about this novel without spoilers and so I fear I can’t say anything more. You should just go read it. It is amazing.

This review first appeared at Orandi et Legendi(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
candace sykes
**Originally posted on**

To be honest, I really thought that Mortal Heart was going to disappoint me. After loving Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph so much, I thought that there was no way for Robin LaFevers to actually be able to finish this trilogy with the same awesomeness that the other books possessed.

Also, the book was being released on my birthday, and usually that means they’re going to suck.

But despite all my fears, Robin LaFevers proved me wrong and finished this fantastic series with an equally fantastic finale.

Mortal Heart is in the view of Annith, whom we’ve heard much of in the first two books. Ismae, Sybella, and Annith are essentially best friends as well as sisters. Their strengths compliment each other and when the three of them are together, they are at their best.

While Ismae and Sybella are off having adventures-adventures that Annith has only dreamed of-Annith continues to serve Mortain in the convent, by taking care of all the needs of everyone. She is the most skilled of the servants of Mortain, the most obedient, and basically the most of everything else. Except for reasons that she cannot fathom, Mortain has not needed her services. When he finally speaks, it’s not what she expects. Now she must struggle with her own desires and what her heart tells her. A sudden act of rebellion gives her an adventure and a calling she never dreamed of. Her journey is not for the faint of heart.

So, this book deals a lot with the political intrigue of the young duchess and her dire situation. For the life of me, I’ll never be able to explain exactly what went on in this book concerning that, but it’s not due to LaFevers lack of writing ability. I mainly brushed off any political jargon in favor of the love story and the story of friendship between the girls.

Also, whenever Duval is mentioned, I kind of go starry-eyed. I freaking love Duval.

Anyway, back to Annith.

Her character development was simply perfect. While it took me a while to get the feel for her, (like it took me for Ismae and Sybella) I understood her perfectly. Her strengths and weaknesses. Everything was done magnificently. It’s really hard to write this review, because I love love love how this all turned up.

And the surprises! It was perfect.

Excellent, lovely series. I’m almost sad to see it end, but what a wonderful end it was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura barcella
I may or may not have flailed tremendously when I got my hands on an ARC of Mortal Heart at BEA this year, not going to lie. It was definitely a book I was majorly anticipating after I binge read Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph earlier this year! But amidst my excitement, there was certainly a thread of doubt. Would I be able to love Annith as fiercely and passionately as I loved Sybella or Ismae?

I should never have doubted Robin LaFevers. She is brilliant. Mortal Heart, Annith’s tale, was captivating! Even now, I’m still very much in awe of how well-written this is. I find it extremely impressive that LaFevers was able to write this novel so well. It cleverly tells readers about who Annith is, while still juggling the plots of war, assassin nuns & court life that carries over in each novel.

While Sybella is still my favorite of the three girls, my love, admiration and respect for Annith grew in leaps and bounds as I read Mortal Heart. She proved herself to be so much more than I expected from her. But what I loved most is that many aspects of her personal journey – the doubt, the fear, and the hope – are easy to relate to emotionally.

Her story left me awestruck and heartbroken in equal measures. Annith certainly plays a role in the bigger picture (in terms of her country of Brittany), but it’s really her own journey of self-discovery that carries Mortal Heart along so well. Time and again, Annith faces obstacles (in the form of people or events) that threaten to block her path. But each time, Annith manages to find a way through (or around) them! Her persistence is rewarded as we learn more about her history and abilities, and also (very subtly), learn to love her as she is.

As with the previous novels, there is a romance in Mortal Heart. The love interest is pretty badass, even though his general aura is of mystery and intimidation and strength. Honestly, it’s just impossible to resist a boy who has edge & attitude balanced with vulnerability! As Annith started developing feelings for him, I did too. It was simply easy to fall in love with their relationship. Each of their encounters made me swoon a fair bit, even the bits where they would disagree. (Plus, their first kiss is certainly one of the best ones I’ve ever read!)

But this novel is not just about the romance. Nor is it simply about Annith’s personal experience. No, Mortal Heart also still touches on the political situation surrounding Brittany & France. As the court of Brittany find themselves running out of time and manpower, it is up to Annith, Ismae & Sybella to play their parts the best they can to win the best possible victory for Brittany. It’s a twisted plot, with plenty of subterfuge to boot, but it works really well. I didn’t know how LaFever would choose to end this particular plot, but the way it does happen felt right.

