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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed said
This was such a great friends to Romance book. Ellie and Coby have known each other their whole lives and are best friends.
It takes several things for them to have happen to realize that they are meant to be more than friends.

I can’t wait for more from these 2 authors!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
********* I loved every single minute I spent reading this great book, I LOVED the characters, Cody and Ellie. T
I experienced several emotions at the same time, I cried, I laughed and got angry at the main characters. This due should continue producing books as delightful as this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria krueger
I love the kind of friendship between Ella and Coby and how they adapted to being separated after being together for so long. This story will make you wish for the kind of relationship they have.

Kudos to the authors for a job well done! Hoping for more from them.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seneca thornley
Out of this world ballpark read. I honestly hope there is more to be read. Either for these characters or for another character I mean this book was amazing. The way you both just put those words together, how they flew out. I need and want more please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
crystal nash
I really like this book. Ellie and Cody were amazing together. I would have liked for them to come together a lot sooner in the story and to see more of them together as I felt the end was a bit rushed. Overall though it’s a good story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this true friends to lovers romance. Ellie and Coby were so made for each other. I loved the reminiscing from their days in high school to their present time. This is my honest review and I recommend reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jess cannady
This was a fun and enjoyable friends to lovers romance. Coby and Ellie were perfect for one another....even though they denied each other for so long! Looking forward to seeing what Stella comes up with next!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
matt devandry
A very cute friends to more than friends storyline.

The two have been best friends forever and it was a platonic relationship until they go down separate paths after high school. She pursued college and he went on to pro ball. They lose their v cards to each other. They date other people during these college/pro ball years, but the H cannot get past third base with his dates. Hence, the title. At the end, we find out the h also had the same problem with her relationships. So you find out that they were still each other's one and only some years later.

Likes : dual point of views, very likeable H whom obviously is crazy about the h, both obviously love each other since neither could get past third base with other people

Dislikes: too much filler in the story, the story seem a lot longer than necessary and dragged in many places, did not like the h as much as I liked the H since she just seem clueless at times

It was an enjoyable read and would have been better if the two did not dance around the I love you issue so much. That took up the entire book since they did not admit their feelings until the end.

A recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my first time reading from this author and I must say it's was worth it. This story was a little bit different from any other books I have read so far. The writing was so good and the characters are something else..Lol. Great work Stella!!! I hope to read more books from you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pat thomas
Okay, so I’m really quite surprised by this book. I love Leddy Harper and Stephie Walls’ Bound duet did things to me that to this day I’m still recovering from. So, I kind of had built up some expectations and yada yada, but a word of warning— go in with an open mind. Third Base is such an unique and gorgeous story. It really is so different other plots that have the same tropes. It’s not an easy read, but it’s not dark… it’s this fantastical cocktail of angst and slow burn. I’m trying to explain without giving anything away because opening this book is like opening a present on Christmas morning that you didn’t even think you wanted, but you can’t help but love it. If that makes sense? Basically, it’s be-a-u-ti-ful!

So, plot wise there are some elements of this book that kind of resonate with the Bound duet, although for me Third Base is a book of two halves— one half has more of a coming of age feel and then it evolves to a friends to lovers romance. I actually really enjoyed this, even if it was a rather slow (and somewhat angsty) burn romance. This is definitely one of those books that you have to invest yourself in because the plot and character progression are very much interwoven and the romance builds at a relaxed pace. Again, I liked this. It really injected some freshness into the the friends to lovers trope. For me it was so good to read a book where the characters grow into themselves and they have lives outside of their relationship (man, this non-spoiler thing is difficult). It was also fantastic to have a plot that didn’t go at a million miles an hour. I felt like I was a part of a journey. Like Coby and Ellie were my friends and I was experience their story with them rather than seeing it from the outside. The emotions and the motions that these characters go through aren’t the easiest and this story could’ve felt like too much, but Ms. Harper’s and Ms. Wells’ writing was just bang on the money. They turned words into living and breathing sentiments. At times they felt like bullets ripping through my heart and others like rays of eternal sunshine.

