Third Base (The Boys of Summer)

ByHeidi McLaughlin

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohsen pourramezani
Heidi has brought us a new level of amazingness with Third Base.

Ethan is the 2nd year 3rd baseman for the Boston Renegades, Daisy is the lifelong fan of the team. Eyes connect and that's all it takes.

Ethan travels a lot and Daisy is trying to finish college, both worlds aren't necessarily conducive to a relationship. One secret, however, may tear these two apart forever.

Can Ethan and Daisy overcome?

I absolutely adored this book by Heidi. She gave us so much detail that you can feel the game and the love building. It's a new level for her and one that she has aced completely!!

I very strongly recommend this book...I cannot wait for more in this series!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
First, this book is entirely male POV. It wasn't terrible but it felt like it was missing something.
Second, the writing was mediocre. It was free from grammatical errors but the story never hooked me. I predicted the big plot twists within the first chapter.
Cute little book but not ground breaking.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sheena strickland
**My review contains mild spoilers**

I hate to say it but I was not a fan. I've enjoyed almost everything McLaughlin has written so far but Third Base wasn't one of them.

Ethan Davenport is third baseman for the Boston Renegades. He's intrigued by the girl that sits in prime season ticket holder seats all by herself. He finally gets up the nerve to meet her. Daisy is a journalism student and obviously a huge Renegades fan. But she's also super secretive. Ethan isn't used to a woman not letting him in.

I don't know if McLaughlin intended for Daisy's secret to be shocking but it wasn't. I knew from page one and I knew the eventual reveal was going to be disastrous. That's the main reason I kept reading.

I didn't like Ethan. He was a toddler. I agree that Daisy should have told him sooner but his reactions to things even before he found out the secret were OTT. He was upset with Daisy longer than they were actually together. That combined with never getting Daisy's pov I just didn't feel their love. I didn't like his relationship with Sarah. FYI if detailed sex scenes with OW bother you, you should avoid this book.

And then from the reveal to the ending it was all anti-climactic. Such a disappointment.
A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design (3rd Edition) :: A Hands-On Guide to Data Manipulation in SQL (3rd Edition) :: Ballplayer :: from America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness :: Third Base
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stephanie paige ogburn
I actually liked the book but upset that I couldn't find anywhere that this was a revised book of the original that I bought and read in Novemeber. I thought this was another book/character. Disappointed I paid for this book twice!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa miller
The writing in this book felt very juvenile. I appreciated that the author knows baseball, but some of the things that she got wrong annoyed me (Tampa Bay's Team hasn't been the Devil Rays since 2008) and Ethan's timeline didn't make a ton of sense (he graduated from college two years ago, but he's 22)? It just felt like the author was so excited to get to the heart of the story that she didn't spend enough time laying a good foundation. Ethan's behavior was more than just a bit appalling, as was Daisy's. The story wrapped up rather abruptly and somewhat nonsensically (why would a west coast medical student have any pull in a Boston hospital?), and convinced me that I would not be interested in reading any more books in this series. Pity, because I really enjoy baseball romances. Ah well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 "Feel the Pull" Stars

Third Base is the first book Heidi McLaughlin's new series The Boys of Summer and it was a steller introduction to this new series. Told completely from the male hero, Ethan Davenport's perspective, the story kept me giggling, swooning and crossing my fingers and toes that everything would work out for Ethan and Daisy.

Ethan is one of the new up and coming stars in professional baseball. While he is a star on the field, he hasn't quite got a handle on how to deal with his fame off the field. Having made a few grave errors in judgement in the past, he is trying to overcome those by being more conscious of how he acts and what he says in public. But after spending the last year being being held back from doing much public speaking by the organization he plays for, he has to silently stew when a new blog starts taking aim at him. In addition, he is captivated by a fan who always sits along the third base line by herself and never misses a game. Finally deciding to make his move, he asks her out to dinner after a game and from there he starts to fall. But being in the public eye isn't easy and Daisy isn't really forthcoming so even though he feels a pull to her, he is constantly left scratching his head trying to figure out what is or isn't happening between them.

From the very start I was pulled into this story. Heidi sets the stage with the introduction to the team and players though the blog and from there the story takes off and never lets up. While we stay primarily inside Ethan's head, getting bits and pieces from the blog had my head spinning and me questioning everything. It was a fantastic way to build up the storyline and a brilliant plot device.

I also adored being inside Ethan's head. It was such a down to earth and realistic look inside a single, famous,
twenty-something's head. It's exactly how I imagine a guy thinks and feels. Ethan's focus was baseball, baseball, and more baseball with sex thrown in intermittently. He had me giggling and rolling my eyes at some of his thoughts because I can only imagine that his thoughts are probably shared by most boys as they try to figure out the opposite sex.

Watching Ethan try to woo Daisy was also a pleasure. It wasn't easy. He was constantly confused and didn't know how to go about it. It was really nice to have a hero who didn't have all the answers and openly admitted it. It only endeared me to him all the more. There were times I was frustrated with him and his decision making. He obviously wasn't perfect, but I guess that's the point. And I appreciated that honesty within the story.

I do wish that I could have better understood Daisy. She was such a silent character throughout the majority of the book. I didn't feel like I really got to know her until the end. I realize that was done on purpose to some extent, but at times during the first half of the book that I found myself questioning how Ethan felt so connected to Daisy when neither of us really seemed to know her. By the end though I was captivated by their relationship and was fully rooting for them. I loved the last bit of the story when we really got to see them work to get their HEA.

I've loved all of Heidi's work to date and this series is no different. I'm excited to see where she'll take The Boys of Summer and who we'll get to read about next. I'm definitely a super fan and will be patiently waiting to read whatever she comes up with next.

ARC provided to A is for Alpha B is for Books for honest review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I never comment on the editing of books, but this one I had to. It was like trying to read a 13 year old's facebook status. It needs some serious editing.
And I also thought there was no build up in the romance. Insta love is a killer for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca macdermott
ARC provided by author for an honest review.

I loved this book. Ethan is a third baseman for the Boston Renegades. He's their most eligible bachelor who can't stop reading a blog that is posted about the team and about rumors of the guys and him. He hates the blogger and what the person writes. But he can't stop reading every post written. It's like a love hate relationship.

