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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was disappointed with this novel. After reading Companions of the Night, by Vivian Vande Velde, I thought I'd give this one a chance. Waste of money. It's overly mushy, it lacks suspense, it's annoying at times and the matter-of-fact considerations about death left me cold. Oh and the word "stars" is used just a little too repetitively for my taste. It's no thriller, nothing thrills here. And not a spark of sense of humour. OK, I might as well say it: it sucks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse o dunne
This book is great! The author, Annette Curtis Klause, really brings forbidden love to life!
The story is about this girl called Zoe and a vampire called Simon. Zoe's mom is dying and she feels she is ignored by both her father and her mother. Her best friend is moving away from her. So, basically her life sucks. But she finds comfort in the arms of Simon.
Simon had a horrible past and hopes that Zoe would help him get rid of it. Would she help him?
find out the answer in this beautifully written, gripping, exciting book! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annette Curtis Klause is an awesome writer! Zoe is so real and I love the way she is fragile. Simon is a grieving vampire and fits right in the story. If you like reading about vampires, read this book!! Also, Blood and Chocolate is good. Even better than Silver Kiss. That one is about werewolves. I love how Ms. Klause twists the plot with a little bit of romance and horror. All in all, a really great book.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m francisca cruz
This book is about a vampire who has been roaming for countless years, hunting for his brother who betrayed his own family and killed his biological mother. His brother, Christopher, is older than him but much younger physically. Stuck in the body of a six year old child, Christopher lures young women to feed on. Simon meets Zoe, a teen who longs for someone to understand. Once she meets Simon, she is attracted to Simon classified ways. Simon goes through the dilemma of whether to tell Zoe what he really is. Together, Zoe and Simon attempt to put an end to Christipher's evil doings.
"The Silver Kiss" can keep readers on the edge of the chair. Annette Curtic Klause keeps you wondering what happens at the end of the story. It isn't like any traditional stroy with a happy ending. It isn't exactly all that horrid either. The lone vampire can capture your heart and let you cry out to him. This book has some vulgar languange but is definitely worth while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Hey! READ THIS BOOK!!! It is soooo amazingly wonderful. I mean, it has everything-horror, love, pain, seduction. It is one of the best books I have ever read. It kept me hooked from beginning to end-no lie! Even if you dont believe in the undead ( i do ) I can gaurantee you will fall in love with the caharacters, the story, and the author...( you might want to read the sequel)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Remember those young adult books from the early 1990's? Even the ones from the late 1980's? Remember how sometimes they could just be so cheesy and over the top? Now imagine finding a book like that and stepping back in time with the writing. That is how I felt when I was reading this book.

While the plot was interesting and I found the characters to be okay, the writing of the book made me feel like I was reading a young adult book from a different time. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy some of the early books in this genre, but there are always a few that left me with the question of why?

The first thing I noticed was how the author didn't seem to know what fit into the category of young adult theme when it comes to supernatural and vampires. One moment everything is sweet like a teen romance should be, then we fall into the depression of Zoe's mother dying from cancer. One moment we have Simon being the perfect gentleman towards Zoe, then the next we have him ripping rats apart and blood with gore all over the pages. The author seemed to go from one extreme to the other with no middle ground in between.

Yes it has the cliched vampire lore of misting, daylight can give serious sunburn, even an aversion to a cross when the story calls for it. I can understand that back in the day that this was how authors explained vampires, but it seemed the author couldn't step out of the normal box and get creative with it. The writing of the personalities was borderline overdone as well. Simon wanted to be released from the vampire curse but wanted friendship and love as well. Zoe was the typical teen girl who instantly falls for his good looks and charm, yet she was also naive and selfish at times. The ending also was a let down for me. It wrapped up within a few pages and wondering where the rest of the story went. After reading 230+ pages, I expect a climatic ending that lasts more than 2 pages with an ending that leaves the reader cheated.

