Lord of Wicked Intentions (Lost Lords of Pembrook)

ByLorraine Heath

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samanta rivera
The premise is, perhaps, the hardest part to accept here: a born on the wrong sides of the sheets heroine, the by blow of an earl who’s led a pampered life, is sold off by her half-brother to be a mistress to the highest bidder. Our hero, who has no interest in keeping a mistress acts impulsively and claims her for his own. After some negotiating, he convinces her that being a wealthy man’s pampered mistress would be far better than taking her chances, practically penniless, on the streets. Now, once you get over the premise (as well as odd little details here and there that may pop you out of the story), it’s actually a very engaging read. Though we go delve into overly-dramatic-twists every now and again, these are characters that you like and believe: their choices are measured, thoughtful, and, even when you don’t agree with them, you understand them. At its heart, this is an engaging, fulfilling love story, great for the escapist in us.

Greater Detail (with spoilers):

Rafe Easton is the owner of an infamous gambling hell. Having worked his way up from the poorhouses, and made a living initially as a street enforcer , he is now powerful and wealthy beyond our wildest imaginings (almost too wealthy, to be honest, he mentions something like one million pounds coming through his gambling house during a time when ten thousand pounds probably would have been fairly impressive). He’s socially a recluse, withdrawn even from his two older brothers (he feels as though they’ve abandoned him). He’s got all sorts of PTSD-like symptoms as a direct result of what he suffered during his formative years (he was almost raped by a stranger, beaten, etc and thus hates being held, doesn’t like confining clothes) and has thus never kept a mistress, much less thought of something more permanent.

Almost entirely by accident, he ends up as the protector of Evelyn Chambers, the illegitimate daughter of an earl who’s always protected and cosseted her (but, extraordinarily, has failed to make ANY provisions for her, leaving her to the mercy of her half-brother who’s apparently always vehemently hated her).

Evelyn thinks she’s meeting men who will court her. Her half-brother has really arranged to sell her off to the highest bidder.

There’s a bit of ensuing discussions/arguments/etc as Evelyn’s dropped off at Rafe’s house without being told what’s going on, as her half-brother never bothered to disillusion her about his true intentions.

It’s clear from the beginning that Rafe is at least… sympathetic of Eve’s position. She’s been betrayed by her half-brother. He felt abandoned by his brothers (a continuing subplot in this novel as both of his older brothers have returned from their adventures/self-imposed exiles, and are happily married and continuing to reach out to Rafe). Their connection and attraction are clear, and their blossoming feelings are completely believable.

My small quibbles would be that the side plot (the estranged relationship with the brothers) is tied up far too quickly/easily, and I did wish for a romantic declaration that was slightly more romantic, as opposed to being the aftereffect of a kidnapping/murder climactic scene.

Still, those aside, this was a solid lead with enjoyable leads, just enough of a supporting cast/back story, and a nice resolution.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney king
Alright, prepare yourself for another I love Lorraine Heath review, because I LOVE Lorraine Heath.

Tortured/Scarred heroes and innocent, yet, willful heroines are my favorite kinds of historical romances. Do you have, 'Want to fix him' syndrome? You know what I'm talking about. You just want to take a sledgehammer to that brick wall a guy has placed around his heart because of his tortured past. You want to wrap him in your arms and tell him that even though life sucks sometimes that it's no reason to give up hope! Well, Lorraine's the author for you. I've fallen in love with her Lost Lords of Pembroke series and I think Rafe turned out to be my favorite 'Lost Lord'.

Left at a work house by his older brothers when he was ten, Rafe felt alone, betrayed, and abandoned. Having lived a life of leisure until that point being treated less-than takes it's toll. He eventually escapes the cruel work house to the slums of London; only to jump from the frying pan into the fire. He survives any way he can, which to become successful in the rookeries means living a life of sin and violence. Through devious mean he eventually carves himself an empire, but even with wealth and respect he still feels empty. After twelve years his brother finally come back, but it's too late. Lingering feelings of abandonment and resentment leave him distancing himself from his long-lost family.

