Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid Book 5)

ByRichelle Mead

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I find this book disappointing and repetitive. When Georgina was caught in the dream world, the book recounted the previous men she had been with. During those chapters, it seemed like the same story being told over and over again. They are different places, different characters, and different times, but same old story. I also find in those chapters, there are way to many romantic scenes. I felt they were placed in there because the story had trouble standing on its own. While once a while, a steamy romantic scene is enjoyable, too many just scream cheesiness. I felt like skipping over some parts, because it was getting so old.

I have read every book of Richelle Mead. This one definitely go toward the bottom of the list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow is all I can say! Richelle Mead sends readers on an emotional rollercoaster and keeps them coming back for more. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment, but I love it! Fans of the series will not be disappointed and those considering reading the series should plunge right in. We've even started a Succubus Support Group on an the store discussion board because we needed to vent and help each other through this series plus share our theories about Georgina's fate! Can't wait for the next and final book, Ms. Mead is a genius and master manipulator of emotions and relationships set in a paranormal world yet so realistic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven kilpatrick
I have loved all of the Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead, but this is by far the best.Georgina is reluctantly helping Maddie plan her wedding to Seth and we find out a little more about the dreams Georgina was having about her possible future.all I can say about the ending is that it left me wanting more.NOW. Can't wait for book 6!
The Magician's Lie: A Novel :: How to Recognize When God is Speaking - Discerning the Voice of God :: Discerning the Voice of God - Bible Study Book :: Devotions from Priscilla Shirer - Audio CD Volume 1 :: Succubus Revealed (Georgina Kincaid Book 6)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristen mcquinn
1 heroine (Georgina, Rose from Vampire Academy, Eugenie from Dark Swan)
1 love interest in the "good guy" category (Seth, Dimitri from VA, Kiyo from Dark Swan)
1 "bad boy" to make a love triangle (Roman the rogue half-angel seeking revenge, Adrian the playboy from VA, Dorian the power-hungry fae from Dark Swan)
1 token 2nd girl to form a quadrangle / wake-up call for the heroine when her boys pay attention to the addition (Maddie, Christian's aunt whose name I can't remember from VA, that fae queen who's preggo with Kiyo's kid from Dark Swan)
Add in a lot of unnecessary drama to prolong the series

This is the recipe in Richelle Mead's stories. The primary love interest is always on the side of good, makes forays into the Dark Side and loses the girl, allowing the Bad Boy to swoop in and take over for a time, but the heroine eventually realizes her One True Love is the Good Guy, so the Bad Boy backs off to nurse a broken heart.

Richelle Mead is a good author, so you get sucked into her stories, but I wish there was... more. For several books now, the plot hints about Georgina and something not quite right with her contract, but Georgina only realizes she should put more effort into investigating this five books into the series. This little plot is stretched to the limit and buried under all the drama that could've been avoided.

Georgina and Seth angst repeatedly, for several books, about hurting Maddie, but because the author had to end the draggy book at some point, they eventually fall in bed together, reconcile and strengthen their resolve to be together despite the fact that it'll break Maddie's heart and shorten Seth's lifespan.

Like. WTF dude. You waited five books and added a load of drama that could've been avoided four books ago? What a tease.

And the one thing that could've solved the mystery of the contracts - Jerome owing Georgina a favor - was wasted on a 'bring me to Seth before he runs away forevah' wish.

I hate it when I'm following a series and it feels like the author is prolonging it just for the sake of having more books, and therefore more money, but doesn't care that there's little to no plot, so they try to cover it with angst and drama instead. Haaaaaaaate iiiiiit. It makes me feel cheated afterwards and I end up cursing myself for falling for it, yet again.

And in this book the author doesn't even try anymore. The first half, before she gets kidnapped, is evenly-paced and provides some entertainment in the form of the sexual chemistry between Roman and Georgina. But when Georgina gets trapped in the dream world, here is where it gets Vampire Academy-ish and we get glimpses of everybody else's adventures when Georgina channels Rose Hathaway and ~sees it through the eyes of her friends~. But wait! ~Is it real or is it fake?~ Ugh. After she gets kidnapped it drags and the reader is subjected to flashbacks of Georgina's past, presumably with past incarnations of Seth. The dying plot tries to convince the reader it's still alive by adding the ~is it real or is it fake~ drama into the mix, but it's nothing but fluffed up recycled bits that were sprinkled in the previous books.

I'm still optimistic about Iron Crowned, hoping it won't follow the same pattern, and I've pre-ordered Spirit Bound and am too lazy to cancel it so I'll be paying for that too, but this book marks the end of my Georgina Kincaid book purchases.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jess kappeler
Rating: 5 Stars

So we left off with Georgina and Seth having been together for a brief bit while boss man was MIA and her powers were gone. It was beautiful and painful all at once because of Maddie. He was in a relationship and they both cared for her. Still nothing could keep them apart. Without her powers they thought he’d be safe but they both missed the most important part…years off his life were saved but his soul was darkened by his cheating which is even worse. Feeling guilty over everything and after Georgina pushed him back towards Maddie Seth proposed and now Georgina is in a deeper pit of hell helping plan the wedding of the man she loves and her best friend. Oh and a new succubus in town visiting has her eyes set on Seth as well. But with Georgina all of that is never enough as she still has her roommate who she once kind of loved before she found out he was killing fellow immortals and a mysterious force visiting her thoughts draying her into another realm. Hell might not be the worst place one can go after all.

Okay so I took some time between book 4 and this because I had some other books I needed to finish by deadlines and I know how all-consuming this would be. I have been so invested and so into these books it is insane. I feel like I am running a marathon at times my heart is racing so fast as I listen worried for people’s lives and souls and love. Oh the emotional roller coaster. I am all over the place. As I type this review I am downloading the final book from the cloud onto my device so I can dive right back in and see how things end. Because Succubus Shadows was amazing. It was everything and more. I don’t even know how to wrap this up in a coherent way. But here I go.

The whole dynamic between Georgina, Seth, and Maddie broke my heart at every page. It was so hard because Maddie is such a good person. I wanted her to have her happiness but I also want there to be a way for Seth and Georgina to be together but with them all being friends no matter what someone will be hurt. It sucks. The web woven and the despair felt was intense for me while listening. When the dreams started both real and fake it was so emotional. I was lost in this book for sure. I was both fascinated with some of the past lives and stories and horrified at others. The line between very thin.

