Cuckservative: How Conservatives Betrayed America

ByVox Day

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
duyenngoc auth
This book is for anyone who considers himself a conservative (and if you have a problem with the pronoun i just used that just proves you are NOT one). But I warn you, it is tough medicine. And much like that Ipecac syrup often featured in cartoons back when cartoons where violent and racist and awesome, many conservatives are going to retch and reject this.
They shouldn't. I loved William F Buckley and followed National Review Online all through my early 30's. Spent hours and hours (when I should have been working) in The Corner reading the conversations between Jonah Goldberg, Derbyshire, Mark Steyn, Nordlinger, as well as consuming their columns. I cried when WFB died.
But I get it now. Thanks to this book I see now what happened, how such brilliant minds lost the culture war so resoundingly.
They were far too susceptible to the shame-and-shun. They were afraid of being cast out of polite society. Which meant the Cultural Marxists owned them. Any time an an associate generated enough outrage they were purged: Coulter, Derbyshire, Steyne. And those are just the ones I used to read. There were others. I wasn't observant enough to notice that I was simply watching a group of intelligent people whine about political correctness while still rigidly abiding by it.
Pathetic. Just pathetic. And gross. Like watching a CUCKolded husband who won't stand up for himself, you know?
It's funny, is it not, that as we watch the Republican party die a loud and spectacular death (as opposed to the whimper that so many expected) it seems to worry liberals and Democrats at least as much as it panics leading 'conservatives.'
When the primary season started the joke on the left was 'please, PLEASE nominate Trump'. Remember that?
My word how that tune has changed. Now the Trump momentum is 'scary' and 'alarming'. No longer funny. And now they argue that a Trump nomination will only lead to a Clinton victory. Something they presumably wanted all along. So why the concern? Weird.
The answer is that they know, at least in their hearts if not clearly in their minds, that the Left's long march across the national social landscape would not have been possible (or at least anywhere near as easy) without their loyal opposition, the 'Conservative Movement' The noble losers. The Washington Generals to their Globetrotters.
The conservative movement has conserved nothing. It has merely negotiated that the destruction of the nation (and by extension, Western Civilization) be done in a slightly slower gear. It has done this by dis-inviting actual conservative voices from any seats at their half of the bi-factional ruling party.
But also by just being flat-out wrong.
Free Marketers are wrong to want to extend the market across borders.
Patriots are wrong to think America is so exceptional that it can magically overcome large influxes of foreign cultures.
Evangelicals are wrong to think that the Bible coaches open borders.
Tough medicine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Provides much-needed understanding of the 1965 immigration law that has changed America, and explains in a measured tone with well-reasoned arguments the utter failure and disinclination of Republicans and so-called conservatives to "conserve" anything that the American people care about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chuck lipsig
Firstly, this is an important book. In the rest of the English speaking world, as well as much of Europe, the so-called conservative parties are not such. They manage a social democratic state and continue to follow a progressive narrative. What they claim is that they do this in a more kind and gentle way.

However, in the US, the Republican right claim to roll back the tide of progressive destruction. This is a lie: they as as much a party to this as John Key (conservative NZ PM) is a golf buddy of Barak Obama -- they are probably playing golf in Hawaii as we speak.

The best chapters are around the issues of immigration and had data on which groups of immigrants will go home, and which will stay. I have a quibble about the American Culture being English: that England of which they speak is 300 years ago, and the past is another country. The discussion of "magic dirt" ends up discussing how the Indians were shoved into reservation: the dirt of the midwest did not make the English immigrants native.

The weaker chapters are on economics -- the argument about relative value is well made, but needs to be expanded -- and on Churchians. Here the authors do not go far enough. Most Churchians are not cuckservatives, but cowards. They are frightened of offending... anyone, and think that love is but all that Christ spake, forgetting that he discussed righteousness, justice... and hell.

For those of us who are not progressive outside the USA, and are shut out of the political process, nothing here is shocking. Within that fantasy land that is the USA, I am less sure. If you live in the USA, this is a very important book. For the rest of us, it is interesting... but we moved from cuckservatives to the craven two generations ago.

