Lost Wolf (Curse of the Moon Book 1)

ByStacy Claflin

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deahn berrini
Was refreshing to see other way of writing a supernatural story. Truly different from others ive read. It actually made me want to read more wolf stories again and havent done that in about 6mths so ty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fast paced and exciting read - kept my interest piqued as I tried to figure out WHY she couldn't remember who she was and what connection she had to Jag, etc. I loved that the reader discovers Victoria's past as she does - Victoria is completely in the dark and trying to figure things out as she navigates her way through the story. I liked that mystery element - and the romance element was perfect - it had just the right mix of attraction, love, and danger. I'm excited to read more by this author in this series. :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mysteries left and right.
A college freshman arrives at school with no memories. Zip..Zilch..Nada.
A wolf shifter teacher who held her in his arms as she died and buried her years ago.
Panthers using her as bait.
A valkyrie, troll, witch and vampire also make an appearance.
At times the story seems a little far fetched but it draws you in as you try to unravel what is going on.
All in all a good story but not all the questions that came to mind get answered.
Will just need to read the next book in the series and see what this merry little band of misfits is up to.
An MC Werewolf Romance (Bad Boy Alphas Book 6) - Alpha's Desire :: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns :: Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings (Wiley Investment Classics) :: Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises :: Out of the Shadows (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 1)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason cesare
This book made me angry.

It had great potential, I thought the author's idea was cool and I was intrigued by the mystery. Imagine you're all packed for college, dropped off at your house you're sharing with a few other college kids, all enrolled etc and you have no memory at all of your past. The problem is that THE MYSTERY NEVER GETS SOLVED. I read that whole book although honestly I didn't like the writing (more on that in a minute) just because I was curious. How did she end up like that? Also she had DIED decades ago so... how is she back to life now?

You never find out!!!!

AAAAAHHHGGGG!!!! She gets her memory back, kind of, but only up until the point that she died. She just kind of shrugs her shoulders over the rest of it, like maybe we'll never know. I don't know if it'll get answered in another book, but sorry, you have to FINISH the story. Make up a new mystery for the next book.

OK, why didn't I like the writing? The characters don't act realistically or logically at all. You know you have no memory of your past, your new professor seems familiar to you and you think he maybe knows you. Why on Earth wouldn't you say "Have we met before?". It just seemed crazy to me. The same thing is true of the hero. You just met someone you thought was dead (but have been searching for... why?) and you know she doesn't have any memory of her past. Why not just outright tell her what you know? So bizarre.

Also the heroine wasn't a cool character, she didn't do anything she just let everything happen to her.

That's it, cool idea but I didn't like it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The premise was promising but the story lacked everything else. No character descriptions, or character development. The alpha in this book was pathetic and weak and the heroine was just sad and annoying. Neither had much common sense. I was interested to find out who was behind the lack of memories but I just couldn't care enough to finish this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rebecca young
The different shifters and many of the friendships in this story were interesting. I am personally troubled by stories though where family members commit acts of evil against other family members (there are several nasties in this story!) so I am only giving this story an "average" rating.

Sex - none
Language - one "da-n"; "crap' used 3 times
Violence - two murders but little more; one torture scene with fairly clinical descriptions of injuries
Religion - none
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley baker
This book was fantastic! I was sucked in from the very beginning. I liked the concept and the mystery surrounding the main plot. Then, there was the romance. Two hot guys? Yes, please. The author left it in such a way that I'm dying for the next book! Five glittery stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was fantastic! I was sucked in from the very beginning. I liked the concept and the mystery surrounding the main plot. Then, there was the romance. Two hot guys? Yes, please. The author left it in such a way that I'm dying for the next book! Five glittery stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m ryan
Toby and Victoria had a hard life due their father's being pack leaders from rival groups. They didn't allow the children to have any connection between them, but this didn't stop the love between these two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
everyone poops
Victoria has just started college. She is surrounded by images of jaguars, but has no memory of anything before arriving at school. Toby is her stats professor, but he is oh so much more. He is everything from her past and should be her future, but she doesn't remember him or their time together. However, there is a niggling of familiarity when she sees him. Carter is a rich kid who is also a jaguar shifter. He doesn't usually mingle in the common circles about campus, but seems to pick her out. This really bothered me. He seemed almost obsessed with her. They begin dating and he gets her a job at his family's business (Jag, what else would it be?!). Fast forward and many things happen. The resolution is almost too neat for me and there seems to be little to no repercussions. Also, what of the kiss(es)? I also want more on Alex. I just need more.