Of course the side characters were always there and fun to watch as they continue to develop from a crush and romance advice for fellow immortals to medical issues of mortals. Everything was very grounded and developed for me and I can’t believe I listened to 90% of it in one sitting. I hardly remembered to drink anything. This series is addicting to me and I love it. The end of this book had both hard points and happy ones. Good and bad. I did cry at work again because I have no control over my emotions apparently but it was worth it. This series has really captured me and I am off now to start the final book in the series and hope that all of this emotion has a happy place in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been thoroughly enjoying this series and am really thankful that all of the books are already released and I've had a nice little gap in my reading schedule where I have been able to fit these in and just read and read and read.

I love Georgina our main character. She is feisty and confident and oh yes she's a succubus. While she is an employee of Hell basically she has a way of really just bringing up the people around her and even though she needs to steal life energy during sex in order to survive she would prey on and bad men to get her energy instead of corrupting the ones that are more pure. She made a deal in the first book to protects her boyfriend at the time Seth memory OF who she is and the knowledge of the supernatural world that most people in this book don't know about. She also went off the rails after Seth broke up with her. One of her friends Hugh had put in Seth's mind that he is not the one that is going to ultimately suffer from the relationship. Georgina would because he's a mortal and Georgina's already terrified of something happening to him and knowing that he will die and once he's gone after loving like that she would hurt and carry that hurt around for a long long time.

This book basically picks up where her best friend Maddie is asking for her help and planning her and Seth's wedding. Mattie you like most people had no idea that Georgina and Seth used to date because they kept it a secret from a lot of the people they were around at the time and Georgia and then it just kept being friends even though Georgina was so hurt at Seth breaking up with her.

After finally getting to see Georgina and Seth make love in the last book when Jerome was summoned and the immortals in Seattle were in a holding pattern they were still immortal but they lost their powers so Georgina could be with him without stealing his life energy. Georgina convinced him that their relationship wouldn't work especially now that she was back to being a succubus and urged him to go back to his relationship with Maddie because she could tell that Seth really cared for Maddie and she wanted them to have every chance to be happy. because of a relationship with her meant being in the middle of cosmic battles and putting his life in danger and abstinence because she doesn't want to end up stealing his life energy. So basically right after that conversation he went and proposed to Maddie. It was really hard on me to see this funny sweet charismatic guy that felt so much love for Georgina now in the arms of another woman. I'm just wondering how this is all going to work out. I'm mad at him for going to the arms of Maddie and even though she is such a sweet girl and I want her to be happy I really just feel like so but has been the story of Georgina and Seth and their forbidden love and their undeniable chemistry.

Towards the last half of the book things really start to come to a head and fore shadow some of the things that are coming. Seth has the existential crisis about the ending for his characters in his long-running series that is what brought him and Georgina together in the first place. He says that his muse is left him and he can't figure out how he wants to end things for them. as all this is going on he's wedding planning with Maddie and feeling the guilt over what happened with Georgina but there still the tension and chemistry between him and Georgie. So he is just wanting to figure out the root of that and if anything's possible with him and Georgina. we don't have his point of view so just guessing a little bit.

Of course I ended up finding out what is going on with visions that Georgina sees almost like a siren and calling her to something happy and bright and usually attacking her when she is in a more depressed mood. As her friends including Eric and Roman in his own way are trying to figure out how to rescue Georgina from what's going on with her visions it is neat to see them all band together and strive for an answer for her. She is usually the one that is so adamant about finding answers and not giving up. She would bring her friends along with her as back up if someone else has problem even if they wouldn't get unsolved without her urging. and now they're trying to help her.

The dreams continue to be a big part of the plot line and Georgina realizes something that I've noticed too. that trouble seems to be drawn to her and that she ends up being in the same kind of situations over and over and then she will seek help and then finally get to the bottom of things. but that it just seems like such a pattern and the cycle that she is on. Also liked the situation with godiva in this one showing that some parts of what she was shown to have the possibility to come true and that's it she might be on that path.

The ending definitely made me have more questions but it also started to show me how some of the things might unravel and having certain plot lines either be tied up or showing the possibilities of what might happen. Its kind of wild how close to the ending of full series we are and it's been a wild ride and I can't wait for an extra moment to go ahead and read more.

Bottom Line: Perfect storm leading up to the finale of this series that I've enjoyed immensely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haley carnefix
While the situation in Seattle has stabilized after the events in Succubus Heat, Georgina's life continues on its downward spiral in this book, with the disintegration picking up the pace, particularly toward the end. She is forced to confront her ongoing depression and challenged to at least attempt to not be so down all the time. At the same time, events around her make that incredibly difficult for her to do such that failure is pretty much inevitable. What happens after that can most arguably qualify as the worst experience of her life thus far and one that will bring about lasting changes in outlook and attitude not just for Georgina but for those around her as well.

I found the character development with Georgina to be really interesting this time, and we do actually finally see her make some progress toward breaking out of her old and familiar patterns. Some of her recent choices are called into question, and some she is obliged to rethink. She is also forced to really take a look at her life and many of her long-held beliefs and attitudes and begins to see how her life has been going around in circles for centuries as she has almost always responded to stress and crises in the same ways. Whether or not she's really managed to break the cycle by the end of this book is open to debate, though she definitely makes significant strides toward doing so at the very least. Time will tell if doing so will lead her in a better direction or a worse one.

The meta plot of the series really gains momentum in this book as well and takes some turns that I found quite intriguing. Many things are revealed, or at least brought to light, some of which play out how I'd suspected they would but others came as a surprise. There is fresh heartache of many sorts in store for Georgina, so much so that she is truly taken to her breaking point when it all starts to prove to be just too much for her to deal with. The events in Succubus Dreams continue to have rippling effects as Georgina and the rest of the cast continue to deal with the consequences of their actions there, Georgina more than the rest of them. By the end it becomes clear that someone truly does have it out for Georgina, and while there are some pretty good indications of who it might be, the reasons for it continue to be unclear.

Overall, while I'd still rank the previous book a bit higher than this one, this one ranks near the top for the series as a whole for me. Many hints have been given as to what the real story of this series is, but it's all still obscured enough that I have no idea how it'll play out in the end. I'm definitely interested in finding out though, and can't wait to read the final volume in the series to find out if Georgina will ever get a HEA or not. 4.5 stars (rounded up for the store) to a great book that not only held my interest but made me have a hard time turning it off when I had to break for bed or other things.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dennis charlebois
You would think after 4 books of drama and wanting to strangle georgina I would spare myself the misery.. nope! The urge to strange the succubus is still there and no matter how much I try to ignore the series I find that I want to finish it.