To our shame. One hopes this will lead to the US reforming and renewing. The time for that in Europe is long past: we face revolt, revolution, or dhiimitude.
Alt-Hero #1: Crackdown (Alt★hero) :: A Throne of Bones (Arts of Dark and Light Book 1) :: Forbidden Thoughts :: A Magic Broken :: The 120 Days of Sodom & Other Writings
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
iryna sydoruk
Whether you are a loyal Republican dumbfounded by the unhalted Narrative; a Christian confused by The Spirit's warnings about your Church home; a citizen unsure how being "nice" could be so bad; or an eyes-open, fully disgusted, American capable of basic research and reason looking to increase your knowledge base and sharpen your arguments add 'Cuckservative' to your library immediately.
'Cuckservative' outs the existential danger of multiculturalism, demonstrates the false premises on which it was built, much more!
Buy it and 'SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police' (Vox Day) for yourself. Put them under the Christmas Tree for your loved ones and friends and, especially, for every Leftist suicidal you must share valuable oxygen with because of the holiday they revile in their hateful little hearts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel blackwell
Vox Day is one of the most brilliant writers, essayists and analysts of our current cultural and economic paradigm. If you want to understand what is going on around you, pick up his books and start reading his blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carl larson
Unless you want to keep your mind closed and ignore the future based on the past you will have to read this.

John Red Eagle and Vox Day will educate you, with evidence, that America’s cuckservatives are following in the historical footsteps of the liberal left. America’s future has already been written in the past with examples from Rome to the American Indian nations.

If thinking hurts too much don’t read this book. John and Vox ranged through most of written history and detailed how powerful nations fell due to invasion, migration, and replacement. In many examples it didn’t take a war, just enough “immigrants” to displace the natives and the nations fell.

They then illustrated just how the cuckservatives of today are following the same foolish path that so many others throughout history followed. America will not be America in the not so far future if the left and the cuckservatives get their way.

Ignore this book at your peril.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This will be a controversial book, one that will sear the term “cuckservative” into the American lexicon. If you seek truth, if you strive for wisdom and understanding, if you care about liberty, and if you wish to become a positive force to restore America as a bastion of freedom, this is simply a must read book. I do not exaggerate. Vox Day and John Red Eagle have produced a well-researched book, drawing on their expertise in history, economics, and their power of observation to illuminate the truth and skewer those too cowardly to face a clear and present and future danger to their and their posterity’s liberty. That danger: immigration!

Though the Globalist Left has historically used dressed-up lies to cover their true intentions, at least they are known enemies to liberty for anyone sufficiently intelligent to contrast and compare their words with their actions. But the Cuckservative claims friendship and allegiance to liberty and those who love her while simultaneously trading his children’s future safety, liberty, and prosperity for mere party favors from people who hate him. What sane man would trade a nice dinner with an avowed enemy in exchange for the lives and liberty of his countrymen and his posterity? A traitor.

Vox Day once wrote, “Let rhetoric be silent when the readily observable facts gainsay its blather.” Day and Eagle use their astute observations to expose the lies and rhetoric of the Left and their Cuckservative allies. Reading the book you’d think they had the research staff of Pat Buchanan, making their case with reference upon reference from both friend and fiend: from American Founders, to American traitors, to history’s thinkers across the globe, and supporting it all with rock-ribbed historical examples sufficient to serve as a reading list for those seeking deeper truth.

If you love liberty and are willing to sacrifice to preserve it for posterity, read and understand this book. If you’re a Cuckservative who wishes to enjoy a false prosperity until hard reality intervenes, read this book so you’ll at least have the sense to know the true price of eating the Machiavellian’s red stew and fine wine – your very own birthright. If you’re a self-identified Christian who supports and abets the inanity of current American and European immigration policy, Cuckservative will properly shake your churchian foundations, much to your benefit.

It’s most ironic that it has taken two descendants of American Indians to help awaken today’s American from his slumber. I hope it’s in time to avoid the cuckservative’s very own Trail of Tears.

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." – Samuel Adams
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle malach
Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America is a look at how America is being moved towards becoming another nation that is American in name only, with the help of many who pretend to be "conserving" our nation and its culture of unity.

While there have been loads of despair and outrage at the term "cuckservative" it aptly describes the "conservative" who is terrified of being called "racist" and will go to any lengths to try to escape that label - even by abandoning America in allowing mass immigration to continue to the cultural overthrow of America.

There are people who are convinced that "diversity" and multiculturalism are good things and cheer on the attacks on American culture. These are primarily liberal or "progressives" and I don't expect this book to help them - in fact, I doubt such people would even look at it. There are also people who are concerned with the attacks on our nation, on our culture, and there are people who are unsure what the fuss is about. This book will give additional intellectual and rhetorical ammo to the first group, and will explain the matter clearly to the second.