Daisy is a season ticket holder who hasn't missed a game. She's always in the same seat watching Ethan and she's always alone. Ethan has noticed her but hasn't worked up his nerve to talk to her. He finally does and they meet. Daisy is very reserved with her personal life and won't easily open up about it.

I loved Ethan because though he has all he could ever want, he also wants to share with his family and the ones he cares and loves. He knows he's lucky to have the family he has and he loves and appreciates them. He would do anything to see them happy. He's the kind of guy who when he cares about someone he'll do whatever he can to make them happy. He will make you melt with how he treats Daisy.

I love how the relationship between Ethan and Daisy slowly develops. And he doesn't push her to do anything she's not ready for. He'll be Daisy's friend if that's what she wants. I like that Ethan is not one to think that because he's gone out with Daisy that they're immediately dating. He'll go at whatever pace she wants as long as they can hang out and get to know each other.

Daisy only has her grandfather in her life. But she slowly lets Ethan into her life and enjoys being with him. Daisy is a little mysterious and her little secret wasn't a surprise to me. There were little hints about her along the way about her but I can see why it was a bit of a problem between her and Ethan. There are the emotional parts that I love about Heidi McLaughlin's books in this one.

This is a quick read but it's full of all different kind of emotions. I highly recommend this book. It's one of Heidi McLaughlin's more sexiest book. If you haven't read a book by Heidi McLaughlin, give this one a try. You'll love it! And you'll be hooked on her books. Can't wait for what's next from Ms. McLaughlin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary jo frohne
4.5 For Love of the Game Stars

ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an HONEST review.

I loved this book from the very first page to the very last sentence. As a reader, we desire to be immersed in the story. The feel of each word should wrap around your mind and if you're lucky connect with your soul. Ms. McLaughlin has achieved both with this story.

Ethan is a rising star in professional baseball entering his sophomore year in the league. He's young and has made some "rookie" mistakes on how he handled himself off the field. While he's trying to right some wrongs, he's been keeping an eye on the girl by the third base line. They have made eye contact more times that he can count.

Daisy Robinson, a college student, is a true fan in every sense of the word. She never, EVER misses a Renegades home game. She sees third baseman Ethan Davenport each time and notices him glancing at her.

Ethan finally decides to make a move to get to know the mysterious girl he's been seeing since last season. Daisy isn't going to make this easy on Ethan either, but he's up for the challenge. Daisy has a seriousness about her that Ethan must take care to respect her boundaries. I truly adored how he treated Daisy with such care.

A lovely dance of flirting, getting to know one another and breaking down barriers of the heart are set before us. Such a emotional ride we are taken on for with our hero and heroine.

The story is rich with baseball, from facts about the game to locker room rapport. It serves to enhance the feel of the book. Yes, you should be familiar with the sport, but it will translate to those who don't adore the game of baseball. It becomes almost a supporting cast member in the book.

Another winner for Ms. McLaughlin.

Happy Reading~ Sherry
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bhagirath ramawat
Ethan Davenport is still trying to find his place among the Boston Renegades Team. After a rocky start his freshman year with his media faux pas and the gossip columns having a field day with his womanizing ways, Ethan is ready to show his worth to the GM and the rest of his team. His biggest concern is a blogger who seems to have it out for him. The BosReg Blogger is enemy #1 but that's not going to stop him from having a stellar year. Especially since the girl who sits behind the away team dugout starts showing a little interest in him out on the field.

Daisy Robinson is a die hard fan. A season ticket holder who stakes her claim to the Renegades history right behind the away team dugout - so when an usher shows up saying that Ethan Davenport would like to speak to her after a game, she was more than a little excited. Never did she think that Ethan would pursue her. And she certainly never thought she would start to have feeling for him either. The only thing is, she doesn't let people in. She has secrets that could ruin everything. Secrets she needs to keep hidden before they crush all of her dreams, especially the ones pertaining to Ethan.

Ethan... OH MY! That boy charmed the socks right off me from the beginning. He is a charmer, sexy as hell and knows what he wants. Daisy is strong, loyal and tough. She's not a girly girl but she has a sex appeal that radiates from her in a way that makes you root for her every step of the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“We’re not meant to be perfect in this world…”
~ Ethan Davenport

This story is about imperfect people who meet and struggle through a “normal” relationship. No, I do not mean the people in the relationship are normal but the relationship itself is normal. There are ups and downs and secrets that must come to light in order for it to go anywhere.

Ethan Davenport is Boston’s most eligible bachelor and the third baseman for the Boston Renegades baseball team. He is young, cocky but also very sweet and caring. He loves his family and is close with most his teammates. When he gives his heart to someone he gives it fully.

Daisy Robinson hasn’t had an easy life. She is taking what she has and making the most of it. She is sweet, lovable and easy to connect with. She is taking care of her grandfather while going to school and never missing a home Renegades game.

The secondary characters are all great. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Sarah but ended up respecting her and hoping she will eventually get her happily ever after.

The author keeps the reader engaged with the not only the main characters but the secondary as well. There are questions I have about the other characters that I hope are answered in future books. This was an easy quick read with great characters and smooth writing. I can’t wait to see who will get the next book (if there is one).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laura saunders
Ahh The Boys of Summer, Baseball, when is a better time to start a book about it than in the Spring when baseball is all over? Well, I can’t say that’s when I started it, no, I had this book laying around for awhile staring at me. I’m excited to say that I finally did get to read it though, and I LOVED Third Base.

Some general details about the book. First off and what stood out to me the most is that Third Base is written completely from the hero’s POV. Ethan and the inner workings of his mind are at times completely hilarious. This is a full-length novel with an HEA, there are a few moments in it that people are going to yell about, but they don’t detract from the story, in fact, they add to it. Warning, though. It may not be for everyone. Third Base starts a series called The Boys of Summer but it can be read as a standalone.

This book had me in side stitches from the first chapter just from laughing. I’ve never heard so many different words for penis and I own Varsity Blues. These guys are definitely guys, and I love that the author didn’t hold back with their personalities. You get a good look into the male psych and how they joke when there are no females present. The hero even tells you, guys are dogs.