Georgina is still her usuall annoying self, everyone loves her and her Seth drama is still going. I find her to be a very, very selfish person.. i mean, thats why shes a succubus in the first place, because she was selfish and slept with her husbands best friend when she was Letha. I was actually happy for Maddie and Seth, it was nice to see the 'big girl' get the good looking guy instead of the beautiful, perfect main girl. Alas, good things come to an end right? Georgina just has to get what she wants..

That's no to say the book was terrible, it was just . so-so. It was like wading through thin mud, you can do it but slowly. I will the series to the end but the way this one ended i am sure i am going to scoff, roll my eyes and sigh heavily throughout it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
In Succubus Shadows, which would have been more aptly named 'Succubus Blues', the first half of the book is about how depressed Georgina is, and oy, was she ever ALWAYS depressed. And then there's Seth's impending wedding to Maddie, which I hate reading about...but I digress. Every time our gal Gerogie gets depressed, i.e., pining after Seth, she hears a comforting, not so depressy siren song, tempting her to give in, and of course, it's a temptation that is false but one she can't resist. The second half of the book is about her past, and we learn quite a bit about her--her evolution as a succubus and the pain of the deal she made, as well as the various men whom she fell in love with, and broke her heart.

It wasn't bad, it wasn't great. I liked it, and yet, I didn't. It was just--conflicting. If ever the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy had a story, Succubus Shadows would be it. While well written with that Mead fluidity and ease, managing wit and interesting philosophical elements, I just didn't enjoy that much. It was just okay, though repetitive and it just...............dragged.......................on...................until the last few chapters, in which a lot happens but quickly glossed over. There were a few allusions made that will be interesting to read in the next, and last, book, such as Simone's real reason for being in Seattle, the issue about Georgina's contract and the last few surprising paragraphs.

It's hard to pinpoint what I didn't like. It's more of a sense of feeling, like Mead mishandled our main characters a bit and made them, at times, unlikeable, which makes the whole book, including the good parts, not as good. Also, I felt like what once started off as a quirky, fun and tongue-in-cheek light chick-lit, has become bogged down with a seriousness that doesn't fit with the original concept of the series. The tone of it changed. I'm not saying that it's bad, it's just not light-hearted or as fun anymore. A few tired plots didn't help: Georgina is the very center of everyone's world--literally; Seth is still epically in love with her but is with Maddie because he feels sorry for her; Roman is still in love with her and makes rather foolish attempts to woo her; Cater continues to be interested in her too for mysterious angel reasons; Jerome is always dismissive of Georgina but goes to ANY length to save her, even risking his own position; and she keeps getting targeted by powerful, powerful forces despite, by her own admission, she's just a succubus and a good one (though in what ways, we don't really know), and not some important being but everyone would risk their own lives to save her's. I get that she's the whole point of the series but she's always the one getting saved, and the last to realize what is going on. The dream sequences about her past were interesting but too long and it was pretty much the same story, just in different time periods. So, it got kinda boring. Also, the whole Seth-Maddie-Georgina triangle has finally reached its climax (pun-intended), and I'm not sure I like how it was handled because it makes Seth look like gutless coward and Georgina as a complete insensitive, selfish jerk. I do not want to even remotely dislike my main leads whom I'm always loved, and could even understand when they cheated in the previous book.

Now, this is the conflicting part for me and may negate one or tow of the mumbo-jumbo above. I'm sort of faulting Mead for giving us real characters with, in some instances, irredeemable flaws when I usually cry foul when other authors fail to give us 'real' characters that are not at all flawed or ever truly in the wrong, or being affronted when the author decides to go outside the box I'm used to and be a little more serious and, gasp, offer us more substance, even if I may not be as in love with these characters as before or appreciate the direction I hadn't foreseen. But, Mead goes to that ethical/moral aspect headon, something she'd been dancing expertly pirouetting around, but goes the vague route and doesn't go deep enough to make it substantive or valid. It's not to say that Mead was careless. She wasn't but her final execution was lacking. We have Georgina constantly telling herself she keeps repeating herself, past to the present, going in circles (and the whole point of the dream sequences and actually fore-shadows the end, I think) and doing NOTHING to correct herself until the very end but even in that, she is repeating herself. This is supposed to the book where Georgina faces her worst fears and is supposed to overcome them, even if imperfectly, but it fails in that attempt. Mead's doing something but I can't decide if it's great, or going to be great, or just end up being nothing. Or maybe I'm giving this way more thought than it deserves. Ultimately, this book, and the series in toto, hasn't lost its uniqueness, charm and originality though this particular book isn't one of my faves but Mead is such a talented writer. I will definitely read the last in this series and hope for a satisfying conclusion (and not a lame, cop-out deus ex machina) to a still refreshing, sometimes brilliant but always entertaining series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A new and suspicious Succubus arrives just as Sirens trap Georgina in a dream state from which she cannot escape.

As the bond between Seth and Georgian is becoming stronger, others are starting to notice, this is not liked by many in her circle, lest of all her best friend Maddie who she is supposed to be helping to marry Seth!

Whilst the gang, including human Eric, try to save Georgina she continues to be stuck in a different dimension where she is shown truth, possible futures, tainted truths and outright lies, in horrible torturous semi dreams. This is horrific to read as I have come too really like Georgina

Only an American would suggest that Guinness goes with shepherd’s pie!! Seriously, NO!

RM does well to keep this book from becoming too dark and utilises Georgina’s more light hearted friends to accomplish this; Peter and his soirées really make me want to be an immortal!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
defi lugito
Oh goodness 5 books in and this series just keeps getting better!

Georgia is an enigmatic character that jumps off the page and burns into your brain! At first I wasn't sure I should how to feel about her and her lot in life.

Then the wordsmith of an author unleashes the world; story and conflicts and melts your heart!

Can't wait for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While I gave the previous book the same star rating, I feel like this was my least favorite of them all. At this point, I’m not into the main ship. SORRY. I feel like I’m the only one in the world who has read these books and doesn’t root for the obvious ship. And because this book focuses so strongly on it, it took away from my enjoyment of the new mystery.

The mystery in this book also wasn’t as intriguing as the others. In fact, I found it quite… weird? I don’t know. Still enjoyable, but not as good as the others!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy shrieves
This is the fifth book in the Georgina Kincaid series and it did not disappoint. Let me start by saying I'm so happy to see Roman return. I know he's bad but I can't help but love him. I'm still rooting for Carter as the man Georgina will end up with. Unlikely I know but I can hope right?

