Alien Commander's Chosen (Scifi Alien Romance)

ByCelia Kyle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex sheehan
I really enjoyed Accidental Alien the complete series. So much that I rushed to the to see what else she had that was related to it! What I found disappointed me. Accidental Alien was $4 and about 300 pages. Her other series revealed $4 for the complete series but they were extremely short, some only 80 pages. So, although this book was fun, entertaining, and engaging, I will not be purchasing more from her. But this complete series set was worth the money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grace schreiber
Oh My Glory! Erin Tate has dazzled us yet again with another amazing Sci-fi Romance. Alien Commander's Chosen is another riveting release by the incredibly talented Tate and it totally rocks! Originally, it consisted of five separate installments, all of which were published and released on the same day but have now been combined into one great book which means good news for us - no cliffhanger! Woo-Hoo! I initially read all five books in one sitting under the Kindle Unlimited Program and loved every minute of it! Alien Commander's Chosen is a wonderfully entertaining science fiction series filled to the brim with adventure, intrigue, action, humor and alien romance. Ou..La...La! The story is exciting, thrilling, riveting, imaginative, humorous, action packed, sweet, arousing, romantic and oh so dreamy. Sigh.....The dialogue is smart, inventive, well written, flows effortlessly and is at times, absolutely hilarious. The characters are fascinating, captivating, engaging, endearing, sexy and frequently, laugh out loud funny. Tate expertly crafts these elements into a deliciously cute, completely captivating and seriously sexy read! Joyce Enner lives in a very small apartment, has very few friends or maybe they're just good acquaintances, has a temporary dead-end job, her boss is an absolute a-hole tyrant, and she is anything but light. She isn't heavy, she's just fluffy. Her one and only blessing is her voluptuous curves. She had been abandoned as a child, raised in foster care and has no family at all. She has always felt inconsequential and generally overlooked by all, except when her boss, DIrector Warsden of the Norbeach Planetary Collective Training and Transfer Base (whew-what a mouthful) wanted to yell at her which is most of the time. The only reprieve she receives from the Director is in the presence of the Doshan who revere their women and do not approve of anyone being disrespectful to a female, and Earth (or Terra as the aliens call it), need a continued, amicable relationship between Earth and the Doshan since they are now vital to the planet. The Doshans are Earth's connection to the Planetary Collective and the Planetary Collective is the Earth's safety net enabling them to explore deeper into space. (Whew, another mouthful!) Lucky her....Why couldn't she have been Doshan, then maybe she could get some respect and maybe a raise? Hmmm.....No, she was just a plain old temporary secretary, correct that, an executive administrative assistant. Whatever! They wouldn't even make her full time because then they would have to grant her medical benefits and she really needs them about now. She's already late for an important meeting and her boss is going to kill her. Yep, she really needs those medical benefits even more than ever because she just turned the corner and ran into a wall. Nope, not a wall, she's just collided with a huge, towering Doshan male and he is hot, hot, hot! No, no, no, this can't be happening. She's not only late, but she has touched one of the Doshan without a clear invitation and she is in his arms! Oh my! They have their own rules and regulations including no touching - ever! And if that isn't bad enough, she's injured her foot, is bleeding and her boss has just shown up for the party! She knew she shouldn't have taken off her shoes to run to the meeting! Yep, she is so fired! But Joyce is even more shocked at what happens next! The big, bad handsome Doshan alien male refuses to let her go - and then he claims her by Planetary Collective Decree and she is now his property! She belongs to neither Terra nor Dosha but only to him! He what? What the heck? And the next thing she knows, like instantly, she's on his spaceship, the Vehly, and the hot, sexy alien is none other than head honcho in charge, Commander Kede Tria, commander of said spaceship and the most feared warrior in the Doshan military. She has been appropriated - he has stolen, abducted, kidnapped her! Huh? She will just tell him a thing or two and give him a piece of her mind - and that's all she'll be giving him! And there will be no probing of any kind! She is now officially doomed, never to be heard from again! Or is she??? And Commander Kede Tria never lets go what is his and he never, ever shares! Hmm.... Buckle up my lovelies! We have