100 Days in Deadland (Deadland Saga) (Volume 1)

ByRachel Aukes

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz escobar
Thought the book was very enjoyable...my only complaint was that it ended! Thought the characters were realistic...for the most part...Wanted to prolong the read because it was so good but finished it off in 2 days...so...looking forward to more books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam nahar
If you like "Walking Dead" you will surely like this. It sucked me in from minute one and had me up at night because it was so intense that I didn't want to put it down. The main character is a female who transitions from an average woman to a very strong woman during the course of the book. I love that beyond the zombies it delves so much more into the human side of things. I'd definitely read more by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard retyi
Your book is thoughtful and extremely intelligent, which is sometimes hard to manage in a fictional setting. I enjoyed it and became very attached to the characters. You gave them just enough life to make them breathe on their own. Great work please put out another with Cash.
Hell on Earth (Life of the Dead Book 1) :: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return (Earth Chronicles) :: MaddAddam :: Rosemary Cottage (Hope Beach) :: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (Left Behind #11)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
100 Days in Deadland wastes no time getting into action and doesn’t stop until the end. If you are looking for a book with suspense, action, adventure and even a bit of humor, this is a must-read. I didn’t want to put it down in anticipation of the next twist in the plot. It is a tale of human behavior when faced with extreme circumstances that is both inspiring in its lead characters and horrifying. Rachel Aukes has a talent for describing a place that feels like home – or what home could be like under very different circumstances. Grab the book, a blanket, your favorite beverage and start reading it today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca handley
For me, 100 Days in Deadland was a comfortable stretch outside my comfort zone. While I am a fan of well written horror novels, I never really got into this whole zombie/werewolf/vampire thing that dominates the genre today. Rachel Aukes may change my mind about that.
This book captured my attention right from the jump-off. Ms. Aukes doesn't shilly-shally around about getting the reader involved in the action. The mayhem starts on the first page, and the pace never lets up for the remainder of the book. The quality of her writing, coupled with the acknowledged connection to Dante' inferno, elevate this book a good bit above anything else I have read in this subgenre.
I read this overnight, during a long shift in my job as a security guard, and this book made me closely examine the early arrivals for the morning shift. Well done, Rachel Aukes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason stueve
The twists and turns of people just trying to survive fill this book with suspense. The main trio are people you have hope for. What a cruel twist of fate that humans are as deadly as Zeds in this new world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya williams
Now this is a well written zombie apocalypse novel. Traditional, believable and plenty of non stop action. You will not be disappointed. I will be looking forward to reading the next book in this saga.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather craik
This was a fun read. The characters were minorly cliche, but not too much. Nice fast pace, characters you can care about, interesting plot... Though i don't get the whole Dante's Inferno angle. That doesn't seem necessary to emphasize. The story stands fine without it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon homer drummond
Well written story. Held my attention throughout this quick read. Some scenarios are reminiscent of The Walkign Dead, but there is enough uniqueness that you dont feel the story was taken straight from the comics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lydia presley
Four stars to the author's liberal use of symbolism and originality in executing your standard zombie apocalypse story. Not too wordy, philosophical debates between characters minimal, and the main character being a woman gives a unique perspective I enjoyed. The .30 cal designation for machine guns and some other stuff related to combat put me off a little, but the rest of the story more than made up for it. Looking forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
curt bozif
Great story line but not new. Man against zombies, man against man. Characters are what makes the book an entertaining read. We travel with the main character as she changes with her new environment. Entertaining, good, evil, and survival. What's not to like.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelsey hatley
Great book. Stayed up late two nights to finish it. Now I can only hope there will be a second book. I have never gave five star's before but this book deserves it plus a couple more. Trust me.....you gotta read this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robbie bashore
I really liked the main characters. The author created a scenario that was so believable. A little too gory though. I think that the story would still have been good without the very descriptive scenes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read many, many apocalyptic novels. This one far exceeds the others. I could not put it down and am waiting patiently for the third and last installment. Love love love her writing and will read anything else that she puts out.
Miss Ellie
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the epitome of zombie books! Author, Rachel Aukes, is a master at creating characters that I was able to relate to, find happiness with, and shed tears with! For lovers of zombie novels everywhere, this trilogy is one not to be missed. The storyline was original, extremely descriptive, and kept me literally on the edge of my seat, often holding my breath or urging, "Run, run, run!!!" If anyone fumbled at loading their weapon, I was terrified! And when the characters entered a building for the first time, I could almost smell the zombie stench with them! I don't want to give anything away (oh, how I hate that!) so I'm being quite careful with this review. I'm also new at writing reviews so I hope this is acceptable and gives every post-apocalypse fan the desire to begin reading "100 Days in Deadland" by Rachel Aukes. You'll be so glad you did, believe me!!! Please don't miss one of, if not the, best zombie novels I have ever read! I'm getting started on reading the second novel in the series immediately!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The writing, the story and the editing make this a rare gem in the onslaught of Z(ed)ombie titles. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still read those others, but this was a good read. Suspend your cynical side and your desire to compare this to the great works of someone and enjoy this for what it is: A love story between a hard to read man and an "in way over her head" woman. Throw in an easy to hate villain, a by the books, but with a heart, army commander, the lovable scamp from next door, not 1, but 2 self-sacrificing dogs and a hoard ( or herd) of zombies, and it's good brown goo smelling fun!

I'll have to check Rachel's other works.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
elaine ho
I usually like a book with a strong female character and Cash did work to make herself strong and capable, but I didn't really like her. The first day she takes off with a complete stranger, begs to stay with him and never goes to check on her family. Oh, she (eventually) calls and leaves messages and whines about how she's so worried about them, but her first instinct was NOT to see if her loved ones were alive or dead - and they weren't all that far from where she started out. Also the plot was the totally overused "crazy" survivors who use the opportunity to band together to kill, hurt women and take the law into their own hands - in this case a Jim Jones-type with a band of local gun-totin' idiots. Not badly written but nothing new in plot or story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Before this book I had no idea what Dante inferno was. This book had everything romance friendship treason hero's villains whose only motive was to strive and hope. I love the end and even more the beginning and through this book you see a modern young woman become a warrior
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jimmy mercer
I love zombie books that feature an uber cool/strong kickass girl. This one def does. Some of it was a bit unbelievable but what do you expect with a zombie book. Alot of action and a little 'cuteness'. I hesitate to use that word as some people may judge it based on that but honestly, it's a gritty novel at heart.

Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Worst thing about the book was that it ended, lol. I'm looking for more women authors of zombie fiction, and Rachel Aukes is very good. I also like the fact that it's one stand-alone book. I'll buy her next one.
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