The Most Dangerous Book in the World - 9/11 as Mass Ritual
ByS. K. Bain
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The issue of 9/11 conspiracies is controversial, and the hard won gains of serious research are at risk of being compromised by extravagant extended theories, such as what, I fear, we see in this book. Since the book compounts occult illusions witth 2012 nonsense and predictions already in failure, it wouldn't seem much to worry about. The question of Aleister Crowley is one of the most confused and to annex it to the 9/11 question is bound to compound that confusion. The question is straightforward: the evidence presented for this interpretation is far from conclusive, and, in fact, is almost non-existent. One problem is that Crowley was mostly a peddler of fake occultism. Another is that the 'ritual' 'magick' referred is dubious and improbable enough in one individual, unbelievable at all in a group trying to coordinate such a madcap set of procedures. That said, this book is revealing of the mentality on the right, and in relation to the covert agencies: this is an outer symptom of something often suspected to exist in the intelligence grey zone, and we see indirect or parallel issues in the evidene of 'remote viewing' research, and 'mind control' techniques. The reviewer seems to be very far to the right, and his confusion here just may reflect, almost as outer disinfo, something suspicious in the quagmire of confusions that no doubt befuddles rightwing hotheads: the tempting fake bait of Crowlean 'operations'. Again, however nonsencial, it is revealing of something present on the right, and/or in the covert zone.
This is a second version of a review of this confusing book, and the first can be found in the comments.
This is a second version of a review of this confusing book, and the first can be found in the comments.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melanie terwoord
I downlaoded a Kindle version of this book. I found it be mis-titled (a personal opinion). It was obviously titled this way for marketing reasons. There are many other, less exotically titled books, on the same subject which manage to address these issues with intelligence, objectivity (as far as can be expected) and with excellent footnoting. Overall a disappointing read. I would say that there are many other 'more dangerous' books in the world than this one.
The Ritual :: The First Decker/Lazarus Novel (Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus Series Book 1) :: Everyday Rituals to Tune In to the Real You - Crystal Muse :: At the Back of the North Wind :: SHORTLISTED for the Man Booker Prize 2017 - Exit West
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Usual conspiracy BS. Books like these keep you mentally busy by distracting from the real 911. There is absolutely no explanation about the ritual meaning of 911 in this book.
The whole layout is all over the place. It fells like reading "copy and paste" garbage collected from websites.
This Book goes straight into the lollypop section in my library. I should have known just by reading the title of this book.
The whole layout is all over the place. It fells like reading "copy and paste" garbage collected from websites.
This Book goes straight into the lollypop section in my library. I should have known just by reading the title of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nichole cline
This book brings up many interesting points. All are proven in the book. Also shows REPUBLICATIONS are associated with Satan. Just check the stars on the logo. They have moved from standard stars to Luciferian symbols. Flee republicans......
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melanie gogerly
Only a functional autistic or paranoid psychotic could have construed this gem of a conspiracy theory book together in such a madly cohesive way. Reading Bain's book is like following an insane clown through a carnival funhouse, you never know where he is going to lead you next. Other than the brief digression into a Phoenix false flag fantasy this piece of work is a real page turner in an "I can't wait to see what he's going to say next" kind of way. SPOILER ALERT! When the smoke of 911 clears in the wake of the collapsed towers Bain pulls the ash covered curtain aside to reveal that HOLY MOLY IT'S ALEISTER CROWLEY standing there bearing ultimate responsibility for the attack, some 54 years after his death! Fun Fun Fun! The Great Beast gives The Most Dangerous Book in the World two horns up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise dyer
By now the official conspiracy theory has been discredited; even the heads of the 9/11 Commission acknowledge its inadequacy and how frustrated they were by the repeated misstatements (lies) by Pentagon and Federal Aviation Administration officials. The failure of the commission to identify those most responsible for the crime requires us to develop a deeper understanding of what happened if we are to avoid an even greater tragedy in the future.
S. K. Bain has bravely ventured into the shadows of black magic, the occult, the language of symbols, mind control, psychological warfare, and special operations that played a role in concocting the narrative that is deeply embedded in contemporary thought and history. He has done so with remarkable humor, wit, rationality and attention to detail. One could project meanings and symbols onto any and every event and subsequently dismiss them as synchronicity, coincidence, or paranoia, but what S. K. Bain has identified is hard to ignore. His book is likely to instill an avid curiosity about the images, symbols and dates that barrage us continually through the mass media. Understanding the code is perhaps our first line of defense against the assaults upon our minds.
Anyone with an innate desire to understand themselves and the world will find a veritable feast in Bain's discoveries. Mind-baffling outrageous crimes have a certain logic, language, and dark humor that repeats itself again and again. If you aren't familiar with Aleister Crowley, you will learn how his writings and philosophy have been embraced and disseminated widely by those who believe that a select few should rule over the masses; Bain spells out how the 9/11 events are an "Ode to Aleister Crowley." Bain's work is a virtual Rosetta Stone, a key to decoding the images and signals that constantly bombard us. Bain modestly acknowledges that he is simply compiling the insights of other writers, thinkers, and researchers who have penetrated the matter in depth.
Bain lays out the occult significance of many of the details of 9/11 in such a way that it becomes obvious that it was orchestrated to terrorize people, while the engineers and architects of the event ended up laughing at those who fell for it. He shows how they have flaunted their power through their control over the media and the official narrative.
Daniel Lerner, author of Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany, states, "Before you can make a man do as you say, you must make him believe what you say." While verifying Bain's research, I stumbled across the Vigilant Citizen website [...], which proclaims: "Symbols Rule the World, Not Words Nor Laws."
Places and dates have great meaning in the cultural realm and are amplified by the electronic media, connecting the entire planet via the global news networks. 9/11 was not merely reported in London, Madrid, Bali and India; it was echoed in subsequent "terror attacks."
The second half of Bain's work follows the logic behind 9/11, as well as behind the "terror attacks" of 7/7, into a more speculative realm, the next mega-9/11 ritual, which he fears is scheduled to happen on 12/25/2012 in Phoenix, Arizona.
S. K. Bain writes ironically as he lays out the plot, the details, and the numerological references, symbols, and players in the upcoming drama, including the globally televised prelude at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London leading up to "Black Christmas." Here is an excerpt from the foreword, which is written as if in hindsight:
"If only we had been able to use the occult script from 9/11 to decode their plans sooner, in advance... maybe, just maybe, this might have allowed us to stop their next act of false flag terror. If only..." The nightmare scenario that he lays out, an "unimaginably horrific assault" upon the city of Phoenix and other targets, becomes an immediate justification for martial law and a global religious war.
The first casualty of war is truth. At the core of Sun Tzu's Art of War is the acknowledgement, "All warfare is based on deception." The truth about false flag operations, ritual murders, and other violent acts always threatens the criminals responsible for them--but silence and consent serve to enhance the criminals' aura of immunity and invincibility. Bain offers us tools to increase our own knowledge and power. He invites us to share his quest, to bear the responsibility of reining in those who seem intent upon murder, deception, terror, and war.
To divide, conquer, terrorize, trick, and deceive is emblematic of evil intent. Bain's work gives us the means to lift the veil and see behind the curtain, to reclaim words and symbols that have been corrupted by those committed to controlling every aspect of human life. The book is an invitation to remember what we know, to unite our rational, emotional and spiritual selves, to find courage within, community with others, and to resist and thwart looming rituals upon the horizon. The book should not be read in isolation, but instead shared and discussed as widely as possible.
Peter Levenda warns readers in the prologue that the book will lead us away from the consensus reality, the shared reality of the dominant culture, the state, the church, and the corporate world. Despite their failures to protect us on many fronts, these institutions are familiar. People have adapted to living within their realms, and they accept pervasive symbols at face value. Our shared cultural metaphors and stories have shaped our lives; discovering new meanings to historical events and revered symbols can be profoundly disturbing. Having warned us of the challenges inherent in looking beyond the veil of consensus reality, Levenda tells us in the prologue to Part II that "This has nothing to do with Mayan prophecy or Biblical millennialism, which are only window -dressing for the actual event. It has everything to do with political events as mega-rituals, and with the conscious application of ritual technology to the manipulation of mass psychology... This is not a book for the nervous."
The book's cover is daunting; it is written for courageous souls who seek to discover "what is real" and who can find strength and energy in knowledge despite the challenges and responsibilities that understanding imposes.