lift off! No spoilers here! I guess you'll just have to read the book to find out what happens but I will say this....Beautiful human heroine who has somewhat of a potty mouth that constantly gets her in trouble and proves to be stronger, braver and more resourceful than she ever imagined possible-check! Handsome alien Commander/Warrior who falls desperately and hopelessly in love with a curvy human woman-check! Fascinating cast of characters-check! Aliens, adventure, danger, drama, suspense, heinous enemies, espionage, evil machinations, betrayal and a possible alien coup-check! Heated attraction, fiery passion, sexy banter, sweet romance, unavoidable angst and some good old fashioned lovin'- you betcha! That and a whole lot more! I absolutely loved it! I can hardly wait to see what sexy sci-fi adventure Erin Tate has in store for us next. Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa elizabeth
Maybe its just me, but finding myself on a ship, surrounded by hot sexy buff aliens, and one in particular claiming mine, I wouldn't have went the "I'm a Terran free me rant for more than HALF THE BOOK. The heroine was a whining child that fought to hold on to a humanity she was lost to once she got the translation device inserted in her brain. She "claims" to be attracted to the alien commander hunk who kidnapped her yet fought him through MOST OF THE BOOK! The h wouldn't allow any colseness and became waspish to the hero. There was NO ROMANCE JUST A WHINING Human fighting her attraction and assimilation to her new life that took her WAYYY TO LONG TO ACCEPT ALONG WITH THE MALE SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE ATTRACTED TO. Sex because the H was in heat wasn't romantic at all because she still wanted to bitch him out as if 3/4 of the book wasn't enough time in this long drawn out victim kidnapped storyline. The poor Hero tried to make her happy and yes, it was wrong to take her but there was NOTHING holding the heroine to earth, and she knew going nack to earth was out after getting tg e implant. Joyce had no family and she was just too close minded and immature for the man-hate-fest that filtetwd intobthis story, which should of been kept out the book. Someone's real life issues were the storyline. The ending was ridiculous. I hope the rest of celia kyle's books in this series are totally opposite.
He Ain't Lion (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Ridgeville Series Book 1) :: The Billionaire Werewolf's Witch (BBW Paranormal Werewolf Romance) :: Erun (Scifi Alien Romance) (The Ujal Book 4) :: The House On The Strand (Virago Modern Classics Book 125) :: Paranormal BBW Romance (Grayslake) (Volume 1) - No Ifs
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer de guzman
2.5 stars Such promise - such a disappointment. The plot outline of this story & premise are very interesting. I like her Ujal series & the latest release was a great read. But as much as I wanted to like this one, I found the writing confusing & characters going from interesting to irritating (her) or pedantic (him) to TSTL.

In the earliest chapters I found all kinds of details confusing to the point I wondered if there were paragraphs missing or sentence truncating issues as can happen on an e-reader. I got tired of going back pages to reread - trying to figure stuff out. I found the heroine's abrasive attitude amusing at first. However her stupidity & repetitious language got old fast as did the loving, misplaced sentiments/angst & repetitious script of the hero.

I'm also annoyed that the author is still doing the last chapter sex thing - its like reading Barbara Cartland or a Junior Romance - as if having sex is the ultimate point of the story. I prefer sex to be part of the love story - not the ultimate destination (as in 'we must be in love if we're having sex' - which I think of as 'young girl naïve' - PC vs realistic).

[SPOILER] Then in the last chapter it turns out her circumstances aren't so unusual - the best kept secret in Dosha - What? Don't these commanders & warriors have any interactions with one another AT ALL after they're assigned to a ship? No central command meetings? No common leisure ports? No transfer between ships? Stupid development. Even more irritating is Joyce's final conversion stage - much less the conversion in the first place - didn't like that aspect of the storyline at all. I prefer the stories where the human retains her humanity when part of a shifter or alien union - at best gaining a few traits. But that's just me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alireza kd
I truly enjoyed Accidental Alien Complete Series. The series was a great blend of science fiction, action and romance. The action kept my interest and made for a fast read. There were twists I didn’t expect and some I could see coming. Even though there was no cliffhanger at the end, the series left me curious about several others around Kede and Joyce.

