Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed

ByBrian Tracy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book. All audio books available for this are incorrect. They quote some other book. Its best to stick with the paperback. Get a spare notebook and at least an hour or two when reading each chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a wonderful book I have been searching for 4 years what is the system to put in place to achieve all my great potential I knew I have and I found it inside this book. After apply this principle for only 6 months I started to see positive unbelievable changes in my life almost like miracle and especially in my financial area you cannot believe what has come true for me. I am teaching those principles to others now because many people are looking for a system of success but they don’t know what to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kat pippitt
This book is just so interesting. ....I'm reading it for a second time and I realized that I have passed on so any things during my first lecture
Everything written in this book can definitely change your life only if you are willing to apply it and get out of your comfort zone
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura chamberlain
This is a great book with practical applications to help anyone grow towards reaching one's full potential and achieve anything you could ever dream of. The ideas are based on years of research in how to be happy, starting with a basic goal of peace of mind. It is not a religious book, but many of the ideas are based on Biblical principles and common sense. A central theme is taking control of your life by taking control of your thoughts. A must-read, must-apply these principles kind of book that enable you to make your life a masterpiece!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudia mielke
I own the paperback version, however the audio version is just as good. My first impression when I purchased this was ,"ok here is another book on how to be a better sales person." Now don't get me wrong the information here can help and will help in aiding one to become a better sales person as well as anything else, however in this book there are ideas to ponder that would put it in the ranks with Napoleon Hill's " Think And Grow Rich" and Neville Goddard's "Feeling Is The Secret" This book to me is one of Brian Tracy's gems. DO NOT PASS THIS ONE UP!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex jaffe
Book is really great! Really worth reading! This doesn't just talk about goals and money but it talks about other things like forgiving others, how to be a good parent, love, etc. I'm not going to be a parent any time soon but thanks to this book now I know to read as much as possible about raising a kids before getting one lol.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My aunt is very successful & once recommended this book to me. She told me she made a list of goals she wanted in life & forgot about it. Later on, she stumbled across the list & she had attained most of her goals without realizing it. Because I respect her so much, I bought it & read it enthusiastically.

I consider myself to be a very successful person (i.e. I'm very happy in life & with my career). I read this book a couple of years ago & attribute it to my current success. I'm re-reading it now to get further ahead in life (a house & money!). I bought copies for all my family last Christmas & have recommended it to all my friends too.
My favorite thing it states is that your subconsious mind can't tell if your conscious mind is telling the truth. Ever have a dream so vivid you can't remember if it really happened? If you keep telling yourself you're thin, rich, a non-smoker, or whatever your goal is, eventually your subconsious mind believes it & works to make it happen. Obviously it is not that simple, so go read the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vincent atd
This book provides specific strategies to use to obtain your goal. I have bought so many self help books. The great majority of them offer short term motivation but not specific strategies. This book offers you strategies or techniques you can use. Don't just read the book. Read the book, highlight the parts where Brian offers you specific techniques and use them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline tien
Brian Tracy is an amazing writer. I have read the Secret but Brian Tracy's book takes The Secret to a whole new level. His step by step process allows you to implement the reading into your daily lives. As you take action you feel the momentum building allowing you to stay the course. This is a book I would suggest reading very slowly and more than once. I reread the chapters and stop to do the activities. I absolutely feel inspired and encouraged with every chapter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly miller
Brian Tracy is one of my favourite authors in the personal development industry. His books are easy to read and easy to digest. He has a way with words that makes it easily accessible and interesting to read his insights.

His Best Seller
Maximum Achievement is his best selling book (he has written about 40) and the one he strongest recommends.

After reading Million Dollar Habits and Goals! I decided I should read his best work.

I was not disappointed
It is a comprehensive guide to success covering everything from The laws of success too parenting.
Below I have given a short overview of each chapter and their contents.

The Laws of Success - For example the law of control, the law of cause and effect, the law of belief, the law of expectations, the law of attraction, the law of correspondence, the law of mental equivalency and many more scattered throughout the book.

Your Master Program - How your mind controls everything and if you feed it the right messages (program) it will set you on the course to success.

The Master Mind - Pushing knowledge into the subconscious and getting your mental computer to work 24 hours/day on your goals.

