Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street)

BySamantha Young

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed abdullha
ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!! This book is on my FAVORITES shelf.
Nate and Olivia's story is so so good. They have such a great relationship as friends in the beginning. They love each other's company, they're goofy and fun together. Both characters are witty and funny. Nate is OMG so HOT and SEXY!!!!! Olivia is beautiful - of course. You can't help but love both of them, they are fun.
Olivia always recognized how attracted she was to Nate but wouldn't say anything about it or move on it - she didn't want to ruin the friendship or makes things awkward for their whole group of friends. Nate was blind to the feelings he had for Olivia until he almost loses her completely.
I hardly ever re-read a book but this is one of those I can read several times and not just becuase of the sex. Everything about them is awesome, their friendship, the converstations they have and the sex. Nate definitely knows how to pleasure a woman. :)
I would love to see a novella on Nate's POV. It would be great to know what was going on in his mind when he was realizing he felt more for Olivia than he thought and what he feeling when he saw Olivia with "library guy".
Getting to re-unite with Braden, Joss, Cam, Jo, Ellie and Adam is always wonderful.
I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn florey
This is my favorite of the series! I definitely found myself relating to the main character, Olivia. As a nerdy, apparently happy-go-lucky gal, Olivia is painfully shy and insecure around members of the opposite sex. Taking care of her mother as she battled cancer held her back from typical teenaged and college experiences, and she feels sexually stunted. Still, she loves her dad, her job as a university librarian, and her gaggle of friends. In fact, she might like one of her guy friends a little too much... When a drunken request for her best friend to teach her about dating and sex turns into reality when the two are sober, Olivia fears that in gaining confidence in romance and sexuality, she may end up losing her best friend. Definitely 5 star worthy! Olivia is snarky and cute! By far my favorite main character!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
celeste jensen
While this book was predictable, I still absolutely loved Nate and Olivia's story! It was fun, flirty and real. Not every leading lady needs to be size 2. Nate helped Olivia see how beautiful she was, inside and out. You could feel Olivia's confidence growing with each chapter. Between Nate stuck in the past to Olivia looking toward the future, it was an emotional ride and I loved every second of it!

And as a bonus, we get to read more about the other characters in this series :) win win. Can't wait for Hannah and Marco's story! Never let this series die, Samantha! You are definitely a one-click author!
Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street Book 5) :: Dubliners (Dover Thrift Editions) :: A Joss and Braden Novella (On Dublin Street) - Castle Hill :: Every Little Thing (Hart's Boardwalk) :: Moonlight on Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephen partington
Before Jamaica Lane is a timeless tale of Olivia Holloway, a shy insecure librarian and her friend Nate Sawyer, a hot-as-hell player that runs in her social circle. Nate and Olivia's friendship is challenged when he agrees to tutor her in the ways of love. When their friendship moves into the physical, Nate and Liv's relationship faces unforeseen challenges Their encounters are detailed beautifully by Samantha Young. In this volume, we see the growth of the other couples of On Dublin St. (Braden & Joss, Adam & Ellie and Cam & Jo).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
first off I love this series. and Love hearing about Olivia and Nate's Story. Glad that Olivia finally gets to be happy knowing her back story. I like how the author still includes the other couple from the other books its good to hear about them too. Like how Elodie includes Olivia and her dad to there Sunday Dinners. Its good to see how the two who said they wouldn't fall for each other during Olivia's lesson, but glad they finally realized that they loved each other. Like how Olivia told him that she was pregnant. I cant wait til next book to read more about the couples and Hannah's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl proffitt
Samantha Young has this uncanny way if weaving these characters, with all their quirks, dark past and insecurities, through the path that is her books and into your heart. Every person who reads them can relate to what is going on in the characters minds. Take Nate Sawyer, a young man in the prime of his life, so traumatized over losing his childhood love to cancer, that he could care less who he beds one night to the next. His handsome Hollywood good looks makes every woman swoon, even his best friend Olivia.
Olivia also has her insecurities in so far as not being able to see the beautiful girl, woman, standing in front of the mirror. What was supposed to be sex lessons, to teach her how to flirt and not be so self conscious around men, turned into much more with Nate. She fell for him hard and fast. Similarly, Nate did too but couldn't bare to admit it until he lost her. I won't go any further than that because I don't want to ruin it. Suffice to say, if you strip out the sex scenes, the romance and YA genre, this book,novel is one that many a person can relate to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this author and this installment in the Dublin Street series did not disappoint. The characters were my favorite of the series. Olivia is very likeable and struggles with real body image issues. All of Young's female characters have great self respect. Nate is a sexy manwhore who is extremely afraid of a real relationship. I like that you see a lot of page time for the characters from previous books. The plot was a little formulaic and I am pretty much over the New Adult genre because every book seems to be the same plot but Samantha Young is an author I will continue to read. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark arnold
I absolutely loved on Dublin Street so I knew this one would be able to catch my attention and it certainly did! I loved it. I honestly couldn't put it down. Young did a great job of intermingling the past demons with the current. She is one of my favorite authors and I will continue to purchase her books.

