World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17

ByG. Edward Griffin

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Edward G. Griffin. I will order another copy since my neighbor "mislaid" my copy when I borrowed it to her
and she can't seem to find it. This is a very accurate discription of the powers hat be who control medicine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A few years back, I was confronted with a possible lung cancer and I didn't want to go through the normal treatment for it. I was unable to get
a laetrile treatment as suggested in this book, so I opted for treating myself with coral calcium. The principles of the two treatments seem to be the same in that they advocate oxygenating the blood as cancer cannot grow in an oxygen environment.
Three years later I have no evidence of any cancer in my lung. World Without Cancer shows how the world of medicine is completely deficient in the treatment of cancer. I think people are being mislead by the medical community regarding cancer treatment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heidi worley
I finally got to reading this book. I just about can't put it down. It is really great, but I guess the Cancer Industry would loose what they want - the almighty Dollar - if they practiced what is in this book.
All the people would be healed and those poor Doctors would be without an income, as well as the Charities and Research and anybody else who benefits financially from the pain and illness that cancer
causes to people. I am disgusted with the Medical Association in this Country because a lot of other countries are embracing the things in this book and people are getting well - the AMA, the FDA are
crooks because the evidence has been given and they turn it upside down because cancer and other diseases make them a profit of $$$$$$$$$. It is about time that people were more concerned with
the welfare of others instead of monetary gain.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After watching World Without Cancer on Google videos I was convinced to read the book also. And Im glad I did .G E Griffin does a tremendous job explaining the story of B17 and Latrile .I think this book is the most important book I have ever read and will encourage all my friends and family to buy this wonderful book as well.Thanks Mr Griffin your a LEGEND.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bex sakarias
this book came quickly from the store and has been very informative and helpful. There is much research compiled in this book which enables the reader to gain information quickly. We have discovered the information and research to be very accurate and as we have implimented this into our lives, we have seen the cancerous tumors shrink totally away to nothing to where even the doctors are absolutely amazed... they called it miraculous. It certainly is!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherri lakenburger
highly informative, and detailed . the graphs used to explain the theory behind the causes of cancer are very helpful. I love it and plan to buy copies to give to my loved ones to educate them on the causes and possible cure of cancer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica trujillo
I urge anyone intimidated by a long read to watch the corresponding YouTube video by G. Edward Griffin's excellent. It's about an hour and very easy to comprehend. The book adds the drug politics and how the BIG business of pharmaceuticals was created. It's mind blowing. It made it so that cancer does not scare me like it used to. I am fearless no because of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rudolph harmon
You will learn that a simple diet change can make your life free of any cancer. Vitamin B17 as explained and supported by documents in a book can make this exciting change. It is not much you need to do: just add half a dozen of apricot or almond kernels to your everyday diet. Cancer can be viewed as a Vitamin B17 deficiency, like scurvy is a Vitamin C deficiency.

Certainly the Big Pharma and FDA do not want you to know this, as they loose their huge profit from cancer patients. Fortunately that still cannot stop you reading these books.
World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17

Have a great cancer free health folks !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate slaten
This book is truly eye opening and should be required reading for everyone. There is information in this book that many would find very hard to swallow but that's the price of enlightenment. Read only if you are ready for the truth and for much of your current belief system to be challenged.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is certainly an eyeopener. I had known about Laetrile before, but not the background of it, nor it's proven efficacy in treating cancer. I would NEVER seek medical treatment for cancer. If I cannot do it on my own, I'll just die, but I won't try to just keep breathing in and breathing out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is possibly the most astonishing story I've ever read. I plow through a few pages every day during my morning bus commute, and I'm not quite done with it.

Much of what Griffin writes is corroborated in the work of Ralph Moss a former employee at MSKCC who 'wouldn't keep quiet' and was summarily dismissed. If you or a loved one has cancer, you really should look this over!

The 2nd 1/2 of the book is very dense... and with some 'connections' that were quite unexpected. I'm having a hard time getting through it... and will probably need to read it a 2nd time. Griffin starts showing some of the powerful political forces at play. Yes, it may seem like wacky "conspiracy theory" material, but it really should be taken seriously and read with an open mind.

It's certainly not lite reading!! But my overall feeling (so far) is that this is perhaps the most important, revealing, and relevant work of the 20th century.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well-written, clear, and backed by scientific evidence...World Without Cancer has changed my approach to thinking about our world with cancer and how I can help my family remain cancer-free. I didn't know about B-17 let alone its unique properties. It is a vitamin difficult to find but food sources containing the vitamin are easily found on-line. I am not one to believe in conspiracy theories but this book makes sense to me. Please read it and share with others important to you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan heim

A very popular book. 1 am experienced in 100% Raw oragnic Vegan Superffods.