Kede’s lack of understanding of English and lack of interest in learning brought about Joyce’s accidental abduction. The Doshan are a very rigid and literal society where warriors are not considered suitable to be husbands and are separated from family for training in early childhood. They are known for not telling lies. This results in Kede constantly yelling “That was not an invitation!” The cultural and language differences generated more than a few humorous moments.

Joyce is a very realistic portrayal of a stubborn, strong willed woman. She fights to maintain her composure and not fall apart during some situations. She doesn’t always succeed but that adds to her character greatly. Even knowing how the Doshan felt about women, Joyce did not use it against them. Joyce is smart mouthed, vulgar at times and most definitely human. She has a strong sense of survival and a determination to make the best of any situation.

One word of warning: The series contains adult language and a heroine that tends to cuss and swear mainly at herself.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
All the 1 star reviews I saw complained about the female lead. Although she had her moments - I hated the male lead for the majority of this book. Ugh the things I want to say about this one could spoil the story and I'm not into spoilers. So even though I read the whole story - I'm just going to hit the highlights (or lowpoints depending on your point of view). The two mains have a collision a week or so after the female lead has been hired as a temp. He decides he's keeping her and tells her to push on this silver thing on his uniform, which she somehow manages to understand and do. She's immediately transported into a ship where she sometimes understands what's being said and sometimes doesn't (with no real explanation of why she's understanding it sometimes). She starts to have a freak out session and frankly makes a huge idiot of herself after having made the choice to push something she didn't understand. They sedate her and things go downhill from there.
In my opinion she was an unintelligent accomplice to her own kidnapping. But then she is kept willfully ignorant because the guy who decided to take her is an obsessed stalker who orders that no one can explain ANYTHING to her. She has plenty happen to her against her will or just because she doesn't know enough to keep it from happening and the guy isn't interested in anything except keeping her exactly where he wants her and as in the dark as he can make her. It's ridiculous.
But they somehow managed to get a HFN ending. Why are romance authors, especially the ones who have huge followings, continuing to propagate this kind of behavior as ok, romantic, and the right way to a woman's heart?? He ignores her except when he wants something or someone else shows interest. He lies. He makes decisions for her that he has no right to make. And while she doesn't advocate intelligently on her own behalf - she's stuck in a place where even if she tries it's overruled by him for a majority of the story. I didn't like this story. The end is interesting and even a little funny for a brief period of time. But it just wasn't enough to pull up my overall opinion of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Humor, a strong woman, a strong man, intrigue, and still more humor, make this story so enjoyable that you don't want to put it down. As much as I loved the story's resolution, I was disappointed to have it end. It is so much more than the title reads. It should probably be Flaming Spitball meets Flaming Comet... and Comet never knew what spun it out of its trajectory. Seriously, I laughed and chuckled a lot as Joyce fired off her mouth and Kede bumbled along, misunderstanding her and unknowing making statements any independent woman would cringe at hearing, except he is so endearing in his love of her. I can't wait to read it again to see what I might have missed the first time. Outstanding plot and characters!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought the plot was interesting at first with the misguided alien abduction. Unfortunately after awhile, I really couldn't relate to the female lead Joyce. Here is an orphan with no family, a crappy life, and minimal prospects. But there's no sense of adventure or optimism of new opportunities, she's really limited. Joyce thinks too closed minded in almost every circumstance. She claims "you can catch more flies with honey" but certainly doesn't practice what she preaches as she's accusing, yelling, and "screeching" (her words) many times. And while I myself do use some "adult language" when it's appropriate, I certainly wouldn't use the "f" word for months on end, knowing that every male alien though she said this to thought she was inviting them to have sex. I hope I would be smarter in my choice of language by then, and more adaptable. You don't have to be a saint to be smart. Anyway, I stopped reading and returned the book unfinished. Wished it had been better.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maria goldsmith
not worthy/Disappointing
These two usually are great together, this is the first time I read a book that did not engage me, the heroin is a foul mouth cuss bird, bossy and the hero was a coward, though both authors did try to make him seem strong and they prolong the book without making points, I had to put it down in order not to fall asleep and hope that when I pick it up again it would change and become exciting, but to no avail, It continued the same boring way. Hope the second book is more exciting
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mason thomas
I LOVE this series! Also have found a new author that I will probably read everything she writes from now on. Erin Tate is amazing. These books are were captivating! I started this series right after work and could not stop reading until I had read all 5 of them. With each book running about 60 pages it is very easy to get caught up in them all. This series has it all aliens, drama, danger, enemies, espionage, evil machinations, adventure, sweet romance, sexy fiery passion and a fascinating cast of characters. Do not want to spoil so here is little to wet your appetite for more.