This book had the perfect amount of flirting and build up. You don't find many books like that!!! The dialogue was natural and not forced.

Definitely would suggest to other readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shin yu
When creating a series about different couples, it's hard not to repeat what's already been done in previous books, but Samantha Young knows how to develop characters and develop their story without just adding "fillers" to sustain the storyline. With that said, I really enjoyed Olivia and Nate's story. They weren't in the first book with Joss and Braden, but joined us with Jo and Cam's story. You don't necessarily need to read the previous books, but since all the other characters have such an integral role in each book, it's good to have the information and background on the unit. They all play a part in each other's lives and have made their own family there in Scotland. I actually want to be a part of this group since they are all so different (hopeless romantic, strong female, broken males, dirty talking, not confident, manwhore, etc etc), yet they all care about one another so much and will be there to pick up the pieces and to see what they don't see.
Nate and Olivia's story is one that starts as friendship for quite some time, but there is something comfortable yet right with the 2 of them.
"SInce we met, I've enjoyed being around you more than anyone else. I laugh harder with you. I feel more myself with you. I trust you with me-the real me."
Are they better friends or lovers? To get there, we get some drunkenness fun and it doesn't happen right away.
"I wasn't just hungover. I was hung-the-f$#@-over."
And that's why I like the characters and the dialogue. Funny, smart, witty, and with it. I like something that builds and can show me that it can actually sustain anything. The friendship ride we took made sense and the background of each character played into it going any further.
Great book, great characters, loved the flow of the storyline and the way it kept pace and the writing was superb. Love a dirty talker, love a girl that seems confident but has lost her way. And love the setting of Scotland. Makes me want to go there and visit these places and hang with these people. THIS is how you create a series that still has growth, conflict and strong supporting characters that still show up at the right time and do and say things in character. Love this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil mc
Olivia is a fantastic character. She is only slightly broken and shy but she is one of those cool girls that embraces her geekdom with her head held high. Nate is a playboy with a ghost in his past that holds him back from giving his heart to anyone. I enjoyed their easy banter and their "would you rather" game. It's nice to keep up with all the old gang behind the scenes. The tortured twists of this book made me shed a few tears and laughed a bit too. This is a great part of a great series. June cannot come fast enough. Hannah's story should be a real gem.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Olivia and Nate friendship was easy and nice, even though Olivia was secretly in love with Nate. When she knew that he would be only her friend and nothing else. She decided to get over her shyness and go after another man. But she neede Nate's help in how to be flirty and sexy. She asked Nate to sleep with her to get experience in sex. Nate agrees and helps Olivia. But of course, the intention change and feelings surface and everything falls apart. This story is about letting go of your past and looking forward to your future. The Sortyline: 4 and the Heat
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have put off reading this book because my friends who have read On Dublin street said this wasn't as good. I agree that on dublin street is my favorite but this was really good too. I'm so glad I gave in and gave it a try. It's a different story but still interesting and funny dialogue that I really enjoyed I also like that you got to see what happened with joss and Braden from on dublin street. I think I am moving to fall
from India place next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cort jensen
I loved this book from start to finish!! This whole series is one of my favorites. This book revolves around Olivia and Nate, who I believe were introduced in the first book. What starts out as a simple request between friends ends up being a happily ever after! Eventually. There are bits and pieces of all the other characters interspersed throughout the whole book. That's what I like about this series. If you love this series or are just new to it. Download it! You won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa chapman
Samantha Young is becoming one of my fave for contemporary adult romance. I loved this book so much. I cannot begin to explain how much I love this series. There is just enough steam that I am not scanning. Me. Young gives you the angst, sex, heartache, and HEA, I think I have given every book 5 stars. I will continue to read this series. She is setting us up for the next two books. Please read. I highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy housley
This whole series is great. I have really enjoyed all of them but this one is the best so far. It is beyond erotic, she has totally invaded their heads and yet made it so very sexy and fun. These characters really grab you and you cannot put the book down. You will not be sorry when you read this one. I cannot wait for Hannah's story with Marco. Bring it on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this whole series. It was really nice know all the previous characters doing well. Nate has a childhood love and she passed away at young age. Then he became a manwhore! :-). He thought he could never love anyone liked that and never let anyone to know it was possible. Until, Liv arrived. Liv recently lost her mom and knew what losing someone close to you felt like. She was funny and they became fast friends. And one day Liv asked for a favor it started it all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike ruff
I looooove Samantha Young and this entire Dublin Street Series! I was first captured with Braden and Joss and the story with Nate and Olivia was wonderful and sweet and funny. The dialogue between the two will make you laugh, it feels real and relatable. The love sex scenes and intense and real. All the important aspects are there and I loved every moment of the book. I think that I finished it in a day because I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zee sayed