Honestly, Mortal Heart blew me away. It also brought me to tears, as I cried way more than one time as I read this story. There’s no way that I could have imagined such a wonderful, fitting conclusion to the His Fair Assassin series. LaFevers wrote a series ender that felt right and did proper justice to this story and these characters. While I’m sad to close the covers on these books (for now), I’m also happy that the series was strong from start to finish. If you enjoy historical fantasy, then you should totally consider picking up a copy of Grave Mercy and reading it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jackie koenig
Grade: A-
This ARC was provided by a fellow blogger. Thanks, Dawn!

**Warning: potential spoilers for Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph**
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Erhmahgawsh. This book. My thoughts are going to be so hard to sum up because this was the first physical review book I've read since coming to college. I took lots of notes on mini Post-Its though, so here's my random jumble of thoughts. I loved getting a different view of the convent and learning secrets that were clearly brewing under the surface since Grave Mercy. Annith is amazing, y'all. She's so incredibly smart and manipulative for someone who seemed so demure, and I loved it. However, I felt like her narration sounded too similar to Ismae's. Butbutbut, I enjoyed seeing how much each book's title plays into the story.
One of the best parts of Mortal Heart was learning so much about Arduinna and her followers. They are so awesome, y'all. And I loved having all three girls together again. Their friendship still needed more development (we're mainly just told they're friends), but I could tell Ismae, Sybella, and Annith genuinely cared about each other.
And then you get to about page 305, and the bombshells just kept coming. I will say I didn't like one of them (it was just...weird for me), but most of them worked (especially the one about Salonius).
Y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I felt no chemistry in the romance. It felt under-developed to me, and I couldn't see where it was coming from, except for a desire to be loved by someone.
However, this trilogy is some of the best historical fiction I've ever read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debra nemsick
Original Review Link:

Oh this series! My friend Jenn calls it the assassin nuns series–a bit oxymoronic, but it works!

This is the third and final book in the “His Fair Assassin” trilogy and it definitely lives up to its’ predecessors. I remember picking up the first in the series thinking it seemed like a really original idea; it kept me hooked from the first page. Jenn and I were waiting forever for this book to finally come out. (Ok, not forever, but it certainly seemed so!)

Annith has waited patiently her whole life to be chosen by the Abbess and Mortain for a mission, however, one never comes. When she finds out that the abbess wants her to become the convents’ new seeress–never to leave its’ walls–she knows she has to take matters into her own hands, especially since she suspects the Abbess’ intentions no longer have the girls’ or Mortain’s interests at heart. Leaving the convent, she falls into the company of the famous Hellequinns–Mortain’s specialized soldiers–and their brooding leader, Balthazaar. Annith must discern her growing feelings for him while trying to discover the Abbess’ true motives, all under the immenent threat of the French invasion. After discovering the true nature of her past, she must decide her path and the future of not only her country, but her entire faith.

Can I just say…


The twists and turns and revelations in this book!!! I didn’t see any of them coming!

I loved Annith. She’s such an kick-ass, flawed character. Throughout the novel, she struggles with her past while trying to please everyone, while taking the huge risk to make her own decisions and finding happiness–something that could have devastating results. Ismae and Sybil show up again and are fantastic as always, especially their interactions with their respective lovers.

Balthazaar. I loved him. Such a wonderful, tortured character, especially his story arc. His plot twist was so unexpected, but so appropriate. I won’t give anything away, but trust me, you’re going to be like:


The plot will keep you guessing left and right. So many discoveries and revelations!

Every moment you turned the page you were like:


I’ve had major book hangover from this book.
Book Hangover: The inability to start a new book because you're still living in the last book's world.

This hasn’t happened in a while. It just proves how fantastic a read it really was.

I can’t say a single thing I disliked about it. I’m hoping this won’t be the end since I was left with a few questions–ones I can live with if it is the end, but I hope it isn’t!

Pick up this book/series–like yesterday.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annith has been waiting years for a chance to serve Mortain, Death Himself. She has already bid farewell to two of her closest friends, Ismae and Sybella, and now she knows it is only a matter of time before the abbess sends her out on her own assignment. But when another novitiate is chosen, Annith is beside herself. She discovers the abbess has no intention of sending Annith out, but rather to have her serve as the next seeress. Determined to find out why, Annith leaves the convent on her own in search of answers.