Succubus Shadows contained lots and lots of Georgie flashbacks in the form of dreams. I think this book really helped me to understand where Richelle Mead is going with this series but also left me with many unanswered questions. Why is Carter so invested in Georgina's life? What is up with the bond between Seth and Georgina? Why is Jerome obsessed with John Cusack ;) Ok I'll be serious now and try to give my opinion on this book without giving too much away. It's going to be hard because I have so many theories and ideas about what is happening bouncing around in my head.

It's disheartening to see how long Georgina has struggled with her role as succubus. She is quite the romantic at heart. Not a characteristic that normally goes hand in hand with someone who seduces men and steals their life force for a living. Her whole reason for becoming a succubus was so altruistic it doesn't seem fair she will spend an eternity as one of hell's minions. Yes, I'm aware that her poor choices led to her becoming a succubus but how many of us would sign our souls over to hell in order to fix something that hurt the ones we love?

From the flashbacks in this installment it really shows how Georgina seems to be reliving a recurring cycle so to speak. Continually being drawn to artsy (coincidence?) men that she can't be with for one reason or another. She has definitely experienced more than her share of heartbreak over the course of her immortal life.

This book was definitely a fabulous addition to the Georgina Kincaid series. I can't believe there will only be one more book in this series and that we have to wait an entire year for it to be published.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Georgina Kincaid has a tendency towards the darkness - and it's not just because she's a succubus who draws life from sex. In fact, if you've read the four books previous to this one in Richelle Mead's excellent Succubus series, you've had lots of illustrations of the darkness in Georgina's heart.

In 'Succubus Shadows' we finally learn why.

Most of this book happens in Georgina's head. She's captured early on by a hostile entity and forced to relive her worst memories and nightmares, and left to try to separate truth from lie on her own. Through her memories and fears we learn more about her history and her background than we've ever known. It gives us insight to her character and sets up some pretty big changes for her.

The nice part is that Mead pulls this off without making it feel like a "flashback" while the rest of the story gets put on hold. She balances history and modern-day events nicely, and gives us time with all the characters who share Georgina's life in Seattle. Vampires, demons, angels, and ex-boyfriends are all here, and all have their part to play. Near the end of 'Succubus Shadows,' things happen that are likely to change everything to come. In this story, we begin to see the reasons Georgina is where she is - and what she hopes for.

That's why I keep coming back to this story. The characters are smart and fun to read, and the story take unexpected turns. Things change and develop. Very little can be predicted, which makes me want to see what comes next.

Georgina Kincaid lives in a shadowy world. The shadows of the night are part of her existence, the shadows of the past are always with her, and the shadow of doubt always clouds her heart. But despite it all, she has glimmers of hope - hope that she will see her way through the shadows.

What comes next should be nothing if not interesting - and worth waiting for!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephen fernbach
I stumbled upon Richelle Mead's books because the store was giving away free kindle versions of 1 book from her Dark Swan series (which is very good - you should be reading it). After working my way through the 2 books in that series I needed more so I gave Georgina Kincaid a shot and it was love. I can't remember the last time I read through a series as fast as I did this one, ignoring everything around me and finishing all 4 books in two days. Now if you like happy ever afters and mushy love stuff.... this series isn't for you. Its fun, sexy, and full of humor but its also heartbreaking and addicting. I can't imagine anyone reading this series and not becoming entirely invested and emotionally devastated by the twists and turns Mead throws you.

Georgina Kincaid is a succubus and has been one for a long time, but that doesn't mean she likes it. Just because you have a signed contract with Hell doesn't mean you have to be a bad person. She struggles to meet her quota and live with her conscious.

Surrounding Georgina are lively and lovable characters - funny and supportive vampires, demon bosses that look like John Cusack, and an angel entirely too obsessed with Georgina's love life. The interactions between Georgina and her friends are just as entertaining as the plots themselves. You wouldn't expect a book featuring evil doers to feature friendship and love so heavily, but Richelle Mead does it very well in this series.

Book 3 and 4 of this series were heartbreaking and painful to read, emotional and full of suspense at the same time. I love the pain a Urban Fantasy story laced with romance can give to you, but sometimes a series needs a light break in it to keep moving forward. I took a deep breath and dove into Succubus Shadows worried this one would be packed with angst and not sure I was in the right mind set for it. In the end, this installment surprised me for a few reasons. First, book 5 was light on action...... there was a suspense plot but it was very laid back and not the focus of the story for once. Instead Succubus Shadows focuses heavily on the inner turmoil Georgina feels as she helps Maddie plan a wedding to Seth, Georgina's lost love, as well as her own bad choices throughout her life. For as internally driven as the plot was, I didn't feel emotionally drained at the finish of this one. I was left feeling a bit.... hopeful? There was some definite growth in Georgina's character and some big steps made.

Succubus Shadows is not the strongest of the series so far, but it was enjoyable and a necessary part of the overall story. Richelle Mead manages to write an emotionally driven story without breaking the readers heart, and sets up the next book perfectly. The lack of a strong suspense and action made this one feel a bit like a transitional novel, so I wouldn't suggest reading it without the other books, but I would absolute recommend you pick up the series if you haven't already.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan culpitt
This is the fifth book in the Georgina Kincaid series and it did not disappoint. Let me start by saying I'm so happy to see Roman return. I know he's bad but I can't help but love him. I'm still rooting for Carter as the man Georgina will end up with. Unlikely I know but I can hope right?

Succubus Shadows contained lots and lots of Georgie flashbacks in the form of dreams. I think this book really helped me to understand where Richelle Mead is going with this series but also left me with many unanswered questions. Why is Carter so invested in Georgina's life? What is up with the bond between Seth and Georgina? Why is Jerome obsessed with John Cusack ;) Ok I'll be serious now and try to give my opinion on this book without giving too much away. It's going to be hard because I have so many theories and ideas about what is happening bouncing around in my head.

It's disheartening to see how long Georgina has struggled with her role as succubus. She is quite the romantic at heart. Not a characteristic that normally goes hand in hand with someone who seduces men and steals their life force for a living. Her whole reason for becoming a succubus was so altruistic it doesn't seem fair she will spend an eternity as one of hell's minions. Yes, I'm aware that her poor choices led to her becoming a succubus but how many of us would sign our souls over to hell in order to fix something that hurt the ones we love?

From the flashbacks in this installment it really shows how Georgina seems to be reliving a recurring cycle so to speak. Continually being drawn to artsy (coincidence?) men that she can't be with for one reason or another. She has definitely experienced more than her share of heartbreak over the course of her immortal life.

This book was definitely a fabulous addition to the Georgina Kincaid series. I can't believe there will only be one more book in this series and that we have to wait an entire year for it to be published.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
"Succubus Shadows" is, I think, my least favorite Georgina Kincaid book to date. It's not really bad, but compared to previous installments it is rather dull.