S. K. Bain has bravely ventured into the shadows of black magic, the occult, the language of symbols, mind control, psychological warfare, and special operations that played a role in concocting the narrative that is deeply embedded in contemporary thought and history. He has done so with remarkable humor, wit, rationality and attention to detail. One could project meanings and symbols onto any and every event and subsequently dismiss them as synchronicity, coincidence, or paranoia, but what S. K. Bain has identified is hard to ignore. His book is likely to instill an avid curiosity about the images, symbols and dates that barrage us continually through the mass media. Understanding the code is perhaps our first line of defense against the assaults upon our minds.
Anyone with an innate desire to understand themselves and the world will find a veritable feast in Bain's discoveries. Mind-baffling outrageous crimes have a certain logic, language, and dark humor that repeats itself again and again. If you aren't familiar with Aleister Crowley, you will learn how his writings and philosophy have been embraced and disseminated widely by those who believe that a select few should rule over the masses; Bain spells out how the 9/11 events are an "Ode to Aleister Crowley." Bain's work is a virtual Rosetta Stone, a key to decoding the images and signals that constantly bombard us. Bain modestly acknowledges that he is simply compiling the insights of other writers, thinkers, and researchers who have penetrated the matter in depth.
Bain lays out the occult significance of many of the details of 9/11 in such a way that it becomes obvious that it was orchestrated to terrorize people, while the engineers and architects of the event ended up laughing at those who fell for it. He shows how they have flaunted their power through their control over the media and the official narrative.
Daniel Lerner, author of Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany, states, "Before you can make a man do as you say, you must make him believe what you say." While verifying Bain's research, I stumbled across the Vigilant Citizen website [...], which proclaims: "Symbols Rule the World, Not Words Nor Laws."
Places and dates have great meaning in the cultural realm and are amplified by the electronic media, connecting the entire planet via the global news networks. 9/11 was not merely reported in London, Madrid, Bali and India; it was echoed in subsequent "terror attacks."
The second half of Bain's work follows the logic behind 9/11, as well as behind the "terror attacks" of 7/7, into a more speculative realm, the next mega-9/11 ritual, which he fears is scheduled to happen on 12/25/2012 in Phoenix, Arizona.
S. K. Bain writes ironically as he lays out the plot, the details, and the numerological references, symbols, and players in the upcoming drama, including the globally televised prelude at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London leading up to "Black Christmas." Here is an excerpt from the foreword, which is written as if in hindsight:
"If only we had been able to use the occult script from 9/11 to decode their plans sooner, in advance... maybe, just maybe, this might have allowed us to stop their next act of false flag terror. If only..." The nightmare scenario that he lays out, an "unimaginably horrific assault" upon the city of Phoenix and other targets, becomes an immediate justification for martial law and a global religious war.
The first casualty of war is truth. At the core of Sun Tzu's Art of War is the acknowledgement, "All warfare is based on deception." The truth about false flag operations, ritual murders, and other violent acts always threatens the criminals responsible for them--but silence and consent serve to enhance the criminals' aura of immunity and invincibility. Bain offers us tools to increase our own knowledge and power. He invites us to share his quest, to bear the responsibility of reining in those who seem intent upon murder, deception, terror, and war.
To divide, conquer, terrorize, trick, and deceive is emblematic of evil intent. Bain's work gives us the means to lift the veil and see behind the curtain, to reclaim words and symbols that have been corrupted by those committed to controlling every aspect of human life. The book is an invitation to remember what we know, to unite our rational, emotional and spiritual selves, to find courage within, community with others, and to resist and thwart looming rituals upon the horizon. The book should not be read in isolation, but instead shared and discussed as widely as possible.
Peter Levenda warns readers in the prologue that the book will lead us away from the consensus reality, the shared reality of the dominant culture, the state, the church, and the corporate world. Despite their failures to protect us on many fronts, these institutions are familiar. People have adapted to living within their realms, and they accept pervasive symbols at face value. Our shared cultural metaphors and stories have shaped our lives; discovering new meanings to historical events and revered symbols can be profoundly disturbing. Having warned us of the challenges inherent in looking beyond the veil of consensus reality, Levenda tells us in the prologue to Part II that "This has nothing to do with Mayan prophecy or Biblical millennialism, which are only window -dressing for the actual event. It has everything to do with political events as mega-rituals, and with the conscious application of ritual technology to the manipulation of mass psychology... This is not a book for the nervous."
The book's cover is daunting; it is written for courageous souls who seek to discover "what is real" and who can find strength and energy in knowledge despite the challenges and responsibilities that understanding imposes.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
corin garbe 2
After much reading and research, I realize the official 9/11 story is a lie, and I also realize that there is an evil elite with power and sadistic ways beyond comprehension.
With that said, this book is a waste of money; there are better books and sites to study. The author jumps around, dabbles in, touches on...he is all over the place; Bain mentions some occult number connection then jumps to a man then to a goat back to a different number then to a clown, eventually a statue, and then another number connection. It is not that any of it is necessarily right or wrong, it is just discombobulated pieces clumped together. It is like he wrote a brief paragraph on what came to his mind next. He quotes Wikipedia several times starting on page 163, even my children's high school teachers won't let them quote Wikipedia in their simple research papers. Take a pass on this book!!
Recommend instead the site 'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth' to start on 9/11. Also, the book 'The Franklin Cover-up' or 'The Franklin Scandal' to start on the evil lurking in the USA, hard to read emotionally. All leads back to the same evil group.
With that said, this book is a waste of money; there are better books and sites to study. The author jumps around, dabbles in, touches on...he is all over the place; Bain mentions some occult number connection then jumps to a man then to a goat back to a different number then to a clown, eventually a statue, and then another number connection. It is not that any of it is necessarily right or wrong, it is just discombobulated pieces clumped together. It is like he wrote a brief paragraph on what came to his mind next. He quotes Wikipedia several times starting on page 163, even my children's high school teachers won't let them quote Wikipedia in their simple research papers. Take a pass on this book!!
Recommend instead the site 'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth' to start on 9/11. Also, the book 'The Franklin Cover-up' or 'The Franklin Scandal' to start on the evil lurking in the USA, hard to read emotionally. All leads back to the same evil group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex dolan
Fascinating. Frightening. And funny.
I've read quite a few books on 911 (and watched countless videos). But Bain reveals a whole new set of dots and connections. Very well written. An "easy" read (form, not substance), broken into nice short chapters for those of us who have ADD or an otherwise limited attention span.
As for the substance. It's morbid, disturbing, heavy subject matter, but Bain's humor is the spoonful of sugar.
And this is actually two books in one. No spoilers here (I hate it when people try to write their own synopsis in a review. Like a movie trailer that can ruin a great film). Anyway, the only thing I will say about the second book, I will urge my family in Phoenix to NOT be home for Christmas.
You must read this book, and you must read it as soon as possible.
I've read quite a few books on 911 (and watched countless videos). But Bain reveals a whole new set of dots and connections. Very well written. An "easy" read (form, not substance), broken into nice short chapters for those of us who have ADD or an otherwise limited attention span.
As for the substance. It's morbid, disturbing, heavy subject matter, but Bain's humor is the spoonful of sugar.
And this is actually two books in one. No spoilers here (I hate it when people try to write their own synopsis in a review. Like a movie trailer that can ruin a great film). Anyway, the only thing I will say about the second book, I will urge my family in Phoenix to NOT be home for Christmas.
You must read this book, and you must read it as soon as possible.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gozwul pikri
Having researched this topic for a number of years I learnt nothing new. The content is true, but merely scratches the surface of a deeply buried ancient knowledge. In fact, the book precariously balances between fluff to those who comprehend the occult underpinnings of the event in question, and tin foil hat material to those still cemented in "the official version". This could have been a brilliant work, but unfortunately the author published prematurely (i.e. akin to someone writing an instruction manual on skippering ocean line cruisers while holding only a jet ski license).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rachel hooten
I gave this book three stars for two reasons. The first reason, on the positive side, is that if you're unfamiliar with so-called 'occult' symbolism, this book is an easy to read, entertaining, and interesting introduction to the fact that this kind of symbolism does exist and has been used in staged terrorist attacks (as well as in spectacles like Olympic ceremonies and sports half-time shows) in an attempt to influence the subconscious minds of the public. I think it's important for as many people as possible to become *aware* of this phenomenon, because awareness is the first necessary step in the process of empowering ourselves so that we are no longer susceptible to being controlled by this kind of manipulation. But if you have noticed that interpretations of this kind of symbolism tend to emphasize their supposed 'demonic' or 'satanic' connotations almost exclusively, then you may find the explanation for this, which follows, interesting.