The third book in Robin LaFever’s His Fair Assassin Trilogy, Mortal Heart, gives us an opportunity to peek into the inner workings of the convent that we only previous glimpsed in Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph. Annith’s experiences are a better representation of the convent, having been raised within its walls since she was a infant. The strenuous and often cruel relationship she endured under the former abbess, simply known as the Dragonette, shows both strength of character and an ability to adapt to rigorous expectations. Though seen as an obedient and competent novitiate, Annith struggles to accept the path the newest abbess has chosen for her.

Annith has spent her entire life with one goal: to became a handmaiden of Mortain’s. She has fought and excelled and when she has fallen short, she has always found a way to overcome. Her spirit demands more than a quiet life inside the convent and she is so deserving of it. There were several moments in Mortal Heart that turned Annith’s story upside down and had me wishing to turn to page one and reread the book again.

I loved seeing both Ismae and Sybella again, along with Duval and Beast. The conclusion of Mortal Heart has a definite final feel to the series, but I’m not sure I am quite ready to say goodbye to this world. There is so much to love about this series. I love reading about a world that doesn’t ignore women and how their strengths are represented in different ways. His Fair Assassin series’s original storyline, complex characters, and surprise revelations make it one of my favorites.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beverly kiefer
I have been waiting forever for this book. And it still isn't out until November. But I have been entering all the giveaways to win a precious print ARC of this book. And then a few weeks ago I won. Thanks to Once Upon a Twilight. <3 I could not have been happier :D It arrived yesterday; and I started it right away.

It feels like I have been waiting forever, as I read Grave Mercy for the first time back in March 2012. And then I re-read it and read Dark Triumph in January 2013. <3 So it's been a while since I read the first two books. But I didn't have time to re-read, hih, I wanted to start Mortal Heart right away. <3

Which I'm glad that I did. Okay, I should probably have re-read Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph first. As there were some things I had forgotten. But I remembered all the important bits. So it's okay. And I will be re-reading all three books in November when I get my hardcover of this gorgeous book. Sigh. Time to get started with sharing my love. Because my love for Mortal Heart is huge. I loved it to pieces. I'm so happy I got to read it early. And I cannot wait to read it again. Because this book was stunning. It was everything I wanted and more. Okay, fine, not all that much of the previous characters, but enough. <3 And this book had Annith. Whom I grew to love so much. And a bunch of other characters that I fell in love with as well.

I'm not sure how to describe this book. I'm not sure what I should talk about. And what I should not talk about. I will not share spoilers. Yet I want to talk about it all, because there is so much happening in this book and it is all so amazing. There are a lot of mysteries. Surprises. Heartbreak. Romances. And some deaths. This book has it all and I want to share all of it. But I will not. I will just say a few things. Most likely. And then wait for you all to get to read this gorgeous book in November. <3 The wait is worth it.

The whole book is told from the point of view of Annith. And I loved that so much. Because I adored Annith. She's so damn amazing. But I was also a little sad, as I did miss reading about Ismae and Duval. <3 And Sybella and Beast. <3 But that's okay. Because we do seem them a little bit in this book. Not enough, but still enough in a way. If that makes any sense. Because I was truly happy reading only about Annith. And Balthazaar. Omg. Dies a little, as he is the perfect broken bad-boy man. I might adore him.

You see, there is romance in Mortal Heart. And it is stunning. There isn't much of it, but it is still a part of the story. And getting to know Batlthazaar was awesome. I loved reading about him. How broken and sad he was. Okay, mostly sad, but still. And he is a hellequin. Which I will not say more about. But they were so awesome to read about. A bit creepy. Yet perfect too. Such an awesome plot twist. Anyway. The romance between Annith and Balthazaar is slow and burning and perfect. I loved every moment of it.

A lot of this book takes place at the convent. We get to see how Annith lives there. Her life with the abbess. Past and present one. Shudders. I did not like either of those women. And her life with all the younger girls. It was amazing to get to know Annith more. Getting to know more about her past. And what she wants from her future. And what the abbess does not want her to have. Sigh. My love for Annith grew from page to page. Which made me so happy. Also, so you know, the writing is stunning.

There is so much happening in this book. We learn so much about Annith. And we read more of Ismae and Sybella too. And we also learn a lot more of Death aka Mortain. While I'm not a god person, I don't mind reading about Death. So I really enjoyed getting to know more about that. It was interesting and I liked it. Mostly I just loved reading about Annith. I loved reading about all the things she did and all the people she met. So many of them were awesome. But some were not. Loved reading about them all.