Character wise…well, I need to say this—Third Base has one of THE best developed casts I’ve ever read. The secondary characters were great. I swear Gage… I just want him so much. There times where I actually preferred him to Coby. Especially when Coby was nothing but an immature twat. Basically I just wanted more of him. Anywho… when it came to Ellie and Coby I have to admit that there were moments where I struggled with them. Their actions were sometimes just so freaking stupid, but that is a part of their character progression and maturity throughout the story. Once they come into themselves I was in rapture over them. They weren’t the most romantic of characters, but their friendship is something that plays a big part in who they are. They truly are friends that genuinely care for one another. Coby is sweet and he isn’t the best people person. His social skills are lacking, but he knows it and in many ways he uses Ellie as a crutch. Saying that he still has this very much jock-ish attitude about him that actually balances him out. On the other hand Ellie is very much a nerd. She is all about the books and learning. Although they can’t fathom being far from each other they have different paths to follow. I loved that Ellie is strong enough to follow through with what she wants for herself and doesn’t allow her identity to be lost to male counterpart. I also liked that wasn’t just waiting around for Coby, but she was still true to herself when he needed her. She never fought the desire to help and care for Coby. I really liked that. It showed her strength.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. I don’t know whether I’ll read it again, but it definitely offered a very different experience to the usual friends to lovers trope. Saying that, I am very much looking forward to more from this author duo, and I really do hope that there is more from them. I’d love it if Gage got his own book. He is just divine and I want more of him. Here’s to hoping!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really really enjoyed this book!

From the very first chapter I was desperate to see where it was going!

I am a die hard Leddy Harper​ fan so there was no way I wasn't going to get on board this debut novel by her and Stephie Walls​!

This one was a massive slow burn but if you love a true friends to lovers story them this one will give you all the feels!

I must admit - there was something about the connection between Ellie and Coby, it was slightly off kilter throughout the pages but I think that it was that 'not quite right" connection between them that held me captive.

Life isn't scripted and to me it felt like this book became more relatable because there was such a sense of will they / won't they?!

Lets not forget the added bonus of .....SPORTS ROMANCE - BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my absolute favourite genres to read!!!

I loved the way secondary characters seemed so confused by the friendship Ellie and Coby felt like that confusion made their friendship even more scared and special.

These two were adorable!

...and speaking of secondary characters...



Please give him a book!

As we travelled the ups and downs with Ellie and Coby one thing seemed to remain true for me as a reader...Gages' story is busting a valve to get out onto the pages! (lol)

Such a great debut by two talented authors who have spared nothing with the blood, tears and emotions throughout these pages!

Great read!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joan brown
Third Base by Stella

“Friends to lovers, 4 stars”

Coby and Ellie grew up side by side. Coby and Ellie’s mothers were best friends so when Coby’s mom passed Ellie’s mom stepped into the mom role for him. No one ever understood their relationship. People always assumed they were together even though they never were. Until one-day things started to change.

Coby and Ellie had their lives planned out. Then with some luck those plans changed, but never fear they stayed close. This is a story of how one day you wake up and realize you’re in love with your best friend. What do you even do? Do you admit it and possibly ruin that relationship? Or keep it to yourself and just let things be?

I liked Coby and Ellie. I wanted to strangle them for not seeing what was right in front of them, but it was slightly sweet. I loved Gage who started as Coby’s friend and morphed into Ellies. I like how they never held each other back and always wanted what was best. I genuinely liked the story, but for some reason I just can’t rate it a 5. I think it may be because for me I like a little more relationship not friendship before the happily ever after. With that said though, it was a solid story I enjoyed.

Plot- 5/5


Heat- 3/5

Writing style-4/5

Overall- 4/5

**SBR Reviews**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven halford
As cliché as it sounds, this duo of authors knocked this one out of the park! This friends to lovers romance begins with a guy and a girl that have been friends since birth....literally.  Ellie and Coby are there for each other through some really amazing things, and some really horrible things.  They are absolutely amazing friends.  The loyalty and love they show each other is unbelievable and the  epitamie of a perfect friendship.  

This book spans a time frame of about 4 to 5 years, with some earlier flashbacks.  College, careers, relationships.  This couple deals with it all.  Ellie is a stereotypical good southern girl. The very best friend a guy could have.  She encourages and looks out for Coby even when he doesn't look out for himself.  Coby is a geek turned jock who never really moved to the jock mindset.  

Although the characters have known each other forever, this is definitely more of a slow burn romance.  Although the story takes place over an extended period of time, the transitions and story line were smooth and easy to follow.  It was a great story, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for a sequel! 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike jonze
Third Base by Stella was an engaging yet unique friends to lovers romance. Stella is the alter ego of Stephie Walls and Leddy Harper and this is their debut novel. The story started off slow but as the book progressed it soon picked up and you were quickly sucked into the lives of Coby and Ellie.
These two have been friends since childhood and the book is based around that friendship. We are taken on a journey through their their lives from high-school to after college and the strength of their friendship is highlighted throughout the story. Coby and Ellie were friends first and throughout the years nothing and no-one was ever able to change that fact.
The story was original in that the romance aspect of this story did not start until about 80% in, yet I loved it. The characters were well-developed, the secondary characters were amazing, the story line well thought out and well written. I really enjoyed this novel and even though it had a slow start I was soon hooked until the end. This was a fantastic read and I would highly recommend it.
**I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like Keith & Watts' friendship in Some Kind of Wonderful, Third Base is a terrific story of life long friends and the romantic trials and tribulations they experience as they grow up. Coby & Ellie have been friends since birth and have never been apart in their journey of life. All of that changes when Coby goes into the Major Leagues and Ellie goes off to college. Their friendship is super tight and because it's a male/female friendship, many speculate about what is really going on.