You need to read this book and understand How to CURE and How to PREVENT.

I highly recommend this book and highly recommend Suzanne Somers (knockout)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This Book has lots of imformation.The One thing that we all can take to put someone in remission because it worked for me.I had RA/Lupus now the Dr's say what ever your doing keep it up .The Tests show i don't have it now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
h r sinclair
awesome book! received fast, and was in perfect condition...It's a shame this info is not more public. I wish I could have seen this info before my Mom went through chemo, and before my grandparents died of cancer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ken christensen
This book could be the most awsome addition to the library of congress! I only wish he was able to publish it in code, so it could be read and used by those of us who really want to know how to avoid cancer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa cooley
I whipped thorugh this book in two days. It provides an excellent exposé of an alternative natural way to prevent and cure cancer throug nutrition, and the forces in government and in large pharmaceutical firms that are fighting to keep the secret from us. This book serves as an eye opener to anybody who has ever wondered why there has been so little progress in the fight against cancer, despite the vasts sums of money being invested.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can't recommend this book highly enough: buy it, now, buy as many as you can afford and give them to everyone you know. It will change your life. It will change the way you look at nutrition and at the world we live in and especially at the people who rule it.

The book is divided up into two parts. The first deals with the science of cancer, and the second looks mostly into the politics. Both are fascinating, easy to understand and full of verifiable facts.

The author shows there is ample evidence to prove that cancer is not a disease which is foreign to the human body and that therefore the whole cancer "industry" will never find a cure, no matter how much money goes into it. It is, rather, essentially the healing process which fails to stop when it is supposed to due to the absence of certain enzymes and also due to the absence of a particular food compound which acts as a second line of defence after the body's own immune system.

That compound is known as vitamin B.17 (amygdalin), also referred to in nutrition as nitriloside. It is found in the seeds of many fruits, especially apricots, apples, peaches, nectarines, green grapes, strawberries, in fact most fruits, also certain grains and many other seeds and nuts. These things have largely disappeared from our diets because of their bitterness. The process by which this "vitamin" acts against cancer is so amazing and so simple that it could only be natural. It involves the release of organic cyanide which acts ONLY upon the cancerous cells and is then neutralised by enzymes. You will be told by the type of people who, usually vociferously, only ever parrot mainstream dogma, that B.17 is poisonous and will kill you - it does after all contain cyanide, right? This is very easily refuted: when was the last time you heard of someone dying from eating grapes? Or strawberries?

The US Government has went to the length of banning the cultivation of the bitter (original) almond tree in the USA - because of the risk of (wait for it...) salmonella! This should tell you everything you need to know about how desperate the ruling "elite" are you do not find out this information - and therefore how desperately you DO need to know it! Buy this book; you will be amazed and liberated.

For those who would like an overview of the subject matter there are videos of the author speaking on the subject available online. For anyone who is interested in further reading on the political and financial side, a perfect follow-up is the author's Creature From Jekyll Island.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mustafa ahmad
Had I known about this, maybe it could have saved my dad. But I still have hope that humanity will wake up in time and put an end of this nightmare once and for all.

The World Without Cancer is one of the most essential books I have ever read. We have heard books and documentaries such as Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me, but this is a hidden gem that you should really take seriously.

Although it is not meant to be a complete encyclopedia, it touches upon every important topic on the subject of cancer: trophoblast thesis which is not widely accepted in the mainstream medical field, discovery and effective results of using Laetrile, government and corporations' attempt to silence good honest professionals, origin and evolution of the modern pharmaceutical corporations such as I.G. Farben, DuPont, covert takeover of medical education and practice within the US, and extension of Rockefeller and other influences through various tax-exempt foundations.

After readers get a taste of these corruptions and cover-ups, they should start wondering what the ultimate endgame is. It is a New World Order, where a small group of royal families and aristocrats around the world along with banking and industrial oligarchs controlling and dictating every aspect of our lives: what we do, what we eat, what we study, where we can travel, who we can marry, how many children we can have, what job we get, how much we get paid, who gets to live and die, etc. Ever since the beginning of human history, there has always been a small group of elite pretending to lead rest of population to a better world only to manipulate and control them to their own advantage.