I’m not really sure how much detail I want to go into on Ethan and Daisy meeting. I will say that if you read the synopsis you get a good idea. It’s a definite meet cute. Something I hadn’t seen in a book before and that drew me in. You have two people being very aware of each other and had been for awhile. These two have some insane chemistry, though. It’s cute, sweet and extremely heartwarming at certain points.

A side note, really fast. This book came out awhile back, it’s also had a cover change. That threw me but I do like this cover a lot better than the old one. It actually confused me because when I took the book to review, it had the other cover. Just to clear that up since both covers still appear on Goodreads. If you check the store, you’ll see the old one is discontinued.

The reason this one is a four for me and not a five is because I saw some of the plot writing on the wall. I think some of it was intentional, you know what Daisy is in school for from the beginning of Third Base. It’s easy to see it translating into drama. Overall, though, I’d read it again. I’m excited for the rest of the series. I really want to know what happens to some of Ethan’s teammates.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ignasi ravent s
Third Base by Heidi McLaughlin is a sport romance about an up and coming baseball playing eligible bachelor and a beautiful fan who rocks his world. Though I did enjoy this story, there were some things that I found lacking.

Ethan Davenport plays for the Boston Renegades and is in his second season. He is also known as Boston’s most eligible bachelor. He is hot, young and enjoying the perks afforded to him. But baseball is the most important thing to him. Until her.

Daisy Robinson is a journalism student who never misses a home game. For two years Ethan has watched Daisy watch him from the stands. He is intrigued by her. Ethan finally decides to make a move and meet this die-hard fan.

Can a famous athlete build a relationship with a normal girl? As an athlete, he has expectations to fulfill and pressure coming at him from all sides. Pressures like the blogger who is making his and his teammate’s lives miserable. But this girl makes him feel and want things he has not wanted before.

Can Ethan and Daisy survive the many obstacles they face as they begin this new journey together? With his travelling and team responsibilities, his free time is limited. Daisy is a student looking to graduate soon and responsibilities of her own. Once secrets begin to emerge, can this developing relationship endure?

I found this story a bit different. It is entirely in Ethan’s point of view, which surprised me a bit. I did, however, like seeing a confident, gorgeous man experience doubts and question how to build his relationship with Daisy. But it was hard to connect with Daisy sometimes because we did not know what she was thinking and why she did some of the things she did.

I did enjoy how this story weaved baseball stats and tactics into the story. I am a huge baseball fan. But there were times the story moved too fast with no transition from one stage to the next. It seemed a bit fragmented at times. I did love the Renegade teammates and cannot wait to read some of their stories.

There were many things I liked about Third Base, but other things that fell a bit flat for me. I liked seeing Ethan stumble through some of his decisions. I liked his honest reactions and how hard he tried to be the man he wanted to be on and off the field. I did have a hard time connecting with Daisy at times. I am not sure if this is because we did not get her point-of-view, but I think it had more to do with getting so little of her perspective. Overall, a good, quick read that was okay for me.

3.5 stars.

Reviewed for Reviews From The Heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Home run for Heidi McLaughlin with this absolutely amazing story of Ethan Davenport.

Ethan Davenport is the Boston Renegades most eligible bachelor. Ethan can pretty much have anyone he wants. Except he has his eyes on the mysterious girl behind the visitors' dugout. A girl whom attends every home game. A girl he wants to get to know.

Daisy Robinson is a die hard Renegades fan and attends every home game. She is not looking for a relationship, but will someone steal her heart like stealing a base? Or will she strike out on love? Find out in Third Base.

I absolutely LOVED Third Base. The characters are so real and the emotions they bring to the story are wonderful. Heidi goes so in depth in the story, that I seriously felt as though I was in the stands watching the baseball games. I have been to many baseball games and the way Heidi describes what is taking place, you are drawn in.

I highly recommend Third Base to everyone. It's a story you will not be able to put down. It's so real. The sport of baseball, the secrets, the rumors, the chance of falling in love, loss, wins, Third Base has it all and then some.

Third Base is a bases loaded, home run HIT!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenn malatesta
Third Base by Author Heidi McLaughlin is book one in The Boys of Summer series.

By all accounts, Ethan Davenport is at the top of the baseball world. However, his team has been down on its luck as of late and can't quite seem to get it all together. Daisy is the beautiful baseball babe that attends all of their home games, and steadfastly watches Ethan's every move. Their meeting was serendipitous, on many levels, and set the course for new things to come.

"Let's play, Ethan. Come hit a home run."

Told in first person point of view, Third Base was a novel rich with the games of baseball and love. Author Heidi McLaughlin wrote a story that showcased the ins and outs of the baseball world, bringing a reality of the game from the player's point of view. Injected into this world was a love story that was pure sugar and passion, showcasing the heat from the field that washed over into the bedroom. The sappy moments surprised me, as they came from one that I originally assumed to be more stoic and matter-of-fact. There were also some twists that took me a bit off-guard and brought complexity to the story line. A great start to this series. Can't wait for more.

"I see sunshine and happiness. I see someone who is the light at the end of what used to be a dark tunnel."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ana azevedo
Third Base was a pretty good book overall. I have found I rather enjoy books told only by the male. If this book had been told from Daisy's POV I don't think I would have liked it nearly as much. Ethan was also a likable guy. He isn't an up and coming rookie and he isn't a seasoned veteran either. It was nice to read about a pro athlete who isn't just out of college and yet hasn't made superstar status yet either. That provided Third Base with yet another unique perspective.
I figured out the plot twist by like chapter 2. Did it ruin the book for me? No but it did make it seem a bit slow. There is also an encounter with another woman after he has been out on a few dates with Daisy, so that might turn some people off. Third Base is a pretty straightforward contemporary romance. If you like your romance with a bit of heat (nothing excessive), sweet gestures, and people dealing with honest issues this is a good book to chose. I hope this continues into a series. I would like to know more about some of the other players!
Book Details:
POV: 1st (Ethan)
Tears: No
Trope: Baseball, superstar, virgin, secret identity
Triggers: None
Cliffhanger: No
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Third Base is the first book Heidi McLaughlin's new series The Boys of Summer. If you love baseball you are in for a treat because not only is this a baseball sports romance but the story is also filled with lots of baseball language. I have a feeling that Heidi McLaughlin channeled a lot of her love and knowledge of baseball that she learned from her dad as it is mentioned in her dedication.