For decades American culture has been attacked. The repeated "immigration reforms" throughout the last century have ended up with an America that is being inundated with tens of millions of people from other nations who don't understand American culture, don't care about it, and certainly don't plan to join it as new Americans.

This book provides an amazingly thorough and honest explanation about the catastrophic effects of mass immigration throughout history, and why concern about this issue isn't one of race, so much as one of culture.

This book points out what history has shown to be true for centuries - That allowing millions of people from other nations, and more specifically from other cultures, is not immigration, but migration, and over and over ends up in destroying the nation receiving the newcomers.

The book examines the myths of the "Melting Pot" and "Magic Dirt" theories thoroughly dismantles them. It discusses the counterproductive results of open borders and mass migrations through history, and how so many "conservative" leaders are willing to ignore the lessons of history and abandon defense of our nation, in favor of their social standing. The book includes both intuitive arguments and explanations, delves into the economic realities of immigration, the lessons of history and talks about what should be done to fight against the "cuckservatives" that are throwing away our American heritage instead of conserving it.

The authors, John Red Eagle and Vox Day are both of Native American descent, and point out how well the Native American Indian tribes witnessed the damage to their homes and way of life how invaders from other cultures can overthrow them.

Given that we are about to enter an election year, this book is more important than all of the self promoting books by presidential candidates combined, and I believe is likely to be the most important book for Americans to read this year.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
So, this is a very clear, articulate explanation of this "alt right" or "nationalist" movement, and it's well worth the read for that alone. John and Vox clearly lay out their position, and while I disagree with them, they use reason, history, and clear exposition to state their case. It's refreshing after battling with Liberals for thirty years, who use only lies, invective, and ad-hominem attacks.

And for those who were wondering (as I was), what is a "cuckservative"? They are not targeting only the squishes, those who claim the mantle of "conservative", but then distance themselves from every conservative principle in the movement canon. Those guys haven't been taken seriously by conservatives for a long time now. No, the authors have taken aim at the crunchy heart of the movement, and believe that the principles that have formed the bedrock of the movement, and articulated by the likes of William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater (the first version, not his Libertarian later years), and more recently by Jonah Goldberg, Peter Brimelow (the 90's one, not the current alt-right nationalist) and Ted Cruz have fundamentally misunderstood the challenges of our age. After all, the conservative movement fought to preserve and restore the values of traditional 18th century liberalism, ie, limited government, individual rights and responsibilities, a hearty distrust of state power and those who seek it, economic liberty, freedom of conscience and religious liberty, etc. The authors seem to think that particular battle has been lost: it's no longer a debate between the cultural Marxists of our own left, but a battle for the survival of Western culture itself against a regressive, totalitarian and unreformed theocracy that will do anything, including joining with its mortal leftist enemies to destroy the West.

Perhaps they're right. I retain hope that the conservative movement will reinvigorate itself, reject the nationalist and racialist overtones of the alt right, and continue the long fight for liberty and individual rights.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudio arena
In the west today, few things are more important(and controversial) than the immigration issue. From the migrant crisis currently gripping the European Union, to the issue of illegal immigration in the United States, there is a serious need to address the issue of migration in some fashion. In the past few years we have seen the gradual ascendance of nationalist political parties in Europe; in the United States we have seen Donald Trump manage a sudden and spectacular rise to the top of the polls. Such things do not occur in a vacuum, these changes in the political landscape have their roots somewhere. This book sets out with the modest goal of explaining how the modern American Conservative movement has not only completely failed in its goal of conserving anything that can be recognized as American, but that many in their number are actively undermining the cultural foundations of our very nation through support for open borders immigration sans integration. Such people are less concerned with conserving their national institutions and culture, moreso with not being called racist. These so-called Conservatives are dubbed, "Cuckservatives."

Using a blend of historical precedent, genetic science, economics, and the words of our Founding Fathers, these brave, strong Native Americans lay out their case against open borders immigration, in the process chastising many on the right for not living up to their convictions. In doing so, they most assuredly inflicting grievous wounds to the Politically Correct sensibilities of the easily offended from sea to shining sea.

Love it or hate it, this book will challenge how you view the immigration and migration debate currently ongoing in the West.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thulasi ram
This is a serious work of political and moral philosophy, driven by penetrating minds and guided by data, history, and even parable. Vox and Red Eagle unpack their tools and go to work on the pro-immigration, self-flagellating political right, and the result for the reader is an elucidative framework in which to understand current events and think crkitically about the physical, economic, and moral consequences of mass immigration.