As with the first two books, we read more about the young Duchess, Anne. And I adored reading about her. And her small sister. Omg, sobs. I would love to read more about Anne, once she gets older than just thirteen. She was a girl I loved, though. There is also a bit of war in this book. As they are still fighting the French. We learn more about that, and I did like it. Anyway. There is just so much happening in this book and I loved all it. It is interesting and fun and sad and just all kinds of perfect.

I will not say much more about this book. I want to say it all, but I won't. I found Mortal Heart to be a glorious last book to this already fantastic fantasy trilogy. It is full of action, surprises, betrayals and romance. Mortal Heart has it all. And I loved reading every moment of it. Especially the end. I approve of the ending. So beautiful. I'm so glad I have read these three books. <3 And this has a special place in my heart. It was just so good. Which I keeps saying. But honestly. I don't have any other words for it.

I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am that I won this book. Thank you again, Once Upon a Twilight. I'm so glad that I got to read it early. <3 And I cannot wait to read it again. And get my finished copies in November. Sigh. So excited. Huge thank you to Robin for writing this stunning trilogy. And writing this amazing final book. I loved it so much. While it is final, I would love another book or just short stories from the other girls point of views. <3 I'm not done with Annith, Ismae and Sybella yet :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sabra embury
I loved the very concept of this trilogy from the get-go: mortal daughters of Mortain, the God of Death, raised in a convent to be political assassins?
Oh, yes, yes, yes! The first book I gave 5 stars, but the second bogged down for me and I only rated it a 3, 3.5. To me, the second book had wandered off the beaten path a bit, dealing with sexual abuse, revenge and moving away from the convent and the goals of the daughters. Now that I have concluded the trilogy with "Mortal Heart", I have to say I would probably notch up my rating of "Dark Triumph" to 4 stars simply because the political intrigue (which I personally find mostly boring) is extremely necessary to the overall story arc and conclusion.

These books are outstandingly written. Very decently researched and executed, they weave fact, theory, superstition and fantasy into one mostly believable, wish-it-could-all-be-true tale. Also very much enjoyed the melding of traditional religious elements with the Nine Gods of old. Mortain, as the God of Death, as a god of compassion, with respect and without fear. The followers of these gods lend a wonderful element to each of these books, as do other historical figures and fringe groups, such as the charbonnerie.

Yes, there is romance. These are billed as YA, but truthfully, you have to have a measure of intelligence and maturity to stick with these. Yes, all three featured female leads have romantic interests, but there is so much depth to the characters beyond that. These are not women who will sacrifice "themselves" to be one with the man of their dreams. There's a lot of earning and soul-searching. Decisions may still be made rashly but they are explained. It's hard to imagine the 15th century and a time when a young 13-year-old girl would have to go to war for her people, let alone be named a Duchess. Literally, the weight of the world resting on fragile shoulders. A time when marriage for this young girl was bartered into the hands of old men with no say of her own, despite royal standing.

In "Mortal Heart", we are introduced to my favorite new paranormal characters so far - the hellequins. And yes, they deserve an OMG!!!! Forget vamps, forget wolves, forget whatever other paranormal lover you can throw out there - the hellequins have got all of them beat in terms of deservedly brooding, dark, noble sexiness, seeking redemption through the centuries for past sins. Riding demonic horses no less. Be still my mortal heart.

Both of the previous books, "Grave Mercy" and "Dark Triumph" are available free through Kindle Unlimited. If you haven't already read them and historical fantasy with strong female leads and interesting perspectives are your thing, get them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather rose
The His Fair Assassin series is one of my favorite historical fiction series ever. I remember being hesitant to read the first book because the idea of assassin nuns seemed too crazy to me. However, this series is extremely unique, and does such a great job at incorporating the actual history of Brittany in with the fantasy and original elements.

Annith had a much more intense story than I imagined she would, and I grew to respect her so much as a character. The details of her past are revealed, and they’re definitely not pretty. There were so many revelations and twists to the overall story that surprised me, and Robin LaFevers kept me guessing throughout the entire novel. 

The romance was the most interesting out of the series, by far. Annith and the love interest, Balthazaar, were definitely in a unique situation, and I was curious to see how things would end up working out for them, if at all.