Honest review of free copy given by author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dei foo
Victoria's character is steadfast, headstrong, and rather valiant. She is starting college and this is going to be the best year of her life! Oh so she was expecting. There is uncertainty on her shoulders. But why? Enter Toby; great with numbers and determined to search for his soul-mate. But he can't go looking right now. He's got a teaching job to do.

I'm new to Stacey's writing, but now I am totally hooked. I am definitely more enthused about the paranormal genre after reading this. Love the character. Story is thought-out and there is a much need to continue!

I was given an e-ARC of this book in exchange for honest review. (I read it, just didn't get it up.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mae snaer
I really enjoyed the world Stacy Claflin created in Lost Wolf. You get the chance to meet not just shifters, but also trolls, witches, vampires, Valkyries and more. Toby and Victoria are star-crossed lovers very much like Romeo and Juliette. When Victoria dies in his arms, Toby is destroyed. He picks up the pieces and starts his own pack.

Victoria shows up to start college with no memory before she parked in front of her dorm building. But lucky her, she meets a very rich boy at a back yard BBQ. Carter whisks her away to the super exclusive Jag. Then there's the super hot math professor she's sure she knows, but that's impossible right?

Claflin takes you on a fast-paced ride, full of quirky and fun characters. Will Toby and Victoria find each other again? Find out in the Lost Wolf!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Victoria is starting college she has everything she needs.
When her roommate mentions she should call her family she realizes that she has no memory of them or anything before her move.
Toby is a professor at the college, he instantly realizes that Victoria is his long lost love.
Victoria feels she knows Toby but can't remember. She starts dating someone.
Toby goes missing. Can Toby escape and will Victoria ever remember their past together?
This book has mystery and a true love history waiting to be remembered.
I am voluntarily reviewing this book after having received a free copy.
This is the first I've read in the series and I loved it. Will be reading the rest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa dale
Victoria arrives in an expensive car with credit cards and possessions to start college and gradually realizes something is very wrong. She has no past. There are no memories of a family, friends or any life before she arrived. She meets another student named Carter and he is the wealthy son of a businessman. He offers her the support she needs but it is her professor that calls to her. She feels like she knows him.

It is an interesting storyline. There are many paranormal characters which make the story more fun for me. There are a lot of secrets. Some get answered but there are many others that you still don't get answers to in the end and will have to read the other books in the series to get that information.

I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Victoria has found herself with a packed car, class syllabus, room mates and that one little detail...She can't remember anything before now.

When she sees Prof. Foley feelings stir from deep within...wait that can't be possible. She's way younger than him. How can she have memories of them together she doesn't even know the guy.

When Carter Jag the richest, sexiest guy on campus starts taking Victoria out she feels completely wonderful and completely conflicted. She's having the time of her life and this guy has treated her like a queen so why can't she stop thinking about Toby..er Prof. Foley? Wait that can't be his name..she's never heard it.