The second reason for the three-star rating reflects what I see as the negative side of this book. Mr. Bain understands that an important part of the plan following events that have a 'mind control' aspect, is to control the story that researchers will later use to explain the meaning of the symbolism to the public, because that explanation becomes part of the indoctrination process that the controllers of media can then keep perpetuating over time. The intent is to spin the story in as negative a way as possible in order to demoralize the public and make them feel powerless. I know that Mr. Bain understands this aspect of the plan because he wrote about it in his book. But in spite of being aware of this, he makes no apparent effort to avoid translating the symbolism in what can only be described as a disempowering way, and even seems to me to go out of his way to find negative interpretations of the symbols, which is exactly what the controllers who want to capitalize on the event are hoping for.
Please don't misunderstand the argument I'm making here. I think killing innocent people and terrorizing millions of others is a completely evil thing to do, no matter what your 'reason' is for doing it. But the symbols that are used as the 'mind control' part of the plan are not negative in themselves -- they have both positive and negative meanings and feelings attached to them. In order for the perpetrators to get across their intended meaning, which is usually intended to appear negative, they have to use symbols that already exist and resonate in our unconscious minds. And the symbols they use, like all symbols, also stand for very positive things. There's no way for them to avoid that fact except to try to spin the interpretation after the event to try to make it seem as negative as possible.
Because this reality is not just randomly organized, but is full of meaning in its structure and in the way it unfolds through time, when you choose a series of symbols with the intent of communicating a coherently 'evil' message, the symbols you use will necessarily, at the same time, communicate an equally coherent *positive* message. The unconscious mind is completely aware of both the positive and negative aspects of the message. It is only our *conscious* minds that may not be able to perceive the positive meaning because we are emotionally traumatized by the suffering associated with the event and can only think of it in negative terms. This is exactly what the controllers count on in order to make sure that we consciously receive only *their* chosen, deliberately negative message.
I have no way to determine whether or not Mr. Bain is knowingly participating in the effort to publicize the most negative message possible. But there does seem to be a pattern in his interpretations that favors the negative. For example, he cherry-picks two philosophically and psychologically dated William Wescott quotes from the 1880s and uses them as part of his 'proof' that both 9 and 11 are "most evil" numbers, implying that they are somehow fatally flawed in their essence, regardless of their context (an idea that I believe no enlightened qabalist today would accept as valid). Then he uses a quote from Aleister Crowley stating that the number 11 is 'magical', and combines the two sources to claim that every time the numbers 9/11 are heard or seen, the unconscious mind interprets this to mean "evil magic". He uses the phrase "evil magic" repeatedly, as if to make sure it registers. There might eventually be something to this interpretation if people like Mr. Bain insist on translating every symbol related to the attacks solely in terms of evil and Satanism, but if that happens, it will simply be a propaganda effect with nothing 'occult' about it.
If you consult a competent, present day student of metaphysics or numerology, you will find that the number 9 actually represents the end of a cycle. This meaning is obvious in the number sequence itself. The number 0 represents the clean slate before anything happens, the number 1 starts something, 2 through 8 continue it in various different ways (which we won't go into here), and the number 9 'mops up' in preparation for the beginning of the next cycle. The new cycle represents the same sequence but expressed on a higher level, which changes the meaning of the original numbers and in fact makes them more potent. Once again we have a 0, but this time preceded by a 1, giving us two digits instead of just one, to make 10, which to a qabalist represents 'completion'. The number 11, a powerfully creative 'Master Number', initiates the new cycle *on a higher dimension*. These elementary, fundamental meanings of the numbers are also confirmed by the functions they serve within the Qabalah and the Tarot, neither of which considers *any* component of its metaphysics to be fatally flawed or purely evil.
You may be familiar with the fact that in the context of computer programming, you can't fix a problem from the same level where the problem is occurring; it's just not possible. You have to go to the level at which you can change the programming that's creating the error. This is exactly where we now stand in the context of this reality. We're transitioning from one level of conscious awareness to a more insightful and powerful one where we will have the ability to *change the programming* within our own consciousness and remove the root causes that have been creating all the problems (or at least most of them). The 9/11 attacks may have allowed a certain level or faction of the 'control system' to perpetrate a war that no one but war profiteers and the controllers themselves wanted, but that victory on their part came at a serious price: the unconscious, positive side of the symbolic message that was conveyed by 9/11 also began to *wake people up*. Now you understand why those who desperately want to hang onto their illegitimate power, are so determined to make sure that all of us think of 9/11 only in terms of 'evil', 'Satanism', and the 'invincibility' of the controllers.
There is nothing 'evil' about the number 9 or about the ending of a cycle, especially if you consider the sorry state we find ourselves in at the end of this particular cycle. After 6,000 years of patriarchy, the dominance of left-brain consciousness has allowed the ego's will-to-power to reach a point of imbalance that is now life-threateningly destructive. The turning of the Great Year into Aquarius, under the influence of the Great Awakener, Uranus and the Qabala's 'Great Mother Binah', also known as Saturn, brings with it the right-brain ability to expand consciousness into increased awareness of both the intuitive super-conscious, and the symbolic subconscious realms. This expansion of awareness greatly reduces the ego/intellect's ability to project its own dark subconscious material out into the world to make innocent others into perceived 'enemies'. This hidden projection process, of which most people have been completely unaware, has been the key factor that has allowed the controllers to manipulate us into wars, but that time is coming to an end.
There are positive, inspiring interpretations for all of the symbols that Mr. Bain cites in his book, but I'll only mention a few. On one level, the twin towers are an ancient symbol of the boundaries between dimensions of consciousness -- the subconscious, ego consciousness, and the super-conscious. You can see these towers represented at strategic points in the symbolic progression of the Tarot Trumps. And on another level they specifically represent the way that intellectual ego consciousness (Gemini, 'the twins', in astrology) sees everything in terms of pairs of opposites (which is the basis of the projection process that gets us into wars). Both of these symbolic meanings have been used in metaphysical systems for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and their thought-forms in the collective unconscious are powerful. The Masonic pillars, Jachin and Boaz are just one representation of this symbolism.
But that brings up another curious fact. Mr. Bain interprets the symbolism of 9/11 as an 'ode to Aleister Crowley', whose own symbolic sensibility was rooted in Gematria and the Qabalah, which is also the basis of much Masonic symbolism. And yet the structures targeted, which almost certainly *intentionally* reflect (or reflected) this qabalistic, secret society, Masonic symbolism, *were destroyed* (in the case of the WTC). In the case of the pentagon, the structural integrity of its magical, protective 'pentgram' shape was breached, symbolic of a fatally compromised state in the context of magical operations. The targets could easily be seen to represent two masculine qabalistic powers: Mars (masculine aggression/Pentagon) and Mercury (left-brain rational intellect/commerce/WTC). Both of these powers have been perverted by the suppression of the feminine feeling nature, to create corruption and destruction at a global level.
The most likely explanation for this targeting of icons representing symbolically masculine, Masonic/qabalistic powers can be discerned from the symbols evoked by the incident, cited by Bain, involving New York-bound Korean Air Lines Flight 85. Just before entering Canadian air space, Flight 85 was (inexplicably) instructed by FAA controllers in Alaska to activate its signal to display a hijacking distress code, even though ground control was aware at the time that all was well on the plane. The plane was rerouted by NORAD to land 1,000 miles further east at Whitehorse International Airport even though, as Bain notes, the plane was running low on fuel.
So what was that about? Bain notes that 85 is the number of the path of Peh on the Qabalistic Tree, but doesn't explain that this path requires that a balance be achieved between the left-brain powers of Mercury, at the left end of the path, and the right-brain powers of Venus, at the right end of the path. The Tarot Trump assigned to this path is The Lightning-Struck Tower, as Bain notes. But he doesn't provide the deeper background to the Crowley quote he gives on the number 85, "even the highest unity, if it move or energize, means War". The lightning that strikes the Tower represents "the highest unity", which is a balanced energy being expressed through the energy of Mars, to purify anything that is out-of-balance and therefore inadequate to conduct the Divine creative energy which, with the advent of the Aquarian Age, is coming through the Feminine aspect of the Godhead, Binah/Saturn. The 'war' is, therefore, directed against all unbalanced structures, and in our time, this is largely those that exclude or disempower the feminine. The Tower representing Gemini/left brain dominance is struck because it is unbalanced and must be replaced by a structure that can integrate the right-brain powers of Venus.