Wow, Evelyn. As the bastard daughter of an Earl she's lived her life in a gilded cage. While she was given the education and instruction of any aristocratic daughter she's never been allowed into society because of the circumstances of her birth. When her beloved father dies her self-righteous, grudge-holding half-brother (Can you tell I really wanted to punch this guy?) literally auctions her off as a mistress! She's confused, hurt, and so incredibly naive to the ways of the world my heart hurt for her. Rafe steps in and takes her in, but not with pure intentions. Yes, he intends to make Eve his mistress, but things don't go according to plan when he realizes she's chipping away the wall around his heart.

Okay, so I better stop with the rundown now, I don't want to give too much away. Just know that I loved this story so much. I was sad to see it end :( Heartache, betrayal, anger; the wide range of emotions just didn't let go. I've said it before and I'll say it again, do yourself a favor and check out the Lost Lords of Pembroke!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa scarola
Evelyn Chambers recently lost the father she always adored. She may have been his bastard but she loved him dearly. Now her brother is in charge of the rest of her life and all he cares about is selling her to the highest bidder, but she doesn't know that. When Evelyn is escorted amid a room full of men she has no idea she is the item up for sale. Most of the men give her chills but there is one that sparks her interest...too bad he's the only one determined never to love.

Lord Rafe Easton is the youngest of the famous Lost Lords of Pembrook. He resents the title and does everything he can to distance himself from his brothers. They've tried but have yet to manage to break through Rafe's steely exterior. When one of his debtors invites him to his home with the assurance that by the end of the night Rafe will have his money, Rafe is surprised to find himself going home with extra baggage.

While Rafe would like Evelyn to be his Mistress she has other ideas. Evelyn wants a husband to love her but isn't sure Rafe is capable of real emotion, much less love. However, she has little say in her future any longer and Rafe is used to getting his way. Will she be the woman to light a fire in the heart of the last Lord of Pembrook?

Wow! Lorraine Heath's conclusion to The Lost Lords of Pembrook series, Lord of Wicked Intentions is scintillating! Rafe is the brother I was worried the most about. There was no doubt he had been traumatized as a child after he was separated from his brothers. Any woman that entered his life was going to need to be made of stern stuff. Evelyn seems pretty wimpy at first but she grows up really fast, proves that she has a heart made of gold and the strength to go after what she wants.

The connection between Rafe and Evelyn is instantaneous and beautiful. I could not put this book down! I had to find out what happened with this couple before I could do anything else! Lord of Wicked Intentions haunts the reader with the overwhelming emotional connections Ms. Heath makes with her characters and readers and then makes us melt with a romance to be remembered. Rafe and Evelyn will forever stick in my mind as an all-time favorite couple. Lord of Wicked Intentions is a definite Joyfully Recommended Read! Grab your copy today and savor it!

Miranda for Joyfully Reviewed
Chaos: Making a New Science :: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food :: Days of Infamy (The Pacific War Series) :: Wrath: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Empire Sin) :: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I totally LOVE this author; she never fails me. I am so glad to have read the reviews which got me into the store to purchase this beautiful story. The back cover truly tells the tale of our lovely and good hearted illegitimate earl's daughter that was so abhorred by her half- brother and the dashing, yet extremely scarred Lord that comes to her rescue one night. I could never outguess this story and it was nice to slip back into the time period. I felt so sorry for this lovely leading lady who basically had no financial stability and basically a very bleak future as a "bastard" child.

I guess that there might have been prequels to this story, being that this is the last Lord to have come back home to Pembrook after their evil uncle tried to do away with them when they were young boys. Lord Rafe Easton is just so down in the dumps after experiencing such a troubled childhood when his brothers dropped him into the St. Giles warehouses thinking that they had done a good deed in protecting their youngest sibling and never imagined that life for Rafe would turn out quite the opposite. He can't shake his nightmares from all the cruelty he experienced while being under severe child labor, and taking control of his life both financially and emotionally made him such a strong leading character.