There are many descriptive scenes that make me imagine that the game is happening. The story has a slow build up and is pretty straight forward.
Ethan Davenport is the Boston Renegades third baseman. As a second year starter he is fairly new to life in the public eye. He falls for Daisy Robinson, season ticket holder and fan whose seat is next to third base.

"There’s just something about her that keeps me interested, even though I don’t know her name, or anything about her."

"What I do know and like is how she’s at every home game, wearing her Renegades gear."

Daisy Robinson is a shy college student and season ticket holder with a huge love for baseball that she learned from her grandfather. She is quiet and closed off with a few secrets.

There is a slow build up as we get to know Ethan, Daisy and the entire Renegade team. The chemistry between Ethan and Daisy was hot, starting as a simmer and making its way to a boil!

A nice start to a series. If you love baseball then you will love Third Base!
3.75 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The boys of summer are back with a vengeance!! Ethan Davenport plays professional baseball for the Boston Renegades and is on of the cities most eligible bachelors. Daisy Robinson is a journalism major at the University of Boston and a huge baseball fan, enjoying season tickets to the Renegades and rarely missing a game. Ethan finds his eyes are drawn to her every time he takes the field to play. Finally getting the courage up to ask her out, the sparks between the two are immediate, even though Ethan feels as if Daisy is holding a piece of herself back. When he finally finds out the secret that she has been holding, he is devastated and the relationship implodes. Will they be able to work past this huge roadblock or is it too little, too late?

There are few things better in the spring than crack of the bat while eating a hot dog at a baseball game. For me, it always signals the end of winter and the promise of warmth to come. Third Base made me long for those days and I could almost feel the warmth of the sun on my skin while reading - as if I were in the stands at a Renegades game. I adored Ethan from page one, although there were times he was a tad full of himself. Daisy was a bit of a challenge to like, even after understanding her motives for doing what she did. Overall, Third Base was a very enjoyable and captivating read - the perfect beginning to baseball season!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben whitehouse
5 Baseball Stars

I am so happy I had the opportunity to read Third Base during Opening Day of baseball. Heidi McLaughlin’s Boys of Summer series is one of the best Baseball Sports Romances I have read. It’s obvious that Ms. McLaughlin was born and raised in a baseball family. Third Base brings out the story of baseball life and its sexy athletes.

Ethan Davenport knows what it takes to play for a professional baseball team, focus. He knows the game and knows he’s good. His plan now that he’s in his sophomore year with the Boston Renegades is to be the best. But there’s a girl who has redirected his focus on her and the empty seat next to her. She’s at every game and he swears he catches her looking right back at him sometimes.

Daisy Robinson doesn’t miss a Boston Renegades baseball game. She is either at the game or at school trying to finish her degree in Journalism. She can’t help but be a little shy and closed off when the Renegades’ most eligible superstar wants her attention.

Daisy and Ethan are ready to try at a relationship but conflicting schedules, travel and social media will be a big challenge for these two but not as much as the one secret Daisy is keeping.

Now is the perfect season to grab Third Base and surround yourself in baseball.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie al wakil
Heidi McLaughlin gets a home run with all three bases covered with this book. This story involves baseball and journalism, but best of all Ethan and Daisy. What an amazing couple.

Ethan Davenport is the third baseman for the Boston Renegades; Daisy Robinson is a college student who also happens to be a fan of the Boston Renegades. When their eyes meet at the stadium things start to happen. Ethan takes the first step and their relationship starts, but not everything is hearts and flowers, Ethan has a crazy schedule, traveling a lot and just a few days off. Daisy is a busy college student; so you can now imagine everything they have to go through, and then throw away secrets that threaten their relationship.

Heidi had me on a rollercoaster all the time, I enjoyed this book immensely, the pace of the book is constant making you want to read it all in one sit, I did, and I’m not a super baseball fan but I loved this book, it totally has now a place in my heart and as always will look forward for what Heidi writes next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annah l ng
*ARC provided by Publisher*

I love a good baseball story and this one was not only engaging but also completely compelling. Told entirely from the hero’s point of view, Third Base is a vastly entertaining read that not only takes you into the heart of baseball, but also into the heart of one of the fictional Boston Renegade’s most popular players. Ethan Davenport.

Ethan is a great romance hero. He’s unique and interesting and I really loved that we got to experience this story from his point of view. It’s what made the book so special for me. He’s attraction to Daisy is evident from the start, but it’s his falling in love with her that really made this book for me.

If you’re looking for a wonderful, well-written, fast-paced sports romance with a dynamite hero, look no further than Third Base by Heidi McLaughlin. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the characters. The entire book made me long to go to a major league baseball game and watch from the stands.

Fantastic read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love a good sports romance. As an avid follower of the San Francisco Giants, their top pitcher, Madison Bumgarner (MadBum) grew up in our hometown and went to school with my youngest, I'm always looking for this type of book. I especially like that the book is from Ethan's POV as most romances are from the female's POV, even though I didn't much like him. He was a jerk most of the time but he was funny. I can't imagine being attracted to someone like this even in my early dumb twenties and I loved someone who could make you laugh. Because of this it took me awhile to get into this book.
The sports story more than the romance is what kept me reading. One other thing I didn't like as a reader was finding out that this book had been previously released in 2015. In my opinion, all reprints should have to mention this on the front cover. Nothing pisses me off more than to buy a book and find out half way through it, that I've already read it and paid for it again.
This was a quick read but really just an okay read- nothing special.
ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlie hummel
SQUEEZZZE! First base, second base, third base, or home run … I will take it ALL!
HOT DARN!!! This story is amazingly hot, sweet, sexy, and oh so romantic. I was introduced to Heidi McLaughlin by one of my favorite authors Monica James. I met Heidi at the RT convention and got Third Base signed by her. You are right Monica! This author is amazing. I love her writing and this love story is so freaking sweet and heart-felt. I laughed, I cried, and I finished this baby in one sitting!!!!

Told from the male POV (Ethan) one of my favs – Check!
Adorable main characters and secondary characters – Check!
A lot of hot sex – Check!
Swoony Sporting Romance – Check!
All the feels (funny, sad, heart-warming and a fair amount of angst) – Check!
Mysterious plot that kept me intrigued and on my toes – Check! (although I had my suspicions about halfway though).
Gorgeous love story – Check!