Samantha Young’s Dublin Street series continues with Olivia and Nate’s story. Moving to her father’s home of Scotland, Olivia looks forward to a fresh start after her mother’s death. Enjoying her new found friendships with Joss and Braden, Ellie and Adam, and Jo and Cameron; Olivia also finds herself paired up with Cameron’s best friend Nate on many occasions. Despite her outgoing personality, Olivia hasn’t had many relationships. She’s terribly insecure, and lacks confidence when dealing with members of the opposite sex – except for Nate. Nate has quickly become her best friend. Their interests and tastes are similar. When Olivia expresses an interest in a hunky postgrad who visits the library where she works every day, Nate encourages her to a pursue a relationship. But he gets the surprise of his life when she opens up and tells him how little experience she has with men. What begins as a friendly education in seduction quickly becomes an intense, hot affair. Olivia knows early on she’s fallen in love with her friend. Nate however is still living with ghosts, and quickly dismisses his growing feelings for Olivia. Ms. Young has once again hit paydirt with tremendous characters that I simply love. All of our favorites from the previous installments are part of the story that drives Olivia and Nate’s romance. This dialogue driven story has a refreshing plot line. I love Olivia because she is the first character who seems like a real person. Too many books only give us perfect size zero beautiful woman as the heroine. It was nice to read about a real woman – one with self doubt, who questions her body and doesn’t ooze sex at every turn. Even more, I loved how Nate saw her. For that alone … he is my hero. Every single page sizzles when Olivia and Nate are together because at the heart of their story is a real friendship. This is a REAL love story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin heap
Nate and Olivia's story is so heart rendering and so beautifully told!! I loved Braden & Joss's story in On Dublin Street and Jo and Cam's story in Down London Road but I do believe Nate & Olivia take top honors in Before Jamica Lane. I read it twice so far and absolutely LOVED IT!!!! Samantha Young is a wonderful author and writer of some brillant stories...looking forward to her novel (India Place) telling Hannah & Marco's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had everything I love in a book. Friendship turned to love, friends with benefits and promises that they will remain friends no matter what. Well we all know how that turns out. This was my first book by this author and I'm going tot have to go back and catch up with all the characters. So many characters that I had a hard time keeping up. But since I'm going back means it was worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You could really tell that Olivia fell for Nat right away. The way they hung out talked. I even fell for Nat when he was sending her things just to show her he loved her. Hope their are more to the story because this was a really good one Would like to see what happens to Jo and Cam. Olivia and Nat. Ellie and Adam. Hannah with her friend Marco and Col.
Thank you !!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gloria piper
I love this series! Every book gets better and better. Olivia and nates story is full of steamy sexy, romance and humor. I laughed out loud at done if the conversations they had. They both had a lot if insecurities to overcome but they eventually see what is right in front of them. I love how all the characters reappear in each book so it's like one continuous story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah west
Just add two more of her characters to my favorites list - first it was Joss & Braden, then Jo & Cam, then Ellie & Adam and now I am excited to add Liv & Nate to this list as well. They are simply adorable and I was captivated by their story. Another job well done and I can't wait to read the next book in the series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How romantic while one could tell immediately how the plot was going to happen! It was so well written that you were always just wondering! Liv is the quintessential insecure woman! We all look into that mirror and find fault! Not all of us are lucky to have a Nate standing right next to us saying "wrong.. "
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every single book in this series has been better than the last. Olivia and Nate. Yes, please.

Of all the couples from this series, these two are my absolute favorite. Olivia was easy to relate to and the easy of her melting into the group made me want to be her friend as well.

Ms. Young has really outdone herself with this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rick maynard
Good book, interesting plot and discussions. Could have expanded on the main characters more. Seemed to be somewhat skeletal, but entertaining. Next would do less on friends which only added unnecessary sketchiness to the story. Focus on the H/h.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yasmeen al wa l
Another great story by Samantha Young, this book lived up to the Dublin Street for sure. Liv and Nate are great characters and I really liked thier story. It was not necessarily a unique story however it was told well. It was funny, sad and of course hot!! For fans of Dublin Street and Down London Road, this is a must read.
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