Joyce, a temp secretary at the Norbeach Planetary Collective Training and Transfer Base for Director Warsden, isn’t supposed to touch the aliens visiting Earth. Especially not the sexy Commander Kede Tria. No touching or speaking or even breathing his air. But she does all of the above and then she’s on Kede’s ship, in his arms and wishing they were naked. It all started when Joyce was running late to work and trips falling into Kede. Then with Joyce’s habit of dropping the F-bomb which Doshan’s take literally. I laughed so much with this series Erin has well developed characters and dialog that flows so well that you feel like you are sitting on a couch watching all this happen in your living room.
So go get this these books! Now! What are you waiting for you are missing an EXCELLENT series!!
Rating: 5+ Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved Alien Commander's Chosen aka Accidental Alien Complete Series. I loved this story. The world building was good. The Doshan culture was intresting. I really liked Commander Kede Tria, and is close friends Hassee, Yare and Resane. Dr Resane was my fovorite. I loved his intergrity and dedication to being aphysician, a warrior adn to his people. Joyce, the "fluffy" Tarren heroine, I liked but she irritated me at times, but she gew on me. I loved the Ailone. There needs to be more leaders like him. I liked the political intrigue, the issue of slavery and elitist raceism, and the cultural revolution that Kede and Joyce sparked. I would love to see more of this world. I want Hassee, Yare and Resane to find their chosen. A fun, steamy read, with the right balance of humor and drama.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tori ridgewood
not worthy/Disappointing
These two usually are great together, this is the first time I read a book that did not engage me, the heroin is a foul mouth cuss bird, bossy and the hero was a coward, though both authors did try to make him seem strong and they prolong the book without making points, I had to put it down in order not to fall asleep and hope that when I pick it up again it would change and become exciting, but to no avail, It continued the same boring way. Hope the second book is more exciting
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVE this series! Also have found a new author that I will probably read everything she writes from now on. Erin Tate is amazing. These books are were captivating! I started this series right after work and could not stop reading until I had read all 5 of them. With each book running about 60 pages it is very easy to get caught up in them all. This series has it all aliens, drama, danger, enemies, espionage, evil machinations, adventure, sweet romance, sexy fiery passion and a fascinating cast of characters. Do not want to spoil so here is little to wet your appetite for more.
Joyce, a temp secretary at the Norbeach Planetary Collective Training and Transfer Base for Director Warsden, isn’t supposed to touch the aliens visiting Earth. Especially not the sexy Commander Kede Tria. No touching or speaking or even breathing his air. But she does all of the above and then she’s on Kede’s ship, in his arms and wishing they were naked. It all started when Joyce was running late to work and trips falling into Kede. Then with Joyce’s habit of dropping the F-bomb which Doshan’s take literally. I laughed so much with this series Erin has well developed characters and dialog that flows so well that you feel like you are sitting on a couch watching all this happen in your living room.
So go get this these books! Now! What are you waiting for you are missing an EXCELLENT series!!