Ethan is an obviously successful, sexy, popular guy, but he also has a soft and sweet side. At times I thought he had a bit of a temper but also has a good heart. Daisy - she is so sweet, innocent, and a little quirky. She has a difficult past but she did not let that change her or define who she is. Daisy is strong and determined to take care of herself and her papa. I like how Ethan and Daisy’s relationship slowly developed. Let’s just say there was a lot of eye-f.... from afar for nearly a year before Ethan worked up the nerve to ask Daisy out. They became friends and their romance blossomed. I love that they are both close with their family – I adore stories like this – it makes me all happy and gooey inside. I even like Ethan’s ex-girlfriend. I thought there might be big drama with that relationship but I am glad there was none for a change. The bathroom scene though … I was a little mad at Ethan for running to her right away after their break up. I understand they are on a break but I think personally I would be upset if I found out someone who claimed to have feelings for me was so quick to find another warm bed (or warm shower wink wink wink). But hey, this isn’t about me LOL Their relationship was quite turbulent with lots of ups and downs and make-up sex – best part obviously . However, I think Ethan and Daisy compliment and keep each other grounded. Knowing Daisy helped Ethan realize how to appreciate life and what he has more. Ethan showed Daisy that they can have trust and faith in each other. They both make mistakes but no relationship is perfect and that makes this story real.

Overall, this was a quick, sweet, sexy, and romantic love story. I enjoyed the author’s writing style – it flowed effortlessly from beginning to end. I adored that fact that the author knows so much about baseball and after reading the dedication I understood why (SUPER SWEET). The baseball updates and the gossip columns at the beginning of each chapter were absolutely entertaining. I am so looking forward to The Boys of the Summer # 2 …. Can’t wait!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joanna hernandez
3.5 stars-- THIRD BASE is the first installment in Heidi McLaughlin’s new adult, contemporary THE BOYS OF SUMMER baseball romance series focusing on the members of the professional baseball team the Boston Renegades. This is third baseman Ethan Davenport, and journalism student Daisy Robinson’s story line.

Told from first person point of view (Ethan) THIRD BASE follows Boston Renegades third baseman twenty two year old Ethan Davenport through his second season in the major leagues. At each home game, Ethan is enamored by one fan-a young woman behind the visitor’s dugout at each home game- and the woman who calls to Ethan’s heart. Enter twenty year old Daisy Robinson, a journalism student with season tickets to the Boston Renegades, and a woman with a secret that she holds close to her heart.

The relationship between Daisy and Ethan begins slowly as Daisy tries to keep Ethan at a distance. She is young woman who is struggling to make ends meet, while looking after he ailing grandfather and attending university every day. Daisy has a secret that if revealed, may mean the end of her relationship with Ethan Davenport. The $ex scenes are intimate without the over the top graphic sexual imagery but I will add that I did not ‘feel’ the emotional connection between the leading couple-the spark was missing from their relationship.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Daisy’s grandfather-a diehard Renegades fan, and a man who is struggling with his personal freedom. We are introduced to a number of the Boston Renegades players, coaches and managers, as well as Ethan’s parents, sister, and his niece Shea. Ethan’s ex girlfriend continues to play a role in our hero’s life that may be questionable to many readers. These are the twists that should have lead to some anxious moments but were brushed aside without much fanfare.

The world building follows the Boston Renegades on the road, at home, and in the locker room. Boys will be boys, as the saying goes, and nothing is off limits when the players begin to ‘play’.

THIRD BASE is an entertaining story where the heroine keeps secret another part of her life- a part that I guessed immediately therefore there was no surprise for me when revealed. The premise is enjoyable; the characters are animated; the romance is passionate and heartbreaking-you know there will be fallout when the truth is revealed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sharon wilson
Third Base was my first Heidi McLaughlin read and a good introduction to her writing I think. The story was a compelling one that kept my interest from the beginning without losing it at any part of the book. I liked how the author was able to tell the story in Ethan's POV completely and really get me to understand his character's personality. His character was a good one that I liked throughout the book, even when he was being a bit of a jerk

I do think I would have liked Daisy better if we got more of her in the beginning of the story. Since I started out not really feeling any emotion for her, good or bad, it made it so I could never connect with her character. I didn't have any negative feelings towards her, I just had none, and I was looking for that so that I could feel the chemistry between her and Ethan.

Bottom line, their story was a good one and this has left me eager to read more from this author. Her writing was engaging and kept me interested, and the story she wove through the pages made me smile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina p
Ethan Davenport is a rising star in professional baseball and is not only catching the eye of his competitors & the ladies, but also catching the eye of blogger who has it out for him and is going out of their way to tarnish his ever growing star. He has made some mistakes along the way, and paid dearly for them, but having this blogger shine a light on all of them is almost more than he can take, and it's starting to take it's toll on him... on and off the field! He needs to find something to take his mind off all of the negativity the blogger has brought about and the minute he spots the beautiful girl seated behind the visitors’ dugout the negativity slowly starts to slip away. Having her eyes on him game after game brings him a sense of peace he's never known, now he just has to work up the nerve to talk to her...

Boston University Journalism student Daisy Robinson is a die hard Renegades baseball fan due in part to her grandparents, it's a long standing tradition started by her grandfather and now that he's not always able to attend she makes sure she never misses a home game. Being behind the dugout allows her to have a good view of the game, and also the players... and there's one player in particular who she seems to have made an impression on. Every time she sees him wander onto the field he seeks her out, and they exchanged heated glances during the duration of the game, but she doesn't expect anything to actually come of it... he's a star and so out of her league! What would he want with a girl like her...