Our leading lady, Miss Evelyn Chambers is just lovely as can be. She lived a very sheltered life in her father's estate until he died and was left in the care of her very cowardly, wimpy and major flop of a brother; he put her up for auction one night to a group of Lords in hopes that one of them would take her on as a mistress and poor "Evie" thought her brother was parading her like a debutante would in hopes of finding a good marital match. Thank goodness Rafe stepped up to the game and took her out of the evil snare and grew to love his leading lady. He was a bit awkward when they finally came together with his "touching rules," but he totally came off the pages as one of my favorite Lords of all time.

I totally recommend this amazing read; characters grow out of their rough traumas and emerge to be very strong characters that can hold up to anything. The women were key ingredients to mending these broken and battered men, and Lady Evie doesn't disappoint despite the fact that she was sensitive, caring and mostly naive at times. She takes the bull by he horns and accepts her fate with all the delicate grace and sheer bravado.

5-STARS in my opinion
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a wonderful story that continues the saga of the Lost Lords of Pembrook, who suffered at the hands of their uncle that wanted nothing more than to rid the world of the three boys so he could inherit it all. I thoroughly enjoyed Rafe's story as he struggles to come back to the living after removing himself from society.

Evelyn Chambers has lead a very sheltered life because of who her mother was, and when her father dies he asks her half-brother to take care of her. Her mother was the Earl's mistress and when she died years ago, Emily was brought into the Earl's home much to the dismay of Geoffrey (her brother) and his mother. Her brother actually hates her and his plan is to get rid of her as fast as possible, gaining money to do as he pleases. However when Geoffrey introduces Evelyn to gentlemen who are looking for a mistress his plan backfires, as Lord Rafe Easton decides Evelyn belongs with him.

Lord Rafe Easton owns the Rakehell Club, a gambling establishment in town. He and his two brothers had an idyllic childhood until he was ten, then he lived in hell. To escape his uncle who wanted them dead, the three brothers left and had to make it on their own. The twins, Tristan and Sebastian left Rafe at a workhouse for children as they could not take him and then they in turn split up to lead separate, hellish lives. Rafe suffered horribly until he escaped and lived on the streets of London, finally making something of himself rising up from nothing to became a very wealthy man. Unfortunately along the way something died inside and he has some deep emotional scars, and although his brothers also suffered, Rafe has not embraced them since they came back to town three years ago.

Rafe seems to champion Evelyn and tries to give her what she wants while she is with him, never promising her forever but telling her that when he leaves her she will be a very wealthy woman. Rafe is very damaged and is unable to tolerate touch or any emotional feelings, yet as they spend more time together she is getting through his wall of hurt, he is scared and unsure of how to handle it. He eventually pushes her away to where she leaves him and it is only when danger threatens to end his life does he realize that he is capable of love after all.

I love the tortured and tormented hero, the dark brooding man that life treated poorly and yet he pulls himself up and out of the streets becoming a wealthy and respected man, with the heroine who is the only one that can save him. Lord of Wicked Intentions is exactly this type of story, Rafe is so damaged that I am not sure if Evelyn will be able to save him, but of course with love and time she does, this is a romance after all.

The story pulled me in and did not let go until the end as you cheer for Evelyn to save him, make him whole again and to have him reunite with his brothers. He is very tough on the outside as he pushes everyone away, yet as you find out about those that work for him and those he gives money to, you realize that he has a soft side that he does not let show. It brought tears to my eyes when you see how loyal those around him are when he needs them the most as danger threatens him when he did not expect it. The one thing I did find hard to believe is that Evelyn is so sheltered that she did not seem to think anything was wrong with the way she was raised, I felt that maybe she was a little too naïve to be believable at times.