The fact that the 'twin towers' are being replaced by a single tower that, near its middle, forms a perfect octagon, as well as incorporating eight tall isosceles triangles alternately pointing upwards and downwards, is certainly interesting since, in addition to symbolizing the integration of duality and unity, it immediately evokes the symbol of the eight-pointed Star, which is represented in the 17th Tarot Trump. The card represents a large eight-pointed star surrounded by seven smaller stars, above the figure of a woman who is pouring out water onto the land and into a pool (earth and water, the two feminine elements), which makes her a kind of feminine version of the 'man with the water jar', the traditional symbol for the sign of Aquarius. The stars bring in the element of fire, and Aquarius is an air sign, so this symbolism represents a profound state of synthesis and completion.
The Star card is assigned to the Path of Tzaddi which means fishhook (reminiscent of the symbolic "fishers of men" of the previous Piscean Age) and the sign qabalistically associated with Tzaddi is Aquarius. The Path connects the two human-level feminine qabalistic powers: the Moon, symbolic of the unconscious mind, the Divine aspect of human sexuality, and the nurturing aspect of the Feminine, including the emotional connection with Mother Earth; and Venus, symbolic of everything that is beautiful, true, balanced, and just (Libra), as well as a conscious connection with the feeling nature which supports positive relationships and a healthy respect for and enjoyment of our physical bodies and the beauty of the natural world. That's what you might call a prescription to heal the wounds inflicted by an out-of-control patriarchy and restore the lost balance which is necessary to create harmony. Because of its association with the sign of Aquarius and the previously suppressed feminine powers, The Star card is considered by many to be the key symbol of the dawning Aquarian Age.
Returning to the symbolism of Flight 85, Bain relates the symbol of the 'white horse' to heroin, based on an Ozzy Osbourne song lyric which, entertaining as it may be, seems like a bit of a stretch in terms of the impact it might be expected to have on the collective unconscious. But he overlooks what I consider to be a key clue. There are two organizations that assign letter codes to airlines, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which assigns a three-letter code, and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) which assigns a two-letter code. The designation of Korean Airlines Flight 85 would have been KAL85 (ICAO code) and KE85 (IATA code).
What's the first association you have to somebody who rides a white horse? It's the 'good guy', of course. And chief among the expected 'good guys' of our time is the symbolic Avatar of the coming age, whose symbol is the white horse, who will appear, as the Hindu scriptures tell us, at a time "when the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers" -- doesn't that sound about right? And what is the name of this symbolic figure? Kalki (or KAL-KE, close enough in my book).
I'm not saying that we should consider the killing of innocent people to be an acceptable act on the part of 'good guys', although in war situations, there have certainly been times when the unacceptable may seem unavoidable. It's possible that the final form of 9/11 may have been the result of a power struggle between two factions of would-be controllers, or the result of actions taken by a covert group within the planning faction. The targeting of structures symbolically representing degenerate, unbalanced, patriarchal war-mongering may have been influenced by a more magically sophisticated group that might be considered, at the very least, the lesser of two evils, if not a real-world, imperfect version of the iconic 'good guys'.
The planned excuse for war may have assumed a more serious symbolic and magical form than the less mystically inclined of the planning faction either anticipated or were equipped to understand before the fact (for that matter, some of the likely suspects may still not understand it). There may have been more chaos involved than the original planners intended, and they may have been scrambling ever since to put a good face on it (i.e., "I *meant* to do that"). That idea has a certain intuitive resonance for me.
There doesn't seem to be a truly negative message contained in the 'white horse' incident, and could whoever took the trouble to arrange it really have been oblivious to the obvious positive symbolism it contains? It seems unlikely to me. But what is certain is that "the highest unity" works in mysterious ways -- through the acts of the just and the unjust alike -- to achieve its highest purpose, and that purpose is not 'evil'.
So buy this book if you think it might help you to understand how various people (notably advertisers and corporations, though that is not covered in the book) use hidden symbolism to influence you ('occult' simply means 'hidden'). Or watch Michael Tsarion's videos on symbolism on Youtube. But don't let the negative tone of the interpretation that is presented by Mr. Bain get you down. There is significantly more to this symbolism and to this story than this particular book recognizes.
The second reason for the three-star rating reflects what I see as the negative side of this book. Mr. Bain understands that an important part of the plan following events that have a 'mind control' aspect, is to control the story that researchers will later use to explain the meaning of the symbolism to the public, because that explanation becomes part of the indoctrination process that the controllers of media can then keep perpetuating over time. The intent is to spin the story in as negative a way as possible in order to demoralize the public and make them feel powerless. I know that Mr. Bain understands this aspect of the plan because he wrote about it in his book. But in spite of being aware of this, he makes no apparent effort to avoid translating the symbolism in what can only be described as a disempowering way, and even seems to me to go out of his way to find negative interpretations of the symbols, which is exactly what the controllers who want to capitalize on the event are hoping for.
Please don't misunderstand the argument I'm making here. I think killing innocent people and terrorizing millions of others is a completely evil thing to do, no matter what your 'reason' is for doing it. But the symbols that are used as the 'mind control' part of the plan are not negative in themselves -- they have both positive and negative meanings and feelings attached to them. In order for the perpetrators to get across their intended meaning, which is usually intended to appear negative, they have to use symbols that already exist and resonate in our unconscious minds. And the symbols they use, like all symbols, also stand for very positive things. There's no way for them to avoid that fact except to try to spin the interpretation after the event to try to make it seem as negative as possible.
Because this reality is not just randomly organized, but is full of meaning in its structure and in the way it unfolds through time, when you choose a series of symbols with the intent of communicating a coherently 'evil' message, the symbols you use will necessarily, at the same time, communicate an equally coherent *positive* message. The unconscious mind is completely aware of both the positive and negative aspects of the message. It is only our *conscious* minds that may not be able to perceive the positive meaning because we are emotionally traumatized by the suffering associated with the event and can only think of it in negative terms. This is exactly what the controllers count on in order to make sure that we consciously receive only *their* chosen, deliberately negative message.
I have no way to determine whether or not Mr. Bain is knowingly participating in the effort to publicize the most negative message possible. But there does seem to be a pattern in his interpretations that favors the negative. For example, he cherry-picks two philosophically and psychologically dated William Wescott quotes from the 1880s and uses them as part of his 'proof' that both 9 and 11 are "most evil" numbers, implying that they are somehow fatally flawed in their essence, regardless of their context (an idea that I believe no enlightened qabalist today would accept as valid). Then he uses a quote from Aleister Crowley stating that the number 11 is 'magical', and combines the two sources to claim that every time the numbers 9/11 are heard or seen, the unconscious mind interprets this to mean "evil magic". He uses the phrase "evil magic" repeatedly, as if to make sure it registers. There might eventually be something to this interpretation if people like Mr. Bain insist on translating every symbol related to the attacks solely in terms of evil and Satanism, but if that happens, it will simply be a propaganda effect with nothing 'occult' about it.
If you consult a competent, present day student of metaphysics or numerology, you will find that the number 9 actually represents the end of a cycle. This meaning is obvious in the number sequence itself. The number 0 represents the clean slate before anything happens, the number 1 starts something, 2 through 8 continue it in various different ways (which we won't go into here), and the number 9 'mops up' in preparation for the beginning of the next cycle. The new cycle represents the same sequence but expressed on a higher level, which changes the meaning of the original numbers and in fact makes them more potent. Once again we have a 0, but this time preceded by a 1, giving us two digits instead of just one, to make 10, which to a qabalist represents 'completion'. The number 11, a powerfully creative 'Master Number', initiates the new cycle *on a higher dimension*. These elementary, fundamental meanings of the numbers are also confirmed by the functions they serve within the Qabalah and the Tarot, neither of which considers *any* component of its metaphysics to be fatally flawed or purely evil.
You may be familiar with the fact that in the context of computer programming, you can't fix a problem from the same level where the problem is occurring; it's just not possible. You have to go to the level at which you can change the programming that's creating the error. This is exactly where we now stand in the context of this reality. We're transitioning from one level of conscious awareness to a more insightful and powerful one where we will have the ability to *change the programming* within our own consciousness and remove the root causes that have been creating all the problems (or at least most of them). The 9/11 attacks may have allowed a certain level or faction of the 'control system' to perpetrate a war that no one but war profiteers and the controllers themselves wanted, but that victory on their part came at a serious price: the unconscious, positive side of the symbolic message that was conveyed by 9/11 also began to *wake people up*. Now you understand why those who desperately want to hang onto their illegitimate power, are so determined to make sure that all of us think of 9/11 only in terms of 'evil', 'Satanism', and the 'invincibility' of the controllers.