The Master Skill - In this chapter Brian shares his views on goal setting, my article "How to set goals that will make you rich" is closely related to Brian's views on this subject, he discusses how you need clarity to your goals, putting them on paper in the positive present tense and the importance of deadlines.

The Master Power - The superconscious mind, what the psychologist Carl Jung calls the collective unconscious, this is something you might or might not believe in, but the examples in the chapter are interesting all the same, it is a chapter worth reading, if nothing else for the insights you might receive.

The Master Decision - The most important part of success is understanding and accepting that it is completely up to you. If you succeed it is thanks to you, if you do not, it is your fault.
This is hard for many to accept, that everything that has happened to them up to this point is because of decisions they have made.

The Master Goal - Your highest goal must be happiness, clarity and the ability to relax and love yourself and others. This will open the doors for all other successes. But putting this ahead of everything else is difficult and short term gains can often lure us to not put our happiness first, but if we don't, all our other relationships and opportunities will deteriorate in the long run.

Human Relationships - Your relationships with others are what will mark your successes and your failures. By learning to be a better listener, conversationalist and person, you will quickly improve your chances of success.

Personal Relationships - The difference between friendship and loving relationships is how much you are together and how dependent your are on each other. You need to master personal relationships to be able to truly become a complete person.

The Art of Parenting - The most important endeavour we ever undertake is parenthood, I have not yet myself but it is what I consider the most important thing I will ever do, if I fail all else that is what I hope to accomplish. What you do as a parent will affect your children, their children and the children of generations to come.

Love - You aren't complete without love. You need to love yourself to love others and you need to feel love to be able to function. This is probably the most important part of your life, do not do it half heartily.

He gives credit to his resources
I really like that Brian Tracy freely shares credit where credit is due. Whenever he takes an idea or principal from someone else (even if they could be considered a competitor) he says so, he writes "As X says in his book Y ..."

This shows great character and that he himself practices what he preaches.

The use of the advice has helped me a lot
I have followed Brian's teachings for a long time and I have always had great results with his techniques. This time was no difference. Simple tips to focus, such as "the quick affirmation technique" - you close your eyes, visualize the result you are hoping for, load it with emotions and then release it - has helped me improve my confidence before a meeting and have helped me become a more skilled salesman and coach.

I have used his advice and many of my articles use his work for inspiration
My article about Planning for your success is very much based on Brian Tracy's ideas and insights.

He repeats himself a lot!
The reason the book is 350 pages instead of 280 is because he repeats himself constantly. This helps you remember it but once in a while it feels as though he copied one paragraph and put it in 4 different places.

Everything will not fit you
All the advice might not be suited especially to you and since Brian Tracy is a very religious man there are some parts that you might not be interested in following, if you aren't religious yourself, if so, skip those parts and move on to the advice that makes sense to you and will help you succeed.

Shorter ways to succeed
Brian Tracy gives a complete guide to success in Maximum Achievement. If you are looking for a shorter guide to riches and fame I recommend you read "Think and Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill instead.

Value vs. Cost, a no brainer
The tips and advice given in the book more than warrants the 10 dollars + shipping that is asked for. If you implement only a few of the techniques you can double, triple and even quadruple your income.

Most of it can be implemented today for instant results
What is great is that most of the advice can be used at once, you can start to use the techniques today and already tomorrow you will start to see a difference.

Who should read it
If you are looking to quickly put your career on the fast track, are willing to work hard to succeed, willing to believe in the laws that determine success and start thinking about your overall goals and dreams you are in the right place for this book.

It will help you go from where you are today to where you want to go, faster than you can even imagine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan fossey
Mark F. LaMoure, Boise, ID

"Maximum Achievement" by Brian Tracy, is an excellent, self-help book for self improvement. It gives you a great blueprint for personal success. Exciting, its for people wanting to be champions and leaders in the game of life. The book helps you gain higher self-identity, empowerment and more confidence. A timeless book, its is one of the best of its kind, translated into 32 languages. Worldwide, its sold millions of golden copies. Copyright 1993.

Highly motivating, Brian Tracy is brilliant in helping you discover hidden, personal characteristics for success. Brian studied the inner art of self-improvement most of his life. The result is a trophy of a book for big benefits. The book's first chapter, "Make Your Life A Masterpiece" reveals the book's primary objective. Tracy asks you penetrating questions for self-discovery. As you answer his questions, you find out positive information about yourself and it works as a polish. This positive, self-understanding gives you the confidence to twinkle like a diamond by improving your self-value.