Even though Evelyn was shelter she does have spunk and I like how she stands up to Rafe and is always asking him questions. He seems to tolerate her when he would not others; she breaks through his shell early even though he tries not to show it. I really like Rafe and Evelyn together, they seemed to fit well and the attraction is believable, the secondary characters are also well written as we get to continue to read about the lives of the brothers that we first met in previous books. This is a very engaging story that seems to wrap up the series nicely.

Review also posted at Ramblings from a Chaotic Mind
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carl munden
A thrilling conclusion to the Lost Lords Series. Well Done Lorraine Heath! This is a story of redemption, acceptance and love. Evelyn Chambers never understood her place in society. As the illegitiate daughter of a lord, she lived a sheltered life with her father, never knowing what the world really thought of her. Upon her father's death, her half-brother sells her off in order to pay a gambling dept. Evelyn thought he was arranging her marriage. Imagine her shock when she is delivered to Rafe Easton's door to be his mistress! As Rafe proclaims to be a cold, heartless beast, Evelyn sees a bit more to him than that. She's determined to make the best of the situation, even if that means tearing down the walls Rafe has built around his heart one brick at a time.

Rafe Easton took one look Evelyn Chambers and knew he had to have her. Once in possession of this passionate beauty, he discovers how truly innocent she is. Yet there's something about her that seems to undo him whenever she's around. How can a hardened, heartless man, take such care and have such patience with a head strong slip of a girl? As Evelyn pushes him to his very limits, he finds all he wants to do is please her. How is it that he's never cared to have acceptance and love from anyone else, but needs it from Evelyn?

As Evelyn and Rafe battle to find their place in society and with each other, they both find the answers and peace they are looking for. With the help of the other Lost Lords and their wives, the last Lost Lord of Pembroke finally finds himself again.

I love the Lost Lords of Pembroke Series and have patiently awaited the arrival of this conclusion and was not disappointed. This was my favorite of the three books, though I loved the others as well. Watching Rafe, the secretive, ruthless, independent lord finally make peace with his demons and his brothers was so emotional for me, I actually found myself tearing up at one point! I loved the way Rafe had to work through his past in order to give Evelyn everything she desired and deserved. This book took the old adage "Love Conquers All" to a whole new level! After all, everyone deserves a second chance at life. I would recommend this book, and this series to anyone who loves historical romance. You simply can't go wrong. This book was received for a honest review by the publisher.

Rating: 5

Heat Rating: Mild

Reviewed by: AprilP

Review Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marsha lambert
I was surprised that I liked this book. The previous two books in the Lost Lords of Pembrook series did not interest me. Their plots seemed based on very unlikely and melodramatic circumstances. This last book in the trilogy is a much better book. You do not have to read the first two books to enjoy this novel. The novel grabbed me on the first page and held my attention until the last page.

The wounded hero of this novel, Lord Rafe Easton, is very realistically portrayed. He had a wretched childhood, and his odd behaviors evolved from attempts to cope with the lingering trauma. The gradual and detailed development of his relationship with the heroine, Evelyn Chambers, is carefully calibrated to her slow uncovering of Lord Rafe's secrets, starting with his refusal to be called "my lord" and his life as a career criminal.

Evelyn has problems of her own, though not as severe as Lord Rafe's difficulties. She is the illegitimate daughter of an earl, and her legitimate half-brother cast her off after their father's death. Raised in a relatively loving environment, she struggles to discover why Lord Rafe hides so many of his problems.

The romantic and sexual scenes between the hero and the heroine are closely aligned with the plot and move the novel's story forward. You will not be bored!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristina rankin
Wonderful, it's my first Lorraine Heath's romance and I must say, she has a beautiful style; beside I like the historical context, which is my favourite after the medieval one.
The book opening, that could generally be slow, exclusively descriptive and therefore not particularly compelling, here is splendid, I was capture at the third line; moreover the early pages are highly moving.lt's a really lovely story, I liked every part of it: I loved when Rafe, as to persuade himself, keeps thinking "not because he cared for her..."; I really enjoyed his passion for sweets (which are the only pleasures he allows himself), moreover the author deals quite magnificently with Rafe's distress and his vulnerabilities, which I found really interesting and strongly touching.