There is nothing 'evil' about the number 9 or about the ending of a cycle, especially if you consider the sorry state we find ourselves in at the end of this particular cycle. After 6,000 years of patriarchy, the dominance of left-brain consciousness has allowed the ego's will-to-power to reach a point of imbalance that is now life-threateningly destructive. The turning of the Great Year into Aquarius, under the influence of the Great Awakener, Uranus and the Qabala's 'Great Mother Binah', also known as Saturn, brings with it the right-brain ability to expand consciousness into increased awareness of both the intuitive super-conscious, and the symbolic subconscious realms. This expansion of awareness greatly reduces the ego/intellect's ability to project its own dark subconscious material out into the world to make innocent others into perceived 'enemies'. This hidden projection process, of which most people have been completely unaware, has been the key factor that has allowed the controllers to manipulate us into wars, but that time is coming to an end.
There are positive, inspiring interpretations for all of the symbols that Mr. Bain cites in his book, but I'll only mention a few. On one level, the twin towers are an ancient symbol of the boundaries between dimensions of consciousness -- the subconscious, ego consciousness, and the super-conscious. You can see these towers represented at strategic points in the symbolic progression of the Tarot Trumps. And on another level they specifically represent the way that intellectual ego consciousness (Gemini, 'the twins', in astrology) sees everything in terms of pairs of opposites (which is the basis of the projection process that gets us into wars). Both of these symbolic meanings have been used in metaphysical systems for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and their thought-forms in the collective unconscious are powerful. The Masonic pillars, Jachin and Boaz are just one representation of this symbolism.
But that brings up another curious fact. Mr. Bain interprets the symbolism of 9/11 as an 'ode to Aleister Crowley', whose own symbolic sensibility was rooted in Gematria and the Qabalah, which is also the basis of much Masonic symbolism. And yet the structures targeted, which almost certainly *intentionally* reflect (or reflected) this qabalistic, secret society, Masonic symbolism, *were destroyed* (in the case of the WTC). In the case of the pentagon, the structural integrity of its magical, protective 'pentgram' shape was breached, symbolic of a fatally compromised state in the context of magical operations. The targets could easily be seen to represent two masculine qabalistic powers: Mars (masculine aggression/Pentagon) and Mercury (left-brain rational intellect/commerce/WTC). Both of these powers have been perverted by the suppression of the feminine feeling nature, to create corruption and destruction at a global level.
The most likely explanation for this targeting of icons representing symbolically masculine, Masonic/qabalistic powers can be discerned from the symbols evoked by the incident, cited by Bain, involving New York-bound Korean Air Lines Flight 85. Just before entering Canadian air space, Flight 85 was (inexplicably) instructed by FAA controllers in Alaska to activate its signal to display a hijacking distress code, even though ground control was aware at the time that all was well on the plane. The plane was rerouted by NORAD to land 1,000 miles further east at Whitehorse International Airport even though, as Bain notes, the plane was running low on fuel.
So what was that about? Bain notes that 85 is the number of the path of Peh on the Qabalistic Tree, but doesn't explain that this path requires that a balance be achieved between the left-brain powers of Mercury, at the left end of the path, and the right-brain powers of Venus, at the right end of the path. The Tarot Trump assigned to this path is The Lightning-Struck Tower, as Bain notes. But he doesn't provide the deeper background to the Crowley quote he gives on the number 85, "even the highest unity, if it move or energize, means War". The lightning that strikes the Tower represents "the highest unity", which is a balanced energy being expressed through the energy of Mars, to purify anything that is out-of-balance and therefore inadequate to conduct the Divine creative energy which, with the advent of the Aquarian Age, is coming through the Feminine aspect of the Godhead, Binah/Saturn. The 'war' is, therefore, directed against all unbalanced structures, and in our time, this is largely those that exclude or disempower the feminine. The Tower representing Gemini/left brain dominance is struck because it is unbalanced and must be replaced by a structure that can integrate the right-brain powers of Venus.
The fact that the 'twin towers' are being replaced by a single tower that, near its middle, forms a perfect octagon, as well as incorporating eight tall isosceles triangles alternately pointing upwards and downwards, is certainly interesting since, in addition to symbolizing the integration of duality and unity, it immediately evokes the symbol of the eight-pointed Star, which is represented in the 17th Tarot Trump. The card represents a large eight-pointed star surrounded by seven smaller stars, above the figure of a woman who is pouring out water onto the land and into a pool (earth and water, the two feminine elements), which makes her a kind of feminine version of the 'man with the water jar', the traditional symbol for the sign of Aquarius. The stars bring in the element of fire, and Aquarius is an air sign, so this symbolism represents a profound state of synthesis and completion.
The Star card is assigned to the Path of Tzaddi which means fishhook (reminiscent of the symbolic "fishers of men" of the previous Piscean Age) and the sign qabalistically associated with Tzaddi is Aquarius. The Path connects the two human-level feminine qabalistic powers: the Moon, symbolic of the unconscious mind, the Divine aspect of human sexuality, and the nurturing aspect of the Feminine, including the emotional connection with Mother Earth; and Venus, symbolic of everything that is beautiful, true, balanced, and just (Libra), as well as a conscious connection with the feeling nature which supports positive relationships and a healthy respect for and enjoyment of our physical bodies and the beauty of the natural world. That's what you might call a prescription to heal the wounds inflicted by an out-of-control patriarchy and restore the lost balance which is necessary to create harmony. Because of its association with the sign of Aquarius and the previously suppressed feminine powers, The Star card is considered by many to be the key symbol of the dawning Aquarian Age.
Returning to the symbolism of Flight 85, Bain relates the symbol of the 'white horse' to heroin, based on an Ozzy Osbourne song lyric which, entertaining as it may be, seems like a bit of a stretch in terms of the impact it might be expected to have on the collective unconscious. But he overlooks what I consider to be a key clue. There are two organizations that assign letter codes to airlines, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which assigns a three-letter code, and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) which assigns a two-letter code. The designation of Korean Airlines Flight 85 would have been KAL85 (ICAO code) and KE85 (IATA code).
What's the first association you have to somebody who rides a white horse? It's the 'good guy', of course. And chief among the expected 'good guys' of our time is the symbolic Avatar of the coming age, whose symbol is the white horse, who will appear, as the Hindu scriptures tell us, at a time "when the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers" -- doesn't that sound about right? And what is the name of this symbolic figure? Kalki (or KAL-KE, close enough in my book).
I'm not saying that we should consider the killing of innocent people to be an acceptable act on the part of 'good guys', although in war situations, there have certainly been times when the unacceptable may seem unavoidable. It's possible that the final form of 9/11 may have been the result of a power struggle between two factions of would-be controllers, or the result of actions taken by a covert group within the planning faction. The targeting of structures symbolically representing degenerate, unbalanced, patriarchal war-mongering may have been influenced by a more magically sophisticated group that might be considered, at the very least, the lesser of two evils, if not a real-world, imperfect version of the iconic 'good guys'.
The planned excuse for war may have assumed a more serious symbolic and magical form than the less mystically inclined of the planning faction either anticipated or were equipped to understand before the fact (for that matter, some of the likely suspects may still not understand it). There may have been more chaos involved than the original planners intended, and they may have been scrambling ever since to put a good face on it (i.e., "I *meant* to do that"). That idea has a certain intuitive resonance for me.
There doesn't seem to be a truly negative message contained in the 'white horse' incident, and could whoever took the trouble to arrange it really have been oblivious to the obvious positive symbolism it contains? It seems unlikely to me. But what is certain is that "the highest unity" works in mysterious ways -- through the acts of the just and the unjust alike -- to achieve its highest purpose, and that purpose is not 'evil'.
