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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rich cross
Robert James Fischer is probably the greatest player of all time, his only rival being Kasparov (or perhaps Capablanca or Alekhine depending upon one's criteria). It is, therefore, only reasonable that a selection of his best games should rank as one of the greatest chess books. However, this work is more than a mere game collection: In it we have a chance to see a true genuis (IQ 187) at work. I am, hence, willing to say that it is the greatest chess book. The annotations are simply flawless, but this flawlessness is not their most impressive quality. One begins to feel, as perhaps one does only in two other works (The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal and Paul Keres' The Quest for Perfection) that he is actually in the mind of a great player. I specifically remember being struck by his annotations to his game against Robert Byrne, quite possibly the greatest game ever played. I actually began to feel my understanding of chess expand as I studied Fishcer's ideas at the board; going over this game for the first time, I found that his commentary made this almost incomprehensible game seem simple. This book offers the rare opportunity to enter a great player's mind (in my view, the greatest) and make your own ever so slightly more like his. I would also suggest My Best Games of Chess by Alexander Alekhine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed m
'My 60 Memorable Games' is a fantastic collection from one of the great players in the history of chess. But, if one happens to run into the Batsford edition of the book, don't trust it at all. Fischer has publicly spoken as to how Batsford has ruined his book. Here is the website where Fischer talks about it. [...]

It is true. It seems like the people at Batsford are purposely trying to ruin his credibility. They are trying to make him look like an idiot, like a no-good potzer. Nonetheless, the games are awesome and immortal. Fischer should publish a new edition of this book with 40 extra games. He should add the games from 1968 to 1972 and the games from the 1992 rematch.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fischer avoids the traps that diminish so many other games collections. For a start, he includes a handful of losses (the book's called My 60 Memorable Games, not My 60 Greatest Games). He describes not only his thinking during (and sometimes after) the game, but also the mist of emotions that swirled about him as the game unfolded. He gives fair due to his opponents' good play and is critical of his own mistakes, even in those games where he won convincingly. It's this mix of hard analysis and honest reporting that make this book my most prized chess possession. That and the sheer quality of the games. My only caveat: if you're new to chess, be careful about modelling your play on the games in this book. Fischer walked a knife edge - so often, his convincing wins were only one false move away from becoming crushing losses. It's an exciting but demanding path to follow.
Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess :: Lawn Boy :: Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective :: Mariel of Redwall by Brian Jacques (2000-03-01) :: from America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bobby Fischer, perhaps the greatest Chess Player of the modern era, explains his most memorable wins, losses and draws. The calculations are there and so are the emotions. This a great book to review for fun or to study. His treatment of the Sicilian from white and black is a delight. Get this book! Tell the publisher to reprint it! Larry Evans introduces each game and that is half the fun. The other half is playing through the games by a former world champion. I only wish he were playing and writing more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The product description says - " including the astounding "Game of the Century," played when he was only 15 years old!" This statement is incorrect. Firstly, Fischer was 13 years old when he played Donald Byrne. Secondly, the game is not included in this book. Perhaps the writer is getting confused with Fischer's 1963/64 US Championship game against Robert Byrne.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best stuff - not only for masters and experts, but for amateur lovers of the game too. So clean are the games - you can just sit over a board and play the moves and get a true feel of what it is like to be a chess genius. Whenever I find myself in a slump, I go over a game - like the instructional gem with Trifunovich, for example, and I get my "Chess Mind" back. Truly a remarkable book.

My copy is falling apart, I've had it since 1972. The best ever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen fernbach
Nel corso della sua carriera Bobby Fischer ha realizzato il sogno di tutti: non scendere a patti con alcuno. Per questo ha pagato il prezzo dell'incomprensione, che è l'onere di tutte le persone sensibili. Il libro in questione è senz'altro il migliore in assoluto nel suo genere, non tanto perché non contenga significativi errori di analisi (almeno a quanto fino ad ora è dato di sapere) ma perché la sua trasparenza e l'onestà intellettuale dell'autore hanno fatto sì che molte persone, a partire dalla sua pubblicazione, si dedicassero agli scacchi come ad una passione fine a se stessa. Senza compromessi. Grazie Robert J. Fischer, grazie di cuore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gail grainger
My edition is Faber paperbacks 1972 and covers the period 1957-1967. I always tell people that it is the best (money) that I've ever spent! IM Larry Evans introduces all of the 60 games with titles like "Slaying the dragon", "Peekaboo strategy" and "Meat and potatoes". Although, of course, it is the annotations given by Fischer that make the book - highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was perhaps one of the best books ever written on chess. Great Analysis by the Greatest Player of All Time! If you want some of the best analysis of a couple of Fischer's Games and Some other great players then get UNBEATABLE CHESS LESSON FOR JUNIORS (not just for kids) and for other players games 500 MASTER GAMES OF CHESS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison mcgowan
Very nice book, especially nice for player who are already quite good. The book meeted my expectations. I do think it's a pity the "game of the century" (vs. Donald Byrne) isn't in it. All in all a very good book, with clear commentary. I like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
timothy haas
Analysis does not hold up to today's engine driven depths. Still a worthwhile tome, but not the seminal work which some here have claimed , raved and drooled about. Fischer heads will love it; pragmatic players will recognize its serious limitations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andy harrison
I own 1972 edition (with descriptive notation) and discover that the book contains several faulty analysis (sorry Mr. Fischer). Pointing out all of them would make the review too long. So let me give just one example.
Game no. 9 between Walther and Fischer in which our hero was almost busted by a minor European master. Fischer gave exclamation mark to 32.Q*P!. That move is good enough for White to win since he had a strong advantage. But 32. Rg3 in order to play Rg8 is actually much stronger. In fact, White should play Rg3 in his previous move. Had White played this move, Fischer may not be able to escape with a draw. Therefore, those who read this book should not believe everything in the book's analysis.

I gave the book four stars because despite faulty analysis, it contains several good games. Fischer is a great player. His game collection is among the best. Unfortunately, this book omits many of his magnificent games mainly because it lists games from his early career.
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