Evelyn, besides her wonderful name, is quite perfect in her part: initially she is reluctant and hostile toward Rafe, she doesn't want to lose her stern control to comprehend that Rafe is more likely the best thing that could have happened to her; with the young Easton she feels appreciated, he never hides her from the society (as, on the other hand, her father did because of her illegitimacy) and, despite his ostensible indifference, he treats her with respect and kindness.

Finally it is splendid the development of Rafe and his brothers relationship: Sebastian and Tristan are extremely sorry and afflicted by their little brother coolness and they do everything they can to make the things right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yeganeh sheikholeslami
Seriously, all I expected was the typical romance love story. But in this, oh, I got so much more!

The writing is exceptional, the characters are more flesh and blood than usual romance books, and the way the characters react to various things thrown at them - refreshing!

The one thing I love about romance stories is that there is always a happy ending (99% of the time). However, this one kept me guessing on how it was going to happen. Usually you can figure things out ahead of time, but not this time. I was constantly guessing!

In this, I could actually feel the characters. The pain they are feeling, the questions going on in their head. I usually speed-read through books like this, but this time, I truthfully savored every line.

This is the 3rd book in a series, but the first one I read. In fact, the first I've read from this author - I'm getting the first two now - I'm so excited!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori saporito
Honestly, almost every single book by Ms. Heath overwhelms me with sighs, smiles, and tears. I adore the way she writes and this book was no disappointment. This story completely drew me in and had me captivated throughout the entire book. I had already read the other two Lost Lords of Pembrook books in the series and loved them both, but, I believe this one is my favorite. She saved the best for last. I always love a hero like Rafe..one that is so messed up for legitimate reasons, but, has a true kindness underneath that is somewhat hidden and the young heroine, Eve in this case, who changes his heart bit by bit uncovering it layer by layer and bringing healing to him. Lorraine Heath became my very favorite writer a few years back after reading many of her "western" series and now her books are automatic buys for me. Can't wait for your next one Ms. Heath.....just love the beautiful way your write..with so much heart and tenderness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a lovely, heartbreaking, satisfying conclusion to Lorraine Heath's Lost Lords of Pembrook series! At long last we get the story of the youngest brother, Lord Rafe Eason and the woman who breaks down the walls around his heart, Miss Evelyn Chambers. Evelyn is saddened by the death of her father but her half brothers promise to look after her takes a very unexpected turn when he sells her off and after one glimpse, Rafe knows he has to have her...and no one tells him no. Yet when the circumstances become clear as to what Eve is to become to Rafe, he sees her shock and dismay and for some reason, gives her time to adjust. He finds himself fascinated by this slip of a woman, this woman who talks back to him and does not back down in fear. Rafe knows his dark and tortuous past will be too much, even for Eve and he realizes he must let her go before she finds out about how much pain he has caused and try to avoid causing pain to Eve. Eve is stubborn though and when his life is threatened he can only hope for Eve to find him so they can find a new life together. . .

I have been eagerly anticipating Rafe's story since I read the previous books in this series as I knew that underneath that gruff exterior was a kind, caring soul and I was so happy to see this all unfold. Rafe is tough and comes across rude and unbearing to those around him, which helps immensely in the running of his club, yet Eve with her boldness and gentle heart seeps into the cracks he has built around himself and sinks in in a way that Rafe never thought possible. I loved watching the relationship between Eve and Rafe develop but also that of Rafe and his brothers. They have overcome so much and dealt with so much at a young age, it has been hard for them to find common ground to start anew on, even after many years of being reunited. As Rafe still struggles with how he was seemingly abandoned by his older brothers, Eve is there to charm and help heal. I was drawn to the story straight from the beginning as was sad to read the epilogue as I knew this tale was over. Equal parts joy, love, heartbreak, heat and humor this romance will be a winner for all romance fans alike! 4 1/2 stars