So buy this book if you think it might help you to understand how various people (notably advertisers and corporations, though that is not covered in the book) use hidden symbolism to influence you ('occult' simply means 'hidden'). Or watch Michael Tsarion's videos on symbolism on Youtube. But don't let the negative tone of the interpretation that is presented by Mr. Bain get you down. There is significantly more to this symbolism and to this story than this particular book recognizes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlie kirchoff
This is the most deeply disturbing, troubling book I have ever read! I have had many sleepless nights since reading it and have wrestled continuously with grasping some of the concepts the author presents. It is terrifying that what is between the covers of this book is true and trying to truly understand it all can be a bit overwhelming. Much of what is outlined is simply frightening and at times incomprehensible. I don't believe that after attempting to get a solid understanding of it all that I will ever be able to look at the world in the same way again. It is incredibly unsettling to know how completely the authorities have lied to the public and how an elite segment of humanity controls events in such a way. This is essential reading for anyone who wants to know the truth regarding the world in which we live and how laughably helpless we all are to handle our own personal destiny, let alone the future of society. I fear for my children and all children everywhere as they face a future controlled completely by an all-powerful elite. I have grappled with the information in this book and remain confused and upset. However, while I am stunned and agitated by this book, I do not doubt that the author is sharing an ultimate truth, a truth so powerful and earth-shaking that the media will never have the courage to report it. In fact, the media is an integral part of the insidious plot, as I understand it, and with the flow of information under control, the evil elite will continue to do its will while humanity remains ignorant of the massive manipulation of our lives. This book is amazingly hypnotic and the reader will never stop thinking about it, as I have. I still have trouble with the author's staggering revelations and hope to learn more from his other works and finally overcome my resistance to what is so obviously true. I know I can do nothing to change things but at least I will never be ignorant of the dark machinery driving all events, all destiny, ever again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is one that delves into the occult, ritualistic aspects of the 9/11 events and more. The book is presented in a manner that combines serious research with whimsical comments. It presents a good case for the general themes it develops, while it is not exhaustive and doesn't pretend to be a conclusive look at this subject. This book is a very interesting read and touches on a level of the events that most researchers would fail to consider. Anyone interested in hidden history and occultism is likely to find this book to be an engaging read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
colleen treacy
The person who wrote this book is mad beyond belief, the book explains 9/11 then goes off talking about numbers and a date of which the author thinks there will be another 9/11 style attack....the author was wrong. the book is all over the place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen smith
Almost thought this was a spoof at first. Kept waiting for, Just Kidding, ha ha. But it was very intriguing.
In the end, I'm not convinced one way or another. But this spurred me on to do a heck of a lot more research and the premise is believable. For further research, please look into Michael Hoffman's Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. He quotes it quite a bit. Also consider that, human sacrifice is as old as history. The ancients wanted to appease their gods. What makes us think that it doesn't still occur today?
In the end, I'm not convinced one way or another. But this spurred me on to do a heck of a lot more research and the premise is believable. For further research, please look into Michael Hoffman's Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. He quotes it quite a bit. Also consider that, human sacrifice is as old as history. The ancients wanted to appease their gods. What makes us think that it doesn't still occur today?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As I have written many times, TrineDay is the most important book publisher in the nation today! Its products take on a nature that scare many other publishers away. But, not TrineDay. TrineDay is a publisher every Amercian should know about!
This title deals with 9/11 and does not disappoint a reader.
9/11 has bred a lot of conspiracy theories, and whether or not you believe the government deliberately killed 3,000 people, Bain and TrineDay gives you a new look into the events of the days.
Probably, one of the most important points, Bain makes is his statement that government employees, or representatives, are as clueless as the average citizen is when it comes to the way the government works, and the forces at work to subvert it! Wow!
Bain, does step out of bounds, though. He takes the easy road and places blame on the Freemasons and the Illuminati. And, others! The Freemasons support Shriners Hospitals, Scottish Rite Hospitals, the Templar Eye Foundation and is nothing more than a fraternity in America. For those who say otherwise, baloney. I know of a 97 year old retired USAF pilot who could barely walk and cannot overthrow the government or anything else. But, Bain is not the only one who chooses to blame Freemasons. Lots of writers do this! And, it's the easy way out. It's incorrect!
This is an excellent title, but the author does dapple in magic and politics in the same thread. The Kabbalah?
If you can get by the mysticism and pull out the valuable parts of this book, you will see the value in the price you paid for it AND you will see some insights into a subject matter that continues to raise questions to this day. And, why not have an open mind and read and study and research and ponder and...
This title deals with 9/11 and does not disappoint a reader.
9/11 has bred a lot of conspiracy theories, and whether or not you believe the government deliberately killed 3,000 people, Bain and TrineDay gives you a new look into the events of the days.
Probably, one of the most important points, Bain makes is his statement that government employees, or representatives, are as clueless as the average citizen is when it comes to the way the government works, and the forces at work to subvert it! Wow!
Bain, does step out of bounds, though. He takes the easy road and places blame on the Freemasons and the Illuminati. And, others! The Freemasons support Shriners Hospitals, Scottish Rite Hospitals, the Templar Eye Foundation and is nothing more than a fraternity in America. For those who say otherwise, baloney. I know of a 97 year old retired USAF pilot who could barely walk and cannot overthrow the government or anything else. But, Bain is not the only one who chooses to blame Freemasons. Lots of writers do this! And, it's the easy way out. It's incorrect!
This is an excellent title, but the author does dapple in magic and politics in the same thread. The Kabbalah?
If you can get by the mysticism and pull out the valuable parts of this book, you will see the value in the price you paid for it AND you will see some insights into a subject matter that continues to raise questions to this day. And, why not have an open mind and read and study and research and ponder and...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading this, & it is unbelievable. I was aware of a lot of these things, but lots of information not covered when 9/11 first happened has been included. Stop sleepwalking through life & open your eyes to what's "REALLY" going on around you.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alex cutrone
Very strange book about a very strange group of secret societies that supposedly control the destiny of the world. Keep in mind while you read it that these so-called elite who want to bring the population of the world to 550,000,000 from the current nearly 7 billion are a sick bunch of hypocrites and may find themselves not part of the remaining 550 million. A bullet has no conscience or vendetta and these elite are not bullet proof.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda hill hable
Save your money. This is complete nonsense. If you're going to make up lies in order to feed the paranoid, the least you can do is get your mythology right.
People have to recognize that conspiracy theories are big business. They make writers and bogus leakers lots of money. There is no motivation to 1) tell the truth, or 2) stop making up stories. The more nonsense they make up, the more money they make. Understand?
It is a true testament to the dumbing down of America that anyone would even entertain this book beyond the first few chapters, and that for morbid curiousity about the amount of gumption the auther possesses. This country is in dire straights, but not because of some made up fiction, because of the lack of critical thinking skills in the average person. It's embarrassing.
People have to recognize that conspiracy theories are big business. They make writers and bogus leakers lots of money. There is no motivation to 1) tell the truth, or 2) stop making up stories. The more nonsense they make up, the more money they make. Understand?
It is a true testament to the dumbing down of America that anyone would even entertain this book beyond the first few chapters, and that for morbid curiousity about the amount of gumption the auther possesses. This country is in dire straights, but not because of some made up fiction, because of the lack of critical thinking skills in the average person. It's embarrassing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leigh anne fraser
Very interesting book - overwhelming in its scope. The author is a little confused as to how many popes left after Benedict XVI. St. Malachy never said the pope after Benedict is the last pope, but "in the end, the last pope to reign before the second coming of Christ would be Peter the Roman, who would set things to right in the Church", (rousting out the communists and freemasons to be sure). I'm paraphrasing a little as I don't have the prophecy in front of me. Peter Levenda, who wrote the epilogue, is even more confused. Yes, the sin of Adam and Eve is the original sin - the first sin of disobeying God. We are not experiencing the "evil trolls, the monsters in the forest....the possessing demons..." because the Church made something up. The Church didn't make this up. These things are happening because of OUR sins, as well as Adam and Eve's. Jesus washed our sins - He paid the price. The founder of the Catholic Church is Jesus Himself, and since He is God, He says what is right and what is wrong and what we have to do to obtain eternal life. We don't pay cash for baptism.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jen na acree
This book is actually itself a psychological operation, a tricky clever invasion designed to plant lies and nonsense into your mind so that you throw up your hands in helpless confusion, which is exactly what the author, Bain, recommends twice in the book.
According to Bain, every bird used as any symbol or mascot is really a Luciferian phoenix, so that if an eagle is used as a symbol or if Native Americans used Eagle feathers or a baseball team uses a cardinal or maybe if a Hawaiian King used bird feathers on his cape, this shows the astounding satanic control of "our reality". EEEKKKK! It is simply incredible isn't it! Throw up your hands! Every atom is part of the plot!
So if there is a song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and 12 can be inverted to 21, and that is TWICE
as stupid as someone with ZERO brains, it all adds up to 12/21/2012. If you get that, then you might find value in the tortured nonsense of the book.
More serious is the Authors lies. Anyone who studied 9/11 has seen "9/11 Loose Change" and knows that ALL the videos of Osama Bin Laden "leaks" and "announcements" are staged and false, yet the author continues the myth that Bin Laden lived to see the year 2002. He doesn't mention the evidence that Bin Laden died in Dec 2001. Much later in text, the author covers the fake 2010 Pakistan raid which allegedly found and killed Bin Laden a second time, and supposedly buried his body at sea WITHOUT ONE sailor witnessing it, yet he keeps his key 2004 quote from the already dead Bin Laden on page 68. So much for reliable information or conclusions or worthwhile views from this book.
More serious is the author's continuation of the lie and myth that Iran's Ahmadinejad ever said the people of Israel should be annihilated. That was an intentional mis-translation repeated hundreds of times by the very people Bain is allegedly against, to set up Iran as the next target of USA aggression.