Tracy wrote the book to be a high-magnum tool for self-discovery. Strongly rated, its for those who want better success in life. The book uses a "Take Action Now Plan" throughout its 12 Chapters and 352 pages. This way you get immediate results. A high-powered tool, its the best book of its kind I've read in forty years. Superbly written, its well-written, easy and fun to read.

On a scale from 1-to-10 Tracy's "Maximum Achievement" is a 10+. Brian presents a well-written, inspiring book helping you to brightly sparkle. Buy it - because you'll benefit big-time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen matlock
Once you discover a really good book that works well & easy for you, all you want to do is RAVE about it!! With this outstanding book from one of America's greats - Brian's Tracy, why not? It really "does exactly as it says on the label" (or front cover in this case.)

You only have to briefly scan all of the reviews below to see that this is a powerful book that works. His message in simple & obvious, but with this book Brian shows you why & how so many of us don't or can't succeed in our ambitions to be happy & successful, when it is the right of everyone to enjoy life to the full.

If you've read his other book "GOALS!" first, then don't despair. This book has exactly the same message but goes much deeper into the workings of how health, wealth, happiness & peace of mind can all be achieved, providing you with a dearth of inspiration & motivation to try it out instantly & get going straight way.

This book is a little larger & a little harder going than "Goals!", only in that the chapters aren't broken down into convenient sections where you can pause & take a breath/ Nonetheless, it is written in such an enthusiastic way that keeps you interested all the way.

This ought to be the very last book you buy on the subject, but before you read (& more importantly re-read) it, please make sure you have a fresh note-book (preferably A4) & pen to hand. The book is jam packed with all the essential information to kick you off in the right direction the minute you start reading.

If you've got this far already then you need this book, look no further, your intuition was right in looking here. You won't be disappointed. It's quite a long book but with a little perseverance, you too will be glad you bought & read it. Check out the the store sales ranking to see how high this book is valued by thousands of likeminded customers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg crites
I have been reading this book slowly over a course of about a couple months now. Not that I'm a slow reader, I just haven't had a chance to really sit for a long period and read it's entirety. Nonetheless, this book is amazing! Almost every time I open this and read a few pages, it's an instantaneous eye opener, awe inspiring, and thought provoking. I've read many self help books i.e., Awaken the Giant Within, Psycocybernetics, and Unlimited Power just to name a few. However, just like Bobby Fischer is the genius to the chess world, David Tracy is the guru of self help books, He is Mufasa in Lion King except he kills Scar this time and lives forever, he's the Rocky Balboa of Hollywood boxing, he is what Elvis is
to rock n roll, the man is brilliant! If I could give this book a 10,000 out of 5 I would. Do yourself a favor and give yourself an upgrade. Get this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry welford
I enjoy this book tremendously: simple yet profound and insprational. This is an excellent book because you get several great books in one. Brian Tracy talks about autosuggestion, your world within = your world without, the master mind, positive mental attitudes, affirmations, treasure maps aka visioning board, visualization, affirmations and whatnot.

Maximum Achievement is a excellent book because it is very clearly and concisely written. He outlines the Laws and goes into details. Then, he gives his personal examples and others' examples. I especially apreciate all the insprational poems and quotes. Well done, Mr. Tracy!

This author was probably influenced by these wondeful books:
The Master Key System by Charles Haanel
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Secret of the Ages
Creative Visualization
The Power of Positive Think by Normal Vincent Peale

Buy it. It is a worthwhile investment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once you discover a really good book that works well & easy for you, all you want to do is RAVE about it!! With this outstanding book from one of America's greats - Brian's Tracy, why not? It really "does exactly as it says on the label" (or front cover in this case.)

You only have to briefly scan all of the reviews below to see that this is a powerful book that works. His message in simple & obvious, but with this book Brian shows you why & how so many of us don't or can't succeed in our ambitions to be happy & successful, when it is the right of everyone to enjoy life to the full.

If you've read his other book "GOALS!" first, then don't despair. This book has exactly the same message but goes much deeper into the workings of how health, wealth, happiness & peace of mind can all be achieved, providing you with a dearth of inspiration & motivation to try it out instantly & get going straight way.

This book is a little larger & a little harder going than "Goals!", only in that the chapters aren't broken down into convenient sections where you can pause & take a breath/ Nonetheless, it is written in such an enthusiastic way that keeps you interested all the way.