Georgina is depressed and down most of the time. She is compelled to help her friend to plan a wedding with Seth, the man she loves. On top of it, a new visiting succubus in town is trying to seduce Seth and taint his soul even more. Even her surprisingly compassionate, albeit marginally psychotic, but oh so sexy roommate Roman can't cheer her up. Whenever Georgina is at her lowest, strange things start happening to her - she loses her memory, she sleepwalks, she is drawn to something, something unearthly, a realm of dreams. At some point Georgina is too weak and distraught to resist the pull and finally succumbs to this dream world, only to be tortured by the dreams of her sinful past.

My main qualm with "Succubus Shadow," as I've noted above, is its dullness. The previous book left me full of angst and hate for both Seth and Maddie, and with concern for Seth's darkened soul. This installment never builds upon this drama, it is kind of flat. The characters I despised in "Succubus Heat" are too easily redeemed, their discretions forgotten and difficulties smoothed out. I mean, very-very easily.

The first half of the story is on par with previous books. It is dynamic and funny wherever G's gang is involved. But the moment our succubus is consumed by the dream world, the story slows down. Georgina's dreams of the past are redundant, we've encountered her experience with good men before, and we already know that's it's the same vicious cycle. Her other trips into her present time and involving her friends are more of a plot device to show us, readers, how the search for her progresses.

And finally, the huge clues given in this book are VERY obvious. It seems only Georgina doesn't know how the things will turn out in the end.

Overall, "Succubus Shadows" is a decent book, if you compare it to others in urban fantasy genre. It is a must-read for Georgina fans and a good primer for the finale. But if compared to previous Georgina books, it lacks excitement and drama, it is a tad obvious and predictable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Do Maddie & Seth get married? Does Georgina find out about those dodgy contracts? I'm not going to tell you.

For fans of Roman, the nephlim, you will be pleased to know he makes a welcome return to this book! There, that's the only spoiler I'm dishing out.

I love this series and I hate that it's ending. Hate it. I really wish Georgina could go on forever. We know she can... don't we?

There is a lot more "adult" content in this book. Rather sexy. A little steamy. I liked it. You may not. I just love Georgina and the way Richelle Mead writes her attitude is brilliant.

This is my favourite series of all time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole pacada
Georgina doesn't seem to get a break. After dealing with numerous life threatening events--in not even a year--our favorite succubus has a new problem: planning a marriage. But this isn't just any marriage, mind you. This is a marriage that she secretly wishes would not transpire.

It doesn't end there, though. She's now being stalked by a mysterious "siren's song." This strange presence only seems to approach her when she's at her lowest, and provides a sense of escape from her depression with promises of warmth and support. Yet, even with this aura attempting to lure her through some sort of dimensional gate, Georgina's wary. For good reason.

Initially, I thought that Richelle was losing her touch because the start to Succubus Shadows was too slow for my tastes. It seemed as if it was the same issues we saw Georgina struggling with in the last book--Seth proposing to another woman coupled with her inability to cope--were being overdone. But once you get past the slow start, the new direction taken is redeemed in my eyes.

Powerful doesn't give this book justice. Georgina's struggles (emotional and moral) are not only believable but also moving. I even found myself empathizing with the the poor immortal suffering from depression. If you had to deal with all the paranormal issues she dealt with, and witness the person you were madly in love with parading around with their new significant other, I'm pretty sure you'd be feeling pretty bummed out too. I know I'd be ready to demand a vacation.

With that said, I may be the only one, but I'm not a huge fan of Seth anymore. I don't want to see Georgina's life keep going "in circles"--which is something readers are shown through a series of dreams from Georgie's past. I want to see her embrace her life, even if embracing said life means attempting a relationship with another immortal. Maybe someone like... Roman!

The cliffhanger Mead ends Succubus Shadows with made me want to scream. Not out of frustration, but simply because I want to know why. I have my suspicions now about Seth, but I think I'm looking too into the text, when in actuality, the answer could be simpler.

If you've read the first four Georgina Kincaid books, then you will not want to miss out on Succubus Shadows. You will not be disappointed--and if you're like me, you'll be dying for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meg barbour
I stumbled upon Richelle Mead's books because the store was giving away free kindle versions of 1 book from her Dark Swan series (which is very good - you should be reading it). After working my way through the 2 books in that series I needed more so I gave Georgina Kincaid a shot and it was love. I can't remember the last time I read through a series as fast as I did this one, ignoring everything around me and finishing all 4 books in two days. Now if you like happy ever afters and mushy love stuff.... this series isn't for you. Its fun, sexy, and full of humor but its also heartbreaking and addicting. I can't imagine anyone reading this series and not becoming entirely invested and emotionally devastated by the twists and turns Mead throws you.

Georgina Kincaid is a succubus and has been one for a long time, but that doesn't mean she likes it. Just because you have a signed contract with Hell doesn't mean you have to be a bad person. She struggles to meet her quota and live with her conscious.

Surrounding Georgina are lively and lovable characters - funny and supportive vampires, demon bosses that look like John Cusack, and an angel entirely too obsessed with Georgina's love life. The interactions between Georgina and her friends are just as entertaining as the plots themselves. You wouldn't expect a book featuring evil doers to feature friendship and love so heavily, but Richelle Mead does it very well in this series.

Book 3 and 4 of this series were heartbreaking and painful to read, emotional and full of suspense at the same time. I love the pain a Urban Fantasy story laced with romance can give to you, but sometimes a series needs a light break in it to keep moving forward. I took a deep breath and dove into Succubus Shadows worried this one would be packed with angst and not sure I was in the right mind set for it. In the end, this installment surprised me for a few reasons. First, book 5 was light on action...... there was a suspense plot but it was very laid back and not the focus of the story for once. Instead Succubus Shadows focuses heavily on the inner turmoil Georgina feels as she helps Maddie plan a wedding to Seth, Georgina's lost love, as well as her own bad choices throughout her life. For as internally driven as the plot was, I didn't feel emotionally drained at the finish of this one. I was left feeling a bit.... hopeful? There was some definite growth in Georgina's character and some big steps made.

Succubus Shadows is not the strongest of the series so far, but it was enjoyable and a necessary part of the overall story. Richelle Mead manages to write an emotionally driven story without breaking the readers heart, and sets up the next book perfectly. The lack of a strong suspense and action made this one feel a bit like a transitional novel, so I wouldn't suggest reading it without the other books, but I would absolute recommend you pick up the series if you haven't already.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael ignacio
This is the fifth book in the Georgina Kincaid series and it did not disappoint. Let me start by saying I'm so happy to see Roman return. I know he's bad but I can't help but love him. I'm still rooting for Carter as the man Georgina will end up with. Unlikely I know but I can hope right?