If people refuse to see what has already been given in front of their eyes, they will worship the system which has subjected them to slavery and tyranny while they wake up one morning homeless and hungry, only to be harassed and taken to FEMA camps by the federal watchdogs for permanent indentured servitude.

Wake Up America, Wake Up the World!! The stake is high, and we don't have much time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney brkic
Excellent book on an amazing and controversial subject. Well researched and documented, well written by Griffin who masters well the narration of both sides of the subject: first and foremost, the scientific and empirical background of of the Laetrile, vitamin B17, which is well documented and really convincing. Secondly, Griffin gives a really frightening and well sought portray of the medical industry and the cancer mafia ruled by big pharma, FDA and ACS in the States.
I read a few books on the subject, this one is by far the reference on the subject, other books also cover other alternate cures / preventions for cancer and B17 is just a part of the other books as this book covers exclusively that particular topic.

I lost 6 family members to cancer and orthodox obsolete treatments and I wish I was aware of this information a few years back as it may have provided a life saving environment for some of relatives. I and my wife are on a preventive supplemental B17 intake, which with an appropriate diet (including apple and apricot seeds and more alkaline food) should hopefully provide us with a cancer free end of our lives... future will tell.

This book is worth every single minute of reading, and is also entertaining in the difficult task of getting such a heavy message across. Well done and thank you for this great work Mr Griffin, respect all the way for you and your life long work fort the truth to prevail...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon rubenstein
Though I know Griffin is a credible researcher, I nonetheless tracked down several cancer survivors who have used laetrile to cure their condition, and vitamin distributors who have had B-17 seized by the FDA. There is no substitute for primary sources, and those I interviewed substantiated Griffin's main claims.

Individuals unfamiliar with B-17's remarkable results often scoff at such alternative medical "lunacy". Two caveats may aid the hard-nosed skeptic. As Griffin admits candidly, B-17 isn't a magic cure-all; it is a key component in a holistic regimen that requires serious lifestyle changes and genuine sacrifice. The mere fact that the FDA outlawed laetrile is not prima facie proof that it fails to cure cancer; an open minded individual might ask, "Does scientific evidence proving that laetrile cures cancer exist?"

Griffin provides this evidence. His thesis is that cancer is a vitamin deficiency disease analogous to scurvy and that mainstream "treatments" such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are quackery analogous to colonial bloodletting. The book is divided into two sections, one which defines cancer and its cure, and a second that explains how and why this knowledge was suppressed.

Some complain that the first portion of the book is boring, excessively technical, and textbookish. This isn't Harry Potter or Danielle Steel! It is an explanation of complex biological processes. Amazing claims require stringent proof, and Griffin takes the time to make his case fastidiously, in terms laymen can understand.

Griffin explains that cancer is caused by fast-growing quasi-embryonic cells which are used by the body in healing. The body uses enzymes secreted by the pancreas to turn this process off when healing is completed, but these enzymes are also used in digestion, and moderners who deviate from our intended hunter-gather diet squander them breaking down processed food. In the absence of these prohibitive enzymes, the quasi-embryonic cells grow unchecked. This is cancer. To cure or prevent it, one reverts to a diet that does not drain the enzymes, and supplements their supply by ingesting an external source--B-17. Mainstream treatments are a failure because they do not address this underlying cause of cancer; Griffin explains why chemo, radiation, and surgery victims who survive do so spite of these procedures, not because of them.

Griffin does an excellent job of synthesizing many divergent factors into a coherent biological summary of cancer. B-17's active ingredient is cyanide, and he debunks the myth that the vitamin is the equivalent of a secret agent's suicide capsule. He also provides damning statistical comparisons of holistic and conventional treatment methods.

The second part of the book is much drier, but it is necessary. Griffin journeys back to WWII and documents the evolution of IG Farben, the Nazi supercorporation which was the largest business structure to ever exist. This portion is a long, often boring read, but I can't envision anything shorter driving home the truth: that modern chemical corporations which are Farben's scions used tax-exempt foundations and government agencies like the FDA to hijack the medical education and physician treatment selection process, creating a drug-biased system that maximizes pharmaceutical profits.

It is easy to chant the power-and-profit-stifle-more-viable-treatments mantra, but it is a much more difficult task to prove what so many suspect. Griffin succeeds, proceeding like a prosecutor and systematically documenting causalities. His discouraging conclusion is that there will not be a world without cancer until pharmaceutical corporations can create a synthetic B-17 drug which offers profit levels comparable to those earned by chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Many individuals dogmatically refuse to believe that there are individuals who would suppress a low-priced, natural, highly-effective cancer treatment merely to make money. This emotional people-can't-be-that-evil response is unscientific. Such behaviors are reminiscent of individuals who refused to believe the stories of NAZI concentration camps--even after seeing pictures. Griffin cites everything, and any diligent researcher can confirm his claims, as I have.