The eponymous epithet, cuckservative, becomes increasingly devastating throughout the book as the authors unveil more layers of its meaning. The "conservative" cuckold, tricked by the left into blithely destroying his own people by indiscriminately embracing the wayward children of the world, now joins the ranks of Sam Harris, John Scalzi, and tbe other intellectual victims of the Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil, the increasingly eminent Vox Day.

As a tease for the interested reader, which ought to be you, the authors deal with an issue only the most daring would approach, interracial adoption. The ability to think seriously about topics like this, with no fear of the cry of racism from the left or the cuckservative right, is a victory for intelligence and freedom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent and thorough treatment of the decline and fall of rational thought in America over the last several decades.If you ever wondered how we got into this mess this book will certainly help you understand the shady deals and deceit that brought us to the sorry state of affairs we suffer with today. Buy it for friends and family.
Knowledge can be power.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"You already know the old political parties. They were all the same. In the so-called "democracies" the people is by no means the main focus of attention. What really matters is the existence of this group of 'democracy makers'. A few hundreds giant capitalists who, ultimately, lead the people. It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace. They can suppress us! They can kill us, if you like! But we will not capitulate!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carol sparks
A superb and timely dissertation on the terminal reality the west will face if it continues to delude itself about the role of mass migration of peoples with non compatible and foreign worldviews. Time is short people. Get this book and wake the freak up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy viado
Amazing work detailing the history of immigration to America--including many aspects of history that I did not know-- and the long term impossibility of diversity. Exposes the mainstream conservative movement as despicable cowards who care more about pandering to leftists than conserving freedom in America.

And the conclusion is powerful and sublime.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly gallagher
Truly excellent and concise, fast read.

Fortunately and unfortunately it shows the true colours of the Republican Party and its conservatives.

They have conserved nothing and the book lays bare why that is so. These are people that do not hold true to principles and will sell out their allies for a pat on the back from the leftists/cultural marxists.

Have you ever wondered why the Hegelian dance always moves to the left? This book answers questions like that and highlight the greatest treason of the so called conservative movement.

Can't recommend this book enough. Give it to all of your conservative friends so that they can open their horizons.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
gwen cummings
Not everything in this book is poorly reasoned. Just most. Likely, this will appeal to the Trump crowd, as it is an attempt to repackage the combination of xenophobia and protectionism that was the hallmark of Southern democrats for many years as Conservative, and label the Free Trade and Liberty Conservatives as something other than the base of the Conservative movement. Read Friedman, Sowell, Hayek. They are both better writers and better minds.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda wilner
I like a book that shows you viewpoints coming from the right, left and center. This is not such a book. The authors are clearly pushing an agenda. The authors assume the positions of absolute experts on just about any topics. Reading this book, I can sense that it's rushed and therefore needs better editing.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa brogan
I like a book that shows you viewpoints coming from the right, left and center. This is not such a book. The authors are clearly pushing an agenda. The authors assume the positions of absolute experts on just about any topics. Reading this book, I can sense that it's rushed and therefore needs better editing.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gabriel knightley
"Americans are being displaced in their own land by an ongoing invasion that dwarfs Operation Barbarossa, is two orders of magnitude larger than the Mongol hordes, and is one thousand times larger than the First Crusade. "
Comparing contemporary migration with the Nazi invasion of Russia, the first crusade and the Mongol hordes shows your lack of assessment and rigorosity in such a complex matter and I am afraid that, that alone does not even star to address how bad this book is.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ryan white
Unsurprisingly, this book is preaching to its choir. Are you a straight white male terrified of the fact that, while white males remain the most powerful group in America, people other than straight white males are being represented more and more often? Do the thoughts of gay people being able to marry or, gasp, women being named CEO over a perfectly qualified male keep you up all night?

Then this book will completely back your worldview.

But if you aren't a frightened, shallow, impotent straight white male, this book will just make you hate those people more. I happen to be a straight white male. I embrace new thoughts in our leadership, because let's be honest, we haven't done such a great job the past 50 years. But Vox Day disagrees, and very openly feels only straight white males should lead.

Either you're a terrified, impotent straight white male and you love him, or you'll find this book to basically be an excellent reason to move to Canada.
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