Succubus Shadows contained lots and lots of Georgie flashbacks in the form of dreams. I think this book really helped me to understand where Richelle Mead is going with this series but also left me with many unanswered questions. Why is Carter so invested in Georgina's life? What is up with the bond between Seth and Georgina? Why is Jerome obsessed with John Cusack ;) Ok I'll be serious now and try to give my opinion on this book without giving too much away. It's going to be hard because I have so many theories and ideas about what is happening bouncing around in my head.

It's disheartening to see how long Georgina has struggled with her role as succubus. She is quite the romantic at heart. Not a characteristic that normally goes hand in hand with someone who seduces men and steals their life force for a living. Her whole reason for becoming a succubus was so altruistic it doesn't seem fair she will spend an eternity as one of hell's minions. Yes, I'm aware that her poor choices led to her becoming a succubus but how many of us would sign our souls over to hell in order to fix something that hurt the ones we love?

From the flashbacks in this installment it really shows how Georgina seems to be reliving a recurring cycle so to speak. Continually being drawn to artsy (coincidence?) men that she can't be with for one reason or another. She has definitely experienced more than her share of heartbreak over the course of her immortal life.

This book was definitely a fabulous addition to the Georgina Kincaid series. I can't believe there will only be one more book in this series and that we have to wait an entire year for it to be published.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amanda page
"Succubus Shadows" is, I think, my least favorite Georgina Kincaid book to date. It's not really bad, but compared to previous installments it is rather dull.

Georgina is depressed and down most of the time. She is compelled to help her friend to plan a wedding with Seth, the man she loves. On top of it, a new visiting succubus in town is trying to seduce Seth and taint his soul even more. Even her surprisingly compassionate, albeit marginally psychotic, but oh so sexy roommate Roman can't cheer her up. Whenever Georgina is at her lowest, strange things start happening to her - she loses her memory, she sleepwalks, she is drawn to something, something unearthly, a realm of dreams. At some point Georgina is too weak and distraught to resist the pull and finally succumbs to this dream world, only to be tortured by the dreams of her sinful past.

My main qualm with "Succubus Shadow," as I've noted above, is its dullness. The previous book left me full of angst and hate for both Seth and Maddie, and with concern for Seth's darkened soul. This installment never builds upon this drama, it is kind of flat. The characters I despised in "Succubus Heat" are too easily redeemed, their discretions forgotten and difficulties smoothed out. I mean, very-very easily.

The first half of the story is on par with previous books. It is dynamic and funny wherever G's gang is involved. But the moment our succubus is consumed by the dream world, the story slows down. Georgina's dreams of the past are redundant, we've encountered her experience with good men before, and we already know that's it's the same vicious cycle. Her other trips into her present time and involving her friends are more of a plot device to show us, readers, how the search for her progresses.

And finally, the huge clues given in this book are VERY obvious. It seems only Georgina doesn't know how the things will turn out in the end.

Overall, "Succubus Shadows" is a decent book, if you compare it to others in urban fantasy genre. It is a must-read for Georgina fans and a good primer for the finale. But if compared to previous Georgina books, it lacks excitement and drama, it is a tad obvious and predictable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin bogar
Do Maddie & Seth get married? Does Georgina find out about those dodgy contracts? I'm not going to tell you.

For fans of Roman, the nephlim, you will be pleased to know he makes a welcome return to this book! There, that's the only spoiler I'm dishing out.

I love this series and I hate that it's ending. Hate it. I really wish Georgina could go on forever. We know she can... don't we?

There is a lot more "adult" content in this book. Rather sexy. A little steamy. I liked it. You may not. I just love Georgina and the way Richelle Mead writes her attitude is brilliant.

This is my favourite series of all time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Georgina doesn't seem to get a break. After dealing with numerous life threatening events--in not even a year--our favorite succubus has a new problem: planning a marriage. But this isn't just any marriage, mind you. This is a marriage that she secretly wishes would not transpire.

It doesn't end there, though. She's now being stalked by a mysterious "siren's song." This strange presence only seems to approach her when she's at her lowest, and provides a sense of escape from her depression with promises of warmth and support. Yet, even with this aura attempting to lure her through some sort of dimensional gate, Georgina's wary. For good reason.

Initially, I thought that Richelle was losing her touch because the start to Succubus Shadows was too slow for my tastes. It seemed as if it was the same issues we saw Georgina struggling with in the last book--Seth proposing to another woman coupled with her inability to cope--were being overdone. But once you get past the slow start, the new direction taken is redeemed in my eyes.

Powerful doesn't give this book justice. Georgina's struggles (emotional and moral) are not only believable but also moving. I even found myself empathizing with the the poor immortal suffering from depression. If you had to deal with all the paranormal issues she dealt with, and witness the person you were madly in love with parading around with their new significant other, I'm pretty sure you'd be feeling pretty bummed out too. I know I'd be ready to demand a vacation.

With that said, I may be the only one, but I'm not a huge fan of Seth anymore. I don't want to see Georgina's life keep going "in circles"--which is something readers are shown through a series of dreams from Georgie's past. I want to see her embrace her life, even if embracing said life means attempting a relationship with another immortal. Maybe someone like... Roman!

The cliffhanger Mead ends Succubus Shadows with made me want to scream. Not out of frustration, but simply because I want to know why. I have my suspicions now about Seth, but I think I'm looking too into the text, when in actuality, the answer could be simpler.

If you've read the first four Georgina Kincaid books, then you will not want to miss out on Succubus Shadows. You will not be disappointed--and if you're like me, you'll be dying for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan fantus
Our favorite soul-sucking, yet lovable succubus is back in Succubus Shadows. Georgina can't seem to catch a break. You would think she has reached the ultimate low after nearly dying, having to save her friends, and losing her man to her friend, but you thought wrong. Georgina has found herself planning and being the maid of honor to her ex's (and still love of her life) Seth's wedding. Add the new succubus in town that is determined to steal Seth's soul, the fact that she has to live with her ex Roman, and dark forces that are invading her mind and trying to pull her into another world, and youl have the best page-turning, jaw-dropping, thrilling, and sexual-tension packed book of the series. Pick up this book and you will not be disappointed! Plus, the cliffhanger will have you screaming for more. I am still screaming! Too bad we have to wait until 2011 for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chase graham
Georgina Kincaid is a succubus --- a seductive and immortal demon who drains the life force from mortal men, marking their souls permanently and thus dooming them to hell. She is a very capable succubus; after all, superpowers such as being able to shape-shift into any human form or change instantly into any style of clothes she wants come with the job description. But Georgina remains a reluctant and conflicted demon, even after having spent many centuries as one. She was forced to sign a contract making her a servant of hell to protect those she loved after she took a terrible misstep in her mortal life many eons ago. In spite of all that she had done and seen on behalf of hell, she remains haunted by the memories of the pure and wonderful men whom she has loved and lost over her lifetime.