Not a book I would reread again, and frankly not an author I will go out and seek again. Would I try another book written by this author? Only if her writing has improved and has decided to step out of the box a little.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassie s
I read this book as a freshman in highschool several years ago and I instantly fell in love with the story. Zoe and Simon seem to be the perfect match for each other. So many of the book scenes have stayed with me! I've re-read the book a hundred times, and I don't re-read books. It makes me smile and laugh and scream "no!" at it, everytime I read. I'll admit (with all the others who have posted reviews) that I HaTeD the ending when I read it. Just cried and cried. But its just another part of their story. Everytime I sit down to read, I find myself captivated by this novel, and I think it will remain my favorite book until my dying day. I would strongly encourage readers of all ages to give this book a try. You may love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon s
This book was just one of those typical boy meets girl/girl likes boy/boy is some supernatural being/the end is sad. I admit I cried a bit when I read the ending because it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to but books like this always turn out in sad ways. If you have ever read THE CHANGEOVER (by Margarat Mahy), LOOK FOR ME BY MOONLIGHT(by Mary Downing Hahn), or BLOOD AND CHOCHOLATE(by Anette Kurtis Klause) you will love this book. Or if you read this book and you liked it I would reccomend reading those books I mentioned. They are all great books and I read them all several times over and over and over again. This truly was a cool book and I'm sure if you like books like this one you will like it.(did that make any sense?) ANYWAYS:READ IT!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy whipple
Everyone I know calls me the Dreamer and Daughter of a yew tree. So on my birthday they gave me a lot of things, but I treasure my copy of 'The Silver Kiss.' I just love this book so much, I have now become obsessed with Vampires, as they have foretold. I thank the author everytime I read this beautifully sad book. I just wish I had a Vampire to call my own.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
bindu madhavi
The book "The Silver Kiss" is not very good because it is boring. I almost fell a sleep while reading this book. I don't think that anybody should read this book because it seems that it drags you on and on. I got confused because in each chapter it would change scenes from Simon to Zoe. Simon is by far the best charcter in the book and I think it is cool how he goes around and bites people on the neck and takes there blood and uses as like a fruit drink. There is how ever a good plot in this book. The book is good towards the end and I like how simon takes Zoe's blood and she dosen't mind because she is in love with him. While he is taking her blood she said it felt like, "Silver bubbles started to rise from her breast and burst within her head like champaign, and her body responded her into quickened breath." I thought this was a good line in the book because it is really saying how much she likes him. I don't think that you should read this book overall even though there were good parts in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joshua allen
Zoë is going through some hard times. Her mother is in the hospital because she is dying of cancer; her best friend, the only person she really talks to is moving away; her father is so depressed he barely even looks at her; and she has befriended her stocker, a vampire. Simon has been hunting sown his older brother Christopher. Simon's out to get revenge on Christopher for killing their mother. But Simon need's help, he can't do it on his own so Zoe volunteers to help him out. Annette Curtis Klause is an amazing writer. It is impossible to put this book down once you start reading it. Her story is so mesmerizing and you can really get into Zoë's shoes. I enjoyed this book, The Silver Kiss, very much and recommend that you read Blood and Chocolate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana rogers
I really enjoyed reading THE SILVER KISS, this is my first time reading a vampire story, and I love it! I could'nt put it down until I've finished the whole story twice! I got it for my birthday. And I can highly reccomend that this is the BEST book I've ever read. If anyone is looking for a book to enjoy, this is the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe c
This was the first Vampire novel I had ever read. And I completely fell in love with the book. By the end of the story, I had tears in my eyes. This book is a great for first time Vampire novel readers. I highly recomend it. The Silver Kiss will always hold a special place in my heart. It will always be one of my favorites.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick brown
in this book, a girl named zoe struggles with her inner emotions concerning her dying mother. when she meets simon,a startlingly handsome boy, she feels as if she has finally found someone to talk to. but it turns out, simon is a vampire, trying to kill his vampire brother christopher and take revenge for his own mothers death. zoe helps him kill christopher, and then he commits suicide, because he knows that he is unnatural and will never be happy as a vampire. and he loves zoe so much that he cant subject her to the torture of the life he leads. this book is so sweet and scary at the same time that it sends shivers up your spine.i definately recommend it and i give it as many stars as it takes to convince you to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly haynes
The Silver Kiss was a really well-written book. The story was perfect; it had all the right elements: suspence, horror, a little comedy, and romance. It was untouchable...until... The book, throughout, was written very poetically. Klause had a way of pulling the reader in much like the vampire in the story. The ending..(don't worry, I won't give it away) was completely anticlimactic. You expected something far more dramatic and heart-wrenching concidering the rest of the book.