*review copy*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really enjoyed the satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. I couldn't put the book down, but didn't want it to end too soon. When I read the first book, I guessed that the middle brother's book (Tristan) would be my favorite, but while I liked all three, Rafe snuck in and took the top spot for me in book 3! You have to read all three to really experience the richness of the relationship between the brothers, but its worth it. EXCELLENT! Ms. Heath did a wonderful job showcasing each brother and their struggle in each book. All three were different, but the brothers come together to support eachother, no matter what. This book is no different in that regard. I loved Rafe and Evelyns humor that helped balance out the book. I even got a tear at the end. I think one of the reasons that I so enjoyed this book was the character reveal. It was so layered and every level just took us deeper and deeper. Very satisfying! You will be rooting for these characters!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The hero is so hard hearted, so cold, and selfish...or is he? Loved this book. It has all my prerequisites for a great book...passion, heartbreak, action, retribution, intrigue, and a great "wrap" of an ending. Thoroughly enjoyed this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Definitely the tortured soul/naive girl cliche, but I think it worked because the characters had depth to them, grew over the course of the story, and were interesting to read about. Kind of sad this series is over!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lord of Wicked Intentions
Lorraine Heath
Avon, Apr 30 2013, $7.99
ISBN: 9780062100030

In 1844 in the freezing Tower of Pembroke Castle, the teen Duke of Keswick Sebastian Easton (see She Tempts The Duke) and his two brothers Rafe and Tristan (see Lord of Temptation) expect to die like their father did at the hands of their Uncle Lord David Easton. Instead their childhood friend Mary Wynne-Jones helps them escape from certain execution though they go separate ways. Rafe survived living in the worst sections of London and employed as a child in the brutal workhouses. However, by 1859, he has seen his siblings restored to their proper places and married.

Illegitimate daughter of an earl, Evelyn Chambers expects her half-brother to take care of her after their father died. . Instead of honoring their late dad's wish, her sibling offers Evelyn for sale. Rafe wins the bidding war, but is shocked when his mistress thinks they will marry, but not as much as she is. As they fall in love, Evelyn tries to understand the demons that possess her beloved's heart and rejection of kind touches.

The third Lost Lords of Pembrook Victorian romance is an entertaining historical starring a wounded warrior and the angel risking her heart to try to heal him. Although one must question whether love is enough to save Rafe's soul as he is the poster-child of AFU, fans will enjoy Evelyn's efforts to simply hug him.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth hatch
Lord of Wicked Intentions written by Lorraine Heath. 4 stars
I have to say that I did not read her two others books in The Lost Lords of Pembrooke trilogy.
This is the final book, and I think I should have read to better appreciate it.
It's a beautiful Regency romance, that I am sure you will enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah barton
I really enjoyed this book. I have been looking forward to Rafe's story almost since the start of the series. This book has the damsel in distress and the tortured hero and all the wonderful facets that make a good story. If you have enjoyed the Lost Lords of Pembrooke, you will enjoy this one too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
raquel fernandez
I did a review of this book. Rafe antormented hero and full of rage and resentment against his brothers who deserted him in a workhouse. Escape and live in the streets an urchin, the scoundrels of st James come to my mind. Mrs Health knows how to write tormented hero. The heroine Evelyn other naive girl sale by her own brother as she will an apple. Her sufferings come to and end and Rafe becomes the brother and forgive his brother reconnect it with them and marriage Evelyn, her brother get his reward become a pariah among the ton and retired to the country because no family will received him and allowed him to marriage their daughters. He will die along and waiting for death and his coins in will inherit the title and property.
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