While Georgina has been no stranger to dark days in her life, her mood has turned more gloomy than usual lately due to the impending wedding of her sometime boyfriend (and mortal) Seth and her friend and co-worker Maddie. To her horror, she has somehow been finagled into being a bridesmaid, and is faced with the prospect of helping Maddie pick out a wedding dress in which to marry the very man with whom Georgina herself is still deeply in love.

Although any woman may sink into despair under these conditions, in Georgina's case, her depressive periods carry a heightened risk: each time she gets blue, she has been finding herself seduced by a siren song. An alluring, haunting mood threatens to envelop her during a period of depression and entice her through a dimensional gate of some sort. After initially dismissing these episodes as being alcohol-induced or hallucinations of some sort, Georgina has slowly come to realize that there is a sinister undercurrent to this siren song, and some entity has been trying to lure her into another world for an unknown purpose. Now Georgina must decide whether to fight the urge to step through that gate, or go there and see what awaits her.

As she and her roommate (and another ex-boyfriend, albeit of the non-human kind) Ramon work together to discover what is happening to her and protect her from whatever entity or entities happen to be stalking her, Georgina is plagued by yet another misery. Simone, a mysterious and not entirely trustworthy new succubus, has come to town and is making a beeline for Seth, apparently trying to get him to cheat on Maddie. If the greater immortals, such as Georgina's demon boss Jerome and her laconic angel friend Carter, know what the purpose of Simone's visit to Seattle is, they're not telling.

Taken together, these are circumstances to test the mettle of any woman, immortal or otherwise.

In SUCCUBUS SHADOWS, paranormal and urban fantasy author Richelle Mead has given us a funny and entertaining novel populated by a warm and sympathetic protagonist and a solid cast of supporting characters. The storyline, which meanders through time and even space, remains both coherent and interesting, even as the tension slowly builds to a pitch. The crux of the story, where it is finally revealed what it is that stalks Georgina and what awaits her in the otherworld, is deftly handled. Mead's academic training in comparative religions is evident in her easy familiarity with biblical figures and with world mythology, which adds a great deal of depth to the story.

Whether you're a newbie to paranormal fiction who can't tell a succubus apart from an incubus (the former is a female demon who preys on mortal men, while the latter is a male demon who seduces mortal women) or a paranormal fantasy fan of long-standing, there is something for everyone in SUCCUBUS SHADOWS, the fifth installment in the Georgina Kincaid series. The cliffhanger ending will surely have fans eagerly awaiting the next book. If it promises to be as good as this one, readers can count on yet another enjoyable ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Poor Georgina never has it easy, in her latest adventure, events are lining and competing for the "worst that could happen" title. Our lovely succubus never got over her ex, fabulous author Seth, and she now lives with her potential nemesis, Roman. Not only does she have to deal with seeing Seth with his new girlfriend Maggie everyday, she has to help them with wedding plans, which involve her as bridesmaid. Can the picture get any worst? Yes.
Some supernatural force manifest itself when Georgina is down, which is quite often lately, and try to lure her for some darker motives.

I particularly loved this installment in the series because we get to live many invents from Georgie's past. In doing so, we get a new light on why she's how she is now, the reasons behind a good conscience even though she's a servant of hell.

Friends and foes aren't always as black and white, the line between truth and lies is very thin and Georgina reaches a point where she doesn't know the difference.

Most of the book is about Georgie's un-happiness and I dare say despair, but her true friends will rise up to the occasion and get her out of deep trouble, helping her find a spark of hope in what she thinks is a lost cause.

I love Carter as much as usual, but I truly can't wait to see what's behind all his cryptic advise and what his true intentions are.

I really loved the end, it's bittersweet and leaves a door open for hope, even maybe a glimpse of solution to Georgina's Succubus status. Could she possibly get her soul back?

If you haven't read Richelle Mead's books yet, you are seriously missing out on some fabulous material. I read every single one of her released books and I can't get enough of her witting. Give her a chance, you won't be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy alessio
The life of Georgina is always a hard and depressing one, and book 5 proves no less. Georgina has always been the one to get her friends out of trouble, will they be able to help her now that she needs it? Trapped in a dream world where she relives some of her worst past and present, Georgina has no way of telling if they are all truth or lies. Or if she'll be trapped in the dream world forever.

This fifth installment was a pretty awesome one to add to your collection. You get to see her past lives, and also a glimpse of the sexy Bastien. There was a lot of twists and turns, and sometimes it gets a little bit predictable. But otherwise, the book is filled with fast and sexy action as usual. And who could forget our favorite author Seth.... Him and Georgina always seems to gravitate towards each other, but will that always be the case since he is marrying on of Georgie's best friends?

I just have to warn you...... You might feel like Georgina when she read Cady and O'Neill, and the next installment would take too long to release lol. I should have read Succubus Shadows five chapters a day instead of one sitting. when i finished ready the book, i was screaming for more *literally*. Anyway, definitely dont miss out on the latest release, it wouldnt disappoint.

P.S. For those who are new to the series, you have to read the first four books or else you would be lost.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jared novak
Absolutely Amazing! This series breaks my heart and mends it over and over again. It seems every one of these books is going to make me laugh, cry, angry, and fall in love.

I will say this again in case you have not been paying attention to me.


I can't even say what is going on in this one because if you are behind a bit it will giveaway a major part of the plot. Just read it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kit a
This book just about killed me. It's brilliant. I felt like this book was almost one big crescendo. I cannot even believe we have to wait another year. GAH!

I am going to talk a bit about it below and I won't give spoilers. However- you may not want to read b'c I may hype it too much for you & then set your expectations too high. Although I think that's near impossible b'c if you're in love with this series, then it should just be another gold star but still....fair warned is forearmed.

