ByMiMi Renee

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann kulbeckas
Mimi you truly ou
t done yourself with this book Nickerson Barbie the way you did your characters was so realistic how you made Barbie feel like she was a lunatic hearing voices she was one treacherous bitch and she could not be trusted she was so cold hearted and then there's Nephew he was just as conniving as Nickerson Barbie can't wait for part 2 again Mimi Renee go job
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elise thanasouras
OMG Mimi you have done it again. Nickerson Barbie is that $$$$$ even though her elevator don't go all the way to the top floor. Barbie is just in to any and every thing. I so can't wait to Part 2 come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Barbie is crazy as hell! I kept picturing Nikki Minjai as the Nickerson Barbie. Barbie is two crazy to live however people need to learn that she is not the one to be messed with. When will these fools learn.
Nickerson Barbie 2 (In The Name Of Love) :: PRETTY BRIGHT 2 :: Pull Of The Moon :: When She Woke: A Novel :: Stories of Paranoia and Conspiracy - Tales of Tinfoil
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the first Mimi Renee book that I read .. and it keep me interested from the jump .. read it at work .. read it at home .. simply could not stop reading it.. can't wait for part 2!!! Good Job girl!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vivian vilmin
This was the first Mimi Renee book that I read .. and it keep me interested from the jump .. read it at work .. read it at home .. simply could not stop reading it.. can't wait for part 2!!! Good Job girl!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
herocious herocious
Mimi Renee doesn't disappoint! Every last one of her books that I've read, have been bangers! Nickerson Barbie aka Michelle is a real life Barbie that is on the same ish that Nicki Minaj be on. She wears platinum blonde wigs, dresses like a Barbie and even changed her name legally to Barbie. The only thing is Barbie is certified crazy & dangerous.

She will kill you without any remorse, she will be threaten you at the drop of the hat and then the next second go back to being her friend. She hears voices in her head that leads her astray, but then she gets with her best friend Nephew and starts to change. Nephew(who just happens to be Barbie's cousins baby daddy) comes into her world and showers her with attention and love...Barbie starts to realize that she can lead a normal life with him, that is until Nephew does the Barbie's unstable side comes to surface and no telling if it will be deadly or not!

I love the supporting characters of this book. Miracle and Val definitely play a keynote here as well. The supporting characters help bring out the main characters personalities...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Barbie is one truly demented woman! I can honestly say I just kept reading and reading in anticipation of what this girl would do next, and it was always something off the chain! But at the same time, she's not a completely heartless, ruthless character. She may be misguided sometimes, but she has a definite human, genuinely emotional side too. I loved the fact that, for as psychotic as Barbie seems in parts, she also comes across as a sympathetic character. Her love for Nephew is genuine, and it's great to watch their relationship evolve throughout the book too. Oh, and for those who have read Mimi Renee's other books, you will see she does tie in with a major character from a previous book. I always like to see authors link things together like that, especially when it's done like it is here - without detracting from Barbie's story at all!

Oh, and the ending is definitely one I didn't expect! I know I'm not alone in thinking, "Ahhhh, no way!" when I got done with this one! Not a disappointing ending at all though, just one I didn't expect. Sequel? Yes, please!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Barbie is mentally disturbed in the head and all the demons in her head is making her want to lash out on people, you can't go against her because she will snap in a heart beat,her man ken made the mistake of cheating on her and well he founds out how barbie can really be, she ends up falling in love with Nephew he seems to understand her and knows she is not all their but they make their relationship work despite how people are trying to tell him she is no good, and she could be his downfall.All i say is don't mess with a crazy person heart things can get ugly.Waiting on Part 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was crazy as all get out. Barbie didnt seem to have a sane thought in her head except for when she was out to kill someone. Man this girl was a complete nutcase. I dont think I want to read Barbie 2. It just was too out there for me. It seemed like if Nephew was so in love with her why didnt he demand that she get some help with her brain. How can you love someone as much as he said he did and continue to let her go down a path of insanity. SMH.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mimi Renee brought the fire with this story! Barbie is off the chain with it and literally off the chain! Barbie bringing pain, laughs, drama and love in the streets. She lives hard and deep and if you cross her you find out she not wrapped too tight. Ready to see what she does next!
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