I absolutely love romance stories with a sports theme, and I have to say this first read from Ms. McLaughlin definitely held up against some of my favorites. The minute I saw the cover for this one I was intrigued, it inspired me to immediately go in search of the synopsis, and shortly there after I was clicking the request button... and boy oh boy am I glad that I did!! Ethan and Daisy's story grabbed my attention right from the start and had me flying through the pages in search of their well deserved happy ending... and I am happy to report I found it and SO much more!! Their story was brimming with scorching intensity, smoldering passion, and some truly spectacular toe curling romance that had me in dire need of a fan!! Highly recommend you give this one a try, Ethan is sure to score a special place in your heart, and have you looking at baseball players in a whole new light!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kelly coppinger
Three stars for this sports romance re-release by new to me author Heidi McLaughlin. I wanted to give this book a try because it clicked so many boxes for me 1- written in the male POV which can be so refreshing and funny 2 - baseball (which is a sport I know and love) 3 - romance. I figured with so many positives I couldn't go wrong but I just did not connect with the characters. The story itself was very well written and easy to read I personally just wanted more.

Daisy Robinson is a student at the University of Boston, majoring in journalism. Daisy's grandfather is a season ticket-holder but since it is hard for him to get around she attends most of the games solo now. While Daisy is flattered by the all the attention from Ethan she is well aware of his reputation and is in no hurry to be one of many on his long list of one-night stands. Firmly placing Ethan in the friend-zone seems like the best idea for this way too busy lady, until it starts getting harder and harder to keep him there...

Ethan Davenport is in his second year as the third baseman for the Boston Renegades. Cocky, arrogant, manwhore Ethan is one of the best players in professional baseball yet his team is in a slump trying to clinch the wildcard which tends to have an effect on any guy. While looking over at the dugout he sees the same beautiful girl that is always there shouting words of encouragement to the team. Ethan being the charismatic man that he is has an usher ask her to meet him after a game and this starts their unconventional friendship...

Sports romance lovers will enjoy all the subtle nuances the author placed on "playing the bases". Good start for a series that I will definitely continue if she writes more :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heidi McLaughlin hits it out of the park with Third Base. To say that Ethan and Daisy stole the show is an understatement. After having read McLaughlin's other series, I was a tad worried going into Third Base that nobody could steal away the love I felt for Liam Page (or Westbury, depending on which version of that lovable bad boy you prefer), but Ethan Davenport hit a grand slam!!!

If you're looking for a book with a baseball playing bad boy with a reputation for living outside the box, and a love story to melt even the coldest of hearts, Third Base is going to be your ticket.

Thank you Heidi for another fantastic book that'll keep you guessing and keep the pages turning. I almost canceled Halloween to finish, but alas, my kids needed their candy.

Five "I finally understand a little more about baseball" stars for Ethan and Third Base.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dutch vanduzee
Since the summer weather was sticking around and I was in the mood for something a bit lighter I decided to give Third Base a shot. It has been quite a while since I've read something from Heidi McLaughlin but I remember enjoying her work. And this book is no exception. This book is equal parts sweet, funny, sad and sexy. I enjoyed the dual POV and getting into both Ethan and Daisy's head (and heart).

I really liked Daisy, shes hard not to like. She works hard, takes care of her family and is doing her best trying to get by while still taking time to enjoy her favorite thing, baseball. And while enjoying the game, she is equal parts captivated and entertained by the antics of the sexy third basemen Ethan Davenport. And he is just as enthralled. The chemistry is there in spades, you can feel it rippling through the pages. One of my favorite things about Ethan is his relationship with his family. Seeing him interact with his niece is what really sealed the deal for me. And his big grand gesture towards Daisy after he had messed up didn't hurt his case either.

I will say that I figured out the twist early on but was still anxious to see what the fall out would be. Let me tell you, it was pretty big. When Ethan realizes, with the insight from an unexpected source, that he needs to man up and go get the girl I let out an audible sigh of relief. I loved seeing this softer side of him and was glad that it was a side that only Daisy brought out. These two are perfectly suited for each other. He is the right amount of wild to Daisy's calm and orderly. And she is Ethan's escape from the limelight, the touch of reality in his whirlwind life.

Third Base is the first book in what is sure to be a fun new series, The Boys of Summer. Heidi created a cast of lovable and wonderfully flawed characters. Everyone is represented- from the player to the cheater and the devoted family man. I can't wait to meet them all! And who doesn't love them an athlete?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james haire
Ethan Davenport is a third baseman for the Boston Renegades and the most eligible bachelor in Boston. Daisy Robinson is a journalism major and a die-hard Renegades fan who never misses a game. When their paths finally cross the chemistry between them is instant yet Daisy has secrets that could make or break them. I absolutely love Heidi McLaughlin's writing style. She truly pulls you into this story with her detail of the game and gossip surrounding it. Third Base is fast paced, entertaining and full of drama. I enjoyed the banter between Ethan, Daisy and the supporting characters as well. There wasn't a dull moment in this book and I wasn't able to put it down until I finished it. I love Sports Romance and this may be one of the best I've read this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HOME RUN, WORLD SERIES WINNER!!!! Yes this is coming from a chick that could care less about baseball.

With that being said, I was still engulfed in this story do to the fact that the way it was written & worded I was able to understand it all. For you see it is about the characters coming together with a splash of baseball. Again it is about Ethan & Daisy finding love in each other & building love together. It is about the guys in the locker room (Kidd ❤) being a team, being there for one another (even if some are needing a swift kick in the bum bum).
Ethan Davenport, most eligible bachelor in Boston. Third baseman for the Boston Renegade with a rump that the ladies just want to smack. We learn that when he falls he falls hard & fast just like the way he hits those balls out of the park. You see he may have a hook up while traveling state to state with the team yet when he sets his eyes on Daisy he is hooked. But you see BoRe Bloggers is following his every move and his only concern right now is protecting her from them & the out lash hatred that the fans may bring to her.
Ethan wants to give Daisy & her grandpa the world. However, there is a problem. Some would say it is a small problem yet Daisy is afraid that if Ethan finds out he is going to leave her. This secret that she is holding is so big that she does not even know how to tell him without breaking his heart, without hurting him. Yet like always what you try to hide will always rise to the top eventually and sadly it something that he cannot forgive.
As time passes though he cannot forget her touch, her words of wisdom. He forget HER! What is a man to do?????
Grab this book NOW an fall head over heels in love with Ethan for his heart is as big as Shea stadium, if not bigger for the ones he love. He is the alpha male that will go above & beyond to give & show his love & devotion to the ones that have his heart.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Three stars for this sports romance re-release by new to me author Heidi McLaughlin. I wanted to give this book a try because it clicked so many boxes for me 1- written in the male POV which can be so refreshing and funny 2 - baseball (which is a sport I know and love) 3 - romance. I figured with so many positives I couldn't go wrong but I just did not connect with the characters. The story itself was very well written and easy to read I personally just wanted more.