Mead pulled off another gut-wrencher. We learn so, so much more about Georgie. Why she is the way she is, how she thinks, how she has evolved, what her motivations are, her expectations, the toll being an immortal has had on her, what keeps her going. Dare I say it was profound? Maybe or maybe not but the way it was all delivered to us had such poignancy, I was a goner. Mead freakin' nailed this. Her best work by far. This whole series is blows her other two out the water. Her best quality writing & thought goes into it.

For the 1st time in the series as well, I had no idea what Mead was doing, where she was going or what the outcome was going to be. I was on the edge of my seat nearly the whole time.

It was a heavy emotional roller coaster but Mead pulled it off so deftly & with such precise words, I couldn't believe the book wasn't longer.

I really, really fell in love with Georgie this book. My heart she aches for her. I want her character to be happy so badly. Mead really fleshed her out in a much needed way in this book to allow you to have such a deeper understanding. It allowed me to empathize & feel compassion every step of the way.

I was completely impressed with the overall plot & the creativity of the concept & the way Mead delivered it. It could have been incredibly confusing in less competent hands and Mead handles it so gracefully that - if you didn't know great writing, you could almost take the talent it takes to do this, for granted.

This was also one of those books where as I was reading certain parts & thinking; "Yes! yes! Finally!" Mead addressed exact concerns/issues I was having w/certain characters. She also had some choice descriptive words that were pretty synonymous w/my own & I felt so frickin' relieved b'c not only did she address them, but also b'c it showed she wasn't acting ignorant of her own creation.

It really proved to me that she crafted this series & that the ramifications are going to happen & if they were ignored? Well, she shows that she even has an answer for that too. So yeah - she even addresses the power of ignorance. BIG time. Ugh! Sounds so cryptic but that's all I can say w/out giving too much away.

I can't recommend this series enough. It's hilarious, poignant, witty, sexy, sly and emotionally intelligent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph sievers
First off, after 4 books of seeing Georgina repeat the same pattern over and over again, reading the change in direction with Succubus Shadows was just so relieving.

I have always been a huge fan of Richelle Mead's writing. The Succubus series is actually one of my all-time favorite books. And this episode definitely did not disappoint. Be it Georgina's past revelations, her rescue by Seth, Seth's revelations about his past actions to the absolutely "OMG, you can't stop here" ending, it was just a brilliant effort. Can't wait to see how this all works out in the next and the last one of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan doherty
This is another fantastic Georgina Kincaid tale. Following on from the last book, poor Georgie is still stuck in love. Plenty of twists and turns in this one. Will that dream actually come true for her? I hope so!

Friendships are tested. Love and lust is forming and friendship comes from the strangest of places. This is a fantastic series for mature adults.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i went though a week of withdrawals after this series. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I cant thank Richelle enough for creating these books and characters! I will defiantly be re-reading this series in the future and will recommend it to any and everyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica geller helmer
Mead has it all. She's hilarious, creative, and knows just how to press your emotional buttons - especially mine! I lovelovelove the series but I keep hoping *SPOILER ALERT* (...kinda) that she'll end up with Roman. Gah! Her relationship with Seth kills me, it really does and I feel like Roman deserves better however, the little twist in the plot in the end certainly still makes me want to keep reading and never want to stop no matter how it ends. Mead's only problem is that her books are way too short. I finished this in one sitting and felt empty because I had been through such a roller coaster without anything that I really wanted to happen actually happening. Seth fans feel the opposite, I'm sure. Still, overall a great book that I'd recommend to anybody who likes paranormal romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim lindner
LOVED this book! The unfortunate thing is now I have to wait for her to publish another one! This one left me really wanting more! I would highly recommend this series to anyone who isn't afraid of extremely vivid language pertaining to the bedroom and twists and turns at every corner. I can't wait for the next one to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney myers
Richelle Mead is a genius and her series get better and better and this book lives up to the wait!!! It is amazing, while it isn't as long as the others the content is beyond perfect. My favorite out of her succubus series no doubt. Highly recommend this one will break your heart mend it back together, tear it up again and then stitch it up and leave you wanting more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A brilliant edition to the series. i found myself completely engrossed by the characters and story, more so than any other book in the series. definately a must read for anyone already familiar with the series. Money very well spent. Could not put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ary nilandari
There is a reason the Richelle is my favorite author and I await her books more then any other. They simply are the best. While I love Seth i must say that Roman grew on me in this book by suprise and found myself rooting for him.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stacy van
The main character is a Mary Sue. Her illustration bear a striking resemblance to the author, the story is set in Seattle where the author lives. Then there are the Mary Sue qualities of Georgina. Everyone loves her. She has all these men panting after her despite the fact that she is a succubus who has sex with many men and steals their souls. OK. The sex scenes are explicit and gross. Not at all interesting. Nothing but a bad erotica novel, really.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
samuel brown
These Succubus books are so unrealistic and unbelievable. I hate Georgina Kincaid's character. She is a centuries old immortal who is very immature and whiny considering her age. She sold her soul to Hell in the 4th century in exchange for everyone forgetting she ever existed. Why did she do that? She cheated on her husband with his best friend when she was human, and he became suicidal as a result. What an endearing character, eh? If that wasn't enough, she is now a succubus who sleeps with men in order to drain their souls and get them on the road to Hell. She has been doing this for centuries. So she has slept with millions, maybe even billions of men throughout her immortal life. Think about it. That's just NASTY! Now, would you think any man would really want a woman like that? Seriously?

This is the most unrealistic fictional series I have ever read. But all these men in Georgina's life who know about her "job" seem to love her and want her. WHAT? Then there is the human, Seth, whom she is in love with. We find that he may be a reincarnation of her husband from back in the 4th century because he calls her by her original name. My, this is just disgusting. I am guessing that in the final novel, Georgina will end up with Seth and become human again. She will have that kid with him and have a happily ever after. Very dumb. If this series wants to be good, Georgina would NOT get a happy ending because of all that she has done. All the hearts she has broken and all the men whose souls she has stolen. I think she is evil and vile. I don't really see how she is the "heroine" in this series. And this series is just way too unrealistic. I do not empathize with Georgina at all. I dislike her character immensely, and this series is just too unbelievable even for the fantasy genre. No man would fall in love with a woman who has slept with as many men as Georgina has. For such a serious topics pertaining to the souls of man and sex, these novels are made so fluffy it's disgusting as is Georgina's character.

Skip it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen paton
I love them all, they kept me interested and locked in. I didn't want to put the books down! I kept going, and when I would get through one chapter, I would tell myself "Just one more chapter, and then I will get up and do something." Yea it never happened that way, I would end up reading 3 or 4 chapters and look at the clock, and be like "Oh crap, I gotta get up!!!" and then finish the chapter I was on.
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