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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
easwar chandran
This book thought me a lot about practicing charity, that it love of God and neighbor in concrete way. The poor are a gift to us! It's so inspiring. It is only in self giving that we receive and experience true joy!!! We need this today more than ever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book arrived at my doorstep at a perfect time. Our world is in such disarray and strife; it’s easy to forget there is hope and beauty and this book is a volume of encouraging words. Reading the book is much like sitting together and having a conversation with someone who is very peaceful, wise and loving.
Mother Teresa’s words are comforting, simply stated, yet strong and penetrating. She tells us that to be caring we don’t have to change the world. A small kindness to a neighbor can change the world for the better. When tragedies of great destruction happen it is terrible, but that tragedy offers opportunity for those who have very little can contribute to the healing. Her words tell the importance of the least of us. All can make a difference if we just use our hearts and hands.
Mother Teresa tells stories from her experiences to punctuate her words. Her stories are of simple actions – giving someone who was hungry a plate of rice; offering someone who is dying a bed and holding his or her hand while they die. Yet, the paragraph-long tales are impactful.
Each chapter begins and ends with a quotation and a bible verse. Each chapter covers a particular subject: Chapter one talks of prayer, chapter two – love and so on. “A Conversation with Mother Teresa,” consists of an interview with her. Questions you or I might ask are presented. Such as – “You Missionaries of Charity witness terrible injustices. How do you react to them?” “What contact do the Missionaries of Charity have with their families?”
Pope John Paul II’s homily during the beatification Mass for Mother Teresa of Calcutta is included as is a biographical sketch.
A small volume of 215 pages, it is in a sense, a prayer book. I’ve enjoyed reading it tremendously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly morrison
For Sister Teresa it was always personal. “I don’t like people to send me something because they want to get rid of it. Giving is something different. It is sharing.” She helped people because they were there and needed her help, not because she was engaged in the business of helping. It brought her challenges from the establishment but it also brought the love of people around the world. And now it has brought her sainthood.

This Commemorative Edition of Mother Teresa’s book, first published in 1995, includes a forward by Thomas Moore and a reprint of the homily delivered in 2003 by Pope John Paul II at her Beatification Mass. The heart of the book remains, however, Mother Teresa’s words of explanation and exhortation. Schooled by Jesuits and initiated into religious life by the the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto, she was called again and again to more advanced challenges as she offered herself in service and learned from her devoted endeavors. In a way it is all brought full circle as she is made a saint by Jesuit Pope Francis. It seems, perhaps, a Thank You from the other side for the spiritual foundation she was given and on which she built so magnificently

This is the first time I’ve read this book. The first edition was sometimes referred to as naive in its basic philosophy. To the contrary, I thought as I read. She has a unique and driving clarity about the essence of Jesus’ teachings. Devoid of religious trappings, her words speak more powerfully today than ever about the universal principles of simple Love that lights the way.

( received a free copy of this book.)
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
curtis edmonds
This simple woman from Albania, small and frail, with the courage and strength of a giant, ended up in Calcutta and became the most cherished, most venerated, woman in the world--perhaps in the history of the world.
Despite the criticisms of Mother Teresa, who else in the history of mankind could one name that has suffered such self-sacrifice in dedicating their lives--each waking moment--to caring for the poorest of the poor, the sickest of the sick, and the dying--the most wretched of the world about whom all others mocked, shunned and disregarded?? Nobody, before or after! She took them all in, cared for each with great love and compassion, then gave them death with dignity.

Two years ago I visited one of Mother Teresa's homes for the dying. I peered through the doorway of a long barracks-like building where not a sound issued forth from endless row after row of orderly placed cots on meticuously scrubbed, clean tile floors where lay , each on clean white sheets, people living out their final hours. I watched with great reverence as a handful of Sisters of Charity moved silently up and down the aisles, stopping at each and every cot where they would kneel, offer a sip of water, wipe the perspiration from a dying brow, tenderly hold a hand, gently massage a shoulder and whisper words of comfort and prayer. They lingered here and there giving each person the time they needed. I stood there a long time trying to process the scene before me for I was not accustomed to seeing such love given. When I could no longer hold the tears from my eyes, I turned and walked away in silence.
What I saw was a direct result of Mother Teresa's work and it was happening not just here but at several other facilities in Calcutta as well as in countries all over the world--every minute of every day.