I definately recommend this book despite the fact that the ending was a total letdown. You will be sitting up in the middle of the night with a flashlight itching to find out what happens next. I couldn't put it down. I've never read a book so fast.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah wilfong
Seriously one of the best books I have ever read. I got it at Salvation Army for 25 cents. What drew me to it was the intriguing title and strange cover. And because it's about vampires. However, it was not what I expected. It was an absolutely beautiful story with real, unforgettable characters. And how about that ending! Amazing. Definitely not what I expected...but it was so real. This book deals with real life issues and strays from the typical happily ever after ending but leaves you with a strange contentment that I had never found in a book before. Loved it. READ THIS BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my... what an EXCELLENT book..... Annette Klause did a spectacular job on this book.... She desribed every important aspect you can... The characters' personalities were superb... When I finished reading this book the first time.... I was in tears... I felt the sadness Zoe felt... And yet the happiness.... Every kind of emotion you can think off was put into this book.... From pure joy to deep hatred for Christopher and Van... oh... what was the last part of his name.... oh well... Simon was a great character.. ( I thought he was quite sweet and.. well ... a bit on the sexy side too :) This book is by far my favorite... I've read it A LOT... i give it 6 stars :)I was 11 when i read it and still read it... :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris way jones
I had just finished this book like 10 minutes ago and I amstill numb... I really love this book. It not only deals withVampire and love(which i like), it also dealt with lonliness and people's emotional strength.
If there was no school, i would had finished it in one day, but i had to go so it took me 2 days. This goes to show how i can't put it down. The story doesn't drag and drag like some books.
I wanted to be part of it so badly...I wanted to be sucked into the book and be Zoe (i didn't say i want my mom to have cancer). To have met someone like Simon would have been wonderful. ::sign:: I can totally relate. A very touching me anyway.
*~~^{Faith}^~~* (<>..~*)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Going into this book I wasnt expecting what i had received, i got a very heart wrenching romantic that made me cry in the end, and throw a fit because of the ending. But it didnt stop me from re-reading it again and again. Zoe's character is strong, but she has that "i am trying to be strong but for the love of god hold me!" that you just cant help but wanna be strong and not cry... And Simon is the guy we all just wanna hug! A very wonderful sad story that you will read multiple times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vampires fascinate me, and so I was thrilled to find yet another novel about them. But this is no ordinary bloody ghost-story. It is a magical tale filled with emotion, that I wasn't able to put down. Zoe and Simon live in different worlds - she is a teenage girl whose mother is dying from cancer; he is a 300-year-old vampire, who seeks out the vampire who killed his mother long ago. They are both lonely, struggling with death - the one who wants to defeat it and the one who can't find it. In the pain and evil around them they find each other - and love. It is love who frees them both.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom sutter
Vampires fascinate me, and so I was thrilled to find yet another novel about them. But this is no ordinary bloody ghost-story. It is a magical tale filled with emotion, that I wasn't able to put down. Zoe and Simon live in different worlds - she is a teenage girl whose mother is dying from cancer; he is a 300-year-old vampire, who seeks out the vampire who killed his mother long ago. They are both lonely, struggling with death - the one who wants to defeat it and the one who can't find it. In the pain and evil around them they find each other - and love. It is love who frees them both.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was unlike any other vampire book I have ever read. It reflected the feelings and emotions of both Zoe and Simon, the main characters. The plot was, that Simon, a vampire, needs help from Zoe to stop his evil brother, trapped in a child's body, from killing more people. I think that I fell in love with Simon from the beginning, which is pretty crazy because he's a character in a book! I could relate to Zoe, because cancer had struck my family, and we had better luck than Zoe's mother. It was not only a vampire book, but a book that showed the troubles a family goes through when a loved one is dying, and how easily a family can fall apart.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
beatriz rodriguez
I decided that this book looked interesting and though it did have a decent plot I found that it wasn't convincing at all. It lacked details and had a very bare plot. The characters seemed unrealistic and were hard to connect with. I would only suggest this to those who read light books. For the rest of you, try Poppy Z. Brite for another vampire book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
With her ever-enduring efforts to make her work realistic, Klause has created a small collection of masterpieces. However, this is my least favorite. I do not recommend this to any of the following people: Anyone who does not like vampires much. Anyone who doesn't enjoy the building up to a plot. Anyone who can't handle a not-so-happy ending. However, it is a very good book, and for anybody else, I strongly urge you to read this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! The characters are well rouded, which made it seem so real. Simon is every teenage girls dream come true, even if he is a vampire! This has to be the best book I have ever read in my life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth klonowski
love,vampire,death. all of this thing are in this book. i read the book five time and i love it more ever time i read it. this is a must for you vampire fan out there. i fell like simon someday. sad and alone
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book is decent enough, but the Kindle edition is plagued with an unacceptable number of typos and errors. What should be two "r"s is written as an "m" and so forth. If it were a constant thing, I could just get used to it, but the errors aren't even consistent. Words like "closed" appear as either "close]" or "closeg." I just came across a sentence that read, "Is he wishing he could the too?" It's like reading a book translated by babelfish.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
As someone who usually loves vampire novels, I saw "The Silver Kiss" and expected an alluring, thrilling story. Instead, I got nothing but teen angst. Even being a teenager at the time, I found there was far more whining and crying than blood-dabbling and vampire-hunting.