Rating: 5+ Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
faintly seen
Loved Alien Commander's Chosen aka Accidental Alien Complete Series. I loved this story. The world building was good. The Doshan culture was intresting. I really liked Commander Kede Tria, and is close friends Hassee, Yare and Resane. Dr Resane was my fovorite. I loved his intergrity and dedication to being aphysician, a warrior adn to his people. Joyce, the "fluffy" Tarren heroine, I liked but she irritated me at times, but she gew on me. I loved the Ailone. There needs to be more leaders like him. I liked the political intrigue, the issue of slavery and elitist raceism, and the cultural revolution that Kede and Joyce sparked. I would love to see more of this world. I want Hassee, Yare and Resane to find their chosen. A fun, steamy read, with the right balance of humor and drama.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nooshin forghani
In a sea of alien romance books, finally something so much better than the rest. The story and it's characters were developed and believable. The heroine's reactions and emotions were dead on. I have read book after book of the heroine getting abducted, stolen, sold, captured, and who knows what else and I can not understand their diluted reactions to their circumstances. I can not tolerate or respect a woman who doesn't stand strong, no matter how good looking the male might be. She's gotta have fire and Joyce certainly did!! Thank you for a great story as well as a romance that actually needed time and talking to grow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katharine eves
Just love the these "aliens"!!! They're big, brave, deadly. On the other hand they've been ripped from they're homes, from their family, mothers everything they have ever know at a extremely young age. So when a female is placed in their presents they have no idea what to do . Joyce had no trouble telling them exactly what they can do, only to find out they take all thing just as they are!!! So maybe screw you Was Not thing to say to a room full of men willing and ready!!! Poor Kede has no idea how to handle this female but he's going to try,try,try,try again!!! ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tricia powles
I was surprised and impressed by this book. The author did a very nice job giving depth to both the story and the characters by choosing to write the cultural differences and (gasp) also making it so that human culture might have something to contribute to the alien culture. Most of the alien mate stories seem to have the alien race being all things amazing and wonderful and human culture being all things terrible and bad, and they read a bit like alien propaganda as a result. Not so this one, and that's all to the author's credit. Captivating, engaging and funny - love the 'it's not an invitation!' joke running throughout. I highly recommend this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aditya gupta
I downloaded this book on Kindle Unlimited. I've read several of this author's novels and while they're not bad, this one is my favorite. Is it perfect, no. I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could, but I gave it 5 because it's better than a 4.

Joyce is silly, bouncy, sassy and FUN. I giggled and laughed all the way through it. She reacted to the restriction of her rights and her capture the way a more modern woman would and I applaud Ms Kyle for giving her some backbone. I loved it, I laughed all the way through it and I suggest you read it with a light heart, as it was intended.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
l c scott
I just couldn't finish this. Joyce was thoroughly unlikable character. She was constantly shrieking, swearing, and throwing a hissy fit. I laughed out loud when her new Doshan eye colors showed her to have the characteristic of "empathy" because all she ever did was rage at people. I understand that many aspects of her circumstances were overwhelming or irritating, but her attitude and personality turned me off so much that, even though I liked the hero and wanted to know the answer to the mystery/intrigue bit of the plot, I was not able to continue. Too bad because the concept and plot held real promise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanna young
I really enjoyed this story about two totally different cultures, one being human while the other is from a different galaxy with totally different beliefs. I could totally relate to Joyce's strong rejections about being probed and prodded by aliens. She is a strong woman who isn't afraid to express her emotions and opinions. I really didn't want this story to end. It has a little bit of everything you could want in a romance story. Strong, protective males who believe women should never be harmed. A strong willed woman unafraid of standing up for herself and those she cares about, regardless of the dangerous threats against her wellbeing. If you want an entertaining, funny and a HEA book to read...then Alien Commander's Chosen is a great book for you're reading enjoyment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed the story of this book, but disliked the woman character in it very much. She was over the top bithchy and rude and acted just like the ambassador she replaced. Since the warriors supposedly didn't like the original ambassador, why would they welcome this bitch? I felt no empathy for her empty, shallow character. I did like the male character, but had a hard time figuring out what he saw in the female most of the book.