This ought to be the very last book you buy on the subject, but before you read (& more importantly re-read) it, please make sure you have a fresh note-book (preferably A4) & pen to hand. The book is jam packed with all the essential information to kick you off in the right direction the minute you start reading.

If you've got this far already then you need this book, look no further, your intuition was right in looking here. You won't be disappointed. It's quite a long book but with a little perseverance, you too will be glad you bought & read it. Check out the the store sales ranking to see how high this book is valued by thousands of likeminded customers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brian Tracy has been one of my success mentors for years. His wisdom is clear and eloquent - but more than that it is right on! Even before you finish reading Maximum Achievement for the first time, you will be a changed person - it's that incredible. I say first time because you will want to read it again and again.
Brian Tracy covers all of the proactive bases: smart thinking, system thinking, futuristic thinking, and positive thinking. If you are truly seeking the kind of success and abundance that makes your life 100% livable - you must read this book. Many of his ideas are found in SUCCESS BOUND, another book built on learning how to be responsible and live proactively.
Everything that I have put into practice that he has recommended has worked. The laws of success in this book will bring you success. Read it and you will believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to. My copy is well worn with highliter and pen marks all through it from the numerous times that I've returned to it in order to study it again.
You will find that this exciting book becomes a part of you. Don't hold back - let it happen. In fact, you should spend 10 to 15 minutes every morning focusing your thoughts on the truths of this book, thereby allowing them to seep deep into your subconscious mind. If you do this I guarantee this wisdom will most assuredly bring you the success and abundance you deserve.
Enjoy the book and your new proactive life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob edmond
This book is all the things that anyone could want to get your life a jump start to bigger and better things. For starters tracy presents a system for achivement that is not just a re-hash or synthesis of everything you have already read. It presents his system in a clear precise way that is beneficial to anyone in any walk of life. You don't have to be in sales.
This book motivates, stimulates and helps you focus your mind on meeting your goals. He helps you in defining your goals and meeting them. Yes this is a PMA thesis but there is much more.
Finally tracy does what any worthwhile motivational teacher will do. He tells you that you will have to work hard. There is no attempt to portend that success can be had with a handful of magical formulas. You need to organize your thoughts, think positively and then do it! This book will help you do that.
Maximum achievement is the think and grow rich of this generation. I recommend it to everybody on earth!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david auerbach
This is the first self improvement book I ever read! I just finished reading it again...Wow! Mr. Tracy does such a fine job of explaining self-motivation/improvement. I've read many of his books, as well as listened to a great majority of his tapes. In my book, he's the best! Other motivational speakers/writers are good: Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, etc.. Mr. Tracy is just the best, hands down. This is his best book period. Unfortunately, all of his many other books repeat the same techniques--worded differently, so I suppose it wouldn't matter which of Tracy's books you read first. At some point, if Brian Tracy continues to write, I'd like to see him infuse some totally fresh stuff. One thing readers of this genre need to understand, it's the repetition of these very basic concepts which must permeate ones thick skull and make a permanent dent in the old gray matter (I'm speaking from experience). I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in improving their life. One day I hope to meet Brian Tracy and thank him personally for the profound impact he has had on my life. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam golafshar
This book is a wonderful book I have been searching for 4 years what is the system to put in place to achieve all my great potential I knew I have and I found it inside this book. After apply this principle for only 6 months I started to see positive unbelievable changes in my life almost like miracle and especially in my financial area you cannot believe what has come true for me. I am teaching those principles to others now because many people are looking for a system of success but they don’t know what to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mojgan hashemian
Let me first start by patting myself on the back. I have been on a roll with my reading selections. Here is another fascinating book by another great author, Brain Tracy. Let me say it again Brian Tracy really knows how to assist you in performing a self analysis on your past present and future experiences and thoughts. He asks riveting questions that make you use your imagination, exercise your subconscious mind and feed your brain with the most powerful enlightening visions to set you on a path to great success. I believe that in growing up, a lot of individuals get lost in the way of society and the limitations that the world puts on our thinking and life. Of course growing up in this fashion is not at all our fault it is partly our parents fault and I say partly because no-one taught them. Any one that has made several past or present mistakes would benefit greatly from this book. Even to the individual that has not made many mistakes and has been afforded a somewhat decent life would benefit from this book. If you are tired of living within the boundaries of the world and you have reached a point where you want more for yourself but you are having trouble moving past the events that have happened in the past this is the book for you. Or anyone that is having trouble focusing on their thoughts to reach their ultimate goals should most definitely pick up this book. You will not regret it, this book is so powerful. The value of the contents inside this book is priceless. This is another book in which my husband and I sit down weekly and discuss the contents and complete the exercises. Ladies I have been attempting to drill success into my husband's ear for years and it has not helped, not one bit. But since we have begin reading this book amongst others and performing the exercises he is beginning to change, and not because I am drilling him but because he is now able to do a self analysis of himself and see the gray areas that have been greatly affecting his life, which is, inevitably our life. I can't emphasize enough how powerful this book is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua gnizak
An incredible book that really explores the potential of the human mind. Tracy discusses the science behind the human psyche. He gives the reader ways to tap the positive potential all people possess. This is possible by setting goals, thinking positive thoughts, and opening your heart and mind through positive affirmation. The key is to focus on doing these exercises so it will eventually become second nature. It is easy to read but should be read over and over again because there is so much to learn. I just finished it for the first time but will read it again so I can really begin to apply the principles. Do yourself a favor and get this book today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alaa sayed
Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed review