Daisy Robinson is a student at the University of Boston, majoring in journalism. Daisy's grandfather is a season ticket-holder but since it is hard for him to get around she attends most of the games solo now. While Daisy is flattered by the all the attention from Ethan she is well aware of his reputation and is in no hurry to be one of many on his long list of one-night stands. Firmly placing Ethan in the friend-zone seems like the best idea for this way too busy lady, until it starts getting harder and harder to keep him there...

Ethan Davenport is in his second year as the third baseman for the Boston Renegades. Cocky, arrogant, manwhore Ethan is one of the best players in professional baseball yet his team is in a slump trying to clinch the wildcard which tends to have an effect on any guy. While looking over at the dugout he sees the same beautiful girl that is always there shouting words of encouragement to the team. Ethan being the charismatic man that he is has an usher ask her to meet him after a game and this starts their unconventional friendship...

Sports romance lovers will enjoy all the subtle nuances the author placed on "playing the bases". Good start for a series that I will definitely continue if she writes more :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glenna reynolds
Heidi McLaughlin hits it out of the park with Third Base. To say that Ethan and Daisy stole the show is an understatement. After having read McLaughlin's other series, I was a tad worried going into Third Base that nobody could steal away the love I felt for Liam Page (or Westbury, depending on which version of that lovable bad boy you prefer), but Ethan Davenport hit a grand slam!!!

If you're looking for a book with a baseball playing bad boy with a reputation for living outside the box, and a love story to melt even the coldest of hearts, Third Base is going to be your ticket.

Thank you Heidi for another fantastic book that'll keep you guessing and keep the pages turning. I almost canceled Halloween to finish, but alas, my kids needed their candy.

Five "I finally understand a little more about baseball" stars for Ethan and Third Base.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Since the summer weather was sticking around and I was in the mood for something a bit lighter I decided to give Third Base a shot. It has been quite a while since I've read something from Heidi McLaughlin but I remember enjoying her work. And this book is no exception. This book is equal parts sweet, funny, sad and sexy. I enjoyed the dual POV and getting into both Ethan and Daisy's head (and heart).

I really liked Daisy, shes hard not to like. She works hard, takes care of her family and is doing her best trying to get by while still taking time to enjoy her favorite thing, baseball. And while enjoying the game, she is equal parts captivated and entertained by the antics of the sexy third basemen Ethan Davenport. And he is just as enthralled. The chemistry is there in spades, you can feel it rippling through the pages. One of my favorite things about Ethan is his relationship with his family. Seeing him interact with his niece is what really sealed the deal for me. And his big grand gesture towards Daisy after he had messed up didn't hurt his case either.

I will say that I figured out the twist early on but was still anxious to see what the fall out would be. Let me tell you, it was pretty big. When Ethan realizes, with the insight from an unexpected source, that he needs to man up and go get the girl I let out an audible sigh of relief. I loved seeing this softer side of him and was glad that it was a side that only Daisy brought out. These two are perfectly suited for each other. He is the right amount of wild to Daisy's calm and orderly. And she is Ethan's escape from the limelight, the touch of reality in his whirlwind life.

Third Base is the first book in what is sure to be a fun new series, The Boys of Summer. Heidi created a cast of lovable and wonderfully flawed characters. Everyone is represented- from the player to the cheater and the devoted family man. I can't wait to meet them all! And who doesn't love them an athlete?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alannah dibona
Ethan Davenport is a third baseman for the Boston Renegades and the most eligible bachelor in Boston. Daisy Robinson is a journalism major and a die-hard Renegades fan who never misses a game. When their paths finally cross the chemistry between them is instant yet Daisy has secrets that could make or break them. I absolutely love Heidi McLaughlin's writing style. She truly pulls you into this story with her detail of the game and gossip surrounding it. Third Base is fast paced, entertaining and full of drama. I enjoyed the banter between Ethan, Daisy and the supporting characters as well. There wasn't a dull moment in this book and I wasn't able to put it down until I finished it. I love Sports Romance and this may be one of the best I've read this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara grady
HOME RUN, WORLD SERIES WINNER!!!! Yes this is coming from a chick that could care less about baseball.

With that being said, I was still engulfed in this story do to the fact that the way it was written & worded I was able to understand it all. For you see it is about the characters coming together with a splash of baseball. Again it is about Ethan & Daisy finding love in each other & building love together. It is about the guys in the locker room (Kidd ❤) being a team, being there for one another (even if some are needing a swift kick in the bum bum).
Ethan Davenport, most eligible bachelor in Boston. Third baseman for the Boston Renegade with a rump that the ladies just want to smack. We learn that when he falls he falls hard & fast just like the way he hits those balls out of the park. You see he may have a hook up while traveling state to state with the team yet when he sets his eyes on Daisy he is hooked. But you see BoRe Bloggers is following his every move and his only concern right now is protecting her from them & the out lash hatred that the fans may bring to her.
Ethan wants to give Daisy & her grandpa the world. However, there is a problem. Some would say it is a small problem yet Daisy is afraid that if Ethan finds out he is going to leave her. This secret that she is holding is so big that she does not even know how to tell him without breaking his heart, without hurting him. Yet like always what you try to hide will always rise to the top eventually and sadly it something that he cannot forgive.
As time passes though he cannot forget her touch, her words of wisdom. He forget HER! What is a man to do?????
Grab this book NOW an fall head over heels in love with Ethan for his heart is as big as Shea stadium, if not bigger for the ones he love. He is the alpha male that will go above & beyond to give & show his love & devotion to the ones that have his heart.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love sports. And I especially love baseball. So you can imagine my love for sports romance and to know that I will be diving into a baseball sports romance makes me giddy. Third Base is the first book that I have read from Heidi McLaughlin and it definitely won’t be my last.

Third Base has all the makings to be a grand slam but sadly this book fell short in the aspect of showing a strong tangible chemistry between the hero and heroine. I will say that this book was able to score a home run and a few runs in my book in that it was a quick sweet and lovable story. I just wished Ms. McLaughlin walked us through each bases of the story before trying to hit the readers with that big grand gesture of love.