It was a really enjoyable read. The characters and their backstory are quickly established so there is never any second guessing as to who someone is and there is lots of family support for their dreams. This story is a "slow burn" and I would recommend it to my younger cousins as it's not overly sexual.

Stella is the writing team of Leddy Harper (no relation) and Stephie Walls and they really hit it out of the park with this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Third Base is a really sweet, natural progression of a friends to lovers story. Coby and Ellie have been best friends since birth. Neither one is all that popular in their small town, but they are thick as thieves. After graduation they go separate ways, but continue to stay in constant contact. Ellie forms new relationships in college and Coby does the same on the baseball team. It was nice seeing a real genuine friendship where neither ever let the other down. Coby and Ellie go through a lot of ups and downs before finally figuring out that maybe they should be together. I loved the way they loved each other. It was obvious to everyone but them that they belonged together. I thoroughly enjoyed this sweet romance and hope to read the next book by this author duo soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali rubinfeld
Ellie and Coby have been best friends all their lives. They have always had a plan of getting out of their home town and going to college together, but when Coby is offered a job pitching in the major league he takes the chance with Ellie's blessing. For some reason Ellie and Coby keep everyone else at arms length except each other, will they ever get past third base? What a great story. I loved Coby and how vulnerable he was with Ellie but at the same time so afraid of telling her what was really in his heart. Ellie was so determined and blind at the same time. I love how they were both there supporting the other no matter what. Stella is a great story teller and I loved how she built the tension and then revealed. Excellent book and definitely a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Star Review by Jodi for Ruby Red Romance Review

I loved this book. I loved Ellie and Colby. I love how comfortable they were with each other. There is no greater love than the love of a best friend. While Ellie is off at school, Colby is learning to adjust to his new team.

I loved these two. When they were together they were the only ones in the room. I loved how much they loved each other by were to blind to see it, even when everyone around them could see it. The supporting characters in this book were fun and exciting.

Stella is the collaboration between two amazing authors, Leddy Harper and Stephie Walls. Third Base is an amazing story and I can't want to see what's to come.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer gray
SMH, this book could have been so good. Instead the authors decided to drag it o-u-t for as long as they could, but I will give them credit for an incredible ending. It just forever to get there. While the premise was a really great idea for a friends to lovers to HEA, I almost quit on the book. So much of it was redundant that I found myself skipping chapters, not pages, chapters.

Coby and Ellie were great characters and I really wish their story to their HEA had been more effectively told. The side characters, especially Gage, were entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom newman
Truly a perfect friend to lovers story, the kind of story every girl dreams of having. Coby and Ellie had been best friends since childhood and had been there for each other through it all. There was such a great amount of detail and insight into each of their lives both together and individually it created for a story that wasn't rushed but incredibly thought out. Watching this friendship blossom and then the good tension that arrived just created for a truly heartwarming story.

One of the BEST sports romance, friends to lovers story out there!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Third Base is a amazing friends to lover book. Stella delivered a swoon worthy book with ups and downs, that will have you falling in love with Ellie and Coby. Can they get pass their downs or will everything ruin their friendship? This is one book we'll you'll be telling all your book reading friends about.

Book Haven Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
paul cannon
This was definitely not what I was expecting from a friend to lovers story. It focuses on the friendship of the main characters Coby and Ellie. The chemistry between Coby and Ellie is quite genuine and easy going and their attraction to one another is all about comfortability and not about feeling like they are being judged by one another, since they are so familiar with each other. It’s sweet and safe and what most, best friends usually feel for one another.

However when Coby’s career as a baseball pitcher starts to take him in another direction away from his best friend Ellie, that’s when the storyline gets interesting. No woman that Coby is attracted to rouses any passion in him. In the meantime Ellie is dating another baseball player and it might be getting serious. Your kept guessing if these two best friends will get together in the end or will they just do the same dance of friendship.

This story was sweet but nothing really grabbed at me to thoroughly give it the wow factor I was looking for, I wanted more passion and longing for one another but it just wasn’t there. I did find it a very slow read and hard to get into but overall it was a good story.

A Book Lover’s Emporium
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer blaine
Out of this world ballpark read. I honestly hope there is more to be read. Either for these characters or for another character I mean this book was amazing. The way you both just put those words together, how they flew out. I need and want more please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline berry
I really like this book. Ellie and Cody were amazing together. I would have liked for them to come together a lot sooner in the story and to see more of them together as I felt the end was a bit rushed. Overall though it’s a good story!
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