Whether or not she is ever recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church is irrelevant. If not a saint, she is as close to one as there ever has been.

This book is a simple collection of her musings--words of comfort, guidance and wisdom for we, the living. The book, in its layout, reminds me of two others I have, between whose covers are contained the distillate of wisdom---A book of the thoughts of Confucious and Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. But neither of these men suffered for their beliefs the way in which Mother Teresa did. She remains the ultimate role model for a narcissistic world of self-interest, apathy and heartlessness--a beacon of love and compassion that lights our path to salvation--a path that, unfortunately, few will chose to travel.

This is a book everyone should have in their possession. It will give you hope in times of despair and comfort as you grow old.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathie lindman
I have always admired Mother Teresa, but I didn't know much about her other than her being a nun who worked with the poor in India. As I grew in my faith, I wanted to learn more about her, so I found this book.

It is very well written and inspiring. Each chapter has a theme. It starts with two quotes: One from a saint or from Mother Teresa, and the other from the Bible. She then reflects on the topic - e.g. Prayer, On Being Holy, Poverty, Love, Jesus, etc. I felt that her combination of conversational prose, poems and prayers, anecdotes, and scripture was in perfect proportion for understanding her wisdom. For example, I felt she used Scripture perfectly to emphasize a point without it feeling like verses were just being "thrown around" just to use them. Similarly, she gives wonderful anecdotes from her experience with working with the poor which demonstrate her love and provide us with an example of how we can grow closer to God. Each chapter is about 6-7 pages long and the text is not too dense. I found each chapter perfect for reading in 10 minutes then reflecting and praying afterwards.

This book is highly recommended to anyone looking to learn more about Christianity and Mother Teresa specifically. She will inspire you to live a holier and loving life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monica boehle
Mother Teresa is always somebody that has left a lasting impact on me. usually in a good lifetime you come across what i call maybe 10-20 people that everybody in the whole wideworld has either heard of or knows. mind you this is pre internet,etc.. Mother Teresa always been about uplift and a higher calling and power. her teachings and words are timeless and she has been truly blessed and this book is very as touching and speaks today as it did in the past and to the future. she is a voice that is a must and her words truly touch the heart, soul and spirit
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth swanti
Mother Teresa speaks in her own words on subjects such as Prayer, Love, Giving, Poverty and Suffering. Her teachings are presented without adornment, in simple English. This remarkable lady believed in serving God by serving others--the poorest of the poor. She founded a worldwide order of sisters who live in poverty among the poor they serve, and who treat the poor with the respect and dignity that they sorely need. She did not believe in "evangelizing," except by service and example. As a result her missionaries have been accepted and treated with great respect in remarkably diverse places throughout the world.

In this slender volume Mother Teresa's thoughts are presented without commentary, footnotes or sources. Just her words, stunning in their simplicity. Stunning too in her literal application of Jesus' own teaching--to give everything to the poor--everything--and follow him.There is a brief interview with Mother Teresa and the briefest possible autobiographical sketch. I wish there had been more.

This beautiful little book made a profound impression on me and made me want to read more. I recommend it highly to you as well. Reviewed by Louis N. Gruber.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ariel wiborn
This book contains Mother Teresa's reflections on spiritual subjects like prayer, holiness, forgiveness etc. They are classified under different heads. To the modern sophisticated mind her ideas may look naïve and old fashioned, but her faithfulness to Jesus Christ her Lord was the utmost ideal in that life. And that is what raises her to the level of a modern saint. Her simple stories narrated with some sense of humor demonstrate her earnestness and zeal. Her simplicity and depth of faith are evident through these reflections. The book also contains an interview with Mother Teresa and a short biographical sketch. There is also a thought provoking forward by Fr Thomas Moore.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juliosus express how amazing this book is. INCREDIBLE words of wisdom from a woman who clearly had a great love for Jesus and humanity. This is possibly one of the most inspiring books I've read in a long time...well, possibly ever! Her message is simple but very profound and touching.