While this book had the baseball analogy and references down, it lacked the emotional and strong chemistry to pull me into the read. Overall, this book was a quick summer read and might be a hit for those sports romance fans but for me it was an okay read.

~Michelle of Four Chicks Flipping Pages
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aigerim zhuma
I Really enjoyed the first book in this new series.
Third Base has everything you need in a book - awesome characters, hot sex, plenty of romance and a solid plot that keeps you turning them pages.
Ethan plays for Boston Renegades, he always sees the same pretty girl at each home game, this intrigues him so naturally he needs to know more about her,
Ethan finally plucks up the courage to ask her out but will things get in the way for this budding romance? Daisy with her secret and the fact that Ethan is a famous ball player with a hectic schedule.
One thing that is guaranteed you will love this book it had me hooked from page one and now has me wanting the next instalment!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While reading THIRD BASE I was positively surprised.

I like baseball, but don't follow it religiously and while reading this book, I became so invested that I needed to research all the definitions about the sport. It was definitely worth it, seeing as how much I actually learned.

Third Base follows the building relationship Ethan Davenport, a professional baseball player, and Daisy Robinson, a student.

I love that it wasn't all love and flowers (see what I did there?), but a wide range of emotions battling not only inside Ethan and Daisy, but me too.

Their love is a fast paced story, they feel a lot and quickly, and whilst I generally don't appreciate a romance to be too quick, Ethan and Daisy's wasn't hurried in any sense.

I appreciated that Heidi went into Ethan's 'pre-Daisy' life, not too deep, but just the right amount to help me see where he comes from, and the same goes for Daisy's life before Ethan. It was mentioned, talked about and moved on from – thank God!

Tragedy wasn't far either, but it came at the right moment, and while I shed a tear... or five, I understood why and how it made them stronger.

The best thing about Third Base is that whilst Ethan and Daisy are a great couple, wonderful together, they are also brilliant as individuals, headstrong and hearts of gold.

For anyone who considers reading this book, be warned, secrets are included, but they are so interwoven in this story, that I couldn't imagine it being without, it left me guessing up until the very moment the big 'reveal' was before my eyes.

I'd like to thank Heidi for sharing this wonderful story (and hopefully more of them, including baseball... see what I did again? Hint: I need more and quickly!).
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
dell smith
Third base was a quick and somewhat cute baseball romance that centered around a young Boston Renegades (I guess they couldn’t use Red Sox) player. The secret that tears them apart is pretty easy t figure out. I enjoyed this story, basically, but it could have been so much more than it was. There were some real opportunities for character development that didn’t happen, and the narrative voice, which was 100% Ethan’s point of view, really took away from the story, to be honest. I suppose the author was trying to keep us from discovering the secret, but his voice was juvenile and repetitive. I would have rather known the secret and gotten more from their relationship. In the end, while this was ok, it didn’t grab my attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ali panahi
Received in exchange for a honest review..

Ethan doesn’t seem like he is the sharpest knife in the drawer at times but he has a heart of gold. I loved his openness and honesty. He didn’t hide things. He was who he was and that was how it was. You could tell though that he was missing his family and lonely. As a baseball pressure he was scrutinized and had no privacy. What I liked was how he found Daisy. She was sitting on the third base side of the field at home games. She just intrigued him and he wanted to get to know her. So he brings her for burgers after a game and forgets his wallet. But he lives up to his word and buys her lunch the next day. He is a gentlemen as well. He wanted to get to know Daisy for Daisy and not as someone just to hop in bed with.

Daisy kept a secret from Ethan one that really hurt him but he forgave. It wasn’t the what the secret was it was that Ethan felt betrayed. Like she didn’t trust him and took away his choice to stay or go. He was a supportive guy throughout the book of her. He encouraged her at school. Helped with her grandfather to give him days of joy. He was just a all around good guy.

Daisy had alot going on in her world and did have a little chip on her shoulder toward Ethan. She saw him first as a easy target in journalism because he was so honest and friendly. He didn’t think before doing things sometimes. Sometimes this worked well like the speech he gave at the rotary club other times not like the twitter post of his address so he can meet the neighbors. Not good. But no matter what his heart was in the right place. As Daisy got to know him the chip went away but the guilt didn’t. She did a stupid mistake on that one. She isn’t a bad person but was in a tough situation with her schooling, grandfathers health bills, etc and this made her afraid. Afraid to trust Ethan with something that hurt him in the end. He did forgive but it was tough on him. Daisy’s world was different than Ethan’s and she felt awkward at times but Ethan didn’t see them as anything but Daisy and Ethan. Not girl after baseball player just Daisy and Ethan and that helped ease her mind. Daisy sees a soft sweet side to Ethan and it helps her fall for him and truly see what Ethan is about.

The story is nicely paced and sweet. There are moments that are sexy and sensual. Some that are swoony and some that have you smile and go awww…Ethan with Daisy’s grandfather and all he did for him was swoonworthy. He really did have a heart of gold. His honesty was refreshing to see. He didn’t hide and accepted his flaws. He was overall a good strong character as was Daisy. Watching the secrets of the clubhouse unfold was sad because it brought a level of discord for Ethan and Daisy due to the guilt Daisy felt. Ethan tried to stay oblivious of what was going on around him there so that he didn’t lose himself and who he was. You feel bad for him there and when he finds out Daisy’s secret. He is unrelenting at first but he loves her and still wants her in his life just now scared because she didn’t trust him and wasn’t upfront with him. That was where your heart went out to him. Daisy had heartbreak as well and you do feel for her for she loses so much in the book but gains as well. We see her grow and become more balanced and trusting. She begins to see that Ethan and her aren’t in separate worlds they are just who they are and what others may think doesn’t matter. The building of the relationship was great we got to see the different stages that a relationship goes through although the attraction was through the roof here they still took the time to know each other. A sweet swoony and sexy story with a male character who is real, flawed and honest and has a heart of gold and a female character who is the one that messes up and learns about love, life and trust. A story on love, trust and honesty. Of acceptance and life. I look forward to seeing them in future books and reading the next in this fun sexy series.
Please RateThird Base (The Boys of Summer)
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