More serious is his repeat of the Zeitgeist Movie assertion that the story of Jesus is all myth and that Jesus never existed. Such a view is as luciferian as it gets, and yes, the Zeitgeist Movies are all funded New World Order psychological operations. So which side is author on?
Thus one sees that buying into any of the author's crap is voluntary moral paralysis.
This is not a Paul Revere book, it is an Alfred E Newman book.
For someone like Bain, an expert on the word phoenix, who googles any word to arrive at dot connecting revelations, how is it that the author missed the 1997 Phoenix Lights, one of the most dramatic and well documented UFO sightings ever? And from there how did he miss the 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference youtube in which military experts break oaths of silence and testify to an ET presence that shut down the nuclear ballistic program. Thus there will never be another atomic bomb or a nuclear war on this planet. Don't believe it? Study the military testimonies, including the Russian testimonies.
Since he ignored these facts, his assertion that a nuclear bomb will go off in Phoenix Arizona ten days from the writing of this review is just dumb. In eleven days his book will be monument to his foolishness and I hope he can "pull it."
In not mentioning the real 1997 events associated with his beloved city of Phoenix, Bain shows us that he is not a seeker of truth, but someone promulgating an agenda.
So what if 9/11 was a mega ritual? So what? Bain leads us no where. Bain is familiarizing us with the satanic brand names, without offering us any tools for resistance, and thus is enabling the New World Order schedule. Consciously or not, the author is spreading the satanic creed.
If you believe that anything ever built or that ever happened on the 33rd parallel is Luciferian because of the number 33, or that any reference to a star has to do with some demonic labeled star that some deluded moron wrote about in some satanic treatise based on some other moron's interpretation of some ancient hieroglyphic, then this book is for you.
But if you want to break the chains of lies and destruction on planet, go to Globalresearch dot ca (canada) or Infowars dot com and take action, any action that starts making you a more sovereign individual.
There is not one bit of advocacy or justice based vision in this book.
Advice to author... get a life. Advice to review reader... don't buy this book.
My non commercial website is afterenlightenment dot net.
According to Bain, every bird used as any symbol or mascot is really a Luciferian phoenix, so that if an eagle is used as a symbol or if Native Americans used Eagle feathers or a baseball team uses a cardinal or maybe if a Hawaiian King used bird feathers on his cape, this shows the astounding satanic control of "our reality". EEEKKKK! It is simply incredible isn't it! Throw up your hands! Every atom is part of the plot!
So if there is a song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and 12 can be inverted to 21, and that is TWICE
as stupid as someone with ZERO brains, it all adds up to 12/21/2012. If you get that, then you might find value in the tortured nonsense of the book.
More serious is the Authors lies. Anyone who studied 9/11 has seen "9/11 Loose Change" and knows that ALL the videos of Osama Bin Laden "leaks" and "announcements" are staged and false, yet the author continues the myth that Bin Laden lived to see the year 2002. He doesn't mention the evidence that Bin Laden died in Dec 2001. Much later in text, the author covers the fake 2010 Pakistan raid which allegedly found and killed Bin Laden a second time, and supposedly buried his body at sea WITHOUT ONE sailor witnessing it, yet he keeps his key 2004 quote from the already dead Bin Laden on page 68. So much for reliable information or conclusions or worthwhile views from this book.
More serious is the author's continuation of the lie and myth that Iran's Ahmadinejad ever said the people of Israel should be annihilated. That was an intentional mis-translation repeated hundreds of times by the very people Bain is allegedly against, to set up Iran as the next target of USA aggression.
More serious is his repeat of the Zeitgeist Movie assertion that the story of Jesus is all myth and that Jesus never existed. Such a view is as luciferian as it gets, and yes, the Zeitgeist Movies are all funded New World Order psychological operations. So which side is author on?
Thus one sees that buying into any of the author's crap is voluntary moral paralysis.
This is not a Paul Revere book, it is an Alfred E Newman book.
For someone like Bain, an expert on the word phoenix, who googles any word to arrive at dot connecting revelations, how is it that the author missed the 1997 Phoenix Lights, one of the most dramatic and well documented UFO sightings ever? And from there how did he miss the 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference youtube in which military experts break oaths of silence and testify to an ET presence that shut down the nuclear ballistic program. Thus there will never be another atomic bomb or a nuclear war on this planet. Don't believe it? Study the military testimonies, including the Russian testimonies.
Since he ignored these facts, his assertion that a nuclear bomb will go off in Phoenix Arizona ten days from the writing of this review is just dumb. In eleven days his book will be monument to his foolishness and I hope he can "pull it."
In not mentioning the real 1997 events associated with his beloved city of Phoenix, Bain shows us that he is not a seeker of truth, but someone promulgating an agenda.
So what if 9/11 was a mega ritual? So what? Bain leads us no where. Bain is familiarizing us with the satanic brand names, without offering us any tools for resistance, and thus is enabling the New World Order schedule. Consciously or not, the author is spreading the satanic creed.
If you believe that anything ever built or that ever happened on the 33rd parallel is Luciferian because of the number 33, or that any reference to a star has to do with some demonic labeled star that some deluded moron wrote about in some satanic treatise based on some other moron's interpretation of some ancient hieroglyphic, then this book is for you.
But if you want to break the chains of lies and destruction on planet, go to Globalresearch dot ca (canada) or Infowars dot com and take action, any action that starts making you a more sovereign individual.
There is not one bit of advocacy or justice based vision in this book.
Advice to author... get a life. Advice to review reader... don't buy this book.
My non commercial website is afterenlightenment dot net.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
yash sinha
it's published by trine day (chris millegan)
contributer is peter levenda
they r both pieces of garbage
i have millegan's dull book on bones. i highlighted 1 reference
i have levenda's worthless 3 vol set on political witchcraft in america
the guy is a loser
also have his earlier book unholy alliance
nothing there
& chris got an interview with tony sutton just b4 he died
big deal. chris doesn't have an original thought in his head ooooommmmm
same with levenda
he & levenda r bottom feeders
the store readers would be better served to purchase the books of anthony sutton & the late great eustace mullins instead.
mullins is a researcher without peer
please purchase his books 'secrets of the federal reserve' & 'the world order'
these will give u the tools necessary to grasp the evil personae out to destroy us.
contributer is peter levenda
they r both pieces of garbage
i have millegan's dull book on bones. i highlighted 1 reference
i have levenda's worthless 3 vol set on political witchcraft in america
the guy is a loser
also have his earlier book unholy alliance
nothing there
& chris got an interview with tony sutton just b4 he died
big deal. chris doesn't have an original thought in his head ooooommmmm
same with levenda
he & levenda r bottom feeders
the store readers would be better served to purchase the books of anthony sutton & the late great eustace mullins instead.
mullins is a researcher without peer
please purchase his books 'secrets of the federal reserve' & 'the world order'
these will give u the tools necessary to grasp the evil personae out to destroy us.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Little can be said. Clearly any attempt at debunking this collection of outrageous nonsense would be a waste of time. It's absolutely horrifying to realize that there are people who take this seriously.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lauren aguilar
I respect Peter Levenda's research. I've followed in some of his inquiries. And he seems to have followed some of the same avenues that I've researched in the past (a uniquely American religion, etc). If there's been any overlap, I take it as flattery.
But numerology and the Nazi bell ship (not in this book, but another problem subject for Levenda) are bogus avenues and dead ends. There's nothing to them. Works he's written or collaborated on repeatedly are tainted with them. To be at all associated with Bain's theories now is a rapid way to lose remaining credibility. This is not social psychology analogy-for-utility Bain is engaging in. It also goes far beyond simple allegations of using 9/11 as a justification for bad policy.
An orchestrated ritual of human sacrifice and propaganda? What's next, HAARP and psychotronics? You know what caused 9/11? Islamic fundamentalists, latent Cold War-era agency rivalries, outdated classification procedures (which I predicted in the summer of 2001 on NIDSCI would produce certain gaps), and some paranoid neocons who were still obsessing about the Russians when they took office again, right down to holding distracting & resource-hogging WWIII exercises that prevented a proper response on that day.
Most of the issues were systemic in nature... attributes of a complex system. Except in the case of the apparent non-state-actors themselves (backed by rogue official elements in Pakistan), the outcome was not the result of intent or direct, linear cause & effect. What Bain is saying is no less bizarre than believing evolution is the result of a particular animal 'willing itself' to physically evolve.