Enzyme supplements. Juice fasts. Detoxification. Robert Becker's Nobel-nominated work with dedifferentiation in salamanders. Pleomorphism. Pondering these potential additions to the cancer picture, I find myself agreeing with others who consider the work somewhat dated. This does not mean that Griffin's theory is disproven or obsolete, but cutting-edge holistic treatment utilizes other components that he mentions only briefly. Griffin's intention doesn't seem to be a "Treat Yourself" manual, but rather a summary of the biological and political mechanisms that have created the cancer holocaust. In this mission World Without Cancer succeeds admirably.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie pentacoff
This book has changed my entire perspective about cancer, medicine, politics, and big business. No one needs any longer to become victim to the ravages of cancer, traditional cancer treatments and the greed of the cancer industry. This 2 part book first gives the layman an insiders powerful understanding about cancer from the earliest pioneers and heros of cancer research to the practical cancer-free life available today. Second, this well-documented expose of the billion dollar cancer industry will leave chills running down your spine. Finally, the author's quick and rivoting style effortlessly engages the reader - leaving no excuse for anyone to ignorantly fall prey to the deadly deception of cancer conmen!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17
By G. Edward Griffin
ISBN 978-0-91298-619-7 (American Media)

The first printing was in 1974 and as of 2003 this book has been revised and reprinted 17 times; that alone speaks volumes. This book gets into the nuts and bolts of why the American Medical Association, the FDA, and the American Cancer Society call this information a fraud. I know it's a nice thought to put our trust in government agencies because they are looking out for us but the reality is that is seldom the case. Many of their opinions are based on politics and financial objectives. For the cost a good meal you can buy this book and decide for yourself. I did and it's a deep insight into an aspect of health care that you probably were never aware of. I would have liked to see more documentation but when you're dealing with government agencies I suppose it's difficult to do sometimes, that's why this is a 3 star.

Rahasya Poe, Lotus Guide
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As an "alternative" practitioner, it sure does get tedious to hear the question, "If it worked so well, then why isn't it all over the news and talked about by every M.D. and cancer researcher?" With the answer often being, "because it works too well and no real money can be made from it", most people grapple with the implications and ultimately write it off as some crazy conspiracy theory. This is the saddest, most frustrating, and even ridiculous type of road block to encounter when attempting to educate and help very ill people. It ultimately reveals the extent to which we've all been programmed (and I don't use that term lightly here). If you don't like the word "conspiracy", then use another, but it doesn't change the fact that a small group of greedy, powerful people are keeping vital health info from the rest of us for a variety of self-serving reasons.

This book reviews just ONE type of natural therapy (from dozens if not hundreds) that has and does work, but was felled by politics, economics, greed, corruption, and possibly plain old evil. You will find very similar accounts of Vitamin C, Rife technologies, homeopathics, magnetic therapy, ozone, chelation and many others. Same old story for the last 120 years or so. Some of us seem to get very rich, the rest of us suffer and then die. You can ask "why" all you want, but I suggest you take off your blinders, turn off the "boob-tube", and get off the sofa and do some serious research into these matters before you or your loved ones are felled by our modern health care industry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read this book!



Then perhaps you will understand why to many of us, the word Capitalism is a filthy swear word. Griffin gives historic details of how that noble philanthropist and all around great guy, John D. Rockefeller covertly led the charge to get medical training in universites changed from dealing with disease to prescribing pills and chemicals -- because he, John D., and his cohorts, would make a FORTUNE off it!

I read one of the first editions years ago and after I did, I have sworn that if I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I am NOT going for the standard crappola that doctors are taught in the brainwashing insane asylums they call "medical schools". Years ago, I learned all about holistic treatements and because I did, my gall bladder is still right where God intended it to be instead of in a garbage dump somewhere. My successful treatment of gallstones cost me all of about $15.00. Surgery would have cost me thousands and would have profited the hospital, the doctors, and the makers of all the medical instruments and surgical devices involved in the surgery. No wonder holistic treatment is spoken of in such derogatory terms within the medical establishment.

Thankfully, we are seeing many doctors begin to realize that they have been lied to by the pharaceutical establishment, and in their desire to do what is best for the patient, they are learning about holistic health treatments.

I can't say enough good about this book.
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