I loved the twists and turns of this story.. and especially the meeting of so many different super natural characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A very suspenseful read, with the heroine living in uncertainty with no memory of her past and the hero waiting hopefully for her to recall their former life together. A number of surprises as the heroine negotiates her first weeks at university without a clue as to her previous life. No explicit steamy scenes and, though there is some violence, it is not gratuitous and is kept to the minimum needed to move the story along. Interesting cast of secondary characters, including a vampire, a Valkyrie and a host of shifters. There are a few mysteries unsolved by the book's end, but they do not detract from the main love story. Most appropriate for young adults and older teens but can be enjoyed by older readers as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joey rizzolo
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

I was so excited to see that Toby's getting his own series. I read all the books in the Transformed series and was sad to see his character fade out. Thankfully, Claflin is giving us his story in this new series.

There are common characters from the Transformed series, but you don't necessarily have to know that series to understand this one. It's just an added bonus if you do know!

The story is great. I was cautious at first because of the memory loss like what Alexis went through, but that was the only similarity. I enjoyed Victoria's character and rooted for her to figure out her past and reconnect with Toby. I'm hoping that the next book wraps up some of the major cliff hangers for this book.

I highly recommend reading those one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris harper
Stacy Claflin takes her readers into an intriguing world of supernatural beings. Victoria, a college freshman, arrives at her school and realizes that she has no memories - no childhood memories, no high school memories, none whatsoever. Victoria attends college while getting glimpses into her past through her dreams. She is introduced to a world that includes werewolves, witches, jaguars, trolls, and vampires.

Claflin does a fabulous job of creating mystery and intrigue in a story that keeps you spellbound. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone. If you are not sure about the world of supernatural beings, this is a great introduction that will leave you wanting more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patrick hettinger
Wow just wow!!! I have read Stacy's Seaside Series and loved it so when she gave me a copy of Lost Wolf in exchange for an honest review I couldn't pass it up. So glad I didn't. I like paranormal romances but this was one but so much more. Shifters, memory lose, eternal love, love triangle (for awhile), vampires, friendships, evil plot, you name it Lost Wolf has it. Victoria & Toby had an epic love story but it was cut short. Never fear Victoria is back - but how? You'll have to read the book - no spoilers here !!! I was intrigued from the beginning and stayed up to the wee hours but it was worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this book free in exchange for an honest review.

I've read many paranormal romances, but few have captured my attention immediately like Lost Wolf has. From the very beginning I was very sympathetic with Victoria as she is starting college, and then later as she realizes that she has no memory, when she meets a professor who she can't take her eyes off of and can't get out of her mind. Even when she is dating the hottest guy on campus, she can't stop thinking about Toby.

I do my best not to post spoilers, so I will just say here that I really enjoyed reading this book. It has romance, excitement, mystery, and action. There were a few paranormal creatures that I wasn't familiar with, and these few played an important role in the story. One of the things I really liked about this book was that there is very little bad language and no explicit sex scenes. The only thing I didn't like is that the ending is very abrupt. I realize this is a trilogy, but it seemed like there was a great hurry to get to the end. All in all though I would definitely read this again and I would read the rest of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jaycee delorenzo
Victoria arrives at college with no memories. She feels a strange connection to her stats professor that she can't explain and a weird aching in her bones around the full moon. The more time she spends on campus, the more she's haunted by visions in her sleep that feel far too real to just be dreams.

This was a really great story, with engaging characters that I loved. The story did leave some unanswered questions, but I can't wait to read the next book in the series to find out the answers.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book and voluntarily provided this honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris policino
Great book! It kept my interest throughout. The characters were well developed with personalities. There are still some things left open for the next book, but at least it didn't end with a big cliff hanger. I find that upsetting. If a book is good, I don't need a cliff hanger to make me get the next book. There are definite questions still to be answered, though. But, even with that, I still recommend getting this book. It will keep you entertained.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Victoria has no memory from her life before college. At orientation she is in Professor Foley's group. When their eyes meet ,she feels she knows him and he seems to recognize her ... after all ... she died in him arms. ... Now she's struggling to remember .....

I felt the author did a good job describing the characters and events as they enfolded. The story line was interesting with plenty of action filled twists,turns and surprises. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend reading it.

I was given this as an ARC.
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