Ismae, Duval, Beast, and Sybella’s cameos in Mortal Heart were all great. I loved how they still played roles in the storyline, as it’s one that carries over from the first two books. Relating to that, as I mentioned earlier, LaFevers does an amazing job at incorporating the fantasy elements with the historical ones. I think the historical aspect of France and Brittany is so fascinating. Although this is a bit of a different period, the show Reign shows you France’s perspective of things, so it was especially interesting to read about Brittany’s view of France.

Mortal Heart is a fantastic conclusion to the His Fair Assassin trilogy and if you haven’t yet started this series, you definitely should! If you’re a fan of either historical fiction or fantasy, you’re sure to love this series :) I’d give Mortal Heart 4.5 out of 5 flowers.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bethany brandt
I love this series. Grave Mercy was great, and Dark Triumph was even better. So I had super high expectations for the third and final book, Mortal Heart. We first met Annith as the resident good girl of the convent of St. Mortain, where daughters born of Death are taken in and raised as assassins to do Death's bidding. Annith has been quietly waiting in the background while younger and less experienced girls than she have been granted the privilege of being sent out on assignment. The best trained of all of them, and the most fervent in her devotion to Mortain, Annith begins to suspect that the Abbess is manipulating the wishes of Death for her own purposes. Her suspicions are confirmed when the Abbess announces that Annith will begin training to replace the convent's aging seer. Why would Death wish for his most talented and faithful handmaiden to spend her life locked in the convent's tower, especially since she's never displayed any sign of having the gift of sight? When the Abbess is called by the Duchess Anne to attend an urgent meeting of those still loyal to Brittany, Annith seizes the opportunity to snoop. But she finds more questions than answers. Tired of wasting away waiting for others to give her life purpose, she sets out on her own to uncover the truth about the Abbess and the convent and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her birth.

But even though she's more than capable of taking care of herself, these are dangerous times to be on the road alone. The King of France is making one last play for possession of Brittany, the duchess is beset by enemies and traitors, and loyalties are divided, throwing the region into civil war. When Death's hellequin corner her, damned men who ride at night to track down errant souls and escort them to the underworld, she thinks they've come to take her back to the convent. Instead, their handsome leader, Balthazaar, offers her safe escort to her destination, the city of Rennes, where the duchess is holding court. Suspicious yet powerfully drawn to the enigmatic soldier, she hides her true identity from him and falls in with the hellequin. She gets more than she bargained for as she comes to know these men and their damned souls and witnesses their despair and longing for the afterlife that has been denied them. They become her unexpected allies as her destiny unfolds, and her growing feelings for Balthazaar conflict with her own desires and long-held beliefs until she can no longer be sure of what is real and what isn't.

Upon her arrival in Rennes, she reunites with Ismae and Sybella and is immediately drawn into the duchess's service, where she uses her new position to start seeking answers. In a great plot twist, Annith gets socked with a one-two punch that shakes her foundations and leaves her reeling. I saw the first blow coming, but the second caught me by surprise as well, and I really felt for her as the world she thought she knew crumbled around her. But she finds the strength and purpose to keep going, and finally receives the call to serve Death, though nothing about her mission is as she expected. And just as French troops lay siege to the city and it seems the duchess will have to surrender Brittany and her people to the French, Annith devises a bold and daring plan that could save them, though the cost may be the death of her and the man she loves, and she will have to determine if that's a price she's willing to pay.

In spite of how much I wanted to love this book, there were some things that kept me from fully embracing it. I don't want to say I was disappointed, but Annith's long-awaited story definitely didn't have the same effect on me as the previous books. The plot was slow to get going and got bogged down between the exciting parts with pages and pages of politics and introspection that bored me. But on the flip side of that, there was a lot more in this final book about the mythology surrounding the Nine gods and the history of the daughters of Mortain that really helped to underscore and bring full circle the heart of the series. Annith's romance with Balthazaar was fairly predictable and could have used more development. I didn't feel like the resolution was very solid there either. And while I appreciated the direction our characters were headed when I turned the last page, I really thought the story would have benefited from another chapter showing me what happened when they got there. So, unfortunately, this turned out to be my least favorite of the series. But I'm seeing plenty of other readers who thought it a more worthy ending than I did, and it still stands in pretty good company. This series is dark, dangerous, and sexy and rich in historical ambiance. If you're a YA lover or a historical fiction lover--or both, like myself--you've got to read this series, and then you can judge for yourself if the conclusion lives up to its promise.
Please RateMortal Heart (His Fair Assassin Trilogy)
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