This world would be a much better place if the rest of us could love with an ounce of the love that Mother Teresa expressed to those around her. I recommend this to everyone -- whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic or of any other creed... I think we can all be inspired some way by her words of unconditional love. She sure was a special woman.

I would have given this book 10 Stars if I could.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For the past several months I have been working with a man who committed some sexual crimes against his STEP daughters. He faced up to 350 years in prison. Last Tuesday, January 13,1998 he committed suicide at 6:00am. I had spoken with him on the phone at midnight 6 hours earlier, and his Caller ID showed I was the last call into his house. I DESPERATELY needed "counseling" as I have feelings of guilt (I could have somehow done more) etc. My Veterans Administration Psychiatrist in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA spoke with me about 1 hour and then recommended I read NO GREATER LOVE by Mother Teresa. At first I was a bit reluctant, because as a Protestant I "pre-judged" the book would be for Catholics. MAN WAS I WRONG!! This is absolutely THE BEST book, besides the HOLY BIBLE I have EVER read. Mother Teresa puts it "where the rubber meets the road" so to speak. It has been the GREATEST "self-help" book I have ever seen, if you really want to deepen your spiritual life. It DOESN'T focus on "religion" but rather focuses on JESUS CHRIST. If you haven't read the book, borrow it from your public library. After you have started it, you will want to order it from the store BOOKS at http://www.the I have checked with MANY booksellers, both locally and on "the web" and the store has the very best price. THIS BOOK IS AN ETERNAL INVESTMENT. TAKE TIME TO STUDY IT AND YOU WILL BE MUCH RICHER IN YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE. Who knows, this book MAY have SAVED MY LIFE, as I was very, VERY despondent, and had serious thoughts of suicide myself. I give it a 10+ rating. I would also welcome any help/advice from anyone who has faced similar circumstances where a close friend committed suicide, and how YOU have dealt with it. Thank You. Don Ginter
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn deaton shaffer
This is a lovely book containing the sweet and heartfelt words of a simple and saintly woman. Mother Teresa speaks directly about loving one another in a Christ like manner. Her words on the importance of compassion cover the tenants of all faiths. A very enjoyable book that is best read in a peaceful or quiet environment, where you can absorb her words of love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan cash
Honestly one of the most inspiring books I have ever read. I minister to the homeless and everytime I re-read what I have high-lighted, I want to run off & serve God even more. I highly recommend this book. But if you share books with others, buy 2 copies b/c you will want to re-read yours often. She is such an amzing woman. I felt like this book was a personal letter to me. It took away some of the fear I harbored in the work I do. Praise God!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel main
Her heart is ALL God. It is rivoting reading that must be savored. Read and reflect on a couple of pages each day. You will find your insight and love for God grow to exciting levels. An awesome book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I comfort Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poor." ~ Mother Teresa

There are a few books that could change the world if enough people read them and this is one of them. I have rarely been so touched by a book and I found myself crying at times because the message in this book is so amazingly beautiful.

It is probably impossible to completely emulate Mother Teresa. She was so selfless in her interactions with the poorest of the poor. And yet by reading this book you may be convinced to do something big or small to help the world.

"No Greater Love" is a book to treasure and to read again and again. It is truly one of the most inspirational books I've ever read. Reading this book is truly an expansive experience. Mother Teresa's words of love fill your own heart with love that you can then share with others.

In all my years of attending church I can't remember anyone teaching me to pray the way Mother Teresa does in her first chapter. She then also speaks about giving, being holy, working to help the poor, forgiveness, children, suffering and death. She lovingly explores each topic while making it clear that she is serving Christ in all his distressing disguises.

I think that reading this book could really change your life. You don't have to run off to become a nun to change the world. You can support The Missionaries of Charity by writing to 164 Milagra Drive, Pacifica, CA 94044.

~The Rebecca Review
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