The summary explains most of it: Zoe's mother is dying and her father is less lucid than usual because of it. Zoe seeks solace by walking alone at night and meets a "boy," Simon. The book already dates itself by referencing the late 80s/early 90s punk rock as one of Simon's contemporary likes, but that's beside the point. Simon has parental issues also that tie in mysteriously to a series of deaths occurring in Zoe's town.

Any book that has the phrase, "show off my shapely calf" just does not spell out suspense to me, not to mention Zoe (Klause's) inane attempts at poetry. Maybe it's supposed to be from a teen's perspective, but it just ends up as filler.

If you want a book where the two main characters' relationship is based on mourning and morbidity, go for it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary pascual
After reading the great book called Blood and chocolate by curtis i thought this would be a good book i was sorely dissapointed. the vampire plot with the two brothers has been overused and was done much better in the vampire diaryies by l j smith this book had no plot climax no hook to catch your attention i mean after see the guy twice she is in his arms talk about easy it sounds like curtis is too lazy to write a whole book like maybe she just wanted to get it over with this book is trash i would buy it if they were giving it away.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
liz lovero
This book was horrible. I bought it with the impression that it was going to be a good read from the reviews but I was mistaken. This book was so short, the author didnt give any time for the story to grow. For example, the romance between Zoe and Simon was just pushed on with one line and not drawn out so it was like...wait did he just kiss her? Didnt they just meet? The author doesnt allow feelings to grow and get you involved in the story. The main character is so selfcenterd and whiny and she complains through the whole book about how things arent always about her. Im not exagerating. The book was very badly written. I would definatly not recomend this to anyone. EVER!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
alaa amr
I read Blood and Chocolate, loved the romance[albeit it slutty] and I thought this might compare. I read this book in one sitting, because I love romance and I kept waiting for it to pick up. It finally did towards the end, after a tumultuous load of teenage angst. And then the ending was just... ugh. That's about all I can say. It's an ok book, if you're desperate for a vampy read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
miho murakami
After reading this book four times it still has the power to draw me in. Describing Simon as "beatuiful" was perfectly put. When a book can warm my blood with excitement and compassion its too good for words. While reading The Silver Kiss I thought as though I were there watching over Zoe and Simon. My favorite book as well as author by far. An amazing first book by a wonderful author.
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