Brian Tracy is a business consultant, who had published more than 50 books and had also released numerous learning programs in audio and video formats. Brian had also helped thousands of business organizations in increasing their profits. One of the most popular books written by Brian Tracy is `Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed, Brian Tracy'. In this book, which is more than 500 pages, Brian approaches success and achievement from several hitherto unexplored directions. He is clear in his expression of strategies and eloquent in explaining them in simple terms, so that lay persons are also able to understand, follow, and implement them.

Even as you finish the book, `Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed, Brian Tracy' you get the feeling that something had changed inside you permanently. You get merged with his proactive thought processes, such as positive thinking, system thinking, smart thinking, and futuristic thinking. He differentiates the subtle variations in each of the above types of thinking in a lucid fashion and makes you understand how to live your life in a proactive manner. You understand from his descriptions and recommendations that if you lead a life with the right kind of responsibility, then success follows without fail. The simple but highly effective laws of success prescribed by Brian are easy to practice and achieve success. By the time you finish this book, the confidence level inside you builds up. You start believing that you could set the all the goals that you had been desired until now and achieve them by jumping over the hurdles without any hesitation.

The process of enhancing mental power in 21 days by Brian is one of the most useful tips that very few books on personal development had been able to offer. He correlates the developments of an individual at various levels such as personal, social, employment, relationships, etc. to rapid advance in improving oneself. Brian emphasizes the fact that changes in your life start occurring only when you change yourself. If you had achieved success today, it is purely due to your past correct decisions. On the contrary, if you had failed in accomplishing your ambitions, that is also due to the mistakes you had committed. You must live your life and nobody is going to hand success to you on a platter.

Brian helps you ponder over your past actions, the position you are in at present, your aspirations for future, the goals that you wish to set for yourself, and a proper plan to achieve these aspirations and goals. This is a book that is not read once and then forgotten. Many people carry it with them all the time. Whenever they are in doubt, feel less confident about possible course of actions to be taken, or get into a depressed mood, they go through this book, `Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed, Brian Tracy'. They get immediate inspiration and new plans unfold. They are rejuvenated by the inspiring words of Brian and their confidence is restored. They proceed on the path of success without any hesitation. There could be no two opinions about the value of this book. Everyone must have it and go through it frequently, if they wish to succeed in their life.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devorah hale
Great!!! Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed, this book is exactly what I was looking for and expected. Our transaction went off without a hitch! I would use this vendor anytime as actions speak much louder than words.Excellent A +++ Thank you, Jeff
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex stronach
Brian Tracy's Maximum achievement is a very easy to read book which will at least help you to think more positively. There isn't too much detail in this book unlike Tony Robbin's "Unlimited Power". It is best that you really have a good idea of how to properly visualize beforehand because this book doesn't really spoon feed beginners. There isn't anything magical or instant about this book either. It really just helped me to have a positive attitude. I felt that "Unlimited Power" gave me better directions on strong visualizations and Robbin's exercises were more instant pushing me towards my goals. However, Maximum Achievement did a better job of selling me on my ability to shape my own destiny because of how well written it was.
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