The proof reading and editing were better in this book, didn't find too many mistakes.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
annalisa nyu
Love Celia Kyle's other books...the Ujal Series was AMAZING...this was just TERRIBLE!!! I hated the female character the lead male was emasculated. I hated pretty much everything about this book, it didn't flow like her other books, there were gigantic holes in the story, the characters were one dimensional...just UGH.
Save yourself some time and money, don't bother with this book, it is a frustrating waste of time. I have no idea why it has such high reviews...but they aren't reliable in my opinion.
I hated to give such a bad review for an author that I really like, but in this case it was warranted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it! I found Erin Tate's Accidental Alien story to be engrossing and entertaining. lt follows the plight of hapless but mouthy Joyce as she bounces and stumbles from one tricky or bruising situation to another. Her life as a lowly secretary at the space administration agency is lost forever when she collides with a handsome alien while she is running to work. He takes her potty mouth exclamation to be an invitation to intimacy, because that's what his people do; they take things very literally so he just takes her to his space ship with a view to 'fixing' her and enticing her into a formal relationship. Anti hero Joyce isn't going to take this lying down! (well perhaps Commander Gorgeous might get lucky if he learns to stop acting like a male chauvinist macho idiot).
Incessant interruptions by members of the two thousand strong all male alien crew and various other unsavory Terran and alien political types means the course of true lust does not run smoothly and dastardly plots by the bad guys almost get her killed. A tight and wacky plot keeps the action going towards the and mayhem seems assured; read to the end to see who who gets their just deserts, and who just gets their (favourite) desert!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A good read, very fun. The "literal alien doesn't get earth slang" horse was beaten so severely nothing was left but a red paste on the side of the road, but good spelling, grammar, no homophone issues, and an enjoyable plot with a nifty twist at the end. If this is a series I'll read further.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved reading this book. Else and Joyce butted heads through most of the book, but they made a great couple. This book contains all the things I like...humor, romance, action, and intrigue. One of the funniest parts is the translation between Terran and Doshan languages. That was downright hilarious at times, and Kede was often a hopeless cause. The second was Joyce's meeting the Ailone. I am looking forward to reading more by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evelyn hunten
I loved the complexity of the plot and the strength of mind that Joyce showed throughout all the attempts on her life. Her relationship with Kede was realistic as to how a strong woman would react to being taken somewhere without her consent.

Her kick-ass attitude was exactly on point. I am looking forward to reading Resane, Yare, and the other's stories soon.

I highly recommend this book and others by this author. Enjoy ; I did!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
d u s child
The story dragged a bit due to excessive narrative. The good stuff didn’t happen until nearly 80% However all was made well with witty dialogue and a sassy heroine and overall good plot. Would recommend and will read the next in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVED this book! From start to finish I hated to put it down for a moment. The only downside that I can find is that it looks like the only book when more could be written for the beloved warriors that I also feel in love with. I could see many openings to delve deeper into the Dosen warriors who yearn for a female to love and care for. Please oh please write more for the fans of this book and turn it into one of your beloved series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kevin walsh
Enjoyed this book tremendously and the story got better toward the end to the extent that I looked for the next book but have come the conclusion it hasn't been written yet. What's not to love? Huge alien warriors looking for equal rights and love, meets smart-ass independently minded human female. What could go wrong? Plenty!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monchomier gonzalez
This was an amazing, funny, well thought out, in-depth story. I hope there are more stories especially Resane, Yare, Haspava, and possibly Moar and/or Suthata. I could not put this book down, even to sleep... even though I have read it before. Brava, Celia Kyle... please make this a series?!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie kelso
Could not put this book down. Laughed occasionally, felt sorrow at the treatment and prejudice endured by some and wished the story had not ended. But, isn't emotion when reading a book what it is all about? Hopefully we the readers will be seeing a continuation of this storyline in the not to distant future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like tall dark and handsome men (males) and feisty, fluffy potty mouthed female this has all the ingredients for a great short read with a happy ever after finish. This book has the potential for turning into a series (please????) just wish it was a little longer.
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