Religious fanatics are a problem. And there are Christian ones, too, including historical occultist cabals & fronts. Hoover and Dulles were such weirdos involved in those, where mysticism interfaced with fascist political extremism. But attempting to connect these American strains to 9/11 -- you're seeing faces in clouds and narrative connections in mostly meaningless synchronicity. It is wrong and it doesn't even have a base utility as a tool of analysis.
Step back. Get a grip. You're nearing the precipice of nonsense with this.
But numerology and the Nazi bell ship (not in this book, but another problem subject for Levenda) are bogus avenues and dead ends. There's nothing to them. Works he's written or collaborated on repeatedly are tainted with them. To be at all associated with Bain's theories now is a rapid way to lose remaining credibility. This is not social psychology analogy-for-utility Bain is engaging in. It also goes far beyond simple allegations of using 9/11 as a justification for bad policy.
An orchestrated ritual of human sacrifice and propaganda? What's next, HAARP and psychotronics? You know what caused 9/11? Islamic fundamentalists, latent Cold War-era agency rivalries, outdated classification procedures (which I predicted in the summer of 2001 on NIDSCI would produce certain gaps), and some paranoid neocons who were still obsessing about the Russians when they took office again, right down to holding distracting & resource-hogging WWIII exercises that prevented a proper response on that day.
Most of the issues were systemic in nature... attributes of a complex system. Except in the case of the apparent non-state-actors themselves (backed by rogue official elements in Pakistan), the outcome was not the result of intent or direct, linear cause & effect. What Bain is saying is no less bizarre than believing evolution is the result of a particular animal 'willing itself' to physically evolve.
Religious fanatics are a problem. And there are Christian ones, too, including historical occultist cabals & fronts. Hoover and Dulles were such weirdos involved in those, where mysticism interfaced with fascist political extremism. But attempting to connect these American strains to 9/11 -- you're seeing faces in clouds and narrative connections in mostly meaningless synchronicity. It is wrong and it doesn't even have a base utility as a tool of analysis.
Step back. Get a grip. You're nearing the precipice of nonsense with this.
Please RateThe Most Dangerous Book in the World - 9/11 as Mass Ritual
What is called magick, and many people laugh when you bring up that word, think of it as hocus pocus, bogus, something only children believe in.
Than I ask you all to consider, why do the very top elite of the planet go to Bohemian Grove every mid July for two weeks with security so tight it even encompasses the air space above?
Don't know what or who goes to Bohemian Grove? You should, because most decisions from who will be the next POTUS Puppet to 9/11 even the A Bomb were originally conspired right in that Redwood Forest. The Guest List has included, Nixon, Reagan, both Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., Kissinger, many of our Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Supreme Court Judges, Governors (Arnold S), Generals, top CEO's from the largest corporations, nice big camping trip that includes a bunch of grown men, that dress in long robes, march around chanting with torches to a 40 foot stone owl named molach (I will not capitalize a demon's name - look up molach while you're at it.)
Simply Google Bohemian Grove, You Tube Bohemian Grove because 9/11 was probably planned there.
Has anyone else noticed how dark and occult our entire entertainment has become? Don't believe me, pull your kid's Ipod and pull up the lyrics to the music they are listening to. Really watch for the subliminal messaging on TV.
I very rarely watch TV, the flicker rate on the new flat screens does something I can sense and feel to my brain. It is my contention that TV is a form of mass mind conditioning as well.
9/11 was, like the past two Super Bowl Half Time "shows", The Grammies, all our mass entertainment, including many rock, rap and heavy metal "entertainment" are all mass rituals.
How do I know? Whom am I to judge and make this kind of statement? What purpose does a mass ritual serve?
I was in the occult for over 3 decades I studied under people you could Google and some that are so high up in occult knowledge, they cannot be Googled. We were required to study both the "white/do no harm/Wiccan/New Age" as well as the "black", yes this includes the goons (Satanist) as well as the real elite, the luciferians.
From a quantum physics level, what we call "magick" does exist. It's not magick so much as knowing how to manipulate the vibrational and magnetic frequencies to open up portals (some call the gates of hell).
The increase amounts of mass shootings, the number of cannibal eaters, even the increasing weirdness of our "entertainment" is a result of, in part, to massive traumatizing that paves the path for further demonization.
Pearl Harbor, all the wars, the genocides, JFK, The Challenger Explosion with it's loss of life and the coup de grâce of 9/11. All planned events to further traumatize (which is a way of mind conditioning, in preparation for what is yet to come). Some call it massive soul scarring. Traumatizing is akin to pounding a tough steak to tenderizing the meat in order to make it more to your liking.
The prologue is written by Peter Levenda and you should likewise, in order to understand the full extent of the war strategy, get "The Black Awakening" by Russ Dizdar, "Sinister Forces A Grimoire of American Political Witcraft Book One: The Nine" and "Sinister Forces A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft Book 2 A Warm Gun." both by Peter Lavenda.
Lastly, everyone should have a book that was written thousands of years ago by one of the top war generals in China, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
Mass mind control, the rabbit hole goes very deep and twists and turns frequently. We are at war, a "Cosmic Chess Match" (another good book by LA Marzulli) if you are willing to really dig a little deeper.
BE WARNED THE BOOKS RECOMMENDED HEREIN ARE NOT LIGHT READING. They are for the serious and mature minded individuals that really want to know what is going on in our little 3-D reality.
To a casual observer, which most people are, find themselves so busy getting that job or promotion, keeping that job, paying their mortgage, getting married, going through buying a house, having babies, selling a house, settling on a divorce, raising children - most people are kept too busy to really research and observe what is actually going on around them.
This dumbing down, distractions and dividing people is not haphazardly happening, it is intentional. Like the old shell game.
Most people prefer to read Harry Potter, 50 Shades of Gray, or are hooked on TV and swallow everything the mainstream media is spoon feeding the public.
Most people don't like when a messenger comes and tries to warn them, the wolves are at the door, you can't necessarily see them because we humans are limited with our three dimensional bodies, but we, if we allow ourselves, our inner selves, can feel a shadowy presence descending upon us and S.K. Bain's book, while not cheap, is really worth the read because there is vital information to be had in all 28 chapters.
This is one scary book, because from a partial insider, someone who has researched and knows some of what is going on, this is not fiction. It's scarier in content than anything any science fiction writer could dream up and it is, unfortunately our reality.
We were all victims on September 11, 2001. We were all traumatized and yes it was planned long ago. It was not just a bunch of ragheads with box cutters. There is, if you dare to do the research, a lot more involved.
I believe most people, in their hearts, know this, but can't come to grips with the ramifications this entails.
There are multiple dimensions. There is a Almighty Creator God. HE did, at one time, have a angel that over stepped his bounds, by the sin of pride and was cast down from Heaven.
lucifer is one mad and cunning entity. Far older, far wiser than man.
We have been at war since Eve was convinced to take a bite from the Tree of Knowledge.
One last book I recommend is the KJV Bible.
Yes, for decades I thought so too.
But, from what I know, have studied and seen, S.K. Bain's book explains much of what is going on and what is coming down the road..............the ride hasn't even hit the top yet folks and by the time most of you figure out this is not fiction, it will be too late.
You Tube Russ Dizdar and Steven Quayle as well because that will further explain where S.K.Bain is coming from.
Turn off your TV, your Ipod, your other distractions (that have been planned for you) and read. Read some of the books from S.K. Bain, LA Marzulli, Steven Quayle, Tom Horn, Peter Levenda.
What is going on in our 3-D "reality" is far more sinister than most people can understand or tolerate emotionally.
Your soul, which is far more precious than all the riches of this short "life" depends upon it.
Check out the Chapters Listed.
This is one book that is worth reading. It's not a easy read, but worth the knowledge contained within.
Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. With the amount of knowledge to be had, there is now no excuse for ignorance.
If you are still a naysayer, consider this: Within just our three dimensional reality, humans are restricted by eye sight, a eagle can see 1,000 times better than you. Some animals have night vision naturally, a bear can smell your body odor a mile away, a shark can smell one drop of blood and hear your heart beating a mile away and that is just "animals" that are non-human within our own three dimensional reality.
There are countless dimensions, even mainstream scientists now confirm that and probably countless universes, parallel worlds and entities that inhabit these "other dimensions", including the fallen angels cast out of Heaven that hold a malevolent grudge against humanity.
There are humans walking around that may have given up ownership of their physical vessel in exchange for power, wealth, fame and a few decades of "having it all" not knowing they are getting a bum deal. In other words, not all humans are driving their own cars.
Beyoncé / Sasha Fierce, Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson come to mind. You Tube Satanic Hollywood for a deeper perspective on Hollywood's influence, particularly among our impressionable youth.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1, scene 5